@swordofthedawn6495 he never said he was a protestant - unless I missed that point. @ciadella1971 from what you described you may have received a spiritual consolation. If genuine, that experience could (and should) draw you to seek a more holy life. If you feel a pull to holiness you can find proper guidance from the Carmelites. St Theresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Saint Therese of Lisieux and Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity are all supreme examples of Catholic mystics who found union with God. That consolation is intended to be sweet so as to get your attention and prime the pump so to speak. It's not intended to be the last stop. Also, if you read the Catholic Catechism sections on prayer you may come to realize that this was an invitation to seek a more contemplative life. By the way - my journey began the same exact way although I was at home holding my new born son. If you are seeking you can also check the Avila Institute. They provide courses on Catholic mystical tradition, sticking to the church's magisterium.
Ha ha ha Like an angel will every be afraid of any human being to scare them out of a person. Or spinkle some holy water on them and they flee. Sorry it doesn't work that way people. What happened when during Pauls time and people tried to cast out demons. The were striped naked and ran off.
Rosary beads are a bunch of crap. They tell you to pray to Mary. She can't hear you. Yes she was blessed but she isn't God. We should only pray to God. Anything else is santanic bottom line
@@Martin-mt3wzmost people that claim god have such bad behaviors and ways of thinking and the way they treat others are just as satanic as a hardcore satanist. They just don’t see it. Meeting a real Christian is a beautiful and rare thing in this world. For most it’s a front/mask a disguise. Sad world we live in and that’s exactly what turns intelligent people away from god. Because they think it’s literally everyone because they’re the majority.
SRS had been instrumental in my walk back to Christ. Thank you for helping in saving my life Sean. Jesus Christ is king. I submit to him. Hallelujah! God bless us all.
I thank God for you father and for all of the other priests eho have responded to the exorcism calling. I have the same feeling, you are needed more and more. May the Lord and our Lady be with you all, always!!
@@rosemaryclarke6250 Describe your experience more if you can. As a non Catholic Christian I can relate. But I need some help but am impressed with the many Catholic priests who've been there. My one point - why did Medugorje happen after two instances of persecution by Catholic Christians over Orthodox Christians in Yugoslavia. (1941 and 1995) What did the Lady think about the 1941 persecution when she appeared in the 80's. How does the Catholic Church deal with this? Serious question from someone curious and discerning.
I saw the documentary in the theater. When i went it was a tiny town, after watching it, it looked like a small city. I am glad to have seen it in the mid 80s when i did.
Here in Britain, the churches were also forced to close by government decree. I considered this over the top and churches should have been exempt from all restrictions, and that closing the churches was a violation of our right of religious freedom. Another thing that annoyed me, is that whilst churches were locked down, betting shops and off licences [liquor stores] were allowed to open. Sensible precautions could have been taken, there is usually spare room to allow people to sit further apart than normal. The churches were closed between late March and the beginning of July, around 15 weeks, and again for four weeks in November. However, priest would continue to say Mass in private and livestreamed it, to allow people to participate from home. Not quite the same, as Communion cannot be given on-line, but didd mean we could still in an indirect way connect to the Church on Sundays.
In the US it was bad in some states. The mayor of Washington DC wouldn't allow churches to have services in the parking lot with everyone socially distanced & masked. However, she was out in the BLM/Antifa protests that became riots. Apparently, you got covid from attending Mass despite standing 10 feet away from anyone else & wearing a mask. Yet, being crammed in with thousands of people clumped together & screaming was safe because social justice or something. Other states shut down churches but labeled liquor stores, bars, weed dispensaries, & even strip clubs in some areas as "essential" so they stayed open. There's really no way to get around the fact the left really does hate religion. They want people to go to places where immorality is high while preventing people coming together to pray for peace, prosperity, & God's protection. It was no wonder suicide sharply increased. People were isolated from each other & many had one of the only positive communities they received moral support from were shut down. Covid policy definitely crossed the diabolical line several times in several states. No wonder priests are seeing a sharp increase in exorcisms.
Yes, so called Covid did disrupt many lives spiritually but it also caused many to see evil and turn to God. Not sure about his comments on Israel - alot of Catholics and other Christians may disagree and make the distinction between the Jewish people and the governnent of Israel and Zionism.
The church should be seeing this for what it is, an attack on Gods people by those that follow sATAN! I did not see that line of thinking, or understanding, coming from my local church folk sadly. They were quite subservient to the sick mandate, and all the while, BIG PHARMA made billions off the back of the PLANdemic. See this for what it was church folk, something rather unholy and therefore rebukable, by those that believe in the most high! So when they try and do it again?????
If Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua, said it, BELIEVE! I don't have much, but I give to Isreal relief, and now to North Carolina through Samaritans purse. When God moves you to give, it doesn't matter how little you have because if you belong to God, all you have is God's anyway. 😊
True no one knows the day or hour, but didn't jesus also say you will know the season and that it's close, even at the door....at the door is pretty close
Jewish believer in Jesus here. (Messianic Jew). Thank you for talking about G-d’s continued promise to the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and how Chr-stians should make sure they stand with us as well. Praise G-d! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@ The reason we do that is to show respect and awe for his name, so we do not risk it being erased, destroyed or desecrated. It is an act of respect we show to G-d.
