Best part about the covid-19 vaccine is, that you have a much lower chance of getting myocarditis or getting hospitalized, compared to getting infected without the vaccine!
We both know there's no number. As long as it's serving their purpose collateral damage is irrelevant. Hence epidemic illegal immigration around the globe, etc, etc.
Collateral damage is always a predictable outcome of any infection until the body recognizes the infection. Look, we all know that scaffolds collapse from time to time. Yet, we still utilize them because they are useful. Since someone died from a scaffold fall yesterday, we should not ban using all scaffolds. That’s your logic? Look, Epstein-Barr Virus was deadly when it was first contracted. Over time, it adapted so the outcome of infection was more favorable to the virus to survive. Today, more than 90% of the world has EBV. It adapted over time so that it didn’t kill its host, therefore killing itself. This phenomenon is played out through many different viral infections, although not all. Even Herpes Simplex D has become much safer over time. That shows a pattern. In this case, SARS-cov-2 has proved to follow that pattern, so far. Taking the shot isn’t going to save you from death. Death comes for us all, regardless of if we’re ready for him. Death will be the last Angel defeated before we find Paradise in our eternal sleep.
That was so odd to me. My wife, an ICU nurse, would come home and cry about every day during the heat of it. It was such a contrast to what my wife was experiencing. I will never understand those dancing videos.
@charlag569 yeah man I remember I would dance the night away while having to preform cpr at minimum 5 to 6 times a shift for countless people during the height of if, crazy how I had that much time when there was so much suffering and pestilence. Oh wait we didn't have time for that silly shit because a vast majority of our community was dying all the while having people like this fool telling people not to get vaccinated and it wasn't that serious.
You ask about the Korean study's comorbiditys and he dodges the question, just saying "well most of them were unvaccinated" He literally did not answer the question. How many of them had comorbidities? His answer was pure sophistry.
You were not considered vaccinated until two weeks after the second shot, so anyone who died within that time frame were considered unvaccinated, that's how they fiddled the numbers.
Are you serious ? He answered it completely. He even explained what comorbidities mean. Did you not listen or are you simply stupid ? Let's assume stupid.
Here's the thing: the average number of years lost by someone who dies of COVID-19 is 13-15 years. Comorbidities do no mean you are going to be dead by Christmas.
Literally got the two shots myself, my neighbor had a heart attack right after her second dose as 35 year old healthy woman, you can’t pretend these were completely safe unless you literally just lie.
My favourite little quotes/headlines from the pandemic that I just can't forget. "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, do not get sick." (A blatent lie from the CDC director.) - Rochdale Walensky live on NBC. "Toxic masks in canadian schools and daycares recalled." (Made in China.) - CBC News, 26th of march 2021 by Thomas Gerbet. "People not wearing masks are sociopathic." (Said by a sociopath no doubt.) - CNBC, 2nd of September 2020 by Cory Steig. "SARS survivors have high levels of Anti-RBD antibodies 17 years after infection." (An older study I can't find anymore but definitely read pre/early pandemic.) "Chinese experts anally swab entire bejing school after 9 year old tests positive." 😮 - 26th of January 2021 by Gabriel Keane. "Cautious fully vaccinated man dies, docters say it could have been worse if he was not vaccinated at all." (How?) - The Hill, 11th of August 2021 by Christian Spencer. "New CDC director expects annual covid shots for the most vulnerable groups." _I have to laugh._
It was Mike Yeadon ex-Pfizer chief scientist whistleblower who pointed out something important. Selectively protecting vulnerable groups would seem like an important strategy in the light of the failure of vaccinating everybody, e.g just vaccinate the elderly. But, as he points out, the elderly are PRECISELY the sector of society that does not respond to the vaccines. Their immune systems cannot properly respond. Yeadon mentions that this has been shown time and time again for the flu vaccine. So there.
Such a weird notion, that simply because someone misspoke, that the entire vaccine should be discredited because of that. Anyone that has a loved one that was in a nursing home can see the vaccines were effective though.
@@jackeagleeye3453 my father in a nursing home bc of a stroke....yeah...I can see the benefits .... another patient came living there after a stroke and surgery to safe him when on holiday in Spain. Churgin to him : you were vaxxed?? I mainly operate vaxxed who got shortly after vax a stroke.... You are right...look in the nursing homes seeing the safe and very effective
They constantly claim that the polio vaccine ended the polio epidemic in the 1950's. Now they claim vaccines aren't suposed to prevent infection and transmission.
It does though, less effective than what was maybe shown in tge trials doesn't mean it's not effective at all. Any reasonable logical person would take the option that would improve they're health outcome versus not.
Why even bring this up. This was like a pipe dream that no scientist stuck with. Maybe a better aspect to focus on is the fact that in every demographic the vaccinated did significantly better than the unvaccinated. Just to be clear we are talking about deaths and hospitalizations. So you are focusing on something that was a non-issue whereas people dying is cool. I suggest you need to reassess your beliefs.
Hearing ppl speak is never dangerous. What’s dangerous is not allowing ppl to air their views….whatever those views are as long as they fall within pre existing law. This dude says he’s against censorship but in his next breath says social media companies should censor.
I amyet to meat an antivaxer activist who is honest or has not harmed humans even children. So fir example this clown says mRNA vaccine is dangerous, lol
when people like alex jones spread absolute filth for years and years until the families were forced to take legal action what do you suggest instead? are lies protected under freedom of speech
Dan's take on Vitamin D is pretty whack. 90% of Canadians are considered vitamin D deficient. The fact that he says "but you can't give someone vitamin D in the hospital to cure COVID" sounds like a pretty disingeuous version of the argument. I like how Zuby countered with "but giving someone a vaccine once hospitalized wouldn't either."
Remember old black and white photos of hospital patients outside in the sun in their beds. That generation figured it out but then the information died with them. Forgotten public knowledge.
I agree with Zuby that there should not have been covid vax mandates. Overall the policies around covid were bad and had a negative effect on the population.
Zuby is right on this. A study pub. in PNAS showed mandates actually reduced uptake of boosters and flu shots. Mandates would've been much less controversial if applied only to older ppl.
Calling people that reject only mRNA "anti-vax" is intellectual dishonesty. That's like calling someone teetotal, because they don't drink one brand of beer.
I had repressed any memory of this ‘expert’. If I had remembered him - I’d have hoped never to see him again. These people constantly make accusations of cherry picking and such like, well I’ve never witnessed so much cherry picking. I’ve no interest in his qualifications but I’d bet money his pay relies on him having a rather narrow field of view in line with the pharmaceutical industry.
@@deadreckoning6288 - Peter McCullough sells useless supplement pills to you loons at $75 a bottle. Is that the money you were talking about? Simone Gold made millions of dollars and bought herself a mansion from pushing worthless treatments at gullible anti-vaxxer loons. That money?
Who made Dr. Wilson the arbiter of what is bad science? I think he should have direct debate with authors of the papers he calls "bad science" so he can be directly confronted about his conclusions. He is not all knowing of all things.
@@motiOn732 he also has a t-shirt that bears the legend ‘tHis iS wHaT a $ciENtiST LoOks LiKe’. at least crazy old dOc hOoTERz wears his lab coat !!! 😂🤣😂🤦🏽♂️🥴🤡
@@motiOn732 With apparently little regard for other scientists who write scientific papers to be published. Just my personal opinion after watching many of his videos.
He did a good job of explaining why he came to the scientific conclusions he did, but you can tell he hadn't put much thought into the ethics and human rights of the situation. Several times Zuby would ask about the moral aspects of things like censorship and forced vaccination, and Wilson would walk right up to the edge of taking away people's rights and then realize it wasn't going to sound good. So then he'd just back off and say "something should be done" but he was unwilling to say what. If there's anything this episode convinced me of, it's that it's not just about the science.
Great observation. He constantly hedges his position saying things along the lines of, "of course I support free speech, but we need to understand it's irresponsible for the social media companies to just allow misinformation run rampant.."
Zuby asks if most children who died in USA had co morbidities, Wilson says “no” but immediately goes on to say “30% of the kids had NO co morbidities.” I.e 70% of children, or yes ‘most children’, who died DID have co morbidities.
One important point I would like to make, re: v*ccines and other interventions: *Public Healthcare,* as a concept, is something that should be avoided. It lumps everyone into one overly simplistic category ("the public") and applies one-size-fits-all healthcare solutions. Healthcare should always be based upon the individual, because we all interact differently with different diets, supplements, medications, and more.
Antivax, antivax, antivax, this guy is like a cracked record and he thinks that we are all dumb, he called Dr. Peter McCullough, arguably the top man in his field, a bozo..he needs to learn some respect..
> Dr. Peter McCullough, arguably the top man in his field What is his field these days? Selling worthless supplements to you dumb-dumbs for $75 a bottle?
I don't doubt his intentions, but he doesn't have the necessary expertise to appraise evidence, hence some of his views are wrong. Prof. Vinay Prasad (promoted to full professor) does a much better job, though he is very fiery and draws hate from both pro-vax and anti-vax communities.
I havent seen the whole interview yet, but did Zuby bring up the 5X mortality rate amongst young people post covid? -Young healthy people just dropping dead from heart failure at an alarming rate - which just happens to take place right after a mass vaxination with a new untested medicine....
@jackeagleeye3453 "Anti-vaxxer" used as you have invoked it is nothing more than a thought terminating cliché. Anyone following the CDC's current advice is on their 9 shot. 2 to start and in a few months they will be going on their 10th shot as they take their 8th booster. If you are not at least 7 shots in you @jackeagleeye3453 are an "Anti-vaxxer" just as much as anyone who took no shots. If you are 7+ injections deep at this point the majority of people at this point think you're an idiot and you are in the company of less than 5% of other idiots. So at this point you are either an anti-vaxxer or an idiot.
He seems like a company man through and through. Does he not understand that what he considers as ‘anti-vaxxers’ were mostly pro-vax until they got injured. 🤷🏽♂️ Most of those folk stopped at 3, but now will be classed as anti-vaxxers because they’ve not kept up to date. 🤷🏽♂️
Most of the supposed vaccine injuries you loons claim are nothing of the sort. Anti-vaxxers are hugely dishonest narcissists with no sense of responsibility.
@@FrostekFerenczy oh dear, oh dear fRoStY. bit late in the game for you to continue down that path. at this stage your just embarrassing yourself even further 😂
He also doesn’t mention how his fellow covidian propagandists changed the definition of “anti-vax”. Prior to 2021, anti-vax meant someone who is opposed to all vaccines and/or never received any vaccines. But in 2021, the covidians changes the definition to anyone who opposes the covid-1984 “vaccine”, anyone who opposes the C19 vax mandates, and anyone who even questions the C19 vax. Regardless if we got the C19 shot or not, and regardless if we got past shots and just opposed the C19 shot. This is completely Orwellian!
@@lw1zfogsays the most dishonest and dumb clown . You always confide him with your dad . I have told you he is not third class like your dad . Don’t feel ashamed just stop acting like your dad .
