I was in this Organization for a long time. I ran out of paper writing down their new light. On top of that I had to bin a lot of paper of their obsolete light. Nothing is new with them it is like a carousel, it just goes round and round, never arriving at a destination. Newbies more than likely have no idea about this nonsense. Thank you Dr. K
Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Jesus in FACT mentioned the FATHER IS GREATER than I am. JOhn 14:28. BEFORE he WAS SENT, the Father is ALSO GREATER than Jesus. Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 AFTER his resurrection the FATHER IS STILL GREATER than Jesus - WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL
He said the governing body IS NOT inspired, yet he says they receive clarified understanding (new light) by means of God's Holy Spirit. The contradiction is so thick, you can cut it.
Just shows how FULLY ASLEEP the average jw is ! I went to the meeting when they first announced that in 2017 and when they read that nobody blinked an eye ! I was shocked maybe it set off alarm bells in people quietly but it sure didn't appear to be so.
As a JW myself for some 35 yrs + but somewhat faded, it always struck me as incongruous that JW leadership would say ... " we are NOT inspired".. which based on their history of many failed predictions and significant changes in doctrine is a correct statement... yet they DO say they are GUIDED by God in their teaching and interpretations and that whatever they teach at any given time is referred to as "revealed truth" and anyone criticising that teaching or policy is soon labelled as "an apostate" liable to be disfellowshipped and shunned. Yet that same teaching may be completely changed at a later date because " the truth" today was not the "the truth" in the past and may not be "the truth" of the future. It's a crazy theology. The definition of "to be inspired by God" in the Bible is that God's holy spirit moves or works on people to write or act in certain ways to carry out God's will whatever that is. This is the basis of believing that the Bible is from God. So for JW leadership to say ..we are NOT inspired by God but we ARE guided by God in writing, preaching and interpreting is a complete and utter contradiction. That the average JW doesnt want to see that contradiction is quite amazing and shows how easily people willingly suspend their critical thinking ability. Of course the JW organisation has the threat of disfellowshipping and its consequences as a very effective tool to keep people in check, so therefore they just go along with it regardless of the obvious. JW leadership would do far better if they simply stuck to what is actually written and cease trying to give interpretations and calling them "the truth" because their history thus far shows that they really have NO idea and have little credibility in saying that we (exclusively) have "the truth". Their own history is testament to this. The reason the JW leadership do not encourage research into past literature is simply because it shows a history of wrong interpretations and man made policies. It is as Jesus said of the Pharisees that they make the Word of God invalid by teaching laws of men instead. The JW would of course dispute this but in doing so they refuse to acknowledge their own history much as the Pharisees did. It's a striking parallel actually in more ways than one. It's definitely something to ask the friendly JW next time they visit.
None of that stuff makes sense. They are not inspired. Inspiration is not given in secret, God has spoken to us openly by His Son Jesus Christ. God speaks to us nowadays through the unadulterated inspired written word the Bible. His Holy Spirit will guide you and give you the understanding of His teaching. GB new light is not inspired by God. New light is a judicial process the GB committee agree to teach this, change this, modify this and explain it this way. Honestly, how they keep up?
Every time these changes are made it is preceded by "The Governing Body has decided". That`s it. No explanation why they have decided this is given. No scriptures quoted. The changes just have to be accepted. They are usually made for one of two reasons. Firstly their old beliefs have cost them money as in the case of Norway so disfellowshipping becomes removing and it is decided that the members can invite these ones to a meeting. A smoke and mirrors change. The second reason is they may hear murmurings about things among the members, or they feel that they need to lessen the burden on them and not to be so hard line so that they can attract new members. This can be seen in their relaxing their rules on dress code and beards, in not forcing the reporting of time spent recruiting new members and lessening the time required of their full timers. I wonder how many more changes they can make before even more start to leave after realising that those at the top are just a bunch of manipulative shysters posing as a religion.
The whole point is saving lives and as long as the removed member is making an effort to come back we can treat them accordingly. What does a JW do if he has a JW employee that has been removed? He continues to treat them as an employee. What if a family member gets removed what then? The one removed can stay in the household and continues to be treated with love and kindness. Don't make more out of this than is necessary. (Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people" How do you suppose the angels declare the good news to people?
@@ronhansen8471 you do not have to answer this, but it's been 8 days and John Rob has not answered you, but I think that the angels will continue to use men to declare the good news of the Kingdom. There is no good reason for Jehovah to abandon the organization that he has a vested time in building up. That would be the time to make his organization more effective than it has been in the past. I see witnessing online as one means of reaching people who might not otherwise be reached at their homes, like gated communities for example, apartment buildings where there is limited access to the public, they're also the people that just plain do not answer their doors who encountered interact with us online. And there was a time when the witnesses did not make use of the internet so freely, now that is not the case. We can even make more use of our leisure Time, add witness without leaving our homes. Disable ones are able to use the computer witness to others that are online and not be confined to writing letters. This is opened up more opportunities and Jehovah has known what to do to make his witnesses more effective in this time of the end. Preaching to the entire four corners of the Earth. And you can be sure that The devil is one mad puppy about all of that. It does follow that some of his subjects would be mad about that too. You do not have to write back but I just couldn't resist putting some of this into the public sphere. As some seem to think that they are all knowing next to Jehovah.
(Matthew 11:25) At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.
@@ronhansen8471 That scripture is so spot-on. if you only understood. now,Proverbs,shows the difference, between a righteous one and a wicked one's path.it has Nothing to do with changing teachings.read in context.
Your analysis is excellent. It's so sad that so many people are deceived by these men. People mistake authority for certainty, but I believe God gave us the gift of a mind to use it fully, and not to fear exploring the truth on our own. The real truth is not so weak that it fears our exploration.
You might be surprised how far is some of us have gone to examine what we believe and to examine what you and others believe as well,. Also as well as agnostics an atheist. And some of us after having made such excursions returned home wiser and smarter than to be taken in by such deceptions as the trinity, immortality of the soul and hellfire doctrine, all of which are distortions of what the Bible actually teaches. And can be proven from the Bible. To be false doctrine.
@@rawbrutaltruth Since you keep posting to me then why don't you make it more useful by giving your "proof" that there's no trinity , immortality of the soul or hellfire.
@rhondahart2416 actually I had turned my attention away from you then I ran across two more posts that were to me in my opinion extremely inaccurate. But I wanted to make a point that, to be so critical of the witnesses about their doctrine, and yet have glaring examples of an accuracies in whatever doctrine you may choose to believe in is somewhat unfair. Even more so if you are as familiar with the witnesses as you indicated in one of your earlier post if I'm not mistaken. Something about two sister-in-laws being witnesses, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you would have a hard time not knowing about this. I'm sure it had to come up in conversation especially if you have religious conversations.
