Resident Evil 4 Walkthrough Part 37 - TWO El Gigantes


Комментарии • 259

  • @musicpeje
    @musicpeje 5 лет назад +4

    it´s 2018 and i still love to watch this walkthrough

  • @BrokenMemory87
    @BrokenMemory87 12 лет назад

    This game makes me say "jeeze" and "jesus" a lot too. :P

  • @AhmadAlmohsel
    @AhmadAlmohsel 14 лет назад

    damn the two el gigantes are really hard damn o.o

  • @willie9888
    @willie9888 16 лет назад

    when u first unlock the chicago typewriter do u get to buy it for free or do u have to buy it?

  • @thedeadmunch700
    @thedeadmunch700 12 лет назад


  • @demonns8
    @demonns8 15 лет назад

    you know even if you dunk one of the gigantes in the lava you can still get the 15000 pesetas from it. just exit and re-enter and the money is right there on spot. just thought I'd tell all of you.

  • @Sanjura45
    @Sanjura45 15 лет назад +1

    There are two ways to get a magnum. there is the merchant and a treasury. the merchant only sells two since there are only two in the game. i would suggest getting the broken butterfly instead of the killer 7. the killer 7 looks stronger at first but the exclusive isnt as good as the broken butterfly. the broken butterfly's exclusive is 50.0 fire power. now the merchant is one way. i'll tell the other way in another comment.

  • @penguinmaster2008
    @penguinmaster2008 15 лет назад

    when you get 1 infinite weapon like the CT then you can stay there for hours on end collecting eyes to sell for crap loads of cash

  • @Flamingyawnm
    @Flamingyawnm 16 лет назад

    after i killed one of them with the lava i killed the other one and left the room. then i came back and the money was there!!!

  • @neoparshath
    @neoparshath 14 лет назад

    Leon: "I'm tired of these muthaf*ckin' Insects in this Muthaf*cking mine!"
    Samuel L. Jackson: "Real original..." -_-"

  • @Ninsaru
    @Ninsaru 16 лет назад

    lol i did the impossible i killed one of them with a knife(i ran out of ammo lol) the other one fell into the lava

  • @penguinmaster2008
    @penguinmaster2008 16 лет назад

    if ur playing with normal guns stay and kill the bugs to get eye's for some decent money (if u have the ammo)

  • @Airforce790
    @Airforce790 15 лет назад

    son of a bitch, i had to do that fight twice cause i didnt save. The first ones np, but the second one wastes 3/4 of my ammo sigh...
    A tip for those who didnt buy the rocket launcher: get the striker, and swing across JUST before he shakes the tall platform, and most of the time hell charge at you, run to the side and shoot 3 rounds into him, takes about 3-4 times, then use the broken butterfly on the plaga. Will take 3 times to do

  • @mgc26133
    @mgc26133 13 лет назад

    I kill both Gigantes with knife. I jump down when he's about to shake the platform and I knife him while he's still shaking it. Then I climb up again before he tries to grab me. If the other one comes too close then I slide down to drift one away. Takes time but I kill them all without shooting once. And for the novistadors, if they are flying one hit with knife kills them. Others need absolutely perfect timing. If you have that and enough time and patience, these two parts shouldn't be so hard.

  • @keizerantares
    @keizerantares 15 лет назад

    one tip with normal weapons
    use a flash grenade when the one with the chains is one the thingy
    the operate that
    makes it easy

  • @ashphyxiated
    @ashphyxiated 15 лет назад

    heh heh , that fight was easy.
    I just got past
    But i beat the game like 40 times so .. i guess i might be a little used to it

  • @christrigg1
    @christrigg1 14 лет назад

    for those of you who havent beaten the game yet and use normal weapons, you will need to know this wshen fighting this boss: if you get 1 of them to fall in the lava you will get half the reward money. and once it is in the lava STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM IT UNTIL IT CLOSES! you WILL be grabbed into that thing like a fat kid grabs candy at the store.

