Salah Ammo, Joussour Group, فرقة جسور، حياة وذكريات، تأليف صلاح عمو

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • حياة وذكريات: تأليف صلاح عمو - Life and Memories, composed by Salah Ammo
    القطعة مستوحاة من الجملة التي يبدأ بها الكاتب الكولمبي كابريل كارسيا ماركيز مذكراته: "الحياة ليست ما يعيشه أحدنا، وإنما هي ما يتذكره، وكيف يتذكره ليرويه" ، يعتمد القطعة مبدأ التكرار في عرض اللحن الأساسي مع أحداث تغيرات عليها من حيث طول الجملة اوسرعتها أو أيقاعها، كما يحدث حين تذكرنا لاشياء عشناها فهي تتغير حسب"كيف نتذكره".
    صلاح عمو: بزق
    ديمة موازيني: قانون
    فراس حسن: إيقاعات
    باسم الجابر: كونترباص
    تمام سعيد: عود
    وسام الشاعر: أكورديون
    محمد فتيان: ناي وكوّله
    وليد خطبا: كمان
    عماد مرسي: تشيلو
    Life and Memories, composed by Salah Ammo
    This song is inspired by the first line of the memoirs of Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez: "Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it." The song is based on repetition of the basic tune, with changes in the length, pace and beat of the musical phrases, just as things that we experience in life change according to "how we remember them."
    Salah Ammo: bouzouq
    Bassem Al Jaber: contrabass
    Firas Hassan: percussion
    Dima Mawazini: qanoun
    Tammam Saeed: oud
    Mohamad Fityan: nay & kawlah
    Walid Khataba: violin
    Imad Morci: cello
    Wessam Al Chaaer: accordion
    About the Group
    Joussour is composed of a number of musicians, each of whom is from a different cultural background. Together, they aspire to present a diverse mix of music from Mesopotamia and the Levant including folkloric, contemporary, instrumental and vocal pieces, and the various types and stages of oriental songs in general. Joussour employs a style which reflects the mosaic of these areas and its varied cultures and traditions. This is done using a new creative musical language which reflects their capabilities as musicians to perform various types and styles of music, and expresses at the same time their renewed faith in their heritage and the importance of its interaction with contemporary musical genres.
    The word 'joussour' means 'bridges' in Arabic, and because each group member hails from a different cultural background, each person is a musical ambassador for the others; and together, they hope to bridge each other's varied histories as well as to present to their diverse audiences a rich and unique musical selection. The group was established in 2007, and is led by Syrian musician Salah Ammo. Since its establishment, the group has performed several concerts, inside and outside of Syria, and is today considered one of the most important groups in Syria, due to its representation of the songs and cultures of the region.

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