This guest says he works for Jannsen (J&J) and keeps bringing up studies that support his position. There are no doubt studies that don't support his position, which he wont mention. The problem is that with censorship, lots of non narrative studies don't get published, and this guy knows that. I would not waste my time debating this individual because all he's doing is taking notes when his argument points are weak, and he's simply going to find big pharma funded or narrative studies to try and support his position. The host had lots of excellent points that the guest really could not counter - the best point was on Risk/Benefit for this vaccine. The guest simply took notes, so my guess is he is going after Podcasters because they are effective at countering the BS narrative of big pharma and the media. Again, this individual stated that he works for J&J, so he is on a mission to discredit Podcaster that don't share his/ big pharma's narrative.
My scientific papers are real science, because they agree with my opinion, your scientific papers are fringe science, or pseudoscience, because they don't agree with my opinion.
I've been to many dozens of meetings hosted by pharmaceutical "drug reps." They virtually always make the case that their drug's benefits outweigh it's risks, not only for people who are sick, but also for people who are in a group they consider "at risk." In almost all cases, they also say that even given to a healthy population, more undiagnosed people would be saved that would die from prescribing the drug. So, the implication is that everyone walking in the office should be given the drug statistically speaking. Does Dr. Wilson feel that any time a drug company makes this claim, and can produce papers that support this statistic, a healthy person should be started on a drug? I think it's further complicated in the case of a vaccine that is relatively new in large human trials. It's simply not possible to know yet what results will be in the following decades. I've watched other well researched recommendations change radically just in the 30 years I've worked around the field. Would his policy actually be as simplistic as medicating everyone when drug company studies claimed their drug would likely be more beneficial than harmful?
He actually stated at the beginning that he works for "Jan sen" so that is, I believe, Janssen Biotech, makers of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
lol you think me corrupt like your parents ? No he is not. Stop telling us about your parents . Do you think both your parents put together have the integrity as Dr Dan Wilson has in his left little toe ?
@@wzpu3283so I understand that it’s a pre requisite to be an antivaxer that one must be dumb . So it’s given you last be very dumb but do you also have to cheap ? Just because you are too dumb to point out where he is incorrect should kit mean you have to compare them with your parents
I'm not confident that Wilson's definition of gene therapy is actually on the level. Whether a therapy treats genetic disease is arguably superfluous ...gene therapy defined as a medical intervention which functions at the level of gene expression (as mRNA lipid nanoparticles clearly do) would seem to be the most straightforward definition. I suspect Wilson has selected a narrower definition because this functions as a workaround, enabling exclusion of mRNA lipid nanoparticle injections. Therefore this would represent a rhetorical attemp to make a public relations equivalence between an entirely novel experimental treatment and traditional vaccines such as polio which the public is broadly more familiar and comfortable with.
And the pharmaceutical heads admitted just that in videos expressing their excitement about this entirely new delivery mechanism. Not to mention Dr Dan glosses over the entirely new MRNA delivery. I have yet to hear him address the actual warnings of those who developed the technology!! Conveniently discusses RFK Jr in Rogan but ignores Dr. Malone and company.
“And for us therefore, we are really taking that leap -- us as a company Bayer -- in cell and gene therapy, which to me is one of these examples, where we are really going to make a difference, hopefully, moving forward. Ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public, ‘would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?,’ we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate. I think this pandemic has also opened many people’s eyes to innovation in the way that was maybe not possible before.” Stefan Oelrich, Bayer AG’s Board of Management and head of their Pharmaceuticals Division, 2021
Guy is wrong with many things, but overall he sounds and formulates his thought patterns in wokeism. His uppity prissy tone. His talkdown talking style. He's an activist doosh imo🤷
16:43 wrong. He presented a false dichotomy whereby the choice was vax or not vax or mask or not mask. Those weren’t the only options, those were the only options OR ELSE! He is directly implying his complicit was as a medical professional in using government authority to enforce law or policy based on views he agrees with. He does not see morality, he sees a means to an end. The government is his means, the end is you. 16:50 in all age groups better off vax vs no vax is another false dichotomy lol this is his theory of what is best but in reality this doesn’t take into account previous infection or comorbidities. A vaccine does not give you antibodies. I repeat the vaccine does not fix you if your immune system is wrong. Your immune system the limiting factor to taking a vaccine. If you are immunocompromised the chances of being no injured from the vaccine is AT LEAST the same as being classified as an extreme severity in condition when contracting ‘covid-19’. This is simple. Something that people don’t understand that an obese person that is immunocompromsied due to his obesity may not defend well against a virus, or any foreign substance for that matter. The issue is that the issue of safety ENOUGH is already assumed to be safe for this entire argument but this entire argument is not on the degree to which it’s safe, it’s IF it’s safe or not. Zuby thinks they’re not safe. DTF thinks there are tradeoffs. This again is the exact morality on display here that we can see. He sees human suffering as a trade off. We should be saving life. Not trading it off. In an event where a virus spreads, we cannot contribute or weaken the healthy population to protect the vulnerable. This is anti science, it’s extinguishing fire with oxygen. 19:18 Zuby is agreeing with him here but let’s all make this clear, DTF cannot specify the time frame or further information and declares he’ll send it to Zuby. In this video we can only go on arguments made and DTF has already submitted on not having the evidence to exclaim or present handy to support his claim. So his evidence can be given the benefit of the doubt in this sense ONLY bc we are arguing in good faith. His argument about Korea and this study is moot unless you can answer the follow ups by your opponent. It does not follow that unvaccinated is the factor that made them sick, comorbidities included. As we have explained the vaccine can’t supersede the immunecompromised comorbidities and if this study didn’t include immunocompromised as a disntugihsing factor then it’s irrelevant. DTF is claiming that 100% of the time it’s better to be vaccinated. We’ve established that sort of his reasoning is flawed bc to him any appropriately sized negative to the positive is subjective. If only 1000 people die and it saves a million for every 1000 then it’s safe. I want everyone to know that this is NOT safe by ANY medical authority ever. Especially for not a vaccine. DTF is already hanging by a thread. 26:17 comorbidities is a touchy area and this is why none of this shit is even analysable. The government big pharma poisoned the well that NEAR ZEO real high confidence interval can be said about anything during the ‘pandemic’ for ‘covid-19’. How many people had kidney failure due to covid? How many people had pneuomonia due to covid? Ahh another loaded question presented in black and white. Michael Jackson’s would love this guy. Let’s ask how many people presented with a positive PCR for covid were treated with remdesivir or ventilators? Let’s see. Hmm. A lot. Hmm oh yeah remdesivir can cause kidney failure and ventilators can cause pneumonia in misuse. Notice how I’m not speaking in absolute. Can cause. Unless he accounts for these factors his argument is MOOT. MOOT. If your study doesn’t evaluate its conclusion with appropriate factors that could undermine its integrity then it’s, say it with me, BAD SCIENCE. 29:20 yawn, vitamins d not effective. Listen to this dumbass literally talk about how vitamins d is not an effective treatment, AS A FALSE DICHOTOMY. These vitamin supplements work in a multi drug therapy which is why Peter McCullough talks about and who DTF believes is a misinformation and even worse a disinformation super spreader. Wow. He is so ignorant to the actual other side that he doesn’t even realise he agrees with him. Vitamins D may not solve covid and you don’t need a peer reviewed study but were vitamin d deficient people worse effective? In extreme sense YES 100%. Who the hell has ever told someone to not take vitamin d bc it won’t work. There is ZERO harm for a sedated, malnourished average micronutrient American or Westerner to not take vitamin d. In fact India gave it to their covid out patients patients in Uttar Pradesh along side another SAFE DRUG ivermectin. I’m not claiming it’s effective but notice how the narrative DTF is playing is overestimating the efficacy and safety use case for his interventions and the lack of critical analysis to ivermectin, vitamin d, hydroxychloroquine, monoclonal antibodies, EXERCISE, SUNLIGHT, POSITIVITY, SOCIALISATION, NO LOCKDOWNS. This guy is brainwashed. 32:27 doctors have always said eat well and get exercise They incentivised getting French fries for vaccines, donuts, fast food. They shut down gym. They covered skate parks in sand. They locked up parks. They fined you for being outside. Domestic abuse went up. Alcohol abuse went up. Depression went up. Do we need a peer reviewed study to show that these are helpful to fighting covid? Im sure there are. Do you need to be a doctor to make that identification? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂no 42:09 covid vaccines are gene therapy. They mRNA tech is a gene therapeutic with the use case of the protein being produced being to illicit an immune response. Also note that all mRNA interventions in the past have failed and the covid reputation for it is being bolstered to usher in more vaccines as mRNA in theory is a crazy super scientific advancement. Even with how much I think DTF is wrong and how I didn’t get the vax. The application is amazing in theory but does not work in reality. It’s gene therapy. It’s in the documentation for BNT162b2 43:34 it is not anti vax misinformation to state that 17 million people have died from the covid vaccine. It’s incredulous. That is subjective to you. Argument from incredulity. This statistic comes from a projection study that estimates 17 million based on the adverse event rate. The exact same thing the pro vax people do when their final string of denial wants to last, they claim ‘it’s saved millions of lives’ well that statistic is derived the exact same way the 17 million statistic so you can’t have it both ways. Once again. This is a motivated reasoning fallacy. He over accepts his own arguments but under accepts opposing 47:11 LOL this is not an argument is it? Is DTF a podcaster? Why is his side job criticising independent podcasters? Did he do a module on that? On the topics of saying that there’s a good argument to show that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS. This is something that reveals that DTF is an ignorant fool. He has not done his research. He may claim he has but clearly hasn’t. RFK said something NOT extreme. He just say an argument could be presented and that’s fine. He’s not a misinformation spreader. He’s actually revealing your cognitive distance and censorship reflex trigger. I see the HIV Aids conspiracy as legitimate and it needs analysing and the during that DTF doesn’t get it back then and doesnt get it now for covid. Except AIDS was such a crazy long time ago and Fauci was the super spreader of misinfo saying you can catch it thru contact in the kitchen. 47:26 classic post modern tactic of referring to words as harmful. I’m sorry I’m gonna be debate bro but this is 49:02 appeal to emotion and anecdotal. Skip. 49:47 saying things that are easily demonstrated as false is not harmful or hatespeech. It’s free speech. This whole argument is anti free speech. Quite telling tbh. You can personally dislike Joe for saying wrong stuff but you can’t weight that opinion higher than your critique of authority and medical individuals. This means your entire point is about an appeal to populum whereby you’re worried ideas will hurt or damage peoples brain. Who put u in charge of policing this? 55:45 convincing people you disagree with is harmful. Oh no my authority that gives me power is melting 🧙♀️ 1:12:07 he’s said a lot of stupid shit since my last edit but we’re on polio for some reason lol this guy is the red herring of dreams 1:15:24 lol the old vax immunity is better than natural immunity. No it’s not. Natural immunity is always better than vaccinated. The vax was training your body on the spike protein from Wuhan, when they came out we were approaching omicron and studies showed that it was the spike that varied the most between contact. Even the vax manufacturers said we’re going all in on the spike protein lol so how could that be better than a more recent and nature immune response from the virus? Also this doesn’t take into account the incidence of adverse effects. Very early on there were studies showing that if you had natural immunity you’re at greater risk of adverse event from the vaccine so again he’s cherry picking 1:29:29 DTF advocating that this would’ve still happened if the rules were a lot less strict and promoted liberty is laughable. This dude is more tone deaf than Stevie wonder. He has no idea and will not listen to anyone who smells of an opposition that isn’t rooted in his subjective beliefs
I’m glad there are people like you out there in the real world. I could have made some of the points you did but 1. I’d have made a worse job of it and 2. I’d have had to bear this fool for longer than I did. It’s good to see people keeping up despite the disinformation of people like DTF.
