I don't think we should give him too much cat food; Mainly he should eat plenty of fresh fish and meat; Cat food is not very good; Like a human biscuit...
I had dog before;Always feed the dog food; My dog is always sick; Then someone suggested that I make fresh food for him; I did;My dog is so healthy still 18years……
He looked so much better on day 10. He regained his weight, a shiny, healthy, coat and he is grooming. All positive signs. May God heal you completely, Pusic
Какие удивительные люди! Как бережно, как нежно они обращаются с котиком.В каждом движении их видна любовь и забота о нем: как берут на руки, как заносят в переноску, даже молнию на переноске застёгивают так осторожно, чтобы ни один волосок шерсти не пострадал! Вот это пример, как надо относиться к четвероногим детям! А какой мальчик замечательный, как он прикасается к котику, относится к нему, как к младшему братишке! Ваши видео надо показывать в школах, чтобы внушать с детства бережное , трепетное отношение ко всему живому!
All over the world we pray for you and wish you a speedy recovery. We ask that our creator touches you in a loving way and restores you. We love you so, Pusic
Poor baby….the exact same thing happened to our little guy. The white vomiting, the drooling. Took him to emergency hospital where he had to suffer thru “exploratory” surgery. Afterwards, we had to force feed him with a syringe. Took him a week to recover. He has fully recovered and back to his naughty self.
Dear sweet little angel Pusic, you MUST get better, sweetie! Everyone around the world is praying for your recovery! We love you! To your mommy and daddy and little Timofei, you are such angels taking care of Pusic. Sending love and light to all of you 💛 ✨️ ❤️ 💕 💖 💗
Very true. And they worst feeling in the world is having to make the decision to put one of your babies down. It will be 1 year ago this sunday that i put my big boi Catneiss down. He was only 8 years old but had been having a lot of medical problems. It got to the point where I just coukd not out him through anymore painful procedures.
@@jeffreymcclain9535 I’m so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, I have had to go through the same with my cat. The day I knew it was time, my drive to the vet, consisted of me crying uncontrollably because I knew my Milo could not suffer any longer. The drive home was even worse because I knew he would no longer be greeting me at the door. After that loss I told myself I could not own anymore pets. The hurt was so unbearable and lasted for days. I still miss him and that was just over seven years ago.
@@stellviahohenheim Karma ain’t gonna be kind to you, buddy. Hopefully when you lose someone or something dear to you, or even think you will, you’ll have some nice fellow come up and tell you how comical your issue is, and that it’s stupid. Honestly, I have to just hope it’s people like you that are at least the victims in public shootings. Not actual good people that are worth having around.
I didn't even know if I could click this. Just seeing the first frame broke my heart into pieces. I know I won't be able to watch it. I'm a wreck as it is. I'm not usually the mushy type, but when it's cats... well I don't need to say more. I know you guys can relate. Needless to say I'm tearing up a bit here. Pusic will be in my thoughts tonight and I will be sure to hug my own kitties extra hard for you. I wish you, Pusic and everyone else all the best. Wishing him a speedy and full recovery. Take care, you guys.
I will pray for sweet Pusic everyday. He brought me so much joy. I can’t believe he’s sick. Please get well soon dear Pusic. You made the world a more beautiful place.
I hope he recovers fully soon. He looks like he is getting better. He is a brave cat, and it looks like he was really happy to be back home with his humans :)
Pusic has fought against death when he's an infant. Now he is fighting against another life challenge. Family love is definitely a strong support. We stand together to pray for your health, Pusic. Get well soon. 🙏🙏🙏
His desire to explore when on the vet's table is a sign that he's beginning to feel better. That's cause for hope. I hope he's making great progress in his recovery.
He must hate that carrier by now. Toward the end of the video his sweet face gave us so much emotion...serious, sad, perturbed, but grateful. And there have been improvements. I wish him and his loving family the very best outcome.
@@UnlistedChannel932 - Definitely. When they don't resist is the time to worry. When my cat had a urinary blockage from crystals in his urine, he put himself in the carrier! I had put it on the floor while trying to get a ride to the vet. He was not happy at all and ready to get some help even from the dreaded vet.
Pusic gave me laughs I needed during the loneliness of quarantining alone. Thank you for taking care of him so well, I hope this little bit helps with the cost of his care.
Очень переживаю за Пусика. Надеюсь он поправится. У меня две девочки, слежу за ними, чтобы кушали хорошо и были веселыми. Мальчик замечательный из таких детей вырастают хорошие люди! У меня два замечательных сына:добрые, отзывчивые-растила с кошечками вместе.
I was dreading the end...I didn't even want to look at the comments, fearing the worst...I'm glad he's still going as strong as he can be. I hope for a long recovery and that Pusic pulls through...I really want to believe he'll make it.
He looks so much like my tuxedo who just recovered from his near death illness this past February. He was at the Veterinarian hospital for three full days and 2 nights. IV fluid and nutrient drips, anti nausea medications, antibiotics. etc. I was needed to see what was wrong with this poor fellow. Each time they took him home ~ I thought NO! He is not well enough. My boy couldn’t keep a thing down and would vomit water. I kept trying until he stopped eating anything even his favorite treats. Then if he just looked at his water dish, he would vomit. This happened over the weekend( of course) so I had to wait for the vets to open.
