@@bogbody9952 Well, if you look at the war from a tactical perspective from basically 1942 onward......this guy must have been BAKED. His strategy left a lot to be desired.
I am sure if Hitler had won the WWII, you would had made a movie about the bad things & the wrong behaviors of "Winston Churchill" & many other allied countries... Sometimes I think history is a good teacher but people don't learn anything from it... As Hitler said in one of his speeches: "As long as we win, nobody will ask any questions, only the losers will be criticized"
Interesting and informative. Excellent photography job enabling viewers to better understand what/whom the orator was describing. Special thanks to relatives/neighbors teachers sharing personal information/experiences relating to Aldolph's younger/adolescent growing up years. Along with his military service described by veteran soldiers whom he served with.
One quote from Mein Kampf which would clarify Hitler's attitude towards Jews in the military during the first world war was part of his account of convalescence from his wound. He wrote, "Every Jew was a clerk, and every clerk was a Jew." Under his early administration, Jews were excluded from public office with one important exception. Any Jew who had actually fought at the front lines could keep his job.
Actually there were many Jews in the service of the German army and especlially in the Austrio Hungarian army during WW 1. I had the priviledge of meeting in New York 4 Jews out of the total of 5 WW 1 veterans in the 1950s to the early 1970s. 4 of them were Jews . Very interesting stories they had to tell of their experiences. It is interesting to note that in WW II the German army, airforce and Navy had around 150,000 soldiers of jewish decent.Not often talked about but very highly documented. Actually was aired on the History Channel for a short period of time.
"The Jewish officer could not get out of him the reason for his hatred of Jews". Meaning Jewish officers were friendly to him. The answer is that he was as a lad knocked to the ground in a spat. A young couple on the street bumped into him. He was asked and showed them his art piece samples. The lass was Jewish and in short said that he hadn't much of a future in art. He exploded at her with an anti Jewish expletive, but thereupon was knocked to the ground by lass's boyfriend who years later was shocked to see picture of him taking over as Nazi leader. Above based on info. passed on by lad to his father and passed on to a friend who passed it on to his son (a rabbi), etc.
@@patriciaquintela899 German authors have to write in accordance with the victors. Most of them have internalized the commands of their oppressors. I know, for I went to school in Germany and later studied history at a German university. It wasn't until I left Germany for South America when I was able to talk and teach freely.
Would have never turned out the way it did if he hadn’t invaded Russia. Every single invasion of Russia ends in tears and gnashed teeth. ‘I was wrong, Russia ain’t worth it’ is the lesson from Hitler, Napoleon, and Charles XII.
Reading between the lines one can see a rather normal life of the times resulting in the product of those times, a confused eastern Europe looking for their own identity, rising to power and caught up in the madness of that power and the times. But of course we write the history so read between the lines as you Will? Quite interesting little biography though 👍 thx. ✌️.
What? This is my favorite documentary by far. Every day there seems to be a new world war II documentary but it is all basically the same this one is by far the best
It seems the second WW War took things to a new level. It killed civilians like never before and has not changed since. At least in WW1 it was only soldiers facing off each other’s but we don’t really know if there was other stuff happening.
No.. its the opposite of what you said... its gotten much more humane with less collateral damage... sad that anyone would ever lie and say what you just said. ~former US Soldier
Unfortunately, some units of the German army DID massacre Belgian citizens in WW1 - I'm sorry, I can't remember the names of the towns and villages, but it is definitely on record. I think towards the end of hostilities.
I think nothing would've changed, because he was an obsessive individual who was suffering from multiple mental disorders. On the other hand, he had always felt jealousy and hated the Jews. That was enough motive to feed his ideology.
Er hatte keinen Schulabschluss, er hatte keine Berufsausbildung -- Fast wie heute bei einigen Politikern. Da sieht man wieder mal, auch ohne was zu können kann man es weit bringen
To understand you need to learn what were the real reasons for WW1 and that there were no goodies, but only baddies. To know the absurdities of the Treaty of Versailles and its consequences for the German people. When people understand that even WW2 had nothing to do with democracy as the main participants were brutal colonizers including the USA which at the time was an apartheid plutocracy still committing genocide against indigenous and black populations, UK and France committing atrocities against the colonies. Only then you can understand what has happened.
Yes . Keep in mind that everyone in the us is conditioned to view things in black and white context from birth. There’s Good and there’s evil. Fuck grey areas. Freedom fries terrorists die. What are you a communist!!!! Nah you’re a socialist. Nah your probably just gay!!!😂😂😏😬🫣. If you don’t like it you can just get out 👍. They took our jobs!!!! Soo insecure. Soo fragile are the false selves (egos). Programming. Most People don’t want to increase their intelligence. They just simply want to belong to some kind of group identity. To want to feel like they belong to something. Tribal. At any cost. That bothers me……. No independent thought…..
You don't know history do you ...90% of so called natives died due to disease brought over by the Europeans..they also weren't some homogeneous peaceful existing people... They raped they pillaged they killed they also held slaves did you know that???? The white man brought civilization here where there was none! There's a reason they were called "savages"
When people like you,understand what had happened in Namibia,Herero and Namaqua genocide,1904-1908 Before you lecture others,do your homework thoroughly,will you?
He was a Typical Politician, only a little more exaggerated. He believed a lie, many people do. The masses followed him whom they knew nothing about, just as the masses have done for ages & still do. Same things going on right now.
The British started WWII and destroyed themselves as a result. They manipulated Poland into refusing to sell or give Germany the Danzig corridor. Germany was willing to go to war for it and the British were counting on it.
