In the older times, ppl giving loan were usually the very rich ones, who had powers to easily oppress, exploit the poor. There were no guidelines or a central governing entity to watch over the lender and the borrower. Sin would be not helping your fellow brother/sister who is genuinely in need of money. Sin would be helping your fellow brother or sister on conditions that are unreasonable. Just taking advantage of their situation. Modern day bank related lending, interest given or taken from bank and inflation are totally different. Help someone who is in genuine need. Do not exploit them for their situation.
Really? Banks are not owned by ultra rich? Banks do not confiscate houses and goods, put people into bankruptcy, destroy their entire lives with "bad" credit history. This is your best argument for riba and against Quran?
Some people here in the comments are completely missing the point. The term 'riba' is complex and does NOT simply equate to mortgages and loans being haram. We have taken a very narrow approach to this unfortunately, but thanks to Dr Shabir, the matter is more clarified now.
I agree, dont mix up lending and friendship. Its a way to lose a friend. If a friend needs financial help, give him the money to pay back if he can, if not its ok. Business is different, invest money to get a profit or a return as in a written contract (Quran 2:282).
I’m not sure how one hears the Hadith mentioned and comes out with the conclusion that paying interest is fine. Doesn’t the Hadith directly mention those who pay interest as being cursed?
Well what about investing money in government issued bonds? If I buy a five year long bond I will get interest of 9% for five years and government will invest that money for infrastructural developments, and if I withdraw that money before five year term I have to payback all the interest to government. *How it's harmful to society?* And if government don't take money from internal resources (like it's citizens) then they have to borrow from IFM or other Big time loan sharks or even from another governments. Which later we the citizens have to pay by over taxation!! Is there anyone educated enough to explain about this bond process? How it is Haram? And forcing government to borrow from other than its citizens is okay? Anyone care to explain?
@@My_Big_Dragon do not give it voluntarily. If the government is comeplling you to give money as taxes. You will not accounted for sin as Allah is ever merciful and all knowing..don't complicate just don't give it voluntarily .jazakAllah
@@SamiMemon The one who takes it would be the one who is giving it (The Mortgagee, the one with the money ) The one who records it would also be the Mortgagee also, the ones who witness, same as well.
Riba is about exploitation, not about productive investment, whether in bonds or stocks, or lending for a good purpose within the borrowers means, like buying a house or car. I think asking Islamic scholars to opine on modern financial issues they know little about is a mistake. They should stick to more important issues like ethics. I notice too Dr. Ally slips very quickly into interchanging the terms riba and interest, which is not accepted by everyone - particularly modernists.
@@comicahmet Riba was not clear to Caliph Umar, (companion of the prophet) - From 'Umar ibn al-Khattab : The last verse to be revealed was on riba and the Prophet, , was taken without explaining it to us; so give up not only riba but also raibah [whatever raises doubts in the mind about its rightful-ness]. (Ibn Majah) - so how do you claim to have better knowledge? The principles of the prophet do not change, but society changes, so the way they are implemented will change.
One should ponder over the Quranic verses and the historical context. The then riba and modern day interest are not the same. Riba produced double and triple in a year according to Quran. That was clearly unjust and exploitation of the poor and the poor had no choice. That's why Quran condemns the consumer of riba.
@@greenbird1091 actually you probably do consume micro doses of alcohol because a lot of foods have small micro percentage of alcohol that can’t get you intoxicated and are barely traceable but we are allowed to consume this food because it’s such a low dose that it doesn’t effect our thoughts and intoxicate us which is the reason alcohol is made haram
What about inflation? I mean yes if we traded gold the value of gold stays the same over time but with dollar of pound or any, there is inflation so if I give you 100$ now and you repay me in 10 years the 100$ value deflates it worth alot less so the person lending the money is losing money. Can you answer this?
This kind of usury is paper currency versus gold This is why Gaddafi was killed because he wanted to sell oil in gold Good to know the truth about usurious banks, you are approaching the truth
U have answered urself,u take a loss in that scenario,that's it,concerning inflation its basically the market has risen its selling prices,which the seller has every right to do
It is more logical to accept that the condition of interest applies only to money against money. Once a commodity is involved, its no more an interest but a business transaction. The bank shares profit (charging interest for time value of money) and loss (because money may devalue over the period of interest). Most of the scholars who speak about Interest actually have no clue of Islamic economics. They completely ignore the financial environment of the era of prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Lets suppose that I need a house because I am paying a lot for rented flat. Bank offers me a 200k loan for 25y and the monthly installment would be similar to what I pay as rent. Why would Islam prohibit me from buying a house this way? bank needs a profit too. The bank is giving me a way to have some savings in the end, otherwise I loose 1k USD as rent on monthly basis and get nothing in the end when I leave the house. And Allah knows the best. May he guide me and others.
I think there is an exist of halal interest in mortgage. although the total payment and calculation is the same, the contract is not. while the conventional interest apply from borrowing money to money (just like you said), the Islamic contract is the Bank will buy the home and own it and the consumer must pay the rent annually. once the accumulated rent achieved the real value of the home (decided by the bank and the consumer), the consumer will have 100% ownership of the house. so Bank do not get profit from loan, but by selling the house with a higher price.
@@chawza8402 Are halal mortgages halal? The bank only buys the house (commodity) because you ask them; legally they own it, however they don't intend to use the house. They rent it to you and give you a percentage in every payment you make, but then charge you extra money (the same as interest rates) in your monthly payment. So why are you paying extra (the same as interest rates/or higher) in your monthly payments, if it is a like for like loan? e.g. 'halal' bank buys house for 100,000 they tell you to re-pay 12,000 per year for 10 years totalling 120,000 why do you pay an extra 20,000 more than the original house price?
@@Adamsandlerwb I'm not an expert at Islamic Finance but here is my take and this is the same question that I had while looking information regarding the halal mortgages. if anyone can explain or correct me, please I'm open to any correction. in the normal interest rate, we take profit from the Loan (or the amount of money to borrow) which is Haram and not how Halal Mortgage operates. but in Islamic transaction it is allowed to make profit of an Asset for example, a House, toaster, bike, utensils. since the Bank owns the House (Asset) they can sell at any price they want. and the customer will pay the bank's profit, not a loan. because *there is no loan*, we are just paying the house that already paid by the bank and owned by the bank. if I use your example, the customer did not loan 100.000 to buy the house, but buying the house with 120.000. (100.000 is the bank and the original house transaction, not yours.) just I stated, the end calculation might be the same. buy the contract is different. remember, the 20.000 is not interest that you pay, but it's the margin profit that the customer willing to pay. it is similar like buying random clothes in the street and selling it on markup price on ebay.
