Paul & Sheryl: never to disappoint. I found this to be an amazing vid of not only 'ship' building but aluminum 'ship' building. Of all your boats this one isn't a sailboat. It's a Ship...! I worked in a few shipyards years ago in Norway so I have a good understanding of the process... Impressive and looking forward to more... Fair Winds...
I would definitely like to see more from the building and the techniques used by the yard and its employees, simply because very little is found on YT related to pleasure boats. So, please more, it would likely promote, and I know that many yachters seriously consider a new sailboat in aluminum for some high latitude or around the world adventures. Not everybody goes the big catamaran and barbeques in the sun route. Cheers.
Great video. There are not enough of these types of videos that actually show the how and why its done. I would love to see all the stages with technical details. The more details the better but I am sure that can be very time consuming for you and not everyone likes to geek out on the technical stuff. Thanks for the video.
Thanks! Will do! We WILL make a number of these technical videos. They are somewhat time-consuming but its fun work. Amongst other things I have purchased Rhino and been doing design work myself on elements of the boat. We are glad you are enjoying it!
I love the Technical videos. Retired now but used to program and operate various CNC equipment. I also am proficient in Solid Works. This is what really interested me. Seeing the thousands of parts being cut and processed for assembly. The way the engineers simplified the manufacturing process amazes me. I think I will watch this video again.
Fascinating! It's amazing the advances that computerisation has made to the boat building industry. Holland has long been recognised as being in the forefront of aluminium yacht building, my Father was a yacht designer who traveled to Holland many time to see his work transformed from a blueprint to a finely crafted vessel. He spent most of his working life bent over a drawing board using a pencil, curves and draughting weights to fashion a good looking boat, the many calculations required were done with a slide rule, he would have been amazed at todays technology. Thanks for showing us the yard and we look forward to seeing the construction.
Hi from Calgary. It is so interesting to see a boat constructed from a material other than fiberglass. The level of technology they are using to design and ultimately construct DS #5 is amazing. You must be thrilled to see the precision and level of quality KM uses to construct their boats, I can see why you chose KM. Bring on more videos like this one please. She's going to be an amazing vessel.
Thanks for the tech! I am a boat CAD guy that has not done a boat this way, but I think it's amazing. Not many people know how to do it at the level the dutch do. Thanks for sharing it.
Just found you guys and am super interested in the process of building aluminum boats/cats. Thank you for sharing and thank the builders involved for being open!
I am so glad you are posting again. I am just as anxious as y’all are to see you get back in a boat. I miss your adventures. I find the technical video interesting.
Nice editing on this video as you covered a lot of technical ground without losing the non-technical viewers. After viewing this I feel like I better understand how airplanes are built. Yes, that town is cute.
I have enjoyed these step-by-step design and construction videos. My ancestors are from Winkle, Hoorn and Gouda Holland, so I also enjoyed your walks and rides through the villages nearby.
Hello YOU and I am happy with your construction. 3D designing and CNC cutting offer amazing possibilities in the design and construction of sailing yachts. I remember when my dad and I started building our yacht. 7.3 m long and 2.5 wide hmmmm and only 7 years of construction :). Wooden hoof, composite mold, fuselage and that endless finish. 30 years have passed since then, the yacht has undergone several modernizations, and I graduated in yacht design, but I was not allowed to work on yachts. I support you very much and thank you for this adventure and a lot of new knowledge. Greetings from Poland. Roman.
Great video, I love it! Please produce more videos like this. I have an aluminium boat with a centreboard myself (a Koopmanns) but since I did not commission it and I am not the first owner, I am still in the process of learning more about my ship (and your videos like yours are helpful to get a better sense of the building process and structure). Mine was built in Hinderloopen, not far from Makkum.
Congratulations on your alu yacht and I'm glad our videos help you out. We also admired the Koopman yachts, and last time we were in Netherlands we visited the very cute little town of Hindeloopen!
Yes, more technical videos. Great to hear the experts explaining their craft. LOve how you respect the art and science and skills of the workers too. A tour of Makkum would also be fun.
Great video! You've sparked my aluminum interest like never before! Dutch engineering and efficiency, very impressive. Looking forward to seeing more. Thx for the great production!