@@rhondahart2416 but I will post some more proof text to you if you really want me to, it takes a lot of time just using a phone to post the way that I like to post. Fat fingers on Android phone ain't easy to post with 😅😅😅 Even with voice to text it is pretty tedious. And unlike many other channels of posters on RUclips mine has much religious content, that is open to the public so I tried to make use of it it would be a shame just to let it sit there and go to waste. I will get back to you a little later I'm going to take my channels right now.
They said “the Governing Body is not inspired nor infallible. Therefore it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.” They also said “all of us should be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether it appears sound from a practical or human standpoint or not.” What if the instruction is one of those “errs”? Why should anyone obey something that they feel in their heart is wrong? James 4:17 says “… it is a sin for him.”
The very fact that the Watchtower Society's Governing Body has admitted to having erred in doctrine and that they are not infallible should surely be a red flag to Jehovah's Witnesses to "get out from the cult". Get out from under "Babylon", the Holy Bible warns.
Cults snare nominal christians or raised in nothing. Any seasoned Bible adherent would flee. I did at 14 when approached. They re deceptive and proof text all the time. They know little and any seasoned bible student knows this fact. Same with all cults. If you know little you can t be discerning.
Very good explanation, thank you, I was a Jehovah's Witness and because of the disappointment and their lies, I am now happy to be saved from this false religion. I love watching your videos, very well explained and true.
I was a JW from 1975 until 1991, when I stopped participating in the ministry and attending meetings. Even back then, they were reversing their position on things which they had previously taught as "truth", and pretending that they had not taught those earlier things. This is one reason that the Watchtower organization discourages the use of older publications, because those older publications prove that earlier teachings were not the same as today. Beards are just one example, which were perfectly acceptable for the first 40 years or so, until after C.T. Russell (the founder of the Watchtower) died. His successor made many changes to the beliefs and practices, including outlawing beards. .Now beards are allowed again. So which teaching is the truth? Does Jehovah approve of beards, or not? The same thing happened with Christmas, which was practiced by members of the Watchtower from the 1880s until the 1920s, when it was discontinued and made a disfellowshipping offence. Will the Watchtower be soon allowing the observance of Christmas again? I would not be surprised. They repeatedly predicted the end of "this system of things" with full confidence, only to be proved wrong over and over. Their original teaching was that the "time of the end" began in 1799, and that 1914 would mark the CONCLUSION of tribulations, and by that time, believers would be in Paradise. Obviously, that didn't happen, so they adjusted their teachings so that the "time of the end" BEGAN in 1914 (conveniently the beginning of WW1), and the war would escalate to Armageddon. When the war ended in 1918, they revised their teaching again, pinning their expectations on 1925 when Abraham, Issac, and Jacob were supposed to return to Earth. In 1966, they said that this "system of things" would meet it's end within just a few more months, by 1975 at the latest, and it became common to hear JWs repeat "stay alive till '75". When nothing happened in 1975, they gaslighted everyone and said that publishers were at fault for reading too much into the talks at District Conventions and articles published in the magazines. In the 1980s and 1990s they stated that "the preaching work will be completed during THIS century" (by 2000). They dropped the teaching about the "generation who saw the beginning of these things (those born before 1914) would still be alive to witness the end". Instead, they came out with a new teaching about "overlapping generations" which could possibly extend hundreds of years into the future. So, the bottom line is that they will teach whatever sounds good at the time, IF it will lead to followers having a sense of urgency to participate in the work of recruiting others.
Thank you for sharing your experience, @ronrussell5676. Your detailed comment highlights a significant issue that many current and former Jehovah’s Witnesses have grappled with: the frequent doctrinal changes and how they are framed as "clarified understanding." It’s clear that you’ve spent considerable time reflecting on these shifts, and your examples-beards, Christmas, and predictions about the end-illustrate the complexity of these changes. The history you describe raises an important question about consistency: If teachings change so often, does that undermine the claim of being the sole channel of divine truth? Many have expressed similar concerns, particularly when older publications are no longer encouraged or accessible. These materials often reveal the evolution of teachings that were once promoted as absolute truths. Your point about the "urgency" factor is also interesting. The cycle of predicting the end and then revising expectations seems to keep members motivated in their ministry efforts. But for some, like yourself, it creates disillusionment when those expectations don’t materialize. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts: Do you think the organization could regain trust by being more transparent about past errors, or is the constant reframing too ingrained in their structure? Thanks again for taking the time to share-it’s voices like yours that make these discussions meaningful.
People have short memories. The new recruits will never hear about the changes. They won't be mentioning any changes so newer people won't ever know and will say the Jehovah witnesses never taught that. You won't be believed. Newer people don't know about the 1975 prediction. Why? Because they don't talk about it. The cult just hopes it will be forgotten about. Within a few years,,,,,,,it is.
@@drkKennedy I would caution you against listening to this person who says that our belief systems started in 1799, JW's we're not even around then, but yet there are those who would spread this 🤥 careful what you expect from apostates they often lie seeking their own advantage.
It always amazes me how JW's can take a proverb, which has nothing to do about prophecy or Bible understanding, and use it for a "New Light" excuse to cover up their false prophecies and erroneous doctrines. It's as if their followers are brainwashed into not reading the whole proverb out of the Bible for themselves.
NONSENSE According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. It is considered the Divine revelation and equips believers for every good work. Never leave the truth! That's a Bozo no-no..
@@g45crrt I do believe all scripture is inspired by God. The term "New Light" is not found in Proverbs not to mention the entire Bible. It is a Watchtower invention. If you read Proverbs 4 for yourself, you will see it is not an end times prophecy. Your Governing Body has grossly misinterpreted this passage. Also, the Truth is Jesus Christ. The truth is not the JW or any other religion.
