在家輕鬆享受健康美味早餐!讓你愛上週末早晨 Enjoy a Healthy and Delicious Breakfast at Home! Make

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • 在週末早晨,我總是期待著一個輕鬆的開始,一個讓我放鬆心情的時刻。對我來說,準備一頓簡單又營養的早餐是實現這種放鬆的最佳方式。我會先泡一杯濃郁的抹茶綠拿鐵,享受那濃郁的茶香和柔順的燕麥奶口感。然後,我會準備一杯希臘優格,加入各種家中儲備的新鮮水果,或許是紅色的草莓、藍莓的酸甜、或者甜蜜的香蕉和蘋果。在這之後,我也會加上一些健康無添加的堅果,像是杏仁或核桃,為這道早餐增添一些額外的香脆口感和營養價值。最後,我會加上燕麥奶,或者是其他奶製品,像是牛奶、豆漿或杏仁奶,來調配這一餐,確保它豐富又美味。這樣的早餐不僅簡單易做,而且充滿了各種營養元素,為我一天的開始帶來了活力和健康,和超愉悅的心情喔!
    外面買的早餐 - 在家可以吃得更好,更健康喔 My weekend breakfast! Super easy yet so delicious! 在家輕鬆享受健康美味早餐!讓你愛上週末早晨 Enjoy a Healthy and Delicious Breakfast at Home! Make
    On weekend mornings, I always look forward to a relaxed start, a moment to unwind. For me, preparing a simple yet nutritious breakfast is the perfect way to achieve this relaxation. I start by brewing a rich matcha green latte, savoring the intense tea aroma and smooth milk texture. Then, I prepare a cup of Greek yogurt, adding various fresh fruits stocked in my kitchen, perhaps the red sweetness of strawberries, the tartness of blueberries, or the sweetness of bananas and apples. After that, I sprinkle some nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, to add some extra crunch and nutritional value to this meal. Finally, I use oat milk, or other dairy alternatives like cow's milk, soy milk, or almond milk, to complement this dish, ensuring it is rich and delicious. This breakfast is not only easy to make but also packed with various nutrients, bringing vitality and health to my day's beginning!
    週末早餐這樣吃!超簡單又不馬虎!不用去外邊買了!My weekend breakfast! Super easy yet so delicious!
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    我愛做菜,愛美食,更愛與朋友們分享生活中的大小經驗!雖說世上無完美之事,但我總是願意帶著一份喜悅和創新態度來豐富自己的生活。我從自己拍攝RUclips視頻以來,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我為興趣而做,樂在其中!我選擇平衡的生活,所以我每一週到一週半會發布一部新的視頻,我不趕進度,不為保持流量而拍視頻。相信您也是應該是願意過著健康,平衡的生活吧!:) 感謝Gabe Van Sloun/陳帥全為我做優美的原創視頻鋼琴音樂。如果您喜歡我的視頻,請支持訂閱的我頻道!感謝您!
    I love cooking and I enjoy eating good & healthy homemade food! I make RUclips videos because I enjoy filming, editing and doing the audio by myself. Thanks to Gabe Van Sloun for composing beautiful original piano music for my videos.
    Please support and subscribe to my channel! Thank you!
    我爱做菜,爱美食,更爱与朋友们分享生活中的大小经验!虽说世上无完美之事,但我总是愿意带着一份喜悦和创新态度来丰富自己的生活。我从自己拍摄RUclips视频以来,也都是自己做影片的剪接和配音。我为兴趣而做,乐在其中!我选择平衡的生活,所以我每一周到一周半会发布一部新的视频。我不赶进度,不为保持流量而拍视频。相信您也是应该是愿意过着健康,平衡的生活吧! :) 感谢Gabe Van Sloun/陈帅全为我做优美的原创视频钢琴音乐。如果您喜欢我的视频,请支持订阅的我频道!感谢您!

Комментарии • 5

  • @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes
    @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes  7 месяцев назад +1

    自己的好健康可得靠自己平日吃對的食物喔!所以讓我們輕鬆選對食材!挑既好吃,營養又健康的食物,這樣吃起來,身體會比較沒有負擔,也可保養自己的身體!身體總跟隨自己無法離開,所以我們都要好好善待它!祝大家都平安健康!Taking charge of your own good health depends on eating the right foods every day! So let's always choose the right ingredients and meals! Choose foods that are not only delicious but also nutritious and healthy. Eating this way will make our body feel less burdened and help maintain our health! Our body always stays with us and cannot leave, so we all need to take good care of it! Wishing everyone peace and good health!

  • @lorij1262
    @lorij1262 7 месяцев назад +1

    Very yummy and healthy! Not only it's nutritious, it's pleasing to the eyes and also feel so clean!

  • @susanjordan5229
    @susanjordan5229 7 месяцев назад +1

    I just want to come cook with you and sit and take in all the delicious smells!!

    • @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes
      @PriscillasJoyfulKitchenNotes  7 месяцев назад

      Haha. We will find an opportunity to cook together and enjoy some good food and friendship!