Greatest Tank Battles - The October War: Battle for the Sinai

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
  • Eager to regain territory lost six years earlier, Egypt launches a surprise attack against Israel in October 1973.
    This is the story of the final Arab-Israeli war in the Sinai, where both sides enjoy remarkable success, suffer stunning defeat, and gain -- most importantly -- lasting peace.
    Copyrights: Breakthrough Entertainment & Shaw Media
    Military Channel

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @yossefnada5102
    @yossefnada5102 5 лет назад +18

    Isreal: our wall can't be destroyed except via nuclear missile
    Egypt: *proceeds to destroy Ber lev wall in less than 5 hours using water
    Isreal: wait that's illegal

    • @jisraeltaliktal
      @jisraeltaliktal 5 лет назад

      Nuclear missile? Are you crazy?

    • @abdallahgad4370
      @abdallahgad4370 5 лет назад

      @@jisraeltaliktal you have been fucked man 😂😂😂

    • @gabrieljoseph6310
      @gabrieljoseph6310 5 лет назад +1

      Israel did not destroy Egypt's Third Army because of Kissinger

    • @shipless33
      @shipless33 5 лет назад +1

      Thank God that He gave Israel an enemy that is made up of the dumbest people on the planet.

    • @gabrieljoseph6310
      @gabrieljoseph6310 5 лет назад +1

      @@shipless33 Don't worry about the son of Israel

  • @thijshagenbeek8853
    @thijshagenbeek8853 5 лет назад +4

    The fact that old Isrealli was willing to say the Egyptians trained hard for six years is a mark of respect. I like that.

  • @Raz.C
    @Raz.C 4 года назад +34

    re - 19:30
    The Egyptian intent in 1973 was never "to get the Israelis out of Sinai for good." The intent was to capture the eastern bank of the Suez canal and to form a new defensive line within 40km of the western bank. The distance was important, because almost all of Egypt's artillery and air defences were on that western bank and as long as the Egyptians stayed within that 40km blanket, Israel lacked the men and materiel needed to uproot them. Egypt's intent was to win a stunning military victory to regain their pride and prestige that was utterly destroyed in '67. Their aim was to show the Israelis that Egypt could hurt them, so that Egypt would be in a stronger position during any cease-fire talks. In short, Egypt had accomplished all of its military goals by October 13th.
    However, after the first week had passed and no Egyptian thrusts materialised, Israel recognised Egypt's intent and focused its considerable military might against Syria. By the second week of the war, Syria was being thoroughly drubbed by Israel. The Syrians demanded that Egypt assist them by pushing forward into Sinai, to take pressure off of Syria by diverting Israeli hardware away from the Golan. The Egyptian Chief of Staff of the military refused to do so, but was ordered by the Egyptian President to assist the Syrians. Thus, he was forced to launch an attack against heavily entrenched and largely reinforced Israeli strong points and to do so well out of range of supporting artillery and SAM defence. The resulting battles were bloody and pointless. All it did was to weaken the Egyptian line so that a gap appeared between the Egyptian 2nd army and 3rd army. Israel exploited this gap, sending waves of armour and mech. inf. through to the western bank of the canal, destroying the Egyptian artillery and SAM sites. From that point on, the air-defence of the war zone was solely in the hands of the Egyptian air force, which was flying obsolete Mig 21s.
    In the end, the Israelis broke the cease-fire agreement imposed upon them by Washington and Moscow. The americans had shared satellite intelligence with the Israelis that their armoured column on the west bank was only 60-ish kilometers away from the town of Suez. The Israelis broke the cease-fire to capture the town and to complete their encirclement of the Egyptian 3rd army. They did this to strengthen their own position during cease-fire talks. So, all the work the Egyptians had put in to achieve the greatest military surprise in modern history and to record a stunning military victory against the invincible Israeli supermen, was undone by a thoughtless Egyptian President, who didn't listen to the Chief of the military, because he didn't want to lose face with the Syrians.
    All in all, the whole thing turned into one big fuck up. In the end, the Soviets were threatening direct intervention, which led to the americans threatening to do the same, which led to everyone having to go back home before the strippers turned up...

    • @scottyfox6376
      @scottyfox6376 4 года назад

      @Pankkiiri Ankka but there's "Strppers" at the end of Read More.💃Lol

    • @karagothshlomidabush3727
      @karagothshlomidabush3727 4 года назад

      you really believe the crap you are writing down man ? hahahahahahahahahaha

    • @Raz.C
      @Raz.C 4 года назад

      I don't get it. Are you asking me? If so, then 'Yes,' I really do believe what I've read about battle plans and political intent, regarding the aforementioned war.

    • @karagothshlomidabush3727
      @karagothshlomidabush3727 4 года назад

      Well i am afraid you are wrong .. check the facts again

    • @Raz.C
      @Raz.C 4 года назад +1

      Directly reported from the facts, my friend. I don't know what to tell you except that if you read absolutely ANYTHING about the Yom Kippur war, it'll tell you the same thing.

  • @Yungtan_Jones
    @Yungtan_Jones 12 лет назад +6

    COL. Danny Matt, now may look like an old nice guy. but this is one of the greatest fighters in israel. an amazing man.

  • @superhealthyinfo
    @superhealthyinfo 11 лет назад +5

    i studied this battle as an army officer. Egypt had its arse kicked, one of the problems was that the egyptian tanks had fin guided shells. the Israeli had rifled barrel much more accurate. then the egyptians dug in making them stationary targets

    • @yossefnada5102
      @yossefnada5102 5 лет назад +1

      Where are your sources ?

    • @josesende986
      @josesende986 4 года назад

      @@yossefnada5102 *Its not the tanks that makes the difference, its the people who operate them*

    • @ajanderson6841
      @ajanderson6841 4 года назад

      @@yossefnada5102 @Doug B only T-62's had the 115mm smooth bore/finned shells (considered less accurate over 1500m) but I thought the Egyptian variant had 105mm L7 rifled barrel fitted. Will need to check references to be sure.

  • @ilya96ayli
    @ilya96ayli 11 лет назад +10

    Egypt and Syria have been preparing for 5-6 years, they have received military equipment and weapons from USSR for billions, they have received soviet military and technical advise, Their joint population amounted about 30 times of Israel's, They had strategic advantage, they attacked surprisingly at two fronts, they received help and troops and airforce reinforcement from Iraq, Tunisia, North Korea. And when it came to the final exam, they tremendously failed it. Epic fail, congratulations!

    • @amrtaha2132
      @amrtaha2132 5 лет назад

      You have modern weapon and technology and america enter to support amore technology

    • @yossefnada5102
      @yossefnada5102 5 лет назад

      We won bro zionist media got u brainwashed

    • @thmhe321
      @thmhe321 4 года назад

      @@yossefnada5102 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @HansS11160
    @HansS11160 6 лет назад +88

    Response in the Soviet Union
    According to Chernyaev, on 4 November 1973, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev said:
    We have offered them (the Arabs) a sensible way for so many years. But no, they wanted to fight. Fine! We gave them technology, the latest, the kind even Vietnam didn't have. They had double superiority in tanks and aircraft, triple in artillery, and in air defense and anti-tank weapons they had absolute supremacy. And what? Once again they were beaten. Once again they scrammed [sic]. Once again they screamed for us to come save them. Sadat woke me up in the middle of the night twice over the phone, "Save me!" He demanded to send Soviet troops, and immediately! No! We are not going to fight for them.

    • @HansS11160
      @HansS11160 6 лет назад +5

      That was because he was up against the Vatican NWO and this: The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the war machine of the Jesuits

    • @mstislawaaoo733
      @mstislawaaoo733 6 лет назад +8

      @Omaid Shokouri if loosing 200 times more men is a victory in your eyes, than be my guest.

    • @mstislawaaoo733
      @mstislawaaoo733 6 лет назад +2

      @Omaid Shokouri You didn't get SU on its knee's. Goals were achieved and they withdrew.
      Pro Soviet government was doing well until US invaded.

