I just watched the begining, she's basically being presented as a pop idol, and then they say there's something special about her, and she proceeds to tell everyone she loves sharks since she saw the movie "jaws". So they tell her she's going to see sharks on an aquarium. And that's what she does in the video.
as unicas palavras que eu entendi foram: "kire", "dare", "kawaii", "arigato gozaimasu" e "piranha" 6:21 entendi algumas outras mas não lembrei pra escrever xD to aprendendo japônes assistindo animes ;D
Kyary transforms the world around her into Happyland wherever she goes. She just does that naturally because that's who she is.
I just watched the begining, she's basically being presented as a pop idol, and then they say there's something special about her, and she proceeds to tell everyone she loves sharks since she saw the movie "jaws". So they tell her she's going to see sharks on an aquarium. And that's what she does in the video.
Learning japanese with Kyary is always fun!!
@10:47 she's so happy in this scene :D
Her obviously real interest and delight make this a lot of fun to watch.
Naturally, sharks are the first thing I would pair Kyary with.
Haha! When she sees the Ray fish she's like "Aaah Kawaii!" and points to the weird mouth that looks like a face! XD How did she not get swamped?
Just a question, is that from NTV Japan? :0
普通 サメだーって叫ぶとみんな怖がっての意味なんだけど きゃりーちゃんの場合 喜んでるんだよね。
ALL I UNDERSTAND IS KAWAII, BUT I LOVE YOU KYARY. 3 She's just amazingly cute.
oh my God she's so adorable.. >.
13:04 kyary funny face!!!
14:44 muy lindo verla así de emocionada y contenta, la amoooo 😘
わたしもサメずきですが きゃりーちゃんの方がもっと好きです。
Adoro esto !!! 大好き
how do you say her name correctly? kary pamy pamy???
i watched the hole thing and the only thing i understand was "piranha"she is so cute!!!
np i will, i was just tryin to sound like u ;)..... i guess it works
The youtuber's name is Ana Menjivar. Does that sound like a native english speaker?
why isn't this working anymore???
as unicas palavras que eu entendi foram: "kire", "dare", "kawaii", "arigato gozaimasu" e "piranha" 6:21 entendi algumas outras mas não lembrei pra escrever xD to aprendendo japônes assistindo animes ;D
Kyary-anan! (sorry on my boyfriend's account) ^_^
tyvm :)
What's the songs name at 1:55?
i love her nose.
como no enamorarme de ella
jusco sushi section song!!
derp *how can SHE*
i know u too ;)
so was i JOKER
kawaiiii kyary pamyu pamyu
No, you weren't...
How can English bad so?
never did I say name english was
how can look cute dressed so wierd xD
entendi porra nenhuma =)
Go learn so Japanese, then you can.
lol you both are bad at english :)