@@Jacob-yb6bv I hate this dude debunk the funn, he attacks doctors critical on covid authority crying there is no censorship meanwhile these doctors get censored for talking about this if they reply. He’s an NPC baffles me how people are so ignorant even past all the Twitter files n Fauci leaks showing this whole thing was bullshit
In America around 2,000 kids 18 and under died of Covid. How many were hospitalized? How many experienced long term or permanent damage to their health, and how much was their hospital bill?
@@teresakarr8328 Or the opposite. Anti vax is not pseudo science at all. By all means there SHOULD be a way to let people in the industry KNOW about your vaccine injury and that for the most part vaccines do hurt some people.
@@FFGG22E I feel genuinely sad for you. People like you are beyond the pale. You live in a completely different epistemic reality and, unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing that would change your mind.
For me, Zuby won this debate with intelligent discussion points and questions. The guest seemed to focus primarily on vaccines despite Zuby making several attempts to broaden the discussion. He seemed arrogant in that his view was the only reasonable one and any other view was based on ignorance! Was not convincing at all in his arguments for me. I have listened to many scientists and medical practitioners over the last 4 years and they take into account the nuances of healthcare. There is not and should not be a one size fits all approach to healthcare.
IFR is a much better indicator than CFR, contrary to what the guest says. He then argues that CFR is a better indicator and that we should not only look at people that have died, showing he does not understand the meaning of the word “fatality” in case FATALITY rate. Citing from John Ioannidis’s study Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population: “The current analysis suggests a much lower pre-vaccination IFR in non-elderly populations than previously suggested.”
“The CFR is not the same as the risk of death for an infected person - even though, unfortunately, journalists sometimes suggest that it is. It is relevant and important, but far from the whole story.” “The key question for understanding the mortality risk of a disease is the following: if someone is infected with the disease how likely is it that they will die from it? The answer to that question is captured by the infection fatality rate, or IFR.” (Our World in Data)
I don't agree with what most of this guy is pushing, but I do respect him being willing to participate in a dialogue with opposing views. He is one of the few that will.
I like his style. He is non confrontational which gives the interviewee an opportunity to really speak. It's just unfortunate that Dan waffles on while not saying much of substance but I don't think pushing him on anything would have resulted in anything other than an " I will look at the paper and let you know" as he's not even clear on the studies he's quoting from.
@@clairewheeler2937 I would have loved Zuby to ask him more pressing questions about these studies. Just because something is in a study, that doesn't automatically translate to the same outcome in the real world.
@@reallyshel personally that's exactly what I would have done too. I would have wanted to go through each study point by point but that's what comments sections are for. We can go through them. I did and saw the holes in his argument. The way he conducted this interview meant there was more time to get into the mandates and lack of efficacy whereas one or 2 studies from south Korea don't really tell us much at all. Especially not in the timescale of the study whereby it was only for 6 months and the first month there was no rollout of childhood vaccines while the rest were in those most at risk with no mandates with an extremely low uptake amongst the children even up to 2023 from what I'm saw and the study he mentioned was from 28 Feb 2021 to august 2021 and the first 5 to 11 yr old vaccines were not in use until the 30th march 2021. Then the one with 46 deaths in kids 22 had comorbidities and 24 didn't but the conditions they died from are not only caused by viruses. For instance myocarditis and encephalitis, strokes that sort of thing. He avoided letting that be known by saying something which was true which is that only 4 of those deaths were vaccinated but he failed to mention that the first study was only for six months and the second study that he mentioned about the 46 deaths was 13 months after the end of the first. So no was the answer he should have given. Neither study was for the 3 year period.
@@reallyshel yes there is. you can compare vaccinated population to un-vaccinated. you can compare hospitalisation, duration of stay and mortality. all this and more was done and vaccinated people get less sick and die less than non-vaccinated. hth
Dan you're a legend for honestly showing up for this pedestrian. I can't wrap my head around this corner of the internet that thinks because they read words on the internet they've got it figured out. And then will have a conversation with someone who actually did and is doing the work, and say anything other than "please teach me." Disgusting. But thanks to your approach on this convo I'm feelin' more like pearls before swine = pearls, not swine.
Young guy Dr. Dan Wilson has a lot to learn. He reminds me of myself back in the day when I worked at Pfizer. Reminds me of myself when I was his age interms of making the good decision to go to industry instead of staying in academia, but also being naive about politics, policy, industry influence and propaganda. Hopefully he figures things out.
I also got some flashbacks. Unfortunately I don't think he'll figure it out having invested to heavily in the present position. Interesting to note him saying that he used to be a conspiracy theorist, but science made him wake up.
I don’t think he has fallen prey that why he fights lies from antivaxers . Eg Zulu is clearly harmful but does not understand it . There is not a single reason save allergy to not get primary civ vaccine . The science abd facts are so crystal clear about it . Yet in this comments side thin under his video I find one dumb comment after another and no body cares about facts.
I myself received 1st 2nd and 3rd Pfizer vac. 1:52:15 Was really concerned about passing virus to 85 yo parent. Unfortunate durability of vac was so limited 2-3 months incorrectly said 95 ish % effective How sad people lost their jobs for not wanting to vaccinate after having had the virus and not being able to make informed decision for themselves.
They didn’t look at total risk. That was the whole point of the Great Barrington project. That was the point made by Scott Atlas. They weren’t looking at life yrs and who was being infected and how vax mandates and lock downs negatively impacted people’s lives. We put higher value on the lives of the elderly than we did of the young. That is not acceptable and I am elderly.
Regarding the Korean study where 42 unvaccinated individuals under 18 died, how many were hospitalized and survive, how much was their hospital bill, and what were the long term side effects of their illness? How does that compare to the vaccinated group?
If you believe that has anything to do with the vaccine, why are the countries with the highest vaccination rates not running out of places to bury the bodies? They don't even have higher death rates than pre covid. When you look for something that is not there, you can still see it sometimes.
I've literally had him try to tell me that cases went down in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru in Spring 2020 immediately after the implementation of faucism.
My 43 year old “triathlete” nephew had his first J&J shot in April 2020. In June he was admitted to the hospital with severe blood clots in his legs,. He had also developed Myocarditis and an aggressive throat cancer. He passed away Thanksgiving weekend. Crime of the 21st Century! Imagine how many people would still be alive if just taken Vitamin D3??
2021 -- 80% of American adults take the first two jabs. 2022 -- only 20% of American adults take the Omicron Bivalent booster. 2023 -- only 10% of American adults take the XBB 1.5 booster. Conclusion: America has spoken. The jabs SUCK.
I would love to hear his explanation about Africa. Their younger age, exposure to the sun etc. Also working for Janssen speaks volumes. Good talk, showing discussions can be congenial even when we are poles apart on ideas.
Those are the chief reasons that Africa had less trouble with covid. The very young population and the fact that they spend so much time out of doors, where airbourne virusses spread less easily.
Hard disagree. LibsOfTikTok does nothing but platform Leftist nonsense and look how devastating that has been to the Left. And that's without even considering the moral implications of buying into their idea of "justified censorship."
It takes several days at significantly high levels (not RDA levels) to get Vitamin D levels in blood to rise to the point where they would be helpful against covid. Giving moderate doses for a few days to someone hospitalized for covid and saying, see, Vit D doesn't work is what those that want to discredit D would put in a study. Studies on IVM with low doses given late in treatment is the same thing.
So if the scientific literature says something you don’t like then that means by definition it’s probably not true. That’s very convenient. No need for any scientific rebuttal, just waving your hand is enough. You’ve convinced me!
The Pfizer trials found a rate of serious vaccine complications around 1 in 800. There was a recent study that estimated 1 in 6000 rate of cardiac side effects among vaccinated young men. British medical data showed that you needed to give over a hundred thousand boosters to prevent one COVID hospitalization among healthy young people. Beyond, that we know the vax effectiveness erodes rapidly, while side effects like a shift to IGg4 and the runaway production of spike proteins are long term.
The problem during the pandemic, wasn't healthy young people dying of the virus. It was of healthy young people not giving a sh*t, catching it with mild symptoms and going out, spreading the joy around.
@@emmajones8590that's why the Great Barrington Declaration was conceived. One of its tenants was to protect the elderly. But why listen to those nutjobs anyway right? They were just "fringe epidemiologists" after all . 🙄
36:05 That is an incredibly biased view to hold. Anyone who is anti-vaqs is automatically someone who is spreading 'mis-information'... There are inherent problems in thinking this black and white. Yes, sometimes people holding antivaqs positions could be wrong in what they are saying, but some also have lots of data and rational behind theirs. The definition of un-nuanced here.
People who are anti Vax think they have data behind them supporting their opinions. It doesn't me me they're anti Vax. Every pseudoscience out there thinks there's data supporting their opiniosn but theyre still spreading misinformation whether they belive it or not. Having "data" to back up your claims doesn't mean anything.
This is the kind of conversation we should have been having from the beginning. It is a great shame that this was actively stopped through censorship, so that only one narrative was trumpeted by most authorities and media.
For the record, I didn't choose to not get vaccinated because of the mandates or because I was uninformed, I didn't take the vaccine because I simply didn't want to.
Dan said 2000 kids died from covid over three years and that the study he's quoting said 30% DID NOT have co-morbidities.... which means 70% of these kids DID have co-morbidities. Again, showing how low the mortality rate is for kids that are healthy. That 90% were unvaccinated (many factors beyond vax status come into play) doesn't change the fact that young healthy kids, by and large, don't need this vax!!!!
The medical community is now looking into covid vaccines linked with cancer. This was a concern 2 years ago. Why did the community waited for so long to make this consideration? Easy. You milk as much of the covid frenzy. When the well has dried up, you look for new fundings. Covid have shown that science is manipulated. People are influenced by money. Do you think a doctor would object to getting millions of dollars?
I think was injected cancer cells in this v..... normal cancer have millions of cure treatments, They have dancer research to understand how to make cancer, not to cure it.
zuby, now interview Kevin Mckernan. Funk works for Eurofins doing “clinical trial work” but doesn’t tell you that it’s one of the largest C19 testing labs in the world. Funk has 3 publications, t h r e e, under his belt. doesn't come close to experts like Sin Lee, Mckernan, or Buckhault, who all have hundreds of publications and debated & exposed Funk.
Sounds like someone's suffering from a nasty case of buyer's remorse. Maybe try engaging your 14 brain cells before falling for such an obvious scam, next time. You're welcome.
@emmajones8590 Obviously the one who's at odds with reality. The one who works for a huge drug company. The one who doesn't understand basic statistics. The one who's lying though his teeth. So, Dan.
I found Dan very confescending, so head up his own, anyway. You conducted yourself well Zuby as always and amazed by your patience and wish I possessed your tolersnce.