Earth was never meant to be like heaven. But as Catholics, we are seeking to bring forth the kingdom of God. Some of us find this already in our parishes because those of us who attend the TLM where I go are all honestly seeking to practise the faith and therefore we can all socialize and minister to each other as Catholics
I felt the same way in Medjugorie. I know i spelled it wrong. But i went in the mid 80s as a child.they had confession outside the church. And I definately remember that "Hollywood" priest. Lol. When I was there it was a tiny town, like 5 to10 buildings, I stayed in Beyacovici. Probably wrong spelling. The town i stayed in was maybe less than 2km away, or one mile. The experience for me was the same. We got to go into the small rectory with the visionaries WHILE the Virgin Mary appeared to them, which was hard to do because even back rhen, so many people wanted to see that. The room was no larger than a standard bedroom. It was something powerful.
St.Michael The Archangel defend us in battle. be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. may God rebuke him, We humbly pray; and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruins of souls. Amen ❤❤
When he was talking about feeling the grace in a place I felt an overwhelming sense of peace in EWTN locations- the areas of filming and where the friars lives and at the shrine. It was something. We had so many bad things happened to us days before this roadtrip pilgrimage and when we got there all we peacefully calming. Then it began again leaving. I'm surprised we made it home.
Im still a practising catholic ivd never lost it although i diď struggle with it when i was younger im glad i stuck to it i believe i have benbefited as result
I've learned in some Catholic circles that our current generation is living through the end of a time period, the end of the rule of the gentile nations, not the end of the worldm. The devil's time to rule is coming to an end; that's why the evil one is working overtime because he knows his time is up and wants to take as many souls as possible to hell with him. He's doing a great job so far. Better pray everyday and stay ever closer to God.
70 million worldwide each year. Same number of civilian and military worldwide casualties due to ww2. Each year a ww2 against the most innocent. It is an abomination.
Medugorje was the best holiday I ever had, even though it was a pilgrimage. Yes, it's a 100% Catholic town, but there was still selfishness and resentment.
I think it is imperative that people learn how to discern. We cannot follow our feelings. Like Fr R says, "God is not the only one who broadcasts on that channel.". Lol😅 We have to discern like he tells us to and not use our emotions, and not use our feelings. Emotions and feelings are the tools that Satan uses. Do not use them!!
I love videos like this as much as the next guy, and I love the priests who participate in them. And I also get the impression that the priests enjoy the limelight almost as much as they enjoy spreading God's message. The truth of it is if you have faith like unto a mustard seed the devil can't touch you and that is fact. In whom do you place your faith? Do you place it with men or with Jesus Christ? Through whom, with whom, and in whom each of us are meant to have a deeply personal relationship. Said personal relationship is meant to persist even outside of church. If the isolation due to covid 19 left certain people more susceptible to demonic attacks it could be due to weak faith and unbelief, perhaps a prayer life which is not as deep as it should be (in many relationships today one spouse doesn't believe which in and of itself can be a spiritual liability especially if it be the man). The Sacraments don't end in church, they're meant to persist in daily life (especially the communion of the saints). Hence Satan's number one priority over the past century has been to destroy the nuclear family and to put pressure on Christians to be unevenly yoked with unbelievers (clay and iron don't mix well) So I will ask again, in whom should your faith be placed? With men (even priests and pontifs can have weak faith, the fact that there are diocese out there that believe demonic possession and exorcism are superstitious means of identifying and dealing with mental illness proves me right) or should it be with Jesus Christ who is the same today as he was yesterday as he will be tomorrow? I believe in the power of the sacraments, in Jesus Christ's literal presence with the eucharist, but I also believe in God's grace which is ANYTHING BUT RIGID. Grace isn't grace if it is rigid. God places his authority with clergy but it is not their own authority, they are tantamount to clerks of the holy spirit. It also doesn't help matters (Spiritually speaking) that we have a weak pontif in whom God has made known to us his disapproval.
@noreensullivan5855 Once again it's just a piece of land. It's God's people that are Israel.God is not gonna waste time Protecting a piece of land the people Yes. The land no. And his people are still scattered across the earth.
@@MDRBDM Amen. The question that needs to be asked is who are the "lost" tribes of Israel and where are they now. To the imposters Revelation 3:9 awaits.
Romans 9:27 27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 28 For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality.
