Center for Lungs and Breathing - Lindsay's Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • University of Colorado Hospital patient, Lindsay Lucero, was diagnosed at 16 with Pulmonary Hypertension and wasn't supposed to live past 22. But thanks to the treatment she has been receiving at UCH's Center for Lungs and Breathing, she is now 28 years old and happier and healthier than ever.
    For more information about the Center for Lungs and Breathing, visit
    UCHealth is a Front Range health system that delivers the highest quality patient care with the highest quality patient experience.
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Комментарии • 54

  • @simonthetrainguy
    @simonthetrainguy 6 лет назад +1

    It's been 2 years since I've seen this

  • @cannotwaittoseedavanteadam4301
    @cannotwaittoseedavanteadam4301 4 года назад

    I'm also a patient at UCHealth. This past December I was diagnosed with autoimmune related PAH. There's no cure for this form, only try to manage it and slow the progression. A few months later, I was also diagnosed with autoimmune related Interstitial Lung Disease. These are on top of a mountain of other conditions I have that I literally have my own team of doctors. This way all my doctors from different depts know what's going on with me. It's ridiculous.

    • @vipplash4983
      @vipplash4983 4 года назад

      JR Hallo! I was diagnosed this year with pulmonary idiopathic/familiar arterial hypertension. I eat like I have an autoimmune disease. I follow Dr. Wahls protocol and Dr. Gundry lectinfree diet, it is my last hope. Statistically I have one year to live. Maybe it is something to look into for you as well as your condition is really autoimmune. Dr. Wahls had her MS (autoimmune disease) symptoms not only stopped but they regressed with a proper diet. I will also try intermittent fasting to let my body repair itself. When I get nervous, and I am a very nervous person, I do breathing exercises that helps me a lot. Does anybody else have any “tricks” to cope with this disease? I’m desperate!

  • @georgejgilles.3999
    @georgejgilles.3999 5 лет назад +2

    Live life

  • @saurabhkarki8552
    @saurabhkarki8552 4 года назад

    Hi,my wife diagnosed with pulmonary arteries hypertension and doctor prescribed her sildenafil 20mg 3 times a day,torsemide 10 mg 1 a day and macitent 10 mg 1 a day it's been a month now.
    I am from India so please let me know How I can take a appointment and what is the fees if I take my wife there for treatment.

  • @martinaskupin9549
    @martinaskupin9549 4 года назад

    When I went to hospital to be hospitalized in April 2018 for not being able to breathe for several months, doctors behaved like I was lying and pretending my problems.
    I was listening from 6 doctors for months, since June 2017, that my problems were caused by psychosomatical reasons, that I should just find psychologist and I will be fine. Cardiologist, pulmonary specialist, vessels specialist, alergologist, psychiatrist, practical doctor etc. Pulmonologist suggested even yoga, so I can "learn to breathe properly". Psychiatrist wanted to hospitalize me on psychiatry, so I can go on psychotherapy and that will solve my inner problems and I will be then able to breathe normally.
    Every one of them dismissed my symptoms, which started last June. It was clear to me, that my problems with breathing must be caused by problems in heart or by lungs. The first thing I did was, that I went to cardiologist. She did echocardiogram. And she didn´t find anything. Symptoms were getting worse and worse. In August I visited alergologist. Nothing. In September I visited pulmonologist. Nothing.
    In September I started to vomit, had diarrhea, coughed so much, because I was suffocating, that I vomited. Nausea 24/7. In december 2017 I lost consciousnes when I got coughing attack and my brain didn´t have enough oxygen. When I fell, I injured my legs, I fell in the bathroom and hit my head with the wall.
    I sometime lost consciousness sitting in the chair.
    At work I had to eat only in the morning, because I went home at 4pm and it took me one hour to get home. I didn´t eat after morning, because I tried to avoid possibility of having diarrhea or having to vomit in the bus or at the bus station. If I ate then when I got home, I vomited that meal too. I vomited once few meters from bus station, minute after I got out of the bust. Once I got home in the last second, I had to hurry, even when I couldn´t breathe, because I got diarrhea at the bus and I held it as I could.
    Since January my legs were getting swollen and then they were swollen even to half of thighs. I couldn´t walk.
    I had nervous breakdown during visit to pulmonary doctor in January 2018 (I have also asthma), I just couldn´t take it anymore physically and psychologically.
    No doctor cared to find out why I couldn´t breathe, why I was able to walk max.3 steps and then stop.
    In April 2018 it was so bad I went to hospital. Doctor touched my horribly swollen legs with two fingers and said, that they aren´t swollen. They sent me to CT. Nothing.
    After like three hours there they sent me to cardiologist, I had to carry my heavy packages I had prepared for hospitalization, and this doctor did echocardiogram and suddenly found, that I have very severe pulmonary hypertension and ordered me to immediately sit down, because “you can´t walk around in such state”.
    After two days they sent me to centre for pulmonary hypertension and PH specialist did right heart catheterisation and confirmed, that I have Pulmonary arterial idiopathic hypertension, in the worst phase and said, that it was developing in me for 2 years already! And that without immediate medications I would be dead within few months!
    But according to those 6 doctors I was perfectly OK and I couldn´t breathe due to my depression and anxiety, while whole time I was dying. And that doctor, according to whom I didn´t have swollen legs? I lost 11 kilograms in two weeks in the hospital. All of it stored water. Lazy doctors. Lazy cardiologist last July. Lazy pulmonologist. If only that cardiologist last July really did her work, I would be diagnosed in so much better state and now I don´t know, if I will be alive in 5 years. Without diagnosis and medications I would be dead by now already.
    Per the last study among patients with Pulmonary arterial hypertension, we are usually diagnosed within 4 years since first symptoms. I didn´t have 4 years. I would be dead within 3/4 year since first symptoms.
    After doctor told me diagnosis, I had nervous breakdown and developed PTSD.
    I used to go to theatre, cinema, library, fitness - nothing of that is possible now. I used to ride on bicycle around my town - impossible now.
    I barely walk. Since spring 2019 I walk with cane, but I am able to walk only few meters till I have to stop and rest.
    I have arythmia, palpitations, sometimes syncopes from coughing. I am on full disability.
    My skin is horribly dry, my hands and arms itch.
    I live in the chair in the living room with laptop - youtube, TV shows, pinterest.
    I can´t read much anymore, I can´t focus on longer texts.
    Since my dad died, I can´t read fanfiction.
    I had to leave my job, where I was best in my team.
    I was diagnosed late, very late. My PH specialist said directly, that without immediately getting on meds, I would die in two months. Meds are maybe keeping me alive, but I don´t feel better. My health state is getting worse and worse.
    I loved my independency. Now I have nothing. Only depression, anxiety and PTSD, huge problems with memory and concentration and I can´t even go on massage, so my back will hurt from no movement till I finally die.
    I was on Veletri for 8 months. It was horror. I was getting worse. So they took me off Veletri, put me on Revatio - Sildenafil with beautiful side effects of the worst anxiety attacks I have never experienced in my whole life and with huge problems with sleeping. After two months they put me yet on Uptravi - amazing side effects of days lasting diarrhea. Thanks to Sildenafil I didn´t sleep properly for 3/4 of year, now I am on Trittico and Rivotril for sleeping and trying Cipralex to help with depressions and Xanax. Plus I am on Volibris. I don´t feel better.
    Since this year 2020, prices of basic food in Czech republic went rocket high, vegetables, fruit, meat, even potatoes. Some food is even 100 % higher.
    I get to my bed on 1st floor step after step with horrible arythmia and hoping, that I won´t faint on stairs. I go upstairs only once a day for sleep. The rest of day I spent in the living room, only going to toilet and kitchen. I take 250 mg of diuretics every day. Omeprazol for heart burn. B-complex. Contraception. And I have heart burn from drinking water, so I can´t drink it. I have also allergy on most of fruits. I am exhausted 24/7. Everything physical is unbelievable exhausting. Also, oxygen doesn´t help me, they tried it at the hospital, no effect.

