
Комментарии • 83

  • @SubparProfessional
    @SubparProfessional  2 года назад +5

    My Starset Song/Rant:видео.html

  • @SegraGaming20
    @SegraGaming20 2 года назад +64

    Starset have 4 kinds of songs. The heavy, the rock, the pop/rock/electronic and the cinematic atmospheres. I feel like most of the fans are into the pop/rock lighter songs though which is why they do more of them, and from what I see not many of them like the harder/heavier ones, especially the screams. Which is a shame, they're my favourite band and I love all their music, but I really wish they'd do more of the heavy/rock instead of the pop-rock. They've shown how well they can do it and Dustins screams are unreal, they just need to lean into more. If your looking for heavy ones, Gravity of You, Bringing It Down, and Frequency are the ones to go for. Everglow, Dark On Me, Diving Bell, Perfect Machine and Something Wicked are great though, they're all the more atmospheric different songs and they all hit hard. I can definately see why Starset isn't for everyone, especially if you're into metal because expecting that from them usually leads to dissapointment.

    • @radiohoed
      @radiohoed 2 года назад +6

      I agree with you 100%, I feel like he is confused about what Starset is as a band though lol. He states that they're a metal band multiple times but that they weren't doing it right, but like, I think thats because they aren't a metal band. They have metal elements for sure, and metal-ish songs like this one, but they're definitely more of a hybrid. They don't exactly fall under any specific label. Not to say he's wrong because he disagrees with my views, but Starset just is not a metal band and that might be why he isn't satisfied with their music.

    • @Brandon2940
      @Brandon2940 2 года назад

      He didn't like Frequency at all, I can already guess he won't like Bringing It Down because of the chorus there.

    • @SegraGaming20
      @SegraGaming20 2 года назад +6

      @@Brandon2940 Yeah I can see why he wouldn’t, which is fine if he doesn’t . Not everything is for everyone. Just a bit unfair if you’re expecting them to be something they’re not. The problem I feel a lot of people have with Starset is if they don’t know a lot about them outside of the standard singles, they think they’re a rock/metal band which isn’t true. Alternative is probably the easiest description, they just use elements form every genre. I feel like since they got popular off My Demons/Carnivore/Transmissions, people think that’s all they they are which is so far from right. They’re just left over songs from Downplay which if we’re being bluntly honest was Breaking Benjamin 2.0, not that either are bad but y’know. Vessels showcases what Starset truly are imo. Which for a lot of people, especially in the metal community is a turn off, but also for some a guilty pleasure of sorts. I’ve seen a whole lot of metalcore fans like them even though they’re out of their norm.

    • @zacharyparkhurst-whidden366
      @zacharyparkhurst-whidden366 Год назад

      Since my music tastes are geared more towards TheFatRat, Illenium and Maribou State, I think it's safe to say I would be one of the more techno-inclined fans.

  • @tyfi31
    @tyfi31 2 года назад +36

    I think it's totally fair the critques you gave starset in this video, however, starset had never stated that they're a metal band. The vocalist says they identify as "cinematic rock"

  • @0heneBediako
    @0heneBediako 2 года назад +23

    Your logic is ... well ... easily deniable. An appeal to hypocrisy doesn't make your argument correct. Starset is not "a metal band." They are stylistically diverse with their songs ranging in genre from metal to pop. If you listen to one of their songs without elements of metal, it's not missing, it is because its simply not supposed to be there. Look them up on the Wiki. They are categorized in the genres "Hard rock, electronic rock, and alternative rock." To each his own, but don't let your incorrect perception of their genre negatively influence your opinion, and consequently the opinions of others, about their music. Their music can't be rated with the same parameters as songs put out by Tool, Slayer, and Metallica. Those are metal bands. Read it how you will, but if you can understand you'd see it's the truth. Keep up the content - Peace.

    • @aowwii
      @aowwii 2 года назад +6

      My issue with just about every youtuber that dislikes Starset is that their reason is the exact same. "They aren't metal".
      Some are a little smarter in the fact that they can point out a pattern in some Starset songs, but most of these guys come across as one dimensional. Holier-than-thou because they listen to metal.
      There's nothing wrong with having a specific taste, but they treat any other genre of music as something lesser. Like their genre is some form of enlightenment they have reached.
      Let's compare. I love their rock songs. I love the metal songs. I love the cinematic feel to some songs. I love the pop/vibe to other songs. Would it be wrong if I looked down on these guys because I had a more diverse taste in music? Would I call these guys like 'picky eaters'?
      Should I really trust the opinion of a guy that dismisses anything that has an electronic/pop sound, less guitar, and no screaming? Is that all it takes to make music? Intense guitar + scream? This isn't bashing this guy in particular, but just about every other toxic "metalhead' out there.