Wow that’s seems like a lot of aluminum! It’s good to see progress in the build of your new boat! Hope all goes well. Looking forward to seeing you on the ocean. My sister and I are heading to the San Juan islands and Southeast Alaska next week. Good sailing and God bless.
Unfortunately I did not make it to Makkum for my yard period due to engine troubles. Very cool place. I really like following this build process! Thanks for your efforts in capturing this!
This is a far cry from Lofting and Hand cutting each part of a boat such as we did on the Commercial fishing Boat depicted in my Profile picture. I am looking forward to seeing as much as p[ossible of the entire process. No detail would be too small. Please continue with your documentation in as much detail as possible. it is greatly appreciated!
There aren't enough technical videos about this topic, thank you for taking the time to produce these very informative peices. Thanks to your pursuit, you helped me decide to go with KM, keep up the amazing work!
Yes, I would like to see more technical details. Also I do understand that money and price is a confidential thing, but its still very interesting to know about the price :)
Loved this video. Looking forward to see other technical issues: electrical isolation, steel/aluminum isolation, paint/bare aluminum, mechanical… keep them coming!
More to come! I have been enjoying the graphics. I got a 3D CAD program called Rhino and made my own model of the boat. Steep learning curve but lots of fun and it will come in handy!
Amazing shipyard construction methods!! Love it! Such an aluminium boat would be my dream too.... thanks for sharing this content, it's really very appreciated and we all boat lovers can learn a lot! Cheers!
Brilliant video showing the in depth technical details of the intricate design and preparation steps needed to get from the main design too construction. Amazing technology and craftsmanship at work in "us heitelan"! Looking forward to seeing her being built and eventually sailing!.
I really liked this video with all the technology information on the planning, design process to the layout of the part on the metal sheets to the marking and cutting out of the parts to construction of the sail boat. I am very interested in see allot more video segments on the construction and other processes that need to happen for a very successful build of our boat.
This was a great video. I like these ‚technical‘ videos as you call them. It brings the building process alive and shows how much work is in it. I own 49‘ Aluminium Yacht myself. It is German built by Duebbel & Jesse in 1991 and they probably would have loved to have these tools 32 years ago :-) In our boat you see at some places that it was true craftsmanship to build. If you like to see a video of our boat, I can provide a link.
This gave me a Idea, yup, I invent stuff and you never know when something comes to mind.. Back to the drawing board my Dog Maverick will love this.. Great explanation with a WOW ! factor. Thx Paul & Sheryl ~
Thanks so much! Very cool to see how these Aluminum boats are built. The CNC cutting of the plates helps, but the process is still very labor intensive due to many welds needed. Marine Aluminum should be very durable if galvanic corrosion is correctly maintained. Definitely want to see as much as possible. The giant English wheel for 3D bending the metal plates is very cool.
The welding itself is also not a piece of cake. I haven't seen many alu-boats welded correctly. What kind of marine aluminium exactly do you have in mind?
@@LoanwordEggcorn Thanks for the answer. I'm thinking of making a trial alu-boat. I was considering also 5383. If you were interested in results I can let you know.
Indeed a great yacht to be built. See that you did not choose a KM yacht. No Bestevaer. But an Orion from Gebr. Enkhuizen to build it. Similar yachts. Whatever suits you best. Great to follow the development. Thanks for sharing
I love this video series and I also love your design choice. I saw a video of the Orion design and I’m really excited to see how you get it customized for yourselves.
The new boat plans look very good. Thanks for sharing the creation steps. You have plenty of experience with lifting keels, could you please comment about their performance in open seas in comparison to a heavier fixed keel? Is the stability of the heavier fixed keel (more comfortable crossings) so much higher as many state? Thank you!
I really like this video--it answered a ton of questions i had about the actual construction process--which matters as i am planning to visit Makkum myself in a few weeks...
Hi Peter, I missed this comment earlier. You are visiting Makkum! We are also returning there in 2 weeks for a sailing trip on a traditional Lemsteraak gaff sailing barge. Are you visiting boatbuilders?