  • @Sanjura45
    @Sanjura45 15 лет назад

    The other way is there is a treasury in the castle part. go back to episode 29 after you get ashley back. follow everything this dude does and there will be a room that has 4 treasure chests. you need ashley so you can piggyback and open the door from the other side. that is how you can get the broken butterfly or killer 7. remember! broken butterfly is better!

  • @R3F4N
    @R3F4N 16 лет назад

    Nintendo, dude on this fight, I got both of them on the circle and only 1 went, that was cheap, I think it was so that we can't kill them that fast O and for those who keep on getting pulled into the lava, once one falls in, get the hell away from that circle, for me i went to the door and turned around and start attacking the other one.

  • @trugamer693
    @trugamer693 16 лет назад

    lol ive watched all ur walkthroughs up 2 this point im goin 2 bed rite now but i dropped 1 of the el gigantes into the fire hahaha and the other 1 i used 5 broken butterfly shots 10 shotgun shots and 1 frag grenade took me a long time 2 knife the thing lol but idc i got past it although im worried 5 shotgun shots and i gotta do the bug thing im very worried hope they drop ammo

  • @Titaniaerza15
    @Titaniaerza15 13 лет назад

    lol... my brother was irritated by your talking...
    when you said "where do you things keep coming from" (i think it was when the bug pop out behind you)
    my brother replied from your mouth. he said u talk so much and bugs keep coming outta yah mouth

  • @ResidentEvilShrill
    @ResidentEvilShrill 13 лет назад

    That was the quickest fight there EVER! OMG O.O
    lol, never ever try the lever a second time when youve gotten one of them down the hole. Its frozen. and dont get too close to it before it closes after youve caught one. itll pull you in! O.o

  • @hbkfan4lifeohyea
    @hbkfan4lifeohyea 16 лет назад

    hey when can you buy a chicago typwriter because im on my second playthrough (yes i just bought it like 3 weeks ago im a terrorist) (not really) but i just wanted to know when do you get it is it when you beat it a 2 3 maybe even 5 time

  • @trugamer693
    @trugamer693 16 лет назад

    lol i i dunked 1 n lava and the other 1 i used 10 shotgun rounds 5 broken butterfly rounds a frag grenade and then i knifed him all the way tol he died it took me a long time to do but it was easy either way so... dont make fun of tat 1 dude

  • @christrigg1
    @christrigg1 14 лет назад

    @kyuubi393 a couple parts ago shows the answer. novistadors took her and gave her to salazar. they are going to do a ritual to make her part of the los illuminados and ship her off like a box of twinkies to an island.

  • @inexplicable01
    @inexplicable01 15 лет назад

    LOL you did that whole thing completely wrong. haha. You need to stand on that high platform until one of them shake it...that way you'll have him commited for 2 more seconds. haha Can\'t believe he didn't hit you either

  • @shicyn
    @shicyn 16 лет назад

    i think maybe you shouldve showed a little more strategy with the el gigante fight since it is a walkthrough and all. like maybe tried to trap one in the lava and then shoot one down w the typewriter, you know?

  • @Sanjura45
    @Sanjura45 15 лет назад

    the el gigante fight is hard with norm weapons. it is nice to shoot the el gigantes with the tmp. then take your shotgun or better yet your magnum and shoot the parasite. alot easier than slicing them.

  • @mgc26133
    @mgc26133 13 лет назад

    @WindowsiPodTech I tried and it didnt work. How exactly does that happen? I mean, which door? And is there a time limit to kill the other gigante? Or does it work on PC version?

  • @shicyn
    @shicyn 16 лет назад

    ahhh... how'd i miss that?! (i might have been out of the room on that part, and since i saw two when i came back, i assumed he didn't. i still dont see how i missed it. my bad.

  • @redbiodog
    @redbiodog 16 лет назад

    way too many red
    two things do you have the gun case holder thingy that holds the Wiimote for shooting games and two is this game really that easy with the Chicago Typewriter?

