Mainstream people . 90% of us in California heard from our elders bumping it . Then again GTASA soundtrack was composed of music California people listen to lol
Legend has it that the scream was of a woman being murdered in an alley by the recording studio and it was too expensive to re-record the song. The things people come up with lol. Scary thought though.
I was on the tanning bed a while ago... and the place I go to plays music through the speakers controlled by the receptionist. I was on there for about 9 mins and about 4 minutes in this song starts to play......... :o If that receptionist has seen final destination 3... that was just a cruel joke! XD
Not liking The Players should be a crime Barbara. Greatest band ever! Sugar, Rock, Merv, Pee Wee, Diamond, Satch and of course the bad man himself Billy Beck.
Yes. In Honolulu Hawaii, 1975. A DJ said he didn't think they made songs like that. Referring to someone asking if the screams were of a woman being killed while this record was being made. Can't believe this myth still persists all these decades later. Sounds like a whistle to me 😉
The song has a persistent urban legend, that during an instrumental portion of the song, a high-pitched scream is heard (between 1:24 and 1:28 on the single version, or between 2:32 and 2:36 on the album version). This was Billy Beck, but according to the most common legend, it was the voice of an individual being murdered live while the tape was rolling. The "victim's" identity varies greatly depending on the version. The supposed sources of the scream have included an individual who was killed at some prior time, her scream inexplicably recorded and looped into the track. Another version says that a girl has fallen off the roller coaster and was screaming to her death. Another version tells of a rabbit being killed outside the studio whose scream was accidentally picked up by the band's recording equipment - highly implausible, since professional recording studios are soundproof. The most widespread version of the myth, however, tells that Ester Cordet, who appeared nude on the Honey album cover, had been badly burned by the super-heated honey used for the photo shoot, which occurred simultaneous with the recording session, and her agonized screams were inadvertently captured on tape.
@@jackbluepirate87 there really is a urban legend... it seems you’re the only one who didn’t know. The singer HIMSELF, Jimmy “Diamond” said that it was Billy Beck making that sound to get to his High note and that YEA there was a urban legend about a woman being stabbed to death and about the rabbit and about Ester Cordet and her being burned. And that’s when they explained what it was. But the scream sounds really scary. It really sounds like a woman is being killed.
On this day in 1975 {November 9th} "Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players entered Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart at position #51; and 11 weeks later on January 25th, 1976 it peaked at #1 {for 1 week} and spent 16 weeks on the Top 100... Between 1971 and 1977 the Dayton, Ohio quintet had fourteen Top 100 records; two made the Top 10 and both reached #1, the group's other #1 record was "Fire", which reached the top spot for 1 week on February 2nd, 1975... Their next biggest hit was “Funky Worm”; it peaked at #15 in 1973… Sadly, group founder Robert Ward, also vocalist and guitarist, passed away on Christmas Day of 2008 at the age of 70... May he R.I.P.
The Drums and Bass in this song is amazing. Diamond got a standard set sounding like he playing a much larger set. And Marshall haven't received enough love or recognition as a Bassist..
love that guitar riff! that scream sounds too good to be someone getting murdered. almost has a Doppler effect to it. Whoever did it is a professional vocalist.
I'm a Red Hot Chili Pepper's fan and to anyone who says that The Ohio Players copied them have it all wrong. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL RECORDING OF THIS SONG released in 1975. Red Hot Chili Pepper's covered THEIR song and released their cover in 1996.
tiieeeem I think i heard this song as a pre-teen of the Chilipeppers version, little did i know its a cover until i looked up on the internet.Such a groovy song ❤
All the clubs in India often end the night of dance and wild HIPDISCO with this 'baby' in is 50 years now that this magnificent epic adventure of a song has not yet peaked out. Most of the original player are dead but we keep them coming back to our shie'tae'taventassi dances.
This is like my favorite classic 70's song! I found this song watching "Final Destination 3". My friends and I used to like blast this song is the car last summer!!!!!
The song has a persistent urban legend. During an instrumental portion of the song, a high-pitched scream is heard (between 1:24 and 1:28 on the single version, or between 2:32 and 2:36 on the album version); this was Billy Beck, but according to the most common legend, it was the voice of an individual being murdered live while the tape was rolling. The "victim's" identity varies greatly depending on the version.[3][4] The supposed sources of the scream have included an individual who was killed at some prior time, her scream inexplicably recorded and looped into the track. Another version says that a girl has fallen off the roller coaster and was screaming to her death. Another version tells of a rabbit being killed outside the studio whose scream was accidentally picked up by the band's recording equipment - highly implausible, since professional recording studios are soundproof. The most widespread version of the myth, however, tells that Ester Cordet, who appeared nude on the Honey album cover, had been badly burned by the super-heated honey used for the photo shoot, which occurred simultaneous with the recording session, and her agonized screams were inadvertently captured on tape. A further variation had Cordet suffering permanent disfigurement due to the burns; she interrupted the band's recording session, threatening to sue, at which point the band's manager stabbed her to death in the control room. The latter scenario, however, is impossible as Ester Cordet is still aliveCasey Kasem reported the urban myth of the woman being killed in the studio recording booth on his radio show, American Top 40, when the song was on the charts in 1976.Jimmy "Diamond" Williams explained that the scream was nothing eerie or disturbing:“ There is a part in the song where there's a breakdown. It's guitars and it's right before the second verse and Billy Beck does one of those inhaling-type screeches like Minnie Riperton did to reach her high note or Mariah Carey does to go octaves above. The DJ made this crack and it swept the country. People were asking us, "Did you kill this girl in the studio?" The band took a vow of silence because you sell more records that way.