  • @Knightkrawla34
    @Knightkrawla34 2 года назад +11

    Metal doesnt always warrant screaming, the reason why starset sets themselves apart from other is because of how versatile they are, im a hugeeee metal fan, Periphery, Alphawolf, Monuments, ect, but starset is a breath of fresh air for rock music in general

  • @ECH0-UN1T
    @ECH0-UN1T 2 года назад +27

    I watched your rant video yesterday, and honestly I really respect your opinion. I can understand that the music can sound either too safe or generic at points regardless of whether it was soft or heavier into more of the metal elements. I myself simply enjoy the band for the production value and maybe even the lore. I found them as easy to pick up and vibe to when it came to heavier music styles, and the sci-fi theme became a solid deal.
    You have every right to have your perspectives and opinions of this band. Because I believe that while you may not personally like how they structure songs, you still want them to improve and become more daring and deep with it's musical chemistry. I'm no professional when it comes to music, so the expectations of whether a song is good or not is lower, because to a casual viewer...a lot of bands with a decent sound is good enough for this kind of praise.
    Since you have experience creating music yourself, you have higher expectations. You're straightforward and genuine with your criticism, and that is completely reasonable as a music-based reviewer.
    I just wanted to say that while I have listened and been a fan of this band since their debut album Transmissions, I am not offended whatsoever. Everyone likes what they like, some for more reasons than others. And it's always good to understand the flaws that not many will pick up even on repeated listens.
    Just do what you like to do and have fun with it! You don't have to be forced to listen, but every once and a while see if they took your advice and improved by your standard or not. HORIZONS just came out, so maybe they made improvements that suit you. Of course I just sounds good ngl. Music casual is impressed as usual lol.
    Just be yourself, no need to pander. Keep rockin' on! 🤘

    • @SubparProfessional
      @SubparProfessional  2 года назад +13

      The world is better when there are more people like you.

    • @ECH0-UN1T
      @ECH0-UN1T 2 года назад +9

      @@SubparProfessional Why thank you! I'm just a guy being honest and doing so comfortably, as many people should be these days. Take care! 👋

  • @ashleypixie3781
    @ashleypixie3781 2 года назад +18

    Starset is a cinematic rock band. The lead singer states this numerous times. Their new album Horizons maybe have a lot of songs that you won't like however Devolution maybe one that you may like.

  • @josueproductions6557
    @josueproductions6557 2 года назад +38

    I love how Everyone be thinking STARSET is a metal band😂😂 they aren't really heavy. They lean more on to the more melodic sounds with some heavy elements but doesn't seem like they don't want to be completely metal
    For example their new album came out like yesterday I believe and it had some heavy elements but there isn't really a heavy song on it except maybe for DEVOLUTION. But it's more on the chill groovy pretty side of things and I personally like that but I don't consider em a "heavy" band in my opinion.

    • @ultimatetrishbhatia
      @ultimatetrishbhatia 2 года назад +7

      The instrumentation on horizons is heavy compared to their previous albums, but vocally it is much softer

    • @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes
      @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes 2 года назад +2

      You forgot something wicked smh it's also heavy xD

    • @Brandon2940
      @Brandon2940 2 года назад +3

      They're a rock band, NOT a metal band. I kinda find it weird to say they are metal haha

    • @chrisredfield2301
      @chrisredfield2301 2 года назад

      @@Brandon2940 They have some metal elements in some songs, tho. Like this one, for instance xD

  • @malaki7335
    @malaki7335 2 года назад +24

    I wouldn't really concider Starset a metal band at all, though there is some metal influence in their style. You would maybe like a tiny bit of their new music, but they still have their classic Starset style which is something you will probably never enjoy. I'm thinking you would like some of their less traditional songs like Something Wicked, Everglow, or more emotional ballad type songs like Diving Bell and Disappear.

  • @MicroMediaGaming
    @MicroMediaGaming 2 года назад +19

    “Bringing it down 2.0” is the heaviest song they have and their best imo.I get your critiques and I honestly think you will dig this one 100%.

    • @thefakeone7593
      @thefakeone7593 2 года назад +5

      Bringing it down 2.0 sucks compared to the original Bringing it down and even the original wasnt one of their best.

    • @chrisredfield2301
      @chrisredfield2301 2 года назад +1

      @@thefakeone7593 Why does the 2.0 sucks compared to the original, according to you?