WOW not even an excersist can acuratly determine how close we are that he is guessing. This confirms what I've figured recently...with God all things are possible and its a mystery sums it all up. "Look up your redemption draws nigh"! "The end is not yet and you must endure to the end". See all things are possible and scripture seems to me to give both possibilities.🤔 Uncool dude.🙏
@jeandaby6488 world without end it's a end of a traditional prayer it's a instrest to see how that lines up with the past 50 years of end of world fear and continued reaction to the fear of end of the world. How can we see through the fog of fear and embrace world without end bless you with holy spirit within in truth
@@theemeraldfox7779 hi world without end is the end of a traditional prayer Catholics use.i believe that God will end the current universe and bring about a new heaven and new earth. I was just pointing out the possible effect of world without end instead of end of world fear. Fear theology isn't a healthy lifestyle and doesn't lead to confidence for example cults like Jim Jones heavens gate and now all beat people down because we all give up on hope of healthy change because the end and destruction wins. Its not a good situation to be in imagine a good culture change like banning abortion or transgender surgery Andrew chemical castration gangster gun violence drug epidemic I believe that things can change its the best way on how to introduce change of heart then action and law for the goodness of God shown best in Jesus for gods glory amen
Doesn't the Bible say to God a day is unto a thousand years and a thousand years as unto a day ? In other words God does not function on a clock or a calendar like we do. Just Be Ready !
100% correct about Israel. Glad that this is on a format that can be viewed. The truth must be out there because it won't come by mainstream TV or Radio. I'd say 80% of the total population will not watch or hear of this type of stuff because they don't believe or just scared shitless about what they cannot understand. America better get a firm grip now or else.
There's a few who are excluded from fighting against Israel in the end days. Read Daniel. "He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon." Yeah, that is true. You see grace where goodness dwells. You see peace wherever the righteous make their habitation, and when they are in greater numbers, there is greater peace. And wherever there is a righteous person, the wicked emulate them, as their peace overwhelms them.
Most God fearing people don,t even know that we all are "The restrainer" ...imagine of God takes us of the earth and Satan ain,t restrained anymore...so dress up sisters and brothers with Gods armour...let,s restrain till God say,s we are done ❤❤❤
Revelation doesn't say "1000 years of peace"; it says that Satan will be bound and the souls of the dead will reign with Christ during that time. If you look into the Catholic Church itself (such as via the Douay-Rheims Bible) she suggested that this period was the Middle Ages; Satan having been freed about the time of the Black Plague.
@@jackbits6397 Islam is definitely part of it; the Church translates the "Magog" of Revelation 20:7 to 🇹🇷. As to the preaching of the Gospel to the undiscovered regions of the world, that has continued on even as Satan continues to seduce the nations into his anti-Christ armies. The Apocalypse doesn't specify how long that will take.
True, believers are the church. it isn't a place you go. the church gathers in a building to worship. I do think it is good for believers to meet together to support each other.
A church without valid sacraments is a waste of time. Catholics go to mass bc Christ commanded it and established the sacraments. So your comment is wrong
John 6:53 In John 6:53, Jesus tells his followers: “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Jesus's unusual comments are part of a larger symbolic statement about his identity. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus then continues: "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church". The word "church" (ekklesia in Greek) as used here, appears in the Gospels only once more, in Matthew 18:17, and refers to the community of believers at the time.
POPE BENEDICT XVI: Jesus “does not describe the end of the world, and when he uses apocalyptic images, he is not acting the prophet. On the contrary, he wants to stop his disciples of every epoch from being curious over dates and forecasts.”
I say he can get as riled up as he wants it still won’t matter, it is God’s will that Satan will be destroyed. I mean let’s be real, Arch Angel Gabriel defeated him twice on his own… I highly doubt there’s any serious threat so long as your faith is strong.
Some teach those times already have happened. Depends on where one is on eschatology. The people living in Israel are mostly outside of the blood of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ashkenazi and Edomite people.
If you’re in the church and if you have to wait months for an exorcism…. I wonder what are the actual priorities of that church. I seen fast doctor appointments then a spiritual appointment
I agree with this priest. I am not Jewish, but Scripture is clear, do not mess with God's chosen people. I am an evangelical Christian. The bottom line, read the Bible. There is truth in most denominations, but not in God's perfect truth. Humans created denominations . I really so sad when Christ followers attack each other. Based on technicalities. If they believe in Jesus, humble yourselves, try to discern the wisdom of their journey. There are no denominations in Heaven.
Yes - don’t mess with Israel, Gods people. But then again Islam is founded on the hate of Jews and Christians. It’s a clear war declaration in the Koran.
Jesus started His church now called the Catholic Faith… In Matthew 16:18 Jesus then continues: "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church". The word "church" (ekklesia in Greek) as used here, appears in the Gospels only once more, in Matthew 18:17, and refers to the community of believers at the time
St. John Paul said the first millennium was the time of unity, the second the time of disunity, and he believed the third will be the millennium of reconciliation with the followers of Christ reuniting in the first Church.
This priest is a little confused about those 1000 years of peace. That comes "after" the great tribulation when The Savior returns to rule over the earth for that 1000 years. It has yet to transpire.
What about the 2000 years before the father? In Genesis the spirit hovered over the face of the deep right? So maybe we’ve had the trinity in 2k increments and this is the end time???