@@dirkfirkle The truth will be slandered. 2 Peter 2:1-2 1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered. The Lord's Prayer and the Jesus' New Commencement are very clear that all the kingdom and the power and the glory belong to the father (not Jesus). Yet, most Christian congregations ignore Jesus' commandments. But for the wicked who rejected Jesus' New Commandments and The Model Prayer and hate God's name and his people and who only worship the son, sports and holidays, their options are wide open. READ BELOW ↓ The wicked are annihilated-snuffed out of conscious existence forever. Biblically, however, hell is a real place of conscious, eternal suffering (Matt. 5:22; 25:41, 46; Jude 1:7; Rev. 14:11; 20:10, 14). Since the wicked chose to be an enemy of God, they will defiantly be going to Hades or option A, B, C, D, E, F, etc. I have created a list of options that may help them decide before judgement time arrives, so they should plan in advance due to limited space. Maybe they will grant their request, but most likely they won't. But no sense in not trying! Below is a list of options for the wicked. A - Abyss B - Aionios C - Eternal Damnation D - Eternal Punishment E - Fiery Lake of Burning Sulfur F - Fire and Brimstone G - Gehenna H - Grave I - Hades J - Hell K - Inferno L - Limbo M - Lower World N - Pandemonium O - Pit P - Pyr Q - Shoel R - Tararus Their options are wide open, so they should choose carefully. Matthew 7:14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Have a nice day!
@g45 Inspired by God but misinterpreted by flesh and blood called "The Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" also known as the Governing Body who are ANNOINTED BY JEHOVAH'S SPIRIT BUT ARE NEITHER INSPIRED NOR INFALLIBLE!! Open your eyes and see real light which will reveal the "TRUTH" about CULTS owning organisations which bleed people or congregants of their hard earned $$$ so these geriatrics can bask in self appointed glory.
@@dirkfirkle Proverbs,shows the difference, between a righteous one and a wicked one's path.it has Nothing to do with changing teachings.read in context.
Even though we have different beliefs, we have a lot of similarities, too. I'm so happy you are exposing the organization for what it is. I hope you are not shunned by your family.
I really appreciate your kind words! It means a lot to know that people from different backgrounds can come together over shared values. Thank you for your support! Fortunately, I am not JW.
How can a mother treat her daughter so badly because she did not want to be a part of the organization. But mom treated her son differently because he submitted to the teaching. Maybe he was seeking to fill a void. People are easily drawn into such an arrangement, and the GB continuous mind control plays over and over again to the point folks are not allowed to think for themselves. If you do not know what thus saith the Lord you can easily be swallowed up and some don't mind because they need someone to tell them what to do and how to think. I will never forget this mom. She came to my house with her Bible study. She was pleased with me as if i was the daughter she always wanted because I was allowed her to study with me. It brought my heart to learn how she treated her natural born daughter. I hope this post connect to her. I admire you. I witnessed your depression and your pain. Thank you for your faithfulness. Hamilton.
Ahhh yes, the governing body and their "new light". It's like watching a smiling toddler proudly explain the hot, steaming dump they just took on the living room floor.
It will be the beginning of the end for those who do not know the true God when his day arrives. (Revelation 6:14-17) And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and every island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the high officials, the military commanders, the rich, the strong, every slave, and every free person hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rocks: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
@rawbrutaltruth 1 Peter 1: 3 you Catholics got it wrong All Wrong John 4:23 John 17: 3 Matthew 16: 15 -17. Here's a new on for John 3:16 God the Father sent Jesus his Only BEGOTTEN SON... Ephesus 1:3 Use any Bible they all read these verses the same. Prayed or blessed be THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Now John 20: 17 the Father in heaven is both Jesus' Father and God and ours as well. Who did Jesus direct prayers to? Matthew 6: 9 Our Father in Heaven. Even in heaven Jesus calls his Father :My God 3 times Revelation 3:12
I was born into a JW family. I went in service a lot as a teen. I woke up after high school, after 1975. I’ve been Df’d for 45 years now and my extended JW family has shunned me for most of the time. My mother died in late June last year at 87. I went to see her in early June and the family found out but kept quiet. The society had kept me from taking care of her in her last years. I wasn’t called when she went to the hospital or hospice. My uncle, who had power of attorney had to contact me as next of kin in order for her cremation. Now, I don’t expect any of them to ever call contact me ever again. Their loss.after45 years someone should get a clue that I am not ever going to be a JW ever again.
@drkKennedy I had to exercise extreme caution when talking to them. And what's really distressing is that the many women that I chatted with seemed so dense. I didn't know if it was on purpose or they were just dumb!
I am still waiting for you to answer my questions about Jesus being the high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek..... It is still unanswered and now past 3 weeks that you have not answered the question? That I asked you last year😊😊😊 how does Jesus as high priests become the god Jehovah that he worships ❓❓❓
If we follow Jesus Christ, as he taught, and as he lived, we find that Jesus is a Jehovah's Witness. He too was disliked for his firm stance against the things that todays world is buckling under the weight of. A healthy person is a vibrant, happy, active person, with very few problems except, perhaps, the intense dislike of those who are are buckling under the strain of it all.
I grew up poor and have not progressed much from that, I was never able to afford their 'standard' of dress, and no help was offered either, in fact whenever I worked for witness bosses I was ripped off or not paid at all! This includes witness businesses in pharmaceutical production, landscaping, cleaning, sign writing and concreting. They know taking them to court is too expensive and frowned upon in the religion. It is just one more way these people use and abuse others.
He says " not infallible or inspired" yet, they said it was previously. This is a lie and they are the people of the lie. Who s the Father of lies??? Exactly.
Revelation 22:18-21 New International Version 18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll. 20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.❤✝️🙏
NONSENSE According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. It is considered the Divine revelation and equips believers for every good work. Never leave the truth! That's a Bozo no-no..
"But Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t leave us alone, do they? I think you haven’t read the other comments. Over 38 people have subscribed to this video alone because they’ve taken it seriously. All I’ve done is present your own teachings and interpret them, exposing the desperation in how poorly JW is doing."
More Liberal = More Seats Filled... simple equation. The insight into this was because "politicians and businessmen " now wear beards it's ok it's ok JWs .... John 17:- 16....
I came here by accident. You all know very well that Jehovah's Organisation is the only one h the blessing of God. Please consider returning. Do not listen to these lies..... - sorry: This is what I would have written 30 years ago.... ha ha ha.... Who can believe "new light"... 1975, this generation, 1914... I still have pity for those inside, there are some good and serious people. Can they not find Christ at the end?
seems pretty forward and brash to call GOD by his name ('Jahova'). I called my father, dad, or father. I called my mother, mom, or mother. I call GOD, Heavenly Father, or God.