@@chawza8402 Correct. It appears halal however if the borrower is asking the bank for a house costing 100,000 and the bank says ok we'll buy this house for you and sell it to you for 120,000 but **first WE must sign a contract agreeing to these terms, (contract signed between borrower and bank BEFORE the bank is in possession of the house/commodity - stating the house will be bought by the bank for 100,000 and re-sold in monthly payments equalling 120,000) how is that helping the borrower already un-able to afford the 100,000 (hence asking the bank). This is essentially the same riba/interest logic and pushing the borrower further in debt, whilst the bank gets richer for essentially making money from money (technically a purchase according to the halal bank). If the bank bought houses in cash and advertised these properties (with the selling price) and a buyer/borrower came to the bank and asked them which houses they have for sale, and chose a house that the bank ALREADY owned (BEFORE signing a contract with the borrower), and THEN the bank worked out a contract and selling price with the borrower this would be halal, as the bank have a house business, not a contract hold/re-assignment interest scheme. The bank already has the house as collateral if the borrower fails to keep up with payments, therefore they would not lose money on their initial purchase. So the extra 20,000 is for what exactly? Why cant the bank lend the money at the original house price with no extra cost? **The key thing is the bank DOES NOT own the house BEFORE signing an agreement with the borrower **AND the bank would NOT have purchased this house IF the borrower had not asked them too, therefore the bank is NOT in the property business BUT in the making money from money /riba business. Legally it is halal however logically/morally it is exactly the same as a non-halal bank
In sahih Muslim (1598) narrated that Jaabir said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: That is, (they are all the same) in terms of being cursed, because they co-operated in that.
Currently we are living in system of modern banking which is heavily regulated by government considering market conditions, liquidity, inflation, there is always fluctuations from top. Currently every system is touched by banking system, that means everything is haram or not.
do you have an alternative to money lending system , which covers monetary policy , controlling inflation , increasing and decreasing speed of economic growth due to over heating , how will a entrepreneurs get money to bring a new compony or untested technology into existence if investors are scared of the risk , mansa moussa came to Egypt he gave so much gold that is inflation the market and caused the gold to become value to fall heavily that's inflation it took a decade to recover from that , riba is haram but that's about it our schoolers are busy saying this but don't give us an alternative
Is there any Islamic scholar who actually understands the history of lending why riba was prohibited, modern financial system, and the classification of low interest collateralized loans? Please do another video with someone who is qualified. With respect.
Whereas it was ruled by many imams globally that, for those living in western countries, buying houses on interest is allowed out of necessity, because they cannot purchase homes otherwise, it is far from ruling that giving interest is halal. Much like how one is allowed to eat pig in certain EXTREME cases - though it's permitted in those cases, that doesn't make pig meat halal.
not only in western countries but in asian countries there are plenty of poor people. so you mean it is halal for westerns but not for asians. or it is halal for all the muslim communities. brother it is haram either giving it or taking it. no mortgage
Riba is 100% haram and doesn’t become halal living in a western country or on mars. If a person cannot afford to buy a house then live on rent but do not take a riba loan because you’ll be living on be living under our Prophet Mohammed’s curse so all your Salah, fasting, Hajj etc will not be accepted. Think Jannah everyday and you’ll always make halal/successful decisions. May Allah (swt) protect all of us from riba. AMEEN.
Rejection of any valid hadeeth which elaborates the Quranic principle in more detail is infact disobeying Muhammed (pbuh), hence disobeying Allah (swt). Riba (taking or giving) both are haram. Similar to intoxicants (selling or consuming).
He doesn't reject it but he didn't elaborate his opinion clearly. I think what he meant is that paying riba voluntarily is forbiden but if you are compelled by the goverment or if paying riba is the only way to do things, for example if riba is gonna give you financial freedom and not paying it will make you financial slave then it is okay to pay because that is not in your controll, and Allah is understanding and mercifull. Either way, Allah wants us to be devoted to him not slaves to someone else for the rest of our lives.
Interest, I believe is still oppressive and always will be as unforseen situations (The Great Depression back in the days and Inflation due to Covid are two strong examples) can always occur which can lead to horrible, horrifying conditions even with just a small amount of interest as the money you owe increases over time so you get more and more in debt. And this is not just a theory. In the US, the average debt on a person is 96k and there are a very high amount of people filing bankruptcies or getting into debt settlement programs, going broke .etc. And that is just US, as an example. Islam is not a religion of unnecessary limitations. Limitations are in place for a reason and either we have to not question the reason too much and follow it for Allah or if we question it then we have to really do our research from all angles and look for the strong valid reason, which we would find as I always have and no matter what the era as Islam is timeless. It's not shallow.
one question, what is equivalent of inflation of money in islam ? the interest somehow help to tackle the inflation.. is it ok to invest in government bonds?
There is always advise that riba is haram and what the consequences are....but what do we do to avoid it wen the banks pay riba into ur account...we can't give it to charity we cant use it and we can't just leave it wat do we do....why doesn't 1 person give beneficial advise instead of stating the obvious and teaching more of the same that we already know
Aisha Khaja you missed a point when Dr Shabir said it’s not beneficial for the one paying. You should have said well in fact it is because the person now has the facility to pay in instalments rather than find the full amount etc etc.
If any person want to make a business but does not have money. Can he take loan to make business? That loan may help to stable his business. Bank gave money to a person and take back the loan amount and some access as interest/profit. Say for a 10 years loan of 100K. After 10 years bank will get 120K by installment. Bank have operating costs, financial cost and after 10 years time value of money will be definitely less. On the other hand the borrower may invest the amount for certain businesses or property that may help him to make a gain at any form. That we can calculate in monetary form and that may not less than the returned amount. So bank is not actually taking extra amount in terms of borrowers gain accordingly the borrower may not give extra than his gain. According to Quran riba means taking access other than immediate transactions. Even in case of batra system access can be considered riba other than immediate transactions(cash). And incase of mortgage say homeloan, a borrower buy a flat he gave extra amount as interest (not only in form of interest but any other form of access other than immediate transaction is riba) and gained same amount or more (as not expending rent as tanent ) how it could be a riba? Because borrower not been oppressed at all. But if bank take Compound interest that must be riba and haram. Well calculated cumulative interest that doesn't oppress the borrower is that would be considered riba?
I am a graduate and i am working as an auditor in Lapo microfinance company. and i heard about riba. so what is my own in that. am i also involved in the riba. it was my first job. please i need to know what to do.
Don’t work in a place dealing with riba because you’ll be counted as one of the 5 cursed. Do dua and apply for other jobs and InshaAllah you’ll be successful because your Rizq was written before you were born don’t forget. Have faith and do the right thing towards Jannah and not jahannam.
Interest is one of the defining features of capitalism and it is capitalism, the endless accumulation of wealth, which is at the root of so many wars, oppression and poverty.But now we see that same capitalism is destroying our earth because it is that capitalism which is at the root of climate change. In other words, interest is partly to be blamed for destroying the whole planet.
This another superficial understanding of interest. Simply focusing on the ill effects on the “poor” leads to the kind of allowances that Dr Ally refers to. Interest has far reaching effects on the wider economy which lead to the kind of unstable boom and bust scenarios that the west frequently suffers from. Failure to appreciate the macroeconomic and social effects of of interests will mean poor and weak decisions such as those demonstrated here. Also to say muslims should seek a dispensation as long as they don’t take interest is also a folly. You perpetuate the system and are as complicit as the one who takes it. Muslims should seek alternative means. Maybe move away from urbanised areas to cheaper land that is easier to purchase and to build their own homes. History is littered with examples of religious groups flourishing when to seemingly left the buzz of affluent cities for the sake of religion.
Easier to say. I challenge you can't live one day without touching one thing that was produced by riba. Clothes, food, transport and what not. Each industry is under Debt and paying riba to banks. So stop buying clothes from the brands that are in debt, stop buying food from under debt companies, stop flying coz your airline is in debt. I honestly think we need a better understanding of what riba is that Quran talks about. Modern economy is way different than before.
play station This is a glib response. You’re creating a binary choice of either dealing with riba or live in a cave. I’ve suggested avoiding direct riba involvement such interest based loans and lending money on interest. The unavoidable derivative involvement of interest in the form of consumer products is not an excuse to accept all direct riba. By your reasoning we should consider consuming alcohol and zina as some of our purchases indirectly have a link to these activities.
