I love Beth, I love the woman she is, I love her voice and the songs she writes. I love her anger, her sweetness, her forgiveness, her crying, her struggle to feel alive.!Love from Italy.Roma
The one song they do together that ALMOST brings tears to MY eyes is their duet of ‘I’ll Take Care of You’! I would say that she’s not the best, but ONE of the best female blues type artists I’ve heard - another one being Joss Stone, who can really belt out the lyrics with unexpected feeling and emotion too!
Strings 1043 lol I think the same when I listen to all her amazing tunes. Such talent and not played enough on radio. I can't get enough of her. She fills me with joy.
I don't understand how this woman isn't some superstar, why every person in the country doesn't know her name the way we know of Britney Spears or Katy Perry. More importantly, why she hasn't been on the cover of Rolling Stone?
The record industry is controlled. They agree to push certain artists until someone decides their worth is over. Same thing happened to Lara Fabian,( better singer) wanting to get into the US market when Celine was the money spinner. Now with RUclips etc., these artists are getting more exposure.
If this is Beth, what was I thinking? If this is Beth, what the hell am I going to do? I'm going to love her music and make her one of my new favorites. Beth is the baddest blues performer!
Almost agree with you, but I personally think THE best of Beth’s performances is with Joe Bonamassa doing the song ‘I’ll Take Care of You’ from the Beacon Theater and/or Live in Amsterdam concerts! She always sings from her heart, which could possibly be bc of her personal history with ‘demons’ and other battles she had been through (and since overcame) in her earlier years. Just a 💭 thought. Both of them are great alone as well as together!
1. Baddest blues Первой песней в альбоме идёт «Baddest blues». На одном из живых выступлений в предисловии к этой песни Бет сказала следующее: «When I wrote the song, I was thinking a lot about heartbreak, especially old-school style, like Billie Holiday, and my mother, who reminds me a lot of her - ‘baddest blues’». Перевод: Когда я писала эту песню, я много думала про разбитое сердце (heartbreak - многосмысленное - и печаль (blues), и большое горе, и разочарование) в особенности про песни старой школы, типа Билли Холидей, думала и про свою мать, которая сильно её напоминает - ‘baddest blues’. Из переведённого выше кусочка следует, что песня глубоко личная и навеяна воспоминаниями о матери и песнями Билли Холлидей. Очевидно, для Бет есть что-то общее между её матерью и Билли Холидей. My love has come along My dream’s become a song Любовь ко мне пришла Мечта моя стала песней Скорее всего, имеется в виду, что Бет по-настоящему влюбилась, и что её мечта сбылась - она поёт. My days are bright and sunny Funny why I’m so blue? Дни мои яркие и солнечные Забавно, почему мне так грустно? Вроде бы и полюбила, и мечта сбылась, и забот нет никаких, а грустно. Можно перевести и иначе - с чего же мне так загоняться-то, если всё вроде бы в полном порядке? The man is like a drug Humiliating and I can’t get enough Love and all its splendor Has surrendered its every blow Bad is the blues that I know Мужчина как наркотик Унизительно, но всё мало Любовь и всё такое - великолепно Сдаюсь с каждым вдохом Я не знаю хуже блюза Бет сравнивает любовь к мужчине с употреблением наркотика. Тут довольно явная аллюзия на кокс (drug и blow) и наркотическую зависимость. Бет подытоживает - не знаю хуже блюза. Тут всё правильно - ничего хорошего в наркотиках нет. If this is love What was I thinking? If this is love What the hell am I, am I gonna do? Если это любовь О чём я думала? Если это любовь Что, чёрт подери, мне дальше делать? Тут, видимо, Бет сомневается - настоящая ли это любовь. And that man has got me sinking To the bottom of the blue А этот мужчина Тащит меня на дно морское Тут игра слов. blue - синева, море, грусть, блюз. Т.е. с одной стороны тащит на дно морское, с другой именно поэтому она грустит и загоняется. It’s what I choose Love is the baddest blues Это (любовь) то, что я выбираю Любовь самый лучший блюз Тут сомнения заканчиваются. Бет сделала выбор. Выбрала любовь. The joy versus the pain No my joy it ain’t the same Радость против боли Моя радость совсем не то же самое Радость vs боль. Видимо, имеется в виду, что в любви (в отношениях) радость идёт рука об руку с болью. Далее следует оговорка, что, мол, моя радость совсем не такая. Наверное, это следует понимать, что в её любви нет боли. А только радость. Или то, что она принимает и то, и другое одинаково. Обращает на себя внимание сокращение ain’t, оно простонародное. В обществе лучше не употреблять, можно сойти за сельского жителя. В американском обществе, ясное дело. Разве что чисто по приколу. So I’ll put it plain and simple Just like front page news Love is the baddest blues Writer & Composer: Beth Hart Так что я выскажусь просто и ясно Прямо как заголовок с передовицы Любовь самый лучший блюз В этих строках Бет раскрывает для тех, кто не понял - Любовь самый лучший блюз!
