Na noite weibo ele se mostrou que não tem nada com ela e evitou rumores com ela se isso ainda não ficou claro para vocês e ele negou diversas vezes romance com ela
Zhan tem duas saídas nesse caso com Yang Zl , a atriz divorciada que quer outro marido, não se importando com sua sexualidade: ou se muda para o estrangeiro e vive sua vida do jeito que quiser ou, morre solteiro.
Fake cp. Xiao Zhan is not interested in YZ. Unless there is solid evidence, all the so-called coincidences do not mean a thing. Paparazzi already confirmed twice that they are not together and that YZ is not his type. Xiao Zhan did not even bother to interact with YZ in public nowadays. He's focusing on his career and is not interested in a relationship.
И как вам не надоело писать одно и тоже. И главное только хуже делаете. Ещё больше оскорблений. Папарацци много чего говорил, что все СР Сяо Чжаня фейк и что толку.
@@ВероникаТ-щ1э Never tired of writing the truth. My comments helped unsuspecting viewers to understand the intention behind these marketing channels and not be deceived by them. The more viewers thumbs down and report on this nonsense, the better it will be for the integrity of the internet.
@@滿天星-520из моего комментария не ясно? Я не верю. Первый раз вижу такого папарацци. Он сказал что все СР фейк. И не только СР. Но это никому не мешает не так ли?
Vou fazer somente um comentario podem falar o que quiserem mas o coracao do Zhan ja tem dono a muito tempo e nao e a Yang Zi todo mundo sabe quem podem me xingar falar o que quiserem a verdade e essa
Как вы надоели знатоки чужих душ и сердец. Все то вы знаете. Запрещено это в Китае ясно? Не выберут тебя на роль национального героя, в фильме известного режиссера понятно? Не будешь бежать с олимпийским факелом, представляя страну, понятно. Представлять страну можно только после проверки. Что такое коммунистическая идеология в Китае понимаешь? Все только с разрешения комитета по кинематогрфии и комитета по дисциплине. Это другая страна, другие нормы, другой менталитет. . А вы все меряете на свой лад. Хотите чтобы оба актера сидели парочкой за границей? Как два подростка, дурачка. Кого вы из Сяо Чжаня делаете? Он умный, творческий человек, у него есть планы на будущее. Он работает и хочет работать. Творчески, понятно. А не ваше убожество. Есть хоть капля уважения к людям? Себя вы любите и себя развлекаете, а на актеров вам плевать.
Muito pelo contrário me importo e muito com ele sim outra coisa não sou especialista e mente humana contrário de você que parece que sabe tudo eu apenas coloquei que não acredito no romance dele com a Yang Zi ficam forçando algo que não existe e por último sentimentos são sentimentos em qualquer lugar do mundo independente de leis e tradições no sentimento de uma pessoa ninguém manda e você não falou coisa com coisa se você acredita no romance do Zham com a Yang Zi e um direito seu depois de cinco anos ainda não assumiram difícil porque outros artistas assumem publicamente e eles não é me parece que ela está com outro ator e não o Zhan
Continuando meu comentário de que miséria minha você tá falando do contrário que você fala eu leio muito sobre a cultura chinesa eu sei muito bem como funciona o regime deles respeito e muito o país mais uma coisa eu sei bem que o Zhan trabalha muito muitas vezes sem descanso eu o admiro muito
@user-ej7wp5bl4g Wow... Bravo my friend!! 👊🙌 Appreciate very much for your boldness to speak up. I believe all the true fans/supporters of ZhanZi are agreed with your straight to the point !! 👍👍The toxic fans behave like unhuman. It's difficult to understand how they've brought up?! I admired you dare to speak up and feels like it's slam to their conscience if they ever had. I heard how different the way they educate the people in their country which is quite odd in compared with other countries. Of course..I believe there're many good and decent people in their country. But the bad ones are implicating the good ones which is absolutely a shame to the country!!
@@milkyway_789He's not married, of course he's still single. He's a gentleman and he doesn't have to try to. You and him have nothing in common. He brought up in a decent and loving family with good education. Remember I had reminded you before when you post your comments on public platform, use your mother tongue to express your points and avoid not to mislead the public. I guess it might be easier and better off for you!! 😉
@@cathycheung1858 Final reply. Guess you never heard the term 'single and ready to mingle' lol. Being single also means that he's not attached to anyone. If he has a significant other, then he will call himself unavailable. He is a gentleman but he can also be direct. When I say he's trying to be a gentleman, I mean he's trying to save face for the other person by not embarrassing her. Google translate is good but not perfect. Try not to attack others on irrelevant matters when you cannot defend the truth.