@@homopolemicus3449 Alcohol and Zinah cant be evolved or developed for the better unlike modern day economy where governments have put together laws to avoid abuse of financially vulnerable by the few rich. Alcohol and Zinah are Haram and so is taking *the* USURY which Quran speaks about. The argument here is about the modern day interest that has many more facets than the Usury that Quran speaks of (provided we are understanding it correctly). So you are comparing apples to oranges just to attack my opinion. I want YOU to substantiate your stand please. If you can't touch interest then why eat food that was produced with interest? It all becomes subjective all of a sudden I see. PS: I am neither for or against what this video is about. I am challenging either side before I make my own opinion. Allah helps us.
@@playstation9435 The Hadith explicitly mention that the consumer, payer, witnesses, and writer of the Riba contract are cursed. I'm not sure what's the point of arguing here. There is another Hadith that says that there will come a time where everyone will be affected by the "dust of Riba", and it seems we are living in such a time today. The very notion of fiat money that is controlled by the Fed at their whim as they increase and decrease interest rates means that we are all affected. However, this does not give us an excuse to deal directly with Riba contracts, we are to avoid them as much as we can, and there are Halal alternatives. The fact that the industries you mentioned are dealing with Riba is their problem, they are going to be accounted for it, it does not make the actual products they deal with Haram, that's a fallacy. On a side note, we should fight consumerism, it's what's driving this entire mess we're in to begin with. Only purchase things that we need, and we should not get dragged into the latest fads and styles that come every year.
@@zhamed9587 Assalamunalaikum, I don't have any disagreement with what you said. I know very well about these hadith and their implications and in no way I am suggesting direct dealing with Riba contracts. Estağfurullah. The point I am making is, extrapolation of such hadith is questionable. For e.x. If you invest in a company that is producing halal products and helping the environment and what not then your investment become haram in case the company has debt. I have seen this argument on YT and then I raise questions I asked above that fine let's agree that putting money into such a company is Haram. Then what about buying products from such a company (lets also assume we are not part of the consumerism hysteria). Aren't you literally supporting the whole debt process by putting your money for products that are produced by Riba. The hadith of everyone involved in a Riba transaction being cursed was brought in the Islamic world to abolish the whole system all together. So why are we ignoring that big fact when we are buying products from debt ridden companies. Our aim should be boycotting such products and force these companies to go bankrupt or pay their debta first. Now let's look at another example, people argue that renting is ok than taking a house loan cause that's haram. Now, what happens in most cases is, the place you rent has been bought with a loan from the bank by the landlord to whom you are paying rent. You pay him and he pay the same money to bank to pay-off his debt. So if you think about it, you are literally paying the interest for the house you are living in. You can't just say it's not under my name hence I am exempted. You are not because you know that the house has been bought on riba and your payments are going directly to the banks eventually. Now living in the West, where can I find such property that is cheap enough and in a safe neighborhood, that has not been touched by riba if I have to agree with the scenarios I mentioned above. This is why I think extrapolation of Hadith is easy by people living in ME cause they don't face the complexities of the modern world. Well actually even living in the ME don't let you go off the hook. The governments over there are actively investing in stocks and bonds so any benefit you receive from the government is haram as well. I see people become subjective in such cases that ohh I am not involved directly in the riba transaction so I am exempted, really that's so childish. I mean who are we trying to fool here by bringing up these technicalities. Haram is haram whether it's first hand or second hand. But honestly I don't think the essence of Islam aim for hardships for genuine followers of the faith. If someone wants to buy a house with the intention of securing a safe place for his family and he has no other option than to approach a bank then I honestly believe that the God almighty who is rahman and raheem and loves us more than anyone else will be compassionate. Clearly the Quranic verses curse the people who *TAKE* interest. From the verses and the Islamic history you can understand that these riba eating people didn't have good intentions and were a curse to the society. Now how come people like us who believe in akhirah and fear God and don't have evil intentions to abuse anyone else are the same as the riba eating people mentioned in the holy book. The hadith that you mentioned was in the context of banning the whole practice all together in the Islamic sanctuary because a Muslim can still participate in the riba transaction without taking the riba and holy prophet wanted to abolish the practice all together. Now can we apply the same ruling in a non Islamic society like ours? Plus modern day economy is so different. The value of money depreciates over time, the value of assets appreciates over time and this makes borrowing money a lot more complicated especially if it's from Non-muslims. I give you $100 today and then get $100 dollars back from you after 10 years when the worth of dollar is much lower. Now mind you, if you take any thing in return in addition to the amount you lend then it will be classified as riba. Now if we go with literalism then you have incurred a loss and abused your financial situation yourself by receiving a depreciated sum of money. Same goes for renting. Such rulings about riba came to prevent abuse of people. Now what happens in the case of renting is exactly that. You keep paying money that's to someone else and make little to no savings for your future. You are in a worse economic situation than you would have been if you bought a house where you contribute towards your asset monthly instead of filling someone else's pockets. Renting is worse than taking a loan if you think about economic vulnerability it brings. Of course if you go by literalism then you won't see beyond the term interest based loan (even though we still enjoy products from interest). If I were in ME with Oil money and government subsidizing my bills and air conditioned house and easily accessible houses from the riches of oil trades then yeah I can also say taking loan for buying a house is haram even though my government buys corporate bonds and invest in all sorts of stocks but whatever, I will still tell the world that yeah keep renting and don't buy a house. I just pray to God to guide me through this because I don't expect help from anyone else but him. All these YT sheikhs have their own interpretations from the comfort of their lifestyles and probably don't even know the complexities of modern day economy. You can't say if I am not involved in riba transaction first hand then you re exempted. So with that logic if your friend murders someone to grab his money and then buy you a gift from that money will you accept that gift? No you will not because you know that it comes from haram. Same is for products from riba based companies. Riba is even bigger of a sin so how come people ignore it when it comes to eating your favourite chocolate or that branded shoe you are wearing. And then also by literalism I can prove that workong in a company that has debt is making your salary haram. I mean clearly all these examples are not valid because of the complexities of the societies and so is taking house loan for necessity. God helps us all.
Well what about investing money in government issued bonds? If I buy a five year long bond I will get interest of 9% for five years and government will invest that money for infrastructural developments, and if I withdraw that money before five year term I have to payback all the interest to government. *How it's harmful to society?* And if government don't take money from internal resources (like it's citizens) then they have to borrow from IFM or other Big time loan sharks or even from another governments. Which later we the citizens have to pay by over taxation!! Is there anyone educated enough to explain about this bond process? How it is Haram? And forcing government to borrow from other than its citizens is okay? Anyone care to explain?
I think you are quite right. Riba is about exploitation, not about productive investment, whether in bonds or stocks, or lending for a good purpose within the borrowers means, like buying a house or car. I think asking Islamic scholars to opine on modern financial issues they know nothing about is a mistake. They should stick to more important issues like ethics.
I believe that most scholars just don't have the courage to take the matter with all its elements in deep and even if they come to a conclusion that it is not haram they won't necessarily have the courage to broadcast it to others fearing responsibility. For this reason, I believe in these matters one has to read and get knowledge and read opinions and then based on all that take his own reflection and decision while asking Allah for guidance.