PAINFUL conversation to watch. The guy who lies saying "I‘m open to changing my mind" throws up cliches and ignorance with such arrogance it‘s absolutely annoying. He virtue signals all the time and refuses to get off his high horse. This dumb "I‘m not an expert but I have the right to question things" approach relies on the horrible idea that the solution for bad information is more conversation. Stupidity is not resolved with more people who know nothing about what they‘re talking about insisting on "questioning" things as if they know anything. “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”― Søren Kierkegaard
Interesting VitD debate… as someone who was VIT D deficient but otherwise healthy and ate healthy, I got covid prior to rollout but my spouse who had sufficient VitD levels did not get sick despite age, (over 65 and decade older than me with compromised liver / immune function.)
I'd love to see him debate Steve Kirsch, the data guy on the "vaccines" that aren't and "vaccine" injury stats. Steve would wipe the floor with him, but that's not going to happen. Nobody will debate Steve Kirsch, despite the big money he always puts on the table for those he invites to throw down.
Lol I couldn't help noticing zuby looking really healthy with a plant behind him while Dan looks like a stoner who has eaten so many barbecues he wears a shirt with the word on. It's like a before and after pic.
Please have an expert on that can debate Dr. Wilson on the scientific issues. He repeatedly misrepresents what the literature actually says. For one, the vitamin D RCTs on mortality show a 34% lower risk with a confidence interval < 1
this guy is disingenuous he conveniently leaves out all the rest of the aspects of the mrna v that really matter instead, he's spewing the same propaganda we've been hearing from the news, and he doesn't do it in an even remotely more convincing way
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - At least he declared at the start that he works for The Jansen Pharmaceuticals Company of Johnson & Johnson.
How does one say politicians want to look good, news wants to sell a story, and then believe pharmaceutical companies and funded scientists wouldn't be wrong or lying?
Back in Spring 2022, I had back-and-forth exchanges with Wilson, and in doing so, I found him to be the height of dishonesty. He begins by talking about "bad science" and the misuse of papers. When discussing lockdownerism, he relied on a pair of papers "The Efficacy of Lockdown Against COVID-19: A Cross-Country Panel Analysis" by Alfano and Ercolano and "Back to basics: measuring the impact of interventions to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Europe" by Cortis and Vella King. I pointed out severe flaws in these analysis, such as Alfano using absolute case counts as opposed to per capita case counts, and also defining "lockdown" as "lockdown imposed by the federal government" and Cortis being a paper published in March 2022 that only considered European countries on the timeline of January-May 2020. So, for example, neither the US nor Canada had a "national lockdown", so they would be defined as not having a lockdown in the Alfano paper, despite much of both countries being under "lockdown" as imposed by state/provincial governments. In the conversation with me, Wilson claimed without evidence that "across the board, lockdowns resulted in a reversal of COVID case and death rates from increasing to decreasing", and it is a "fact" that "in early months of the pandemic, we saw a very consistent decrease of COVID cases following the implementation of lockdowns". However, when I pointed out various indisputable cases of exactly the opposite outcome, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, his response was nothing but gaslighting, saying that "in every example you mention, the increase and decrease in cases of COVID track with relaxation and implementation of lockdowns, respectively." When Wilson complains about "people not willing to learn", based on my experience with Wilson, that merely means people not willing to blindly follow his dogma that is at odds with the facts. I consider Zuby an absolute saint for putting up with Wilson for 2 hours.
Zuby, I’m with you. After taking this in I can say I appreciate, deeply, the fair discourse. It’s hard to find things like this and kudos to you both for being uncomfortable. I think you kept proposing questions based on morals and values and Dan didn’t even truly acknowledge your point and talked over it or beyond it. I find the disregard for the morality of this the scariest part, regardless of whatever science, data, numbers this guy spews. It is not “lazy thinking” to not get vaccinated based on moral principles because my moral principles aren’t shallow and are deep/meaningful to me and ARE well thought out. It’s offensive to be accused of lazy thinking because I don’t exercise science like this guy. I’m not accusing him of lazy thinking for dodging your questions about lockdowns/mandates etc.
This guys is quite amateur. Vitamin D3 deficiency takes weeks to correct as it has to build up after consistent high dosage. So treating a hypoxic covid patient with eg a large bolus of vitamin D3 would not register. No doubt the vested interests who carried out this "study" knew this. Also D3 is fat soluble which is why obses people are prone to deficiency ie it ends up in their fast, not in their system, hence the deficiency.
The best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis
or pericarditis, or GBS, or blood platelet issues, or thrombocytopenia, etc .... etc ... etc
Best part about the covid-19 vaccine is, that you have a much lower chance of getting myocarditis or getting hospitalized, compared to getting infected without the vaccine!
best part of your indoctrination is the relentless repetition of pHARMa $ales material
Haha. This is the perfect slogan.
If you got COVID. You have a higher chance of getting Myocarditis.
A question to ask him would be how many people need to die of something, or get injured by something, before it is no longer considered safe?
We both know there's no number. As long as it's serving their purpose collateral damage is irrelevant.
Hence epidemic illegal immigration around the globe, etc, etc.
As long as it's making money they don't care
the big pHARMer likes the phrase ‘correlation is not causation’
With older vaccines it was less than 20. Total.
Collateral damage is always a predictable outcome of any infection until the body recognizes the infection. Look, we all know that scaffolds collapse from time to time. Yet, we still utilize them because they are useful. Since someone died from a scaffold fall yesterday, we should not ban using all scaffolds. That’s your logic?
Look, Epstein-Barr Virus was deadly when it was first contracted. Over time, it adapted so the outcome of infection was more favorable to the virus to survive. Today, more than 90% of the world has EBV. It adapted over time so that it didn’t kill its host, therefore killing itself. This phenomenon is played out through many different viral infections, although not all. Even Herpes Simplex D has become much safer over time. That shows a pattern. In this case, SARS-cov-2 has proved to follow that pattern, so far. Taking the shot isn’t going to save you from death. Death comes for us all, regardless of if we’re ready for him. Death will be the last Angel defeated before we find Paradise in our eternal sleep.
I remember the hospitals being so stressed that they were putting out dance videos.
That was so odd to me. My wife, an ICU nurse, would come home and cry about every day during the heat of it. It was such a contrast to what my wife was experiencing. I will never understand those dancing videos.
Totally compatible.
@charlag569 yeah man I remember I would dance the night away while having to preform cpr at minimum 5 to 6 times a shift for countless people during the height of if, crazy how I had that much time when there was so much suffering and pestilence. Oh wait we didn't have time for that silly shit because a vast majority of our community was dying all the while having people like this fool telling people not to get vaccinated and it wasn't that serious.
@@kiethj7 my wife too. So many dying covid patients, they started putting them in the hospital cafeteria
@@charlag569 i think they were dancing bc they were so happy about all the money raining on them
You ask about the Korean study's comorbiditys and he dodges the question, just saying "well most of them were unvaccinated"
He literally did not answer the question. How many of them had comorbidities? His answer was pure sophistry.
Not to mention how the cases were coded, were they just not within a currently "vaccinated" window, were they treated, and with what, etc....
You were not considered vaccinated until two weeks after the second shot, so anyone who died within that time frame were considered unvaccinated, that's how they fiddled the numbers.
Are you serious ? He answered it completely. He even explained what comorbidities mean. Did you not listen or are you simply stupid ? Let's assume stupid.
The study is nonsense. What intervention has zero adverse outcomes? They make it sound too good to be true because it isn’t true.
Here's the thing: the average number of years lost by someone who dies of COVID-19 is 13-15 years. Comorbidities do no mean you are going to be dead by Christmas.
Literally got the two shots myself, my neighbor had a heart attack right after her second dose as 35 year old healthy woman, you can’t pretend these were completely safe unless you literally just lie.
Two guys I personally know had heart attacks. One in his 20s, one in 30s.
@@ZubyMusic that is what is so disingenuous about people on his side pretending that didn’t happen is convenient but false.
@@ZubyMusic surprised he didn’t outright call you a liar at that point. that’s their usual approach.
My friend got myocarditis and my old boss got a clot after their second shots. This "Dr" was just lying.
Exactly. This illustrates the difference between science papers, trotted out statistics, and reality.
My favourite little quotes/headlines from the pandemic that I just can't forget.
"Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, do not get sick." (A blatent lie from the CDC director.) - Rochdale Walensky live on NBC.
"Toxic masks in canadian schools and daycares recalled." (Made in China.) - CBC News, 26th of march 2021 by Thomas Gerbet.
"People not wearing masks are sociopathic." (Said by a sociopath no doubt.) - CNBC, 2nd of September 2020 by Cory Steig.
"SARS survivors have high levels of Anti-RBD antibodies 17 years after infection." (An older study I can't find anymore but definitely read pre/early pandemic.)
"Chinese experts anally swab entire bejing school after 9 year old tests positive." 😮 - 26th of January 2021 by Gabriel Keane.
"Cautious fully vaccinated man dies, docters say it could have been worse if he was not vaccinated at all." (How?) - The Hill, 11th of August 2021 by Christian Spencer.
"New CDC director expects annual covid shots for the most vulnerable groups."
_I have to laugh._
saFE & eFfEcTivE & fULLy tE$TeD ! 😂
Erhm.... Justin...I can HEAR you...
It was Mike Yeadon ex-Pfizer chief scientist whistleblower who pointed out something important. Selectively protecting vulnerable groups would seem like an important strategy in the light of the failure of vaccinating everybody, e.g just vaccinate the elderly. But, as he points out, the elderly are PRECISELY the sector of society that does not respond to the vaccines. Their immune systems cannot properly respond. Yeadon mentions that this has been shown time and time again for the flu vaccine. So there.
Such a weird notion, that simply because someone misspoke, that the entire vaccine should be discredited because of that. Anyone that has a loved one that was in a nursing home can see the vaccines were effective though.
@@jackeagleeye3453 my father in a nursing home bc of a stroke....yeah...I can see the benefits .... another patient came living there after a stroke and surgery to safe him when on holiday in Spain. Churgin to him : you were vaxxed?? I mainly operate vaxxed who got shortly after vax a stroke....
You are right...look in the nursing homes seeing the safe and very effective
Vaccines were not sold as something to prevent infection? So this “expert” needs to explain how that correlates with “herd immunity”.
He calls it science but worshipping anything called a vaccine is more like a religion.
They constantly claim that the polio vaccine ended the polio epidemic in the 1950's. Now they claim vaccines aren't suposed to prevent infection and transmission.
It does though, less effective than what was maybe shown in tge trials doesn't mean it's not effective at all. Any reasonable logical person would take the option that would improve they're health outcome versus not.
@@redaderoua8816 asymptomatic spread is one of the primary justifications for lockdowns and mask mandates etc. sounds like you bought the bullshit.
Why even bring this up. This was like a pipe dream that no scientist stuck with. Maybe a better aspect to focus on is the fact that in every demographic the vaccinated did significantly better than the unvaccinated. Just to be clear we are talking about deaths and hospitalizations. So you are focusing on something that was a non-issue whereas people dying is cool. I suggest you need to reassess your beliefs.
Thank you for platforming these people so they can't hide from their perfidy at a later date.