Please ! This Gentleman knows you will most likely not go live at the headquarters... so he can make up many stories. I Lived there for 8 years. It was by far the Most educational , most rewarding and FUN time of my life. We studied and compared all Most trusted Bible translations. Along side the new world translation. We studied Aramaic and Greek texts... we compared those early texts to All of your modern Versipns. Do you know the difference between a Transformation and a version? We do. Do you know the true meaning of ONLY BEGOTTEN SON? WE Do. Do you compare the Aramic PETSHITTA with Your Catholic Versions? No You are so over reached by pagon Catholic dogma you are lost and poisoned beyond help . You ignore Matthew 16:15,16 John 20,: 17 John 17:3 and Ephesians 1:3 and Revelation 3:12 You ignore so much to make Satan right that you are beyond wrong. John 3:16.... think and pray about it.... 1 Peter 1:3.... think and pray about it !!!! John 14:6 think about it pray about it... John 4:23 pray about it John 20: 17 pray on it .....
Thank you for sharing your experiences and perspectives. It’s clear that you’re passionate about your studies and the time you’ve spent engaging deeply with biblical texts. That said, it seems like there might be some misunderstanding or misalignment in what you’re responding to versus the content of this video. The video specifically addresses challenges Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) are facing and the verses or translations you’ve mentioned weren’t a direct focus of the discussion here. While I appreciate your enthusiasm for the verses and topics you’ve brought up, I’d encourage you to engage directly with the points raised in this video. If there’s something specific from the content here that you’d like to challenge, I’m open to that conversation. Deflecting the focus to unrelated topics-like personal experiences with translations or interpretations that aren’t directly relevant to this discussion-might distract from meaningful engagement. Let’s focus on addressing the points made in the video. I value constructive dialogue, and I hope we can keep our discussion centered and productive. I am glad though you have called me a gentleman, you colleagues call me all sorts of names!
Who would you say are God's Spiritual Israelite's then.? Jesus said that you will tell who my followers are, so can you tell which religion it is then.? Who are the ones that are preaching about God's kingdom, and then the end will come.?
There are so many churches that are preaching true message of the Kingdome not indoctrinating people. How can baptism take 2 years when in the New Testament it used to be instant?
This guy is seeking to validate his doctrine. People like these guys only post these negative videos in order to bring about negative comments and feel like they're doing something special. In other words they hope to profit from what appears to be others misfortune, that is just like the servants of Satan the devil by their fruits you shall know them, the children of the devil.
So, you agree that what I’ve presented is the truth. Your response shows that you have no defense against the video. Instead of opening your eyes to the facts, you’ve chosen to become defensive. This only highlights how indefensible the doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses truly are.
@@drkKennedyoh really tell that to my responses to your promotion of the Trinity doctrine you do recall how thoroughly I destroyed your most favorite Trinity proof texts with simple observation with what was there and what was not there in the passages that you chose. I'm simply a Bible student who has very good reading comprehension. Not response to a given subject or accusation does not mean that someone has no defense against set accusation It may simply mean the accusation that is aimed may I have no credibility in the eyes of the accused and does not taken seriously. Such is the case here.
@@drkKennedy nope, so when you going to answer those questions that I asked you? Like how does the high priest to Jehovah God become the god that he serves has high priest II according to the manner of Melchizedek? You can't run away from this question. it's a either or situation. If you can't answer the question ❓ you will be better off saying that you can't answer the question logically. I on the other hand. Will be patient I'll wait for you to come up with the answer An answer that does not eventually come down to you saying it's all a mystery.
@@drkKennedy actually you've only presented the truth as you see it. Or as you want to see it that's true. Big distinction as I see it. I'm your age and maybe older much of what you are putting in your video is regurgitating stuff the other clergyman and apostates have been circulating for years. Nothing new 🆕. Like water off the back of a duck 🦆 Now back to my questions🥱🤗
I was in this Organization for a long time. I ran out of paper writing down their new light. On top of that I had to bin a lot of paper of their obsolete light. Nothing is new with them it is like a carousel, it just goes round and round, never arriving at a destination. Newbies more than likely have no idea about this nonsense. Thank you Dr. K
Thank you for your kind words
Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27
WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE
From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
Jesus in FACT mentioned the FATHER IS GREATER than I am. JOhn 14:28. BEFORE he WAS SENT, the Father is ALSO GREATER than Jesus.
Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27
AFTER his resurrection the FATHER IS STILL GREATER than Jesus - WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL
The greatest thing I learned as being a JW,is to never become one ☝️!
Now that is very well said!
He said the governing body IS NOT inspired, yet he says they receive clarified understanding (new light) by means of God's Holy Spirit. The contradiction is so thick, you can cut it.
Just imagine!
Yeah that’s what I always noticed. That’s as clear as Trinity
Just shows how FULLY ASLEEP the average jw is ! I went to the meeting when they first announced that in 2017 and when they read that nobody blinked an eye ! I was shocked maybe it set off alarm bells in people quietly but it sure didn't appear to be so.
As a JW myself for some 35 yrs + but somewhat faded, it always struck me as incongruous that JW leadership would say ... " we are NOT inspired".. which based on their history of many failed predictions and significant changes in doctrine is a correct statement... yet they DO say they are GUIDED by God in their teaching and interpretations and that whatever they teach at any given time is referred to as "revealed truth" and anyone criticising that teaching or policy is soon labelled as "an apostate" liable to be disfellowshipped and shunned. Yet that same teaching may be completely changed at a later date because " the truth" today was not the "the truth" in the past and may not be "the truth" of the future. It's a crazy theology. The definition of "to be inspired by God" in the Bible is that God's holy spirit moves or works on people to write or act in certain ways to carry out God's will whatever that is. This is the basis of believing that the Bible is from God. So for JW leadership to say ..we are NOT inspired by God but we ARE guided by God in writing, preaching and interpreting is a complete and utter contradiction. That the average JW doesnt want to see that contradiction is quite amazing and shows how easily people willingly suspend their critical thinking ability. Of course the JW organisation has the threat of disfellowshipping and its consequences as a very effective tool to keep people in check, so therefore they just go along with it regardless of the obvious. JW leadership would do far better if they simply stuck to what is actually written and cease trying to give interpretations and calling them "the truth" because their history thus far shows that they really have NO idea and have little credibility in saying that we (exclusively) have "the truth". Their own history is testament to this. The reason the JW leadership do not encourage research into past literature is simply because it shows a history of wrong interpretations and man made policies. It is as Jesus said of the Pharisees that they make the Word of God invalid by teaching laws of men instead. The JW would of course dispute this but in doing so they refuse to acknowledge their own history much as the Pharisees did. It's a striking parallel actually in more ways than one. It's definitely something to ask the friendly JW next time they visit.
None of that stuff makes sense. They are not inspired. Inspiration is not given in secret, God has spoken to us openly by His Son Jesus Christ. God speaks to us nowadays through the unadulterated inspired written word the Bible. His Holy Spirit will guide you and give you the understanding of His teaching. GB new light is not inspired by God. New light is a judicial process the GB committee agree to teach this, change this, modify this and explain it this way. Honestly, how they keep up?