I am not agreed with dr per the Hadith both taking and giving interest are equally sinful acts. Interest is just the English term for Riba. Dr Zakir Naik and many other great scholars already explained these things... according to them even it is Haram to work as driver in a bank which deals with interest.
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Please, is it permissible to invest in a company which pays a specific percentage of the amount you invested every day for 10 months. Note that the investor is pleased with the his return and so is the company that uses the investment for business. The Company (patronpay) claims there a rise of the commodity it is dealing with(petroleum products) within every 10 months.
This is confusing. Why are we making harm 50% halal 🤔 its because of these types of rulings my educational journey was stained with interest & so was the purchase of my home. My dad enquired from some person from the mosque & he had said if the home is being used by your immediate family & not rented or leased for financial gain its permissble to buy a home on mortgage. Please brothers & sisters dont do this. I was taken advantage of left & right due to such bad decisions. Not only barakah has left my life but I've endured lots of hardship from ever since till now. My advice would be to pool your money amongst family & buy together, now a days this is quite a trend. As for your education, study any professional your like which is halal which your financial sitiation can handle. Wallahi if i had become a daycare or a social worker it would of been much more rewarding & affordible for me to do so & not fall into such a grave sin. May Allah Almighty forgive us, keep us from harm & haram & bless us with the best of both worlds & give us jannatul firdous. Aameen
Bank does the business with a contract not that they force u to get loan..the scholar said islam says rich dont need money to grow..they should loan the money to the poor..if poor cannot give returns to bank how would it be possible that they give it back to individuals..that’s completely misleading..islam acts such as having and growing money is curse whereas it is a skill..why rich will take the burden of the poor..if someone is capable he or she can be rich from any can also be poor And poor can also be depends on his will which islamic scholars foolishly ignores
taking the interest is bad but the giving it to him is not.!!! That has nothing to do with islam or even simple logic. it's like saying a prostitute is bad but the one sleeping with her is good....
Assalamu alykum I am Sri Lankan, I would like to get some carination of Riba (usury) based on Safi Madhab In Sri Lanka banks are giving interest (riba) on the saving, in order to rid-out this situation some scholars says, it (riba) can be taken out off account and give as charity (with out expecting any benefit) or use to build common toilet or putt up a roads and so on ….. My doubt is, riba is utterly haram , so how we can use this money and make a trade and pay wage for workers in order to build a common toilet ( for an example) or giving to charity in order to help a poor..! Please kindly explain based on Shafi Mudhab fiqh Jazak allahu hair Sukkran
If the interest given from the banks is mandatory and you cannot refuse this service and you cannot save your money any other way (cash) then the interest has to be used in some way. Agree or disagree?
Justification presented: interest is forbidden because it oppresses the poor paying of interest is acceptable Interest does not oppress people, people oppress people by their actions. A nominal interest of 0.5% is oppressive? Paying interest is acceptable, this statement is so not aligned with buidling a community and an ummah that it is not funny. The Sheikh clearly has not taken into consideration human behaviour or finance in making this conclusion as this is probally the most haram thing of all, likely even more haram than charging interest. Both of these statements ignore the point of riba (like for like) being haram and reflect unfortunately a scholary approach that lacks thought around what is Allah is trying to achieve on a grand scale...hint Ummah. I will publish something on this in the future.
Mortgages is haram whether living in a western country or mars. If paying interest then you come under the curse (Baddua) of our prophet (saw) then all your Salah, fasting, Hajj etc will nullify so you’ll die a loser. Think Jannah and not jahannam and you’ll make correct decisions in life. Living on rent is halal so go for it and don’t think it’s a financial loss because it’s not.
The interest which leads to oppressing people is Haram in Quran, in North America people pay rent which in reality they are paying someone else's mortgage coz rent and mortgage payments are pretty much the same here, now Bank lending you money and charging you certain profit on it coz they invested in your home, you putting some downpayment as your part of the investment, now bank and u are doing this as business, for example, i bought a house in 2015 for $400k now its value $1 million, i gained $600k how i am oppressed in it? i ended up making more money for the bank, tomorrow the financial crisis comes bank gonna lose i gonna lose too so while it's based on profit and loss how its Haram? i think Muslim Scholars need to revisit this topic because the entire Muslim world follows this banking system to run their countries and when it comes to individuals we have these Fatwas to follow i guess it should apply first to the state than upon people.
im not a scholar not even a religious person.. but for me this is absolutely false steatment.. if this matter concern i go to Dr Zakir Naik Sheikh Imran Hosein opinion
This man is very dangerous to listen to.He is abolishing the hadis of Rasululloh sollalohu alayhi vassalam.I think he is one of those liberal imams like Yasir Qadhi, Omar sulayman.
Let The Qo'raan speak NOT let Bughari, Muslim and others speak. Read The Qo'raan The Perfect Word of Allaah❤❤❤, The Almighty again and THINK. You comite SHIRK.
Better stay away from interest....and better not listen to people who say its ok to pay interest
In the older times, ppl giving loan were usually the very rich ones, who had powers to easily oppress, exploit the poor. There were no guidelines or a central governing entity to watch over the lender and the borrower.
Sin would be not helping your fellow brother/sister who is genuinely in need of money.
Sin would be helping your fellow brother or sister on conditions that are unreasonable. Just taking advantage of their situation.
Modern day bank related lending, interest given or taken from bank and inflation are totally different.
Help someone who is in genuine need. Do not exploit them for their situation.
Still this won’t change. “ANY INTEREST AND RIVA ARE FORBIDDEN 🚫” it’s an act against God (Allah).
Really? Banks are not owned by ultra rich? Banks do not confiscate houses and goods, put people into bankruptcy, destroy their entire lives with "bad" credit history. This is your best argument for riba and against Quran?
Some people here in the comments are completely missing the point. The term 'riba' is complex and does NOT simply equate to mortgages and loans being haram. We have taken a very narrow approach to this unfortunately, but thanks to Dr Shabir, the matter is more clarified now.
But aren’t they (interest based mortgages and loans) haram!?
So if we take up a mortgage with interest isn't that just encouraging & growing the business for the interest eaters a.k.a lenders?
Lend money to a friend - forget about the interest, you will be fortunate to get back your capital 😰
Its a universal fact🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lol can't relate yet but it's probably trus
I agree, dont mix up lending and friendship. Its a way to lose a friend. If a friend needs financial help, give him the money to pay back if he can, if not its ok.
Business is different, invest money to get a profit or a return as in a written contract (Quran 2:282).
I’m not sure how one hears the Hadith mentioned and comes out with the conclusion that paying interest is fine. Doesn’t the Hadith directly mention those who pay interest as being cursed?
Practical Islamic Finance yup. Five people are cursed. The one who gives. The one who takes. The one who records it. And the Two. Witnesses.
Hadiths are man written books. We should stick with Quran.
Well what about investing money in government issued bonds? If I buy a five year long bond I will get interest of 9% for five years and government will invest that money for infrastructural developments, and if I withdraw that money before five year term I have to payback all the interest to government. *How it's harmful to society?* And if government don't take money from internal resources (like it's citizens) then they have to borrow from IFM or other Big time loan sharks or even from another governments. Which later we the citizens have to pay by over taxation!!
Is there anyone educated enough to explain about this bond process? How it is Haram? And forcing government to borrow from other than its citizens is okay? Anyone care to explain?