I could see him getting more lively toward the end of the video, and I pray that he will have a full recovery. It was lovely to see how gentle your little boy is with him
Всегда читаю комментарии перед просмотром видео. И поняла, что Пусик заболел - я аж заплакала : Пусика люблю как своих Мусю (4 года, точно такого же окраса) и Пупсика ( 9 месяцев, бенгальская). Выздоравливай, милый Пусик,🐱 и долгих лет тебе жизни на радость нам !
Get well soon, beautiful Pusic. I'm so sorry you have to go thru this, but you have a family that loves, needs and cherishes you. We will all keep you in our hearts and prayers. Hoping for a speedy recovery! Love to you Pusic and your amazing family 🙏❤
I'm not clear what caused poor Pusic' s illness, but I was so relieved to see his improvement by day 10. He was in rough shape but between your good vet and all the love and care from the family, he's made remarkable progress toward recovery. The bond between Pusic' and your son is beautiful!
Maybe liver inflammation of some sort since he showed jaundice eventually? My cat was very sick with that but an oral antibiotic was able to pull him out of it. He was so sick when it hit - I went looking for him outside (catproof yard) and couldn't find him, until I heard a weak little meow when I called for him. He was lying down under a bush, looking very unhappy. Carried him inside and he settled himself under a shelf.... No desire to eat or drink. His foster daughter hissed very gently after smelling his breath, so she must have detected whatever was wrong. His liver enzymes were fine except bilirubin (the pigment in jaundice) was elevated. The vet said he only had a 50-50 chance of recovering and to not push food on him but give him a little honey or corn syrup in an oral syringe a few times a day to keep his blood sugar up. Took a few days before he started eating on his own. Gave him meat baby food and he was finally was sneaking some dry cat food also. Then he was fine. The nausea must have lifted. Pusic sounds like he has a more serious case of whatever he has, if he needs intravenous drips. But he seems to be recovering pretty well. By the end of the video, he was acting like a cat again! Syringe feeding is a good idea to keep up a cat's strength until he eats well enough on his own. It's the nausea that keeps them from eating, he obviously was interested in food but just not able to eat. But syringe feeding can help get past the nausea if not too much is given at once. I keep Wysong PDG on hand as a supplement that can also be used for syringe feeding an ailing cat. It dissolves easily in water and is easy to syringe feed with enough calories. I imagine their vet gave them something similar to keep the little guy going.
Does Pusic have hemolytic anemia and turn up to ikteros? Is he taking steroids. Did you get him out and touched something and poisened? Love from Greece and hope you answer me please soon what the sweet baby has.
Só quem tem um animal de estimação sabe como é ficar de coração apertado ao ver que eles não estão bem e como é ruim não poder fazer eles melhorarem logo.Que o Pusic fique bem e 100% logo de saúde!
Yes I had a dog and many cats that had died from coyotes and my dog died from old age and liver cancer. He lived up to 15 years and infact he is older than I was born
I was so worried that this video was going to end badly but it was wonderful to see an improvement towards the end! Pusic fought for his life before and he is strong in body and spirit. So many people are praying for you!
dear sir, since I saw the video of dear Pusic's illness, I can't stop thinking about the difficult days you must be going through. I convey my encouragement and hope that Pusic recovers his health. A big hug from Barcelona, Spain.
Да что ж такое... (( А сын молодец, сколько смотрел роликов, он везде очень нежно гладит Пусика, спокойно, без всех этих детских сильных и навязчивых обниманий, как они обычно делают. Парень правильно воспитан. И кот соответственно не шарахается, а отвечает взаимным уважением. Скорейшего выздоровления коту!
@@CatPusic со мной кошка наша любимая Даша прожила больше 18 лет. Заболела так же, симптомы те же, кроме слюнотечения при лечении. Диагноз - хроническая почечная недостаточность. Месяц мы боролись, я потратила огромные деньги, но пришлось применить эвтаназию. Лечила капельницами физраствора с лекарствами, спец. питание, БАДы и принудительное кормление. Через месяц стало трудно дышать, присоединился отёк лёгких, и срочно приняли меры. Ветеринар сказал, что трудно найти донора здоровых почек, потому что ХПН почти у всех кошек. Поражённые почки не восстанавливаются, возможно только поддержание. Ветеринар никогда не предложит эвтаназию, будет бороться до последнего вздоха. У приятельницы была та же история с одной из её чихуахуа. Она поклялась что если заболеют остальные, то не будет их мучить лечением, а сразу отдаст на усыпление. Такая вот мучительная для всех жизнь в болезни животного. Я же после любимой кошки смогла завести только декоративного кролика. Кошки вызывали печальные воспоминания. Теперь профилактически регулярно даю глистогонные, наблюдаю его у ветеринара. При эвтаназии, по правилам, мне не позволили присутствовать. В следующий раз, если случится, я хотела бы видеть и проверить препараты сама. Процесс для животного безболезненный, сначала вводят снотворное, затем угнетающее сердечную деятельность. Примите мои сочувствия. 😭 Вы замечательные, люблю вашего Пусика.