More people from Europe and the Americas should watch your channel. Very thorough analyses.
@@guido0412 Thank you
Hello from Canada!
@@BrandsthatcareprojectHello from Zambia
"New light" is code for doctrinal changes.
Very true
"New darkness" is more like it.
G'day Matt, I hope all is well. That was a great point you made. Brilliant my friend.
Greetings from Arizona.
Good to see you here friend, hope all is well.
Every time these changes are made it is preceded by "The Governing Body has decided". That`s it. No explanation why they have decided this is given. No scriptures quoted. The changes just have to be accepted. They are usually made for one of two reasons. Firstly their old beliefs have cost them money as in the case of Norway so disfellowshipping becomes removing and it is decided that the members can invite these ones to a meeting. A smoke and mirrors change. The second reason is they may hear murmurings about things among the members, or they feel that they need to lessen the burden on them and not to be so hard line so that they can attract new members. This can be seen in their relaxing their rules on dress code and beards, in not forcing the reporting of time spent recruiting new members and lessening the time required of their full timers. I wonder how many more changes they can make before even more start to leave after realising that those at the top are just a bunch of manipulative shysters posing as a religion.
Very informative and excellent contribution. Thank you
Not only "why" but "HOW" the G. B. had arrived at their decision.
The whole point is saving lives and as long as the removed member is making an effort to come back we can treat them accordingly. What does a JW do if he has a JW employee that has been removed? He continues to treat them as an employee. What if a family member gets removed what then? The one removed can stay in the household and continues to be treated with love and kindness. Don't make more out of this than is necessary.
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people" How do you suppose the angels declare the good news to people?
@@ronhansen8471 you do not have to answer this, but it's been 8 days and John Rob has not answered you, but I think that the angels will continue to use men to declare the good news of the Kingdom. There is no good reason for Jehovah to abandon the organization that he has a vested time in building up. That would be the time to make his organization more effective than it has been in the past. I see witnessing online as one means of reaching people who might not otherwise be reached at their homes, like gated communities for example, apartment buildings where there is limited access to the public, they're also the people that just plain do not answer their doors who encountered interact with us online. And there was a time when the witnesses did not make use of the internet so freely, now that is not the case. We can even make more use of our leisure Time, add witness without leaving our homes. Disable ones are able to use the computer witness to others that are online and not be confined to writing letters. This is opened up more opportunities and Jehovah has known what to do to make his witnesses more effective in this time of the end. Preaching to the entire four corners of the Earth. And you can be sure that The devil is one mad puppy about all of that. It does follow that some of his subjects would be mad about that too. You do not have to write back but I just couldn't resist putting some of this into the public sphere. As some seem to think that they are all knowing next to Jehovah.
I can’t agree less…. A truth never change, especially one inspired by God
(Matthew 11:25) At that time Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.
@@ronhansen8471 That scripture is so spot-on. if you only understood. now,Proverbs,shows the difference, between a righteous one and a wicked one's path.it has Nothing to do with changing teachings.read in context.
Your analysis is excellent. It's so sad that so many people are deceived by these men. People mistake authority for certainty, but I believe God gave us the gift of a mind to use it fully, and not to fear exploring the truth on our own. The real truth is not so weak that it fears our exploration.
You might be surprised how far is some of us have gone to examine what we believe and to examine what you and others believe as well,. Also as well as agnostics an atheist. And some of us after having made such excursions returned home wiser and smarter than to be taken in by such deceptions as the trinity, immortality of the soul and hellfire doctrine, all of which are distortions of what the Bible actually teaches. And can be proven from the Bible. To be false doctrine.
@@rawbrutaltruth Since you keep posting to me then why don't you make it more useful by giving your "proof" that there's no trinity , immortality of the soul or hellfire.
@rhondahart2416 actually I had turned my attention away from you then I ran across two more posts that were to me in my opinion extremely inaccurate. But I wanted to make a point that, to be so critical of the witnesses about their doctrine, and yet have glaring examples of an accuracies in whatever doctrine you may choose to believe in is somewhat unfair. Even more so if you are as familiar with the witnesses as you indicated in one of your earlier post if I'm not mistaken. Something about two sister-in-laws being witnesses, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you would have a hard time not knowing about this. I'm sure it had to come up in conversation especially if you have religious conversations.
@@rhondahart2416 but I will post some more proof text to you if you really want me to, it takes a lot of time just using a phone to post the way that I like to post. Fat fingers on Android phone ain't easy to post with
😅😅😅 Even with voice to text it is pretty tedious. And unlike many other channels of posters on RUclips mine has much religious content, that is open to the public so I tried to make use of it it would be a shame just to let it sit there and go to waste. I will get back to you a little later I'm going to take my channels right now.
This people have no shame! At all 😔😔😔😔
They have no shame bc just imagine the inheritance of all of that rock star status, money, property, free medical care $ sooo much comfort they get!
The new light is just new lies
They said “the Governing Body is not inspired nor infallible. Therefore it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction.” They also said “all of us should be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether it appears sound from a practical or human standpoint or not.” What if the instruction is one of those “errs”? Why should anyone obey something that they feel in their heart is wrong? James 4:17 says “… it is a sin for him.”
That is a paradox
The very fact that the Watchtower Society's Governing Body has admitted to having erred in doctrine and that they are not infallible should surely be a red flag to Jehovah's Witnesses to "get out from the cult". Get out from under "Babylon", the Holy Bible warns.
New Light= Get Out Of Jail Free Card! 😂😂😂
Cults snare nominal christians or raised in nothing. Any seasoned Bible adherent would flee. I did at 14 when approached. They re deceptive and proof text all the time. They know little and any seasoned bible student knows this fact. Same with all cults. If you know little you can t be discerning.
You deserve two thumbs up for that!
But I could only give one thumb up bc I think if you hit the like button twice, it negates.
Very good explanation, thank you, I was a Jehovah's Witness and because of the disappointment and their lies, I am now happy to be saved from this false religion. I love watching your videos, very well explained and true.
