Pat and everyone: Thank you for putting this material together for everyone. I've lived here all my life 'n' this show needs to get on the road and be done with.
Question, if money is coming from other taxes (public taxes) and the Fed chips in ( more public taxes ) why should I pay a "Toll" to drive on something that I've already been taxed on twice?
If this bridge collapses like the other bridge did in St Louis we will have catastrophic loss of life and disruption of travel for 2 years and it will cost 20 times what it will if we replace it now
First mention of I-5 Bridge replacement I remember is 1995 when Vancouver voters rejected MAX as part of the project. The next stage of "planning" 2004-2008 was mostly "single-deck" bridge designs that exceeded the 'then' official Coast Guard minimum 125' river clearance. Studies in 2008-2013 were "double-deck" with only 116' clearance that also made on/off ramps very complex and more costly. Double-deck design neglected safety considerations of locating the transit/ped/bike span (on the same level furthest west) to form an "emergency access" corridor. In worst accidents, a MAX line would halt, but BRT buses to/from Vancouver could steer around stopped emergency vehicles. MAX need only extend to a "surface station" terminus at Jantzen Beach and junction with Vancouver BRT. Figure '5' lanes northbound, '4' lanes southbound, '3' lanes transit/ped/bike spans. The Hayden Island access ramp design as proposed is a death trap. The Marine Drive overpass most needs replacement and looks fine. The two most northerly interchanges in Washington can be deferred forever. Neither state Departments of Highway Robbery bosses plan to reduce costs. This special report was pure propaganda. "Buy a new car today and have fun stuck in traffic while destroying the planet!"
Double-deck design neglected safety considerations of locating the transit/ped/bike span (on the same level furthest west) to form an "emergency access" corridor. In worst accidents, a MAX line would halt, but BRT buses to/from Vancouver could steer around stopped emergency vehicles. MAX need only extend to a "surface station" terminus at Jantzen Beach and junction with Vancouver BRT. Figure '5' lanes northbound, '4' lanes southbound, '3' lanes transit/ped/bike spans. The Hayden Island access ramp design as proposed is a death trap. The Marine Drive overpass most needs replacement and looks fine. The two most northerly interchanges in Washington can be deferred forever. Neither state Departments of Highway Robbery bosses plan to reduce costs. This special report was pure propaganda. "Buy a new car today and have fun stuck in traffic while destroying the planet!"
I remember as a child that we paid a toll to cross the I5 bridge into washington. I also remember when I was stationed in Ft Lewis and Ft Lawton, Washington. that they were still finishing I5 up north in Washington. The cost of the Bridge will be around 8-9 Billion because there will be things crop up that cannot be foreseen in the design and planning phase. I hope that when they do plan for Tolling that they implement the the use of EZ Pass instead of strictly using vehicle licence photos of toll booths. I have traveled around the east coast and I-80 where EZ pass is used and it really moves traffic much faster than toll booths.
I had NO idea that bridge was that old. We have a tiny little bridge in GP that was finally replaced (rebuilt actually) and I think it was 100 years old at the time. It's amazing how long that stuff lasted. I doubt anything new will last that long.
Is that the bridge that goes over the creek/river as you reach the end section of GP City? My mom and myself stayed at a small lodge that sat right by the water and when I walked out onto the deck, I could look over to the right and see a bridge that looked pretty old. GP is almost like Madras, Oregon, because they have the one way street heading in and a one way street heading out as you travel through the heart of downtown GP!....
I don’t think age is a reasoning to spend 7+ billion of money we don’t have to replace it. Golden Gate is 90 years old, Brooklyn Bridge and George Washington Bridge equally old and all heavily used. They throw the age around as a fear tactic. Many have pointed out how much cheaper upgrades to the existing bridge would be
I lived in the Coov before they built the Sam Jackson 205 bridge and it was a bitch every time there was a bridge lift on the I-5 bridge. Being that this is the only stop light on the 5 between Mexico and Canada, I think the Federal Government should pay a little more for it. A lot of commuters won't be able to afford a toll, especially if it's both ways, and we need to make damn sure it's tall enough for the river traffic, now and especially in the future. A lot to consider here.