  • @ghostrecon3834
    @ghostrecon3834 2 года назад +7

    Lol where the hell is this dude getting that Starset is a “metal band”? They’re literally not, lmao. They’re hard rock, electronic rock, space rock, and obviously have some elements of metal in their songs. They’re not a “metal band” though. This reaction pissed me off because he’s literally judging their music based off a false premise. Dude clearly have no clue what he’s talking or at the least has done zero research just making up random crap in his head. Starset is not a “metal” band. That’s why they don’t typically do a lot of screams or “metal vocals” as you call them. Get it right dude 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @jordanbraden4043
    @jordanbraden4043 2 года назад +3

    Tbh I love all of starset music. All their music is different. And it's good. Also they're kinda their own genre.

  • @mfolger75
    @mfolger75 2 года назад +1

    47 year old classically trained musician here. Your rant video is hilarious. Your honestly is refreshing. As a pretty big fan of Starset, I understand that they arent for everyone and even if you like them, not all of their songs are gonna be great. As a fan of many different genres, I actually appreciate how they blend metal, pop, EDM and industrial, but that's just me. You do you, my man

  • @1302DevilDog
    @1302DevilDog Год назад +2

    Tell me you don't know Starset without telling me you don't know Starset. Saying Starset is Metal is completely wrong. Haha "metal gatekeepers" are the most toxic people.

  • @ericappleson
    @ericappleson 2 года назад +6

    You should check out "Something Wicked" from their latest album. It really stands out from the standard Starset structure.

  • @theThomas1a
    @theThomas1a 2 года назад +5

    Wish their new album had a song with a title that started with “Tele-“ because it’s the first one that doesn’t and for some reason that’s the first thing i noticed at the tracklist haha

    • @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes
      @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes 2 года назад +2

      Well... Tunnelvision sounds like television 🤣🤣

    • @YTCBlackStar
      @YTCBlackStar 2 года назад +2

      @@GowSpeedrunsAndMemes the people were spamming Television during the stream lol

    • @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes
      @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes 2 года назад

      @@YTCBlackStar 😂

    • @theThomas1a
      @theThomas1a 2 года назад

      @@GowSpeedrunsAndMemes just got to change the chorus to: “Television -un -un Television -un -un Television”

  • @lastyhopper2792
    @lastyhopper2792 Год назад +2

    5:54 nah.. I don't agree with your opinion there.. It is absolutely okay for someone to make a music that uses metal instrument, but has no scream in it.
    I think it is good because, it might attract someone, who is alergic to metal, to actually listen to some sick metal melodies and instrumental plays.
    I remember 7.5 years ago, I was listening to ax7, I was only listening to their songs that has no heavy growly scream, because I simply don't like it.
    Fast forward later, I am now mostly listening to metal songs. Of course I still love every other genre, if I found them to be a memorable and beautiful or amazing piece of music. I will put it in my playlist.

  • @Kinetik901
    @Kinetik901 2 года назад +2

    Definitely one of my favourites, super dark techno beats to build atmosphere and really dirty guitars in the chorus. Breakdown within a breakdown with both high and low screams is super nice. Glad you finally got around to a song that is more suited to your likes, unlike everything else that people have suggested lol.

  • @dualmarrow1196
    @dualmarrow1196 2 года назад +4

    Yeah the intro, with how it started had me second guessing if it was that one. Glad I was right and it was Telekinetic

  • @ZorinNephalemz
    @ZorinNephalemz Год назад

    Starset is my favorite band, I like all their songs. But I do agree, I wish Dustin would scream more, his screams are so good. Hopefully on their 5th album we will get a lot more heavier.

  • @ensco7
    @ensco7 2 года назад +6

    Wait, you thought Starset was a metal band?? Oh my god...

    • @SubparProfessional
      @SubparProfessional  2 года назад +2

      They’re a rock/synth rock band that does metal musical breaks and has hard rock inspired (and occasionally screamed) vocals if you want to be specific.

