She was hands down one of THE best tv Moms EVER! I agree, a reboot wouldn't work. I just want to remember 'Home Improvement' as the great tv show it was. I have so many good memories of watching it with my big brother and all the laughs we'd have together- those moments live in my heart forever. Let's keep it there.~
Unless you like complaining liberal Mom's. She was the WORST. Brought the ENTIRE show DOWN!!! One of the reasons they cancelled it because she kept complaining about everything.
Yeah, I looked it up after she said it. 3 DUI convictions in the past 10 years. Two convictions for felony assault. And running an agricultural scheme in which he fraudulently profited at least $50,000. Having him on a reboot would be uncomfortable to say the least
@antmagor why would it be uncomfortable. She did the entire show with "Tim the drug dealer felon Taylor!" and had no issues with that. She's a hypocrite.
She's absolutely right. No need for a reboot, especially one that seems to be growing roots in dishonesty already-- lying that she's already signed on? What?? She looks amazing and happy. Not that it's relevant, but I love her hair.
Home Improvement and I are inextricably linked. I made two deployments aboard U.S.S. Constellation CV-64 attached to Carrier Air Wing 14 (CAG-14) / Air Antisubmarine Squadron 37 (VS-37) Class of 1987 Operation "Earnest Will ", Class of 1988/89 and Rim of the Pacific (RimPac) 1994 with Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 30 (VRC-30 1992-95). VRC-30 is the squadron the flew Richard Karn and Tim Allen to CV-64. I saw the REAL NATURE (True Colors) of Disney's Home Improvement during the episode with "Jill Taylor " reading out of the book BackLash by Susan Faludi. If you look close you will notice that the COVER of the book vanishes after a couple of takes for some UNKNOWN REASON. After reading Susan Faludi's BackLash, I highly recommend another book published September 1, 1998 Peter and Rochelle Schweizer's Disney: The Mouse Betrayed Greed Corruption and Children at Risk When Tim and Richard stepped out of the COD, I recognized the load master. Her and I stood watch together in the VRC-30 Duty Office.
Tim said regarding to reboot that the entire cast was on board. But here's the thing. He never said that it was the ORIGINAL cast. Patricia is mad because she is too arrogant to believe that she WASN'T asked. Besides why would Tim ask her? Working with her turned out to be very difficult which was one of the main reasons why Tim ultimately decided to end Home Improvement. Tim and Patricia always had a complicated relationship during Home Improvement. No one was ever happy with their parts in the show. Money was always a problem for Patricia. Their reunion in Last Man Standing was reportedly very awkward. Patricia was mad that Tim was making more money than she was so she deliberately used the pay gap to the ABC network as leverage to make sure that Home Improvement gets cancelled for good because she couldn't get what she wanted. More money and executive producer rights. She only made the salary request because she figured that she'd find a way to blame the network for why the show was ending, knowing the pay request was going to be rejected while she already knew she was not going to do the ninth season anyway. She wasn't even the STAR of the show. She was a supporting actress who was hired to the role that any other actress could have played. Tim Allen was the main star, he was the reason the show even existed. Take Patricia off the show, people would still watch. Take Tim off the show, no one would watch. Simply put, Patricia did not deserve the same salary because she wasn't as important to the show as Tim was. The fact that Patricia was always replaceable is something that nobody wants to say. Patricia really overestimated her worth in the show. She was offered $25 million and her ego said no. And now she is bad-mouthing the only thing that ever made her famous because she is bitter. Some female actresses just can't understand that they are not worth as much as the headliner main actors. Especially when it comes to opposite sex. It's all about the talent, not about the gender. There is only 1 Tim Allen. The wife role was totally replaceable. Tim didn't want to continue the show anymore because working with the cast turned out to be difficult. Aside from Patricia, other cast mates also started making demands as well. Tim couldn't work creatively with the cast because he didn't want money to be a sole motivator. There was too much drama behind-the-scenes and not enough passion for the work. The only people who didn't complain were Tim Allen and Earl Hindman (who played Wilson). The media never covered these issues over the years because the cast always kept the behind-the-scenes dramas BEHIND-THE-SCENES. Go watch Home Improvement E! True Hollywood Story E! Rewind documentary.