I think you meant to say the: "Glenn L. Jackson Memorial Bridge' and not Sam Jackson, Bridge but I totally agree with what you are saying about the Feds fronting more of the cost for the rebuild for the I-5 Bridge!...
Non of the other bridges required a toll to be paid for. One of the terrible things about Democrat run government is they already have raised general taxes and refuse to make infrastructure investments based on the massive taxation the already have in place.
Light Rail into mean Clark County. Most in Clark County don't want TriMet(aka "The Crime Train") except some politicians and C-Tran management. How much will TriMet charge C-Tran(aka Clark County taxpayers) for the List Rail Service into Clark County when it doesn't pay for itself? Like every other Light Rail Service in about every Metropolitain area in the United States these project very rarely pay for themselves. So save money on this project and leave Light Rail out of it!!
The only fixed span bridges I can think of that have that kind of height (Glen Jackson, St John's) have high terrain on at least one end to help achieve that height without making an impossibly steep grade getting on/off the bridge. The I-5 route doesn't have anything close to that. I have a sailboat in the Columbia River, so I totally understand the Coast Guard's concern. But I'm also a Vancouver/ Portland commuter so I understand those concerns as well. It boils down to this: We NEED a new bridge. I've seen traffic so bad that it became appealing to drive hwy 30 to cross the Lewis and Clark Bridge into Longview and then down I-5 to get to Vancouver. Crazy? Yes. But true. The new bridge will HAVE TO allow barges and tugs under it to get upriver to the many shipping communities east of Portland.
Actually what you wrote makes a stronger argument for a 3rd passage between the two states in this area. Both the 5 and 205 are a slow mess during rush hour. There has been such a huge amount of expansion in Vancouver (especially as housing became so outrageous in Portland). Putting a “new bridge” that dumps into the same connections into Portland solves nothing as the bridge is not the source of the issues. Especially if they cannot avoid a lift.
Armor Sine Timor! -I wish it was simple to explain what the dysfunction is. The political game playing and back door dealings really much things up. With government agencies constantly asking for more and more funds when they spend the remainder of their budgets wastefully.
I’ve been saying it for years…a 3rd bridge should be built east of 205 before doing any I-5 bridge replacement action. It’s a common sense thing 💁🏼♂️ The third bride will help reduce traffic overall and help detour traffic that will be murder once the I-5 bridge construction happens. Once the I-5 bridge is complete it can have a toll and people will use it. Problem solved on all fronts.
It's my understanding that the planned capacity of the new bridge will not substantially differ from what we have. Three car lanes in each direction (with an additional lane for busses). That is amazingly short-sighted, in my opinion. How in the world do planners see what we have and NOT think we need a LOT more capacity? SMH. Come on, people! An additional bus lane is NOT going to make a difference!
Most people forget that semi trucks pay tolls per axle and are considerably higher than regular commuters. And as long as the tolls process through the prepass system on the trucks, the process is seemless. EZ passes are relatively easy to use and can have a scalable rate for those on fixed or low income status. Regular shuttle services should qualify for a special pass as well (I am thinking about the VA Medical Shuttle.) I for one have paid my share of tolls across the country, including a toll bridge in Washington State. It is part of the cost of the transportation industry and is factored in. It isn't a matter of tolling or not, but a matter of balancing fairness of tolls to those crossing the bridge.
No matter what they say now the bridge will be at least 1 bil more and at least 1 year longer. Just look at past government projects to figure that out. They will be law suits from various eco groups. And what will they do if the cost exceeds 6.3 bil and the bridge is not finished?
George Washington bridge is 20 dollars Other crossings are similar in cost So, by the time construction is complete and the bridge opens a total of $25 per car is expected
that bridge needed replacing when I lived in Camas back in '83. But the idea of charging people to cross the river is a non-starter. The East Coaster can go back to New York with that nonsense. It's time WashOre grows up and starts raising taxes to pay for things they need like other states do. $1billion is nothing you can't handle.