    • @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes
      @GowSpeedrunsAndMemes 2 года назад +9

      Oh my God, is this where the dreamer ends? XD

  • @bonesandpoetry
    @bonesandpoetry 2 года назад +3

    I'm gonna be honest and say I haven't seen any of your other video just because I'm a fan of starset. I understand your view and why you think they're lacking and want to underline before going forward that they're *not* a metal band. Yes, some of their songs have metal influences but first and foremost they're a rock band.
    But yeah I agree: Sometimes it feels like something lacks and that's fine. Not every song is for everyone. I don't know what other people said in the comments of your videos and I'm not going to go look for it because it's not my place to. Just maybe stop calling them a metal band? I think you're kind of expecting them to be something that they're not.
    Anyway, have a great day

  • @cfk3933
    @cfk3933 2 года назад +3

    they released a new album, you should listen to it

  • @Encyledus
    @Encyledus Год назад

    STARSET has never been a metal band and never has said they were? The lead singer said STARSET is cinematic rock which is its own genre, hence the orchestrals and poppy feel. You don’t have to like STARSET, but you can’t hold them to metal standards since they are not a metal band.

  • @benn5471
    @benn5471 2 года назад +1

    Heard this one a few months ago and it SLAPS!

  • @YTCBlackStar
    @YTCBlackStar 2 года назад +3

    Well to be fair, you remember the choruses more than the verses since that's what annoys you the most lol.

  • @vitaminme4203
    @vitaminme4203 2 года назад +2

    Starsets not a metal band bruh. They're an atmospheric rock band with metal influences. Get your genres in order before making such ridiculous "criticisms". I don't care if you hate starset but you don't understand their music.

  • @allthingsgood6345
    @allthingsgood6345 2 года назад +1

    I was under the impression that Starset was an “Alternative Rock” band. Not a metal band.

  • @juliusrytsy7177
    @juliusrytsy7177 2 года назад +1

    That song realy gets stuck in my head, but I don't want every song have a breakdown. Still this is a good choise to like.

    • @juliusrytsy7177
      @juliusrytsy7177 2 года назад

      And they released a new album yesterday. There were couple of songs that has screaming like Devolution. You should listen to Something Wicked. What is probably too same with ricochet to you.

  • @wendyraymond1751
    @wendyraymond1751 2 года назад

    Thoroughly enjoyed this an your reaction thanku so much love and God bless x

  • @noidea3755
    @noidea3755 2 года назад

    i like the old and new starset songs

  • @ManosVma
    @ManosVma 5 месяцев назад

    where do you get that starset are a metal band? id say theyre more like electronic/cinematic rock

  • 2 года назад +2

    Devolution is quite good too 👌

  • @dr.atheist3087
    @dr.atheist3087 2 года назад +1

    I'm here for rockin Skeem lol

  • @ultimatetrishbhatia
    @ultimatetrishbhatia 2 года назад +1

    I think you'll like "something wicked" from their new album horizons

  • @derekpaterson919
    @derekpaterson919 2 года назад's nnnnnice...hooray for memory loss!!)...Auto tuned to death? U'r the Xpert 'Skeem'‼️..sowndz a lil buzzy in places..but the metal madness we luv grinds in just fine luv tunes which build to CRECENDO Dictionary moment!) That's me a total heedbanger noo here in Escocia nutta bad ting to be!!)🎬👍💫🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @sarahusser7668
    @sarahusser7668 2 года назад +1

    I thought this song was pretty good. I still love your version more 🖤

  • @anseljames5531
    @anseljames5531 2 года назад

    the simple reason streem doesn't like most songs is that they have a poppy feeling and that is a thing that starset does

    • @SubparProfessional
      @SubparProfessional  2 года назад +1

      Leave the pop to pop musicians. Keep it out of rock/hard rock/metal

    • @anseljames5531
      @anseljames5531 2 года назад

      @@SubparProfessional I am personally a starset fan but I am not going to go off on you because people are allowed to have their tastes in music

    • @bl00by_
      @bl00by_ 2 года назад

      @@SubparProfessional I actaully think that pop mixes pretty well with rock/metal (If done right), but I can definetley see why you wouldn't won't that.
      (I also thought this way until I found Starset.)

    • @anseljames5531
      @anseljames5531 Год назад

      ​@blooby6981 it mixes extremely well with pop but what starset does is more electric

  • @bl00by_
    @bl00by_ 2 года назад

    Well now that Horizon is out you should listen to Devolution, Icarus and Something Wicked. Those are the heaviest songs of the album.

  • @echostar034
    @echostar034 2 года назад +2

    Just gonna say:
    This isnt metal. Just cause there are heavy chords does not equal metal. Breaking Benjamin, not metal. Skillet, not metal. RED, not metal. Its hard rock. There is indeed a difference. They arent even remotely labeled as metal. Wanting a specific sound cause you think it is metal, when its not even metal, is a wrong way to view musical composition.