  • @RickMerchantttt
    @RickMerchantttt 16 лет назад

    I'll see??
    While I'm not 100% proud to say...
    ...I know that game inside and out.
    I can play through it in my head. -_-
    It's the only worthwhile game I've got at the moment. =[

  • @sandoval15
    @sandoval15 16 лет назад

    ....(some mumble sound that i can't understand)..
    "I SWEAR TO GOD"...
    hahha! sorry! i can't take the funny-ness anymore! XD

  • @basketball5678
    @basketball5678 16 лет назад

    nice i always like your vids. very funny but i dont get why legend of zelda is called legend of zelda. Its all about link so shouldnt it be better to call it legend of link?

  • @darkemo315
    @darkemo315 15 лет назад

    my friend was on this part and he got 1 el gagantes in the lava nd he was near the gagante nd the gagante grabed him and me and his dad laughed so fucking hard xD

  • @dougiejones33
    @dougiejones33 16 лет назад

    i had a few blue eyes from the bugs when i had this game its pretty nuts but i rather kill them with a 12 bullet shot gun instead of a infinite rocket launcher

  • @saddlar5786
    @saddlar5786 15 лет назад

    its easy just use ur tmp and when they are flying the will die wit one shot from any weapon...hope this helps....yeah...................BOOM HEADSHOT

  • @willdill
    @willdill 15 лет назад

    wow ive been dying for 3 hours trying to get past those god damn pillars...i knew someone one here would have a nice walkthrough thanks bud!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @deathcharge811
    @deathcharge811 13 лет назад

    i remember facing those giants but i forgot if i sent them in the lava. well i think i sent one in the lava and i killed the other with the shotty

  • @futbolluva
    @futbolluva 15 лет назад

    I only watch this walkthrough cuz this guy is pretty funny. using the typewriter kinda ruins a bit of the helpfullness of the walkthrough though.

  • @jrjesus12345
    @jrjesus12345 15 лет назад

    i love fighting those big people with normal wepons i wonder if some one can kill them both wilth a punisher so any ways i love fighting them

  • @hbkfan4lifeohyea
    @hbkfan4lifeohyea 16 лет назад

    oh i know about seperate ways didnt you hear me on my second playthrough but anyway thanks for the help im already at chaper 3 anyway thanks again

  • @GreatHambonio
    @GreatHambonio 16 лет назад

    lol on my first time through i got a blue eye from the second bug i killed and on my second time through i got one from the first bug i killed xD

  • @megamattlolz
    @megamattlolz 16 лет назад

    its impossible anyways
    first of all , when your fighting the u3 and try to knife it , it hits you too fast
    and salazar
    need i say more :P

  • @theslavicharuspex
    @theslavicharuspex 16 лет назад

    Blue eyes are rare?
    I got like 15 of them in the game. I'm counting that bigass room where they steal Ashley and the room you're in in this vid.

  • @trugamer693
    @trugamer693 16 лет назад

    lol ur so classic i believe the original was
    im tired of the mother fuckin snakes on this mother fuckin plane
    lol but i gave u a thums up :)

  • @RickMerchantttt
    @RickMerchantttt 16 лет назад

    If you've beaten the game...
    ...and have the PRL 412 and CT...
    ...why don't you know what's coming up?
    You've been through it before. O_o

  • @omixcordlit
    @omixcordlit 14 лет назад

    one time i ran out of ammo rite b 4 i went through the door and i used my knife and i actullay killed both on my first try it took forever

  • @Kyeojin228
    @Kyeojin228 16 лет назад

    hes not playing with the normal guns because its a CHICAGO TYPEWRITER walkthrough. he said that IN ONE OF THE FIRST EPISODES. sheeesh.