@@Tropinina какая грустная история. Все- таки 18 лет для кошки это солидный возраст. Вы сделали все что могли. Спасибо за пожелание, постараемся выздороветь
Per favore fatemi sapere come sta ,mi fa piangere ,sembra la mia Mursi che ora non c e più ma la vostra e buona un angioletto Dio la aiuti ciao dall' Italia Friuli e voi da dove siete ?
Милый, славный Пусик, сердце разрывается, глядя на тебя... От всей души желаем тебе выздоровления. Верим, что ты стойко перенесешь весь процесс лечения и впредь будешь радовать нас своими прекрасными видео. Стойкости тебе и терпения. Скорейшего выздоровления. А мы за тебя будем держать кулачки🙏😻
I'm sure he's being taken care every hour and he's strong and will make it in no time. May god give his precious extra time to Pusic and all the strength in this world...
This is so heartbreaking… I’ve been watching Pusic’s videos for years now and it’s so sad to witness him in this state. Towards the end of the video he appeared to be getting slowly better, and I only hope he achieves a full recovery. He will be in my prayers every day, wishing for his health so he can bring his family, and all of us his internet followers, many more years of joy. Bless you, little boy. ❤️
Выздоравливай, милый Пусик! Ты такой умный и храбрый котик! Мы все тебя очень любим и ждём скорейшего твоего выздоровления! 🙏❤️ Всё будет хорошо обязательно!!!
It's so tough seeing them go through hard times like this. Such a special pal as Pusic is. I wish you and him all the best. Not only for his full recovery, but for it to be soon and not too arduous. I wish you get to enjoy each other's company for many more years.
I felt depressed after seeing poor Pusic in such condition. Do give lots of love and pet him to make him feel better. Get well soon dearest Pusic! Wish you speedy recovery. I wish Pusic a very good health and a happy long life!
I'm so sorry, he's a brave kitty to go through all that with only a LITTLE complaining, but I'm SO RELIEVED he seems to be on the mend. Optimistic! I will keep you all in my thoughts and send GOOD VIBES from The States for a quick recovery. Thank you for sharing this stuff with us, for real. The more people understand that our furry friends have medical emergencies, and that treatment be started ASAP, the better. Acting fast, with a good vet, can really make all the difference in the world. 🐈🐾
To wspaniały,mądry, piękny i szlachetnego serca kotek! Smutne jak się patrzy jak cierpi ... Jest przy tym pełen ufnosci i cierpliwosci jak by wiedział, że Mu się pomaga! Najwspanialszy kotek na świecie 😻❤
Oh dear Good thanks for save Pusic life. Pusic bring us a lot of beautiful moments and memories ,he is very clever and good character cat. We wish everything the best for Pusic and his owners !!!
Best wishes to Pusic for a full recovery. Your devotion to him is wonderful, and a great lesson for you son about the responsibility that comes with love. And i can see already how sweet and caring he is. I had a somewhat similar problem with my 19 yr old cat. To get her to eat, I would sit her in my lap for hours each day, with her favorite treats nearby. Just petting and comforting her, and she eventually would take the treats,. And after a few weeks, she started eating normally again on her own. I always felt the touching and love helped her heal. Doctors emphasize the need for quiet. But i think animal or person will heal better with love. Shown quietly.
I'm sad. It breakes my heart to see him like this. I'm praying and sending good vibes and all my love for his recovery. I love him so much. Please keep us informed. Thank you. Pusic I love you, be brave, you'll recover my furry friend!
Poor chap he is going through the mill as is the family he is so brave not liking his carried and who would blame him pg he will get back to his own self very soon thanks for helping him best wishes
It broke my heart seeing him his first few days...but i started smiling seeing him up again....i can see a lot of hope...i want him get completely cured...and forget all the pain he felt. .thank you owner for all the patience and taking care of him. God bless you and your family.
Выздоравливай малыш не огорчай маму она старается вылечить живи а я не до сих пор смириться с уходом моего котофеечка он мой сыночек смотрю видио и плачу
Выздоравливай, Пусик. Мы с тобой с самого начала. Ты сильный, ты сможешь. Терпения и силы хозяевам. Очень тяжело, когда болеют близкие и любимые. Все будет хорошо. Не теряйте надежды.
How sad to see the video of Pusic disease. Please get better soon, and thanks to the parents for taking care of him. God bless you always. I love Pusic so much.
Бедный котик, как же его жаль! Скорейшего выздоровления лапотульке! Передаём свои пожелания из России! Пожалуйста выздоравливай! Все хотят этого! Держись! Мы верим в тебя!
Poor beloved kitten, I really hope he'll recover soon so he can enjoy all your love and care for a very long time in the future. I hesitated before watching the video, it recalls me my dear black and white kitty who died from cancer. All the best for your pet.