Beth, Joe and the whole band are spectacular and very tight. Everyone is on the same page. Beth is fortunate to have Joe and Joe is fortunate to have Beth. What a awesome show!
This Lady just continues to shine, her vocals gives you shivers of joy throughout every song, move over Tina, and l know Janis is looking down and saying oh my God this girl can sing.
To Alric the Red, Beth IS a superstar, in the Blues World. In fact, she's elevated Joe Bonamassa's star while elevating hers. Great Live performance of one of Beth's best written songs.
Beth jest niesamowita i ten jej glos....Rather go blind i Baddest blus slucham moze juz po raz dziesiaty i ciągle moge dalej sluchac...Brawo i dziekuje za taki kawałek...
I thoroughly enjoy all Beth’s music, by herself, and esp. with Joe Bonamassa! It’s not often that I’ve found videos with her playing the piano, and while her playing isn’t ‘difficult’ or intricate, it still shows another side of her and her talent. I’ve been a classical pianist and organist since I was 5, and I’m now 67, so I know from experience the difference. I don’t mean to be negative with my comment, just stating a fact. This doesn’t take away from how I feel about her at all! I believe she’s one of the most under appreciated and relatively unknown talents in what’s considered to be music in today’s world! It’s a shame that the ‘younger’ generation either don’t know who she is, or don’t care for her style of music. What seems to be popular in that age group is NOT what I would consider to be ‘music’ in the true sense of the word! She and Joe are a match made in heaven imo!
Peace and Love to you too, but sweety, never excuse yourself for being an old hippie. I am maybe not that old, but still waving my hippie flag with pride. ;)
IBR, at 76, having spent 21 years in the Bay Area and Santa Cruz,, I am right with you...wasn't the music flat awesome!? Saw Janice in '68 before Woodstock, and the Jefferson Airplane in '68 with the Dead...and this list is VERY long. Saw a small venue in Santa Cruz Civic with Bonnie Riatt and Doc and Merle Watson......what days they were!
Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa СУПЕР!!!!!!!!! музыканты. Без гитарного соло Joe Bonamassa музыка просто пустеет. У обоих прекрасный вокал. Данные музыканты на мой взгляд должны находиться в десятке лучших блюзменов
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that compares to this Woman's voice............it simply "pins you" to the wall. Singer Songwriter's like this are very very rare indeed.
Спасибо Вам!!!!! Вы наша Мадонна блюза!!!!! Как глубоко из недра земли Вы умеете достать и передать, донести до нас зрителей и слушателей ОГРОМНЫЕ ЧУВСТВА!!!!!!!!!!!
First time I hear this lady... Geeez she's a heart on fire ! She gives me shivers and the goosebumps ! No choice for the band but to stand on tiptoes with someone like her in front of you !...
Seriously...Beth is one of those talents who transcend time and the moment. She and Joe mesh in a way you rarely see. Pour yourself an Irish whiskey, kick back and be glad they are here for you. Thank you Beth and Joe. Know you are very much appreciated...