@@My_Big_Dragon do not give it voluntarily. If the government is comeplling you to give money as taxes. You will not accounted for sin as Allah is ever merciful and all knowing..don't complicate just don't give it voluntarily .jazakAllah
@@SamiMemon The one who takes it would be the one who is giving it (The Mortgagee, the one with the money ) The one who records it would also be the Mortgagee also, the ones who witness, same as well.
Riba is about exploitation, not about productive investment, whether in bonds or stocks, or lending for a good purpose within the borrowers means, like buying a house or car. I think asking Islamic scholars to opine on modern financial issues they know little about is a mistake. They should stick to more important issues like ethics. I notice too Dr. Ally slips very quickly into interchanging the terms riba and interest, which is not accepted by everyone - particularly modernists.
This is Q&A
modernists? Sounds like heretics. Islam needs no modernization. Rules are clear. Paying and taking interest are haram, no matter what you call it.
@@comicahmet Riba was not clear to Caliph Umar, (companion of the prophet) - From 'Umar ibn al-Khattab : The last verse to be revealed was on riba and the Prophet, , was taken without explaining it to us; so give up not only riba but also raibah [whatever raises doubts in the mind about its rightful-ness]. (Ibn Majah) - so how do you claim to have better knowledge?
The principles of the prophet do not change, but society changes, so the way they are implemented will change.
@@roberthannah7983 ur just talking rubbish.
One should ponder over the Quranic verses and the historical context. The then riba and modern day interest are not the same. Riba produced double and triple in a year according to Quran. That was clearly unjust and exploitation of the poor and the poor had no choice. That's why Quran condemns the consumer of riba.
Drinking 1 litre of alcohol or 1 ml of alcohol both Haram
alcohol is alcohol that's right. But the question here is: is riba really the modern day interest?
@@greenbird1091 actually you probably do consume micro doses of alcohol because a lot of foods have small micro percentage of alcohol that can’t get you intoxicated and are barely traceable but we are allowed to consume this food because it’s such a low dose that it doesn’t effect our thoughts and intoxicate us which is the reason alcohol is made haram
What about inflation? I mean yes if we traded gold the value of gold stays the same over time but with dollar of pound or any, there is inflation so if I give you 100$ now and you repay me in 10 years the 100$ value deflates it worth alot less so the person lending the money is losing money. Can you answer this?
This kind of usury is paper currency versus gold This is why Gaddafi was killed because he wanted to sell oil in gold Good to know the truth about usurious banks, you are approaching the truth
U have answered urself,u take a loss in that scenario,that's it,concerning inflation its basically the market has risen its selling prices,which the seller has every right to do
Flouss - Lend money to a friend - forget about the interest, you will be fortunate to get back your capital 😰
How can we lend load from Bank? And how can we neglect Sahih Hadith? We cant ignore the beautiful words of our Prophet(pbuh)
It is more logical to accept that the condition of interest applies only to money against money. Once a commodity is involved, its no more an interest but a business transaction. The bank shares profit (charging interest for time value of money) and loss (because money may devalue over the period of interest). Most of the scholars who speak about Interest actually have no clue of Islamic economics. They completely ignore the financial environment of the era of prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Lets suppose that I need a house because I am paying a lot for rented flat. Bank offers me a 200k loan for 25y and the monthly installment would be similar to what I pay as rent. Why would Islam prohibit me from buying a house this way? bank needs a profit too. The bank is giving me a way to have some savings in the end, otherwise I loose 1k USD as rent on monthly basis and get nothing in the end when I leave the house. And Allah knows the best. May he guide me and others.
I think there is an exist of halal interest in mortgage. although the total payment and calculation is the same, the contract is not. while the conventional interest apply from borrowing money to money (just like you said), the Islamic contract is the Bank will buy the home and own it and the consumer must pay the rent annually. once the accumulated rent achieved the real value of the home (decided by the bank and the consumer), the consumer will have 100% ownership of the house. so Bank do not get profit from loan, but by selling the house with a higher price.
@@chawza8402 Are halal mortgages halal? The bank only buys the house (commodity) because you ask them; legally they own it, however they don't intend to use the house. They rent it to you and give you a percentage in every payment you make, but then charge you extra money (the same as interest rates) in your monthly payment. So why are you paying extra (the same as interest rates/or higher) in your monthly payments, if it is a like for like loan? e.g. 'halal' bank buys house for 100,000 they tell you to re-pay 12,000 per year for 10 years totalling 120,000 why do you pay an extra 20,000 more than the original house price?
@@Adamsandlerwb I'm not an expert at Islamic Finance but here is my take and this is the same question that I had while looking information regarding the halal mortgages.
if anyone can explain or correct me, please I'm open to any correction.
in the normal interest rate, we take profit from the Loan (or the amount of money to borrow) which is Haram and not how Halal Mortgage operates.
but in Islamic transaction it is allowed to make profit of an Asset for example, a House, toaster, bike, utensils.
since the Bank owns the House (Asset) they can sell at any price they want. and the customer will pay the bank's profit, not a loan.
because *there is no loan*, we are just paying the house that already paid by the bank and owned by the bank.
if I use your example, the customer did not loan 100.000 to buy the house, but buying the house with 120.000. (100.000 is the bank and the original house transaction, not yours.)
just I stated, the end calculation might be the same. buy the contract is different.
remember, the 20.000 is not interest that you pay, but it's the margin profit that the customer willing to pay.
it is similar like buying random clothes in the street and selling it on markup price on ebay.
@@chawza8402 Correct. It appears halal however if the borrower is asking the bank for a house costing 100,000 and the bank says ok we'll buy this house for you and sell it to you for 120,000 but **first WE must sign a contract agreeing to these terms, (contract signed between borrower and bank BEFORE the bank is in possession of the house/commodity - stating the house will be bought by the bank for 100,000 and re-sold in monthly payments equalling 120,000) how is that helping the borrower already un-able to afford the 100,000 (hence asking the bank).
This is essentially the same riba/interest logic and pushing the borrower further in debt, whilst the bank gets richer for essentially making money from money (technically a purchase according to the halal bank).
If the bank bought houses in cash and advertised these properties (with the selling price) and a buyer/borrower came to the bank and asked them which houses they have for sale, and chose a house that the bank ALREADY owned (BEFORE signing a contract with the borrower), and THEN the bank worked out a contract and selling price with the borrower this would be halal, as the bank have a house business, not a contract hold/re-assignment interest scheme.
The bank already has the house as collateral if the borrower fails to keep up with payments, therefore they would not lose money on their initial purchase. So the extra 20,000 is for what exactly? Why cant the bank lend the money at the original house price with no extra cost?
**The key thing is the bank DOES NOT own the house BEFORE signing an agreement with the borrower
**AND the bank would NOT have purchased this house IF the borrower had not asked them too, therefore the bank is NOT in the property business BUT in the making money from money /riba business.
Legally it is halal however logically/morally it is exactly the same as a non-halal bank
@@chawza8402 buying random clothes in the street and selling it
Not really, the bank is using its money to make an additional fixed return.
In sahih Muslim (1598) narrated that Jaabir said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba and the one who pays it, the one who writes it down and the two who witness it, and he said: they are all the same.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
That is, (they are all the same) in terms of being cursed, because they co-operated in that.