Oh dear he looked so sick. But little by little he is improving. Thank you for sharing this video. We all love him and your videos so much. There are alot of prayers and healing thoughts across the world to help you all through this sad time. And your son is so sweet and gentle. There is a lot of love in your family. Keep strong and you will make it through this tough time together.
📌 If you want to support the channel and make a donation,
here is the link: www.donationalerts.com/r/catpusic
Zu viel Fake....
@@m.st.5007why would you think this is fake? If you don't like this video then get out of here. No one forced you to watch this
@@annetteslifeстерелизованые жевотные всегда болеют
@@annetteslifeпромойте глаза котику
Please get better soon, Pusic. You bring so much joy to the world.
my cat died 3 years ago in 2019. he had fip.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@Neptune5111.1 May your cat Rest In Peace.
I don't think we should give him too much cat food; Mainly he should eat plenty of fresh fish and meat; Cat food is not very good; Like a human biscuit...
I had dog before;Always feed the dog food; My dog is always sick; Then someone suggested that I make fresh food for him; I did;My dog is so healthy still 18years……
@@Neptune5111.1 I am sorry for your cat... 😢my cat Nerino has got Felv... And now he is very ill... 🙏🙏
The love and respect your son shows towards Pusic is an absolute testimony to how well you are brining up your child. x
I just wrote the same sort of comment. Most young children can be a bit rough, but this boy was gentle as can be. A credit to the parents.
Sorry about that pusic is sick hope he gets better😺❤💟
He looked so much better on day 10. He regained his weight, a shiny, healthy, coat and he is grooming. All positive signs. May God heal you completely, Pusic
🤲Amen !
He does look better on day 10 and so much more like his old self. I hope he goes on to a full recovery
I noticed that, too. The grooming and the sitting stance, and also big, open eyes and alertness.
He dead
Какие удивительные люди! Как бережно, как нежно они обращаются с котиком.В каждом движении их видна любовь и забота о нем: как берут на руки, как заносят в переноску, даже молнию на переноске застёгивают так осторожно, чтобы ни один волосок шерсти не пострадал! Вот это пример, как надо относиться к четвероногим детям! А какой мальчик замечательный, как он прикасается к котику, относится к нему, как к младшему братишке! Ваши видео надо показывать в школах, чтобы внушать с детства бережное , трепетное отношение ко всему живому!
Why do you even care about that most people care about the cat being ill
Can’t you see how sick he is?
Imagine if someone you loved became just as sick as pusic
All over the world we pray for you and wish you a speedy recovery. We ask that our creator touches you in a loving way and restores you. We love you so, Pusic
🇦🇷 yes! ¡Si!🙏🏽
How terrible to see him so debilitated. Please get well, Pusic, please. All of us love you.
He dead
Poor Pusic, with the love of his family he’ll get better. Your doing your best for him. Take care Pusic 😽
Miss you Catpusic.. Hope you feel beetter soon. Love from England.
Выздоравливай малыш! Мы тебя все любим и желаем выздоровления! 🙏💋
Oh no…. Get better soon, dear Pusic 😭🙏
Get better little love! I hope will be good. Be strong Pusic❤
Poor baby….the exact same thing happened to our little guy. The white vomiting, the drooling. Took him to emergency hospital where he had to suffer thru “exploratory” surgery. Afterwards, we had to force feed him with a syringe. Took him a week to recover.
He has fully recovered and back to his naughty self.
What did he get sick with?
So happy your fur baby recovered! 💕
Diagnosis was irritable bowel syndrome.
Thank goodness for his recovery ❤️
@@pigybak bloody hell. Even cats get it too.
I know how expensive it is to pay for treatment for
Pusic this isn't much but you also have my prayers 🙏 ❤️.
You are so kind!
A little goes a very long way
Здоровья тебе Пусик, скорейшего выздоровления и долгих лет жизни, пушистик.
Dear sweet little angel Pusic, you MUST get better, sweetie! Everyone around the world is praying for your recovery! We love you! To your mommy and daddy and little Timofei, you are such angels taking care of Pusic. Sending love and light to all of you 💛 ✨️ ❤️ 💕 💖 💗
When my pet hurts, I hurt. It’s the worst feeling.
Praying for a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted on how he’s doing.
Very true. And they worst feeling in the world is having to make the decision to put one of your babies down. It will be 1 year ago this sunday that i put my big boi Catneiss down. He was only 8 years old but had been having a lot of medical problems. It got to the point where I just coukd not out him through anymore painful procedures.
@@jeffreymcclain9535 😢
@@jeffreymcclain9535 I’m so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, I have had to go through the same with my cat. The day I knew it was time, my drive to the vet, consisted of me crying uncontrollably because I knew my Milo could not suffer any longer. The drive home was even worse because I knew he would no longer be greeting me at the door. After that loss I told myself I could not own anymore pets. The hurt was so unbearable and lasted for days. I still miss him and that was just over seven years ago.
Очень понравился ролик "5 лет вместе" ❤ . Котику здоровья. Хозяевам удачи и добра.