What an amazing blues song elevated to infinity in the Beth voice! I just miss a guitar solo from Joe here, that would be the perfect ring for the jewel!
I'd love to hear what treatment Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa would do with the song called "Turn the Page" (sweat pours from the body.. etc.) She's giving every single lyric every ounce of energy.. Music is energy !
"Baddest Blues" Lyrics: My love has come along My dreams become a song My days are bright and sunny Funny why all so blue The man is like a drug Humiliating and I can"t get enough Love in all its splendor Surrender its every blow Baddest blues that I know If this is love, what was I thinking? If this is love, what the hell am I, am I gonna do? And that man, he's got me sinking To the bottom of the blue It"s what I choose Love is the baddest blues The joy versus the pain No, my joy, it ain"t the same So I put it plain and simple Just like front page news Love is the baddest blues If this is love, what was I thinking? If this is love, what the hell am I, am I gonna do? And that man, he got me sinking To the bottom of the blue Guess that I, I"ll lose Love is the baddest blues
I love Beth, I love the woman she is, I love her voice and the songs she writes. I love her anger, her sweetness, her forgiveness, her crying, her struggle to feel alive.!Love from Italy.Roma
Beth is absolutely the best lady blues artist! Her version of “I’d Rather go Blind” will bring you to tears!! ❤️💕
You are 100% right on, i listen to her and Joe do this song daily.
No I didn't have tears
The one song they do together that ALMOST brings tears to MY eyes is their duet of ‘I’ll Take Care of You’! I would say that she’s not the best, but ONE of the best female blues type artists I’ve heard - another one being Joss Stone, who can really belt out the lyrics with unexpected feeling and emotion too!
Tears every time.
Simply the greatest female singer on the planet !!
I don't understand the 38 people who gave this a thumbs down. Seriously?? Beth ROCKS!!!
Those 38 people are already deceased.
One of the most beautiful songs ive ever heard. Beth is a true treasure
mrsatch2007 amen :)
❤ wWoOOowWw!❤
She truely sings from her soul , and all the other souls she's lived.
She has the best Live voice I’ve ever heard. Great song too!
This is so great. I want to find someone who loves this kind of music.
Strings 1043 lol I think the same when I listen to all her amazing tunes. Such talent and not played enough on radio. I can't get enough of her. She fills me with joy.
Strings 1043 You and me both want to find the person who will understand what this does to your soul when you listen. Incredible.
I don't understand how this woman isn't some superstar, why every person in the country doesn't know her name the way we know of Britney Spears or Katy Perry. More importantly, why she hasn't been on the cover of Rolling Stone?
Alric the Red I TOTALLY agree with you. Been asking myself that since i discovered her just recently (as in just last year)...
The record industry is controlled. They agree to push certain artists until someone decides their worth is over. Same thing happened to Lara Fabian,( better singer) wanting to get into the US market when Celine was the money spinner. Now with RUclips etc., these artists are getting more exposure.
believe me there are a lot of really good music that unknown in USA, its industry and media 2 decide, not fair competition,
LF is certainly not a better singer. But also, totally different (a style I don't care for) so why compare?
Alric the Red It's because she can actually sing.
absolutely powerful! Sincere and flawless performance of one of her best songs ♥
If this is Beth, what was I thinking? If this is Beth, what the hell am I going to do? I'm going to love her music and make her one of my new favorites. Beth is the baddest blues performer!
Beth Hart is fantastic, she is definitely a superstar 😊
This is one of Beth's finest performances! One can really feel this song coming from deep in her soul - love how she finishes with a sigh & whisper!!
Almost agree with you, but I personally think THE best of Beth’s performances is with Joe Bonamassa doing the song ‘I’ll Take Care of You’ from the Beacon Theater and/or Live in Amsterdam concerts! She always sings from her heart, which could possibly be bc of her personal history with ‘demons’ and other battles she had been through (and since overcame) in her earlier years. Just a 💭 thought. Both of them are great alone as well as together!