    • @mstislawaaoo733
      @mstislawaaoo733 6 лет назад +2

      Also, Gorbachov ordered withdrawal.
      He was/is a traitor and a shill.

    • @elfodilabdelghani8813
      @elfodilabdelghani8813 6 лет назад +1

      @@mstislawaaoo733 the vast majority of casualties were civilians.

  • @rattenbuik
    @rattenbuik 12 лет назад +6

    Haven't seen this one before, thanks a lot for uploading!

  • @chooyongming110
    @chooyongming110 7 лет назад +50

    So, in other words, Israel has a military victory against Egypt and Syria.
    Egypt also felt victory, as 5 years after the October war, The Sinai was retured to Egypt. But the victory comes at the cost of the defeat of the Egyptian Army.
    In other words, Both sides felt victory, but it's the Egyptians whose military suffered more than the Israelis.

    • @muhammadmusa9089
      @muhammadmusa9089 6 лет назад +2


    • @HansS11160
      @HansS11160 6 лет назад +1

    • @sarmedhlaa7698
      @sarmedhlaa7698 6 лет назад

      Israel may be able to destroy Egypt ion tanks but felt of the danger if they lost to many on the west side by gurilla war

    • @dragonhunter2566
      @dragonhunter2566 5 лет назад

      yup the right

    • @KateLicker
      @KateLicker 5 лет назад +6

      the Egyptians who actually seem to have been told that -they- won the 1973 war..that --Israel-- and not themselves and Syria had Soviets go to UN to demand ceasefire...
      I have posed the simple question.
      if Egypt won, and Israel, not you, cried for ceasefire...
      Why did it take 5 years+ more for you to be given the land, Sinai etc, lost in 1967 back?
      And why even then, were conditions placed on that Israel?

  • @btuesday
    @btuesday 12 лет назад +2

    If this is a great Egyptian victory I would hate to see a defeat!

  • @tavishahmadkhan66
    @tavishahmadkhan66 5 лет назад +3

    In this war Egypt and Syrian arab destroyed the Ego of Israel's supremacy.We proud to be brave Egyptian and Syrian army.

    • @Yuval012
      @Yuval012 5 лет назад +1

      TA K but still Israel defeated them, Egypt and Syria failed at conquering Sinai and the Golan, the arab armies still had more causalties. this war wasn't anyone's victory.

    • @peterkamal691
      @peterkamal691 5 лет назад

      Egypt is not an Arab country
      We're kemet the land of Pharaoh

    • @eduwino151
      @eduwino151 5 лет назад

      @@peterkamal691 sorry buddy Egypt is now an Arab Muslim country kemet collapsed centuries ago, countries are owned by people who inhabit them currently not the ones who died out, That is like calling Mexico Inca land when the civilization died years ago

    • @peterkamal691
      @peterkamal691 5 лет назад

      @@eduwino151 when you takes somebody's land doesn't make you owner
      64% of the people here by their DNA prove that they're Egyptian
      There are some Egyptians who believe they are Arab and others who believe Egyptians are North African, but according to National Geographic's research, Egyptians cultural DNA origins are more complicated and varied than we think. National Geographic's Genographic Project created a graph showing the global genetic makeup of nationals in each of their respective countries. The calculations were made based on the analysis of hundreds of DNA samples since the project launched in 2005, and have made some conclusions that will come as a complete shocker for many Egyptians.
      According to the project's calculations, the majority of Egyptian DNA is comprised of 68% North African genes. However, Egyptians DNA makeup also shows that 3% originates from Southern Europe, 3% from Asia Minor, 3% from Eastern Africa, and 4% from the Jewish Diaspora. What is most staggering about the report is that nationals of the "Arab Republic of Egypt" are only 17% Arab.
      If we have been Invasion by Arabs doesn't make us Arabs
      For example "not real one" UK Conquered the USA makes them talk their language and religion by force, does that makes them English people?

    • @peterkamal691
      @peterkamal691 5 лет назад

      @@eduwino151 everybody knows that the Arabs only belong to The Arabian Peninsula

  • @tomlepski8306
    @tomlepski8306 5 лет назад +1

    In as much as Egypt and Israel are at peace which came at great cost in the lives of the combatants over the years and also the life of Anwar Sadat,this peace is built on a very fluid foundation. As long as the Palestinian question remains unanswered, peace for Israel with any Arab country will always be on unstable ground and the ground can shift any time. It would take only another revolution in Egypt to find Egyptian F16s and Israeli F16s engaged in dogfights over the mideast,God forbid. This peace between the two nations is built on a strong United States of America.

  • @Jarod-vg9wq
    @Jarod-vg9wq 5 лет назад +8

    I’m actually watching this in October 😂

  • @imranhazim5434
    @imranhazim5434 5 лет назад +12

    4:16 "The Egyptian doesn't poses a serious threat"
    Show a man couldn't use bicycle properly

    • @arhumzia6541
      @arhumzia6541 5 лет назад +4

      That is a Israeli

    • @gikaradi8793
      @gikaradi8793 3 года назад

      @@arhumzia6541 and he bikes well

    • @بهايموحميرقردوغانابوشخة
      @بهايموحميرقردوغانابوشخة 3 года назад

      Israelis lived for generations knowing that the October 1973 war was a defeat for Israel, a fact that all Israelis know, while Egyptians have been celebrating every year since then.
      The famous victory speech given by Sadat in the Egyptian Parliament on October 6, Egyptians celebrate the National Day of the Great October Victory. Then with the spread of the Internet and communication sites, the Israelis woke up from a deep slumber. Then they remembered and said we won. This is ridiculous.

    • @بهايموحميرقردوغانابوشخة
      @بهايموحميرقردوغانابوشخة 3 года назад

      This is Israeli soldier 4:16

    • @بهايموحميرقردوغانابوشخة
      @بهايموحميرقردوغانابوشخة 3 года назад


  • @NotAG4yName
    @NotAG4yName 12 лет назад +5

    Both sides got equipment and funding from both respective superpowers at the time. The difference is Israel actually trained their tankers well and when Israel fights they have everything to lose.This is why the Arabs always get shwacked.

    • @yossefnada5102
      @yossefnada5102 5 лет назад +3

      1973 isreal lose
      1970 isreal lose
      2006 isreal lose
      Well trained haha no

    • @sovietchadster907
      @sovietchadster907 4 года назад +1

      Ali Helmy what? They were mostly successful in all the wars

    • @mariacorazondevelos7178
      @mariacorazondevelos7178 4 года назад

      Was there even a arab-israeli war in 1970? I thought the one before the 1973 war was the six day war of 1967?

    • @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447
      @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 4 года назад +1

      @@mariacorazondevelos7178 there was a war in 1970, "the war of attrition" but israel also won that. for some reason, egypt claims victory in that war even though it lost about 5 times more troops, and much more equipment and infrastructure adn gained pretty much nothing

    • @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447
      @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 4 года назад

      @@yossefnada5102 israel won in 2006, even nasrallah says he regrets the war

  • @MrSpringfellow
    @MrSpringfellow 6 лет назад +6

    I am amazed by the looks of the Israeli army they didn’t look like soldiers. They got no haircut! But lethal when provoked.

    • @rzioni1971
      @rzioni1971 5 лет назад +2

      The regular army all are standart military hair cuts.. the reserve army is based on civilan troop who once were belong to regular army..since they are civilans they have no hair cut duty.. the bulk of the army in israel based on this reserves...

  • @rzadan
    @rzadan 6 лет назад +26

    Viva Israel.
    We ex-muslims support Israel and Jewish people all the way.

    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp 5 лет назад +2

      The Muslims, that is Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Libya and perhaps with Russian assistance will once again try and take out Israel.
      This is in Ezekiel 38.
      This war may see the collapse of Islam in the Middle East, because Who saves Israel will be evident to all.
      The atheist will be of course, in denial.
      Cheers and blessings.