You seem like a beyond-gullible Trump supporter who doesn't like the fact that Patricia isn't in that cult like Tim is so I'm sure that's the motivation behind your post. If they weren't interested in Patricia playing Jill, they would have continued the original series without her, but the producers have said publicly it would never work without Patricia and that hasn't changed since then. The fact is that Tim did imply that the original cast was on board (which you knew before crafting this ignorant post) and that's straight up false. If money was a problem for Patricia, somehow I doubt she would have turned down $25 million dollars to do another season by the way. The problem was that Tim (a former drug dealer who is far from funny) was paid significantly more than her throughout the series and given a producer credit that she was never given while they did similar work on the show.
@@86qscott she did refuse 25 million she was gonna get 1 million a episode she refused and said she would not be doing a season 9 unless she got paid the same as tim
The fact that she turned down a million dollars per episode cause Tim was going to get $2 million. Shows me she lives on a different planet than I do. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but really she could have done some good with that money. Feed the poor etc
At the end of "FRIENDS" EACH cast member was making a million. Of course, Tim Allen was getting 2 million an episode. He was a BIG STAR in the 90's and had already done several movies plus Toy story during the run of the show. In fact, a few months after the show ended Toy story 2 and Galaxy Quest came out. Tim was always gonna be supported by Disney and is to this day. Disney is still working with him even though he's an aging sitcom star. Once he got out of jail they owned him. He needs to continue starring in home improvement rip offs. Its literally all he has.
She was just conveying how ridiculous a reboot would be, considering that the only realistically available costars are not interested in doing a reboot.
What’s sad is it’s 30 years later and fans still want a reboot, but 30 years later so much has changed. There are several 80’s TV series that would be well received if the networks made a mini-reboot, which could lead to a full reboot
Wow, she looks terrific! I know ZTB has a criminal record now, but would that preclude his acting in a TV show? Rebooting something 30 years down the line is prob'ly not a great idea in most instances.
Patricia says Home Improvement ended because she didn't get equal pay to Tim Allen!!! She SHOULDN'T HAVE. He was the star and contributed more than she did. Talk about sour grapes!
Exactly. She was pissed that Allen would make $2 mil, she would only make $1 mil. Boo hoo. The show was HIS idea. HIS stand-up material went into HIS show. She was a nobody before Home Improvement and she's a nobody now. Hasn't done a THING since Tim's show. Tim has never stopped working, she was caught up in HIS whirlwind and thought she deserved his level of pay. Get the fck outta here with that nonsense "Jill".
@@Ccg9024imagine you work at your own business 8 hours a day and your coworker works 3, and they want to be paid the same on the day. You sticking your neck out for them?
Is she talking about the Disney+ original series, The Santa Clauses or the upcoming Shifting Gears? Because in the former, yes, he plays a divorcee. However, in the latter show, his character will be a widower.