Your fans are all praying for your speedy recovery, Pusic. Best wishes and love to you and your family,
His little mrrps and meows are so heartbreaking, but he was looking a lot more lively towards the end. Get well soon little Pusic !
Wow, thx for donating to her!
@@stellviahohenheim Ah,I see you don't own a cat. Or if you do,you don't care about it.
@@stellviahohenheim Karma ain’t gonna be kind to you, buddy. Hopefully when you lose someone or something dear to you, or even think you will, you’ll have some nice fellow come up and tell you how comical your issue is, and that it’s stupid. Honestly, I have to just hope it’s people like you that are at least the victims in public shootings. Not actual good people that are worth having around.
I didn't even know if I could click this. Just seeing the first frame broke my heart into pieces. I know I won't be able to watch it. I'm a wreck as it is. I'm not usually the mushy type, but when it's cats... well I don't need to say more. I know you guys can relate. Needless to say I'm tearing up a bit here. Pusic will be in my thoughts tonight and I will be sure to hug my own kitties extra hard for you. I wish you, Pusic and everyone else all the best. Wishing him a speedy and full recovery. Take care, you guys.
Agreed completely 😔❤
I feel the same.
Живи Пусик долго и приноси всем радость.
Ты - замечательный!
I will pray for sweet Pusic everyday. He brought me so much joy. I can’t believe he’s sick. Please get well soon dear Pusic. You made the world a more beautiful place.
I hope he recovers fully soon. He looks like he is getting better. He is a brave cat, and it looks like he was really happy to be back home with his humans :)
Pusic has fought against death when he's an infant. Now he is fighting against another life challenge. Family love is definitely a strong support. We stand together to pray for your health, Pusic. Get well soon. 🙏🙏🙏
His desire to explore when on the vet's table is a sign that he's beginning to feel better. That's cause for hope. I hope he's making great progress in his recovery.
He must hate that carrier by now. Toward the end of the video his sweet face gave us so much emotion...serious, sad, perturbed, but grateful. And there have been improvements. I wish him and his loving family the very best outcome.
I was encouraged when he started resisting the carrier. If he has the strength to fight the carrier it means he is feeling a little better ...
@@UnlistedChannel932 - Definitely. When they don't resist is the time to worry. When my cat had a urinary blockage from crystals in his urine, he put himself in the carrier! I had put it on the floor while trying to get a ride to the vet. He was not happy at all and ready to get some help even from the dreaded vet.
pusic is an icon, he doesnt deserve to be sick, he is a legendary brave cat who we all know will get better soon
Pusic gave me laughs I needed during the loneliness of quarantining alone. Thank you for taking care of him so well, I hope this little bit helps with the cost of his care.
Вы добрый человек.Дай Бог вам счастья!
I hope cat pusic will survive
Очень переживаю за Пусика. Надеюсь он поправится. У меня две девочки, слежу за ними, чтобы кушали хорошо и были веселыми. Мальчик замечательный из таких детей вырастают хорошие люди! У меня два замечательных сына:добрые, отзывчивые-растила с кошечками вместе.
Get well soon
Pusic dear is a brave kitty, he'll get better in no time to comfort his family and millions of admirers all over the world 🙏🏻
Yes, please do 😢
That little boy's love, such gentle caressing, softest touch... He will grow up to be a real man.
Pusic is a national treasure 👌🏻
May he be healed of this ailment 🙏🏻
Очень грустно. Пусик, дорогой, выздоравливай. Терпения вам всем и всех благ.
I was dreading the end...I didn't even want to look at the comments, fearing the worst...I'm glad he's still going as strong as he can be.
I hope for a long recovery and that Pusic pulls through...I really want to believe he'll make it.
You gotta understand this cat will not last forever, it will someday return to the dead universe...
Я тоже очень боялась,плохого конца.
@@veneraismoilova108 Ну, это было близко!
I didn’t want to watch it but after I checked the video info and saw that he was getting good care and feeling better, I had to see it.
He looks so much like my tuxedo who just recovered from his near death illness this past February. He was at the Veterinarian hospital for three
full days and 2 nights. IV fluid and nutrient drips, anti nausea medications, antibiotics. etc. I was needed to see what was wrong with this poor fellow. Each time they took him home ~ I thought NO! He is not well enough. My boy couldn’t keep a thing down and would vomit water. I kept trying until he stopped eating anything even his favorite treats. Then if he just looked at his water dish, he would vomit. This happened over the weekend( of course) so I had to wait for the vets to open.
I could see him getting more lively toward the end of the video, and I pray that he will have a full recovery. It was lovely to see how gentle your little boy is with him
The cat and boy have been best friends since the boy was a baby. The channel has some videos of them together year by year.
Спасибо вам люди,благо что есть такие на этом свете,хорошо снятое видео,до слез,здоровья вам и вашему котику
Скорейшего выздоровления замечательному Пусику .Очень волнуемся за него,очень .
No one asked
@@DancePants2012b 🤫
@@sheb45_0 h
Get well soon, Pusic. You're a strong and brave boy. Your dad and mum need you. Your brother needs you. Your fans need you too.