    • @KateLicker
      @KateLicker 5 лет назад +4

      I just want to clarify...when Islam collapses in the ME...does that mean we too will be rid of their crying/yelling inbred welfare-frauding parasite asses in the West?

    • @robertaseremo3294
      @robertaseremo3294 5 лет назад

      Is like Operation Barbarosa in Which Nazis Germany invade Russia caught up by element of surprise

    • @rzadan
      @rzadan 5 лет назад

      @Gary Davis I follow the Golden rule

    • @rzadan
      @rzadan 5 лет назад

      @@KateLicker That is the plan.

  • @محمدنور-ق8م5خ
    @محمدنور-ق8م5خ 4 года назад +1

    And if you do, we're back and We stayed strong before. Long live for Egypt♥️

  • @clapppo
    @clapppo 9 лет назад +43

    I'm like a minute in and get told "the Sinai Peninsula: a vast desert in western Egypt, separating Israel and the Egyptian heartland..." Really, 'western' Egypt!?

    • @scottleft3672
      @scottleft3672 6 лет назад

      at the time it was....Egypt stretched to Gaza....and once apon a Hittite lands.

    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp 5 лет назад +8

      How many people think Australia is next to Germany? 😊😀😁😂

    • @migranthawker2952
      @migranthawker2952 5 лет назад

      Yes, I had the same opinion. Having worked in the Western Desert, I was at a loss to understand why the Sinai Peninsula was in the west of Egypt! After this, I couldn't take the commentary seriously.

    • @migranthawker2952
      @migranthawker2952 5 лет назад +4

      @@1969cmp Probably 99% of those who live in the USA

    • @Countdown70s
      @Countdown70s 5 лет назад

      well, obviously they do not link Eastern Egypt to Suez, and for that matter, the Nile Delta, as they should...and link Western Egypt to the frontier of Libya and our other good friend in the region Ghaddafi.
      Remember also that the US component of the WW2 North Africa thing did not really happen or revolve around Egypt and Libya and Suez and the Levant, as it did for UK /Commonwealth people.
      The yanks only had to handle Tunisia and some activity Algeria west of that.
      Anyway, for some reason , as it often comes up, basic global political geography just seems to befuddle and just fly over most even smug smart-arsed "college" edgamacated Americans.
      There are stories of Ivy university history students who could not point out the continent of Africa on an unlabeled world map.
      Those little world-Globes or decorative office wall-maps or those great desks topped with a Mercators Projection on them never did cost that much, and should be first thing they buy the kiddies, imo..I got one put in front of me at about 8YO, and used to stare fascinated at it regularly.
      So the only countries which are stil sort of a little bit difficult to sort out would be the correct order (and changing names in some cases) of w African countries, and the bazillion smaller newer island states of the W Indies Caribbean .

  • @nachogranatemalvarg
    @nachogranatemalvarg 12 лет назад

    Wow I didn't expected a new video because I don't have this show in my country!!!.Anyway awesome video and also a great playlist with all this videos!!!.Love your channel!!!.Thanks for the upload!!!Greetings from Argentina!!!.

  • @rat_king-
    @rat_king- 5 лет назад +6

    Got to love a centurion.

  • @BigMrSox
    @BigMrSox 12 лет назад +1

    When it comes to air superiority I would have to say Israel has the clear edge. It's pilots are experienced in actual combat, and are trained by veterans who have extensive experience flying against the Arabs. Even though Israel and Egypt both posses F-15's, F-16's, AH-64's, the pilots and crews will make the difference, and Israel is among the best in that regard.
    Also Israel has extensive SAM systems such as Patriot, Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow, all of which are sophisticated.

  • @alamoana2000
    @alamoana2000 12 лет назад +5

    It is funny how arabs still manage to see 1973 war as their "victory". They cowardly attacked Israel on the Judaism holiest day on two fronts with overwhelming odds - and at the end had their asses kicked so hard loosing thousands of tanks and tens of thousand of soldiers KIA and the entire army surrounded in the desert that they had to beg their Soviet patrons to save them from Israelis. Yeah, and they didn't get Sinai back as a result of their attack. What a victory, indeed! Lol

    • @HansS11160
      @HansS11160 6 лет назад +1

      Response in the Soviet Union
      According to Chernyaev, on 4 November 1973, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev said:
      We have offered them (the Arabs) a sensible way for so many years. But no, they wanted to fight. Fine! We gave them technology, the latest, the kind even Vietnam didn't have. They had double superiority in tanks and aircraft, triple in artillery, and in air defense and anti-tank weapons they had absolute supremacy. And what? Once again they were beaten. Once again they scrammed [sic]. Once again they screamed for us to come save them. Sadat woke me up in the middle of the night twice over the phone, "Save me!" He demanded to send Soviet troops, and immediately! No! We are not going to fight for them.

    • @josesende986
      @josesende986 4 года назад +1

      @Me Which flag is on Sinai right now? ISIS flag as the lousy Egyptian army is unable to control ISIS or the Palestinians who run a massive black market fro Egypt to Gaza,
      Flags means NOTHING. Israel screws you every time since you attacked them first in 1949, Its 5:0 now, maybe you'll send little Mo from Liverpool F.C against them, maybe this time he will succeed?

    • @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447
      @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 4 года назад

      @Me they got sinai back as part of the peace agreement in 1979, nt throught this war. you could argue that this war helped them get it back, and thus was a strategic/political victory, but it was definitely a military defeat. even the commander of the egyptians forces at the time says so

    • @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447
      @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 4 года назад

      @Me but that's not how israel operates. they want peace much more then they want land. so even if they are in auperior military position, they will still give land back in exchange for peace.
      how did egypt win militarily when the IDF was threatening Cairo, and inflicted so many more losses than it sustained?

  • @porkchopriggs
    @porkchopriggs 9 лет назад +11

    Israel ! israel !

  • @illiminatieoverlordgurglek140
    @illiminatieoverlordgurglek140 6 лет назад +61

    Why do they repeat every other sentence? This whole thing is 10 minutes worth of content stretched to 45 minutes.

    • @Chriswales
      @Chriswales 5 лет назад +10

      Most US 'documentaries' are now like this, it's partly because of peoples short attention span and partly to save money writing extra dialog to fill the program. It's difficult to find modern documentaries that I can stand watching. If I hear an American voice making 'sound bite' statements at the start I normally don't bother watching it.

    • @trespire
      @trespire 5 лет назад +1

      Because people are thick.

    • @craigdavidson2278
      @craigdavidson2278 5 лет назад +3

      For the American audience...they have a very short attention span

    • @joshi3518
      @joshi3518 5 лет назад +1

      @@craigdavidson2278 Oh shit.

  • @52111centrumcz
    @52111centrumcz 12 лет назад

    That's why the egyptian army was encircled and without supplies because the Isrealies didn't seize the west side of the suez canal, and there was never any danger of them destroying the entire army group with artilery while they were surrounded and without fuel for their tanks. You gotta love these people, they get whipped to bits and keep coming back for more :-P

  • @sleepymoose7645
    @sleepymoose7645 5 лет назад +11

    Israel gives back Sinai to avoid Peace" so thats why Egypt called it a Victory :/

    • @vilhojames1899
      @vilhojames1899 5 лет назад +5

      Egypt decided to recognize Israel, the Israel gave up Sinai. Facts don't care about your feelings.

    • @محمدنور-ق8م5خ
      @محمدنور-ق8م5خ 4 года назад

      @@vilhojames1899 after war ,do u understand?!

    • @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447
      @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 4 года назад

      how does that even make sense? "give back sinai to *avoid* peace"?