I was a JW from 1975 until 1991, when I stopped participating in the ministry and attending meetings. Even back then, they were reversing their position on things which they had previously taught as "truth", and pretending that they had not taught those earlier things. This is one reason that the Watchtower organization discourages the use of older publications, because those older publications prove that earlier teachings were not the same as today. Beards are just one example, which were perfectly acceptable for the first 40 years or so, until after C.T. Russell (the founder of the Watchtower) died. His successor made many changes to the beliefs and practices, including outlawing beards. .Now beards are allowed again. So which teaching is the truth? Does Jehovah approve of beards, or not? The same thing happened with Christmas, which was practiced by members of the Watchtower from the 1880s until the 1920s, when it was discontinued and made a disfellowshipping offence. Will the Watchtower be soon allowing the observance of Christmas again? I would not be surprised. They repeatedly predicted the end of "this system of things" with full confidence, only to be proved wrong over and over. Their original teaching was that the "time of the end" began in 1799, and that 1914 would mark the CONCLUSION of tribulations, and by that time, believers would be in Paradise. Obviously, that didn't happen, so they adjusted their teachings so that the "time of the end" BEGAN in 1914 (conveniently the beginning of WW1), and the war would escalate to Armageddon. When the war ended in 1918, they revised their teaching again, pinning their expectations on 1925 when Abraham, Issac, and Jacob were supposed to return to Earth. In 1966, they said that this "system of things" would meet it's end within just a few more months, by 1975 at the latest, and it became common to hear JWs repeat "stay alive till '75". When nothing happened in 1975, they gaslighted everyone and said that publishers were at fault for reading too much into the talks at District Conventions and articles published in the magazines. In the 1980s and 1990s they stated that "the preaching work will be completed during THIS century" (by 2000). They dropped the teaching about the "generation who saw the beginning of these things (those born before 1914) would still be alive to witness the end". Instead, they came out with a new teaching about "overlapping generations" which could possibly extend hundreds of years into the future. So, the bottom line is that they will teach whatever sounds good at the time, IF it will lead to followers having a sense of urgency to participate in the work of recruiting others.
Thank you for sharing your experience, @ronrussell5676. Your detailed comment highlights a significant issue that many current and former Jehovah’s Witnesses have grappled with: the frequent doctrinal changes and how they are framed as "clarified understanding." It’s clear that you’ve spent considerable time reflecting on these shifts, and your examples-beards, Christmas, and predictions about the end-illustrate the complexity of these changes.
The history you describe raises an important question about consistency: If teachings change so often, does that undermine the claim of being the sole channel of divine truth? Many have expressed similar concerns, particularly when older publications are no longer encouraged or accessible. These materials often reveal the evolution of teachings that were once promoted as absolute truths.
Your point about the "urgency" factor is also interesting. The cycle of predicting the end and then revising expectations seems to keep members motivated in their ministry efforts. But for some, like yourself, it creates disillusionment when those expectations don’t materialize.
I’d be curious to hear your thoughts: Do you think the organization could regain trust by being more transparent about past errors, or is the constant reframing too ingrained in their structure? Thanks again for taking the time to share-it’s voices like yours that make these discussions meaningful.
People have short memories. The new recruits will never hear about the changes. They won't be mentioning any changes so newer people won't ever know and will say the Jehovah witnesses never taught that. You won't be believed. Newer people don't know about the 1975 prediction. Why? Because they don't talk about it. The cult just hopes it will be forgotten about. Within a few years,,,,,,,it is.
Thank you for explaining all this. Well said. And I am saving this info to hopefully help others.
@@drkKennedy I would caution you against listening to this person who says that our belief systems started in 1799, JW's we're not even around then, but yet there are those who would spread this 🤥 careful what you expect from apostates they often lie seeking their own advantage.
@rawbrutaltruth May be it is typo. Records are there to show when JW started with Russell with Bible Student Movement after the 1870s.
I love your teachings, Dr K! Thank you so much!!
Thank you sir
Thanks you have given something to think about.
@@tonyjiyane3817 You are welcome. Are you JW?
This is powerful and educative Dad
It's just sad how many souls are lost or choose to follow wrong doctrines
You are welcome sonie
All corporations receive “new light.”
The watch tower is fowling apart 😂😂😂😂
No its not. More JWs are using videos to watch the meetings from home.
The desperation is evident
Congratulations for very well put video telling the truth in a clarifying manner
It always amazes me how JW's can take a proverb, which has nothing to do about prophecy or Bible understanding, and use it for a "New Light" excuse to cover up their false prophecies and erroneous doctrines. It's as if their followers are brainwashed into not reading the whole proverb out of the Bible for themselves.
According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. It is considered the Divine revelation and equips believers for every good work.
Never leave the truth!
That's a Bozo no-no..
@@g45crrt I do believe all scripture is inspired by God.
The term "New Light" is not found in Proverbs not to mention the entire Bible. It is a Watchtower invention. If you read Proverbs 4 for yourself, you will see it is not an end times prophecy. Your Governing Body has grossly misinterpreted this passage.
Also, the Truth is Jesus Christ. The truth is not the JW or any other religion.
@@dirkfirkle The truth will be slandered.
2 Peter 2:1-2
1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.
The Lord's Prayer and the Jesus' New Commencement are very clear that all the kingdom and the power and the glory belong to the father (not Jesus). Yet, most Christian congregations ignore Jesus' commandments.
But for the wicked who rejected Jesus' New Commandments and The Model Prayer and hate God's name and his people and who only worship the son, sports and holidays, their options are wide open.
The wicked are annihilated-snuffed out of conscious existence forever. Biblically, however, hell is a real place of conscious, eternal suffering (Matt. 5:22; 25:41, 46; Jude 1:7; Rev. 14:11; 20:10, 14).
Since the wicked chose to be an enemy of God, they will defiantly be going to Hades or option A, B, C, D, E, F, etc. I have created a list of options that may help them decide before judgement time arrives, so they should plan in advance due to limited space. Maybe they will grant their request, but most likely they won't. But no sense in not trying!
Below is a list of options for the wicked.
A - Abyss
B - Aionios
C - Eternal Damnation
D - Eternal Punishment
E - Fiery Lake of Burning Sulfur
F - Fire and Brimstone
G - Gehenna
H - Grave
I - Hades
J - Hell
K - Inferno
L - Limbo
M - Lower World
N - Pandemonium
O - Pit
P - Pyr
Q - Shoel
R - Tararus
Their options are wide open, so they should choose carefully.
Matthew 7:14
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Have a nice day!
Inspired by God but misinterpreted by flesh and blood called "The Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" also known as the Governing Body who are ANNOINTED BY JEHOVAH'S SPIRIT BUT ARE NEITHER INSPIRED NOR INFALLIBLE!!
Open your eyes and see real light which will reveal the "TRUTH" about CULTS owning organisations which bleed people or congregants of their hard earned $$$ so these geriatrics can bask in self appointed glory.
@@dirkfirkle Proverbs,shows the difference, between a righteous one and a wicked one's path.it has Nothing to do with changing teachings.read in context.