Currently we are living in system of modern banking which is heavily regulated by government considering market conditions, liquidity, inflation, there is always fluctuations from top. Currently every system is touched by banking system, that means everything is haram or not.
do you have an alternative to money lending system , which covers monetary policy , controlling inflation , increasing and decreasing speed of economic growth due to over heating , how will a entrepreneurs get money to bring a new compony or untested technology into existence if investors are scared of the risk , mansa moussa came to Egypt he gave so much gold that is inflation the market and caused the gold to become value to fall heavily that's inflation it took a decade to recover from that , riba is haram but that's about it our schoolers are busy saying this but don't give us an alternative
This scholar are narrow minded
Usury ia haram not interest if its not exploiting you
Is there any Islamic scholar who actually understands the history of lending why riba was prohibited, modern financial system, and the classification of low interest collateralized loans? Please do another video with someone who is qualified. With respect.
If eating interest is not permissible, giving it can't be lawful because without borrowers the barons can't charge you with interests
Exactly. By saying it's okay to give, the borrower will just add more fuel to the fire 🔥 (the lenders. a.k.a interest eaters) thus the cycle continues
Whereas it was ruled by many imams globally that, for those living in western countries, buying houses on interest is allowed out of necessity, because they cannot purchase homes otherwise, it is far from ruling that giving interest is halal. Much like how one is allowed to eat pig in certain EXTREME cases - though it's permitted in those cases, that doesn't make pig meat halal.
not only in western countries but in asian countries there are plenty of poor people. so you mean it is halal for westerns but not for asians. or it is halal for all the muslim communities.
brother it is haram either giving it or taking it. no mortgage
@@agribusiness689 My thinking has changed considerably from what I said in the above comment... it is in agreement with you.
@@grandmasterqz what made you change your stance on this?
Riba is 100% haram and doesn’t become halal living in a western country or on mars. If a person cannot afford to buy a house then live on rent but do not take a riba loan because you’ll be living on be living under our Prophet Mohammed’s curse so all your Salah, fasting, Hajj etc will not be accepted. Think Jannah everyday and you’ll always make halal/successful decisions. May Allah (swt) protect all of us from riba. AMEEN.
Does Riba considers market devaluation?
I don’t get how only “taking it” is bad. I believe paying interest is also haram
Rejection of any valid hadeeth which elaborates the Quranic principle in more detail is infact disobeying Muhammed (pbuh), hence disobeying Allah (swt).
Riba (taking or giving) both are haram. Similar to intoxicants (selling or consuming).
It does not elaborate. It adds extra teachings to the Qur'anic teaching, making life difficult.
He doesn't reject it but he didn't elaborate his opinion clearly. I think what he meant is that paying riba voluntarily is forbiden but if you are compelled by the goverment or if paying riba is the only way to do things, for example if riba is gonna give you financial freedom and not paying it will make you financial slave then it is okay to pay because that is not in your controll, and Allah is understanding and mercifull. Either way, Allah wants us to be devoted to him not slaves to someone else for the rest of our lives.
Please read it : The Last Book or Books?
The ahadith take the verses out of context in the name of elaborating.
"Let the Quran Speak" did you select wrong person to speak on the subject or it is your agenda too ?
Interest, I believe is still oppressive and always will be as unforseen situations (The Great Depression back in the days and Inflation due to Covid are two strong examples) can always occur which can lead to horrible, horrifying conditions even with just a small amount of interest as the money you owe increases over time so you get more and more in debt. And this is not just a theory. In the US, the average debt on a person is 96k and there are a very high amount of people filing bankruptcies or getting into debt settlement programs, going broke .etc. And that is just US, as an example. Islam is not a religion of unnecessary limitations. Limitations are in place for a reason and either we have to not question the reason too much and follow it for Allah or if we question it then we have to really do our research from all angles and look for the strong valid reason, which we would find as I always have and no matter what the era as Islam is timeless. It's not shallow.
hello brothers and sisters i have a genuine question to ask
is the interest banks give you for saving your money included as riba? thank you
That's what I wanna know
Same here
Yes , it's also riba
one question, what is equivalent of inflation of money in islam ? the interest somehow help to tackle the inflation..
is it ok to invest in government bonds?
There is always advise that riba is haram and what the consequences are....but what do we do to avoid it wen the banks pay riba into ur account...we can't give it to charity we cant use it and we can't just leave it wat do we do....why doesn't 1 person give beneficial advise instead of stating the obvious and teaching more of the same that we already know
What was the answer of last question?no for Is it unlawful or no that it is unlawful?
what about the bank interest they give when we have a bank account with them, is it also Riba ? Because we didn’t ask for that. Thank you
Aisha Khaja you missed a point when Dr Shabir said it’s not beneficial for the one paying. You should have said well in fact it is because the person now has the facility to pay in instalments rather than find the full amount etc etc.
Asad Khan I agree
Obviously the deal is beneficial to the one paying or he would not do it!
Oh thanks! JAK.
If any person want to make a business but does not have money. Can he take loan to make business? That loan may help to stable his business. Bank gave money to a person and take back the loan amount and some access as interest/profit. Say for a 10 years loan of 100K. After 10 years bank will get 120K by installment. Bank have operating costs, financial cost and after 10 years time value of money will be definitely less. On the other hand the borrower may invest the amount for certain businesses or property that may help him to make a gain at any form. That we can calculate in monetary form and that may not less than the returned amount. So bank is not actually taking extra amount in terms of borrowers gain accordingly the borrower may not give extra than his gain. According to Quran riba means taking access other than immediate transactions. Even in case of batra system access can be considered riba other than immediate transactions(cash).
And incase of mortgage say homeloan, a borrower buy a flat he gave extra amount as interest (not only in form of interest but any other form of access other than immediate transaction is riba) and gained same amount or more (as not expending rent as tanent ) how it could be a riba? Because borrower not been oppressed at all. But if bank take Compound interest that must be riba and haram. Well calculated cumulative interest that doesn't oppress the borrower is that would be considered riba?
I am a graduate and i am working as an auditor in Lapo microfinance company. and i heard about riba. so what is my own in that. am i also involved in the riba. it was my first job. please i need to know what to do.
Don’t work in a place dealing with riba because you’ll be counted as one of the 5 cursed. Do dua and apply for other jobs and InshaAllah you’ll be successful because your Rizq was written before you were born don’t forget. Have faith and do the right thing towards Jannah and not jahannam.
"what did i just hear", ..... "Paying interest is permissible"🙉 , I must have had landed on a new planet!
If that is the only way than yes. It is forbiden to pay it voluntarily just so you can buy fancy car for example!
He's saying that because today there arent any banks that doesnt do interest
@@alif-mustaqim Doesn't matter. IT IS HARAM EITHER WAY
@@farisqneibi2371 since there aren't any banks that do not do interest, it leaves us with no choice but to pay interest
Alif Mustaqim i am doing just fine in my life
Interest is one of the defining features of capitalism and it is capitalism, the endless accumulation of wealth, which is at the root of so many wars, oppression and poverty.But now we see that same capitalism is destroying our earth because it is that capitalism which is at the root of climate change. In other words, interest is partly to be blamed for destroying the whole planet.
Sir, in this instance living in Canada, can one borrow money to run a business knowing that he will pay back with interest?