  • @weldonmackenzie1963
    @weldonmackenzie1963 6 лет назад +2

    love how the narrator embellished every word kinda over the top

  • @sarmedhlaa7698
    @sarmedhlaa7698 6 лет назад +6

    This is a great defeat for Egypt we hope they get more land in the next defeat

    • @KateLicker
      @KateLicker 5 лет назад

      I actually hope that there are no more wars, and the whole conflict even in terms of insurgency and terrorism goes away...but, of course, there is really just no hope of that's just not how they are born and raised.

    • @Countdown70s
      @Countdown70s 5 лет назад

      I'm pretty sure Hurr is one of the Israeli-Jewish side (Hurr, as in benHurr, get it? ) and you have maybe misconstrued his admittedly hard to interpret completely post..

    • @reaperx4589
      @reaperx4589 5 лет назад

      Great Victory *

  • @migranthawker2952
    @migranthawker2952 5 лет назад +1

    This is SO biased against Israel. I'm not Jewish, nor a supporter of everything Israeli, but having experienced the average Egyptian soldier, I'm surprised the Egyptians actually got their tanks to the Suez, let alone across it!

  • @A.H82
    @A.H82 5 лет назад +27

    God bless the holy land of Israel...
    From Lebanon

    • @drpk6514
      @drpk6514 5 лет назад

      The Synagogue of Satan is cursed by God and is promised to be destroyed.
      Did you know if it wasnt because of Hezbollah who kicked the ass of these Nazis and specially humiliated them in their tanks, now Lebanon would have been like Palestine, occupied??

    • @God-yr9rs
      @God-yr9rs 5 лет назад +1

      Let me remind you M. Karbaschi.
      That the PLO had tried to take over Jordan and Lebanon. And they used southern Lebanon as a massive base to launch their terror attacks against Israel.
      Those PLO guys are not friends of the arab world.

    • @drpk6514
      @drpk6514 5 лет назад

      @@God-yr9rs Copy paste nonsense and irrelevant.

    • @gabrieljoseph6310
      @gabrieljoseph6310 5 лет назад +1

      @@drpk6514 Nasrallah, though, was all but forced to apologize to Lebanese for the death and destruction he brought down on their heads. “We did not believe,” he said on Lebanon’s New TV station, “even by one percent, that the captive operation would result in such a wide-scale war, as such a war did not take place in the history of wars. Had we known that the captive operation would result in such a war we would not have carried it out at all.”These are not the words of a man who thinks of himself as a victor. Nor are these the words of a man speaking to those who think they have won.

    • @drpk6514
      @drpk6514 5 лет назад

      @@gabrieljoseph6310 lol you pathetic ZioNazi with you bobble of lies. Nasrullah became the champion of the Arab world and is almost worshiped in Lebanon and across the borders.
      I know it hurts still but Iran and Hezbollah Kicked your ass and through you Nazis out of their land well.
      Get back to your cave in the grass land of Khazaria...

  • @Anvilforever
    @Anvilforever 12 лет назад

    i hope that they do a series about the 2nd lebanon war its true that one side didnt have tanks at all but its got all the elements of a good series

  • @VinayKumar-db4qz
    @VinayKumar-db4qz 5 лет назад +15

    I love Israel 🇮🇱, its protected by the hand of God.

    • @just-ice7369
      @just-ice7369 5 лет назад

      Vinay Kumar. God protected Israel in all of their wars, look up on this "Did God help Israel on the battlefield" There's some visions the Arabs had during their wars with Israel, one example was Jordanian solider's vision of large winged Angels above the Israelis. A large Egyptian battalion came up against a small amount of Israelis and the Egyptians claim they saw thousands of Israelis not a dozen . Its worth a watch

    • @ianmuir3640
      @ianmuir3640 5 лет назад +6

      I thought it was the Hand of America

    • @just-ice7369
      @just-ice7369 5 лет назад

      James Wilson. I don't know why God didn't give Hitler a heart attack, but maybe God gave Hitler Parkinson's disease, Hitler was a physical wreck by 1943. Tho you make a good point.

    • @samsonstone764
      @samsonstone764 5 лет назад +2

      Where can I get the fantasy books you guys read ?

    • @VinayKumar-db4qz
      @VinayKumar-db4qz 5 лет назад +2

      @@samsonstone764 Try Amazon

  • @niceslug
    @niceslug 5 лет назад +15

    Israelis absolutely kick ass, smartest race on Earth

    • @lazarjovanovic4388
      @lazarjovanovic4388 4 года назад

      Second smartest but they still kick ass

    • @lazarjovanovic4388
      @lazarjovanovic4388 4 года назад

      @I_Alpha1973 _I not if you consider scientist that come from certain countries

    • @lazarjovanovic4388
      @lazarjovanovic4388 4 года назад

      @I_Alpha1973 _I russia, serbia, usa,
      Russia made television, space programs, and many more millitary inovations
      Usa went to the moon and also did many millitary stuff
      Serbia made electricity, mobile phones, and the world's best and most suitable letter

  • @peterdickinson8755
    @peterdickinson8755 5 лет назад +8

    No weapon formed against Israel can thwart God's purpose to fulfil His prophetic word

    • @idrisjalil2679
      @idrisjalil2679 5 лет назад

      yeah and they keep on inviting god's wrath, again and again.And the jews will never have peace, ever.

    • @josesende986
      @josesende986 4 года назад

      @@idrisjalil2679 And you Arabs/Muslims have a lot of peace? ...laughable, they are years ahead of you in almost everything.

  • @AzzAwy
    @AzzAwy 12 лет назад +1

    Proud to be Egyptian :)

  • @KateLicker
    @KateLicker 5 лет назад +10

    the Egyptians who actually seem to have been told that -they- won the 1973 war..that --Israel-- and not themselves and Syria had Soviets go to UN to demand ceasefire...
    I have posed the simple question.
    if Egypt won, and Israel, not you, cried for ceasefire...
    Why did it take 5 years+ more, oct 1973+ 5 years, for you to be given back the land, Sinai etc, lost in 1967 ?
    And why even then, were conditions placed on that Israel?

      @SPEARHEADGLOBAL 5 лет назад +2

      It's ok pal, everyone knows who won! No Arab military can even defeat us. They are like unorganized militia armed with advance tanks and SAMs.

    • @reaperx4589
      @reaperx4589 5 лет назад +1

      @@SPEARHEADGLOBAL Egypt won Israel in 1968-70 and 1973 war so .. and Israel had much advanced tanks

    • @TheAmrthe2nd
      @TheAmrthe2nd 5 лет назад

      Yeah, please tell why Israel withdraw from Sinai, I mean if they kick the Egyptian asses like 1967, why withdraw from Sinai at all .

    • @theone8789
      @theone8789 4 года назад

      @@TheAmrthe2nd Beacause Kissinger and the U.N made them do it... And they only redrew five years later and with some conditions, that Egypt cannot use the Sinai for big military operations, even up to today. That's a clear victory for Israel, who have no such restrictions anywhere in their own territory.

  • @ahmedzs1
    @ahmedzs1 12 лет назад

    BIg relief and happiness for watching this after the 1967 tank battle video.

  • @ShimshonTheGreat
    @ShimshonTheGreat 6 лет назад +8

    From 6th October until 13th the Egyptians had hit The Israelis badly and achieved victories. but The Battle of 14th October changed everything: It was the second largest batlle of armor brigades in the history (the Largest was the battle of Kursk between Russia and Germany in WW2) and the result was a decisive victory of Israel. from That Point The Egyptian Army started to collapse and in the end of the war Israel pushed the Egyptians back to Egypt. In my opinion the Egyptian didn't achieve anything except one thing: they proved to themselves and the Arab world that they can also fight back after the bitter defeat in 1967. Israel, until today, have way more respect to their enemies and they are way more carful . Israel will never forget the surprise attack on the 6th October 1973

    • @ShimshonTheGreat
      @ShimshonTheGreat 6 лет назад

      @i am who i am you are right , there were egyptian soldiers in Sinai until the ceasefire. But those who were not pushed by Israel back to Egypt were flanked by Israeli forces from all sides and they would have been captured, or even worse ,if the war had continued a little longer

    • @ShimshonTheGreat
      @ShimshonTheGreat 6 лет назад

      @i am who i am you are right again, Egypt won this battle . I talked about the results in the Sinai desert while Suez is a city out of Sinai

    • @ShimshonTheGreat
      @ShimshonTheGreat 6 лет назад

      @i am who i amAn Egyptian force with anti tank rockets , grenades and machine guns are not civilians. I don't think the Jews were affraid. They invaded Egypt after repelling Egypt in Sinai .But It is true that they lost the last battle, as you said and it is true that Egypt gave them a real fight

    • @elfodilabdelghani8813
      @elfodilabdelghani8813 6 лет назад

      @i am who i am 90 percent of sinai was under israel control by the end of war.