It's not the I5 bridge that's the problem, it's OR and ODOT through Peetown as usual. This is ridiculous to be wasting our tax dollars in SW WA AGAIN, while Peetown keeps skating through untouched and unblamed, when they're the only problem.
The Coast Guard killed this project once because as designed it would not allow river traffic to pass underneath. This is what is going to happen again.
After driving across the current bridge a lot. The one thing I hope to see resolved is the incline. The speed limit drops from 45 to 40 for the bridge and the actual observed speed without any sort of congestion can slow all the way down to 20 mph. Trucks need to accelerate to get over the bridge and it shows. Other minor things is better multimodal options. It’s a mile across the bridge on what looks like a standard sidewalk. And no tolls please. Just. . . No.
why do we need such a massive coast guard ship to go up the columbia? The glenn jackson is fixed and only 144ft above the water. What's the point of such a tall bridge for such a short section of the river?
Soon, very soon We need it no matter what it costs We need to get 8 crews to build from the 2 shores and from the center If we need to charge 50 dollars per crossing that is fine With EZ Pass we don't have to have any toll plazas We can use the slipstream overhead readers at speed so traffic can be going 120 MPH and read 1000 tags at a time and take photos of every vehicle at the same time
As far as I hear the plan is to tole the 205 bridge as well. The 205 toling is from what I hear supposed to cover some of the construction of the new I5 bridge. And also some if not all of the maintenance of bout the new I5 bridge, and care for the 205 bridge as well. But that is how Stats and the Feds pay for things and projects. By our tax dollars. And fixing, maintaining public things like roads, bridges, and the like is just part of life, and that is better than not being able to cross a bridge, the bridge collapsing and a lot of people getting hurt or killed, or not being able to drive on roads because they are in really bad shape.
I'd trade a toll for no light rail. Light rail probably adds at least a billion to the cost. Besides I'm paying the taxes for this and I don't want to pay just to cross the river. I can guarantee the toll will be much higher after a couple years and the Democrats get their teeth into a source of money.
If they wanna have the bridge high enough without the draw span, they'll have to start building was pass the bridge on both sides to rise the roads approaching the bridge, or built anither drawbridge. But thats the actual problem. Its an expressway and when the draw span raised, it haults traffic, even if they build the bridge with proper lanes. Why not a suspension bridge?
Thoroughly impressed with this news segment today. This is news that I can watch and doesn't make me feel bad about my community or that were making poor decisions; instead it gives me hope for the future. Very optimistic about the bridge replacement and grateful for the tolling part of it as well.
Folks IF light rail was dropped as a component (people in Vancouver do NOT want light rail) this would have been done a decade ago. But good old John Kitzhaber (what a corrupt guy) said "no light rail, no bridge, no kidding" and here we are. Meanwhile his "advisor" Patricia McCaig and his friend David Evans and Associates (light rail consultant) raked in millions of dollars in consulting fees. Expect the same kind of slush fund tactics this time. LIGHT RAIL IS A $$$ BOONDOGGLE and a failure.
How much of the cost (and the height issue) is due to forcing light rail that NO ONE outside of a tone def Oregon government wants, fails miserably in votes, and ended up killing the last design, into Vancouver? Would a more modest or proper design work and allow more money to fix the actual problem with traffic closer to the I-5 bottleneck near the Rose Quarter? Telling Tri-Met to pound sand would change everything for the better and based on your numbers, would mean we might not need a toll after all.
Tolling on commuter vehicles is a terrible idea. Imagine having to work for 15-30 minutes a day just to afford crossing a bridge? More reasons for people to stay home. Commercial shipping Trucks can pay
The Mayer of Vancouver strikes me as someone who just doesn't understand why there's even a bridge there in the first place. How low does she think aircraft need to fly and or how high does she think a lift bridge is going to be? As for the companies up river, mitigation isn't going to make a difference because without the ability to sail ships up river the cargo will have to be diverted to other ports. Ports that might already be at capacity. In the long term Portland will lose those companies and sink even further into the abyss they've dug for themselves. If they really want to insist on a bridge that doesn't have to have a draw, swing, or lift in it then build it higher. High enough for ships to get under it.