When will this dog collering up and dog chain up to both dog collers is what tv fans and the public ar really really waiting on knowing about with you to fabulis ladies
Patrica we ar starting to think that you really want hidey to put her leather dog coller on around her neack and hook the dog chain up to it so that whey you will put your dog coller on and hook up to the other end of the dog chain patrica
When ar you patrica and hidey sapost to respond to your wear leather dog collers hooked up to a dog chain tagther when will tv fans and the TV public get to know about this with both of you to ladies
Hidey is claiming that she wants to pull you by that dog chain wons it gets hooked up to your dog coller with the dog collers on around both of you to ladies patrica
Patrica ar you giong to sitt there and let hidey claim that she wants to pull you wons the dog collers ar on around the both of you to ladies with the dog chain hooked to both dog collers patrica can it happen with you to ladies
When will the damond plated leather dog collers giong to get worn around you and hidey so you to ladies will grab the dog chain and hook it to both dog collers from you to ladies will this happen
Your tv fans and your public fans ar really really hoping that you patrica and hidey will put the damond plated leather dog collers on to each other than grab the dog chain and hook it to both dog collers with the two of you asom ladies
Patrica will you talk dirty about you and hidey straping up damond plated leather dog collers to around each other and than grabbing the steel dog chain and hook it to both of your dog collers with each other patrica
Sometimes you just need to let the purity of what once was exist on it's own. What I mean by that is...Home Improvement is special and forcing a reboot could potentially scar the reputation of the original series. Leave it alone!
The truth is, she was always like this. Very difficult to work with by multiple accounts. She’s another one of those costars that believed they were actually the star of the show. She did fine on the show and a good job - but in truth, was always rather grating even on screen. She should be grateful that Allen looked past how difficult she was in the past and gave her a cameo role on Last Man. That restarted her tv career a bit.
I think she was trying to say it would never be the same if only two kids did the show maybe she thought the reboot would be tarnished with Zach’s conviction. She also mention the Wilson has also passed on and is no longer with us just my thoughts on this. 🤷🏼♀️
Rude and candid are too different things. She was asked a question and responded honestly and candidly. I have immense respect and admiration for her doing that.
The truth is, she was always like this. Very difficult to work with by multiple accounts. She’s another one of those costars that believed they were actually the star of the show. She did fine on the show and a good job - but in truth, was always rather grating even on screen. She should be grateful that Allen looked past how difficult she was in the past and gave her a cameo role on Last Man. That restarted her tv career a bit.
Will you jill talor mak it part of your big anouncent that will you wear a leather dog coller around your neack with a dog chain hooked to it with hidey holding on to the dog chain during the anouncement
Patrica will you be geting this on with hidey soon we really really hop with both of you to ladies that you to ladies will dog coller up and dog chain up to both dog collers with each other this wood be enjoyable if this dog collers with dog chain happens with each other
Specaily with the dog chain hooked up to your dog coller when you hav it on around your neack that will be lik a most asomness sweet dream when you patrica get this on with hidey her self
Patrica you should really let hidey hold on to the dog chain when it gets hooked up to your dog coller with you patrica when wood this be with you and hidey
Sorry but she didn't deserve equal pay for her role. She was a supporting character, not the main character. And the show was based on the comedy of Tim. She's bitter. He is better off moving on without her
It's very very asom with you patrica and hidey that your both planing on wearing hot leather dog collers with a dog chain hooked to both dog collers with each other we wood lov to know when is this happening with you to ladies
That wood be a sweet dreamy asom if hidey did hold on to the dog chain with it hooked up to your dog coller so there's no way four you to run away from hidey patrica
And you hav to hav your face painted up with you in a mud wresling black silky sports jacket on with black silky pantys on with black high heels on you jill talor
Patrica tv fans and the public hav been asking to see you and hidey leather dog coller up to each other and than dog chain up to both dog collers with each other tv fans and the public were really hoping this was the beginning or the start of the dog collering hooked to a dog chain tagther patrica with hidey her self can this happen with you to ladies
Who said it couldn't happen without her ---second wife or bachelor ---so maybe tim's not the lier you keep mouthing off about--don't need you around anyhow
Will hidey hold you jill talor back by your hair wons you hav climed in there with hidey so that way tim can not save you wons you ar in there to wresl and figth hidey in that pig pen
When we're you patrica and hidey planing on puting on and wearing the dog collers and when will you patrica planing on bieing dog chained up to hideys dog coller with hidey her self patrica
Remeber jill wons your both in there tim can not save you this ends in a good mud battle with you to ladies with the door bieing chained shut jill talor
Patrica this will be very very icsiting when you and hidey.hook the dog collers up and dog chain up collers with you to asom ladies patrica
The closer you patrica and hidey get to wearing and straping up damond plated leather dog collers to around each other and hooking the dog chain to both dog collers your selfs the mor icsiting this will be with you to ladies
We really really.hop between you patrica and with hidey that we will find out when you to ladys will hav the dog collers in your hands to put them on to each other.and hook chain to both dog collers with you to ladys patrica
She is so tacky and unappreciative. What a negative person. She wouldn't have had a career without Tim Allen. She failed at everything including being a wife and a mother.