    • @SubparProfessional
      @SubparProfessional  2 года назад +3

      Music Education time!
      Metal is a subgenre of rock/hard rock. What makes something metal is not always consistently agreed upon, but generally it has to do with three things: tempo, instruments used, and audio FX. Metal is known by faster tempo, drum and guitar instrumentation, and heavy use of distortion. Hard rock typically has heavier keyboard influence, slower tempo, and less distortion.
      Starset is almost always hard rock with heavy techno synth influence. HOWEVER, their songs often switch to metal throughout. You can hear this in that the guitar and drums dominate and the drums play at double tempo (or down to half or quarter tempo before back to double for dramatic effect, a staple of metal as well).
      Listen to where the metal breaks are. You'll hear the keys fade out, the guitar come forward, and the drums drop to quarter tempo or double tempo. The vocals also become more grungy and distorted when present.
      Starset is a hard rock band. HOWEVER, unlike other hard rock bands (including those you mentioned) they often have random metal breaks in their songs with no payoffs. If you understand music and music theory, you will hear this (and hopefully this comment helps you identify it).
      It's not wrong of Starset to do this, but I sure don't particularly enjoy it most of the time.

    • @johnathanpratt944
      @johnathanpratt944 2 года назад +2

      Also RED is most certainly metal (Declaration, 2021), Breaking Benjamin dials it back a little more than RED, and I agree with Skillet, but even they have two solid metal albums, Collide and Comatose.

    • @johnathanpratt944
      @johnathanpratt944 2 года назад

      @@SubparProfessional I like Starset, but definitely appreciate your analysis. Telekinetic is definitely one of my favorites of theirs, unfortunately they don't have any real breakdowns besides on this song, Rise and Fall, and Down With the Fallen. I don't think you'd like the overall song structure of DwtF or Rise and Fall, but the breakdowns are decent.

    • @echostar034
      @echostar034 2 года назад +1

      @@SubparProfessional You know, I can appreciate the time taken to write that out. I used to feel like you were reaching for reasons to hate this band, and with them being my favorite of all time, to the point of getting involved in their lore and backstory, getting the book and some signed posters, and being upset cause they never tour where I live so never being able to see them live, being that big of a fan and seeing them just get torn apart, especially in the "something wicked" video where you were just relentless, and ragged on parts that personally I loved and didnt find any issues with (Like ragging on them for using nursery rhyme lyrics? You gotta rag on breaking Benjamin then cause Rain is almost all that, but it works.)
      But hearing this explanation, made me kinda realize you just dont like them. Not particularly unbridled hate like I originally interpreted from your other videos, where you almost seem comically against everything they do in their style, I am more of a writer/story kinda person just in my personal creative process so I care mostly about lyrics, and Dustin in my opinion, when you get really invested, does that. He has created a story with this band, thus why I like them as much as I do.
      You are free to have your opinon on it, and after seeing that, I kinda have more of an understanding, that its just not your thing, It felt more like an attack on Starset fans like "How the hell can you enjoy this" kinda mentality. Thus my anger came out, making somewhat uneducated statements.
      Appreciate the time and effort, and wish you the best.

  • @MingMagnet
    @MingMagnet Месяц назад

    lol i get what you mean about representing your genre but i wouldnt really consider them to be metal really… synth rock mostly lol

  • @TheSlyWeeb
    @TheSlyWeeb 2 года назад

    You should try something wicked. It has nearly no repetition and is very progressive.

  • @angelamsanchez193
    @angelamsanchez193 2 года назад +1

    The song wasn't bad,its just not my cup of tea.

  • @justinpruss1557
    @justinpruss1557 2 года назад

    Have a listen to Something Wicked from starsets new album Horizons

  • @hoosierfilms5350
    @hoosierfilms5350 Год назад +2

    I don’t think “metal” at all when I think startset . They’re their own genre if you ask a novice ear

  • @ofenderz
    @ofenderz 2 года назад +1

    I kind of get what you mean when you say metal bands should have more of a crescendo throughout the song, but I wouldn’t consider Starset as a metal band honestly. Maybe that’s just me though.

  • @lucvandermeer9674
    @lucvandermeer9674 2 года назад +2

    Only song........?

  • @rochaj24000
    @rochaj24000 2 года назад

    Called it. Lol

  • @TWOnly666
    @TWOnly666 2 года назад

    They have a 9minute song

  • @derekpaterson919
    @derekpaterson919 2 года назад

    You're a genius presenter 'Skeem' I see the skills that pay dem bills..u'r a natural..but you knew other personality agrees!!..Van arrives 8pm the nicht!!))👽👍💫

  • @heavymetalhead9661
    @heavymetalhead9661 Год назад

    If Imagine Dragons doing metal