There's no "death scream" on this track nor is that the album cover model being horribly burned by superheated honey or whatever. The scream is Billy Beck, the vocalist. It's an inhalation scream, a vocal technique to hit very high notes.
yep Satch told the guys don't say anything just let the money keep rolling in, everyone was buying record thinking somebody or woman was being stabbed or killed whatever it was they made a lot of money on that rumor
+John Burns I remember when they were asked the question on that so I heard it from them during an interview so hey if they said it then it must be true that no one wasn't even thought of being physically harm or hurt just an inhaled sound he did during the recording
I love jamming to this on guitar! and grew up on this. Everything about this song is tight! How can 3 chords wear your fingers out! lol Thanks for sharing!
I was 11years old when this song came out this is when music was outstanding I am 59 years old and still listing to this music today in 2024 this music will never get old these kids today don't know about this kind of good music
When my late boyfriend and I were together, this song was one of our favorites. I told him that my first boyfriend was small sized and no fun in bed. My late boyfriend's response was "When you go to the amusement park, you test yourself on the little rides. Once you ride the big roller coaster, you will understand the difference." He told me. Let me say, that "ride" was no joke! We had a special liking for the song afterwards.
This song brings me back to junior high ! We all bought into the murder rumor and when this song came on the radio everybody crowded around the radio & listened really close to here the scream ! Lol! In those days you had two choices. Buy the record and play it on your record player or later the eight track player to hear it. Or wait for the song to come on the radio!
Came here because I remember when the song was released back in 1974. Loved the Ohio Players a lot. Just sounds better now in digital. Most of you too young to remember the days when music was the jam. Good to know they're getting paid royalties for it's use in a video game scenario. Mo' money, honey. Could care less about the game, just the royalties artists receive from finding new audiences for hit songs. Publishing is where the money's at anyway. That and remixed versions, if only it were for sampling as well. Final what? What's that...LOLOL
Michael Hill Hi Michael, yeah I hear ya, this song was so popular when I was in highschool (Denby in Detroit)! I never forget my friends during those days ✌
Clarence Satchell (born April 15, 1940) died December 30, 1995 after suffering a brain aneurysm at the age of 55;[12] Ralph Middlebrooks (born August 20, 1939) died in November 1997 of cancer;[13][14] Vincent Thomas ("Venny Wu"), (born January 26, 1958) died February 16, 2008, of cancer, in his hometown of Lubbock, Texas, and Robert Ward (born October 15, 1938) died at home December 25, 2008.[15] Cornelius Johnson (born July 12, 1937) died February 1, 2009.[16] Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner (born March 14, 1943, Hamilton, Ohio) died January 26, 2013 at age 69 of cancer.[17] Marshall "Rock" Jones (born January 1, 1941, Dayton, Ohio), the last surviving member from the Ohio Untouchables line-up, died of cancer on May 27, 2016 in Houston, Texas, at age 75.[1][18][19] Walter "Junie" Morrison died in February 2017, aged 62.[20][21]...THE OHIO PLAYERS....RIP BROTHERS
i saw them play at a casino, and after the show we ate at the buffet. 10 mins into eating the entire band sits across from us. sugarfoot is cool as shit.
+Lioness Fierce isnt it? funny how things work out that way. sometimes the planets just line up. they took photos and signed out placemats! my mom was going nuts. life is a trip! we gotta enjoy it while we're here.
Yes I remember Wolf Man Jack, he was cool & great looking & a great actor & voice on the radio as well!!!! He played in the movie American Girffity !! Great Movie !!!!
Supposedly at 2:33 the screeching in the background is the woman in the pic being murdered in the studio and her screams were caught on the track and they kept it. A creepy urban legend I hear years ago that always stuck n gives me bad vibes when this song comes on.
What group would continue recording if a woman was being murdered? And the timing of the scream was when there was a pause (too much to be just a coincidence that she screamed during a lull in the song). That is, unless they had overdubbing in those days. I agree with those who say that it's just a high pitch voice singing. When I was 9 years old, and the song was being played on radio, I did believe what I now know is a myth. Still, it takes me back to better times in our society.