The one who is tacky here is you actually. She had a long career way before Home Improvement and she never had any desire to become famous, sure the money helped her a lot but that's about it. Honestly there wouldn't have been a show without her so she should've gotten way more credit than she got. And about her private life, we know nothing about that so leave that alone. Bye!
Washed up actress who less than 1% of people know? Yeah i wonder why Tim picked Kat instead of her? She destroyed Home Improvement. Kat is 10000% a better actress. Glad she isn't in new show.
What a stupid thing to say. If she cared about being relevant, she'd be jumping at the chance to be in a reboot of the show. Some people are content leading normal lives after fame.
And Tim Allen is relevant? I can’t for the life of me figure out how “Last Man Standing” lasted 10 years on tv when the show was total garbage and about as funny as a documentary about Auschwitz. It’s not 1994 anymore. He’s more than overstayed him welcome. Every interview he gives he seems like a total prick; bitter or hateful. He needs to go away and count his millions.
@@randallchristman6698 hmmm, the ratings LMS had would seem to indicate otherwise. It would seem your opinion does not coincide with millions of others…just sayin..
She was hands down one of THE best tv Moms EVER! I agree, a reboot wouldn't work. I just want to remember 'Home Improvement' as the great tv show it was. I have so many good memories of watching it with my big brother and all the laughs we'd have together- those moments live in my heart forever. Let's keep it there.~
Her character aged like fine wine
She was a shrew
I don’t know her. But I will always pick her as tv mom
Unless you like complaining liberal Mom's. She was the WORST. Brought the ENTIRE show DOWN!!! One of the reasons they cancelled it because she kept complaining about everything.
"Zach is now a felon."
Yeah, I looked it up after she said it. 3 DUI convictions in the past 10 years. Two convictions for felony assault. And running an agricultural scheme in which he fraudulently profited at least $50,000. Having him on a reboot would be uncomfortable to say the least
So freaking what
That wasn’t a joke. She was serious.
@antmagor why would it be uncomfortable. She did the entire show with "Tim the drug dealer felon Taylor!" and had no issues with that. She's a hypocrite.
He's been arrested for DUI _twice in 2024 alone._ He's left California as a result
I'm confused about her relationship with Tim Allen at this point. She did guest star on Last Man Standing. Has their relationship soured since then?
That would be the natural follow up question. I’m curious too
I'd be more worried about her weird relationship with Jonathan..
@@ricksanchez5696What happened between her and Jonathan?
Tim Allen turned into a MAGA minded loon...great taste in cars...but politically motivated brainwashing...
She aged beautifully!!!
She looks great I love her hair
She's still gorgeous ❤
She's absolutely right. No need for a reboot, especially one that seems to be growing roots in dishonesty already-- lying that she's already signed on? What?? She looks amazing and happy. Not that it's relevant, but I love her hair.
Ugh, look at that beautiful hair!
Man she is gorgeous at this age!
So clear-headed and logical. Love her.
She looks great
She really does!
She's 100% correct, of course.
Her tv character was better than the real person.
My fav series wash strong medicine. We want a reboot with Rosa, Jennifer, Janine and Patricia
Home Improvement and I are inextricably linked. I made two deployments aboard U.S.S. Constellation CV-64 attached to Carrier Air Wing 14 (CAG-14) / Air Antisubmarine Squadron 37 (VS-37) Class of 1987 Operation "Earnest Will ", Class of 1988/89 and Rim of the Pacific (RimPac) 1994 with Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 30 (VRC-30 1992-95).