If you are going to put a toll on anything it to this bridge like it was when I was young...WA.residents need to pay for tearing up Oregon roads.
Agreed. I grew up in Gresham pre-light rail. It was just a nice, quiet community on the way to Mt. Hood. I remember when light rail came. It brought nothing good.
More importantly, gangs and other criminals will try to escape over here, making us work with Peetown's horrible, racist, lousy cops we don't need. Our's are bad enough.
Not sure why people get so worked up about the light rail... there's already a train between Portland and Vancouver, so it won't matter much whether there's an additional rail line built tbh
@@tinybike Um you are talking about an Amtrak train and cargo train line vs a commuter train service that crime comes along with it. That’s not an opinion, that’s fact. I’ve heard that from police, my imprisoned nephew, news reports, etc. THAT is why people make a big deal about it and from being someone who saw what it did to a community I lived in when light rail came in…they should.
If taxpayers are going to pay for 80% of the new bridge, they might as well pay for 100% and have a toll-free bridge! For six billion dollars we ought to be able have our cake and eat it too by building a fixed height bridge 200 feet above the river!
During the "BIG ONE" when the Oregon coast does what Japan did, you can expect the land to lose elevation above sea level, maybe dropping 10 to 20 feet. This will be added to the inflow of tsunami water that will come in a series of inflows, outflows and inflows that will peak above 100 feet (plan for 200 feet) and could rush inland reversing the flow of the Columbia River. I'd expect the loss of Camas, WA and Troutdale, OR. In the meantime try to find your spot to get video streamed.
Opposition to a toll covering 1/6 of the cost shows how immature we are as a society. So you expect everyone else to shoulder the burden equally with you? For a bridge you will use much more than them? $3 a day is basically a choice between a pickup/suv and a efficient car for your commute.
Pat and everyone: Thank you for putting this material together for everyone. I've lived here all my life 'n' this show needs to get on the road and be done with.
Question, if money is coming from other taxes (public taxes) and the Fed chips in ( more public taxes ) why should I pay a "Toll" to drive on something that I've already been taxed on twice?
I went over that bridge many a time. Loved that bridge.
I swear we've been talking about replacing this bridge for 30 years, at least...
Well duh, it's a cash cow
If this bridge collapses like the other bridge did in St Louis we will have catastrophic loss of life and disruption of travel for 2 years and it will cost 20 times what it will if we replace it now
First mention of I-5 Bridge replacement I remember is 1995 when Vancouver voters rejected MAX as part of the project. The next stage of "planning" 2004-2008 was mostly "single-deck" bridge designs that exceeded the 'then' official Coast Guard minimum 125' river clearance. Studies in 2008-2013 were "double-deck" with only 116' clearance that also made on/off ramps very complex and more costly.
Double-deck design neglected safety considerations of locating the transit/ped/bike span (on the same level furthest west) to form an "emergency access" corridor. In worst accidents, a MAX line would halt, but BRT buses to/from Vancouver could steer around stopped emergency vehicles. MAX need only extend to a "surface station" terminus at Jantzen Beach and junction with Vancouver BRT. Figure '5' lanes northbound, '4' lanes southbound, '3' lanes transit/ped/bike spans.
The Hayden Island access ramp design as proposed is a death trap. The Marine Drive overpass most needs replacement and looks fine. The two most northerly interchanges in Washington can be deferred forever. Neither state Departments of Highway Robbery bosses plan to reduce costs. This special report was pure propaganda. "Buy a new car today and have fun stuck in traffic while destroying the planet!"
Double-deck design neglected safety considerations of locating the transit/ped/bike span (on the same level furthest west) to form an "emergency access" corridor. In worst accidents, a MAX line would halt, but BRT buses to/from Vancouver could steer around stopped emergency vehicles. MAX need only extend to a "surface station" terminus at Jantzen Beach and junction with Vancouver BRT. Figure '5' lanes northbound, '4' lanes southbound, '3' lanes transit/ped/bike spans.