Sorry, but you're never going to get your sociopathic payoff where people tell you you're right, because you're f*cking wrong and always have been.
its been five years mate what are they hiding now lol
Dan literally has an entire youtube channel lol
@@asnark7115 this joker platformed a scholar . Zuby is not correct about anything at all . Sorry that fell for his bs.
Hearing ppl speak is never dangerous. What’s dangerous is not allowing ppl to air their views….whatever those views are as long as they fall within pre existing law.
This dude says he’s against censorship but in his next breath says social media companies should censor.
I amyet to meat an antivaxer activist who is honest or has not harmed humans even children. So fir example this clown says mRNA vaccine is dangerous, lol
when people like alex jones spread absolute filth for years and years until the families were forced to take legal action what do you suggest instead? are lies protected under freedom of speech
Dan's take on Vitamin D is pretty whack. 90% of Canadians are considered vitamin D deficient. The fact that he says "but you can't give someone vitamin D in the hospital to cure COVID" sounds like a pretty disingeuous version of the argument. I like how Zuby countered with "but giving someone a vaccine once hospitalized wouldn't either."
But high dose intravenous vitamin D is very helpful. Same for IV C.
@@OceanFrontVilla3high dose C is something we don't talk about enough. IV vitc is extremely effective in treating disease.
Remember old black and white photos of hospital patients outside in the sun in their beds. That generation figured it out but then the information died with them. Forgotten public knowledge.
Literally no one ever said that giving someone the vaccine once you are hospitalized will help. In fact, we know it's the complete opposite!
Exactly. With proper vit.D levels (s)he wouldnt even be in a hospital.
I agree with Zuby that there should not have been covid vax mandates. Overall the policies around covid were bad and had a negative effect on the population.
Zuby is right on this. A study pub. in PNAS showed mandates actually reduced uptake of boosters and flu shots.
Mandates would've been much less controversial if applied only to older ppl.
Funny how the answer is always "get vaxxinated" no matter what the question was
not true at all
Calling people that reject only mRNA "anti-vax" is intellectual dishonesty.
That's like calling someone teetotal, because they don't drink one brand of beer.
I had repressed any memory of this ‘expert’. If I had remembered him - I’d have hoped never to see him again.
These people constantly make accusations of cherry picking and such like, well I’ve never witnessed so much cherry picking. I’ve no interest in his qualifications but I’d bet money his pay relies on him having a rather narrow field of view in line with the pharmaceutical industry.
You got it! (I love your mind.)
yep, he’s an unabashed big pHARMer $hill
You should once again renew your suppression of his memory. I know I have.
As always follow the money to find ones morality.
@@deadreckoning6288 - Peter McCullough sells useless supplement pills to you loons at $75 a bottle. Is that the money you were talking about?
Simone Gold made millions of dollars and bought herself a mansion from pushing worthless treatments at gullible anti-vaxxer loons. That money?
Who made Dr. Wilson the arbiter of what is bad science? I think he should have direct debate with authors of the papers he calls "bad science" so he can be directly confronted about his conclusions. He is not all knowing of all things.
but .... but .... hE’s gOt a PHD ! 😂
@@lw1zfog 👍👍👍
Uh, he's a scientist?
@@motiOn732 he also has a t-shirt that bears the legend ‘tHis iS wHaT a $ciENtiST LoOks LiKe’.
at least crazy old dOc hOoTERz wears his lab coat !!!
@@motiOn732 With apparently little regard for other scientists who write scientific papers to be published. Just my personal opinion after watching many of his videos.
He did a good job of explaining why he came to the scientific conclusions he did, but you can tell he hadn't put much thought into the ethics and human rights of the situation. Several times Zuby would ask about the moral aspects of things like censorship and forced vaccination, and Wilson would walk right up to the edge of taking away people's rights and then realize it wasn't going to sound good. So then he'd just back off and say "something should be done" but he was unwilling to say what. If there's anything this episode convinced me of, it's that it's not just about the science.
Great observation. He constantly hedges his position saying things along the lines of, "of course I support free speech, but we need to understand it's irresponsible for the social media companies to just allow misinformation run rampant.."
dR dAn is an ardent convert to the new C21st Church of $cientism, please do not question the faithful !
Agreed. He also didn't have a good answer as to why he only goes after certain people on the "misinformation " front.
Zuby asks if most children who died in USA had co morbidities, Wilson says “no” but immediately goes on to say “30% of the kids had NO co morbidities.”
I.e 70% of children, or yes ‘most children’, who died DID have co morbidities.
One important point I would like to make, re: v*ccines and other interventions:
*Public Healthcare,* as a concept, is something that should be avoided. It lumps everyone into one overly simplistic category ("the public") and applies one-size-fits-all healthcare solutions. Healthcare should always be based upon the individual, because we all interact differently with different diets, supplements, medications, and more.
Good point!
Antivax, antivax, antivax, this guy is like a cracked record and he thinks that we are all dumb, he called Dr. Peter McCullough, arguably the top man in his field, a bozo..he needs to learn some respect..
> Dr. Peter McCullough, arguably the top man in his field
What is his field these days? Selling worthless supplements to you dumb-dumbs for $75 a bottle?
@@FrostekFerenczy fRosTy continues with its daily struggles 🥴🤦🏽♂️🤡
anyone who shares a panel with a maniac like steve kirsch is a laughingstock what are you on about
@@bobbyologun1517 sTaY bOo$tEd !!!
@@lw1zfog ???
LOTS of shadowbanned comments under 'sort by top comment'. all shown under 'sort by newest first'
I don't doubt his intentions, but he doesn't have the necessary expertise to appraise evidence, hence some of his views are wrong. Prof. Vinay Prasad (promoted to full professor) does a much better job, though he is very fiery and draws hate from both pro-vax and anti-vax communities.
@@nomnomyam9379 stop being a victim
I havent seen the whole interview yet, but did Zuby bring up the 5X mortality rate amongst young people post covid? -Young healthy people just dropping dead from heart failure at an alarming rate - which just happens to take place right after a mass vaxination with a new untested medicine....
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984
@@lw1zfog Good summary of the anti vaxxers.
@jackeagleeye3453 If you haven't taken 9 mRNA shots as recommended by the CDC then STFU, you anti-vaxxer
"Anti-vaxxer" used as you have invoked it is nothing more than a thought terminating cliché.
Anyone following the CDC's current advice is on their 9 shot. 2 to start and in a few months they will be going on their 10th shot as they take their 8th booster.
If you are not at least 7 shots in you @jackeagleeye3453 are an "Anti-vaxxer" just as much as anyone who took no shots.
If you are 7+ injections deep at this point the majority of people at this point think you're an idiot and you are in the company of less than 5% of other idiots. So at this point you are either an anti-vaxxer or an idiot.
He seems like a company man through and through. Does he not understand that what he considers as ‘anti-vaxxers’ were mostly pro-vax until they got injured. 🤷🏽♂️ Most of those folk stopped at 3, but now will be classed as anti-vaxxers because they’ve not kept up to date. 🤷🏽♂️
he’s a shameless $hill for the big pHARMer
Most of the supposed vaccine injuries you loons claim are nothing of the sort. Anti-vaxxers are hugely dishonest narcissists with no sense of responsibility.
@@FrostekFerenczy oh dear, oh dear fRoStY. bit late in the game for you to continue down that path. at this stage your just embarrassing yourself even further 😂
He also doesn’t mention how his fellow covidian propagandists changed the definition of “anti-vax”. Prior to 2021, anti-vax meant someone who is opposed to all vaccines and/or never received any vaccines.
But in 2021, the covidians changes the definition to anyone who opposes the covid-1984 “vaccine”, anyone who opposes the C19 vax mandates, and anyone who even questions the C19 vax. Regardless if we got the C19 shot or not, and regardless if we got past shots and just opposed the C19 shot.
This is completely Orwellian!
@@lw1zfogsays the most dishonest and dumb clown . You always confide him with your dad . I have told you he is not third class like your dad . Don’t feel ashamed just stop acting like your dad .
I just hope Dr Dan is not in charge of next pandemic.
I just hope your ignorant brain is never in charge of anything.
how come
I wonder if he gave the jab to his own newborn.
I hope not. It's terrible to have idiot parents.
This guest says he works for Jannsen (J&J) and keeps bringing up studies that support his position. There are no doubt studies that don't support his position, which he wont mention. The problem is that with censorship, lots of non narrative studies don't get published, and this guy knows that.
I would not waste my time debating this individual because all he's doing is taking notes when his argument points are weak, and he's simply going to find big pharma funded or narrative studies to try and support his position.
The host had lots of excellent points that the guest really could not counter - the best point was on Risk/Benefit for this vaccine. The guest simply took notes, so my guess is he is going after Podcasters because they are effective at countering the BS narrative of big pharma and the media. Again, this individual stated that he works for J&J, so he is on a mission to discredit Podcaster that don't share his/ big pharma's narrative.
My scientific papers are real science, because they agree with my opinion, your scientific papers are fringe science, or pseudoscience, because they don't agree with my opinion.
I've been to many dozens of meetings hosted by pharmaceutical "drug reps." They virtually always make the case that their drug's benefits outweigh it's risks, not only for people who are sick, but also for people who are in a group they consider "at risk." In almost all cases, they also say that even given to a healthy population, more undiagnosed people would be saved that would die from prescribing the drug. So, the implication is that everyone walking in the office should be given the drug statistically speaking. Does Dr. Wilson feel that any time a drug company makes this claim, and can produce papers that support this statistic, a healthy person should be started on a drug?
I think it's further complicated in the case of a vaccine that is relatively new in large human trials. It's simply not possible to know yet what results will be in the following decades.
I've watched other well researched recommendations change radically just in the 30 years I've worked around the field. Would his policy actually be as simplistic as medicating everyone when drug company studies claimed their drug would likely be more beneficial than harmful?
Dan, Dan the Pfizer Man.
He actually stated at the beginning that he works for "Jan sen" so that is, I believe, Janssen Biotech, makers of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
@@wzpu3283 Dan, Dan the JJ Man?
lol you think me corrupt like your parents ? No he is not. Stop telling us about your parents . Do you think both your parents put together have the integrity as Dr Dan Wilson has in his left little toe ?
@@wzpu3283so I understand that it’s a pre requisite to be an antivaxer that one must be dumb . So it’s given you last be very dumb but do you also have to cheap ?
Just because you are too dumb to point out where he is incorrect should kit mean you have to compare them with your parents
How are vitamins not essentials to the proper health of a biological being? I just don't get that.
Not lucrative enough.
And where does Dr. Wilson say that?
They're not cure-alls.
I'm not confident that Wilson's definition of gene therapy is actually on the level. Whether a therapy treats genetic disease is arguably superfluous ...gene therapy defined as a medical intervention which functions at the level of gene expression (as mRNA lipid nanoparticles clearly do) would seem to be the most straightforward definition. I suspect Wilson has selected a narrower definition because this functions as a workaround, enabling exclusion of mRNA lipid nanoparticle injections. Therefore this would represent a rhetorical attemp to make a public relations equivalence between an entirely novel experimental treatment and traditional vaccines such as polio which the public is broadly more familiar and comfortable with.
semantics is a fundamental part of faith based ‘$cientism’
Nailed it.