VRC-30 is the squadron the flew Richard Karn and Tim Allen to CV-64.
I saw the REAL NATURE (True Colors) of Disney's Home Improvement during the episode with "Jill Taylor " reading out of the book BackLash by Susan Faludi.
If you look close you will notice that the COVER of the book vanishes after a couple of takes for some UNKNOWN REASON.
After reading Susan Faludi's BackLash, I highly recommend another book published September 1, 1998 Peter and Rochelle Schweizer's Disney: The Mouse Betrayed Greed Corruption and Children at Risk
When Tim and Richard stepped out of the COD, I recognized the load master. Her and I stood watch together in the VRC-30 Duty Office.
Tim said regarding to reboot that the entire cast was on board. But here's the thing. He never said that it was the ORIGINAL cast. Patricia is mad because she is too arrogant to believe that she WASN'T asked. Besides why would Tim ask her? Working with her turned out to be very difficult which was one of the main reasons why Tim ultimately decided to end Home Improvement.
Tim and Patricia always had a complicated relationship during Home Improvement. No one was ever happy with their parts in the show. Money was always a problem for Patricia. Their reunion in Last Man Standing was reportedly very awkward.
Patricia was mad that Tim was making more money than she was so she deliberately used the pay gap to the ABC network as leverage to make sure that Home Improvement gets cancelled for good because she couldn't get what she wanted. More money and executive producer rights. She only made the salary request because she figured that she'd find a way to blame the network for why the show was ending, knowing the pay request was going to be rejected while she already knew she was not going to do the ninth season anyway.
She wasn't even the STAR of the show. She was a supporting actress who was hired to the role that any other actress could have played. Tim Allen was the main star, he was the reason the show even existed. Take Patricia off the show, people would still watch. Take Tim off the show, no one would watch. Simply put, Patricia did not deserve the same salary because she wasn't as important to the show as Tim was. The fact that Patricia was always replaceable is something that nobody wants to say.
Patricia really overestimated her worth in the show. She was offered $25 million and her ego said no. And now she is bad-mouthing the only thing that ever made her famous because she is bitter. Some female actresses just can't understand that they are not worth as much as the headliner main actors. Especially when it comes to opposite sex. It's all about the talent, not about the gender. There is only 1 Tim Allen. The wife role was totally replaceable.
Tim didn't want to continue the show anymore because working with the cast turned out to be difficult. Aside from Patricia, other cast mates also started making demands as well. Tim couldn't work creatively with the cast because he didn't want money to be a sole motivator. There was too much drama behind-the-scenes and not enough passion for the work. The only people who didn't complain were Tim Allen and Earl Hindman (who played Wilson).
The media never covered these issues over the years because the cast always kept the behind-the-scenes dramas BEHIND-THE-SCENES.
Go watch Home Improvement E! True Hollywood Story E! Rewind documentary.
You seem like a beyond-gullible Trump supporter who doesn't like the fact that Patricia isn't in that cult like Tim is so I'm sure that's the motivation behind your post. If they weren't interested in Patricia playing Jill, they would have continued the original series without her, but the producers have said publicly it would never work without Patricia and that hasn't changed since then. The fact is that Tim did imply that the original cast was on board (which you knew before crafting this ignorant post) and that's straight up false. If money was a problem for Patricia, somehow I doubt she would have turned down $25 million dollars to do another season by the way. The problem was that Tim (a former drug dealer who is far from funny) was paid significantly more than her throughout the series and given a producer credit that she was never given while they did similar work on the show.