- A N I M O N - nah man it really is a chick that got murderer in the middle of it they were jamming so hard they didnt hear it. and also they are probably fucked up so they may have thought they were tripping
"Love Rollercoaster" poco a poco empezaba a sonar en las radios, y los Dj's ya le daban duro en las fiestas setenteras. Pero tuvo su mejor momento gracias al famoso locutor radial"Casey" Kasem quien en Enero 1976, en su aclamado programa American Top 40, comentó que esta canción estaba ligada a una tragedia, El locutor empezó a relatar que existía un mito urbano sobre la canción, el cuál tenía como protagonista a la "sexy" muchacha semi-desnuda que aparecía en la portada del disco Honey. Esa muchacha de la portada se llamaba Ester Cordet y era una modelo de origen panameño famosa por ser Playmate, quien supuestamente había muerto durante esa sesión fotográfica, luego de que esa miel caliente cayera sobre su cuerpo o quizás tuviera algun veneno mortal. La razón de dar por muerta a esa modelo venía por un extraño grito que se puede escuchar a los 2:24 y 2:28 de la versión "single", o bien en la parte comprendida entre los minutos 2:32 y 2:36 en la versión del disco. Supuestamente, ese grito provenía de la mujer asesinada en pleno estudio de grabación. Con el paso de los días, la prensa ya no hablaba de veneno ni miel caliente, sino de un liquido que contenía fibra de vidrio y al ser consumida por la modelo provocó la muerte intantánea. Mientras tanto, otros reporteros bien peinados declaraban tener buenas fuentes y se atrevían a decir la mencionada mujer había muerto en la oficina del productor, mientras la banda estaba grabando esta canción. Al darse cuenta que la miel contenía un sabor extraño, Cordet amenazó a los productores de la banda con demandarlos y fue en ese momento en que uno de los ingenieros de sonido pescó un cuchillo y la apuñaló de manera salvaje y cruda. Asi fue como uno de sus gritos apareció dentro de la grabación, con le fin de dejar un testimonio histórico... Pasaban las semanas, y nuevos rumores aparecían en la prensa, y de paso el single vendía y vendía hasta que llegó a la cima del Billboard Hot 100. Mientras tanto, ningún integrante de la banda se refería a la temática ni la historia ocsura dela canción, lo cuál ayudaba a mantener el mito. Pero tras celebrar su llegada al primer lugar del Billboard Hot 100 el baterísta Jimmy "Diamond" Williams sacó la voz por la banda y declaró que ese grito que se escuchaba en medio de esa parte instrumental fue hecha por Billy Beck, quien estaba tan feliz con la canción que hizo un grito de pura felicidad, con algo de broma para darle un nuevo toque a esa parte instrumental. Además, mencionó que la modelo estaba sana y salva, y que simplemente no habian hablado por temor a que el single empezara a perder promoción y ventas. Asi fue como "Love Rollercoaster" pasó a la historia de la música disco y sin querer queriendo(?). Además, en el año 1996 la canción volvió a las pista y esta vez en manos de la banda Red Hot Chili Peppers quienes la grabaron para que formara parte de la banda sonora de la pelicula Beavis And Butthead Do America. Esta versión llegó al puesto #7 en el Reino Unido y nuevamente hizo bailar al mundo... Que la disfruten!
Iv always heard that a woman was murdered in the next recording studio and her scream was accidentally recorded but left on the album as it added originality to the song
The lovely lady in the picture is Ester Cordet, the October 1974 Playmate of the Month... Who is in fact still alive. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet, kiddies...
Double thumbs up if you are from my geberation who grooved to this song as a teenager in the '70's and heard the bs urban legend about a woman getting murdered right outside the studio when the song was being recorded and the band kept the sound of her death-scream in the song :)
Back in 2006 this song was funny to me because of Final Destination 3, then years later I learned about the urban legends behind it and it became scary, then I got over it and now I genuinely like it
I don’t understand why this tune isn’t a “hit” all over again. It’s as good as any funk/r&b that’s out there today, if not better. I’m surprised there have been no remixes of it, though it’s super fine on its own
Anybody else get a unsettling feeling from this song. I know there is that old urban legend about the girl screaming but there is somthing else that is just off about this song.
0:00 One of the sickest guitar riffs ever
You guys are all f****** weird
A NOPE OK I am known as that
@@anope7694 how is that weird? fucking moron
Damn straight!
Aaaahhhhhhh yeeeeeesssss!
Love this song. It rocked in the 1970's and still works today !!!
Played this as a DJ on AM and FM radio..Love it!!
I forgot the ogs were called Ohio players. Who would've thunkifth. Rollah coastah a who who whooo _roller coaster hands laced move_ 🤓
It was a rolling skate.