Well, I've known many people that are fanatics with dogs and are bad people. I have witnessed people that are dog lovers and treat dogs like humans, however, they treat humans like dogs. Just like Hitler. I have seen it with my own eyes. These are facts. Amazing!
Иронично, мы всё это проходили в истории, и тем не менее происходит то, что происходит, кучка жуликов и воров захватила власть в России, назвала себя государством и ценой будущего страны удовлетворяет свои амбиции. Но кто привел воров к власти и потакал? Десятилетиями с Путиным торговали, прекрасно понимая кто это, наобещали ему каких-то плюшек, накачали деньгами и ресурсами, проглотили узурпацию власти, политические репрессии, нападение и оккупацию территорий в 2014 году, одобрив агрессию, продолжали торговать и поставлять компоненты для оружия. Всё проходило ровно так же с Гитлером - даже территории других стран ему скормили на мюнхенском сговоре, что не остановило. Удобно устроились - доят Россию через клептократов, которые деньги за продажу ресурсов тупо разворовывали, оставляли там же, куда продавали. Только вот как и в то время, их холуй вышел из под контроля и направил своё оружие против них. И теперь навводили санкций против простых людей, пока в ракетах до сих пор находят западные компоненты, а воры владеют виллами на средиземноморье. Ничему история не учит. Ответят ли те, кто потакал путинскому режиму вместе с Путиным перед судом?
Всё Циклично, Каждая Эпоха, Заканчивается Битвой Космического Размаха, между Добром и Злом, Мы живём в Двойственном Мире! То, Что Происходило в конце Двапараюга, Происходит Сейчас, в конце Времён Калиюга! Хотя Всё Царство Принадлежало Пандавам, Сыны Богов, Дурьетхана, сын слепого царя, Двоюродный Брат Пандавам, Даже, Две Деревни, Пожалел отдать Братьям Пандавам! Сам Господь, Стал Дипломатом за Мирные Переговоры, Между Братьями, Но, Дурьетхана Отказался, Началась Великая Битва Махабхарата, на Поле Боя Курукшетра! Тома Переведены, Какое Оружие Применялось в Битве! Востоковед Кальянов,, Махабхарата,,! Но....О Самом Важном,, Все, Кто Погиб на Поле Курукшетра, Получили Что-то Благое, Кто-то Получил Освобождение Мокша, Кто-то Поднялся на Высшие Миры, Все, Хорошие и Плохие, Получили Что-то Благое ❤ Ведические Духовные Знания. ,,Я, Единственный, Который Наслаждается Всеми Жертвоприношениями и Плодами Подвижничества, Я, Верховный Повелитель Всего, Планет, Миров и Полубогов, а Также Близкий Друг Вам, Тот Кто Понял Это и Принял Это, Воистину, Обретает Это, Обладает Умиротворением ❤ Ведические Духовные Знания, Которые Творец Дал Всему Человечеству, Сохранились и Переведены с санскрита на многие языки Мира! Это Его Сценарий, Его План, Его Игра! Никто Не Останется В Стороне, Все, Будут Воевать Друг с Другом, В Конце Времён! Все , Американцы Русские Евреи Арабы Японцы Узбеки Украинцы Один Род-Человечество! Все Дороги Творцу, Все Его Клетки, Атомы незримы, Кто-то Играет Отрицательную роль, Кто-то Положительную, Но Все Вернёмся Домой, Кто-то Раньше, Кто-то Позже, Но Все, У Творца Столько Вселенных Миллиарды На Нас У Него Огромные Планы ❤ Ведические Духовные Знания. ,,Россия, Одна из Самых Драгоценных Жемчужин в Моем Вселенском Ожерелье, Именно Отсюда, Начнётся Возрождение, Золотой Век на Земле, вместе с Индией, Она Станет Духовным Лидером, Для Всех Стран и Народов ❤ Истина Сатья
В Духовный Мир, Мы, Не Возьмём, Ни золота ни виил ни денег ни Родственников, Только, Свои Поступки! Темный Период Живём, НО и Самый Благостный, Карма, Свой Крест, Отрабатывается Быстрее, Поверни Ключ Вправо ❤ К Богу ,, Травинка не Шелохнется, Без Воли Господа!" Ненадежные, Будут Убраны из Игры Творца! Он, Свои Планы Не Меняет! ,,Не Заботьтесь о Мире, Мир, Сам о Себе Позаботится!" Сказал Творец, Создавая Вселенную❤
j' ai un gros reproche à faire , un titre en français (racoleur) et les dialogues en anglais , qui plus est ne me laisse pas le temps de lire t ' en ils passent vite , j' en conclus l' inutilité de suivre ce documentaire qui sonne toute à l' air très intéressant
Слышала, что он в каком-то смысле бастард по отношению к Ротшильдам. Кто-то из его предков ( кажется, бабушка) работала в их доме в качестве прислуги. Если это верно, то, возможно, кое-что об'ясняет в его "взлёте"😊.
I entirely agree! But didn't want to say anything. This is especially so when all (most of) the comments are glowing. The "music", that relentless bell-like ringing, (piano?) is most annoying, as well as the general noise in the background. Good comment!
Did you expect truth from a RUclips documentary? Not one evidence here that was a notorious liar . What’s the harm to give unbiased documtary ? Not that im taking sides .
WW11 was a continuation of the 14!18 war. In my opinion. What is clear to me at least, by the late 1930's, Europe must have still been suffering in trauma, you only have to visit Flanders/Ypres to realise that. RIP... Our brave Tommies
The only question left for America do we slide with grace into a less powerful world position like the UK? Or do we take world peace an many lives with use trying to rule over the world like Germany?