The Antichrist of the end times has already arrived: "Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god - do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his coming, the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and in signs and wonders that lie, and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved." (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Catholic Bible)
What is that interviewer's name? And what is he doing interviewing a Priest? The reason why I ask is because the last time I saw him talking to Tucker carlson, he told Tucker that he does not believe that the church is a building or that it's a visible body of any kind. And he even said that he's new at this. If he's so new at this, what is he doing talking against the Catholic Church? He knows nothing about Religion and the Church that Jesus built on Peter the rock.
The 1,000 years of peace, the millennial reign, (the time that Satan is bound and Jesus reigns) comes after the 7-years tribulation period. The 7-year tribulation period comes after the rapture. We are leading up to the imminent rapture, which biblically, can happen anytime given prior prophesies concerning Israel having come to pass. I talk about this on my page (“Is This the End”) for those of you that are interested. The Catholics don’t preach a pre-trib rapture from my understanding. There are only certain people they designate to teach the Book of Revelation, given the symbolism. People are often confused on the eschatological patterns and its one Book that’s not taught as it should be. Barring a spirit of mockery, which will ultimately occur in the responding comments to my message, the rapture is the next step in the prophetic chain of events. The Bible tells us so. ❤
@vivrowe2763 / As Christian’s, we have, and will always be, subject to tribulation. But make no mistake…we are not undergoing the time of the 7-year tribulation period just yet. We’re definitely working our way up to it though!
I felt the Holy Spirit in the church in Sedona. I broke down crying in there. I was overcome with a feeling of love.
Why is it always about crying and getting emotional with you prots?
@@swordofthedawn6495stop being mean towards other Christians
Pass the collection plate
The gift of tears is also a catholic and orthodox phenomenon @swordofthedawn6495
@swordofthedawn6495 he never said he was a protestant - unless I missed that point.
@ciadella1971 from what you described you may have received a spiritual consolation. If genuine, that experience could (and should) draw you to seek a more holy life. If you feel a pull to holiness you can find proper guidance from the Carmelites. St Theresa of Avila, St John of the Cross, Saint Therese of Lisieux and Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity are all supreme examples of Catholic mystics who found union with God. That consolation is intended to be sweet so as to get your attention and prime the pump so to speak. It's not intended to be the last stop. Also, if you read the Catholic Catechism sections on prayer you may come to realize that this was an invitation to seek a more contemplative life. By the way - my journey began the same exact way although I was at home holding my new born son. If you are seeking you can also check the Avila Institute. They provide courses on Catholic mystical tradition, sticking to the church's magisterium.
Love Fr Reehill. 2000 years of the holy spirit sounds awesome.
Ha ha ha Like an angel will every be afraid of any human being to scare them out of a person. Or spinkle some holy water on them and they flee. Sorry it doesn't work that way people. What happened when during Pauls time and people tried to cast out demons. The were striped naked and ran off.
Rosary beads are a bunch of crap. They tell you to pray to Mary. She can't hear you. Yes she was blessed but she isn't God. We should only pray to God. Anything else is santanic bottom line
@@Martin-mt3wzmost people that claim god have such bad behaviors and ways of thinking and the way they treat others are just as satanic as a hardcore satanist. They just don’t see it. Meeting a real Christian is a beautiful and rare thing in this world. For most it’s a front/mask a disguise. Sad world we live in and that’s exactly what turns intelligent people away from god. Because they think it’s literally everyone because they’re the majority.
Praise God! He has a plan for every single one of us. Make me a saint Jesus!
God Bless to you father from Croatia!
SRS had been instrumental in my walk back to Christ. Thank you for helping in saving my life Sean. Jesus Christ is king. I submit to him. Hallelujah! God bless us all.
I thank God for you father and for all of the other priests eho have responded to the exorcism calling. I have the same feeling, you are needed more and more. May the Lord and our Lady be with you all, always!!
Jesus is Lord
Which option from the following two would you choose?
1) Worship me as your Lord God?
2) Be condemned to Hell?
Thank you Fr Reehill. Greetings from Ireland
He’s a great priest!
Wonderful testimony
Pray for our Priests Always!!
Prays god and the holy orthodox church! ☦️ God bless you all!
oh Blessed Lady, Spread the effect of grace of thy flame of love, Over all of humanity. Amen ❤
Blessings and graces for Fr.Reihill
Medugorje is wonderful. There is a peace and joy there that is not experienced anywhere else.
@@rosemaryclarke6250 Describe your experience more if you can. As a non Catholic Christian I can relate. But I need some help but am impressed with the many Catholic priests who've been there. My one point - why did Medugorje happen after two instances of persecution by Catholic Christians over Orthodox Christians in Yugoslavia. (1941 and 1995) What did the Lady think about the 1941 persecution when she appeared in the 80's. How does the Catholic Church deal with this? Serious question from someone curious and discerning.
@@KevinSmith-vi4omI'm afraid she won't answer you
I saw the documentary in the theater. When i went it was a tiny town, after watching it, it looked like a small city. I am glad to have seen it in the mid 80s when i did.
It doesn't deal with it at all. Period.@@KevinSmith-vi4om
Blessed be the Lord 🙏. And Bless Father Rehill and the important, necessary work he does. Amen. 🙏❤
How would you react if Satan used his pitchfork to burst your fart????
