gender roles are confusing in 2024

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 103

  • @privilegedfewproductions
    @privilegedfewproductions  25 дней назад +16

    what helped you to get over a heartbreak?

    • @Iskander-bw2tv
      @Iskander-bw2tv 25 дней назад +5

      Based on my experience, the best option is to dive in your passion, your business and avoid be alone with your thoughts ✊️

    • @ShalomSarahJoy
      @ShalomSarahJoy 25 дней назад

      Realizing that: everything is always pointing us towards our desires. Even what we don’t want is a reminder of what we DO want.
      What we don’t want: a man who makes a woman feel like she has to choose between him and one of her passions. A man who makes her feel guilty or like she’s not doing/being/saying xyz enough to prove her love for him.
      What we DO want: a man who loves that his woman pursues her passions. A man who encourages and supports her vision. A man who tells her and makes her feel like she is doing/being/saying enough for him and the relationship and appreciates/cherishes her for it all.
      Even though it hurts and sometimes I wanted to get back together with them or wondered if the breakup was a mistake, I had to admit to myself: I wasn’t satisfied with how things were either. (Not in a selfish way but moreso as an objective truth.)
      Made me realize: I’m not mourning them nor the whole relationship. I’m grieving the idea of what we could’ve had together or an idea of who/what I thought they were and would be..
      ^but that’s all it was.. an idea.

    • @starcandi841
      @starcandi841 25 дней назад

      Paint party with the girls🎉

    • @elektrotehnik94
      @elektrotehnik94 25 дней назад

    • @kinethecoach
      @kinethecoach 25 дней назад +2

      Inner child work, parts work, understanding what the partner was showing me, ie repressed parts in myself that they were reflecting to me and help me to access. Getting and prioritising more compatible, closer and supportive friendships. Different healing modalities for clearing energy cords and such. Wishing you all the best in your healing! 🙏

  • @aliyevaalbina
    @aliyevaalbina 25 дней назад +142

    Hey, friends🐇Many of you asked how I am doing, which I really appreciate. I'll be honest with you: I am probably in the best mental space I've been in for a while. I am very grateful for the amazing relationship I've had, but sometimes, the best act of love you can perform is letting go. Love you all🖤

    • @Min_xd27
      @Min_xd27 25 дней назад +1

      Love you Albina, never give up on life and yourself ❤

  • @brazilianchicks
    @brazilianchicks 24 дня назад +38

    “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.” - Lady Gaga
    Chasing your dreams will lead you to independence and make you a free woman

    • @wildeevolution
      @wildeevolution 22 дня назад

      Unless you get cancelled, lose your job or become disabled.

  • @VivaciousLyla
    @VivaciousLyla 25 дней назад +54

    I love your honesty (as usual). I think a lot more girlies relate to this than we think. If we don't work, or don't do anything outside of our role at home, we are labeled as "lazy", or a "gold digger", or we become a "trophy wife". But if we do, it begins to interfere with our personal relationships. And even if we don't experience this name-calling, ambitious women with "big" dreams cannot only think about those dreams. It's a constant tug and war between your work/purpose project and your social life & relationships.
    People talk about balance all the time. But man, it's really hard.

  • @alisonpatison
    @alisonpatison 25 дней назад +75

    11:49 your dad is a true inspiration of how to raise children. Please make an episode with him🙏

  • @thisorthaat
    @thisorthaat 25 дней назад +32

    this is officially my comfort channel 😌

  • @jackiepalmer3504
    @jackiepalmer3504 25 дней назад +38

    It made me emotional how you spoke about your family and the legacy of the family business. We don't have the same circumstances, but I feel that fire inside you. One advantage I can see being born into wealth is the confidence you have to fan the flames of that fire. The affliction plaguing my humble beginnings is an inner dialogue of limitation and low self worth. If I don't feed my mind a steady diet of external positivity and surround myself with possibility, I regress into the limited thinking of my ancestors. It might be a deviation from your brand, but I selfishly want an interview with your father about how he built his empire. I love what you're doing here. It feels like a 2024 version of Tatler, but it's relevant, global... and has substance.

  • @vickyoli
    @vickyoli 10 дней назад +2

    As a girl with the anxiety and panic, I know what you mean❤️ I hope life continues giving you peace and calm mentally.
    My mom too: she was the caring one, I am more business focused :/ (both of us feminine anyways).
    I also immigrated here to CA, and doing what I love. My family back in my country.