The end of my Street.
On a peninsula.
Dropped November 1975, sophomore year HS. This and Love Machine (Miracles) dominated those last months of the year!
Say WHAT??? How can you not LOVE this tune?? Killer beats, vocals, funky beyond measure, super guitar riff, horn charts to die for...Let's DANCE !!!
I'm with you, Mark. Let's boogie!
Dude checked in 2:32 there sceam and that why everyone hate this song
People think she was murdered or someshit I just thought it was there cause that's what you do on a rollercoaster
To die for huh? Those girls in final destination 3 defo died for it
@@shannenlibres2365 are you dumb this song is older than that shit movie 😂🤦♂️
One of the greatest funk songs of all time, with probably the BEST intro of ANY funk song. That guitar riff is sooooo freakin' tight!
Still one of the greatest tunes ever written.The Ohio Players were outstanding musicians and songwriters.God bless em.
I hate when people say thats a murder scream, man thats the singer unbelievably.
@ragaityannevitlwin that’s
This song gives me a strange feel of being trapped in a very hot, bright, confined space. Can't think why...
Because of 2:32 (That scream)
Just saying :P
David Badiola Oh Yes! That scene with the girl jamming on that track before being baked to death...
MrTanker10a I feel that if I here it I will get in deths plan oh it gives me the chils
lol FD3 joke?
Everyone: talks about final destination
Me, an intellectual: when you idle for too long in GTA SA
I was looking for this comment 😂😂
Mainstream people . 90% of us in California heard from our elders bumping it . Then again GTASA soundtrack was composed of music California people listen to lol
I am 56 years old and this is the very very first time I ever heard about this urban legend in regards to this song! It's crazy, man. LOVE the song!
Even if it isnt used in the ride and it was just for a quick promotional thing, this was a PERFECT pick for a Gaurdians of the Galaxy coaster
real or not that scream still gives me the goosebumps
I was a teenager back than it was spooky the scream but fake.
it isnt real but makes for a good story
I know right!!! 😮😮
20 years later and I still get goosebumps
Legend has it that the scream was of a woman being murdered in an alley by the recording studio and it was too expensive to re-record the song. The things people come up with lol. Scary thought though.
Great Soul Music from the 1970's. Great the dancing music.
I was on the tanning bed a while ago... and the place I go to plays music through the speakers controlled by the receptionist. I was on there for about 9 mins and about 4 minutes in this song starts to play......... :o If that receptionist has seen final destination 3... that was just a cruel joke! XD
Ohio players own this. And I wish some people would understand this is what music is! And always will be!!
Not liking The Players should be a crime Barbara. Greatest band ever! Sugar, Rock, Merv, Pee Wee, Diamond, Satch and of course the bad man himself Billy Beck.
By all means disagree but RHCP did a great cover
Love me some Ohio players. May their music live on forever☺
any body here old enough to actually remember when this first came out and love it for the #1 Disco Song of all time that it still is?
Maybe in past life
disco sucks
I remember hearing this in the radio in Robert Lee, Texas in 1975,just came out
Yes. In Honolulu Hawaii, 1975. A DJ said he didn't think they made songs like that. Referring to someone asking if the screams were of a woman being killed while this record was being made. Can't believe this myth still persists all these decades later. Sounds like a whistle to me 😉
@@artsybabe4u That is a SCREAM!!! LISTEN CLOSER
I owned this album on vinyl back in the 70s when it came out. I still love that album and this is my favorite song.
Always loved the Ohio Players LP cover art
The song has a persistent urban legend, that during an instrumental portion of the song, a high-pitched scream is heard (between 1:24 and 1:28 on the single version, or between 2:32 and 2:36 on the album version). This was Billy Beck, but according to the most common legend, it was the voice of an individual being murdered live while the tape was rolling. The "victim's" identity varies greatly depending on the version. The supposed sources of the scream have included an individual who was killed at some prior time, her scream inexplicably recorded and looped into the track.
Another version says that a girl has fallen off the roller coaster and was screaming to her death. Another version tells of a rabbit being killed outside the studio whose scream was accidentally picked up by the band's recording equipment - highly implausible, since professional recording studios are soundproof. The most widespread version of the myth, however, tells that Ester Cordet, who appeared nude on the Honey album cover, had been badly burned by the super-heated honey used for the photo shoot, which occurred simultaneous with the recording session, and her agonized screams were inadvertently captured on tape.
Yes but hearing even knowing nthe truth the scream still sounds creepy on its own. It fits more with a haunted house then a roller.
