I hope you understand my comment as constructive. I, too fly often into new-to-me airports and on my information search upfront I often find your videos showing somewhat I am looking for. I believe to say, however, that telling us how long and wide the runway is, or if they have left or right traffic pattern or where the papies or the control tower is located at the airport or if there is fuel available or not is waste of your time, we can read those things on the airport information page any time. Much more informative would be if you would tell things that is unique and important knowledge to that particular airport which information might or might not be easy to find. You could include a more extended radio communication related to that arrival and after landing procedure, which I would also call "unique" to that particular airport. I appreciate your time making these videos.
EXCELLENT videos. 11/10!!!!!
Very Helpful! thank you
I hope you understand my comment as constructive. I, too fly often into new-to-me airports and on my information search upfront I often find your videos showing somewhat I am looking for. I believe to say, however, that telling us how long and wide the runway is, or if they have left or right traffic pattern or where the papies or the control tower is located at the airport or if there is fuel available or not is waste of your time, we can read those things on the airport information page any time. Much more informative would be if you would tell things that is unique and important knowledge to that particular airport which information might or might not be easy to find. You could include a more extended radio communication related to that arrival and after landing procedure, which I would also call "unique" to that particular airport. I appreciate your time making these videos.