New Israel is the people who accepted Christ. We know the end is near when Jews confess Christ while many of us have denied Him
This has not happened yet
That's not the point.
Exactly. The fulfillment of the New Covenant in Christ's death and resurrection replaces the Old Covenant with Israel.
The end!! What an amazing story!!
This is wise priest.
Oh yeah? The 1000 year peace he speaks about is the 1000 year reign after the rapture/end! Wisdom comes with obedience, not a collar!
He thinks Edomites are Jacob-Israelites and is being interviewed in front of his idol. So I disagree.
@Warrior Bride "The Rapture" is a 19th century dispensationalist invention.
He thinks Israel is the same place with the same people that the Bible discusses. They are what Revelation 2:9 describes.
Here in Britain, the churches were also forced to close by government decree. I considered this over the top and churches should have been exempt from all restrictions, and that closing the churches was a violation of our right of religious freedom. Another thing that annoyed me, is that whilst churches were locked down, betting shops and off licences [liquor stores] were allowed to open. Sensible precautions could have been taken, there is usually spare room to allow people to sit further apart than normal. The churches were closed between late March and the beginning of July, around 15 weeks, and again for four weeks in November.
However, priest would continue to say Mass in private and livestreamed it, to allow people to participate from home. Not quite the same, as Communion cannot be given on-line, but didd mean we could still in an indirect way connect to the Church on Sundays.
In the US it was bad in some states. The mayor of Washington DC wouldn't allow churches to have services in the parking lot with everyone socially distanced & masked. However, she was out in the BLM/Antifa protests that became riots. Apparently, you got covid from attending Mass despite standing 10 feet away from anyone else & wearing a mask. Yet, being crammed in with thousands of people clumped together & screaming was safe because social justice or something. Other states shut down churches but labeled liquor stores, bars, weed dispensaries, & even strip clubs in some areas as "essential" so they stayed open. There's really no way to get around the fact the left really does hate religion. They want people to go to places where immorality is high while preventing people coming together to pray for peace, prosperity, & God's protection. It was no wonder suicide sharply increased. People were isolated from each other & many had one of the only positive communities they received moral support from were shut down. Covid policy definitely crossed the diabolical line several times in several states. No wonder priests are seeing a sharp increase in exorcisms.
Yes, so called Covid did disrupt many lives spiritually but it also caused many to see evil and turn to God. Not sure about his comments on Israel - alot of Catholics and other Christians may disagree and make the distinction between the Jewish people and the governnent of Israel and Zionism.
The church should be seeing this for what it is, an attack on Gods people by those that follow sATAN! I did not see that line of thinking, or understanding, coming from my local church folk sadly. They were quite subservient to the sick mandate, and all the while, BIG PHARMA made billions off the back of the PLANdemic. See this for what it was church folk, something rather unholy and therefore rebukable, by those that believe in the most high! So when they try and do it again?????
That should tell you all you need to know about our governments here in Europe/england. Over here in Germany it’s no good either.
Love Fr. from Zimbabwe
St. Michael Archangel pray for us……O Glorious St. Michael Commander of all the Angels intercede for us. Soli Deo Gloria.
If Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua, said it, BELIEVE! I don't have much, but I give to Isreal relief, and now to North Carolina through Samaritans purse. When God moves you to give, it doesn't matter how little you have because if you belong to God, all you have is God's anyway. 😊
God, who is Jesus christ,Jesus, I love u
Only God knows the day and the hour. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
That is true, but the bible tells us to watch for the signs.
True no one knows the day or hour, but didn't jesus also say you will know the season and that it's close, even at the door....at the door is pretty close
Jewish believer in Jesus here. (Messianic Jew). Thank you for talking about G-d’s continued promise to the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and how Chr-stians should make sure they stand with us as well. Praise G-d! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Praise Jesus....he is your GOD too....stop with the - stuff
@ The reason we do that is to show respect and awe for his name, so we do not risk it being erased, destroyed or desecrated. It is an act of respect we show to G-d.
Help your Christian brothers and sisters in Gaza and the West Bank.
Very sincere & comforting interview
Jesus, Mary I love you save souls. Jesus I trust in you.
Great man! great priest! I'm joyful Radio Maria is led my him in US!
It is one thing to talk about peace and another to seek peace for the victims of violence. God said my people are the ones that fallow my camand. 😊
The holy bible can do the one thing your smartphone "can't" tell the future
Earth was never meant to be like heaven. But as Catholics, we are seeking to bring forth the kingdom of God. Some of us find this already in our parishes because those of us who attend the TLM where I go are all honestly seeking to practise the faith and therefore we can all socialize and minister to each other as Catholics
Please how ?
Am a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down 😭 of myself because of low finance but I still believe God😞
It's Maria Angelina Alexander doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
I felt the same way in Medjugorie. I know i spelled it wrong. But i went in the mid 80s as a child.they had confession outside the church. And I definately remember that "Hollywood" priest. Lol. When I was there it was a tiny town, like 5 to10 buildings, I stayed in Beyacovici. Probably wrong spelling. The town i stayed in was maybe less than 2km away, or one mile. The experience for me was the same. We got to go into the small rectory with the visionaries WHILE the Virgin Mary appeared to them, which was hard to do because even back rhen, so many people wanted to see that. The room was no larger than a standard bedroom. It was something powerful.