@@86qscott she did refuse 25 million she was gonna get 1 million a episode she refused and said she would not be doing a season 9 unless she got paid the same as tim
@@86qscottYou have TDS lol. Bringing up Trump in a video that has nothing to do with him shows everyone how unhinged you are lol
@@andrewvincent7299 Exactly 10000000%
The fact that she turned down a million dollars per episode cause Tim was going to get $2 million. Shows me she lives on a different planet than I do. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but really she could have done some good with that money. Feed the poor etc
At the end of "FRIENDS" EACH cast member was making a million. Of course, Tim Allen was getting 2 million an episode. He was a BIG STAR in the 90's and had already done several movies plus Toy story during the run of the show. In fact, a few months after the show ended Toy story 2 and Galaxy Quest came out. Tim was always gonna be supported by Disney and is to this day. Disney is still working with him even though he's an aging sitcom star. Once he got out of jail they owned him. He needs to continue starring in home improvement rip offs. Its literally all he has.
She was just conveying how ridiculous a reboot would be, considering that the only realistically available costars are not interested in doing a reboot.
Pat is just as beautiful with white hair as she was with walnut hair I do love that woman....❤❤❤❤❤
What’s sad is it’s 30 years later and fans still want a reboot, but 30 years later so much has changed. There are several 80’s TV series that would be well received if the networks made a mini-reboot, which could lead to a full reboot
Wow, she looks terrific!
I know ZTB has a criminal record now, but would that preclude his acting in a TV show?
Rebooting something 30 years down the line is prob'ly not a great idea in most instances.
Zachary Bryan has left California in the aftermath of the arrests. He was arrested for DUI twice in 2024 alone.
Not to dismiss the crime but Tim is a 70s drug dealer and hollywood hires felons all the time lol
Yeah, so? That was nearly 50 years ago and Tim has stayed out of trouble since then.
Tim’s charges were never violent. Plus, they were mostly in the 70s. Since then. He did get arrested for drunk driving in 1998.
Last man standing, all day long!
Will this mud battle happen this way with both of you to ladies
I did not watch the show because of her !!!
I ❤ Love 💕 Al Borland ❤ and he is the Only Reason why I watched that show ❤
Patricia says Home Improvement ended because she didn't get equal pay to Tim Allen!!! She SHOULDN'T HAVE. He was the star and contributed more than she did. Talk about sour grapes!
Exactly. She was pissed that Allen would make $2 mil, she would only make $1 mil. Boo hoo. The show was HIS idea. HIS stand-up material went into HIS show. She was a nobody before Home Improvement and she's a nobody now. Hasn't done a THING since Tim's show. Tim has never stopped working, she was caught up in HIS whirlwind and thought she deserved his level of pay. Get the fck outta here with that nonsense "Jill".
Expect Tim did advocate for her to have equal pay.
@@Ccg9024imagine you work at your own business 8 hours a day and your coworker works 3, and they want to be paid the same on the day. You sticking your neck out for them?
I didn’t know they were in bad terms!! That’s really unfortunate
Wow - this woman has no filter! She looks great though.
“Zach is now a felon…” 🤣💀🪦🕳️🥀
Not funny. Zachary Bryan has been arrested for DUI twice in 2024 alone.
Is she talking about the Disney+ original series, The Santa Clauses or the upcoming Shifting Gears?
Because in the former, yes, he plays a divorcee. However, in the latter show, his character will be a widower.
She's a sharp woman.