    • @elfodilabdelghani8813
      @elfodilabdelghani8813 6 лет назад

      @i am who i am the israelis did not care about capturing cities only deafiting egyptian army (besieged cities surounded at the end lack of foods)

  • @AhmedMohsen1990
    @AhmedMohsen1990 12 лет назад +1

    In "Israel" nowadays, nobody knows what a war with Egypt means but the old ones who were there in 1973 and saw October War, and those "old leaders" like Netanyahu and Ehud Olmert are the most ones are keen to keep the peace treaty safe and not to mess with Egypt, because breaking peace with Egypt, means disaster for Israel. Till now, the U.S./Israel pay Egypt $ 2 billion yearly for that peace, as Camp David says.. that can show you how much they need this "peace".

    • @yossefnada5102
      @yossefnada5102 5 лет назад

      @Iranian Bob our honor is strong isreal lose 73 and bribes Egypt with money to keep peace and avoid a beating

  • @dardar505
    @dardar505 12 лет назад +4

    Well... it seems that the Israelis won again... poor Arabs...

    @NECHOII 12 лет назад

    An extraordinary Israeli comeback that led them to victory in the YOM KIPPUR WAR. Not a single Egyptian or Syrian soldier ever set foot in Israel. Not a single Egyptian or Syrian bomb fell on Israel.
    Now, nearly forty years after the end of the YOM KIPPUR WAR PALESTINE STILL does not exist !!!

  • @AlistairAi
    @AlistairAi 5 лет назад +6

    "They were under the illusion that Israeli tanks were superior" They were mate clearly

    • @inoovator3756
      @inoovator3756 4 года назад +2

      @I_Alpha1973 _I someone sounds butthurt that their country can't win any wars

    • @thmhe321
      @thmhe321 4 года назад +1

      @I_Alpha1973 _I 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @merkavamkivm3373
      @merkavamkivm3373 4 года назад +1

      @I_Alpha1973 _I you know Israel won egypt in all of their wars?

    • @merkavamkivm3373
      @merkavamkivm3373 4 года назад

      @I_Alpha1973 _I you know this video, CLEARELY SHOWS THAT ISRAEL WAS THE VICTOR.

    • @merkavamkivm3373
      @merkavamkivm3373 4 года назад

      @I_Alpha1973 _I oh, trust me, I have heard about the war first hand, you didn't win, you were close, but in the end, you failed, like you always do.
      (if you wonder who was that I havw heard from, it was my grandfather, too bad he died 5 years ago 😭)

  • @hosamfikry2924
    @hosamfikry2924 3 года назад

    Bombing 5 Egyptian tanks in the range of 30m in one moment without getting aimed at was too much to believe

  • @sulomor
    @sulomor 6 лет назад +98

    Poor egyptians they call that a VICTORY !!!!!!!!!

    • @BelloBudo007
      @BelloBudo007 6 лет назад +5

      Thats precisely what I was thinking too.

    • @TaikoGundhul
      @TaikoGundhul 6 лет назад +17

      Tactically Egypt was lost. However, strategically because of this October War, US and USSR involvement was resulted in a truce between Israel and Egypt. UN send peace troops to Sinai. This area became under UN control. And after that, Sinai back to Egypt. In the end, Egypt got what they want.

    • @omniyashafik2552
      @omniyashafik2552 6 лет назад +16

      as long as egypts flag is and always will shining on top on sinai, it is a victory. Unlike your stupid asses, we were able to get our land back with a piece of paper that we threw in the toilet afterwards :)

    • @jfbjdbdhsn227
      @jfbjdbdhsn227 6 лет назад +5

      @@omniyashafik2552 taqqiya that's why u animals can't be trusted hursharamoota

    • @jfbjdbdhsn227
      @jfbjdbdhsn227 6 лет назад +2

      @@omniyashafik2552 Am I right you people can not be trusted because of a sharamoota in khyber?

  • @babehunter1324
    @babehunter1324 12 лет назад

    Trophy systems are a very new technology, they might stop evrything in a videogame or in a military excercise, but in combat situations they hadn't time to work, aren't loaded or miss the target very often.
    That's the reason why all tank are designed as they are and for very long ago (see FT-17)

  • @nasyonalsosyalistturk6146
    @nasyonalsosyalistturk6146 6 лет назад +72

    Long live idf from turkey (hatayliyim)

    • @omniyashafik2552
      @omniyashafik2552 6 лет назад +3

      hahahah you tried to support him but they fucked you over with their comments.

    • @oklol7555
      @oklol7555 5 лет назад +6

      NASYONAL SOSYALİST TÜRK greetings from israel :) hope one day we could be friends again.

    • @oklol7555
      @oklol7555 5 лет назад +1

      NASYONAL SOSYALİST TÜRK do not listen to puny haters..

    • @Feyser1970
      @Feyser1970 5 лет назад +1

      @@omniyashafik2552 bad comments aren t from Israel but Arabs

    • @drpk6514
      @drpk6514 5 лет назад

      Funny Israelis claiming to be from Lebanon and Turkey here... lol

  • @RayathF
    @RayathF 12 лет назад

    Probably because the internet is the only place where they can debate about pointless things using factually incorrect statements and a lot of personal insults without getting punched on the nose.

  • @marshlightning
    @marshlightning 5 лет назад +4

    Music (who needs it???) is far too loud. Can't understand what they are saying half the time.

  • @oasisforthesoul8002
    @oasisforthesoul8002 3 года назад +1

    Egypt and Syria came to destroy Israel and even with the the attack against Israel on the day of Kippur we defeated the hands down!

  • @redbaron0073
    @redbaron0073 5 лет назад +28

    Funny how you shout victory when you chased back to Egypt

    • @mohameddiaa1975
      @mohameddiaa1975 3 года назад +3

      If you know the problems facing the Egyptian army on several fronts you’d know why we claim it as a victory even though tactically it looks more like a defeat

    • @whatsup7470
      @whatsup7470 3 года назад

      What's really funny is the Israeli/western propaganda that shows only the part of story, the one they want, to show they're always the best, the smartest and invisible, but will they show the facts about the Israeli troops were surrounded and were about to be vanished by Egyptians but USA and Soviets interefered to prevent this! This propaganda machine will never tell how Israeli faild to control Suez and what casualties they suffered and they had no food and no supplies and they were begging for food!! They will not show how Israeli were so happy and celebrating they are alive when they withdrawal from west bank( there are videos)!! Or when Golda Maer was crying and begged to president Nixon to save Israe,and so he did!! All military supplies were directly coming from US to the Israelis in the battlefield Sinai! So Egyptians were actually fighting an enemy with endless equipments and arms, an enemy that if he loses 1 tank today he got 10 tomorrow, thanks to the US! Eventually Egypt was fighting the US not Israel alone!! Before Octoer 73 war Israel & US were very arrogant, always rejected any talks or negotiation proposal, and they always said to Egyptians why should we, look at the map!! However, Israel was forced to negotiate and return all Sinai back ONLY after they saw and witnessed what Egyptians are capable of!! Otherwise they would have kept Sinai , as Ariel Sharon said, he was planning to retire in Sharm El Sheikh!! Huh😄

