Very nice! The 25-string version actually omits the lowest 2 strings, not the highest strings, and it's quite a bit smaller and can even be worn with a harness.
That's really cool! I've found that a lot of sheet music assumes that a harpist has at least 26 strings - especially in the base - so published repertoire might have to be modified, but being able to wear the harp with a strap is awesome!
Thank you for this video! I am also thinking about the Juno. I play in a world- music-band and I would love to have a great-soundig harp that I can play while I sit on a cushion on the ground ( like my bandmates).So my question would be: How tall are you?
Hi! Grand to hear from you - what a great experience!!! :-) that's the first time I've been asked that! I'm 5'6. I hope that helps with your estimation, both with and without the screw-in legs!
is it just me, but if i hear it, i hear that the dusty allegro sounds fuller and more separated. But i dont know, which one do you think is better just considering by the sound they produce??
They do absolutely have distinct sounds! Another difference is the age of the harp - I've had the Dusty for many years, but the Juno is brand new; harps do take 5-7 years to fully "settle in" and bloom into themselves. As for preferences, I've found that many people prefer having a round back/stave as opposed to the squareback, but that's a preference. (I do also really like that the Juno comes with a backpack case with lots of storage!!!).
Such a pretty blue harp!
Very nice! The 25-string version actually omits the lowest 2 strings, not the highest strings, and it's quite a bit smaller and can even be worn with a harness.
That's really cool! I've found that a lot of sheet music assumes that a harpist has at least 26 strings - especially in the base - so published repertoire might have to be modified, but being able to wear the harp with a strap is awesome!
I purchased it- and playing sitting on the ground works perfectly! Wooow, and the sound is Amazing!!!
Oh, EXCELLENT!!! I'm so glad!!! :-) It's such a nifty powerhouse of a petite harp!
Chanah!Super, what a top sharing-
Thank you for this video! I am also thinking about the Juno. I play in a world- music-band and I would love to have a great-soundig harp that I can play while I sit on a cushion on the ground ( like my bandmates).So my question would be: How tall are you?
Hi! Grand to hear from you - what a great experience!!! :-) that's the first time I've been asked that! I'm 5'6. I hope that helps with your estimation, both with and without the screw-in legs!
(It is a FANTASTIC harp!!! --- if you're looking for something even smaller with the same string range, check out the Rees Fullsicle, too!)
is it just me, but if i hear it, i hear that the dusty allegro sounds fuller and more separated. But i dont know, which one do you think is better just considering by the sound they produce??
They do absolutely have distinct sounds! Another difference is the age of the harp - I've had the Dusty for many years, but the Juno is brand new; harps do take 5-7 years to fully "settle in" and bloom into themselves. As for preferences, I've found that many people prefer having a round back/stave as opposed to the squareback, but that's a preference. (I do also really like that the Juno comes with a backpack case with lots of storage!!!).