So essentially...a bait and switch.
And the pharmaceutical heads admitted just that in videos expressing their excitement about this entirely new delivery mechanism. Not to mention Dr Dan glosses over the entirely new MRNA delivery. I have yet to hear him address the actual warnings of those who developed the technology!! Conveniently discusses RFK Jr in Rogan but ignores Dr. Malone and company.
“And for us therefore, we are really taking that leap -- us as a company Bayer -- in cell and gene therapy, which to me is one of these examples, where we are really going to make a difference, hopefully, moving forward. Ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public, ‘would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?,’ we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate. I think this pandemic has also opened many people’s eyes to innovation in the way that was maybe not possible before.” Stefan Oelrich, Bayer AG’s Board of Management and head of their Pharmaceuticals Division, 2021
Guy is wrong with many things, but overall he sounds and formulates his thought patterns in wokeism. His uppity prissy tone. His talkdown talking style. He's an activist doosh imo🤷
still pushing the vaccine agenda, fake dr
I am in full agreement with your assessment. Dan is, at minimum, a woke POS.
Wokism? You nutters are hilarious.
> His uppity prissy tone
People being right, when you aren't really gets under your skin doesn't it?
16:43 wrong.
He presented a false dichotomy whereby the choice was vax or not vax or mask or not mask. Those weren’t the only options, those were the only options OR ELSE!
He is directly implying his complicit was as a medical professional in using government authority to enforce law or policy based on views he agrees with. He does not see morality, he sees a means to an end. The government is his means, the end is you.
16:50 in all age groups better off vax vs no vax is another false dichotomy lol this is his theory of what is best but in reality this doesn’t take into account previous infection or comorbidities. A vaccine does not give you antibodies. I repeat the vaccine does not fix you if your immune system is wrong. Your immune system the limiting factor to taking a vaccine. If you are immunocompromised the chances of being no injured from the vaccine is AT LEAST the same as being classified as an extreme severity in condition when contracting ‘covid-19’. This is simple. Something that people don’t understand that an obese person that is immunocompromsied due to his obesity may not defend well against a virus, or any foreign substance for that matter. The issue is that the issue of safety ENOUGH is already assumed to be safe for this entire argument but this entire argument is not on the degree to which it’s safe, it’s IF it’s safe or not. Zuby thinks they’re not safe. DTF thinks there are tradeoffs. This again is the exact morality on display here that we can see. He sees human suffering as a trade off. We should be saving life. Not trading it off. In an event where a virus spreads, we cannot contribute or weaken the healthy population to protect the vulnerable. This is anti science, it’s extinguishing fire with oxygen.
19:18 Zuby is agreeing with him here but let’s all make this clear, DTF cannot specify the time frame or further information and declares he’ll send it to Zuby. In this video we can only go on arguments made and DTF has already submitted on not having the evidence to exclaim or present handy to support his claim. So his evidence can be given the benefit of the doubt in this sense ONLY bc we are arguing in good faith. His argument about Korea and this study is moot unless you can answer the follow ups by your opponent. It does not follow that unvaccinated is the factor that made them sick, comorbidities included. As we have explained the vaccine can’t supersede the immunecompromised comorbidities and if this study didn’t include immunocompromised as a disntugihsing factor then it’s irrelevant. DTF is claiming that 100% of the time it’s better to be vaccinated. We’ve established that sort of his reasoning is flawed bc to him any appropriately sized negative to the positive is subjective. If only 1000 people die and it saves a million for every 1000 then it’s safe. I want everyone to know that this is NOT safe by ANY medical authority ever. Especially for not a vaccine. DTF is already hanging by a thread.
26:17 comorbidities is a touchy area and this is why none of this shit is even analysable. The government big pharma poisoned the well that NEAR ZEO real high confidence interval can be said about anything during the ‘pandemic’ for ‘covid-19’. How many people had kidney failure due to covid? How many people had pneuomonia due to covid? Ahh another loaded question presented in black and white. Michael Jackson’s would love this guy. Let’s ask how many people presented with a positive PCR for covid were treated with remdesivir or ventilators? Let’s see. Hmm. A lot. Hmm oh yeah remdesivir can cause kidney failure and ventilators can cause pneumonia in misuse. Notice how I’m not speaking in absolute. Can cause. Unless he accounts for these factors his argument is MOOT. MOOT. If your study doesn’t evaluate its conclusion with appropriate factors that could undermine its integrity then it’s, say it with me, BAD SCIENCE.
29:20 yawn, vitamins d not effective. Listen to this dumbass literally talk about how vitamins d is not an effective treatment, AS A FALSE DICHOTOMY. These vitamin supplements work in a multi drug therapy which is why Peter McCullough talks about and who DTF believes is a misinformation and even worse a disinformation super spreader. Wow. He is so ignorant to the actual other side that he doesn’t even realise he agrees with him. Vitamins D may not solve covid and you don’t need a peer reviewed study but were vitamin d deficient people worse effective? In extreme sense YES 100%. Who the hell has ever told someone to not take vitamin d bc it won’t work. There is ZERO harm for a sedated, malnourished average micronutrient American or Westerner to not take vitamin d. In fact India gave it to their covid out patients patients in Uttar Pradesh along side another SAFE DRUG ivermectin. I’m not claiming it’s effective but notice how the narrative DTF is playing is overestimating the efficacy and safety use case for his interventions and the lack of critical analysis to ivermectin, vitamin d, hydroxychloroquine, monoclonal antibodies, EXERCISE, SUNLIGHT, POSITIVITY, SOCIALISATION, NO LOCKDOWNS. This guy is brainwashed.
32:27 doctors have always said eat well and get exercise
They incentivised getting French fries for vaccines, donuts, fast food. They shut down gym. They covered skate parks in sand. They locked up parks. They fined you for being outside. Domestic abuse went up. Alcohol abuse went up. Depression went up. Do we need a peer reviewed study to show that these are helpful to fighting covid? Im sure there are. Do you need to be a doctor to make that identification? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂no
42:09 covid vaccines are gene therapy. They mRNA tech is a gene therapeutic with the use case of the protein being produced being to illicit an immune response. Also note that all mRNA interventions in the past have failed and the covid reputation for it is being bolstered to usher in more vaccines as mRNA in theory is a crazy super scientific advancement. Even with how much I think DTF is wrong and how I didn’t get the vax. The application is amazing in theory but does not work in reality. It’s gene therapy. It’s in the documentation for BNT162b2
43:34 it is not anti vax misinformation to state that 17 million people have died from the covid vaccine. It’s incredulous. That is subjective to you. Argument from incredulity. This statistic comes from a projection study that estimates 17 million based on the adverse event rate. The exact same thing the pro vax people do when their final string of denial wants to last, they claim ‘it’s saved millions of lives’ well that statistic is derived the exact same way the 17 million statistic so you can’t have it both ways. Once again. This is a motivated reasoning fallacy. He over accepts his own arguments but under accepts opposing
47:11 LOL this is not an argument is it? Is DTF a podcaster? Why is his side job criticising independent podcasters? Did he do a module on that? On the topics of saying that there’s a good argument to show that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS. This is something that reveals that DTF is an ignorant fool. He has not done his research. He may claim he has but clearly hasn’t. RFK said something NOT extreme. He just say an argument could be presented and that’s fine. He’s not a misinformation spreader. He’s actually revealing your cognitive distance and censorship reflex trigger. I see the HIV Aids conspiracy as legitimate and it needs analysing and the during that DTF doesn’t get it back then and doesnt get it now for covid. Except AIDS was such a crazy long time ago and Fauci was the super spreader of misinfo saying you can catch it thru contact in the kitchen.
47:26 classic post modern tactic of referring to words as harmful.
I’m sorry I’m gonna be debate bro but this is 49:02 appeal to emotion and anecdotal. Skip.
49:47 saying things that are easily demonstrated as false is not harmful or hatespeech. It’s free speech. This whole argument is anti free speech. Quite telling tbh. You can personally dislike Joe for saying wrong stuff but you can’t weight that opinion higher than your critique of authority and medical individuals. This means your entire point is about an appeal to populum whereby you’re worried ideas will hurt or damage peoples brain. Who put u in charge of policing this?
55:45 convincing people you disagree with is harmful. Oh no my authority that gives me power is melting 🧙♀️
1:12:07 he’s said a lot of stupid shit since my last edit but we’re on polio for some reason lol this guy is the red herring of dreams
1:15:24 lol the old vax immunity is better than natural immunity. No it’s not. Natural immunity is always better than vaccinated. The vax was training your body on the spike protein from Wuhan, when they came out we were approaching omicron and studies showed that it was the spike that varied the most between contact. Even the vax manufacturers said we’re going all in on the spike protein lol so how could that be better than a more recent and nature immune response from the virus? Also this doesn’t take into account the incidence of adverse effects. Very early on there were studies showing that if you had natural immunity you’re at greater risk of adverse event from the vaccine so again he’s cherry picking
1:29:29 DTF advocating that this would’ve still happened if the rules were a lot less strict and promoted liberty is laughable. This dude is more tone deaf than Stevie wonder. He has no idea and will not listen to anyone who smells of an opposition that isn’t rooted in his subjective beliefs
I’m glad there are people like you out there in the real world.
I could have made some of the points you did but 1. I’d have made a worse job of it and 2. I’d have had to bear this fool for longer than I did.
It’s good to see people keeping up despite the disinformation of people like DTF.
@@Jacob-yb6bv I hate this dude debunk the funn, he attacks doctors critical on covid authority crying there is no censorship meanwhile these doctors get censored for talking about this if they reply.
He’s an NPC baffles me how people are so ignorant even past all the Twitter files n Fauci leaks showing this whole thing was bullshit
@@kklh7918worse than a mere NPC, he’s an active $hill for pHARMa
As an individual. The HALT in societal movement impaired me beyond belief.
@@Jacob-yb6bvI second Jacob. I love people like you. Fantastic post 👏
In America around 2,000 kids 18 and under died of Covid. How many were hospitalized? How many experienced long term or permanent damage to their health, and how much was their hospital bill?
1:04:30 - This is why "scientists" should never have power over others.
His line of work preludes him from speaking the truth about the topic.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."- Upton Sinclair
That's a load of sh*t. He is speaking the truth - you just don't like it.
He could have given some reference to the medical journals he is using to promote his premise. Right?
@@teresakarr8328 Or the opposite. Anti vax is not pseudo science at all. By all means there SHOULD be a way to let people in the industry KNOW about your vaccine injury and that for the most part vaccines do hurt some people.
@@FFGG22E I feel genuinely sad for you. People like you are beyond the pale. You live in a completely different epistemic reality and, unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing that would change your mind.
He unironically believes that we need vaccine mandates because "not everybody can get vaccinated."
It makes sense to anyone with a working brain.
@@FrostekFerenczy oh dear. 🥴🤦🏽♂️🤡
Yeah that always used to be the excuse until they started jabbing everyone including the immune compromised.
The death rate in all age groups around USA was significantly higher in red states with low vaccine rates than blue states.
If they’re so safe and effective why did they want 75 years to release their data?
And why was so much of what was released redacted?
you dont really want to know you just want to churn the waters
Debunk is epitome of academic arrogance coupled with systemic racism. I call his show the sunk cost fallacy channel.