He is so lucky to have a loving, caring family like yours. Get well soon, sweet Pusic! 🤍 🖤
Скорей выздоравливай маленький дружок. Терпения и удачи тебе котик.
Всегда читаю комментарии перед просмотром видео. И поняла, что Пусик заболел - я аж заплакала : Пусика люблю как своих Мусю (4 года, точно такого же окраса) и Пупсика ( 9 месяцев, бенгальская). Выздоравливай, милый Пусик,🐱 и долгих лет тебе жизни на радость нам !
У меня такие же, только куцехвостые. Мама Алиса 11лет и дочь Тэся 5лет. Переживаем аналогично за Пусика. Ревела( Думаю идёт уже на поправку.
Te amo pusic Dios te de salud espero te recuperes pronto
Lieve Pusic, je word snel beter!❤️
Подписываюсь под КАЖДЫМ СЛОВОМ ВАШИМ!
💚 💚 💚
Get well soon, beautiful Pusic. I'm so sorry you have to go thru this, but you have a family that loves, needs and cherishes you. We will all keep you in our hearts and prayers. Hoping for a speedy recovery! Love to you Pusic and your amazing family 🙏❤
Пусик, родной, да сохранит Господь твою жизнь и здоровья, как и твоим хозяевам! Ребята, умоляю: сберегите это пушистое чудо!
Милый Котейко,желаю тебе выздоровления!А твоим близким терпения и не терять надежды...!
I'm not clear what caused poor Pusic' s illness, but I was so relieved to see his improvement by day 10. He was in rough shape but between your good vet and all the love and care from the family, he's made remarkable progress toward recovery. The bond between Pusic' and your son is beautiful!
Yes, your son is a God send to the sweet kitty. Feeding and caring for him was just what he needs. God bless kitty and family!
Maybe liver inflammation of some sort since he showed jaundice eventually? My cat was very sick with that but an oral antibiotic was able to pull him out of it.
He was so sick when it hit - I went looking for him outside (catproof yard) and couldn't find him, until I heard a weak little meow when I called for him. He was lying down under a bush, looking very unhappy. Carried him inside and he settled himself under a shelf.... No desire to eat or drink. His foster daughter hissed very gently after smelling his breath, so she must have detected whatever was wrong.
His liver enzymes were fine except bilirubin (the pigment in jaundice) was elevated. The vet said he only had a 50-50 chance of recovering and to not push food on him but give him a little honey or corn syrup in an oral syringe a few times a day to keep his blood sugar up. Took a few days before he started eating on his own. Gave him meat baby food and he was finally was sneaking some dry cat food also. Then he was fine. The nausea must have lifted.
Pusic sounds like he has a more serious case of whatever he has, if he needs intravenous drips. But he seems to be recovering pretty well. By the end of the video, he was acting like a cat again!
Syringe feeding is a good idea to keep up a cat's strength until he eats well enough on his own. It's the nausea that keeps them from eating, he obviously was interested in food but just not able to eat. But syringe feeding can help get past the nausea if not too much is given at once. I keep Wysong PDG on hand as a supplement that can also be used for syringe feeding an ailing cat. It dissolves easily in water and is easy to syringe feed with enough calories. I imagine their vet gave them something similar to keep the little guy going.
Does Pusic have hemolytic anemia and turn up to ikteros? Is he taking steroids. Did you get him out and touched something and poisened? Love from Greece and hope you answer me please soon what the sweet baby has.
Só quem tem um animal de estimação sabe como é ficar de coração apertado ao ver que eles não estão bem e como é ruim não poder fazer eles melhorarem logo.Que o Pusic fique bem e 100% logo de saúde!
Pusic tem que emagrecer um pouco. Talvez ele tenha adoecido por estar com sobrepeso, o que pode levar até ao diabetes.
Yes I had a dog and many cats that had died from coyotes and my dog died from old age and liver cancer. He lived up to 15 years and infact he is older than I was born
@@kellyvet572 eita,não sabia.Você tem conhecimento nessa área?
@@poophead27 wow
@@newtovisk1624 sou veterinária
I was very happy to see Pusic's eyes begin to clear up and get back the curious gleam they always have.
I hope he's feeling MUCH better soon ...
What a kind and sensitive little boy.
Здоровья Пусику! Пусть всё будет хорошо!
Полного выздоровления котику, с Божьей помощью 🙏
Please get well Pusic! We all love you so very much!
Poor baby. Praying he gets better very very soon. God bless him. Heartbreaking to see him like that ❤️
I was so worried that this video was going to end badly but it was wonderful to see an improvement towards the end! Pusic fought for his life before and he is strong in body and spirit. So many people are praying for you!
It’s wonderful to see a young child be so gentle. What a kind soul. 🌸 I’m glad your kitty improved.
He dead
Pusic's little brother is a wonderful caretaker!