Ypu got this description from Wikipedia didnt you?
i remember this being talked about in the movie 'Urban Legend'
I thought that wa s apart of the song
@@jackbluepirate87 there really is a urban legend... it seems you’re the only one who didn’t know. The singer HIMSELF, Jimmy “Diamond” said that it was Billy Beck making that sound to get to his High note and that YEA there was a urban legend about a woman being stabbed to death and about the rabbit and about Ester Cordet and her being burned. And that’s when they explained what it was. But the scream sounds really scary. It really sounds like a woman is being killed.
One of my favorite all-time songs! Never get tired of it...
On this day in 1975 {November 9th} "Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players entered Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart at position #51; and 11 weeks later on January 25th, 1976 it peaked at #1 {for 1 week} and spent 16 weeks on the Top 100...
Between 1971 and 1977 the Dayton, Ohio quintet had fourteen Top 100 records; two made the Top 10 and both reached #1, the group's other #1 record was "Fire", which reached the top spot for 1 week on February 2nd, 1975...
Their next biggest hit was “Funky Worm”; it peaked at #15 in 1973…
Sadly, group founder Robert Ward, also vocalist and guitarist, passed away on Christmas Day of 2008 at the age of 70...
May he R.I.P.
Stop it im gonna cry
I remember now in the movie destination 3, two women in the solarium burned to this song
I know😂
The Drums and Bass in this song is amazing. Diamond got a standard set sounding like he playing a much larger set. And Marshall haven't received enough love or recognition as a Bassist..
I don't know why, but for some reason this song makes me want to go to the salon and tan.
***** what a great idea, just don't bring any slush ice
***** Nope. Wan just went on with some stupid insults and just quit responding to everything.
+M Zach Nice helmet pic. Viking fan?
+Neil Hardie Hell, Save your money.
Final Destination 3
love that guitar riff! that scream sounds too good to be someone getting murdered. almost has a Doppler effect to it. Whoever did it is a professional vocalist.
Billy Beck, the keyboardist
I still want to do this day about that scream, all kinds of rumors and urban legends about it!
I'm a Red Hot Chili Pepper's fan and to anyone who says that The Ohio Players copied them have it all wrong. THIS IS THE ORIGINAL RECORDING OF THIS SONG released in 1975. Red Hot Chili Pepper's covered THEIR song and released their cover in 1996.
tiieeeem I think i heard this song as a pre-teen of the Chilipeppers version, little did i know its a cover until i looked up on the internet.Such a groovy song ❤
Love this song i could dance and clean my huge house with this jam!!!
This was the jam; good days in Ohio back then! Nothing like Ohio Players, very underrated.
All the clubs in India often end the night of dance and wild HIPDISCO with this 'baby' in is 50 years now that this magnificent epic adventure of a song has not yet peaked out. Most of the original player are dead but we keep them coming back to our shie'tae'taventassi dances.
Still have the album! As a young man I loved their music but especially the album covers!
This is like my favorite classic 70's song! I found this song watching "Final Destination 3". My friends and I used to like blast this song is the car last summer!!!!!
Time to go to a tanning salon guys.
good one XD
Watching the movie on Netflix right now
Those two chicks in the movie were Smokin' Hot when they got out!!
Well, gotg team may have made us thought vol. 3 was coming to promote a rollercoaster, but at least they gave us this little treat to discover
Damn this song is hotter than a tanning bed
Yeah , Eshli & Eshlin😂❤
Oh hell no not that scene
I remember my excitement when I finally found this song from FD3, yet that scene is terrifying
Final Destination 3 ruined this song for me. Creeps me out now.
That deathscream at 2:32 ish makes me feel even more uncomfortable.
Tru nat. Im NEVER goin 2 a tanning salon EVR AGAIN!
D4RK K1NG No. It was only a joke but after I saw nat scene I'm not planning on going to 1 ever
Yep. U got it in 1.
Mr.Weirdoweirdo ....hey weird, know howta change that? Gettchoself a fine lady and take her out dancin!!! XD
Everyone keeps bringing up Final Destination but don't forget this was in Bevis and Butthead do America and Urban Legend
Ótima música para escutar durante um bronzeamento (quem assistiu Premonição 3 vai entender).
Vim aqui pq acabei de ver um vídeo sobre premonição 3
@@Wallacesilva04 do CineMania?
@@Wallacesilva04 é aquele que fala sobre as músicas, né? Eu já assisti kkkkk
a morte mais traumatizante da saga de filmes
One of my favorite child hood songs we use to jam to this song the crowd was large n wild you could barely move when this song came on
This really takes me back to my high school days the Ohio players were like in the 70s and I
I just love this album cover art and the song, too!