In my view, Dan is a DEI PhD recipient.
dR dUNniNg kRuGEr personified
Looks like a white guy w Jew curls whose water must be shut off.. what category does that fit?
@@lw1zfog That's brilliant
The dude was wrong about everything
Such a dishonest person. And he was avoiding answering a lot of the questions.
I hope you are talking about zuby?
@@KordeMo1 Aah, you're one of those.. Well you can hope in your left hand and s#it in the other, and see which one fills up first.
@@KordeMo1 🥴🤦🏽♂️🤡
For me, Zuby won this debate with intelligent discussion points and questions. The guest seemed to focus primarily on vaccines despite Zuby making several attempts to broaden the discussion. He seemed arrogant in that his view was the only reasonable one and any other view was based on ignorance! Was not convincing at all in his arguments for me. I have listened to many scientists and medical practitioners over the last 4 years and they take into account the nuances of healthcare. There is not and should not be a one size fits all approach to healthcare.
IFR is a much better indicator than CFR, contrary to what the guest says. He then argues that CFR is a better indicator and that we should not only look at people that have died, showing he does not understand the meaning of the word “fatality” in case FATALITY rate.
Citing from John Ioannidis’s study Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population: “The current analysis suggests a much lower pre-vaccination IFR in non-elderly populations than previously suggested.”
“The CFR is not the same as the risk of death for an infected person - even though, unfortunately, journalists sometimes suggest that it is. It is relevant and important, but far from the whole story.”
“The key question for understanding the mortality risk of a disease is the following: if someone is infected with the disease how likely is it that they will die from it? The answer to that question is captured by the infection fatality rate, or IFR.”
(Our World in Data)
I don't agree with what most of this guy is pushing, but I do respect him being willing to participate in a dialogue with opposing views. He is one of the few that will.
he’s that desperate fort he ‘air time’ that he doesn’t mind the public humiliation
@@lw1zfog He's there himself not for the public, he trying to justify vaccination for all but he wont openly say it.
It's safe to say science isn't sending their best anymore.
Decent convo but could've done with a few more fireworks...I think Zuby was going easy on Dr Wilson 😂😅
Far too easy. He should have called him on the efficacy claim. There's no way to tell if a vaccine has saved a life.
I like his style. He is non confrontational which gives the interviewee an opportunity to really speak. It's just unfortunate that Dan waffles on while not saying much of substance but I don't think pushing him on anything would have resulted in anything other than an " I will look at the paper and let you know" as he's not even clear on the studies he's quoting from.
@@clairewheeler2937 I would have loved Zuby to ask him more pressing questions about these studies. Just because something is in a study, that doesn't automatically translate to the same outcome in the real world.
@@reallyshel personally that's exactly what I would have done too. I would have wanted to go through each study point by point but that's what comments sections are for. We can go through them. I did and saw the holes in his argument. The way he conducted this interview meant there was more time to get into the mandates and lack of efficacy whereas one or 2 studies from south Korea don't really tell us much at all. Especially not in the timescale of the study whereby it was only for 6 months and the first month there was no rollout of childhood vaccines while the rest were in those most at risk with no mandates with an extremely low uptake amongst the children even up to 2023 from what I'm saw and the study he mentioned was from 28 Feb 2021 to august 2021 and the first 5 to 11 yr old vaccines were not in use until the 30th march 2021.
Then the one with 46 deaths in kids 22 had comorbidities and 24 didn't but the conditions they died from are not only caused by viruses. For instance myocarditis and encephalitis, strokes that sort of thing. He avoided letting that be known by saying something which was true which is that only 4 of those deaths were vaccinated but he failed to mention that the first study was only for six months and the second study that he mentioned about the 46 deaths was 13 months after the end of the first. So no was the answer he should have given. Neither study was for the 3 year period.
@@reallyshel yes there is. you can compare vaccinated population to un-vaccinated. you can compare hospitalisation, duration of stay and mortality. all this and more was done and vaccinated people get less sick and die less than non-vaccinated. hth
Has he got pseudo-myocarditis? Pseudo turbo cancer?
Pseudo-CVA… or Pseudo-Dead?
It's funny how Wilson got hoof-and-mouth disease after all his inj______s.
Dan you're a legend for honestly showing up for this pedestrian. I can't wrap my head around this corner of the internet that thinks because they read words on the internet they've got it figured out. And then will have a conversation with someone who actually did and is doing the work, and say anything other than "please teach me." Disgusting. But thanks to your approach on this convo I'm feelin' more like pearls before swine = pearls, not swine.
Young guy Dr. Dan Wilson has a lot to learn. He reminds me of myself back in the day when I worked at Pfizer. Reminds me of myself when I was his age interms of making the good decision to go to industry instead of staying in academia, but also being naive about politics, policy, industry influence and propaganda. Hopefully he figures things out.
I also got some flashbacks. Unfortunately I don't think he'll figure it out having invested to heavily in the present position. Interesting to note him saying that he used to be a conspiracy theorist, but science made him wake up.
Want to point anything out specifically?
What changed your mind?
I don’t think he has fallen prey that why he fights lies from antivaxers . Eg Zulu is clearly harmful but does not understand it .
There is not a single reason save allergy to not get primary civ vaccine . The science abd facts are so crystal clear about it . Yet in this comments side thin under his video I find one dumb comment after another and no body cares about facts.
@@endofscene change mind about what?
I myself received 1st 2nd and 3rd Pfizer vac. 1:52:15
Was really concerned about passing virus to 85 yo parent.
Unfortunate durability of vac was so limited 2-3 months incorrectly said 95 ish % effective
How sad people lost their jobs for not wanting to vaccinate after having had the virus and not being able to make informed decision for themselves.
They didn’t look at total risk. That was the whole point of the Great Barrington project. That was the point made by Scott Atlas. They weren’t looking at life yrs and who was being infected and how vax mandates and lock downs negatively impacted people’s lives. We put higher value on the lives of the elderly than we did of the young. That is not acceptable and I am elderly.
Regarding the Korean study where 42 unvaccinated individuals under 18 died, how many were hospitalized and survive, how much was their hospital bill, and what were the long term side effects of their illness? How does that compare to the vaccinated group?
The reason both my kids ( under 7 ) are vaccinated and boosted is brain damage from unprotected COVID .
Five neighbours lost in the space of a year, all vaxed.
If you believe that has anything to do with the vaccine, why are the countries with the highest vaccination rates not running out of places to bury the bodies? They don't even have higher death rates than pre covid. When you look for something that is not there, you can still see it sometimes.
how did they die? car wreck
Nuremberg Codes? 🤷🏿♂️
Inconvenient to psychopaths.
Nuremberg doesn't apply, dumb-dumb.
Debunk is such a clown. He’s been wrong about everything yet accuses everyone else of spreading ‘misinformation’ 🤡
Can you give an example of where you think he's wrong?
Except he's not wrong. Anti-vaxxers are wrong, and always have been.
@@FrostekFerenczy 😂🤣😂🥴🤦🏽♂️🤡
what specifically is dr wilson wrong about? be precise
I've literally had him try to tell me that cases went down in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru in Spring 2020 immediately after the implementation of faucism.
My 43 year old “triathlete” nephew had his first J&J shot in April 2020. In June he was admitted to the hospital with severe blood clots in his legs,. He had also developed Myocarditis and an aggressive throat cancer. He passed away Thanksgiving weekend. Crime of the 21st Century!
Imagine how many people would still be alive if just taken Vitamin D3??
The 1st vaccine wasn't given until December 2020?
My mistake, his first jab was in April/May 2021, time flies my brain is trying to keep up!
@@a.j.rainey3024 There are trials for MRNA cancer vaccines now. Hope they work
sorry for your loss how could one jab cause all blood clotting, mycarditis and throat cancer?
@@bobbyologun1517 The simple answer is it didn't cause all those things
No one was dying of measles when we grew up.
How would you know? You were just a kid.
@@FrostekFerenczy oh dear fRosTy, how awfully embarrassing for you ! 😂
Frostec is a bot. 😉
I’m about a third through but will have to come back to this as I can’t handle so much douche baggery from this guest in one go.
2021 -- 80% of American adults take the first two jabs.
2022 -- only 20% of American adults take the Omicron Bivalent booster.
2023 -- only 10% of American adults take the XBB 1.5 booster.
Conclusion: America has spoken. The jabs SUCK.
Or that the pandemic was over by 2023, dumb-dumb.
@@FrostekFerenczy you’re so far gone it’s comical
@@lw1zfog yes you are.
@@suprlite who are you ? fRosTys mum ?😂
if you’re going to bring it, at least try to make it slightly less weak 🥴
@@suprlite who are you ? fRosTyS mum ? 🤦🏽♂️
Listening to Mr. Wilson is more painful than when I had covid. Is there a vaccine for this?
So much money and manipulation behind these products. Wouldn't be needed if they actually did what they said.
I would love to hear his explanation about Africa. Their younger age, exposure to the sun etc. Also working for Janssen speaks volumes. Good talk, showing discussions can be congenial even when we are poles apart on ideas.
or Papua New Guinea
Those are the chief reasons that Africa had less trouble with covid.
The very young population and the fact that they spend so much time out of doors, where airbourne virusses spread less easily.
@@emmajones8590 correct and they don't all have television sets.
@@emmajones8590 🥴🤦🏽♂️🤡
@@emmajones8590 😂🤣😂🤦🏽♂️🥴🤡
oh god this is one rare case where ill go full SJW and say "DONT PLATFORM" this guy... dude really is an agent of evil...
Hard disagree. LibsOfTikTok does nothing but platform Leftist nonsense and look how devastating that has been to the Left.
And that's without even considering the moral implications of buying into their idea of "justified censorship."
No, let him speak so he can eat his own words later.
I believe in discussion and respect him for coming on. These conversations are rare and hard to have without sliding into insults and bad faith.
Thank you for bringing him on
shameless, no empathy
It takes several days at significantly high levels (not RDA levels) to get Vitamin D levels in blood to rise to the point where they would be helpful against covid. Giving moderate doses for a few days to someone hospitalized for covid and saying, see, Vit D doesn't work is what those that want to discredit D would put in a study. Studies on IVM with low doses given late in treatment is the same thing.
The whole discussion assumes that the numbers, the research and facts presented are true… That’s why there’s no point having the conversation.
Best comment on here. When they refer to ‘the data’ they mean CDC’s website, which you would be an absolute fool to take at face value at this point.
So if the scientific literature says something you don’t like then that means by definition it’s probably not true. That’s very convenient. No need for any scientific rebuttal, just waving your hand is enough. You’ve convinced me!
@@petercornwell5880you can flip that around as well. Something you do like has to be true!
The Pfizer trials found a rate of serious vaccine complications around 1 in 800. There was a recent study that estimated 1 in 6000 rate of cardiac side effects among vaccinated young men. British medical data showed that you needed to give over a hundred thousand boosters to prevent one COVID hospitalization among healthy young people. Beyond, that we know the vax effectiveness erodes rapidly, while side effects like a shift to IGg4 and the runaway production of spike proteins are long term.
The problem during the pandemic, wasn't healthy young people dying of the virus.