She's the Best .
1. Baddest blues
Первой песней в альбоме идёт «Baddest blues». На одном из живых выступлений в предисловии к этой песни Бет сказала следующее: «When I wrote the song, I was thinking a lot about heartbreak, especially old-school style, like Billie Holiday, and my mother, who reminds me a lot of her - ‘baddest blues’».
Перевод: Когда я писала эту песню, я много думала про разбитое сердце (heartbreak - многосмысленное - и печаль (blues), и большое горе, и разочарование) в особенности про песни старой школы, типа Билли Холидей, думала и про свою мать, которая сильно её напоминает - ‘baddest blues’.
Из переведённого выше кусочка следует, что песня глубоко личная и навеяна воспоминаниями о матери и песнями Билли Холлидей. Очевидно, для Бет есть что-то общее между её матерью и Билли Холидей.
My love has come along
My dream’s become a song
Любовь ко мне пришла
Мечта моя стала песней
Скорее всего, имеется в виду, что Бет по-настоящему влюбилась, и что её мечта сбылась - она поёт.
My days are bright and sunny
Funny why I’m so blue?
Дни мои яркие и солнечные
Забавно, почему мне так грустно?
Вроде бы и полюбила, и мечта сбылась, и забот нет никаких, а грустно. Можно перевести и иначе - с чего же мне так загоняться-то, если всё вроде бы в полном порядке?
The man is like a drug
Humiliating and I can’t get enough
Love and all its splendor
Has surrendered its every blow
Bad is the blues that I know
Мужчина как наркотик
Унизительно, но всё мало
Любовь и всё такое - великолепно
Сдаюсь с каждым вдохом
Я не знаю хуже блюза
Бет сравнивает любовь к мужчине с употреблением наркотика. Тут довольно явная аллюзия на кокс (drug и blow) и наркотическую зависимость. Бет подытоживает - не знаю хуже блюза. Тут всё правильно - ничего хорошего в наркотиках нет.
If this is love
What was I thinking?
If this is love
What the hell am I, am I gonna do?
Если это любовь
О чём я думала?
Если это любовь
Что, чёрт подери, мне дальше делать?
Тут, видимо, Бет сомневается - настоящая ли это любовь.
And that man has got me sinking
To the bottom of the blue
А этот мужчина
Тащит меня на дно морское
Тут игра слов. blue - синева, море, грусть, блюз. Т.е. с одной стороны тащит на дно морское, с другой именно поэтому она грустит и загоняется.
It’s what I choose
Love is the baddest blues
Это (любовь) то, что я выбираю
Любовь самый лучший блюз
Тут сомнения заканчиваются. Бет сделала выбор. Выбрала любовь.
The joy versus the pain
No my joy it ain’t the same
Радость против боли
Моя радость совсем не то же самое
Радость vs боль. Видимо, имеется в виду, что в любви (в отношениях) радость идёт рука об руку с болью. Далее следует оговорка, что, мол, моя радость совсем не такая. Наверное, это следует понимать, что в её любви нет боли. А только радость. Или то, что она принимает и то, и другое одинаково. Обращает на себя внимание сокращение ain’t, оно простонародное. В обществе лучше не употреблять, можно сойти за сельского жителя. В американском обществе, ясное дело. Разве что чисто по приколу.
So I’ll put it plain and simple
Just like front page news
Love is the baddest blues
Writer & Composer: Beth Hart
Так что я выскажусь просто и ясно
Прямо как заголовок с передовицы
Любовь самый лучший блюз
В этих строках Бет раскрывает для тех, кто не понял - Любовь самый лучший блюз!
Благодарю 💞🙏очень приятно
Спасибо! 👏👏👏Шедевр того заслуживает!
This is the most amazing song ive ever heard. I love it completely!!!!!!!
There's a lot of depth to your soul, Kamila. I hope that you've never experienced or will never experience "the baddest blues".
Beth, Joe and the whole band are spectacular and very tight. Everyone is on the same page. Beth is fortunate to have Joe and Joe is fortunate to have Beth. What a awesome show!