  • @Mikato1
    @Mikato1 16 лет назад

    haha they were coming from everywhere. Lol Jesus and god are always the first thing to come to mind when frusterated so dont worry about it

  • @brothercooper
    @brothercooper 16 лет назад

    I'd like to see you do a narration with the part in Wind Waker whenever you have to battle like thirty of those knight guys in the castle

  • @Fulan9
    @Fulan9 16 лет назад

    kkkkkkkk eu não to entendendo nada do que vocês estão falando kkkkkkkk
    mais tudo bem !

  • @funkyfreak97
    @funkyfreak97 15 лет назад

    1st time i did it, i used up all my healing things, 1nd time, i got hit only twice and i knifed both of them to death, no bullets heh

  • @SuperBlkSlayer
    @SuperBlkSlayer 16 лет назад

    Nice job ^^ I just got the Tommy gun and imma 300k away from the infnite rocket launcher lolz and kikcing the regenerators ass XD

  • @jonus63
    @jonus63 16 лет назад

    LOL is elgigante a species or is he one guy? cuz he has been killed 4 times now i think hes species cuz we saw 2 at the same time

  • @Shield1739
    @Shield1739 15 лет назад

    hey i going to tell u something i speak spanish so...
    it does not said 2 el gigante it said 2 gigantes ( because el is he )

  • @tdubb78
    @tdubb78 15 лет назад

    this video just proves that the chicago typewritter isn't always useful.(El Gigantes).You're funny as crap though.I salute that

  • @penguinpeachy
    @penguinpeachy 14 лет назад

    lol they never stop coming its there cave lol and u saw the size of the eggy thingy lol lots of flys or whatever they r

  • @ChSRocks8
    @ChSRocks8 15 лет назад

    It's Chicago Typewriter, not the TMP
    when i fought them, i used the RPG in one, the other i throwed in the flames xD

  • @alchemyfreak3
    @alchemyfreak3 16 лет назад

    omg i kept getting stomped on by those blocks and i tried over and over again like ten times till i noticed that switch

  • @jackinthecube
    @jackinthecube 16 лет назад

    the thing you get by killing salazars right hand and the thing he got at the end of the video "royal insignia" or somthing

  • @milodude023
    @milodude023 16 лет назад

    Sup man, as i dunno much about video games i wanted to know if this game can be found for pc, BTW too many Ohh god!!! lol

  • @toxicpkayer234
    @toxicpkayer234 12 лет назад

    how come it takes so many hits to kill a chainsaw man so if i put a potato sac over my head i get a bunch of health

  • @dragonlance667
    @dragonlance667 15 лет назад

    no, i wasn't saying that u suck for missing the first time, i didi it too, just saying it only works on one of them.

  • @abundance3895
    @abundance3895 15 лет назад

    theres alot o bug things but its not endless and if you kill them all you get one blue eye from the last one you kill

  • @megamattlolz
    @megamattlolz 16 лет назад

    i must admit that fight is hard without the typewriter , or upgraded guns etc
    but the typewriter is awesome too :P

  • @MikeyMasked
    @MikeyMasked 14 лет назад

    hey walkthrough dude can you like make your gun do a tune in your next walkthrough

  • @nuvana1
    @nuvana1 13 лет назад

    5:03 " yea i am scared...well no im not.... you know what i mean " no i dont know what you mean ..... wuss

  • @Lz775
    @Lz775 16 лет назад

    Man i want the Chicago Typewriter so bad! i think im close to getting it. you gotta beat seperate ways...right?

  • @GersonsalasTV-PZ
    @GersonsalasTV-PZ 13 лет назад

    Trancribing what the title says would be: "two the giants" lol
    comment #666

  • @shicyn
    @shicyn 16 лет назад

    nah nah, its possible to fight u3 w knife, but he gets harder when nearly dead, so you right bout that :D

  • @sebastianhuerta9993
    @sebastianhuerta9993 12 лет назад

    dude bro yur awsome with this vidios kep doing the head shot scream and do a walkthrow of the game bully

  • @Umbreon0
    @Umbreon0 16 лет назад

    i loved that bug part too. i love the way he puts emphasis on the third bug =P its hilarious. *50000/5*

  • @TheAwesomeGear
    @TheAwesomeGear 13 лет назад

    Just how is Leon not stepping through those giant holes in the floor???? I just realised that...