The Hayden Island access ramp design as proposed is a death trap. The Marine Drive overpass most needs replacement and looks fine. The two most northerly interchanges in Washington can be deferred forever. Neither state Departments of Highway Robbery bosses plan to reduce costs. This special report was pure propaganda. "Buy a new car today and have fun stuck in traffic while destroying the planet!"
I remember as a child that we paid a toll to cross the I5 bridge into washington. I also remember when I was stationed in Ft Lewis and Ft Lawton, Washington. that they were still finishing I5 up north in Washington.
The cost of the Bridge will be around 8-9 Billion because there will be things crop up that cannot be foreseen in the design and planning phase.
I hope that when they do plan for Tolling that they implement the the use of EZ Pass instead of strictly using vehicle licence photos of toll booths. I have traveled around the east coast and I-80 where EZ pass is used and it really moves traffic much faster than toll booths.
I had NO idea that bridge was that old. We have a tiny little bridge in GP that was finally replaced (rebuilt actually) and I think it was 100 years old at the time. It's amazing how long that stuff lasted. I doubt anything new will last that long.
Is that the bridge that goes over the creek/river as you reach the end section of GP City? My mom and myself stayed at a small lodge that sat right by the water and when I walked out onto the deck, I could look over to the right and see a bridge that looked pretty old. GP is almost like Madras, Oregon, because they have the one way street heading in and a one way street heading out as you travel through the heart of downtown GP!....
I don’t think age is a reasoning to spend 7+ billion of money we don’t have to replace it. Golden Gate is 90 years old, Brooklyn Bridge and George Washington Bridge equally old and all heavily used. They throw the age around as a fear tactic. Many have pointed out how much cheaper upgrades to the existing bridge would be
@@_A4A I lived in GP for 16 years just south of the Rogue River!
Hawthorne in downtown Portland was built in 1910, with steel being built in 1912 and being the only one of it's kind
I lived in the Coov before they built the Sam Jackson 205 bridge and it was a bitch every time there was a bridge lift on the I-5 bridge. Being that this is the only stop light on the 5 between Mexico and Canada, I think the Federal Government should pay a little more for it. A lot of commuters won't be able to afford a toll, especially if it's both ways, and we need to make damn sure it's tall enough for the river traffic, now and especially in the future. A lot to consider here.
I think you meant to say the: "Glenn L. Jackson Memorial Bridge' and not Sam Jackson, Bridge but I totally agree with what you are saying about the Feds fronting more of the cost for the rebuild for the I-5 Bridge!...
That's not correct there's red lights at the Cali boarder crossing.
Just the thought of a toll bridge on an key interstate freeway sounds like quite a racket to me.
I love these extended format videos on the topics that matter!
Non of the other bridges required a toll to be paid for. One of the terrible things about Democrat run government is they already have raised general taxes and refuse to make infrastructure investments based on the massive taxation the already have in place.
One thing we can be sure on is the bridge will never be replaced.
Fixed bridge will limit the Navy ships.
Total cost bridge + 10% for the big guy .
Light Rail into mean Clark County. Most in Clark County don't want TriMet(aka "The Crime Train") except some politicians and C-Tran management. How much will TriMet charge C-Tran(aka Clark County taxpayers) for the List Rail Service into Clark County when it doesn't pay for itself? Like every other Light Rail Service in about every Metropolitain area in the United States these project very rarely pay for themselves. So save money on this project and leave Light Rail out of it!!
Sign the petition to put road tolls before the voters. If you don't restrict them now you will see them everywhere. Coming and going. I promise you.
We already voted them down several times, and since Peetown is the problem, we don't need another vote.
Tolls are still very restricted. However, after they’ve relaxed some of the restrictions, that’s a very distinct possibility.