Ему уже лучше на 10 день это видно, скорейшего вам выздоровления🙏💞
Pusic, nosso guerreiro felino há de vencer essa batalha. Muito amado por todos. Oremos por sua vida e saúde. Deus te abençoe.♥️🙏🏻
Скорейшего выздоровления умному и очаровательному коту Пусику! Сил и терпения вашей семье 🙏
dear sir, since I saw the video of dear Pusic's illness, I can't stop thinking about the difficult days you must be going through. I convey my encouragement and hope that Pusic recovers his health. A big hug from Barcelona, Spain.
Да что ж такое... ((
А сын молодец, сколько смотрел роликов, он везде очень нежно гладит Пусика, спокойно, без всех этих детских сильных и навязчивых обниманий, как они обычно делают. Парень правильно воспитан. И кот соответственно не шарахается, а отвечает взаимным уважением.
Скорейшего выздоровления коту!
Спасибо вам за теплые слова. Обязательно выздоровеем
@@CatPusic со мной кошка наша любимая Даша прожила больше 18 лет. Заболела так же, симптомы те же, кроме слюнотечения при лечении. Диагноз - хроническая почечная недостаточность. Месяц мы боролись, я потратила огромные деньги, но пришлось применить эвтаназию. Лечила капельницами физраствора с лекарствами, спец. питание, БАДы и принудительное кормление. Через месяц стало трудно дышать, присоединился отёк лёгких, и срочно приняли меры. Ветеринар сказал, что трудно найти донора здоровых почек, потому что ХПН почти у всех кошек. Поражённые почки не восстанавливаются, возможно только поддержание. Ветеринар никогда не предложит эвтаназию, будет бороться до последнего вздоха. У приятельницы была та же история с одной из её чихуахуа. Она поклялась что если заболеют остальные, то не будет их мучить лечением, а сразу отдаст на усыпление. Такая вот мучительная для всех жизнь в болезни животного. Я же после любимой кошки смогла завести только декоративного кролика. Кошки вызывали печальные воспоминания. Теперь профилактически регулярно даю глистогонные, наблюдаю его у ветеринара.
При эвтаназии, по правилам, мне не позволили присутствовать. В следующий раз, если случится, я хотела бы видеть и проверить препараты сама. Процесс для животного безболезненный, сначала вводят снотворное, затем угнетающее сердечную деятельность.
Примите мои сочувствия. 😭 Вы замечательные, люблю вашего Пусика.
@@Tropinina какая грустная история. Все- таки 18 лет для кошки это солидный возраст. Вы сделали все что могли. Спасибо за пожелание, постараемся выздороветь
@@CatPusic Спасибо. Надеемся, что Пусику станет гораздо легче, ведь он начал есть.
Per favore fatemi sapere come sta ,mi fa piangere ,sembra la mia Mursi che ora non c e più ma la vostra e buona un angioletto Dio la aiuti ciao dall' Italia Friuli e voi da dove siete ?
Бедненький🙏🙏🙏Умничка такой,терпит.Поправляйся малыш!
Милый, славный Пусик, сердце разрывается, глядя на тебя... От всей души желаем тебе выздоровления. Верим, что ты стойко перенесешь весь процесс лечения и впредь будешь радовать нас своими прекрасными видео. Стойкости тебе и терпения. Скорейшего выздоровления. А мы за тебя будем держать кулачки🙏😻
А от мертвых украинцев сердце не разрывается?
Me to I'll keep my fingers crossed 😔
Stay strong, Pusic! Fingers crossed & praying for you!
I'm sure he's being taken care every hour and he's strong and will make it in no time. May god give his precious extra time to Pusic and all the strength in this world...
I hope and pray he'll be ok stay strong sweetie
This is so heartbreaking… I’ve been watching Pusic’s videos for years now and it’s so sad to witness him in this state. Towards the end of the video he appeared to be getting slowly better, and I only hope he achieves a full recovery. He will be in my prayers every day, wishing for his health so he can bring his family, and all of us his internet followers, many more years of joy. Bless you, little boy. ❤️
Выздоравливай, милый Пусик! Ты такой умный и храбрый котик! Мы все тебя очень любим и ждём скорейшего твоего выздоровления! 🙏❤️ Всё будет хорошо обязательно!!!
My mom said he might die, that will make me cry 100 times
Спасибо вам, обязательно должны выздороветь)
@@samyardij He will be fine by the grace of God Almighty
@@samyardij WHAT
@@CatPusic I support you so that your cat recovers
Pusic estamos torcendo por você.
Senhor Deus restaure a saúde desse gatinho tão amado. ❤🙌🏻
Um abraço do Brasil
СПАСИБО Вам, ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКОЕ за воспитание сына он у Вас КЛАССНЫЙ (тфу тфу не сглазить)и за котейку и за ролики добра так нужные нам всем.
It's so tough seeing them go through hard times like this. Such a special pal as Pusic is. I wish you and him all the best. Not only for his full recovery, but for it to be soon and not too arduous. I wish you get to enjoy each other's company for many more years.
I felt depressed after seeing poor Pusic in such condition. Do give lots of love and pet him to make him feel better. Get well soon dearest Pusic! Wish you speedy recovery. I wish Pusic a very good health and a happy long life!
