There is no individual, separate self. All is one, and one is all. This content perpetuates the illusion of separation through body and mind. See all people as yourself, who you really are - the Self, and great love, which is not choice or preference, or attachment, but a power which makes all things love-worthy and lovable.
I read that book when I was very young, lovecraft period. Did not have more horror scyfy at my parents home, that was random choice among their books , I did not know what I was, it turned out to be very interesting
Thanks for the video and book recommendation once more.
There is no individual, separate self. All is one, and one is all. This content perpetuates the illusion of separation through body and mind. See all people as yourself, who you really are - the Self, and great love, which is not choice or preference, or attachment, but a power which makes all things love-worthy and lovable.
Observe and apply.
Got the book, god bless
Thank you
Your Thoughts
I read that book when I was very young, lovecraft period. Did not have more horror scyfy at my parents home, that was random choice among their books , I did not know what I was, it turned out to be very interesting
This is why I don’t leave the house.
Everything is a “masterclass” guys. Just fyi.
First comment!
Wow. Neat
Thanks for the video and book recommendation once more.