The only fixed span bridges I can think of that have that kind of height (Glen Jackson, St John's) have high terrain on at least one end to help achieve that height without making an impossibly steep grade getting on/off the bridge. The I-5 route doesn't have anything close to that. I have a sailboat in the Columbia River, so I totally understand the Coast Guard's concern. But I'm also a Vancouver/ Portland commuter so I understand those concerns as well.
It boils down to this: We NEED a new bridge. I've seen traffic so bad that it became appealing to drive hwy 30 to cross the Lewis and Clark Bridge into Longview and then down I-5 to get to Vancouver. Crazy? Yes. But true. The new bridge will HAVE TO allow barges and tugs under it to get upriver to the many shipping communities east of Portland.
Actually what you wrote makes a stronger argument for a 3rd passage between the two states in this area. Both the 5 and 205 are a slow mess during rush hour. There has been such a huge amount of expansion in Vancouver (especially as housing became so outrageous in Portland). Putting a “new bridge” that dumps into the same connections into Portland solves nothing as the bridge is not the source of the issues. Especially if they cannot avoid a lift.
1998 they we're talking about this...2023! What is so dysfunctional with these public leaders?
Armor Sine Timor! -I wish it was simple to explain what the dysfunction is. The political game playing and back door dealings really much things up. With government agencies constantly asking for more and more funds when they spend the remainder of their budgets wastefully.
Its simple.....Vancouver didnt want light rail or this would have been done a decade ago. With light rail comes graft and political corruption.
I’ve been saying it for years…a 3rd bridge should be built east of 205 before doing any I-5 bridge replacement action. It’s a common sense thing 💁🏼♂️
The third bride will help reduce traffic overall and help detour traffic that will be murder once the I-5 bridge construction happens.
Once the I-5 bridge is complete it can have a toll and people will use it. Problem solved on all fronts.
Yes, build 2 bridges when they can't even correctly plan 1 new one 😂
It won't help reduce traffic. There's always traffic even on i-205.
East of the 205 for whom that so far east its basically the start of the Columbia gorge park
7$ a day is just insane.
It’s bonkers, we’re making all party’s involved rich for life and there decedents
It's my understanding that the planned capacity of the new bridge will not substantially differ from what we have. Three car lanes in each direction (with an additional lane for busses). That is amazingly short-sighted, in my opinion. How in the world do planners see what we have and NOT think we need a LOT more capacity? SMH. Come on, people! An additional bus lane is NOT going to make a difference!
“I don’t mind, I’m from the East Coast.” If you love tolls so much, move back, Steiner.
I know right.
Same with california and texas.
This will never be built for the costs proposed. There will be flying cars before the bridge is even started lol.
Most people forget that semi trucks pay tolls per axle and are considerably higher than regular commuters. And as long as the tolls process through the prepass system on the trucks, the process is seemless.
EZ passes are relatively easy to use and can have a scalable rate for those on fixed or low income status. Regular shuttle services should qualify for a special pass as well (I am thinking about the VA Medical Shuttle.)
I for one have paid my share of tolls across the country, including a toll bridge in Washington State. It is part of the cost of the transportation industry and is factored in. It isn't a matter of tolling or not, but a matter of balancing fairness of tolls to those crossing the bridge.
No matter what they say now the bridge will be at least 1 bil more and at least 1 year longer. Just look at past government projects to figure that out. They will be law suits from various eco groups. And what will they do if the cost exceeds 6.3 bil and the bridge is not finished?
Tolls will be just yet another cut that encourages this 5th generation Oregonian to leave.
This isn’t the airport , no need to announce your departure 👍
Why he's right, let the cascadia rip. I'm outta this sht hole myself. You corrupt commie bas tards can wallow in your own filth.
While driving on the i5 bridge you didn’t mention the nice view of the trailer park dump Jantzen Beach
Real nice. You know people live there. Families. Elderly. Including my own. Love your human compassion
George Washington bridge is 20 dollars
Other crossings are similar in cost
So, by the time construction is complete and the bridge opens a total of $25 per car is expected
Makes sense to me.
Why should I have to pay for a bridge that I don't use?
