Sir, could you please make a video of how to do drift correction in the measurement data? I have measured ICPOES data and, at the end, when 5 ppm standard was checked by machine, the values were lower than 4.5 and some elements were lower than 4. I am having a cost and time crisis to repeat measurement and moreover, to analyze the data to meet the deadline that I am stuck in drift correcting my measurements. Please kindly help. Thanks a lot Sir.
You are welcome to watch this video.
Please help with pseudo parallel first order model please I need help
I need your help. how to calculate the concentration of desorption from biochar?
Qmax calculated from non-linear or from linear graph? Usually for Langmuir we use linear
Oh Dr I got it from this video after carefully listening 😁😆😅😅🤣🤣🤣 we obtained from non-linear and insert in linera?am I right Dr.
Qmax can be obtained from linear or nonlinear Langmuir isotherm model only.
Please help with pseudo parallel first order model please I need help
Thanks. Could you please write the equation here?
Sir, could you please make a video of how to do drift correction in the measurement data? I have measured ICPOES data and, at the end, when 5 ppm standard was checked by machine, the values were lower than 4.5 and some elements were lower than 4. I am having a cost and time crisis to repeat measurement and moreover, to analyze the data to meet the deadline that I am stuck in drift correcting my measurements. Please kindly help. Thanks a lot Sir.
Thanks. You need at least three replicated data. Drifting is not always good. So please repeat your measurements.
you don't describe everything clearly from where you get the values. instead, a viewer gets more confused after watching your videos
Thanks. Please watch other related videos on this channel and you understand all