When will this dog collering up and dog chain up to both dog collers is what tv fans and the public ar really really waiting on knowing about with you to fabulis ladies
Patrica we ar starting to think that you really want hidey to put her leather dog coller on around her neack and hook the dog chain up to it so that whey you will put your dog coller on and hook up to the other end of the dog chain patrica
When ar you patrica and hidey sapost to respond to your wear leather dog collers hooked up to a dog chain tagther when will tv fans and the TV public get to know about this with both of you to ladies
Hidey is claiming that she wants to pull you by that dog chain wons it gets hooked up to your dog coller with the dog collers on around both of you to ladies patrica
Patrica ar you giong to sitt there and let hidey claim that she wants to pull you wons the dog collers ar on around the both of you to ladies with the dog chain hooked to both dog collers patrica can it happen with you to ladies
Were just waiting four this dog collering up and dog chaining up specail moment to happen with you patrica and hidey to go on with you to ladies
Patrica when ar you.sapost to be geting this on with hidey
When will the damond plated leather dog collers giong to get worn around you and hidey so you to ladies will grab the dog chain and hook it to both dog collers from you to ladies will this happen
Your tv fans and your public fans ar really really hoping that you patrica and hidey will put the damond plated leather dog collers on to each other than grab the dog chain and hook it to both dog collers with the two of you asom ladies
Patrica will you talk dirty about you and hidey straping up damond plated leather dog collers to around each other and than grabbing the steel dog chain and hook it to both of your dog collers with each other patrica
When does that asomley get to happen with you patrica and hidey her self
Sometimes you just need to let the purity of what once was exist on it's own. What I mean by that is...Home Improvement is special and forcing a reboot could potentially scar the reputation of the original series. Leave it alone!
Dam, she is still a knockout
The truth is, she was always like this. Very difficult to work with by multiple accounts. She’s another one of those costars that believed they were actually the star of the show. She did fine on the show and a good job - but in truth, was always rather grating even on screen. She should be grateful that Allen looked past how difficult she was in the past and gave her a cameo role on Last Man. That restarted her tv career a bit.
Shes so right!!!
She has not aged. If this is plastic surgery, I want the name and number.
When is this sapost to happen with you to ladies
He didn’t approach the person who blew up the original show, how strange.
What does Zachery Ty Bryan being a felon have to do with anything, she worked with Tim all those years ago
Tim’s crimes were never violent -also, the 1970s.
I think she was trying to say it would never be the same if only two kids did the show maybe she thought the reboot would be tarnished with Zach’s conviction. She also mention the Wilson has also passed on and is no longer with us just my thoughts on this. 🤷🏼♀️
She is the reason the show ended
She was so unnecessarily rude in this interview. I was shocked and disappointed.
Rude and candid are too different things. She was asked a question and responded honestly and candidly. I have immense respect and admiration for her doing that.
I think Tim Allen is rude for lying to people!
The truth is, she was always like this. Very difficult to work with by multiple accounts. She’s another one of those costars that believed they were actually the star of the show. She did fine on the show and a good job - but in truth, was always rather grating even on screen. She should be grateful that Allen looked past how difficult she was in the past and gave her a cameo role on Last Man. That restarted her tv career a bit.
You can't go Home Improvement again.
Will you jill talor mak it part of your big anouncent that will you wear a leather dog coller around your neack with a dog chain hooked to it with hidey holding on to the dog chain during the anouncement
Patrica will you be geting this on with hidey soon we really really hop with both of you to ladies that you to ladies will dog coller up and dog chain up to both dog collers with each other this wood be enjoyable if this dog collers with dog chain happens with each other
Specaily with the dog chain hooked up to your dog coller when you hav it on around your neack that will be lik a most asomness sweet dream when you patrica get this on with hidey her self
Patrica you should really let hidey hold on to the dog chain when it gets hooked up to your dog coller with you patrica when wood this be with you and hidey
Yes you really should let hidey hold on to the dogy chain when it gets hooked up to both dog collers with you to ladies
Wow…. Her throwing everyone under the bus….
When will you mak that big mud wresl hidey anouncement jill talor
Sorry but she didn't deserve equal pay for her role. She was a supporting character, not the main character. And the show was based on the comedy of Tim. She's bitter. He is better off moving on without her
It's very very asom with you patrica and hidey that your both planing on wearing hot leather dog collers with a dog chain hooked to both dog collers with each other we wood lov to know when is this happening with you to ladies
That wood be a sweet dreamy asom if hidey did hold on to the dog chain with it hooked up to your dog coller so there's no way four you to run away from hidey patrica
Wood you patrica let hidey hold on to the dog chain wons it's hooked up to both dog collers with you patrica and hidey during your big anouncemt
older women actors always get replaced with a younger looking one😏
They turned the whole show homosexual and they pulled it off the air
She's aging gracefully.