Leave the bridge alone
Why can’t they just repair it and just leave it the way it is. Don’t want any tolls. Thanks.
that bridge needed replacing when I lived in Camas back in '83. But the idea of charging people to cross the river is a non-starter. The East Coaster can go back to New York with that nonsense. It's time WashOre grows up and starts raising taxes to pay for things they need like other states do. $1billion is nothing you can't handle.
I'd love to scrap it.
It's not the I5 bridge that's the problem, it's OR and ODOT through Peetown as usual. This is ridiculous to be wasting our tax dollars in SW WA AGAIN, while Peetown keeps skating through untouched and unblamed, when they're the only problem.
Oh look it's Kotexs' time to steal a bunch of money from us 😂
Has USCG provided the reasoning for lifting bridge?
The Coast Guard killed this project once because as designed it would not allow river traffic to pass underneath. This is what is going to happen again.
After driving across the current bridge a lot.
The one thing I hope to see resolved is the incline. The speed limit drops from 45 to 40 for the bridge and the actual observed speed without any sort of congestion can slow all the way down to 20 mph. Trucks need to accelerate to get over the bridge and it shows.
Other minor things is better multimodal options. It’s a mile across the bridge on what looks like a standard sidewalk.
And no tolls please. Just. . . No.
why do we need such a massive coast guard ship to go up the columbia? The glenn jackson is fixed and only 144ft above the water. What's the point of such a tall bridge for such a short section of the river?
A fixed bridge, what a blessing. How often as a TriMet driver...wait, wait wait.
I would like to know if the troll would stop after the bridge being pay off.
Oh no, once you let trolls under your bridge there's no getting rid of them.
@@kidynamite58 Having a forever troll is not right. That’s like stealing money from regular people.
Soon, very soon
We need it no matter what it costs
We need to get 8 crews to build from the 2 shores and from the center
If we need to charge 50 dollars per crossing that is fine
With EZ Pass we don't have to have any toll plazas
We can use the slipstream overhead readers at speed so traffic can be going 120 MPH and read 1000 tags at a time and take photos of every vehicle at the same time
As far as I hear the plan is to tole the 205 bridge as well. The 205 toling is from what I hear supposed to cover some of the construction of the new I5 bridge. And also some if not all of the maintenance of bout the new I5 bridge, and care for the 205 bridge as well. But that is how Stats and the Feds pay for things and projects. By our tax dollars. And fixing, maintaining public things like roads, bridges, and the like is just part of life, and that is better than not being able to cross a bridge, the bridge collapsing and a lot of people getting hurt or killed, or not being able to drive on roads because they are in really bad shape.
I'd trade a toll for no light rail. Light rail probably adds at least a billion to the cost. Besides I'm paying the taxes for this and I don't want to pay just to cross the river. I can guarantee the toll will be much higher after a couple years and the Democrats get their teeth into a source of money.
No federal dollars for portland.
If they wanna have the bridge high enough without the draw span, they'll have to start building was pass the bridge on both sides to rise the roads approaching the bridge, or built anither drawbridge. But thats the actual problem. Its an expressway and when the draw span raised, it haults traffic, even if they build the bridge with proper lanes. Why not a suspension bridge?
my uncle replaced everything on the I-5 Bridge in 96 when he was the bridge tender
The bridge will get replaced only after it falls down
Thoroughly impressed with this news segment today. This is news that I can watch and doesn't make me feel bad about my community or that were making poor decisions; instead it gives me hope for the future. Very optimistic about the bridge replacement and grateful for the tolling part of it as well.
Just go around the Columbia river.
I don't drive I-5, I live in Estacada
Folks IF light rail was dropped as a component (people in Vancouver do NOT want light rail) this would have been done a decade ago. But good old John Kitzhaber (what a corrupt guy) said "no light rail, no bridge, no kidding" and here we are. Meanwhile his "advisor" Patricia McCaig and his friend David Evans and Associates (light rail consultant) raked in millions of dollars in consulting fees. Expect the same kind of slush fund tactics this time. LIGHT RAIL IS A $$$ BOONDOGGLE and a failure.