@@DistantShoresTV Hi Paul Yup, I am going to Makkum on the 24th August to look at buying a Bestevaer 36-but I will look at others while I am there. I would like something bigger but I simply can’t afford a new build 45 or 49. Of course that leads me back to looking at used boats that match my budget-and are about 15-16 meters.
Great to see the latest thinking for boat building , more would be great . Interesting to see at the end the waste piece of aluminum warping. They can’t use water jet as the printing ink might wash off . And not laser??? Warren
I liked the technical and all other aspects of the AL build. I know that there are special alloys of AL both for the marine environments corrosion and for higher tinsel strength than lesser alloys, as well as special welding wire / rod. A discussion of this would be interesting. 👍
Yes this is very interesting I almost went into Boat Building my Brother Dennis ended up building. Nichols Brother’s Please keep sharing you building show
Yes , please, keep up with the technical videos, it’s a good learning voyage 👍🏼👍🏼 You should also agree with the company to carry and build your own line of aluminum sailboats; after having thousands of miles of ocean experience living aboard, and pioneers of filming and sharing before You Tube, you’re more than capable of making various models for different stages of a sailors lifetime and different goals in terms of sailing distance
Love the technical details. I am also having my 50 footer built in another country, but unable to see the detail of the building process - love your videos..
@@DistantShoresTV Its an Oyster 495 & I am expecting delivery in Q1 next year. Oyster have 5 videos tracking the build of Hull #1, however, it was more about marketing rather that the more detail technical aspects of the build.
Paul & Sheryl: never to disappoint. I found this to be an amazing vid of not only 'ship' building but aluminum 'ship' building. Of all your boats this one isn't a sailboat. It's a Ship...! I worked in a few shipyards years ago in Norway so I have a good understanding of the process... Impressive and looking forward to more... Fair Winds...
I would definitely like to see more from the building and the techniques used by the yard and its employees, simply because very little is found on YT related to pleasure boats. So, please more, it would likely promote, and I know that many yachters seriously consider a new sailboat in aluminum for some high latitude or around the world adventures. Not everybody goes the big catamaran and barbeques in the sun route. Cheers.
Great video. There are not enough of these types of videos that actually show the how and why its done. I would love to see all the stages with technical details. The more details the better but I am sure that can be very time consuming for you and not everyone likes to geek out on the technical stuff. Thanks for the video.
Thanks! Will do! We WILL make a number of these technical videos. They are somewhat time-consuming but its fun work. Amongst other things I have purchased Rhino and been doing design work myself on elements of the boat. We are glad you are enjoying it!
Great video, as usually are your episodes! But this is special, please let us see, step by step, the entire construction of your new boat. BRAVO!!!
Will do! Yes we're working on more detailed updates! Coming soon...
I love the Technical videos. Retired now but used to program and operate various CNC equipment. I also am proficient in Solid Works. This is what really interested me. Seeing the thousands of parts being cut and processed for assembly. The way the engineers simplified the manufacturing process amazes me. I think I will watch this video again.
We so appreciate this feedback! Thanks!
Best builders in the world! You did the right choice for material and the builder!
Great video. Fascinating! Please do share more of these technical videos! Can’t wait to see how it progresses.
Thanks Mac! Will do!
Agreed!! And ya pleased your entire audience by saying aluminum both their correct pronunciation! 🤣
Please do more videos like this. This video was not long enough, I could have watched this all night.
Fascinating! It's amazing the advances that computerisation has made to the boat building industry. Holland has long been recognised as being in the forefront of aluminium yacht building, my Father was a yacht designer who traveled to Holland many time to see his work transformed from a blueprint to a finely crafted vessel. He spent most of his working life bent over a drawing board using a pencil, curves and draughting weights to fashion a good looking boat, the many calculations required were done with a slide rule, he would have been amazed at todays technology. Thanks for showing us the yard and we look forward to seeing the construction.
Amazing boat building, the Dutch are truly the master boat builders of modern times.
Paul & Sheryl, I'm happy to see your new boat is now underway. Very exciting.
Us too Fred! Hi also to Marlen!