God's word does not change. "New Light" is just appealing to others so people won't leave or affect not joining.
That is the motive behind the New Light
Even though we have different beliefs, we have a lot of similarities, too. I'm so happy you are exposing the organization for what it is. I hope you are not shunned by your family.
I really appreciate your kind words! It means a lot to know that people from different backgrounds can come together over shared values. Thank you for your support! Fortunately, I am not JW.
Thank you very much
Their truth changes. I can hear from them. Let's read the Bible holy spirit is for every believer
Lies lies and lies 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Indeed, New Light New Lies
Satans spirit not Jehovah Gods
They're one in the same
They say they are the TRUTH
Jesus daid ...I am the way the TRUTH and the life.
If u have accepted Jesus u have the TRUTH
Very true. They have branded themselves to have the truth. The fact that you call something the true does not mean it is the truth
Guess what then, that would be all Jehovah's witnesses who have become dedicated and baptized according to your own definition..... No problem
@drkKennedy they reject Jesus as God and He is the truth
@micheal-abbadonarchangel5744 you are a bit slow.Jesus is the truth and u reject Jesus.
@DavidMathiesen-r5m that is not the truth, we above all others accept Jesus ❤️
Not sure how people fall for their trap by the devil. Literally the Bible warns about false prophets like these.
the light is so bright that some rank and file are wearing welding goggles to protect there eyes
@@joegonzalez842 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
G'day Joe, I had a good laugh at your comment. Well done my friend and I hope you are doing well.
Smiling Pastor: “God said God was wrong, so let’s change God’s words….”
Me: “So God is wrong, got it”
How can a mother treat her daughter so badly because she did not want to be a part of the organization. But mom treated her son differently because he submitted to the teaching. Maybe he was seeking to fill a void. People are easily drawn into such an arrangement, and the GB continuous mind control plays over and over again to the point folks are not allowed to think for themselves. If you do not know what thus saith the Lord you can easily be swallowed up and some don't mind because they need someone to tell them what to do and how to think.
I will never forget this mom. She came to my house with her Bible study. She was pleased with me as if i was the daughter she always wanted because I was allowed her to study with me. It brought my heart to learn how she treated her natural born daughter. I hope this post connect to her. I admire you. I witnessed your depression and your pain. Thank you for your faithfulness. Hamilton.
If she treated her daughter badly like that, she is Not following the teachings of Christ.
Leave them alone please. Every religion will fit into that category when people leave a religion.
5:51 Did anyone notice the guy's forehead , when he was telling about the "new light" ? He has horns coming out of his head !
@@pirkkoseppala5574 really?
Yip I went back to see and sure enough, it looks like horns pushing up under the skin of his forehead 😅
Expose them! The Watchtower will fall some time in the next 10 years I hope 🤞🤞Youre videos are saving lives! Keeper going!
Thank you very much
Possibly Sooner .Um By The End of This Century Or This Decade
Ahhh yes, the governing body and their "new light". It's like watching a smiling toddler proudly explain the hot, steaming dump they just took on the living room floor.
Well said. Thank you.
Thanks for watching!
Just subscribed
They make the word of God invalid
Lots of good points
Thank you
I'm a ex JW,I've never met more faithful religious people than them
Its only on the outside
Good points. Thank you! And by the way, your microphone might be to loud and it clips your voice.
@@sarahpfeuffer1396 you are most welcome. I work on the cliping of the voice. The device record better audio stopped. I only realised after a while.
@drkKennedy oh that makes sense. Thank you. Have a beautiful day 😊
It will be the beginning of the end for those who do not know the true God when his day arrives. (Revelation 6:14-17) And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and every island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the high officials, the military commanders, the rich, the strong, every slave, and every free person hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rocks: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
JWs are AWESOME.... The happiest people on earth... they are set free by truth
They have the basics correct, speak some truths, but also false teachings..
@Linda-ux8un like 1Peter 1:3?
Keep telling yourself that.
@rhondahart2416 are you a exjw or are you just another opposer who has fed upon misinformation
@rawbrutaltruth 1 Peter 1: 3 you Catholics got it wrong All Wrong
John 4:23 John 17: 3 Matthew 16: 15 -17. Here's a new on for John 3:16 God the Father sent Jesus his Only BEGOTTEN SON... Ephesus 1:3 Use any Bible they all read these verses the same. Prayed or blessed be THE GOD AND FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Now John 20: 17 the Father in heaven is both Jesus' Father and God and ours as well.
Who did Jesus direct prayers to?
Matthew 6: 9 Our Father in Heaven.
Even in heaven Jesus calls his Father :My God 3 times Revelation 3:12
I was born into a JW family. I went in service a lot as a teen. I woke up after high school, after 1975. I’ve been Df’d for 45 years now and my extended JW family has shunned me for most of the time. My mother died in late June last year at 87. I went to see her in early June and the family found out but kept quiet. The society had kept me from taking care of her in her last years. I wasn’t called when she went to the hospital or hospice. My uncle, who had power of attorney had to contact me as next of kin in order for her cremation. Now, I don’t expect any of them to ever call contact me ever again. Their loss.after45 years someone should get a clue that I am not ever going to be a JW ever again.
They are mean when confronted. Arrogant, too!
Very and unapologetic too!
@drkKennedy I had to exercise extreme caution when talking to them. And what's really distressing is that the many women that I chatted with seemed so dense. I didn't know if it was on purpose or they were just dumb!
You mean new darkness.
People realised they been con in this Cult and now they safer 😮😮😢😢
Very true
God bless you for this video Dr K. I know some JWs personally and the deception runs so deep in them....
My experience in that organisation was bad , i was JW the comgragation have a alot evil people 😢😢😢
That is sad
@. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 Melchizedek?????
Just New(gas)Light(ing)....😢
Glad I'm out!😊
Good for you!
Please please realise me let me go because i don't love you anymore 😂😂😂😂😂
I am still waiting for you to answer my questions about Jesus being the high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek.....
It is still unanswered and now past 3 weeks that you have not answered the question? That I asked you last year😊😊😊 how does Jesus as high priests become the god Jehovah that he worships ❓❓❓
If we follow Jesus Christ, as he taught, and as he lived, we find that Jesus is a Jehovah's Witness. He too was disliked for his firm stance against the things that todays world is buckling under the weight of. A healthy person is a vibrant, happy, active person, with very few problems except, perhaps, the intense dislike of those who are are buckling under the strain of it all.
How delusional! Some people will believe anything.🙄
Jesus despised Jehovah. All of his teachings were counter to what Jehovah said
I just came across your video. How do you view the Bible?