The 'either or' of your question is only two of all the most radical of the possibilities before us. Right now, our greatest threat is the leaning towards authoritarianism that many are embracing, whether or not they admit it. We have many who are choosing to focus their dissatisfaction on our domestic disagreements, instead of seeking common ground - this is for the purpose of keeping us distracted while they dismantle the republic by the people and for the people. If we stand divided, we become weaker in the eyes of the rest of the world. Let's get our house in order and the rest will follow suit.
On sort tous de nulle part... Hitler était un observateur, et un orateur, loin d'être bête. il su tirer partie d'un peuple en souffrance qui a vue en lui un libérateur... On connaît la suite.
My God the music score behind this is so creepy it's really unnerving I guess it fits perfectly for the subject matter 😆 even though our world has produced even worse monsters than Hitler he'll always be the first on the list LOL I wonder why that is??????? Does anyone have any explanation for this !!!!!
Really? I never saw alot of this stuff. Must Hitler docs just say he got angry about art school an turned evil. This one accurately describes how a normal ass dude slowly became a monster could be helpful to are current world.
Bitte eine super Doku, aber.... Was sind das für vertrottelte Auspixelungen ???? Ich finde diese ekelhafte Zwangszensurierung einfach nur mehr zum Kotzen! Damit habt ihr diese Doku kaputt gemacht.
Так трогательно! Спасибо. Очеловечивать людей, чтобы лучше их понимать и то, что от них происходит. Ведь Гитлер не просто так стал отцом нации и общепризнанным величайшим злодеем. Он прошел сложный и трудный путь становления. Не все смогли. Например, Шарль Де Голль с детства был фашистом. Его отец, учитель и так далее были фашистами, кагулярами. Но Де Голль не смог развиться, возвыситься, хотя его книгу "На острии шпаги" ценил Гитлер, а его методичку по изъянам во французской армии издали и внедрили во все военные училища Германии. Только боагодаря Черчиллю Де Голль вынырнул из небытия, спас Европу от коммунизма и стал героем Франции.
Muy interesante documental de la infancia de este personaje. Era un frustrado estudiante, su rechazo en la Academia de Bellas Artes , pobreza , falta de oportunidades ,marcado antisemitismo y el Tratado de Versalles eran la semilla de lo que vino despues.
His father abused him. When he was two years old, he was beaten into a coma by his father. He was unconscious for 48 hours. I am not defending Hitler I am asking when are we going to pay more attention to child abuse?
Pues describes a muchas personas que pudieron o pasaron por esas situación no creo que en México haya muchas oportunidades y mucho menos en los gobiernos anteriores, simplemente propaganda judía los dueños del mundo, mentes y criterios, ellos ganaron, todo para el ganador hasta la historia, todos tenemos un negro pasado, ejemplo Stalin y así todos.
@@jaxh3449He wants to say that,Until Hitler seized power there was many people who helped Hitler to came into Power.And Hitler was Financialezed by American magnates like Henry Ford,GM,Herman Goëring..
@@jaxh3449Hitler and the Nazi party had financial backers un the US. Henry Ford... Union Banking Corporation... The Bush Family.. they all have blood on their hands.
@@jaxh3449 Have you ever heard about Abteilung III, and captain Karl Mayr? End of March 1919.Focus on this period and A.H.short romance with communists.
Had the allies lost the biggest thug would have been Churchill. He killed as many Bengalis in 1943 as hitler killed Jews in gas chambers. Both were equally bad and both should be demonised. Why Churchill is glorified? He is not saint but he won and as they say history is written by victors not the vanquished.
El idioma español hablarlo me enfurece y mucho, no lo acabo de entender el francés me resulta empalagoso y el acento alemán muy fuerte alto de volumen con lo cual el inglés es más cercano incluso no lo es...❤
@user-gc2jt1vf4c Yep. He certainly is. Have you heard of the man made Bengal famine? At least 3 million were deliberately starved to death on Churchills orders, just like the Ukrainians? When told by a concerned lady at a party, "Thousands have already starved and many thousands more will die!" Churchill between cigar puffs replied, "They are beastly people with a beastly religion. " " Fuck them, they're only wogs." And that's the person Piers Morgan defended against a Scottish Green MSP. Piers Morgan is a notorious nasty swine. He called the young red-headed Scottish MSP(Member of the Scottish Parliament), a ginger headed Scottish turd.
great doc, but as others pointed out, it isnt what the man was but who trusted powers to him, if he was killed in for example the great war, some other would have been in to make similar. IMHO
Mi madre biológica siii acarició mi padre con lo cual malos tratos lo dudo, me abandonó por orden de mi padre, era un bebé con mucho pelo grande tamaño y luego en el Colegio era la más bajita para luego crecer incluso con 21 años segui creciendo, me escapé Londres...que me bautizaron cristiana en otra ciudad para no dar que hablar❤
Believe or not Hitler's puppy during the first war was a stray English fox terrier named Foxl the most loyal dog Hitler ever had next to Blondi during the second world war Very interesting story about a soldier and his faithful dog 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕
Адольф Гитлер был на самом деле Адольфом Шикльгрубером, но взял фамилию деда, потому что "Шикльгрубер" - длинно и звучит для немецкого уха несколько комично.
رغم ذالك فقد صعد الى الحكم عبر الانتخابات والديمقروطيه المقيته الى سدة الحكم. من هنا نستنتج ان الديمقراطية التي صدع الغرب بها رؤوسنا. ماهي إلا وهم ونفاق وخديعه. كفره
A very good documentary with suitable and aptly edited videos.