How much of the cost (and the height issue) is due to forcing light rail that NO ONE outside of a tone def Oregon government wants, fails miserably in votes, and ended up killing the last design, into Vancouver? Would a more modest or proper design work and allow more money to fix the actual problem with traffic closer to the I-5 bottleneck near the Rose Quarter? Telling Tri-Met to pound sand would change everything for the better and based on your numbers, would mean we might not need a toll after all.
Tolling on commuter vehicles is a terrible idea. Imagine having to work for 15-30 minutes a day just to afford crossing a bridge? More reasons for people to stay home. Commercial shipping Trucks can pay
The Mayer of Vancouver strikes me as someone who just doesn't understand why there's even a bridge there in the first place. How low does she think aircraft need to fly and or how high does she think a lift bridge is going to be? As for the companies up river, mitigation isn't going to make a difference because without the ability to sail ships up river the cargo will have to be diverted to other ports. Ports that might already be at capacity. In the long term Portland will lose those companies and sink even further into the abyss they've dug for themselves. If they really want to insist on a bridge that doesn't have to have a draw, swing, or lift in it then build it higher. High enough for ships to get under it.
She only takes our money and puts it downtown and on the waterfront tourist trap-crap. She's senile and needs to leave.
If you are going to put a toll on anything it to this bridge like it was when I was young...WA.residents need to pay for tearing up Oregon roads.
EFF OFF, your crap state already rips us off in every way, and the problem is I5 through downtown Peetown.
Yeah, they won't do anything until it collapses.
Vancouver will be importing homeless from Portland if light rail is built into Vancouver.
The homeless are already here. You should drive around specially the downtown area of Vancouver, and a little bit beyond that.
Agreed. I grew up in Gresham pre-light rail. It was just a nice, quiet community on the way to Mt. Hood. I remember when light rail came. It brought nothing good.
More importantly, gangs and other criminals will try to escape over here, making us work with Peetown's horrible, racist, lousy cops we don't need. Our's are bad enough.
Not sure why people get so worked up about the light rail... there's already a train between Portland and Vancouver, so it won't matter much whether there's an additional rail line built tbh
@@tinybike Um you are talking about an Amtrak train and cargo train line vs a commuter train service that crime comes along with it. That’s not an opinion, that’s fact. I’ve heard that from police, my imprisoned nephew, news reports, etc. THAT is why people make a big deal about it and from being someone who saw what it did to a community I lived in when light rail came in…they should.
100k cars per day, 50 dollars per car , 4 years to pay off the loan
Even at 25 dollars per car we can pay it off in 10 years
You forgot the compound variable interest.
If taxpayers are going to pay for 80% of the new bridge, they might as well pay for 100% and have a toll-free bridge! For six billion dollars we ought to be able have our cake and eat it too by building a fixed height bridge 200 feet above the river!
Needs replaced
During the "BIG ONE" when the Oregon coast does what Japan did, you can expect the land to lose elevation above sea level, maybe dropping 10 to 20 feet. This will be added to the inflow of tsunami water that will come in a series of inflows, outflows and inflows that will peak above 100 feet (plan for 200 feet) and could rush inland reversing the flow of the Columbia River. I'd expect the loss of Camas, WA and Troutdale, OR. In the meantime try to find your spot to get video streamed.
You want Federal money? You have to follow Federal rules.
Opposition to a toll covering 1/6 of the cost shows how immature we are as a society. So you expect everyone else to shoulder the burden equally with you? For a bridge you will use much more than them? $3 a day is basically a choice between a pickup/suv and a efficient car for your commute.
Put a freaking underwater tunnel !
Remember we GAVE somebody 40 billion !!!!!!
Human trafficking brought to you by NATO
Put a tunnel underwater !
Build a tunnel under the river
If federal dollars are used...there better not be ANY tolls. Not acceptable
Build a replacement like 205 bridge not the waste of money one they are proposing.
Build a tunnel.. problem solved!
show a map of the potential homes to be dis plce? the bridge still works as desighed. accidects. so what incresetrFFIC PATROLS