And you hav to hav your face painted up with you in a mud wresling black silky sports jacket on with black silky pantys on with black high heels on you jill talor
That's what tv fans and the public hav been waiting on knowing about with you patrica and hidey her self
Patrica tv fans and the public hav been asking to see you and hidey leather dog coller up to each other and than dog chain up to both dog collers with each other tv fans and the public were really hoping this was the beginning or the start of the dog collering hooked to a dog chain tagther patrica with hidey her self can this happen with you to ladies
Exactly, don't do like "The Conners" 😢
Please do not mention that a bortion! 😮😅
Tim Allen is a weirdo in general.
Who said it couldn't happen without her ---second wife or bachelor ---so maybe tim's not the lier you keep mouthing off about--don't need you around anyhow
No one cares about a Home Improvement reboot.
Will hidey hold you jill talor back by your hair wons you hav climed in there with hidey so that way tim can not save you wons you ar in there to wresl and figth hidey in that pig pen
What muddy t shert will you wear until hidey rips and tears it rigth off of you jill in your mud figth with hidey
When we're you patrica and hidey planing on puting on and wearing the dog collers and when will you patrica planing on bieing dog chained up to hideys dog coller with hidey her self patrica
Remeber jill wons your both in there tim can not save you this ends in a good mud battle with you to ladies with the door bieing chained shut jill talor
Patrica this will be very very icsiting when you and hidey.hook the dog collers up and dog chain up collers with you to asom ladies patrica
Patrica when is this specail dog collering up and dog chaining up to both dog collers sapost to happen between you patrica and hidey
The closer you patrica and hidey get to wearing and straping up damond plated leather dog collers to around each other and hooking the dog chain to both dog collers your selfs the mor icsiting this will be with you to ladies
Eye will keep agreeing.with.this with you patrica and with hidey.
When will this go on with you.patrica and hidey saposively with the two of you to ladieys
We really really.hop between you patrica and with hidey that we will find out when you to ladys will hav the dog collers in your hands to put them on to each other.and hook chain to both dog collers with you to ladys patrica
She is so tacky and unappreciative. What a negative person. She wouldn't have had a career without Tim Allen. She failed at everything including being a wife and a mother.
The one who is tacky here is you actually. She had a long career way before Home Improvement and she never had any desire to become famous, sure the money helped her a lot but that's about it. Honestly there wouldn't have been a show without her so she should've gotten way more credit than she got. And about her private life, we know nothing about that so leave that alone. Bye!
Allen is a big liar.
Jill talor ar you looking four words to this rip and tear off the muddy t sherts in your any thing go's mud figth with hidey in the mud pit figth
Washed up actress who less than 1% of people know? Yeah i wonder why Tim picked Kat instead of her? She destroyed Home Improvement. Kat is 10000% a better actress. Glad she isn't in new show.
She seems bitter
She’s soar she’s not relevant anymore
"sore". Learn to spell
What a stupid thing to say. If she cared about being relevant, she'd be jumping at the chance to be in a reboot of the show. Some people are content leading normal lives after fame.
And Tim Allen is relevant? I can’t for the life of me figure out how “Last Man Standing” lasted 10 years on tv when the show was total garbage and about as funny as a documentary about Auschwitz. It’s not 1994 anymore. He’s more than overstayed him welcome. Every interview he gives he seems like a total prick; bitter or hateful. He needs to go away and count his millions.
@@randallchristman6698 hmmm, the ratings LMS had would seem to indicate otherwise. It would seem your opinion does not coincide with millions of others…just sayin..
@@mrlionel1965 millions of people also voted for Trump