The song has a persistent urban legend. During an instrumental portion of the song, a high-pitched scream is heard (between 1:24 and 1:28 on the single version, or between 2:32 and 2:36 on the album version); this was Billy Beck, but according to the most common legend, it was the voice of an individual being murdered live while the tape was rolling. The "victim's" identity varies greatly depending on the version.[3][4] The supposed sources of the scream have included an individual who was killed at some prior time, her scream inexplicably recorded and looped into the track. Another version says that a girl has fallen off the roller coaster and was screaming to her death. Another version tells of a rabbit being killed outside the studio whose scream was accidentally picked up by the band's recording equipment - highly implausible, since professional recording studios are soundproof. The most widespread version of the myth, however, tells that Ester Cordet, who appeared nude on the Honey album cover, had been badly burned by the super-heated honey used for the photo shoot, which occurred simultaneous with the recording session, and her agonized screams were inadvertently captured on tape. A further variation had Cordet suffering permanent disfigurement due to the burns; she interrupted the band's recording session, threatening to sue, at which point the band's manager stabbed her to death in the control room. The latter scenario, however, is impossible as Ester Cordet is still aliveCasey Kasem reported the urban myth of the woman being killed in the studio recording booth on his radio show, American Top 40, when the song was on the charts in 1976.Jimmy "Diamond" Williams explained that the scream was nothing eerie or disturbing:“ There is a part in the song where there's a breakdown. It's guitars and it's right before the second verse and Billy Beck does one of those inhaling-type screeches like Minnie Riperton did to reach her high note or Mariah Carey does to go octaves above. The DJ made this crack and it swept the country. People were asking us, "Did you kill this girl in the studio?" The band took a vow of silence because you sell more records that way.
This was a big hit when I was in 4th. or 5th. grade and everyone loved this song. I bought the 45 record back then.
There's no "death scream" on this track nor is that the album cover model being horribly burned by superheated honey or whatever. The scream is Billy Beck, the vocalist. It's an inhalation scream, a vocal technique to hit very high notes.
+joiless 2:32
+joiless I remember hearing that Urban Legend about the song and the gal on the album cover.
yep Satch told the guys don't say anything just let the money keep rolling in, everyone was buying record thinking somebody or woman was being stabbed or killed whatever it was they made a lot of money on that rumor
finally someone who knows their stuff.
+John Burns I remember when they were asked the question on that so I heard it from them during an interview so hey if they said it then it must be true that no one wasn't even thought of being physically harm or hurt just an inhaled sound he did during the recording
I love jamming to this on guitar! and grew up on this. Everything about this song is tight! How can 3 chords wear your fingers out! lol Thanks for sharing!
What kind of guitar do you play, if you don't mind my asking?
Great song , love the oldies . I wasnt even born in the 70s was the 80s but love the 70s, 80s and 90s
GTA San Andreas ♥
Final Destination 3 ♥
first not second
Hey CJ, what are you singing? a gangster with a love music, busta, straight busta.
Urban Legend ♥️
I was 11years old when this song came out this is when music was outstanding I am 59 years old and still listing to this music today in 2024 this music will never get old these kids today don't know about this kind of good music
When my late boyfriend and I were together, this song was one of our favorites. I told him that my first boyfriend was small sized and no fun in bed. My late boyfriend's response was "When you go to the amusement park, you test yourself on the little rides. Once you ride the big roller coaster, you will understand the difference." He told me. Let me say, that "ride" was no joke! We had a special liking for the song afterwards.
This song brings me back to junior high ! We all bought into the murder rumor and when this song came on the radio everybody crowded around the radio & listened really close to here the scream ! Lol! In those days you had two choices. Buy the record and play it on your record player or later the eight track player to hear it. Or wait for the song to come on the radio!
I remember the Urban Legend of this song, it's how I discovered it. Still love it
That break down was what got me hooked on this song thanks to my sis
Old ,school jamm still hot 🔥 real talk what a classic still banging this song !!!
They Used To Played The Song In That Commercial Called The Guardians Of The Galaxy Walt Disney + Commercial
What a classic album cover!
Tremendous song. LOVE the guitar work.
Came here because I remember when the song was released back in 1974. Loved the Ohio Players a lot. Just sounds better now in digital. Most of you too young to remember the days when music was the jam. Good to know they're getting paid royalties for it's use in a video game scenario. Mo' money, honey. Could care less about the game, just the royalties artists receive from finding new audiences for hit songs. Publishing is where the money's at anyway. That and remixed versions, if only it were for sampling as well. Final what? What's that...LOLOL
I'm just happy Final Destination showed me this band :)
Michael Hill Hi Michael, yeah I hear ya, this song was so popular when I was in highschool (Denby in Detroit)! I never forget my friends during those days ✌
Used to listen to this in the car on the way to Boblo or Cedar Point.