@@ann-bc2ry 有人的心 好像不太喜樂平安喔 老實說 沒有平安喜樂的生活 那怎麼生活啊 那不是很苦ㄇ@@
@Lily88888 肖战说的还不清楚吗?与楊紫没有恋爱可能 脑粉面子是人家给的脸是自己丢的
Very beautiful, Xiao Zhan and Yang Zi, love is in the air ♥️💜🐰🐵🌙🌞🌻🌻🌻
Fake CP 😢
@@滿天星-520 说事实吧了
Na noite weibo ele se mostrou que não tem nada com ela e evitou rumores com ela se isso ainda não ficou claro para vocês e ele negou diversas vezes romance com ela
肖战已辟谣CP是假的 老阿姨别强求了 以免自讨没趣😅
一定會! 正如在餘生劇中顧媽媽在雙方家長見面時說"這是好事‘’!所以一定會獲得祝福保護的!!❤️💜💞
好喜樂 看到茜娛樂的分析收集 真的很喜樂 願 神大大祝福"戰紫" 他們真的是很認真地拍戲 很喜樂的生活 願 神大大祝福戰紫與他們的全家 他們是中國之光 亞洲之星 願 神祝福他們每一天都 平安喜樂的生活 看到這麼甜美的隱密式秀恩愛 真的很喜樂 很盼望他們(戰哥與紫妹)可以再一次的配搭或是戲劇或是戀綜或是綜藝節目 因為太想看戰紫公費秀恩愛了 願 神大大祝福戰哥與紫妹 同心同靈同魂 善用戰哥與紫妹的資源 多做好事 多宣傳公益 幫助需要幫助的弱勢的人民 積善之家必有餘慶 好喜樂好喜樂 之前看到BBC很真實的報導韓國的BIGBANG的勝利的醜行 形同中國的那位吳奕凡 會覺得很醜陋很骯髒 利用他們的知名度 作出這樣邪惡的欺負女孩子的行為 真的令人髮指 盼望 神能幫助戰哥與紫妹反其道而行 多多作善事 多多宣傳公益 多多幫助中國大陸甚或亞洲的弱勢人民 願 神大大祝福 戰哥與紫妹 比酒更美比蜜更甜的愛情 執"紫"之手 與"紫"同行 感謝讚美主 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
肖战已经打假恋情 再纠缠也没用 疯言疯语让人家看足笑话
Pois é outra coisa estão dizendo que foi ela que levou lanchesnno set do Zhan
@@ann-bc2ry 老實說 我想聰明的人都看的見 我不好說不好聽的話 聽得懂就聽得懂 聽不懂的 ㄟ 那只好說 有智慧的人不會不懂 哈哈哈哈哈 我是基督徒 不說不太好聽的話 但是我會說誠實的話😁😁😁😇😇😇😇😇
@@Lily88888別给自己脸上贴金 拿不出有利的证据 颠倒黑白豪无底线的造谣 不知羞愧
提議茜娛樂小編重發一年前一篇文章說"肖戰楊紫的美好贏不過資本和造謠"? 讓粉絲思考他們嗑的C P是真是假? 尤其是所謂肖戰粉絲非常清楚他的想法,活動,手機通訊名單無一不知,連要接吻時候也要請示!?
乞求YSH 造假P圖的视频证明CP 是真的 可怜啊😯
@@ann-bc2ry 提議和乞求也分不清,明白愛而不得,嫉恨容易令人沖昏頭腦🤣 還是留點口德,各自安好😁😁😁
妳主子从未入局 節哀吧
@@ann-bc2ry 又對著鏡子毒駡自己和同夥的主子?! 留點口德為你的主子積福,她星途明顯下滑,加上比同齡的藝人相比,已經顯得過早衰老了!為自己和同夥,特別是你的主子,及早盡力積點福吧!!
Zhan tem duas saídas nesse caso com Yang Zl , a atriz divorciada que quer outro marido, não se importando com sua sexualidade: ou se muda para o estrangeiro e vive sua vida do jeito que quiser ou, morre solteiro.
Fake cp. Xiao Zhan is not interested in YZ. Unless there is solid evidence, all the so-called coincidences do not mean a thing. Paparazzi already confirmed twice that they are not together and that YZ is not his type. Xiao Zhan did not even bother to interact with YZ in public nowadays. He's focusing on his career and is not interested in a relationship.
И как вам не надоело писать одно и тоже. И главное только хуже делаете. Ещё больше оскорблений. Папарацци много чего говорил, что все СР Сяо Чжаня фейк и что толку.
@@ВероникаТ-щ1э Never tired of writing the truth. My comments helped unsuspecting viewers to understand the intention behind these marketing channels and not be deceived by them. The more viewers thumbs down and report on this nonsense, the better it will be for the integrity of the internet.