Congratulations on a excellent documentary! 👍
He was basically a hippie in his youth. Artist, vegetarian, no job. With a little weed WWII may have never happened.
Tell that Churchill.
Well, he was born on 4/20 Day. And he did just about every other drug, so who knows for sure that he didn't smoke weed?
He probably did. He was on coke, meth , opiates, steroids, etc.
@@mattysquizzato7094 good point. Why wouldn't he smoke weed? Then again who wants to play war while smoking a joint?
@@bogbody9952 Well, if you look at the war from a tactical perspective from basically 1942 onward......this guy must have been BAKED. His strategy left a lot to be desired.
Thank you for posting this interesting and informative documentary. I love RUclips. Richard in Dallas
I am sure if Hitler had won the WWII, you would had made a movie about the bad things & the wrong behaviors of "Winston Churchill" & many other allied countries... Sometimes I think history is a good teacher but people don't learn anything from it... As Hitler said in one of his speeches: "As long as we win, nobody will ask any questions, only the losers will be criticized"
Evil and madness never win in the long term.....
The thing is he has been proven correct about what would happen to Europe
You sounds like a treasonous Trump voter
@@KronnangDunn You´re wrong: THEY DO !!! - Just take slight look at our world today......... !!!
@@KronnangDunnevil did win
Gracias por este documental.👍
I too love propaganda.
Interesting and informative. Excellent photography job enabling viewers to better understand what/whom the orator was describing. Special thanks to relatives/neighbors teachers sharing personal information/experiences relating to Aldolph's younger/adolescent growing up years. Along with his military service described by veteran soldiers whom he served with.
One can take a moment to appreciate the calligraphy used in official documents in an era before typewriters and printers.
love the old footage.. 16 horses to pull a machine.. i downloaded just for the old footage collection.
Ich "liebe" "Dokus" die damit anfangen, einem zu sagen, was er über die präsentierten Sachen zu denken hat. Nennt sich Framing.
Хорошо сказано
Genau! Es macht z.B. keinen Unterschied ,ob Hitler deutsch oder österreichisch war.
A Sad and Private Puppy...Amazing... Best Video..very..inspiring...greetings from a traditional gold seeker🇮🇩🌸🌼👍👍
One quote from Mein Kampf which would clarify Hitler's attitude towards Jews in the military during the first world war was part of his account of convalescence from his wound. He wrote, "Every Jew was a clerk, and every clerk was a Jew." Under his early administration, Jews were excluded from public office with one important exception. Any Jew who had actually fought at the front lines could keep his job.
Actually there were many Jews in the service of the German army and especlially in the Austrio Hungarian army during WW 1. I had the priviledge of meeting in New York 4 Jews out of the total of 5 WW 1 veterans in the 1950s to the early 1970s. 4 of them were Jews . Very interesting stories they had to tell of their experiences. It is interesting to note that in WW II the German army, airforce and Navy had around 150,000 soldiers of jewish decent.Not often talked about but very highly documented. Actually was aired on the History Channel for a short period of time.
In my home. Town l played with my cousins who served in WW1 their grandfather was blind from the mustard gas😎
The James Murphy 1939 English translation.@@PSvGi
Фашизмът си е фашизъм, независимо дали се проповядва от австриец или от евреин. Предава се и по наследство. Бедната урсула😅
"The Jewish officer could not get out of him the reason for his hatred of Jews". Meaning Jewish officers were friendly to him. The answer is that he was as a lad knocked to the ground in a spat. A young couple on the street bumped into him. He was asked and showed them his art piece samples. The lass was Jewish and in short said that he hadn't much of a future in art. He exploded at her with an anti Jewish expletive, but thereupon was knocked to the ground by lass's boyfriend who years later was shocked to see picture of him taking over as Nazi leader. Above based on info. passed on by lad to his father and passed on to a friend who passed it on to his son (a rabbi), etc.
Ни одного комментария о благодарности и Вечной памяти советскому солдату. Европейцы, мы знаем - чего вы стОите!
монголо-татар тоже надо благодарить русским, что те спасли от завоевания тевтонами?
@@DmitryVSokolov ...скачи дальше...;)
@inarina881 ...херь...)
@inarina881 Твой псевдоним...;)
@inarina881 ...пустое...Учи русский...)
Winners write history, winners publish history, winners own history, and most of us know only what the winners want us to know
I've read tons of history written by the losers.
Look up this documentary: Europa - The Last Battle.
What? They teach WW2 history in german schools today, with books that were written by German authors. I know because my children go to German school.
@@patriciaquintela899 German authors have to write in accordance with the victors. Most of them have internalized the commands of their oppressors. I know, for I went to school in Germany and later studied history at a German university. It wasn't until I left Germany for South America when I was able to talk and teach freely.
Except from the defeated German generals who wrote most of the history about the war on USSR.
He must be turning in his grave with what is happening to Europe.
N0 doubt.
Would have never turned out the way it did if he hadn’t invaded Russia. Every single invasion of Russia ends in tears and gnashed teeth. ‘I was wrong, Russia ain’t worth it’ is the lesson from Hitler, Napoleon, and Charles XII.
Er hat mit seine Freundschaft/Beziehung zur Islam letztendlich bis Heute beigetragen zur der Heutige demografische Situation beigetragen...
Turning in his grave in Argebtina because of all the lies told about him.....
