After Lifeline and Octane had their falling out, it's pretty great to watch Seer and Octanes relationship blossom. I do find it funny that he's having a funeral for his "father" who's actually his grandpa. So this serves as a funeral for the face of his real father, as well.
Daym new ingame comix are so cool. I really like how they finally mixed ingame and twitter animated minicomix into one and put in game.
Octane funny.
It seems like new voice lines have been added after this story dropped.
After Lifeline and Octane had their falling out, it's pretty great to watch Seer and Octanes relationship blossom.
I do find it funny that he's having a funeral for his "father" who's actually his grandpa. So this serves as a funeral for the face of his real father, as well.
lmaaaoooo octane's tweaking
Is that a reference from an anime? When octane was riding the motorcycle?