  • @libzbond
    @libzbond 5 лет назад +1

    The animations and graphics are great for a 2012 channel

  • @ahmadgeo
    @ahmadgeo 12 лет назад +5

    @1:30. Sinai is in North Eastern part of Egypt, not West. :)

  • @Raz.C
    @Raz.C 4 года назад

    Part of the reason for Israel's complacency and for Egypt's need to achieve surprise with their attacks was because Israel had constructed what they called The Bar-Lev line. It was a series of fortifications, all along the eastern bank of Sinai, along the Suez canal and they could- at a moments notice- send oil from pipes streaming into the canal and light it on fire. This would blunt any Egyptian attack and give Israel time to call up their massive reserves of manpower (over 420,000 active personnel in '73) and to mobilize them, while Egypt struggled to cross a burning canal.
    The Israelis were as confident in the Bar-Lev line, as the western powers were in the Maginot line and it served them as poorly as the Maginot line served the French and British. What the Israelis didn't know, was that on the night of October the 5th, Egyptian frogmen had secretly crossed the canal and sabotaged the pipes. Most of the pipes were in such poor repair, that it is doubtful if they could have functioned at all. The Egyptians, however, couldn't have known this in advance, so they were forced to undertake covert operations to incapacitate their operation.
    Furthermore, the Bar-Lev line itself remained an obstacle for Egyptian mobilisation in Sinai. It was a physical barrier that would act as a bottleneck, severely stifling the number of men and materiel the Egyptians could funnel into Sinai. However, it was an Egyptian lieutenant who had the bright idea to use high power water hoses to wash the barriers away and into the canal. It worked so effectively, that the entire Bar-Lev line was washed away in only 2 hours, leaving no obstacle between the Egyptians and Sinai.
    Still, it's worth mentioning that along with the line, the Israelis also built fortifications along the line. The northern-most one, called Fort Budapest, was the only fortification of the Bar-Lev line that survived the war. More than that, the Egyptians never managed to capture this fort, despite two separate attacks on it, one of which breached the walls several times. Finally, it's worth mentioning here- since the narrator seems to have overlooked this detail- that Nasser wasn't President of Egypt in '73. He died in 1970 of a massive heart attack. His successor, Anwar Sadat, led Egypt through to 1981, until he was assassinated by fanatics who vehemently opposed both Sadat's recognition of Israel as a legitimate state and his making peace with Israel in the Camp David accords (facilitated in no small part by Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger).
    As an afterthought, it was the Camp David accords, along with Israeli actions such as Operation Rimon 20, that led Egypt to leave the Soviet sphere of influence and enter the American sphere of influence. This kind of about-face/ alignment shift was almost unheard of during the Cold War. Egypt had been strongly aligned with the soviets for decades, but through the courses of their wars with Israel, had come to recognise that the 20-year-old Soviet hardware Egypt had bought was no match for the state-of-the-art military hardware Israel was purchasing from america, Britain and France. The Soviets were unwilling to sell to Egypt any of their elite t-64 tanks and had only sold a very small number of t-62s and absolutely no t-72s. Egypt's air force was mostly Mig 21s in 1973, which made them 15 years out-of-date. The only truly modern gear that the Soviets would sell were defensive systems (SAMs, radar sites, etc) which the Soviets mostly operated themselves and starting in '73, the ATGMs (which by some estimates were responsible for fully half of Israeli tank losses in 73). Egypt was fed up with being sold sub-par equipment, while Israel was enjoying using ultra modern gear in its armed forces. Like 'that' the Soviets had lost one of its biggest customers...

  • @rolandet
    @rolandet 5 лет назад +3

    8 interuptions for commercials I guess. Each one followed by a short sum up and intro
    So the whole episode was about 30mins instead or 44

  • @babehunter1324
    @babehunter1324 12 лет назад

    T-90 vs Abrams is something debatable, two very differents ways to build a tank with diferent specs and priorities, both tanks had their uses but can be improved.

  • @Freetheworldnow
    @Freetheworldnow 5 лет назад +3

    Poor tactics, intelligence and training on the part of the Egyptian Army led again to their demise.
    Useless war it was, as any war is and will ever be.
    Drain the swamp and the light shall reign again on mother Earth.
    God Bless.

    • @rayqueipo351
      @rayqueipo351 5 лет назад

      Pierre Flamand : Russian 115 mm cannon vs American 105mm howitzers .... 105 mm cannons won.... God intervened...

  • @redreaper-xe6so
    @redreaper-xe6so 12 лет назад

    that's basic military strategy, to exploit the gaps between linked armies to capitalize on the confusion and prevent a coordinated response. It usually works.

  • @redbaron0073
    @redbaron0073 5 лет назад +13

    Is this a joke?
    Is it a what if documentary?
    The IDF obliterated the Syrian and Egyptian forces.
    Chased them back over the canal.
    God bless the IDF.

    • @KateLicker
      @KateLicker 5 лет назад +3

      I was not really aware of it, because years ago I talked to at least one Egyptian Arab who remembered and understood that Egypt/Syria had ultimately lost the 1973 war anyway, but, it seems, that a lot of them in succeeding generations have been fed some kind of twist slop where THEY won and ISRAEL sued for peace..?
      I would say that successive leaders have put that lie out, and their mostly illiterate anyway parents have started feeding to their children in the crib.
      You will have not much chance correcting them of course, they will now be immersed and invested in that fallacy lunacy as they are their crackpot religion.
      As I say to them...if your lands such as Sinai were returned as you say because of victory in the war...why did it take YEARS for it to be returned?
      If they had the upper hand in 1973, and Israel was suing for peace...Egypt could have demanded Sinai/El sheikh back on the spot.

    • @murkatable
      @murkatable 4 года назад +2

      After the war, I and the mechanics I worked with went up on the Golan Heights. We were astounded....hundreds of Syrian tanks lay immobile, not destroyed. The damn Soviet tanks were darkly painted and had no air conditioning, the Syrians had to abandon them. Temperatures were high during the day.......often 95plus F ......35plus C....unbearable on a sunny desert day. the IDF are the best in the world, by necessity

    • @cvdheyden
      @cvdheyden 4 года назад +2

      Regarding the military, you are right. Politically not. You should appreciate, that Sadat supported/brought peace

    • @ralphmaginto3086
      @ralphmaginto3086 4 года назад +1

      @@cvdheyden Israel was winning and Sadat did was not peace, its called preservation. He never wanted to negotiate with Israel directly, only when he smell defeat he change his mind. Stop this BS

    • @redbaron0073
      @redbaron0073 4 года назад

      @I_Alpha1973 _I Dream on.

  • @subrajitdey3514
    @subrajitdey3514 6 лет назад +6

    Israel heroes of Arab world

  • @just-ice7369
    @just-ice7369 5 лет назад +7

    The Israel tank was the Patton M-60 ,it was a powerful tank , and a better match than the T-55 ,

    • @amritpanda7947
      @amritpanda7947 5 лет назад +2

      In war with Pakistan indian armoured corp used centurion tanks and won

    • @just-ice7369
      @just-ice7369 5 лет назад +4

      Amrit Panda. The Centurion Tank was good ,It was designed for world war two but the war ended when they made the Centurion , they were used in Korea , The Chieftain tank was another great tank, the 120:mm gun was very powerful, It's now used on the Challenger tank.

    • @amandafranks5108
      @amandafranks5108 4 года назад +3

      The centurion tank was actually the main battle tank for israel for over 25 years, and is the most successful tank design in history.

    • @josesende986
      @josesende986 4 года назад

      Its not the tanks that makes the difference, its the people who operate them.

  • @badpossum440
    @badpossum440 5 лет назад

    Dont you just love that the only Israeli tank mentioned was an American no mention of British or German tanks.

  • @rzadan
    @rzadan 5 лет назад +5

    Long live Israel
    With love from Iranian ex-muslims.