Your question is too general. Can you be more specific? In a nutshell. The Bible is the inspired word of God!
@@drkKennedy Thank you for answereing my question!
prov 4 SAYS the PATH or in Hebrew it also means way or course. and that includes the teachings that needs to be clarified
I grew up poor and have not progressed much from that, I was never able to afford their 'standard' of dress, and no help was offered either, in fact whenever I worked for witness bosses I was ripped off or not paid at all! This includes witness businesses in pharmaceutical production, landscaping, cleaning, sign writing and concreting. They know taking them to court is too expensive and frowned upon in the religion. It is just one more way these people use and abuse others.
see my community post 26/12/24 if you have a similar story that you would like to share.
@@homepreachhome sad, very sad
New light every second 😅
It would be inspired and infallible, btw. But its not truth. Tada!!!
He says " not infallible or inspired" yet, they said it was previously. This is a lie and they are the people of the lie. Who s the Father of lies??? Exactly.
Governing body consists of 11
Thank you. The source I consulted said 8
Revelation 22:18-21
New International Version
18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.
20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.❤✝️🙏
According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. It is considered the Divine revelation and equips believers for every good work.
Never leave the truth!
That's a Bozo no-no..
Jw is false..WAKE up
"But Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t leave us alone, do they? I think you haven’t read the other comments. Over 38 people have subscribed to this video alone because they’ve taken it seriously. All I’ve done is present your own teachings and interpret them, exposing the desperation in how poorly JW is doing."
And what do YOU have to offer?🤔
What do you mean?
More Liberal = More Seats Filled... simple equation.
The insight into this was because "politicians and businessmen " now wear beards it's ok it's ok JWs .... John 17:- 16....
@BigGamePlayer-hi9lu kikiki
And the heavens tolerate this nonsense...
Free will. We are humans not robots. But accountability is comi
I came here by accident. You all know very well that Jehovah's Organisation is the only one h the blessing of God. Please consider returning. Do not listen to these lies..... - sorry: This is what I would have written 30 years ago.... ha ha ha.... Who can believe "new light"... 1975, this generation, 1914... I still have pity for those inside, there are some good and serious people. Can they not find Christ at the end?
seems pretty forward and brash to call GOD by his name ('Jahova'). I called my father, dad, or father. I called my mother, mom, or mother. I call GOD, Heavenly Father, or God.
Please ! This Gentleman knows you will most likely not go live at the headquarters... so he can make up many stories.
I Lived there for 8 years. It was by far the Most educational , most rewarding and FUN time of my life.
We studied and compared all Most trusted Bible translations. Along side the new world translation. We studied Aramaic and Greek texts... we compared those early texts to All of your modern Versipns.
Do you know the difference between a Transformation and a version? We do. Do you know the true meaning of ONLY BEGOTTEN SON? WE Do.
Do you compare the Aramic PETSHITTA with Your Catholic Versions? No
You are so over reached by pagon Catholic dogma you are lost and poisoned beyond help . You ignore Matthew 16:15,16 John 20,: 17 John 17:3 and Ephesians 1:3 and Revelation 3:12
You ignore so much to make Satan right that you are beyond wrong. John 3:16.... think and pray about it.... 1 Peter 1:3.... think and pray about it !!!!
John 14:6 think about it pray about it... John 4:23 pray about it John 20: 17 pray on it .....
Thank you for sharing your experiences and perspectives. It’s clear that you’re passionate about your studies and the time you’ve spent engaging deeply with biblical texts. That said, it seems like there might be some misunderstanding or misalignment in what you’re responding to versus the content of this video.
The video specifically addresses challenges Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) are facing and the verses or translations you’ve mentioned weren’t a direct focus of the discussion here. While I appreciate your enthusiasm for the verses and topics you’ve brought up, I’d encourage you to engage directly with the points raised in this video. If there’s something specific from the content here that you’d like to challenge, I’m open to that conversation.
Deflecting the focus to unrelated topics-like personal experiences with translations or interpretations that aren’t directly relevant to this discussion-might distract from meaningful engagement. Let’s focus on addressing the points made in the video. I value constructive dialogue, and I hope we can keep our discussion centered and productive.
I am glad though you have called me a gentleman, you colleagues call me all sorts of names!
Who would you say are God's Spiritual Israelite's then.?
Jesus said that you will tell who my followers are, so can you tell which religion it is then.?
Who are the ones that are preaching about God's kingdom, and then the end will come.?
Where in the Bible does it say that ?
The end of what? the system? When the system crashes, out of the rubble comes the Eigth King. The end means the end of the Christian Era.
There are so many churches that are preaching true message of the Kingdome not indoctrinating people. How can baptism take 2 years when in the New Testament it used to be instant?
This guy is seeking to validate his doctrine. People like these guys only post these negative videos in order to bring about negative comments and feel like they're doing something special.
In other words they hope to profit from what appears to be others misfortune, that is just like the servants of Satan the devil by their fruits you shall know them, the children of the devil.
So, you agree that what I’ve presented is the truth. Your response shows that you have no defense against the video. Instead of opening your eyes to the facts, you’ve chosen to become defensive. This only highlights how indefensible the doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses truly are.
@@drkKennedyoh really tell that to my responses to your promotion of the Trinity doctrine you do recall how thoroughly I destroyed your most favorite Trinity proof texts with simple observation with what was there and what was not there in the passages that you chose. I'm simply a Bible student who has very good reading comprehension. Not response to a given subject or accusation does not mean that someone has no defense against set accusation
It may simply mean the accusation that is aimed may I have no credibility in the eyes of the accused and does not taken seriously. Such is the case here.
@@drkKennedy nope, so when you going to answer those questions that I asked you? Like how does the high priest to Jehovah God become the god that he serves has high priest II according to the manner of Melchizedek? You can't run away from this question. it's a either or situation. If you can't answer the question ❓ you will be better off saying that you can't answer the question logically. I on the other hand. Will be patient I'll wait for you to come up with the answer
An answer that does not eventually come down to you saying it's all a mystery.
@rawbrutaltruth The day you will wake up, you will thank me, even if you are calling to be Satan: what you have is called cognitive dissonance!
@@drkKennedy actually you've only presented the truth as you see it. Or as you want to see it that's true. Big distinction as I see it. I'm your age and maybe older much of what you are putting in your video is regurgitating stuff the other clergyman and apostates have been circulating for years. Nothing new 🆕. Like water off the back of a duck 🦆
Now back to my questions🥱🤗
I pity you. Find something else to do
Why dont you prove him wrong «brother»?