This another superficial understanding of interest. Simply focusing on the ill effects on the “poor” leads to the kind of allowances that Dr Ally refers to. Interest has far reaching effects on the wider economy which lead to the kind of unstable boom and bust scenarios that the west frequently suffers from. Failure to appreciate the macroeconomic and social effects of of interests will mean poor and weak decisions such as those demonstrated here. Also to say muslims should seek a dispensation as long as they don’t take interest is also a folly. You perpetuate the system and are as complicit as the one who takes it. Muslims should seek alternative means. Maybe move away from urbanised areas to cheaper land that is easier to purchase and to build their own homes. History is littered with examples of religious groups flourishing when to seemingly left the buzz of affluent cities for the sake of religion.
Easier to say. I challenge you can't live one day without touching one thing that was produced by riba. Clothes, food, transport and what not. Each industry is under Debt and paying riba to banks. So stop buying clothes from the brands that are in debt, stop buying food from under debt companies, stop flying coz your airline is in debt. I honestly think we need a better understanding of what riba is that Quran talks about. Modern economy is way different than before.
play station This is a glib response. You’re creating a binary choice of either dealing with riba or live in a cave. I’ve suggested avoiding direct riba involvement such interest based loans and lending money on interest. The unavoidable derivative involvement of interest in the form of consumer products is not an excuse to accept all direct riba. By your reasoning we should consider consuming alcohol and zina as some of our purchases indirectly have a link to these activities.
@@homopolemicus3449 Alcohol and Zinah cant be evolved or developed for the better unlike modern day economy where governments have put together laws to avoid abuse of financially vulnerable by the few rich. Alcohol and Zinah are Haram and so is taking *the* USURY which Quran speaks about. The argument here is about the modern day interest that has many more facets than the Usury that Quran speaks of (provided we are understanding it correctly). So you are comparing apples to oranges just to attack my opinion. I want YOU to substantiate your stand please. If you can't touch interest then why eat food that was produced with interest? It all becomes subjective all of a sudden I see.
PS: I am neither for or against what this video is about. I am challenging either side before I make my own opinion. Allah helps us.
@@playstation9435 The Hadith explicitly mention that the consumer, payer, witnesses, and writer of the Riba contract are cursed. I'm not sure what's the point of arguing here. There is another Hadith that says that there will come a time where everyone will be affected by the "dust of Riba", and it seems we are living in such a time today. The very notion of fiat money that is controlled by the Fed at their whim as they increase and decrease interest rates means that we are all affected. However, this does not give us an excuse to deal directly with Riba contracts, we are to avoid them as much as we can, and there are Halal alternatives. The fact that the industries you mentioned are dealing with Riba is their problem, they are going to be accounted for it, it does not make the actual products they deal with Haram, that's a fallacy. On a side note, we should fight consumerism, it's what's driving this entire mess we're in to begin with. Only purchase things that we need, and we should not get dragged into the latest fads and styles that come every year.
@@zhamed9587 Assalamunalaikum, I don't have any disagreement with what you said. I know very well about these hadith and their implications and in no way I am suggesting direct dealing with Riba contracts. Estağfurullah.
The point I am making is, extrapolation of such hadith is questionable. For e.x. If you invest in a company that is producing halal products and helping the environment and what not then your investment become haram in case the company has debt. I have seen this argument on YT and then I raise questions I asked above that fine let's agree that putting money into such a company is Haram. Then what about buying products from such a company (lets also assume we are not part of the consumerism hysteria). Aren't you literally supporting the whole debt process by putting your money for products that are produced by Riba.
The hadith of everyone involved in a Riba transaction being cursed was brought in the Islamic world to abolish the whole system all together. So why are we ignoring that big fact when we are buying products from debt ridden companies. Our aim should be boycotting such products and force these companies to go bankrupt or pay their debta first.
Now let's look at another example, people argue that renting is ok than taking a house loan cause that's haram. Now, what happens in most cases is, the place you rent has been bought with a loan from the bank by the landlord to whom you are paying rent. You pay him and he pay the same money to bank to pay-off his debt. So if you think about it, you are literally paying the interest for the house you are living in. You can't just say it's not under my name hence I am exempted. You are not because you know that the house has been bought on riba and your payments are going directly to the banks eventually.
Now living in the West, where can I find such property that is cheap enough and in a safe neighborhood, that has not been touched by riba if I have to agree with the scenarios I mentioned above.
This is why I think extrapolation of Hadith is easy by people living in ME cause they don't face the complexities of the modern world. Well actually even living in the ME don't let you go off the hook. The governments over there are actively investing in stocks and bonds so any benefit you receive from the government is haram as well.
I see people become subjective in such cases that ohh I am not involved directly in the riba transaction so I am exempted, really that's so childish. I mean who are we trying to fool here by bringing up these technicalities. Haram is haram whether it's first hand or second hand.
But honestly I don't think the essence of Islam aim for hardships for genuine followers of the faith. If someone wants to buy a house with the intention of securing a safe place for his family and he has no other option than to approach a bank then I honestly believe that the God almighty who is rahman and raheem and loves us more than anyone else will be compassionate. Clearly the Quranic verses curse the people who *TAKE* interest. From the verses and the Islamic history you can understand that these riba eating people didn't have good intentions and were a curse to the society. Now how come people like us who believe in akhirah and fear God and don't have evil intentions to abuse anyone else are the same as the riba eating people mentioned in the holy book. The hadith that you mentioned was in the context of banning the whole practice all together in the Islamic sanctuary because a Muslim can still participate in the riba transaction without taking the riba and holy prophet wanted to abolish the practice all together. Now can we apply the same ruling in a non Islamic society like ours?
Plus modern day economy is so different. The value of money depreciates over time, the value of assets appreciates over time and this makes borrowing money a lot more complicated especially if it's from Non-muslims. I give you $100 today and then get $100 dollars back from you after 10 years when the worth of dollar is much lower. Now mind you, if you take any thing in return in addition to the amount you lend then it will be classified as riba. Now if we go with literalism then you have incurred a loss and abused your financial situation yourself by receiving a depreciated sum of money.
Same goes for renting. Such rulings about riba came to prevent abuse of people. Now what happens in the case of renting is exactly that. You keep paying money that's to someone else and make little to no savings for your future. You are in a worse economic situation than you would have been if you bought a house where you contribute towards your asset monthly instead of filling someone else's pockets. Renting is worse than taking a loan if you think about economic vulnerability it brings. Of course if you go by literalism then you won't see beyond the term interest based loan (even though we still enjoy products from interest).
If I were in ME with Oil money and government subsidizing my bills and air conditioned house and easily accessible houses from the riches of oil trades then yeah I can also say taking loan for buying a house is haram even though my government buys corporate bonds and invest in all sorts of stocks but whatever, I will still tell the world that yeah keep renting and don't buy a house.
I just pray to God to guide me through this because I don't expect help from anyone else but him. All these YT sheikhs have their own interpretations from the comfort of their lifestyles and probably don't even know the complexities of modern day economy.
You can't say if I am not involved in riba transaction first hand then you re exempted. So with that logic if your friend murders someone to grab his money and then buy you a gift from that money will you accept that gift? No you will not because you know that it comes from haram. Same is for products from riba based companies. Riba is even bigger of a sin so how come people ignore it when it comes to eating your favourite chocolate or that branded shoe you are wearing.
And then also by literalism I can prove that workong in a company that has debt is making your salary haram.
I mean clearly all these examples are not valid because of the complexities of the societies and so is taking house loan for necessity. God helps us all.
Even the West had prohibited interest until the Pope allowed it - which is still hard to explain...