I'm so sorry, he's a brave kitty to go through all that with only a LITTLE complaining, but I'm SO RELIEVED he seems to be on the mend. Optimistic! I will keep you all in my thoughts and send GOOD VIBES from The States for a quick recovery. Thank you for sharing this stuff with us, for real. The more people understand that our furry friends have medical emergencies, and that treatment be started ASAP, the better. Acting fast, with a good vet, can really make all the difference in the world.
Bless his little heart, I hope he knows just how much joy he brings to everyone, a true little soldier and friend.
Здоровья котеечке Пусику🙏😢
Hi Pusic and family. I just would like to know If you are felling better. 🙏🙏🙏
Kisses and all the bests to you! 😘😘😘
Keeping our prayers for you 🙌🙌🙌
To wspaniały,mądry, piękny i szlachetnego serca kotek! Smutne jak się patrzy jak cierpi ... Jest przy tym pełen ufnosci i cierpliwosci jak by wiedział, że Mu się pomaga! Najwspanialszy kotek na świecie 😻❤
Oh dear Good thanks for save Pusic life.
Pusic bring us a lot of beautiful moments and memories ,he is very clever and good character cat.
We wish everything the best for Pusic and his owners !!!
Please get well Pusic. You are so awesome. This breaks my heart seeing him not eating. Prayers for Pusic.🐱
Oh no poor Pusic 😢
I hope he gets better very soon
Sending prayers and positive thoughts
I've cried while I was watching the video. I have an 8 years old cat and I can't think of anything bad happening to him, watching this is so painful.
Пусик милый! Здоровья тебе,спасибо замечательным людям за заботу и любовь😍🙏
Best wishes to Pusic for a full recovery. Your devotion to him is wonderful, and a great lesson for you son about the responsibility that comes with love. And i can see already how sweet and caring he is. I had a somewhat similar problem with my 19 yr old cat. To get her to eat, I would sit her in my lap for hours each day, with her favorite treats nearby. Just petting and comforting her, and she eventually would take the treats,. And after a few weeks, she started eating normally again on her own. I always felt the touching and love helped her heal. Doctors emphasize the need for quiet. But i think animal or person will heal better with love. Shown quietly.
I'm sad. It breakes my heart to see him like this. I'm praying and sending good vibes and all my love for his recovery. I love him so much. Please keep us informed. Thank you.
Pusic I love you, be brave, you'll recover my furry friend!
Poor chap he is going through the mill as is the family he is so brave not liking his carried and who would blame him pg he will get back to his own self very soon thanks for helping him best wishes
It broke my heart seeing him his first few days...but i started smiling seeing him up again....i can see a lot of hope...i want him get completely cured...and forget all the pain he felt. .thank you owner for all the patience and taking care of him. God bless you and your family.
I'm sending lots of healing energy to CatPusic. Praying for a speedy recovery!
Bebezinho melhore ...
Estamos todos torcendo, rezando e orando por vc.
Vc é muito corajoso..
Poor Pusic... I hope he feel better soon ❤️
Дорогой Пусик, выздоравливай побыстрей. Ты очень хороший и умный котик. Я волнуюсь за тебя.
yo también me preocupo por ti
Выздоравливай малыш не огорчай маму она старается вылечить живи а я не до сих пор смириться с уходом моего котофеечка он мой сыночек смотрю видио и плачу
I just lost my precious calico girl end of July 2023. She was just 4 months shy of being 21 years old. I dearly love an miss my baby Patches!! ❤️🐈🐾🐾❤️
I cried the whole time I watched this. It breaks my heart to know Pusic wasn't feeling well. I hope he gets better. I love you Pusic! ❤️❤️❤️
Выздоравливай, Пусик. Мы с тобой с самого начала. Ты сильный, ты сможешь. Терпения и силы хозяевам. Очень тяжело, когда болеют близкие и любимые. Все будет хорошо. Не теряйте надежды.
Эх, а сколько людей и животных убили рашисты в Украине........
Best wishes to Pusic, hope he gets well.
How sad to see the video of Pusic disease. Please get better soon, and thanks to the parents for taking care of him. God bless you always. I love Pusic so much.
I pray that he will recover! Please stay strong, Pusic! Such a brave cat!👍🏾👏👍🏾👏
Бедный котик, как же его жаль! Скорейшего выздоровления лапотульке! Передаём свои пожелания из России! Пожалуйста выздоравливай! Все хотят этого! Держись! Мы верим в тебя!
Sending good vibes and wishes! Get well soon Pusic!
Poor beloved kitten, I really hope he'll recover soon so he can enjoy all your love and care for a very long time in the future. I hesitated before watching the video, it recalls me my dear black and white kitty who died from cancer. All the best for your pet.
Пусик, солнышко, скорее выздоравливай и никогда больше не болей!!!
Скорейшего выздоровления красавцу Пусику 🙏❤️
Oh dear he looked so sick. But little by little he is improving. Thank you for sharing this video. We all love him and your videos so much. There are alot of prayers and healing thoughts across the world to help you all through this sad time. And your son is so sweet and gentle. There is a lot of love in your family. Keep strong and you will make it through this tough time together.