L'occidente avrebbe bisogno di lui in questi tempi
شكرا جزيلا على هذه الوثائقيات
Reading between the lines one can see a rather normal life of the times resulting in the product of those times, a confused eastern Europe looking for their own identity, rising to power and caught up in the madness of that power and the times. But of course we write the history so read between the lines as you Will? Quite interesting little biography though 👍 thx. ✌️.
.....darüber hinaus muss aber erwähnt werden, daß die gezeigten Aufnahmen und Info durchaus gelungen sind !
At 3:09 the date in the subtitles is wrong...in the subtitles "1987" is mentionned, the voice in the video says "1874"...please correct!
Unerklärlich ist mir auch wie Bearbock, Habeck oder Feaser an ihre Posten gekommen sind.
You keep uploading the same documentary with different titles 🤔
Oh it's the same one ? Thanks for pointing that out
What? This is my favorite documentary by far. Every day there seems to be a new world war II documentary but it is all basically the same this one is by far the best
Excellent! Very informative!
Bravo! Убедительно, четко. Спасибо.
It seems the second WW War took things to a new level. It killed civilians like never before and has not changed since. At least in WW1 it was only soldiers facing off each other’s but we don’t really know if there was other stuff happening.
No.. its the opposite of what you said... its gotten much more humane with less collateral damage... sad that anyone would ever lie and say what you just said. ~former US Soldier
Oh yes,We do know.
Read about Herero and Namaqua genocide in Namibia,1904-1908
Unfortunately, some units of the German army DID massacre Belgian citizens in WW1 - I'm sorry, I can't remember the names of the towns and villages, but it is definitely on record. I think towards the end of hostilities.
@paddyleblanci don’t think your numbers are correct 🥴
The lack of an air war is what saved many civilians but errant artillery cost plenty of lives.
question what would’ve happened if Hitler had been excepted at Vienna’s art school😂
I think nothing would've changed, because he was an obsessive individual who was suffering from multiple mental disorders. On the other hand, he had always felt jealousy and hated the Jews. That was enough motive to feed his ideology.
Yep, never aggravate an artist. They tend to take things very personally.
Excepted?? He was not *accepted*.
expecto patronum!@@peterpiper7441
Mo@@peterpiper7441mo UTC mo mo mo
Er hatte keinen Schulabschluss, er hatte keine Berufsausbildung -- Fast wie heute bei einigen Politikern. Da sieht man wieder mal, auch ohne was zu können kann man es weit bringen
Ich hoffe, die Geschichte wiederholt sich nicht mehr als das
he had two iron crosses in WW1 - he bled for Germany
To understand you need to learn what were the real reasons for WW1 and that there were no goodies, but only baddies. To know the absurdities of the Treaty of Versailles and its consequences for the German people. When people understand that even WW2 had nothing to do with democracy as the main participants were brutal colonizers including the USA which at the time was an apartheid plutocracy still committing genocide against indigenous and black populations, UK and France committing atrocities against the colonies. Only then you can understand what has happened.
Sounds like something a Nazi would say.
Yes . Keep in mind that everyone in the us is conditioned to view things in black and white context from birth. There’s Good and there’s evil. Fuck grey areas. Freedom fries terrorists die. What are you a communist!!!! Nah you’re a socialist. Nah your probably just gay!!!😂😂😏😬🫣. If you don’t like it you can just get out 👍. They took our jobs!!!!
Soo insecure. Soo fragile are the false selves (egos). Programming.
Most People don’t want to increase their intelligence. They just simply want to belong to some kind of group identity. To want to feel like they belong to something. Tribal. At any cost. That bothers me……. No independent thought…..
You don't know history do you ...90% of so called natives died due to disease brought over by the Europeans..they also weren't some homogeneous peaceful existing people... They raped they pillaged they killed they also held slaves did you know that???? The white man brought civilization here where there was none! There's a reason they were called "savages"
@@thegreatone11 ok shoot. I have ears to listen.
When people like you,understand what had happened in Namibia,Herero and Namaqua genocide,1904-1908
Before you lecture others,do your homework thoroughly,will you?
He was a Typical Politician, only a little more exaggerated. He believed a lie, many people do. The masses followed him whom they knew nothing about, just as the masses have done for ages & still do. Same things going on right now.
More like the chieftains of history.
Try spelling his name correctly, Adolf, not Adolph.
The British started WWII and destroyed themselves as a result. They manipulated Poland into refusing to sell or give Germany the Danzig corridor. Germany was willing to go to war for it and the British were counting on it.
Could not hear half of the words due to loude music..Otherwise great docu.
I agree! Well said.
Its a music documentary.
This channel will delete comments if you say you love someone it doesn’t approve. We are not a free people.
Music is way too loud, can barely hear narration at some points
huh... wha??
I’ve never known an animal lover to be a bad person
Your assumption is correct.
But People want to believe that this man is bad;
Even if he made alot of mistakes, he wasn't.
Think again.
Lastima que Hitler si amaba tanto sus Pastores Alemanes! Descalificacion de la regla!!!
Well, I've known many people that are fanatics with dogs and are bad people. I have witnessed people that are dog lovers and treat dogs like humans, however, they treat humans like dogs. Just like Hitler. I have seen it with my own eyes. These are facts. Amazing!
?? Crazy. Bullshit ... we Love. Autobahn
Иронично, мы всё это проходили в истории, и тем не менее происходит то, что происходит, кучка жуликов и воров захватила власть в России, назвала себя государством и ценой будущего страны удовлетворяет свои амбиции.