  • @vincentosuna
    @vincentosuna 16 лет назад

    Its Harder because you have normal wepons instead of Typewriter and infinity rocket launcher...

  • @Koudelka85
    @Koudelka85 16 лет назад

    It will be sooo nice if you put part 38 soon, I´m here now and it´s a little bit dificult to me...

  • @GoldenGun1994
    @GoldenGun1994 15 лет назад

    YEAH! HANDJOBS ALL THE WAY! lol take that lilmonkey

  • @ergo167
    @ergo167 15 лет назад

    i killed them in my first try like in 1 min made 1 fall down and the other i used a bazooka on

  • @fdff4
    @fdff4 16 лет назад

    yOU know what i hate those bugs that are invisible that come out of nowhere there area annoying

  • @alchemyfreak3
    @alchemyfreak3 16 лет назад

    well possibly the boss battle in the goron mines in zelda cud remind u of los dos giantes

  • @MrTokyojoe150
    @MrTokyojoe150 14 лет назад

    I thought there were going to be 4 goradors,2 chainsaw guys, and on powerful iron maiden

  • @krafteraga
    @krafteraga 13 лет назад

    i am mexican EL GIGANTE en english THE GIGANT 2 GIGANT IS los gigantes LOS GIGANTES

  • @Coresta666
    @Coresta666 13 лет назад

    i kept dying at 6:20 didnt realise that there was a switch lol -.-

  • @Rid
    @Rid 14 лет назад

    They're speaking spanish because the game takes place in a spanish speaking country

  • @kanatapaw
    @kanatapaw 13 лет назад

    why cant we buy a chain saw make the hole game a lot easyer lol

  • @kemprakprut
    @kemprakprut 12 лет назад

    i keep replaying that part where you moan continuously. again and again and again

  • @lalokisimo
    @lalokisimo 15 лет назад

    dude it like da starship trooper movie all da bugs com eout wen dey r in da cave

  • @RickMerchantttt
    @RickMerchantttt 16 лет назад

    Depends on what weapon you're using...
    ...when they're on the ground, I mean.

  • @RickMerchantttt
    @RickMerchantttt 16 лет назад

    Depends on what weapon you're using...
    ...when they're on the ground, I mean.

  • @scarface103
    @scarface103 16 лет назад

    this part is easy if you know what to do.[besides I own this part i never died]

  • @mohamud60
    @mohamud60 15 лет назад

    where do u get the chicago typewriter i beat the game but i only got infant RL

  • @Kyeojin228
    @Kyeojin228 16 лет назад

    hey, he did try to drop one in the lava, he just misssed, pay more attention

  • @AVV0L
    @AVV0L 16 лет назад

    dude whered u get the thompson sub machine gun that u were using in the vid?

  • @meowmasterL346
    @meowmasterL346 13 лет назад

    6:05 I always compared those things to Thwomps from Mario...

  • @LXTNoor
    @LXTNoor 12 лет назад

    I got dragged down by a Gigante when i put him into the depths of hell -.-

  • @KarinaSokulski
    @KarinaSokulski 15 лет назад


  • @chicansito
    @chicansito 15 лет назад

    i just use a rocket launcher (infinite of course) and they die in one shot

  • @LaughingTombstone
    @LaughingTombstone 16 лет назад

    those bugs are really begining 2 bug u
    he he heee
    yeah sorry that was bad

  • @meganan159
    @meganan159 16 лет назад

    men were is doing the rocket launcher and the chicago tipeweter infinite???

  • @page_mackenzie
    @page_mackenzie 16 лет назад

    when you were shooting the bugs i couldent even see where they were lolz XP