1000 years of peace is after Christ returns!!!!
St.Michael The Archangel defend us in battle. be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. may God rebuke him, We humbly pray; and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruins of souls. Amen ❤❤
When he was talking about feeling the grace in a place I felt an overwhelming sense of peace in EWTN locations- the areas of filming and where the friars lives and at the shrine. It was something. We had so many bad things happened to us days before this roadtrip pilgrimage and when we got there all we peacefully calming. Then it began again leaving. I'm surprised we made it home.
Thank you, Father for insight. We are praying for you. God bless you
Mankind will be gone way before this world is gone so it's not the end of the world it's the end of mankind when it happens 😢
Fr. Rehill tells the best stories
This video should be atleast 1 hour. Great topic ❤
The video this clip is taken from is much longer. Like at least an hour. It’s from the Shawn Ryan show on RUclips
@@randyhill1492It's worth a watch.
Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who recourse to thee and those who haven't, protect the church against infiltration of evil!
Im still a practising catholic ivd never lost it although i diď struggle with it when i was younger im glad i stuck to it i believe i have benbefited as result
Learn to rebuke demons❤
Learn to love Jesus ❣️
I've learned in some Catholic circles that our current generation is living through the end of a time period, the end of the rule of the gentile nations, not the end of the worldm. The devil's time to rule is coming to an end; that's why the evil one is working overtime because he knows his time is up and wants to take as many souls as possible to hell with him. He's doing a great job so far.
Better pray everyday and stay ever closer to God.
God doesn't like seeing the innocent killed.
70 million worldwide each year.
Same number of civilian and military worldwide casualties due to ww2.
Each year a ww2 against the most innocent.
It is an abomination.
Medugorje was the best holiday I ever had, even though it was a pilgrimage. Yes, it's a 100% Catholic town, but there was still selfishness and resentment.
I think it is imperative that people learn how to discern.
We cannot follow our feelings.
Like Fr R says,
"God is not the only one who broadcasts on that channel.". Lol😅
We have to discern like he tells us to and not use our emotions, and not use our feelings. Emotions and feelings are the tools that Satan uses. Do not use them!!
Lourdes and Fatima will be attacked more than medjugorje because those are approved apparitions.
I do believe that we are in the last hours.
I love videos like this as much as the next guy, and I love the priests who participate in them. And I also get the impression that the priests enjoy the limelight almost as much as they enjoy spreading God's message. The truth of it is if you have faith like unto a mustard seed the devil can't touch you and that is fact. In whom do you place your faith? Do you place it with men or with Jesus Christ? Through whom, with whom, and in whom each of us are meant to have a deeply personal relationship. Said personal relationship is meant to persist even outside of church. If the isolation due to covid 19 left certain people more susceptible to demonic attacks it could be due to weak faith and unbelief, perhaps a prayer life which is not as deep as it should be (in many relationships today one spouse doesn't believe which in and of itself can be a spiritual liability especially if it be the man). The Sacraments don't end in church, they're meant to persist in daily life (especially the communion of the saints). Hence Satan's number one priority over the past century has been to destroy the nuclear family and to put pressure on Christians to be unevenly yoked with unbelievers (clay and iron don't mix well) So I will ask again, in whom should your faith be placed? With men (even priests and pontifs can have weak faith, the fact that there are diocese out there that believe demonic possession and exorcism are superstitious means of identifying and dealing with mental illness proves me right) or should it be with Jesus Christ who is the same today as he was yesterday as he will be tomorrow? I believe in the power of the sacraments, in Jesus Christ's literal presence with the eucharist, but I also believe in God's grace which is ANYTHING BUT RIGID. Grace isn't grace if it is rigid. God places his authority with clergy but it is not their own authority, they are tantamount to clerks of the holy spirit. It also doesn't help matters (Spiritually speaking) that we have a weak pontif in whom God has made known to us his disapproval.
1,000 years of peace is after Christ returns. Read the Bible!
“ his prayers paid off “ ♥️🤣😊💪🙏🙏
The thousand years of peace comes from a godly system
Great priest!
I believe the bible is literally true. And breathed by God. It is a supernatural book of thruth.
... yup.
The Bible and the Bible alone. Jack Chick edition.
Israel is not a country , it's a people That Israel is just a peace of land
Israel is very definitely a country in the Middle East.
@noreensullivan5855 Once again it's just a piece of land. It's God's people that are Israel.God is not gonna waste time Protecting a piece of land the people Yes. The land no. And his people are still scattered across the earth.
Amen. The question that needs to be asked is who are the "lost" tribes of Israel and where are they now. To the imposters Revelation 3:9 awaits.
Jesus christ is King of kings Lord of Lords 🙏🏽✝️💖
Everyone goes to mass and prays the rosary every day? I’m in. Time to move.🙏😇. Thank you Father.