  • @HappiKarafuru
    @HappiKarafuru 12 лет назад +1

    Those Sager Missile is really lethal but depend on it controller
    Sometime tank can dodge this missile

  • @HawkTheRed
    @HawkTheRed 9 лет назад +54

    isn't that a KV-1?

    • @Vyyyt
      @Vyyyt 9 лет назад +7

      TheRed Hawk Just noticed it and thought the same. It is. They thought we wouldn't notice. WE DID.

    • @rever4217
      @rever4217 8 лет назад +13

      When you run out of relevant footage... Use filler!

    • @amp8295
      @amp8295 7 лет назад +2

      I didn't even notice. Shame on me

    • @CT-kg4qm
      @CT-kg4qm 7 лет назад

      Yh very clear

    • @JAAMezaX3
      @JAAMezaX3 6 лет назад

      O.o. komi tank

  • @BelloBudo007
    @BelloBudo007 6 лет назад +1

    It sounds to me like Egypt executed a brilliant plan to cross to cross the Suez Canal, after all so much could have so easily gone wrong there, but then they didn't really plan at all for the drive into the Sinai towards Israel. It's like genius means dumb and dumber. I am pleased that both countries now live in peace.

  • @randomreviews5693
    @randomreviews5693 5 лет назад +3

    For greatest tank battle look for battle of asal uttar and battle o f basantar

  • @fazerswinky2766
    @fazerswinky2766 3 года назад

    fun fact: egyptians sager atgms were license produced and pgraded it was called the ahram atgm and same for rpg-7s locally produced with some localy made design anti tank projectile called rpg-7 cobra (looks like a smaller rpg29 rocket and was very effective its still used nowadays in syria)

  • @jcmangan
    @jcmangan 9 лет назад +8

    I guess it wasn`t a good idea of the Egypt to do a frontal attack like at Cambrais in World war one. They should have read Rommels book about panzer war in the desert "war without hate" first.

    • @penguiatiator
      @penguiatiator 9 лет назад

      Which world war was Rommel in, again?

    • @commanderbenson4121
      @commanderbenson4121 9 лет назад

      penguiatiator World War 2

    • @SteveRood1
      @SteveRood1 9 лет назад +5

      Commander Benson Rommel was also a World war one Vetaran.

    • @mikecimerian6913
      @mikecimerian6913 9 лет назад +2

      jcmangan Egypt had clear cut objectives, regain territory lost in 1967 not one inch further and were successful until Syria asked for a stronger commitment as their initial advantage in the Golan had been lost and they were loosing initiative. The battle for the Golan is considered by top notch military historians as the greatest tank battle of all times.

    • @ghulammoeen-ud-dinmoeen-ud6579
      @ghulammoeen-ud-dinmoeen-ud6579 5 лет назад

      Egyptian does not know English.

  • @btuesday
    @btuesday 12 лет назад

    The Israelis were traumatized, but they were ready to return Sinai before the war started. All they wanted were guarantees of peace. Early success by Egypt in the Yom Kppor war only hardened the Israelis who wanted to keep Sanai

  • @hay61116
    @hay61116 7 лет назад +31

    The most important who laughs at the end

    • @Yossibergel
      @Yossibergel 6 лет назад


    • @elfodilabdelghani8813
      @elfodilabdelghani8813 6 лет назад +2

      it was not the egyptians as they were forced to recognized israel.

    • @vilhojames1899
      @vilhojames1899 5 лет назад +2

      @@elfodilabdelghani8813 this is want Israel wanted. They captured Sinai and Golan Heights (Syria) with the conditions of returning back to those countries when relations improve.

    • @Hexavielego
      @Hexavielego 5 лет назад +2

      We are happy for bringing peace, not winning the war. There is no victory when your people have died, just an unneccessary loss for their deadly doctorine so called Islam. Because there is no other fundamental reason for their hatred toward us.

    • @Hexavielego
      @Hexavielego 5 лет назад +1

      I wish I could talk differently about Islam, but even a muslim coworker in my work place told me straight forward.
      "If this country would lose 67/73, chilren would be dead, and women would be raped" it's not about invidviduals(while the muslim guy that told me that is undeniably far better person than I am which I can take some lessons from) but the collective nerrative.
      Hopefully we will not have any intense relationships in the future. Peace, trust, cooperation, shared economy would be better.
      Do you think the guy was wrong? That Islam as philosophy has nothing to do with Jewish people?

  • @ramyhamza1252
    @ramyhamza1252 3 года назад

    1973 war made the two sides think hundred times before getting involved in a another war

  • @reyone257
    @reyone257 5 лет назад +18

    Long live IDF from india

    • @rajpawar9343
      @rajpawar9343 5 лет назад +1

      @@Teletone7682 Okay.

    • @Teletone7682
      @Teletone7682 5 лет назад

      Raj Pawar good boy raj 👍😌

    • @rajpawar9343
      @rajpawar9343 5 лет назад

      @@Teletone7682 Don't bother what that Indian guy said. He thinks He's the best.

  • @ultrajd
    @ultrajd 12 лет назад

    I love the fact that even though it was a surprise attack on two fronts Israel still won. the arabs will never learn.

  • @danielhamlin8426
    @danielhamlin8426 11 лет назад +5

    Two fronts, with a possible 3rd with Jordan.

  • @GrrMeister
    @GrrMeister 5 лет назад

    *A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named 'Amal.' The other goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan'. Years later; Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, "But they are twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."*

  • @raywood03
    @raywood03 12 лет назад +3

    20:40 Did Syria have WWII era KV tanks? Or was that bad use of stock footage?

    • @SpecterCat_
      @SpecterCat_ 6 лет назад

      raywood03 the most oldest tank in the Arabs are T-34/85. I believe they took the wrong footage.

  • @ardentei88
    @ardentei88 11 лет назад +1

    ??? Suddenly not available in my country ??? I love this channel Wtf! ??? :(

  • @vonlathen12
    @vonlathen12 12 лет назад +3

    I want Arab-Israeli war to be release as FPS online game in Battlefield series
    EA DICE please make it happen :)
    with the title
    Battlefield: Arab-Isrsaeli conflict

    • @4y7v10
      @4y7v10 4 года назад


    • @mariacorazondevelos7178
      @mariacorazondevelos7178 4 года назад

      Imagine using the Israeli M51 super Shermans though or the other tanks they got here

  • @jiujitsurulz100
    @jiujitsurulz100 12 лет назад

    According to most sources, 18,000 Egyptians were killed vs 1,200 Israeli. Egypt's defeat in the Yom Kippur war was more catastrophic than in the Six Day war. Egypt continues to slide into the abyss. It is a failed, dysfunctional state. I feel sorry for them.

  • @xx_pussyslayer69_xx95
    @xx_pussyslayer69_xx95 7 лет назад +23

    The Israelis took old post WWII tanks, gave them 105mm guns, and threw them onto the battlefield

    • @shrk128
      @shrk128 5 лет назад +1

      One of the most common types of ammunition used by tanks in the modern era (i'm talking 2018 here) is called KEP;
      Kinetic Energy Penetrator.
      You take a very hard, very strong metal, shape it into a dart with fins, and put a "shoe" over it called a 'sabot' to make it match the barrel of the tank.
      The KEP is then launched at VERY high speed and energy with the sabot falling off after the shot is fired, and penetrates the enemy armor like a hot knife through butter; some KEPs can penetrate over 700mm of tank armor.
      but the essential concept here is taking a big dart, and shooting it at people.
      a simple idea that works.
      The tanks the israelis used were obsolete in comparison to the egyptian t-55 and t-62 tanks, but what mattered was that they managed to get where they needed to and had the gun power to penetrate and destroy the enemy armor.
      And that's all that matters.
      And they hardly "threw" them into the battlefield - that's what the egyptians did.