It was of healthy young people not giving a sh*t, catching it with mild symptoms and going out, spreading the joy around.
@@emmajones8590 derp
@@emmajones8590that's why the Great Barrington Declaration was conceived. One of its tenants was to protect the elderly. But why listen to those nutjobs anyway right? They were just "fringe epidemiologists" after all . 🙄
36:05 That is an incredibly biased view to hold. Anyone who is anti-vaqs is automatically someone who is spreading 'mis-information'...
There are inherent problems in thinking this black and white. Yes, sometimes people holding antivaqs positions could be wrong in what they are saying, but some also have lots of data and rational behind theirs. The definition of un-nuanced here.
People who are anti Vax think they have data behind them supporting their opinions. It doesn't me me they're anti Vax. Every pseudoscience out there thinks there's data supporting their opiniosn but theyre still spreading misinformation whether they belive it or not. Having "data" to back up your claims doesn't mean anything.
there really isnt. all anti-vaq rhetoric is rubbish. they would much rather churn the water than seek reliable accurate information
This is the kind of conversation we should have been having from the beginning. It is a great shame that this was actively stopped through censorship, so that only one narrative was trumpeted by most authorities and media.
Wilson constantly censors on his YT channel so subscribers can never hear an opposing point of view.
Nothing in this conversation was news to me. Don't know where you live, but these arguments have been in my social media for the entire period.
Dan Wilson works for industry. Case closed.
We we we he doesn't even hide it
Who are scientists supposed to work for? The govt?
who would you like him to work for snowbird
For the record, I didn't choose to not get vaccinated because of the mandates or because I was uninformed, I didn't take the vaccine because I simply didn't want to.
i have more respect for people who just say no with no further explanation
If you are still backing the jab you either aren't paying attention or are a nefarious actor.
Or that we aren't a dumb-dumb anti-vaxxer loser.
Or you understand science
@@antonioiniguez1615 ‘$cience’
@@antonioiniguez1615 ‘$ciENcE’
Dan said 2000 kids died from covid over three years and that the study he's quoting said 30% DID NOT have co-morbidities.... which means 70% of these kids DID have co-morbidities. Again, showing how low the mortality rate is for kids that are healthy. That 90% were unvaccinated (many factors beyond vax status come into play) doesn't change the fact that young healthy kids, by and large, don't need this vax!!!!
The medical community is now looking into covid vaccines linked with cancer. This was a concern 2 years ago. Why did the community waited for so long to make this consideration?
Easy. You milk as much of the covid frenzy. When the well has dried up, you look for new fundings. Covid have shown that science is manipulated.
People are influenced by money. Do you think a doctor would object to getting millions of dollars?
I think was injected cancer cells in this v..... normal cancer have millions of cure treatments, They have dancer research to understand how to make cancer, not to cure it.
zuby, now interview Kevin Mckernan.
Funk works for Eurofins doing “clinical trial work” but doesn’t tell you that it’s one of the largest C19 testing labs in the world.
Funk has 3 publications, t h r e e, under his belt. doesn't come close to experts like Sin Lee, Mckernan, or Buckhault, who all have hundreds of publications and debated & exposed Funk.
What an absolute clown
Sounds like someone's suffering from a nasty case of buyer's remorse.
Maybe try engaging your 14 brain cells before falling for such an obvious scam, next time.
You're welcome.
Which guy is the clown? According to you.
Obviously the one who's at odds with reality.
The one who works for a huge drug company.
The one who doesn't understand basic statistics.
The one who's lying though his teeth.
So, Dan.
@@skinsuit2000 can you give specific examples where he's saying something that's objectively wrong or not in accordance with peer-reviewed data?
Yes, I can
Dan reminds me of Neil Degrasse Tyson. I can’t listen to either of them … way too much ego and not enough true science.
he literally constantly cites data, point to a single time where he was objectively wrong
@@ronintage he literally appeals to perceived authority on a constant basis
@@lw1zfog how?
@@ronintage you should say something about ‘pEeR rEvieW’ with a confident tone ! 😂
He lost me at "I work for Jansen"
I'm over the moon that he's so protected... Keep getting them!!!
I found Dan very confescending, so head up his own, anyway. You conducted yourself well Zuby as always and amazed by your patience and wish I possessed your tolersnce.
Just take a deep breath. I know have to before I start shouting at the computer monitor.
I'm usually condescending to clueless, ignorant anti-vaxxer scumbags too.
@@FrostekFerenczy such a brave lone voice, persistently ringing out in the defence of a failed paradigm 😂
@@lw1zfog like you he is wrong about most things. You posted your own ignorance and BS proudly .
@@Science-007-a why do you persist in typing out illegible waffling ? 🥴
PAINFUL conversation to watch. The guy who lies saying "I‘m open to changing my mind" throws up cliches and ignorance with such arrogance it‘s absolutely annoying. He virtue signals all the time and refuses to get off his high horse. This dumb "I‘m not an expert but I have the right to question things" approach relies on the horrible idea that the solution for bad information is more conversation. Stupidity is not resolved with more people who know nothing about what they‘re talking about insisting on "questioning" things as if they know anything. “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”― Søren Kierkegaard
Yup Zuby is as clueless as they come.
Interesting VitD debate… as someone who was VIT D deficient but otherwise healthy and ate healthy, I got covid prior to rollout but my spouse who had sufficient VitD levels did not get sick despite age, (over 65 and decade older than me with compromised liver / immune function.)
I can’t listen to this wishy washy guy. Geesh. Have him talk to Dr. McCullough. 😮
Would love to see McCullough take him to school. He would get scorched
I'd love to see him debate Steve Kirsch, the data guy on the "vaccines" that aren't and "vaccine" injury stats. Steve would wipe the floor with him, but that's not going to happen. Nobody will debate Steve Kirsch, despite the big money he always puts on the table for those he invites to throw down.
@@JohnnyJazzFreak - Steve Kirsch has no clue about "the data" or statistics. He's pathetic.
McCullough is too busy selling his worthless, over-priced supplements to you rubes.
And you do ?
Dan looks like a naughty schoolboy that has just been told off by the teacher and had his sweets taken off him.
Bless 😂
He looks so uncomfortable
@@jellybean6582 lol yep
@@jellybean6582 Looks like a naughty scoolboy who has just had a bollocking anh his toffes took away.🤣🤣
Lol I couldn't help noticing zuby looking really healthy with a plant behind him while Dan looks like a stoner who has eaten so many barbecues he wears a shirt with the word on. It's like a before and after pic.
@@clairewheeler2937 Yep
Zuby I love how you held this at first I found it frustrating at first but now realised how well you composed yourself thankyou ✌️💚🙏🏻
Please have an expert on that can debate Dr. Wilson on the scientific issues. He repeatedly misrepresents what the literature actually says. For one, the vitamin D RCTs on mortality show a 34% lower risk with a confidence interval < 1
pHARMa $hill is gonna $hill for the pHARMer 🤷🏽♂️
Link it bro, that's the whole point
Good on you guys. Glad to see people that DONT agree can still have a conversation
this guy is disingenuous
he conveniently leaves out all the rest of the aspects of the mrna v that really matter
instead, he's spewing the same propaganda we've been hearing from the news, and he doesn't do it in an even remotely more convincing way
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." - At least he declared at the start that he works for The Jansen Pharmaceuticals Company of Johnson & Johnson.
Thank you for platforming and (nicely) destroying this shill
did we watch the same video
Zuby didn't get this guy to answer a single one of his questions.
He went into industry. Shocker that he's making excuses for his paycheck.
How does one say politicians want to look good, news wants to sell a story, and then believe pharmaceutical companies and funded scientists wouldn't be wrong or lying?
Yes, strange that the "want to look good" logic doesn't apply to them
Pharmaceutical industry $0.00 Liability.... yet MORTICIANS censored. Let it sync.
Back in Spring 2022, I had back-and-forth exchanges with Wilson, and in doing so, I found him to be the height of dishonesty. He begins by talking about "bad science" and the misuse of papers. When discussing lockdownerism, he relied on a pair of papers "The Efficacy of Lockdown Against COVID-19: A Cross-Country Panel Analysis" by Alfano and Ercolano and "Back to basics: measuring the impact of interventions to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Europe" by Cortis and Vella King. I pointed out severe flaws in these analysis, such as Alfano using absolute case counts as opposed to per capita case counts, and also defining "lockdown" as "lockdown imposed by the federal government" and Cortis being a paper published in March 2022 that only considered European countries on the timeline of January-May 2020. So, for example, neither the US nor Canada had a "national lockdown", so they would be defined as not having a lockdown in the Alfano paper, despite much of both countries being under "lockdown" as imposed by state/provincial governments.
In the conversation with me, Wilson claimed without evidence that "across the board, lockdowns resulted in a reversal of COVID case and death rates from increasing to decreasing", and it is a "fact" that "in early months of the pandemic, we saw a very consistent decrease of COVID cases following the implementation of lockdowns". However, when I pointed out various indisputable cases of exactly the opposite outcome, such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, his response was nothing but gaslighting, saying that "in every example you mention, the increase and decrease in cases of COVID track with relaxation and implementation of lockdowns, respectively."
When Wilson complains about "people not willing to learn", based on my experience with Wilson, that merely means people not willing to blindly follow his dogma that is at odds with the facts.
I consider Zuby an absolute saint for putting up with Wilson for 2 hours.
Follow the money.
Zuby, I’m with you. After taking this in I can say I appreciate, deeply, the fair discourse. It’s hard to find things like this and kudos to you both for being uncomfortable.
I think you kept proposing questions based on morals and values and Dan didn’t even truly acknowledge your point and talked over it or beyond it. I find the disregard for the morality of this the scariest part, regardless of whatever science, data, numbers this guy spews. It is not “lazy thinking” to not get vaccinated based on moral principles because my moral principles aren’t shallow and are deep/meaningful to me and ARE well thought out. It’s offensive to be accused of lazy thinking because I don’t exercise science like this guy. I’m not accusing him of lazy thinking for dodging your questions about lockdowns/mandates etc.
Also, science does not equal truth or fact.
@@technomastaso why are than you siding with the side that can jot stop lying ?
Zuby, you do good work. You HAVE to talk with Ethical Skeptic - nobody has the low down on C and V likes he does.
He has all the receipts and the technical chops to perform the analysis.
People are told all the time to lose weight and eat healthy. You're looking at it in a very simplistic way.
This guys is quite amateur. Vitamin D3 deficiency takes weeks to correct as it has to build up after consistent high dosage. So treating a hypoxic covid patient with eg a large bolus of vitamin D3 would not register. No doubt the vested interests who carried out this "study" knew this. Also D3 is fat soluble which is why obses people are prone to deficiency ie it ends up in their fast, not in their system, hence the deficiency.
“Do I agree with censorship? No. But I believe that social media platforms can and should censor people”
~Dan Wilson
What a clown 🤡
state censorship vs private enterprise like youtube censors not the same hth
The Dr. is so smart he’s blind to his own ignorance. He certainly has a strong Neil Degrasse vibe going on. 🤦🏽♀️ Good day.
whats your highest level of education mrs. smith
This comments section is literally the reason the human race is doomed