hell yeah
Clarence Satchell (born April 15, 1940) died December 30, 1995 after suffering a brain aneurysm at the age of 55;[12] Ralph Middlebrooks (born August 20, 1939) died in November 1997 of cancer;[13][14] Vincent Thomas ("Venny Wu"), (born January 26, 1958) died February 16, 2008, of cancer, in his hometown of Lubbock, Texas, and Robert Ward (born October 15, 1938) died at home December 25, 2008.[15] Cornelius Johnson (born July 12, 1937) died February 1, 2009.[16] Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner (born March 14, 1943, Hamilton, Ohio) died January 26, 2013 at age 69 of cancer.[17] Marshall "Rock" Jones (born January 1, 1941, Dayton, Ohio), the last surviving member from the Ohio Untouchables line-up, died of cancer on May 27, 2016 in Houston, Texas, at age 75.[1][18][19] Walter "Junie" Morrison died in February 2017, aged 62.[20][21]...THE OHIO PLAYERS....RIP BROTHERS
Forget the 60s and 80s... the Seventies was the decade for music. This track brings me back to roller rinks back in the day.
I have mad love for this song and the musicians!!
Wow I sure love this tune! I sure hope no traumatizing, lethal, terrifying events are linked to this happy cheerful upbeat pop song!
i saw them play at a casino, and after the show we ate at the buffet. 10 mins into eating the entire band sits across from us. sugarfoot is cool as shit.
+Lioness Fierce isnt it? funny how things work out that way. sometimes the planets just line up. they took photos and signed out placemats! my mom was going nuts. life is a trip! we gotta enjoy it while we're here.
Whenever I hear this song I think about that scene from Final Destination 3 where 2 girls are burned alive in their tanning beds.
Yes I remember Wolf Man Jack, he was cool & great looking & a great actor & voice on the radio as well!!!! He played in the movie American Girffity !! Great Movie !!!!
LAFFS Comedy club in Tucson,AZ would open the show with this song to get the crowd revved up before the comics came on.great memories!!!
sorry i was wrong-it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers version,my bad.
Supposedly at 2:33 the screeching in the background is the woman in the pic being murdered in the studio and her screams were caught on the track and they kept it. A creepy urban legend I hear years ago that always stuck n gives me bad vibes when this song comes on.
I can't listen to this song without imaging that tanning bed scene from final destination 😅
When I first saw this album cover, I just ran to the record shop to grab this song,,,,, money well spent on the mighty Ohio players.😎
The 70's ! When pop radio, and car stereos could transform a suburban Buick Roadmaster into a funk wagon!
We'll go to the tanning bed with this 🗣️🔥🔥
Holds the test of time and still kicks musical ass! Funk n Rock On brothers!
Watching Final Destination 3 and decided to look up this song.
yessss my Movie
Jamming this groovy sound in '22.
Dayton's finest... No-one touches the OP's. They changed the funk game forever!
That album was a hit on campus. I had a copy of it.
What group would continue recording if a woman was being murdered? And the timing of the scream was when there was a pause (too much to be just a coincidence that she screamed during a lull in the song). That is, unless they had overdubbing in those days. I agree with those who say that it's just a high pitch voice singing. When I was 9 years old, and the song was being played on radio, I did believe what I now know is a myth. Still, it takes me back to better times in our society.
its because they kept the scream as a relation to being on a rollercoaster
That sounds more believable. Now that I'm 48 years old.
Nobody sings or screams like that, unless they're being killed. It was a death scream.
She was realy killed
- A N I M O N - nah man it really is a chick that got murderer in the middle of it they were jamming so hard they didnt hear it. and also they are probably fucked up so they may have thought they were tripping
true talent! this was my fav Ohio Players song back in the day!
"Love Rollercoaster" poco a poco empezaba a sonar en las radios, y los Dj's ya le daban duro en las fiestas setenteras. Pero tuvo su mejor momento gracias al famoso locutor radial"Casey" Kasem quien en Enero 1976, en su aclamado programa American Top 40, comentó que esta canción estaba ligada a una tragedia,
El locutor empezó a relatar que existía un mito urbano sobre la canción, el cuál tenía como protagonista a la "sexy" muchacha semi-desnuda que aparecía en la portada del disco Honey. Esa muchacha de la portada se llamaba Ester Cordet y era una modelo de origen panameño famosa por ser Playmate, quien supuestamente había muerto durante esa sesión fotográfica, luego de que esa miel caliente cayera sobre su cuerpo o quizás tuviera algun veneno mortal.
La razón de dar por muerta a esa modelo venía por un extraño grito que se puede escuchar a los 2:24 y 2:28 de la versión "single", o bien en la parte comprendida entre los minutos 2:32 y 2:36 en la versión del disco. Supuestamente, ese grito provenía de la mujer asesinada en pleno estudio de grabación.