Но кто привел воров к власти и потакал? Десятилетиями с Путиным торговали, прекрасно понимая кто это, наобещали ему каких-то плюшек, накачали деньгами и ресурсами, проглотили узурпацию власти, политические репрессии, нападение и оккупацию территорий в 2014 году, одобрив агрессию, продолжали торговать и поставлять компоненты для оружия. Всё проходило ровно так же с Гитлером - даже территории других стран ему скормили на мюнхенском сговоре, что не остановило.
Удобно устроились - доят Россию через клептократов, которые деньги за продажу ресурсов тупо разворовывали, оставляли там же, куда продавали. Только вот как и в то время, их холуй вышел из под контроля и направил своё оружие против них. И теперь навводили санкций против простых людей, пока в ракетах до сих пор находят западные компоненты, а воры владеют виллами на средиземноморье. Ничему история не учит.
Ответят ли те, кто потакал путинскому режиму вместе с Путиным перед судом?
Tudo por conveniencia e poder. Alimentam o leão até ele os comer.
Those who killed Christ will get their reward
Всё Циклично, Каждая Эпоха, Заканчивается Битвой Космического Размаха, между Добром и Злом, Мы живём в Двойственном Мире! То, Что Происходило в конце Двапараюга, Происходит Сейчас, в конце Времён Калиюга! Хотя Всё Царство Принадлежало Пандавам, Сыны Богов, Дурьетхана, сын слепого царя, Двоюродный Брат Пандавам, Даже, Две Деревни, Пожалел отдать Братьям Пандавам! Сам Господь, Стал Дипломатом за Мирные Переговоры, Между Братьями, Но, Дурьетхана Отказался, Началась Великая Битва Махабхарата, на Поле Боя Курукшетра! Тома Переведены, Какое Оружие Применялось в Битве! Востоковед Кальянов,, Махабхарата,,! Но....О Самом Важном,, Все, Кто Погиб на Поле Курукшетра, Получили Что-то Благое, Кто-то Получил Освобождение Мокша, Кто-то Поднялся на Высшие Миры, Все, Хорошие и Плохие, Получили Что-то Благое ❤ Ведические Духовные Знания. ,,Я, Единственный, Который Наслаждается Всеми Жертвоприношениями и Плодами Подвижничества, Я, Верховный Повелитель Всего, Планет, Миров и Полубогов, а Также Близкий Друг Вам, Тот Кто Понял Это и Принял Это, Воистину, Обретает Это, Обладает Умиротворением ❤ Ведические Духовные Знания, Которые Творец Дал Всему Человечеству, Сохранились и Переведены с санскрита на многие языки Мира! Это Его Сценарий, Его План, Его Игра! Никто Не Останется В Стороне, Все, Будут Воевать Друг с Другом, В Конце Времён! Все , Американцы Русские Евреи Арабы Японцы Узбеки Украинцы Один Род-Человечество! Все Дороги Творцу, Все Его Клетки, Атомы незримы, Кто-то Играет Отрицательную роль, Кто-то Положительную, Но Все Вернёмся Домой, Кто-то Раньше, Кто-то Позже, Но Все, У Творца Столько Вселенных Миллиарды На Нас У Него Огромные Планы ❤ Ведические Духовные Знания. ,,Россия, Одна из Самых Драгоценных Жемчужин в Моем Вселенском Ожерелье, Именно Отсюда, Начнётся Возрождение, Золотой Век на Земле, вместе с Индией, Она Станет Духовным Лидером, Для Всех Стран и Народов ❤ Истина Сатья
В Духовный Мир, Мы, Не Возьмём, Ни золота ни виил ни денег ни Родственников, Только, Свои Поступки! Темный Период Живём, НО и Самый Благостный, Карма, Свой Крест, Отрабатывается Быстрее, Поверни Ключ Вправо ❤ К Богу ,, Травинка не Шелохнется, Без Воли Господа!" Ненадежные, Будут Убраны из Игры Творца! Он, Свои Планы Не Меняет! ,,Не Заботьтесь о Мире, Мир, Сам о Себе Позаботится!" Сказал Творец, Создавая Вселенную❤
Seems like what is playing out in the USA.
Hitler, Putin, Trump.
History always repeats itself.
j' ai un gros reproche à faire , un titre en français (racoleur) et les dialogues en anglais , qui plus est ne me laisse pas le temps de lire t ' en ils passent vite , j' en conclus l' inutilité de suivre ce documentaire qui sonne toute à l' air très intéressant
Kehidupan masa lampau yang sungguh indah tapi tidak ingin terulang❤
Oh die umpa lumpas melden sich auch zur Sache
Слышала, что он в каком-то смысле бастард по отношению к Ротшильдам. Кто-то из его предков ( кажется, бабушка) работала в их доме в качестве прислуги. Если это верно, то, возможно, кое-что об'ясняет в его "взлёте"😊.
What’s with the bloody background music
The sound mix is terrible. The narration is hard to hear.
The music and background dubbing constantly clash with the narrators, sometimes drowning them out completely.
yeah almost unwatchable
There are subtitles
@@ejrjdje6297 True, but AI subtitles are sometimes idiotic & make a hash of names.
I entirely agree! But didn't want to say anything. This is especially so when all (most of) the comments are glowing. The "music", that relentless bell-like ringing, (piano?) is most annoying, as well as the general noise in the background.
Good comment!
He didn't die in the bunker. He worked a full time job in the trenches.
Did you expect truth from a RUclips documentary? Not one evidence here that was a notorious liar . What’s the harm to give unbiased documtary ? Not that im taking sides .
Und wie ist die Bärbock an die Macht gekommen?