Romans 9:27
27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved. 28 For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality.
Love the age of the Holy Spirit is upon us! 🔥 ✝️
WOW not even an excersist can acuratly determine how close we are that he is guessing. This confirms what I've figured recently...with God all things are possible and its a mystery sums it all up. "Look up your redemption draws nigh"! "The end is not yet and you must endure to the end". See all things are possible and scripture seems to me to give both possibilities.🤔 Uncool dude.🙏
When the stars start falling and the sun doesn't give it's light god will fold up the universe and create a new heaven and earth
That is hyperbole. It's not really going to happen. To his Kingdom there is no end.
@jeandaby6488 world without end it's a end of a traditional prayer it's a instrest to see how that lines up with the past 50 years of end of world fear and continued reaction to the fear of end of the world. How can we see through the fog of fear and embrace world without end bless you with holy spirit within in truth
Show me that scripture
@@theemeraldfox7779 hi world without end is the end of a traditional prayer Catholics use.i believe that God will end the current universe and bring about a new heaven and new earth. I was just pointing out the possible effect of world without end instead of end of world fear. Fear theology isn't a healthy lifestyle and doesn't lead to confidence for example cults like Jim Jones heavens gate and now all beat people down because we all give up on hope of healthy change because the end and destruction wins. Its not a good situation to be in imagine a good culture change like banning abortion or transgender surgery Andrew chemical castration gangster gun violence drug epidemic I believe that things can change its the best way on how to introduce change of heart then action and law for the goodness of God shown best in Jesus for gods glory amen
Symbolic language.
Exorcists I like them. When God is braver in protecting us, no one likes to talk about evil.
Why are there a lot of bottles in the back with a circle ⭕️ that has a point that seems it can fill a pentagram?
Yes a 1000 years is a 1000 years and very very close.
God time is way different than ours
Doesn't the Bible say to God a day is unto a thousand years and a thousand years as unto a day ? In other words God does not function on a clock or a calendar like we do. Just Be Ready !
100% correct about Israel. Glad that this is on a format that can be viewed. The truth must be out there because it won't come by mainstream TV or Radio. I'd say 80% of the total population will not watch or hear of this type of stuff because they don't believe or just scared shitless about what they cannot understand. America better get a firm grip now or else.
Jesus is not coming until we all can pass the test,,,
There's a few who are excluded from fighting against Israel in the end days. Read Daniel. "He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon."
Yeah, that is true. You see grace where goodness dwells. You see peace wherever the righteous make their habitation, and when they are in greater numbers, there is greater peace. And wherever there is a righteous person, the wicked emulate them, as their peace overwhelms them.
The anti christ (whoever he is) is from the tribe of Dan.
Most God fearing people don,t even know that we all are "The restrainer" ...imagine of God takes us of the earth and Satan ain,t restrained anymore...so dress up sisters and brothers with Gods armour...let,s restrain till God say,s we are done ❤❤❤
Revelation doesn't say "1000 years of peace"; it says that Satan will be bound and the souls of the dead will reign with Christ during that time. If you look into the Catholic Church itself (such as via the Douay-Rheims Bible) she suggested that this period was the Middle Ages; Satan having been freed about the time of the Black Plague.
Well it does actually because it's the end of this Era that is coming, not the end of the world.
@@vivrowe2763 The end of this world.
The main issue with that is Islam had captured half the known world and the rest of the undiscovered world was some flavor of pagan.
@@jackbits6397 Islam is definitely part of it; the Church translates the "Magog" of Revelation 20:7 to 🇹🇷. As to the preaching of the Gospel to the undiscovered regions of the world, that has continued on even as Satan continues to seduce the nations into his anti-Christ armies. The Apocalypse doesn't specify how long that will take.
You dont have to go to church... JESUS is within us❤
True, believers are the church. it isn't a place you go. the church gathers in a building to worship. I do think it is good for believers to meet together to support each other.
A church without valid sacraments is a waste of time. Catholics go to mass bc Christ commanded it and established the sacraments. So your comment is wrong
John 6:53
In John 6:53, Jesus tells his followers: “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Jesus's unusual comments are part of a larger symbolic statement about his identity.
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus then continues: "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church". The word "church" (ekklesia in Greek) as used here, appears in the Gospels only once more, in Matthew 18:17, and refers to the community of believers at the time.
POPE BENEDICT XVI: Jesus “does not describe the end of the world, and when he uses apocalyptic images, he is not acting the prophet. On the contrary, he wants to stop his disciples of every epoch from being curious over dates and forecasts.”
The 1st thousand years Satan was bound, then he is loosed for a while in the end times
End of a Era, for sure.
Covid19 was just my daily life routine, I was happy, so it didn't affect me.
“…He knows his time is short…”.
The world was made in ? Days and on the ?th day he rested.
What year is it in the Jewish calendar?