This is the modern version of lofting a ship hull. Fascinating
I'm a tech in process automation and I just loved this video. Kudos to your friends from the Netherlands. Amazing usage of tech advancements
Hi from Calgary. It is so interesting to see a boat constructed from a material other than fiberglass. The level of technology they are using to design and ultimately construct DS #5 is amazing. You must be thrilled to see the precision and level of quality KM uses to construct their boats, I can see why you chose KM. Bring on more videos like this one please. She's going to be an amazing vessel.
Please continue to share these videos. Thank you. It is new territory for most of us.
Thanks for the tech! I am a boat CAD guy that has not done a boat this way, but I think it's amazing. Not many people know how to do it at the level the dutch do. Thanks for sharing it.
wow this is amazing. yes please have the technical stuff on...
Just found you guys and am super interested in the process of building aluminum boats/cats. Thank you for sharing and thank the builders involved for being open!
This was great, please keep showing these types of videos. I love learning how your ship is being built.
I just keep watching it. I love the printer head attached to the CNC machine for marking parts! Wowza!
You and me both! That CNC machine is mesmerizing.
Fabulous, another boat building channel discovered. I'll follow this with great interest and enjoyment, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing - From the UK.
please keep them coming Paul! We are really enjoying learning how a modern aluminum boat is built.
I am so glad you are posting again. I am just as anxious as y’all are to see you get back in a boat. I miss your adventures. I find the technical video interesting.
Nice editing on this video as you covered a lot of technical ground without losing the non-technical viewers. After viewing this I feel like I better understand how airplanes are built. Yes, that town is cute.
Love the technical videos! Thank you for all your hard work.
Much appreciated!
I have enjoyed these step-by-step design and construction videos. My ancestors are from Winkle, Hoorn and Gouda Holland, so I also enjoyed your walks and rides through the villages nearby.
Hello YOU and I am happy with your construction. 3D designing and CNC cutting offer amazing possibilities in the design and construction of sailing yachts. I remember when my dad and I started building our yacht. 7.3 m long and 2.5 wide hmmmm and only 7 years of construction :). Wooden hoof, composite mold, fuselage and that endless finish. 30 years have passed since then, the yacht has undergone several modernizations, and I graduated in yacht design, but I was not allowed to work on yachts. I support you very much and thank you for this adventure and a lot of new knowledge. Greetings from Poland. Roman.
Thanks for the kind words Roman!
Sounds like you were building your first yacht about when Sheryl & I were building our first 11m sailboat Two-Step!
Great video, I love it! Please produce more videos like this. I have an aluminium boat with a centreboard myself (a Koopmanns) but since I did not commission it and I am not the first owner, I am still in the process of learning more about my ship (and your videos like yours are helpful to get a better sense of the building process and structure). Mine was built in Hinderloopen, not far from Makkum.
Congratulations on your alu yacht and I'm glad our videos help you out. We also admired the Koopman yachts, and last time we were in Netherlands we visited the very cute little town of Hindeloopen!
Yes, more technical videos. Great to hear the experts explaining their craft. LOve how you respect the art and science and skills of the workers too. A tour of Makkum would also be fun.
Fascinating video. Never knew boatbuilding would be so hi-tech and parts would be laid out so efficiently. You new boat looks quite handsome BTW.
Many thanks John!
Very well done. You provided a clear explanation how a modern company builds a yacht. Great job!
Spectacular! Very interesting. Love the technical.
Thanks for posting. I have been watching your videos for at least 3 years now. All wonderful!
Wow, thanks Wil! Glad you're enjoying the channel!
Great video! You've sparked my aluminum interest like never before! Dutch engineering and efficiency, very impressive. Looking forward to seeing more. Thx for the great production!
Thank you very much for the kind words Jason!
yup .. keep em coming. love to see it all come together
Wow that’s seems like a lot of aluminum! It’s good to see progress in the build of your new boat! Hope all goes well. Looking forward to seeing you on the ocean. My sister and I are heading to the San Juan islands and Southeast Alaska next week. Good sailing and God bless.
I really would love to see more of the process of building a aluminum ship. I hope I will see more videos in this style.
Unfortunately I did not make it to Makkum for my yard period due to engine troubles. Very cool place. I really like following this build process! Thanks for your efforts in capturing this!
Next time!