  • @778i2
    @778i2 12 лет назад

    the M1A1 has a 122mm smooth bore gun, a jet engine, a shit ton of amour, and can hit a tank on the move with dead acc. The M1 is honestly the best tank in the world, Isarel has some M1A1 abrams and they have there own tanks as well. Egypt has the mk1 abrams gun on it, and we put that on strikers. And who would make make their own jets when they can buy the some of the best from the US? via the F-16, F-15, and the A/C-130 aswell as the F-4.

  • @btuesday
    @btuesday 12 лет назад +3

    Egypt actually celebrates this war. Incredible!!!!

  • @lebarosky
    @lebarosky 12 лет назад

    Like to point out: 1. Israelis had prepared the positions they fought from not during the campaign but long before. 2. The roads used to facilitate the crossing counterattack also had been prepared long before. 3. Israelis predicted the gap between the Egyptian armies prior to the campaign.

  • @theone8789
    @theone8789 4 года назад +3

    So Egypt actually celebrates this war as a victory... Wow!

    • @karagothshlomidabush3727
      @karagothshlomidabush3727 4 года назад +3

      they are idiots yes
      israeli forces could have taken all of eygpt
      and there could have been no eygpt at all today
      israel only stoped because america told them to stop
      and eygpt ??...well people of eygpt just do not understand how powerfull israel really is
      arbs never understand shit untill you beat the shit out of them
      it is a known trademark fact
      i think they will never undertand untill israel will decide one day that enough is enough
      and will go for total war against the arb nations that attack them
      and if that day comes there will be no more arb nations around israel trust me
      i hope they wont make israel come to this decision because then it will be to late
      to say we are sorry israel

    • @karagothshlomidabush3727
      @karagothshlomidabush3727 4 года назад


  • @eliadbu
    @eliadbu 12 лет назад

    i read about it and it said that the trophy launches enough rounds to disable both the rpg 30 missile and it's precursor which is the decoy

  • @ksal2299
    @ksal2299 4 года назад +3

    Egypt had 4 wars with Israel and lost all 4, despite being 10 times the size of Israel.

    • @BenYair1
      @BenYair1 3 года назад

      @kimi max so the USSR gave the Arabs, stop playing with bulllshit, alright?

  • @ScreechingPossum
    @ScreechingPossum 12 лет назад

    In six hours, the Egyptians only advanced a few kilometers inland. The war didn't end within six hours so the Six Day War contrast (the Egyptian front ended in only four days, btw) is mute. Many of the Israeli fortifications within that six hour advance would take days to clean out. You're also not taking into account the Soviet intervention that not only involved resupplying, such as with tanks, but that they even sent personnel, such as technicians, to Syria and Egypt yet Israel still survived

  • @ramboar7452
    @ramboar7452 9 лет назад +60

    Israel is the best in the Middle East more advanced that those ignorant Arabs Lond Live israel God bless

    • @Xnerdz1
      @Xnerdz1 9 лет назад +5

      Rambo AR Hazem Souror
      How about the might be no god at all, and you too nations should learn to get along?

    • @ramboar7452
      @ramboar7452 9 лет назад +4

      ***** Say this to the Arabs countries they are the Aggressor

    • @Xnerdz1
      @Xnerdz1 9 лет назад

      Rambo AR Sure, but they must think the same about Israel. Isn't there any hope of giving a chance to democracy?

    • @ramboar7452
      @ramboar7452 9 лет назад +4

      ***** Not really israel is the victim and israel is a democracy the only one of the middle east

    • @imfarting3410
      @imfarting3410 9 лет назад

      +Rambo AR actually the arabs u won u dumb ass

  • @kristelvidhi5038
    @kristelvidhi5038 5 лет назад

    Best season 2 episode!!!

  • @RohitChouhan-dj7se
    @RohitChouhan-dj7se 5 лет назад +6

    Respect from India to Israel defence force 🇮🇱🇮🇳

  • @glennpineda2009
    @glennpineda2009 6 лет назад

    For God's will is in its people. God bless us all

  • @redbaron0073
    @redbaron0073 5 лет назад +7

    IAF was never ever neutralized
    Keep dreaming..

    • @Sturminfantrist
      @Sturminfantrist 5 лет назад +1

      The day comes, believe me, time for this "Nazis" runs out.
      the first sign that IDF can be beaten was in 1973 even the Hezbollah let em suffer during a invasion in Lebanon, they killed the newest Merkavas with latest russian ATM

    • @merkavamkivm3373
      @merkavamkivm3373 4 года назад +1

      @@Sturminfantrist almost isn't good enough ;) (let's see if you know my little refrence)

  • @52111centrumcz
    @52111centrumcz 12 лет назад

    That's why I said its about as radioactive as a banana. Banana contains a radioactive version of potassium.
    The other portions you have mentioned are true of ALL metals, especially those that are rather rare - which means nothing.

  • @Samuel10463
    @Samuel10463 9 лет назад +83

    Why have Allah supported Israel in that war? Looks like Allah gave up on Arabs!

    • @Kletterhase
      @Kletterhase 9 лет назад +2

      ***** maybe you should ask your friend, the cigarette smoking man about it.. he surely knows something. And bring that foxy redhead dana along. give her something to be all sceptic about..

    • @imfarting3410
      @imfarting3410 9 лет назад +3

      Nick104633 egypt won how u say allah support israel

    • @porkchopriggs
      @porkchopriggs 9 лет назад +3

      Allah loves those who kill in His cause Egypt lost

    • @bigchunk1
      @bigchunk1 9 лет назад

      Actually the October war was a draw. Israel sued for peace.

    • @imfarting3410
      @imfarting3410 9 лет назад +2

      bigchunk1 was not draw u wanna know why dumb ass because befor october all sinai was in israelis occupsion but after 6 october the egyptians were in sinai how u do u call it draw u dumb ass ?

  • @Ariana321
    @Ariana321 12 лет назад

    The M1A1 actually has a 120mm smoothbore cannon, the exact model of which is also used on 2/3 of the MBTs in the western world except it has a shorter tube life. All modern tanks are capable of hitting targets on the move with dead accuracy. And the Abrams does -not- have the legendary "chobham" armor its claimed to have. It uses standard laminated RHA armor, which is almost exactly what every other western tank uses. That jet engine also guzzles fuel, and it uses -mild steel- as a side plate.

  • @joecal97
    @joecal97 9 лет назад +6

    Wow, they used KV-1's? They were so far out of date, you may as well have sold it and bought some more ak's or something 😜

    • @whiteexodus9798
      @whiteexodus9798 8 лет назад +2

      Thats stock footage from World War 2 lol.

  • @scottleft3672
    @scottleft3672 6 лет назад

    Great choice of pic for the click...;-)

    @ZIONSCHRISTIAN 6 лет назад +22

    i see the Hand of Yahweh against Israel's enemies.... just like in ancient times... the arabs will never be able to defeat Israel... Am Yisrael Chai!!!

    • @doremanu
      @doremanu 6 лет назад +4

      Your comment is to my opinion the most rational comment to this video.
      And I am serious.

    • @ahmadyahia2367
      @ahmadyahia2367 6 лет назад

      Yahweh has neglected the Israelis for 2000 years, isn't that too much of negleciton? I think Yahweh was very lazy or forgot about them :D

      @ZIONSCHRISTIAN 6 лет назад +1

      Amen to that

      @ZIONSCHRISTIAN 6 лет назад +2

      Israel's time will come again.... read the book of Daniel... the 70 weeks.... we are almost there.... what you say about Yahweh being lazy or forgetting Israel is so that the Gentiles can be saved

    • @ahmadyahia2367
      @ahmadyahia2367 6 лет назад

      So you are saying he IS lazy because it is part of the plan to let them fuked up for 2000 years by every nation on earth to save them in the end? What a hell of a plan mate!

  • @fiverareblanks
    @fiverareblanks 12 лет назад +1

    just checked wikipedia for losses. Hands down, Egypt lost this one. trading 2200 tanks for 400 is not a good day lol.