Dear sheikh
Interest is haram even paying it simple is that, don’t misguide people
What are the ways to dispose accumulated bank interest?
Donate it!
Well what about investing money in government issued bonds? If I buy a five year long bond I will get interest of 9% for five years and government will invest that money for infrastructural developments, and if I withdraw that money before five year term I have to payback all the interest to government. *How it's harmful to society?* And if government don't take money from internal resources (like it's citizens) then they have to borrow from IFM or other Big time loan sharks or even from another governments. Which later we the citizens have to pay by over taxation!!
Is there anyone educated enough to explain about this bond process? How it is Haram? And forcing government to borrow from other than its citizens is okay? Anyone care to explain?
I think you are quite right. Riba is about exploitation, not about productive investment, whether in bonds or stocks, or lending for a good purpose within the borrowers means, like buying a house or car. I think asking Islamic scholars to opine on modern financial issues they know nothing about is a mistake. They should stick to more important issues like ethics.
I believe that most scholars just don't have the courage to take the matter with all its elements in deep and even if they come to a conclusion that it is not haram they won't necessarily have the courage to broadcast it to others fearing responsibility. For this reason, I believe in these matters one has to read and get knowledge and read opinions and then based on all that take his own reflection and decision while asking Allah for guidance.
2:35 how can you leave the Hadith aside, both Qur'an and Hadith complete our deen, what are you talking 😢
Video in short - listen to scholars like Shabbir throw away Quran.
I am not agreed with dr per the Hadith both taking and giving interest are equally sinful acts. Interest is just the English term for Riba. Dr Zakir Naik and many other great scholars already explained these things... according to them even it is Haram to work as driver in a bank which deals with interest.
You sure it’s internet or usury? 2 are different things
@@sadeed2839 usury is a type of interest. Lending money with very high rate of interest is called usury
Green Bird yes
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Please, is it permissible to invest in a company which pays a specific percentage of the amount you invested every day for 10 months. Note that the investor is pleased with the his return and so is the company that uses the investment for business. The Company (patronpay) claims there a rise of the commodity it is dealing with(petroleum products) within every 10 months.
This is confusing. Why are we making harm 50% halal 🤔 its because of these types of rulings my educational journey was stained with interest & so was the purchase of my home. My dad enquired from some person from the mosque & he had said if the home is being used by your immediate family & not rented or leased for financial gain its permissble to buy a home on mortgage. Please brothers & sisters dont do this. I was taken advantage of left & right due to such bad decisions. Not only barakah has left my life but I've endured lots of hardship from ever since till now. My advice would be to pool your money amongst family & buy together, now a days this is quite a trend. As for your education, study any professional your like which is halal which your financial sitiation can handle. Wallahi if i had become a daycare or a social worker it would of been much more rewarding & affordible for me to do so & not fall into such a grave sin. May Allah Almighty forgive us, keep us from harm & haram & bless us with the best of both worlds & give us jannatul firdous. Aameen
Bank does the business with a contract not that they force u to get loan..the scholar said islam says rich dont need money to grow..they should loan the money to the poor..if poor cannot give returns to bank how would it be possible that they give it back to individuals..that’s completely misleading..islam acts such as having and growing money is curse whereas it is a skill..why rich will take the burden of the poor..if someone is capable he or she can be rich from any can also be poor And poor can also be depends on his will which islamic scholars foolishly ignores
taking the interest is bad but the giving it to him is not.!!! That has nothing to do with islam or even simple logic. it's like saying a prostitute is bad but the one sleeping with her is good....
Assalamu alykum
I am Sri Lankan, I would like to get some carination of Riba (usury) based on Safi Madhab
In Sri Lanka banks are giving interest (riba) on the saving, in order to rid-out this situation some scholars says, it (riba) can be taken out off account and give as charity (with out expecting any benefit) or use to build common toilet or putt up a roads and so on …..
My doubt is, riba is utterly haram , so how we can use this money and make a trade and pay wage for workers in order to build a common toilet ( for an example) or giving to charity in order to help a poor..!
Please kindly explain based on Shafi Mudhab fiqh
Jazak allahu hair
If the interest given from the banks is mandatory and you cannot refuse this service and you cannot save your money any other way (cash) then the interest has to be used in some way. Agree or disagree?
And what about the Hadith the prophet said all of them are equal leave this man alone follow the prophet
Justification presented:
interest is forbidden because it oppresses the poor
paying of interest is acceptable
Interest does not oppress people, people oppress people by their actions. A nominal interest of 0.5% is oppressive?
Paying interest is acceptable, this statement is so not aligned with buidling a community and an ummah that it is not funny. The Sheikh clearly has not taken into consideration human behaviour or finance in making this conclusion as this is probally the most haram thing of all, likely even more haram than charging interest.
Both of these statements ignore the point of riba (like for like) being haram and reflect unfortunately a scholary approach that lacks thought around what is Allah is trying to achieve on a grand scale...hint Ummah. I will publish something on this in the future.
One should not deal in interest, what if u have a mortgage and die? SubahanAllah
That's what mortgage insurance is for.
Mortgages is haram whether living in a western country or mars. If paying interest then you come under the curse (Baddua) of our prophet (saw) then all your Salah, fasting, Hajj etc will nullify so you’ll die a loser. Think Jannah and not jahannam and you’ll make correct decisions in life. Living on rent is halal so go for it and don’t think it’s a financial loss because it’s not.
@@tc1817 yeah good luck with that
This guy gonna be in my ban list
The interest which leads to oppressing people is Haram in Quran, in North America people pay rent which in reality they are paying someone else's mortgage coz rent and mortgage payments are pretty much the same here, now Bank lending you money and charging you certain profit on it coz they invested in your home, you putting some downpayment as your part of the investment, now bank and u are doing this as business, for example, i bought a house in 2015 for $400k now its value $1 million, i gained $600k how i am oppressed in it? i ended up making more money for the bank, tomorrow the financial crisis comes bank gonna lose i gonna lose too so while it's based on profit and loss how its Haram? i think Muslim Scholars need to revisit this topic because the entire Muslim world follows this banking system to run their countries and when it comes to individuals we have these Fatwas to follow i guess it should apply first to the state than upon people.
this guy is just saying this because he bought a house in canada
Interest is fraud in Islam! Fraud is haram!
What a lame explanation keeping aside everything from Quran & Hadith...
Riba is prohibited either taking or giving..That's it...
im not a scholar not even a religious person.. but for me this is absolutely false steatment.. if this matter concern i go to Dr Zakir Naik Sheikh Imran Hosein opinion
Naik is prohibited in several countries for hate speech. Hosein just rants on about evil bankers.
@@roberthannah7983 your excuses doesnt make loan bank on interest become halal
This man is very dangerous to listen to.He is abolishing the hadis of Rasululloh sollalohu alayhi vassalam.I think he is one of those liberal imams like Yasir Qadhi, Omar sulayman.
Y a lady is asking u
I wonder who are those "many scholars" whom Shabir Ally referring to ?
Riba is haram in any shape.
Let The Qo'raan speak NOT let Bughari, Muslim and others speak. Read The Qo'raan The Perfect Word of Allaah❤❤❤, The Almighty again and THINK. You comite SHIRK.
I find this channel very informative but it is a fitna for me to watch this sister lol
She's doing her job and is modest. So the fitna is because of you.
Then get married and enjoy a real wife