Looking forward to following the build of your new yacht. 👍
This is a far cry from Lofting and Hand cutting each part of a boat such as we did on the Commercial fishing Boat depicted in my Profile picture. I am looking forward to seeing as much as p[ossible of the entire process. No detail would be too small. Please continue with your documentation in as much detail as possible. it is greatly appreciated!
I know, a lot of crawling on a huge white floor.
Amazing technology in the build process.
There aren't enough technical videos about this topic, thank you for taking the time to produce these very informative peices. Thanks to your pursuit, you helped me decide to go with KM, keep up the amazing work!
Yes, I would like to see more technical details. Also I do understand that money and price is a confidential thing, but its still very interesting to know about the price :)
Very interesting to see this designing and building process. Hopefully you can share more about this.
Great video. I always enjoy a dive into the technical aspects of boating.
Great technical video, fascinating process and some highly skilled folk involved. Can't wait to see the next one!
Loved this video. Looking forward to see other technical issues: electrical isolation, steel/aluminum isolation, paint/bare aluminum, mechanical… keep them coming!
Yes please, more videos like these. You even do some nifty graphics there. Very taken with building in aluminium just from this short video. So neat.
More to come!
I have been enjoying the graphics. I got a 3D CAD program called Rhino and made my own model of the boat. Steep learning curve but lots of fun and it will come in handy!
Amazing shipyard construction methods!! Love it! Such an aluminium boat would be my dream too.... thanks for sharing this content, it's really very appreciated and we all boat lovers can learn a lot! Cheers!
Glad you enjoyed it Nando!
Brilliant video showing the in depth technical details of the intricate design and preparation steps needed to get from the main design too construction. Amazing technology and craftsmanship at work in "us heitelan"!
Looking forward to seeing her being built and eventually sailing!.
Glad you liked it Jorrit!
I really liked this video with all the technology information on the planning, design process to the layout of the part on the metal sheets to the marking and cutting out of the parts to construction of the sail boat. I am very interested in see allot more video segments on the construction and other processes that need to happen for a very successful build of our boat.
Glad it was helpful Robert! Lots more technical videos like this coming up!
I agree with previous comments. This was fascinating ... more please!
Love it…you won’t be disappointed, many (Russian) oligarchs went to Dutch shipyards to build their vessels, top quality! Succes with you’re adventure.
This was a great video. I like these ‚technical‘ videos as you call them. It brings the building process alive and shows how much work is in it. I own 49‘ Aluminium Yacht myself. It is German built by Duebbel & Jesse in 1991 and they probably would have loved to have these tools 32 years ago :-) In our boat you see at some places that it was true craftsmanship to build. If you like to see a video of our boat, I can provide a link.
Yes, please post a video of your boat.
@@SeanandKate Hello guys: Here you go:видео.html
This gave me a Idea, yup, I invent stuff and you never know when something comes to mind.. Back to the drawing board my Dog Maverick will love this.. Great explanation with a WOW ! factor. Thx Paul & Sheryl ~
Thanks so much! Very cool to see how these Aluminum boats are built.
The CNC cutting of the plates helps, but the process is still very labor intensive due to many welds needed.
Marine Aluminum should be very durable if galvanic corrosion is correctly maintained.
Definitely want to see as much as possible. The giant English wheel for 3D bending the metal plates is very cool.
The welding itself is also not a piece of cake. I haven't seen many alu-boats welded correctly. What kind of marine aluminium exactly do you have in mind?
@@PawcioR88 Agree the welding is non-trivial. I believe standard marine alloys are commonly used. They may have mentioned using 5083.
@@LoanwordEggcorn Thanks for the answer. I'm thinking of making a trial alu-boat. I was considering also 5383. If you were interested in results I can let you know.
@@PawcioR88 Would definitely like to see how it goes! Can you post a video to your channel?
@@LoanwordEggcorn Sure, I will do.
Oh yes, Paul please keep producing these technical videos that I love ;). Cheers!!!!
Thanks Jorge
Really interesting vid: thanks for sharing and please post more on the tech aspects of aluminum yacht building. Fair winds to both of you!
Indeed a great yacht to be built. See that you did not choose a KM yacht. No Bestevaer. But an Orion from Gebr. Enkhuizen to build it.