  • @VeronikaAliyeva
    @VeronikaAliyeva 25 дней назад +22

    Your middle sister sounds like a gem ✨

  • @lenabalakina
    @lenabalakina 25 дней назад +18

    One of your best videos, honestly. You just showed your heart and gave us a glimpse of the business and what a day in your life looks like. It felt so honest and pure. Wishing you the best, Albina. You are doing very well ❤️

  • @Tshidi-zd2yx
    @Tshidi-zd2yx 24 дня назад +6

    I loved your interview with Bobby now knowing that you were going through a break up wow i commend you because you were composed and not emotional the whole interview. Your desire to continue your fathers business is valid and it does not make you less feminine. Letting go of a relationship that does not serve you anymore is valid. I wish you well.

  • @letsdomath1750
    @letsdomath1750 24 дня назад +14

    16:20 Be very careful, Albina. Your legacy is not just your family's business. It is also your health and your well-being and honoring the time you set aside for your relationship with yourself, your significant other, and future kids. The legacy your dad created is not a sacred altar at which you should burn and sacrifice the other important aspects of your life that matter to you. It is there to serve you and your descendants, and you take care of it and contribute to it, yet you are not meant to deny your other needs and desires to prop it up. There is a time to build an empire, but since you often speak about desiring a traditional relationship, remember that if you want biological children of your own, you want to do so while you are still young and healthy because that is not always guaranteed tomorrow. Yes, with your family's fortune, you can potentially extend that time with fertility treatments and even surrogates, but again, carefully consider the ramifications of overemphasizing work when you have competing timetables. There's a way to have it all, but certain things have inherent urgency.

    • @annoif8
      @annoif8 23 дня назад

      Wow❤. This speaks to me so much. Thank you for writing this.

    • @ojaseeduble9310
      @ojaseeduble9310 23 дня назад

      I agree with you

  • @andreapacheco7506
    @andreapacheco7506 24 дня назад +5

    Albina thank you for been so transparent with us. You are killing it. Keep going 🫶🏽

  • @Skargar
    @Skargar 25 дней назад +10

    All the best to you! Like the little view into your life and whats going on behind the scenes. Kinda also a very nice perspective on priviledge. Keep it going!

  • @dk5943
    @dk5943 25 дней назад +9

    Thank you Albina for being so honest. I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and being so real and taking the risk to be vulnerable. That is pure strength! Thank you! You have become my biggest role model. I myself had that certain trembling in my hands (and sometimes it still comes back), but better times will come! That's the whole way of growing.

    • @privilegedfewproductions
      @privilegedfewproductions  24 дня назад +2

      Not gonna lie, it was the first time I was debating if I should post it or not because it was so personal haha:) thank you for your encouragement🖤

  • @bettina1027
    @bettina1027 25 дней назад +5

    I never comment but have been watching you since you had 10k on tiktok, and this is one of your best videos yet!

    • @privilegedfewproductions
      @privilegedfewproductions  24 дня назад +1

      i am so honored and touched. Thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me and our team🖤

  • @fienno1
    @fienno1 24 дня назад +6

    Waw, my dad wants me to stop working and travel for 2 years... Dreamdad haha amazing

  • @karpotilia5487
    @karpotilia5487 24 дня назад +1

    Albina, you have such a strong personality and you are truly inspiring person! Please make more vlogs like this, this is very enjoyable watching! I wish you the best! ❤

  • @eaf888
    @eaf888 25 дней назад +6

    I'm with you gurl! Keep those standards high!

  • @choosetobefree
    @choosetobefree 24 дня назад

    always appreciate your realism and light-hearted narration! and your willingess to share the guarded world
    /you're stronger than u know and will pass this

  • @SkhiladzeMartha
    @SkhiladzeMartha 25 дней назад +1

    Wait I loved the outro music ❤️ this channel is filled with talented people and amazing researching skills 🫶🏻

  • @shatandv
    @shatandv 21 день назад +1

    Hey, Albina.
    Hope you spend some time with your emotions, it’s really important to just process them slowly to get over the breakup.
    The situation you’ve described is very similar to the relationship I had before, except I’m the man. Thankfully, my current partner is supportive of my working a lot - that’s really a blessing.
    Please, get through it - it will get better, I promise!
    I’ve also noticed that many women I know that are from well-off families (~20-30 yo) have a similar burning desire to achieve something themselves or to build out a life they envision, including my sister. You and your middle sister as well.
    Makes me think there is a pattern there - generational or any other. What do you think?
    I feel like nowadays we “get” the hard work it takes to be successful, so we grow up with this mindset.
    I’m rambling a bit but the gist is - it’s okay to want to succeed and not be “just a stereotypical traditional wife”. You can be however you want to be.