Con el paso de los días, la prensa ya no hablaba de veneno ni miel caliente, sino de un liquido que contenía fibra de vidrio y al ser consumida por la modelo provocó la muerte intantánea. Mientras tanto, otros reporteros bien peinados declaraban tener buenas fuentes y se atrevían a decir la mencionada mujer había muerto en la oficina del productor, mientras la banda estaba grabando esta canción. Al darse cuenta que la miel contenía un sabor extraño, Cordet amenazó a los productores de la banda con demandarlos y fue en ese momento en que uno de los ingenieros de sonido pescó un cuchillo y la apuñaló de manera salvaje y cruda. Asi fue como uno de sus gritos apareció dentro de la grabación, con le fin de dejar un testimonio histórico...
Pasaban las semanas, y nuevos rumores aparecían en la prensa, y de paso el single vendía y vendía hasta que llegó a la cima del Billboard Hot 100. Mientras tanto, ningún integrante de la banda se refería a la temática ni la historia ocsura dela canción, lo cuál ayudaba a mantener el mito.
Pero tras celebrar su llegada al primer lugar del Billboard Hot 100 el baterísta Jimmy "Diamond" Williams sacó la voz por la banda y declaró que ese grito que se escuchaba en medio de esa parte instrumental fue hecha por Billy Beck, quien estaba tan feliz con la canción que hizo un grito de pura felicidad, con algo de broma para darle un nuevo toque a esa parte instrumental. Además, mencionó que la modelo estaba sana y salva, y que simplemente no habian hablado por temor a que el single empezara a perder promoción y ventas.
Asi fue como "Love Rollercoaster" pasó a la historia de la música disco y sin querer queriendo(?). Además, en el año 1996 la canción volvió a las pista y esta vez en manos de la banda Red Hot Chili Peppers quienes la grabaron para que formara parte de la banda sonora de la pelicula Beavis And Butthead Do America. Esta versión llegó al puesto #7 en el Reino Unido y nuevamente hizo bailar al mundo...
Que la disfruten!
When I heard, It had a scream in it i was actually shocked that I never once noticed it I mean, I listen to the song multiple times
“Hey Beavis, there’s like, some naked chick on the cover!”
“Cool! Boing-oing-oing-oing!”
Love that little drum fill in the beginning
Quase 14 anos e ainda continua uma obra de arte 👌🏻😎💚
A música tem quase 50 anos
Love the part at 6:45 damn
Funky! Saw these guys with Sly Stone in 75.' Nashville. One funky nite....
Iv always heard that a woman was murdered in the next recording studio and her scream was accidentally recorded but left on the album as it added originality to the song
These guys and Earth Wind and Fire with a little James Brown sum up Bruno Mars. He's a throwback and a hell of an entertainer.
The lovely lady in the picture is Ester Cordet, the October 1974 Playmate of the Month... Who is in fact still alive.
Don't believe everything you read on the Internet, kiddies...
WOW. !!!
Is she the lady wrapped in the fire hoes, been in love since I was a little kid.
That opening riff is soo magical like an acid trip
Remembering the life & times of Leroy " Sugarfoot" Bonner on the 2nd anniversary if his passing.
I've grew up on this song & when I heard it on Final Destination I laughed.
Hi Guardians of the Galaxy & Epcot fans, yes this is the right song
Double thumbs up if you are from my geberation who grooved to this song as a teenager in the '70's and heard the bs urban legend about a woman getting murdered right outside the studio when the song was being recorded and the band kept the sound of her death-scream in the song :)
I heard a girl was getting raped out side the studio in the alley , has stayed with me forever, , made careful if you know what I mean
A recording studio is soundproof from outside noises. Whoever made that story up was two cards short of a full deck.
That was a little something for publicity. I remember those stories, too.
Im only 15 and I love this song and I know all about those rumors.
I recall the rumor around Winter of 75. This is one of best albums ever.
i don't like this song to play when im driving and my phones on random... i always feel like something horrible is gonna happen :|
You've been watching final destination too much 😩
+Atlanta Ga well also because of the controversy behind this song
+Jared 7 it's supposed to be a urban legend but I agree it' sounds scary
One time is enought.
what is the urban legend?
Billy Beck is hot with those high vocals in the background!! I love that Brother!! He can SING!!!
Back in 2006 this song was funny to me because of Final Destination 3, then years later I learned about the urban legends behind it and it became scary, then I got over it and now I genuinely like it
I don’t understand why this tune isn’t a “hit” all over again. It’s as good as any funk/r&b that’s out there today, if not better. I’m surprised there have been no remixes of it, though it’s super fine on its own
I've done a mashup with it which I'll release soon 👍видео.html 👍
The Red Hot Chili Peppers did a cover of this some years ago for that Bevis and Butthead movie. They have never performed it live, however.
Amo está música 😍😍💜👏👏
Anybody else get a unsettling feeling from this song. I know there is that old urban legend about the girl screaming but there is somthing else that is just off about this song.
It might be too cheery
I remember when the Cincinnati Bengals were in the Super Bowl Pontiac Michigan
This song plays in my head anytime I think about tanning beds but hey it will keep me from getting unneeded free cancer