I say he can get as riled up as he wants it still won’t matter, it is God’s will that Satan will be destroyed. I mean let’s be real, Arch Angel Gabriel defeated him twice on his own… I highly doubt there’s any serious threat so long as your faith is strong.
the 1,000 years are a symbol of the Church age.
His misunderstanding of Israel is telling. He doesn't understand what Israel is in this new covenant.
The Church, that is Believers in Christ ☦️ Jesus, is Israel in actuality....
God's People this is the Israel of God.....
Слава тебе Боже ☦️ Аминь 🇬🇪 🇷🇺 🇧🇾
🌐 👑 🙏 Аминь !
Deliverance is in many churches ..
Some teach those times already have happened. Depends on where one is on eschatology. The people living in Israel are mostly outside of the blood of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Ashkenazi and Edomite people.
If you’re in the church and if you have to wait months for an exorcism…. I wonder what are the actual priorities of that church. I seen fast doctor appointments then a spiritual appointment
Sad this guy doesn’t see the ope for who he really is, guess his salvation of his soul is just an act, The Living God never disappoints.
I agree with this priest. I am not Jewish, but Scripture is clear, do not mess with God's chosen people. I am an evangelical Christian. The bottom line, read the Bible. There is truth in most denominations, but not in God's perfect truth. Humans created denominations . I really so sad when Christ followers attack each other. Based on technicalities. If they believe in Jesus, humble yourselves, try to discern the wisdom of their journey. There are no denominations in Heaven.
Read Josephus’ Antiquities 13.9.1 to learn the 4 types of “Jews” before Christ, and who’s who.
Yes - don’t mess with Israel, Gods people. But then again Islam is founded on the hate of Jews and Christians. It’s a clear war declaration in the Koran.
Jesus started His church now called the Catholic Faith…
In Matthew 16:18 Jesus then continues: "That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church". The word "church" (ekklesia in Greek) as used here, appears in the Gospels only once more, in Matthew 18:17, and refers to the community of believers at the time
St. John Paul said the first millennium was the time of unity, the second the time of disunity, and he believed the third will be the millennium of reconciliation with the followers of Christ reuniting in the first Church.
This priest is a little confused about those 1000 years of peace. That comes "after"
the great tribulation when The Savior returns to rule over the earth for that 1000
years. It has yet to transpire.
The "warning" has to happen first, then the cleansing of the Earth and "transistion" in the blink of any eye to the New Earth for all believers.
That’s what he said go back and listen carefully
Many catholics don't know their eschatology or theology.
A lot of them don't know Jesus.
What about the 2000 years before the father? In Genesis the spirit hovered over the face of the deep right? So maybe we’ve had the trinity in 2k increments and this is the end time???
Ask yourself this..why is it,that its the catholic church that comes against these possessions?
The 1000 years is the millennium which is after the Saviour comes again.
The Antichrist of the end times has already arrived:
"Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the
lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition,
who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of
worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God, claiming that he is a god -
do you not recall that while I was still with you I told you these things?
And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his time.
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. But the one who restrains is
to do so only for the present, until he is removed from the scene.
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord [Jesus] will kill with
the breath of his mouth and render powerless by the manifestation of his
the one whose coming springs from the power of Satan in every mighty deed and
in signs and wonders that lie,
and in every wicked deceit for those who are perishing because they have not
accepted the love of truth so that they may be saved."
(2 Thessalonians 2:3-10, Catholic Bible)
What is that interviewer's name? And what is he doing interviewing a Priest? The reason why I ask is because the last time I saw him talking to Tucker carlson, he told Tucker that he does not believe that the church is a building or that it's a visible body of any kind. And he even said that he's new at this. If he's so new at this, what is he doing talking against the Catholic Church? He knows nothing about Religion and the Church that Jesus built on Peter the rock.
The 1,000 years of peace, the millennial reign, (the time that Satan is bound and Jesus reigns) comes after the 7-years tribulation period.
The 7-year tribulation period comes after the rapture. We are leading up to the imminent rapture, which biblically, can happen anytime given prior prophesies concerning Israel having come to pass.
I talk about this on my page (“Is This the End”) for those of you that are interested. The Catholics don’t preach a pre-trib rapture from my understanding. There are only certain people they designate to teach the Book of Revelation, given the symbolism. People are often confused on the eschatological patterns and its one Book that’s not taught as it should be. Barring a spirit of mockery, which will ultimately occur in the responding comments to my message, the rapture is the next step in the prophetic chain of events. The Bible tells us so. ❤
Because you are confusing the end of this Era with the end of the world. We are already in Tribulation right now.
@vivrowe2763 / As Christian’s, we have, and will always be, subject to tribulation. But make no mistake…we are not undergoing the time of the 7-year tribulation period just yet. We’re definitely working our way up to it though!
@@TheGreatAwakening3 We have been in tribulation and Believers will be Raptured out of this world before the worst of the tribulation happens.
Where is the place that is magical I want to go.
You will find truth and beauty In the fullness of the Catholic Faith. It will lead you to Jesus and thus the path to the heavenly kingdom.
It might be bad out there but it's still not even close to being like in the days on Noah IMO
Are you kidding, it's worse.