@@ВероникаТ-щ1э Never tired of writing the truth. It helps unsuspecting viewers to understand what's behind these marketing channels.
@@ann-bc2ry 駡別人就等餘在駡自己,送還給你回收了。
@@滿天星-520из моего комментария не ясно? Я не верю. Первый раз вижу такого папарацци. Он сказал что все СР фейк. И не только СР. Но это никому не мешает не так ли?
我还以为官宣了,cp 粉又来自己幻想。
@user-xq1uy8wt8l 造谣精个人因果 求菩萨救不了
Vou fazer somente um comentario podem falar o que quiserem mas o coracao do Zhan ja tem dono a muito tempo e nao e a Yang Zi todo mundo sabe quem podem me xingar falar o que quiserem a verdade e essa
Как вы надоели знатоки чужих душ и сердец. Все то вы знаете. Запрещено это в Китае ясно? Не выберут тебя на роль национального героя, в фильме известного режиссера понятно? Не будешь бежать с олимпийским факелом, представляя страну, понятно. Представлять страну можно только после проверки. Что такое коммунистическая идеология в Китае понимаешь? Все только с разрешения комитета по кинематогрфии и комитета по дисциплине. Это другая страна, другие нормы, другой менталитет. . А вы все меряете на свой лад. Хотите чтобы оба актера сидели парочкой за границей? Как два подростка, дурачка. Кого вы из Сяо Чжаня делаете? Он умный, творческий человек, у него есть планы на будущее. Он работает и хочет работать. Творчески, понятно. А не ваше убожество. Есть хоть капля уважения к людям? Себя вы любите и себя развлекаете, а на актеров вам плевать.
Muito pelo contrário me importo e muito com ele sim outra coisa não sou especialista e mente humana contrário de você que parece que sabe tudo eu apenas coloquei que não acredito no romance dele com a Yang Zi ficam forçando algo que não existe e por último sentimentos são sentimentos em qualquer lugar do mundo independente de leis e tradições no sentimento de uma pessoa ninguém manda e você não falou coisa com coisa se você acredita no romance do Zham com a Yang Zi e um direito seu depois de cinco anos ainda não assumiram difícil porque outros artistas assumem publicamente e eles não é me parece que ela está com outro ator e não o Zhan
Continuando meu comentário de que miséria minha você tá falando do contrário que você fala eu leio muito sobre a cultura chinesa eu sei muito bem como funciona o regime deles respeito e muito o país mais uma coisa eu sei bem que o Zhan trabalha muito muitas vezes sem descanso eu o admiro muito
Eu cuido muito o que falo nos meus comentários justamente por saber que a cultura deles é completamente diferente da minha
@user-ej7wp5bl4g Wow... Bravo my friend!! 👊🙌 Appreciate very much for your boldness to speak up. I believe all the true fans/supporters of ZhanZi are agreed with your straight to the point !! 👍👍The toxic fans behave like unhuman. It's difficult to understand how they've brought up?! I admired you dare to speak up and feels like it's slam to their conscience if they ever had. I heard how different the way they educate the people in their country which is quite odd in compared with other countries. Of course..I believe there're many good and decent people in their country. But the bad ones are implicating the good ones which is absolutely a shame to the country!!
楊紫已經搭配幾個人CP 了,真是夠了,胡說八道,楊紫整張臉都是打塑膠膠原打到腫成這樣,全世界350萬都知道是肖戰跟王一博,弟弟跟哥哥穿相同衣服,相同手錶跟戒指!
肖战早就澄清了楊紫只是前同事 余生导演也出来说了没有真CP的事不要乱傳 颜色花痴粉聽不懂人話??
Он никогда ни слова не сказал про Ян Цзы, нравится тебе это или нет. Не придумывай за него. Уважайте его раз ты здесь. Его, а не свои вкусы.
疯🐷 肖战依法律文字打假与楊紫划清界线
@@ВероникаТ-щ1э He said he's single and that he will announce if he's in a relationship. He's trying to be a gentleman.
@@milkyway_789He's not married, of course he's still single. He's a gentleman and he doesn't have to try to. You and him have nothing in common. He brought up in a decent and loving family with good education. Remember I had reminded you before when you post your comments on public platform, use your mother tongue to express your points and avoid not to mislead the public. I guess it might be easier and better off for you!! 😉
@@cathycheung1858 Final reply. Guess you never heard the term 'single and ready to mingle' lol. Being single also means that he's not attached to anyone. If he has a significant other, then he will call himself unavailable. He is a gentleman but he can also be direct. When I say he's trying to be a gentleman, I mean he's trying to save face for the other person by not embarrassing her. Google translate is good but not perfect. Try not to attack others on irrelevant matters when you cannot defend the truth.