  • @anna_reginius
    @anna_reginius 25 дней назад +9

    розридалась на 11-й хвилині, бо я настільки розділяю ці думки щодо жіночності 😭 я б хотіла мати сім'ю та дітей, дуже. але ось це про благоговіння перед успішним бізнесом і вайбом Нью-Йорку... це просто жиза. теж нещодавно спіймала себе на думці, що я просто не можу віддавати стільки уваги у стосунки, особливо зараз. і я не знаю, коли це зміниться. я хочу робити внесок в економічний розвиток нашої країни, систему освіти, типу, мені здається, у мене стільки роботи, для якої потрібна саме я (і теж не з якогось токсичного примусу, це просто я так відчуваю). я думаю, ми не маємо себе переробляти. мені здається, поняття жіночності трохи викривлене. жінки буквально здатні створювати людей, це ж вимагає нереальної сили як внутрішньої, так і фізичної. у кожній жінці є щось, не побоюся цього слова, божественне. і ми в праві вирішувати, куди цю силу направляти. я не відчуваю, що створення сім'ї і створення бізнесу вимагають кардинально різних чеснот. для мене і те, і те про велику внутрішню стійкість, витривалість, і тд. тож, може, ця легка жіночність і не існує, жіночність завжди про силу? я не думаю, що з нами щось не так. просто всьому свій час, і з тією людиною все трапиться саме так, як має. все трапляється найкращим чином для нас самих. обіймаю тебе міцно.

    • @aliyevaalbina
      @aliyevaalbina 24 дня назад +2

      Анна, мені також дуже близькі ваші слова про особистий внесок на благо країни. захоплює та надихає що наші люди так мислять!
      і так, з нами все так само! мені просто здається життя це шлях пізнання себе та пошук балансу, і ми на цьому шляху:) дякую за такі теплі слова, обіймаю🖤

    • @anna_reginius
      @anna_reginius 24 дня назад

      @@aliyevaalbina 🫶🏻

  • @JustBeingAwesome
    @JustBeingAwesome 25 дней назад +5

    I'm so sorry for you. It's always though. Listen to your soul and follow that drive. You'll land on your feet, don't worry.

  • @marfractal
    @marfractal 23 дня назад +3

    Alina, I really admire how you’re focused on preserving your family’s legacy while creating generational wealth. But I was curious-why did you decide to get a green card? Are you thinking about becoming a U.S. citizen? The U.S. has some of the highest taxes, and that can really dilute your wealth over time. Maybe you’ve got some insights on how to manage that while building your empire here? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  • @olebogengseepamore5941
    @olebogengseepamore5941 25 дней назад

    you will figure things out along the way (navigating relationships and business) , we always do ♥

  • @vladyslavalupyna8553
    @vladyslavalupyna8553 24 дня назад +1

    Another good vlog with amazing insights❤ thank you Albina for sharing with us

  • @aniyordanova7307
    @aniyordanova7307 24 дня назад +1

    Your very cool Alina! Stay strong, I know you will go through this.

  • @Solarqueenthesoverign
    @Solarqueenthesoverign 20 дней назад

    You are doing amazing sweetie ❤. Be your bold self always. The one who will match your fire will always appreciate you 🫶🏻

  • @marshmusicable
    @marshmusicable 25 дней назад +2

    Loved this video! I appreciate you talking about yours and other’s privilege from an insiders perspective. I haven’t found any other channels that talk about the privileged in a good way, everyone just blames the rich for their problems and I hate it. While I recognize that some people are poor due to circumstances and generational poverty and trauma, others are poor bc they wasted their opportunities, are lazy, not very intelligent or simply don’t have the drive to do more with their life.

  • @AnnexAchieng
    @AnnexAchieng 21 день назад

    Your father is my hero. He makes me want to raise my child the same way. God Bless him. Look at you so confident and articulate even after a break up! #highselfworthgoals

  • @elzaocean
    @elzaocean 24 дня назад +1

    Леша & Виталий yet so international 😂 Love it

  • @kirtanadhiya6321
    @kirtanadhiya6321 24 дня назад

    Your videos bring peace of mind and feels comforting

  • @scarlet7658
    @scarlet7658 16 дней назад

    Hey, can you make a video on how to act around your rich friends as a new money person, without them thinking less of you? Sometimes it feels as if they are measuring their experiences and successes and it gets tiring. At this point I am not sure if I even want to continue putting effort for them and our friendship.