Karl Lueger's name isn't pronounced Loo-egg-er; it's pronounced Lue-ger.
I don’t care what they say about his service to spend 42 of 51 months on the front lines.that’s says a lot
He was a slacker because he should have done 51 out of 51.
@@Oath_Keeper1979u did 0 Burger king worker😂
@@Ehrle6969Good analogy. Hitler was like a fast food worker who after four *years couldn’t get promoted and was still working the fry station.
Actually says nothing.
Donald Trump dodged the draft and not one single member of his extended family ever served anything but their own self-interests. That says a lot.
Ông không hút thuốc ông không uống rượu, ông không tham nhũng.ông suốt đời lo cho dân tộc và quốc gia.
Very good documentary, but the audio mix is terrible.
WW11 was a continuation of the 14!18 war. In my opinion. What is clear to me at least, by the late 1930's, Europe must have still been suffering in trauma, you only have to visit Flanders/Ypres to realise that. RIP... Our brave Tommies
And brave Germans. They were all cannonfodder alike. Those in power don't care shit about their subjects.
The only question left for America do we slide with grace into a less powerful world position like the UK? Or do we take world peace an many lives with use trying to rule over the world like Germany?
The 'either or' of your question is only two of all the most radical of the possibilities before us. Right now, our greatest threat is the leaning towards authoritarianism that many are embracing, whether or not they admit it. We have many who are choosing to focus their dissatisfaction on our domestic disagreements, instead of seeking common ground - this is for the purpose of keeping us distracted while they dismantle the republic by the people and for the people. If we stand divided, we become weaker in the eyes of the rest of the world. Let's get our house in order and the rest will follow suit.
@@latebloomer7191red iz haosa 😁
Couldn't agree more.
I never knew A.H. turned down promotions!?!
On sort tous de nulle part...
Hitler était un observateur, et un orateur, loin d'être bête.
il su tirer partie d'un peuple en souffrance qui a vue en lui un libérateur...
On connaît la suite.
In der englischen Fassung wurde aus Nichte Kusine.
Er war nicht Obdachlos und verdiente sich seinen Lebensunterhalt mit Malerei.
My God the music score behind this is so creepy it's really unnerving I guess it fits perfectly for the subject matter 😆 even though our world has produced even worse monsters than Hitler he'll always be the first on the list LOL I wonder why that is??????? Does anyone have any explanation for this !!!!!
He started the worst war in human history and basically brought the apocalypse. Who is worse than that? There’s a reason he’s no. 1.
Ce documentaire est intéressant. Malheureusement, il y a énormément de fautes dans les sous-titres en français. Vraiment dommage.
Lerne Deutsch!!!!!!
@@tonybrunner673...lerne Du erstmal Englisch noch besser gleich türkisch für deine Zukunft, Du Depp
Really doesn't add anything that other videos don't already cover.
Really? I never saw alot of this stuff. Must Hitler docs just say he got angry about art school an turned evil. This one accurately describes how a normal ass dude slowly became a monster could be helpful to are current world.
Do others have such great relevant contemporary footage and photos that compliment the narration perfectly?
You have a chip on ya shoulder that's ok
Bitte eine super Doku, aber.... Was sind das für vertrottelte Auspixelungen ???? Ich finde diese ekelhafte Zwangszensurierung einfach nur mehr zum Kotzen! Damit habt ihr diese Doku kaputt gemacht.
RUclips has to comply with EU demands or be banned from these countries ...please complain to EU about censorship
Так трогательно! Спасибо.
Очеловечивать людей, чтобы лучше их понимать и то, что от них происходит.
Ведь Гитлер не просто так стал отцом нации и общепризнанным величайшим злодеем. Он прошел сложный и трудный путь становления.
Не все смогли.
Например, Шарль Де Голль с детства был фашистом. Его отец, учитель и так далее были фашистами, кагулярами. Но Де Голль не смог развиться, возвыситься, хотя его книгу "На острии шпаги" ценил Гитлер, а его методичку по изъянам во французской армии издали и внедрили во все военные училища Германии. Только боагодаря Черчиллю Де Голль вынырнул из небытия, спас Европу от коммунизма и стал героем Франции.
путлер тоже смог стать достойным наследником гитлера. Пожалуй , он еще более мерзкий.
Oh, wie konnte er nur an die Macht kommen ohne Schulabschluss? Guckt euch doch die Grünen an, dann wisst ihr es.😂😂😂
Die gleiche Rethorik.
Мда .......смотришь на фюрера и понимаешь ,что перед тобой - "настоящий ариец "!..............😮😅
Не давайте ничтожным невеждами власть, люди!
Muy interesante documental de la infancia de este personaje. Era un frustrado estudiante, su rechazo en la Academia de Bellas Artes , pobreza , falta de oportunidades ,marcado antisemitismo y el Tratado de Versalles eran la semilla de lo que vino despues.
His father abused him. When he was two years old, he was beaten into a coma by his father. He was unconscious for 48 hours. I am not defending Hitler I am asking when are we going to pay more attention to child abuse?
Pues describes a muchas personas que pudieron o pasaron por esas situación no creo que en México haya muchas oportunidades y mucho menos en los gobiernos anteriores, simplemente propaganda judía los dueños del mundo, mentes y criterios, ellos ganaron, todo para el ganador hasta la historia, todos tenemos un negro pasado, ejemplo Stalin y así todos.
Auch das Fast-Tot-Geschlagen-Werden durch seinen Vater so oft, Alkoholismus des Vaters.
Stalin, selbes Vater-Trauma.
March 28-1874,correct the date which shows 1987.