This Lady just continues to shine, her vocals gives you shivers of joy throughout every song, move over Tina, and l know Janis is looking down and saying oh my God this girl can sing.
Far out is right , I can't get enough of her singing an Joe's guitar .
So much soul in her voice!!! Simply phenomenal! This old man has to have a daily dosage of Beth and Joe!
Oh. My. God! Love this woman.
To Alric the Red, Beth IS a superstar, in the Blues World. In fact, she's elevated Joe Bonamassa's star while elevating hers. Great Live performance of one of Beth's best written songs.
Mere words cannot do this justice. Just thank you for sharing.
великолепно! хотел бы присутствовать на таком концерте...
А кто б не хотел!
Beth jest niesamowita i ten jej glos....Rather go blind i Baddest blus slucham moze juz po raz dziesiaty i ciągle moge dalej sluchac...Brawo i dziekuje za taki kawałek...
I thoroughly enjoy all Beth’s music, by herself, and esp. with Joe Bonamassa! It’s not often that I’ve found videos with her playing the piano, and while her playing isn’t ‘difficult’ or intricate, it still shows another side of her and her talent. I’ve been a classical pianist and organist since I was 5, and I’m now 67, so I know from experience the difference. I don’t mean to be negative with my comment, just stating a fact. This doesn’t take away from how I feel about her at all! I believe she’s one of the most under appreciated and relatively unknown talents in what’s considered to be music in today’s world! It’s a shame that the ‘younger’ generation either don’t know who she is, or don’t care for her style of music. What seems to be popular in that age group is NOT what I would consider to be ‘music’ in the true sense of the word! She and Joe are a match made in heaven imo!
Stevie Ray Von said he could play every Jimi Hendrix song note for note but had no idea how Jimi came up with those songs in the first place.
Every single piece of music I hear from them sets my heart more on fire with love of the blues! Never stop blowing out the blues! Truly historic!
Too much !!!!!! Far out !!!!! (excuse me I'm an old hippie) PEACE & LOVE !!!
Peace and Love to you too, but sweety, never excuse yourself for being an old hippie. I am maybe not that old, but still waving my hippie flag with pride. ;)
IBR, at 76, having spent 21 years in the Bay Area and Santa Cruz,, I am right with you...wasn't the music flat awesome!? Saw Janice in '68 before Woodstock, and the Jefferson Airplane in '68 with the Dead...and this list is VERY long. Saw a small venue in Santa Cruz Civic with Bonnie Riatt and Doc and Merle Watson......what days they were!
I had never heard it.
I love it!!! ❤️
Qui siamo su un’altro pianeta grazie Beth e Joe x le emozioni che ci date.
Beth Hart!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥♥️♥️♥️♥️
Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa СУПЕР!!!!!!!!! музыканты. Без гитарного соло Joe Bonamassa музыка просто пустеет. У обоих прекрасный вокал. Данные музыканты на мой взгляд должны находиться в десятке лучших блюзменов
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that compares to this Woman's voice............it simply "pins you" to the wall. Singer Songwriter's like this are very very rare indeed.
I love your voice Beth. Thanks for your music. Best therapy I've ever had
I can't love her more! SHE IS SO FUCKING PERFECT!!!!
Beth the best!!!!
I'm totally mesmerized by Beth and Joe!
soooooooo beautiful...pure...excellent...
...She's great, really great and I love her music.😘
Damn, this gave me chills!! Absolutely awesome!
Such passion, stunningly beautiful lyrics sang by a strong blues songstress. I am a humble Artist tipping my hat to you Beth 🎨
I watch this performance or another every day. I'm so addicted to her.
Beth by far the best female vocalist ever.You just do it for me, thanks.Oh and beautiful to,and my dream bird. :-)
Przy takich dźwiękach rośnie każde bluesowe serce. Beth Hart: BEauTHiful HeART.