  • @senilkaj4206
    @senilkaj4206 25 дней назад +1

    It's always a third child/girl who has to the responsibility on their own to take over the family business (same in my family, we have three girls and family business to take over, I am first)

  • @holahellosalutbok
    @holahellosalutbok 24 дня назад +1

    love the vlog!!

  • @IriskaSponge
    @IriskaSponge 25 дней назад +1

    We are with you❤❤❤❤

  • @kathyw9312
    @kathyw9312 22 дня назад

    Wanna see you interviewing my your mom too! Interested in her femininity 😊

  • @_siiyak
    @_siiyak 25 дней назад +4

    24:02 share the story please

  • @antoinette8542
    @antoinette8542 24 дня назад

    Can you have an interview with your sisters? Talking about 2nd generation and learning about business as a 2nd generation

  • @camicastillo
    @camicastillo 25 дней назад +1

    I loved this ❤

  • @carmenstan594
    @carmenstan594 25 дней назад +3

    So we found out who the rabbit is 😁

  • @_siiyak
    @_siiyak 25 дней назад

    PFP supremacy!😍

  • @bigthangz5489
    @bigthangz5489 25 дней назад

    Wish u speedy healing💙💙💙

  • @natalinajohie3372
    @natalinajohie3372 25 дней назад

    Love you queen, go go go!!!

  • @csag6176
    @csag6176 25 дней назад

    I am very sorry. You do amazing Albina

  • @bhagyadesilva3682
    @bhagyadesilva3682 25 дней назад +2

    If possible, could you please interview your eldest sister Sasha?

  • @chica212
    @chica212 24 дня назад +1

    This is the dilemma of feminism and the core of some women’s desires to have a family. Is it possible to do both?

  • @ji-ah3186
    @ji-ah3186 23 дня назад

    I love your channel

  • @Karinaluoss
    @Karinaluoss 25 дней назад

    Great job 🔥🔥

  • @mindtheprivacy
    @mindtheprivacy 5 дней назад

    How did you get your green card?

  • @nesrinbakalova
    @nesrinbakalova 22 дня назад +1

    Can’t you get your ex on board with your production company. You’ll be unique couple, both coming from wealth.
    I thought you had it in you to create something great if you combine forces.
    I am sure your parents also went through times where they couldn’t give each other enough attention, but they stuck through it.
    If in the core your ex is a good person, I think there always is a way to make it work and giving up is just hurting both sides

  • @qQuellaq
    @qQuellaq 24 дня назад

    hi! If it is okay to ask I would like to know how rich kid deal with their citizenship/visa? I see many of them come here to the US or basically go everywhere for vacations. What happens if some rich kid has some 'weak' passport? Do they apply for different visa when they travel? Thanks!

  • @whodis-whodis
    @whodis-whodis 25 дней назад


  • @luw5244
    @luw5244 25 дней назад +3

    Lmao. Jokes on David. You secure that generational bag girl💸

    • @aliyevaalbina
      @aliyevaalbina 25 дней назад +12

      we have great respect for each other and I wish him nothing but the best:)

  • @PeterPan-hs5tu
    @PeterPan-hs5tu 23 дня назад

    Let’s take on the city (nyc right?) together!! You r my modal and I m in my 40s 😅

  • @pelangos
    @pelangos 25 дней назад


  • @FidanIlhamm
    @FidanIlhamm 23 дня назад

    You are just want to realize your potential. There is nothing more natural than that. Plus clearly your dad put you on “son” role. That’s a lot of pressure

  • @lyditsaaa
    @lyditsaaa 24 дня назад +1


  • @CosmicThoughts1
    @CosmicThoughts1 25 дней назад

    Am I beyond poor guys 🤐 like is there any chance for me🤧🤧

  • @bbsara0146
    @bbsara0146 6 дней назад

    you should focus on running your dads massive business as opposed to your tiktok business

  • @chica212
    @chica212 24 дня назад +1

    This is the dilemma of feminism and the core of some women’s desires to have a family. Is it possible to do both?

    • @biancamarques7549
      @biancamarques7549 23 дня назад

      I don't think It is possible to do both

    • @nesrinbakalova
      @nesrinbakalova 22 дня назад

      Yes it is, if you both work at the same business and face the same struggles at work and home, so no one says you do more, you do less. I have clients like that. But it’s too damn hard, they are extremely stressed.