Wow!...He came to power, what without any help from??...Really good regurgitation of the narrative!!...LOL
What do you mean? Can you please explain? I want to learn more about it.
@@jaxh3449He wants to say that,Until Hitler seized power there was many people who helped Hitler to came into Power.And Hitler was Financialezed by American magnates like Henry Ford,GM,Herman Goëring..
@@jaxh3449Hitler and the Nazi party had financial backers un the US. Henry Ford... Union Banking Corporation... The Bush Family.. they all have blood on their hands.
Have you ever heard about Abteilung III, and captain Karl Mayr? End of March 1919.Focus on this period and A.H.short romance with communists.
Biggest warlord was Winston Churchill..........
Had the allies lost the biggest thug would have been Churchill. He killed as many Bengalis in 1943 as hitler killed Jews in gas chambers. Both were equally bad and both should be demonised. Why Churchill is glorified? He is not saint but he won and as they say history is written by victors not the vanquished.
He fucked up big time in WW1, so he was under a lot of pressure. He was a psycho as well. But his PR was better.
Ist doch immer noch so in Deutschland die da das sägen haben viele keinen Abschluss
9:23 that´s not Hitler
You gotta be specific about the word "private" in the title. I didnt know if it was supposed to be "military private" or "pervert."
Frage wenn er keine schulabschlus hatte wie solte er zu akademie kommen ? Also stimmt was nicht mitt euere bericht
watch the last battle Europa
Hi. Where can i find it ? Could you send me that ? With telgram
Перевел название и там- Бездельник и рядовой - Хроники Гитлера _ Документальный фильм
Hi hola desde Vasco ❤
c'est pour rappeler le bon coté de l'Allemagne ?
4:14 Neunzehnhundertneunundachtzig ? Ernsthaft?
El idioma español hablarlo me enfurece y mucho, no lo acabo de entender el francés me resulta empalagoso y el acento alemán muy fuerte alto de volumen con lo cual el inglés es más cercano incluso no lo es...❤
Ohne Abschluss schaffen es immer wieder einige sich durchzuwinden…..🤔🥳
muss uns das besorgt machen , wenn man an die diversen Grünen ohne Abschluss oder ohne Historie denkt?!
"A notorius liar and an unscrupulous man." I thought they were talking about Boris Johnson?
Winston Churchill is not far behind
@user-gc2jt1vf4c Yep. He certainly is. Have you heard of the man made Bengal famine? At least 3 million were deliberately starved to death on Churchills orders, just like the Ukrainians?
When told by a concerned lady at a party, "Thousands have already starved and many thousands more will die!" Churchill between cigar puffs replied, "They are beastly people with a beastly religion. " " Fuck them, they're only wogs." And that's the person Piers Morgan defended against a Scottish Green MSP. Piers Morgan is a notorious nasty swine. He called the young red-headed Scottish MSP(Member of the Scottish Parliament), a ginger headed Scottish turd.
Passados 80 anos, foi tão horrível que parece que foi ontem.
Yes. I agree.
Where in all this narrative is Schickelgruber?
Very good point. Heil Schickelgruber might not ever have caught on
great doc, but as others pointed out, it isnt what the man was but who trusted powers to him, if he was killed in for example the great war, some other would have been in to make similar. IMHO
Mi madre biológica siii acarició mi padre con lo cual malos tratos lo dudo, me abandonó por orden de mi padre, era un bebé con mucho pelo grande tamaño y luego en el Colegio era la más bajita para luego crecer incluso con 21 años segui creciendo, me escapé Londres...que me bautizaron cristiana en otra ciudad para no dar que hablar❤
Didn’t have a higher education but led the country to power 🤔🤫
the audio track is terrible; the narrator is almost impossible to understand
I wanted to hear about the puppy but didn't!
Yes,you did.A.H.was a sick puppy.
Believe or not Hitler's puppy during the first war was a stray English fox terrier named Foxl the most loyal dog Hitler ever had next to Blondi during the second world war
Very interesting story about a soldier and his faithful dog 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕
@@mariodutra656 That's what I wanted to know about - thanks!
Dogs are a great judge of character
"A soldier and a scroundrel"? Very strange title, because in the picture only the Reichskanzler is shown.
Будет свободное время,обязательно к просмотру.
4:13 20. April 1989 born....????
Awful “music” in the background. What were the producers of this video thinking?
Psychology manipulation!!!!!
1889 nicht 1989
Skal vi til at høre historien om en massemorder set fra hans synspunkt, eller er titlen bare rigtig dårligt oversat?
It’s poorly translated.
6:35 н6еправильный перевод: не расстрелян, а снят, хотя по английски это одно и то же слово shot
Вероятнее всего перевод ИИ.
Адольф Гитлер был на самом деле Адольфом Шикльгрубером, но взял фамилию деда, потому что "Шикльгрубер" - длинно и звучит для немецкого уха несколько комично.
Mi madre española me hace sentirme mareada a las horas comidas 🤔
Others would say he had a song in his heart
Yes and it was "Deutschland uber alles"
رغم ذالك فقد صعد الى الحكم عبر الانتخابات والديمقروطيه المقيته الى سدة الحكم. من هنا نستنتج ان الديمقراطية التي صدع الغرب بها رؤوسنا. ماهي إلا وهم ونفاق وخديعه. كفره
visto e rivisto...
At 4:13 she says Hitler was born at easter 1989😱
Maybe the 2nd coming? Could be among us
poorly subtitled and with no indication of an episode number or sequence
The "musical" sound track is disturbing!
But fitting.