Thank you for sharing your amazing music with us! You guys totally rock the blues! I’m glad I found all these songs! Thanks!,!,
Спасибо Вам!!!!! Вы наша Мадонна блюза!!!!! Как глубоко из недра земли Вы умеете достать и передать, донести до нас зрителей и слушателей ОГРОМНЫЕ ЧУВСТВА!!!!!!!!!!!
elle a tout d'une grande artiste , simple et magnifique , authentique !
First time I hear this lady... Geeez she's a heart on fire ! She gives me shivers and the goosebumps !
No choice for the band but to stand on tiptoes with someone like her in front of you !...
Such a sultry amazingly haunting voice! She looks so health I'm so glad she got it together! Love you Beth.
since my first meeting with blues it catch me directly and keep me happy.christer sweden
Great version of one of my favorite songs!! Great DVD!
Thank you! Super!
Oh my gosh, I love these two. I just blast it and sing right along. Thank you both for this beautiful music!!!
What a true pleasure it is to listen to this, fantastic voice .
She’s very magnificent singer
Best baddest blues i've ever heard, nice job joe & team
Beth the first lady of blues ❤❤
Seriously...Beth is one of those talents who transcend time and the moment. She and Joe mesh in a way you rarely see. Pour yourself an Irish whiskey, kick back and be glad they are here for you. Thank you Beth and Joe. Know you are very much appreciated...
Amazing voice ! amazing song . I love it completely
мне 57 и я ни когда не понимал блюз и вот нашелся человек который показал как это классно звучит БРАВО
Beth, you mess me up and I wouldn't have it any other way. My gosh.
LOVE these two together !!! Two of my favorites !! Thanks for sharing !!
What an amazing blues song elevated to infinity in the Beth voice! I just miss a guitar solo from Joe here, that would be the perfect ring for the jewel!
Incredible raw talent that can't be matched.. artist today take notes this is real talent and beyond....
Ya me gustaba los blues, ahora no puedo vivir sin ellos en la voz de Beth!!
This is most excellent :) Right into my THE "BLUES" playlist :) Thank you :) ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!
Beth patrimonio mondiale dell'umanità
Beth Hart o extraordinară voce , o trăire impresionantă, grație și..., acompaniamentului cozilor marelui incomparabil Joe Bonamassa!
What a beuitifull song. This women is just outstanding got chills listening to it wow
Beth, I love you ,your soulful voice.❤❤❤
Beth and Joe are... Bad Ass!
I'd love to hear what treatment Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa would do with the song called "Turn the Page" (sweat pours from the body.. etc.) She's giving every single lyric every ounce of energy.. Music is energy !
superb!!!! goosebumps!!!
Unglaublich gut! Das geht einfach nur unter die Haut.
Thanks for sharing !!!Fantastic!!!
He's fantastic. She's even better....
Wahnsinns Song!
Beth you sing my soul. 🙏💔😢😒😶😎
Somber upwards grind of the goosebump champs.
Oh Yeah 🤘❤🤘❤
"Baddest Blues" Lyrics:
My love has come along
My dreams become a song
My days are bright and sunny
Funny why all so blue
The man is like a drug
Humiliating and I can"t get enough
Love in all its splendor
Surrender its every blow
Baddest blues that I know
If this is love, what was I thinking?
If this is love, what the hell am I, am I gonna do?
And that man, he's got me sinking
To the bottom of the blue
It"s what I choose
Love is the baddest blues
The joy versus the pain
No, my joy, it ain"t the same
So I put it plain and simple
Just like front page news
Love is the baddest blues
If this is love, what was I thinking?
If this is love, what the hell am I, am I gonna do?
And that man, he got me sinking
To the bottom of the blue
Guess that I, I"ll lose
Love is the baddest blues
Gyönyörű !!!
это Божественно!!!
It is fabulous music.I think,that woman is brilliant .Fascination music.
Super Klasse!
can feel the ache
Величайшая. Шедевральная. Богиня.
La mujer mas talentosa que pisó la tierra, la amo
Beth is a angel.....
she is such a sweet lady with a great voice.