Similar yachts. Whatever suits you best. Great to follow the development. Thanks for sharing
Yes, more technical "how to build an aluminium yacht" content, please.
Love these construction videos here
Technical videos? Yes please! Would love to follow the construction of an aluminium yacht behind the scenes. Subscribed. Cheers.
Love the technical videos. Absolutely fascinating. All the best!!
Fascinating, very high skilled companies.
Looking forward to more episodes of this building series.
Technology has come a long way!
I would like to see more from the building and fitout process. Hopefully the yacht builder is happy to share his Intellectual properties.
I love this video series and I also love your design choice. I saw a video of the Orion design and I’m really excited to see how you get it customized for yourselves.
The new boat plans look very good. Thanks for sharing the creation steps. You have plenty of experience with lifting keels, could you please comment about their performance in open seas in comparison to a heavier fixed keel? Is the stability of the heavier fixed keel (more comfortable crossings) so much higher as many state? Thank you!
Fantastic video!!!!! I can't wait until the next one!!!!
It is very interesting to see the technology behind such a boat. It would be nice to see more technical videos.
Nice project and good for you to have these inside informations from the buildingcompany.
Really enjoy these technical videos, keep them coming please and good luck with the build
Glad you like them!
Guys, greetings Froom colombia south América, fantastic serie aluminium building
I really like this video--it answered a ton of questions i had about the actual construction process--which matters as i am planning to visit Makkum myself in a few weeks...
Hi Peter, I missed this comment earlier. You are visiting Makkum! We are also returning there in 2 weeks for a sailing trip on a traditional Lemsteraak gaff sailing barge. Are you visiting boatbuilders?
@@DistantShoresTV Hi Paul
Yup, I am going to Makkum on the 24th August to look at buying a Bestevaer 36-but I will look at others while I am there. I would like something bigger but I simply can’t afford a new build 45 or 49.
Of course that leads me back to looking at used boats that match my budget-and are about 15-16 meters.
Well explained! Very interesting
Well documented , thank you. Hope you enjoy you new boat.
That was fascinating.... thank you. I look forward to watching the progression as parts are brought together!
Loved the video! Please keep the build videos coming...
Great to see the latest thinking for boat building , more would be great .
Interesting to see at the end the waste piece of aluminum warping.
They can’t use water jet as the printing ink might wash off . And not laser???
I love build videos! Please discuss the options and choices.
this seems like a huge model kit!
coming along nicely. Orion 49 very good choice.
I liked the technical and all other aspects of the AL build. I know that there are special alloys of AL both for the marine environments corrosion and for higher tinsel strength than lesser alloys, as well as special welding wire / rod. A discussion of this would be interesting. 👍
Great to see the progress!
Yes, more please! Really interesting.
Yes this is very interesting I almost went into Boat Building my Brother Dennis ended up building. Nichols Brother’s
Please keep sharing you building show
Great video. Distant Shores V is going to be amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Great to revisit this video .
Yes very enjoyable to watch the detail. Thanks, Crazy Canuck
Great update!
Glad you think so!
I've subscribed to see more of the technical stuff!
Keep them coming Paul.. this is so interesting!
Yes , please, keep up with the technical videos, it’s a good learning voyage 👍🏼👍🏼
You should also agree with the company to carry and build your own line of aluminum sailboats; after having thousands of miles of ocean experience living aboard, and pioneers of filming and sharing before You Tube, you’re more than capable of making various models for different stages of a sailors lifetime and different goals in terms of sailing distance
Its really interesting to follow your aluminum adventure! Thanks! / Dennis
Excellent video, one of the best!
Really good build video. Thank you. Look forward to more.
More to come!
Love the technical details. I am also having my 50 footer built in another country, but unable to see the detail of the building process - love your videos..
Glad you're enjoying the videos. Too bad you can't see details of your own build. What kind of boat are you getting?
@@DistantShoresTV Its an Oyster 495 & I am expecting delivery in Q1 next year. Oyster have 5 videos tracking the build of Hull #1, however, it was more about marketing rather that the more detail technical aspects of the build.
Excellent! Enjoy the commissioning process Lance and please report back :-)
Yes please, more videos like this , fascinating
Thanks so much for this feedback!
Love the technical videos!
Super fun to watch