    • @CiniMini69
      @CiniMini69 4 года назад

      Hi Martina. How are you doing now?

    • @martinaskupin9549
      @martinaskupin9549 4 года назад

      @@CiniMini69 Hi, my PH specialist changed my classification from 3rd stage to 3rd - 4th stage. I have arythmia very often. I have coughing attacks so strong due to suffocation that I often lose consciousness. I don´t go anywhere, unless someone will drive me there. I am not able to get even on bus stop.
      1. I cooked mushrooms soup early in the morning, because later we were going with my mom to doctors - to ophtalmologist and she to endocrinologist. So we wouldn´t have time after to prepare food, when we will be back.
      2. I took care of dog and kitten.
      3. I vacuumed whole floor (kitchen, hall, dining room, room for my kitten and living room)
      4. We went to hospital to our doctors. I got prescription for glasses for reading.
      5. Then we went to one shop for boxes for clothes. They didn´t help me as customer with a cane and prices were very very low, practically few centimetres above the floor. I can´t bend down, then I can´t breathe.
      6. Then we went to shop in shop center for new refrigerator, our old stopped working, at all. Today it will be delivered.
      7. Then we met shop with glasses, accidentally, so we went there, I picked up glasses and paid horrible price (almost like for refrigerator, not kidding). Now I will wait for it to be prepared.
      8. Then my mom went to car to rest and I went to grocery shop next glass shop. I really, really miss that independence, when you go to shop, pick goods yourself, go through shop, look at things, I am still at home, among 4 walls, it´s so depressing). But it started to be exhausting for me and arythmia started. I paid for goods and get groceries to our car. Arythmia continued, still, on the way home.
      9. We got home, arythmia continued, getting worse.
      10. I finally sit down and arythmia was getting worse and worse. My whole chest was shaking, literally, it could be seen from outside, my heart had boxing match with my ribs, sternum and other organs and was trying to leave my body. I only sit and wasn´t able to move, trying to breathe. My mom got wet, cold towel, I put it on my heart and left side of my chest and one on the right side of my neck. Then we waited, if it will help me. I felt like with one leg in my grave. I was minutes from my mom calling for ambulance to hospital. She already put my meds into bag with toilet necessaries and book. I wasn´t moving, felt weak like a fly and only hoped that it will help. After half an hour, I didn´t watch it, my heart was calming slowly. I was so weak.
      11. I went to bed early, with my mom, around 7pm. I woke up at 12:30am. Then I was waking and sleeping again and again. I get up from bed after 6am. I am still so weak.
      12. I boiled chicken legs with bay leaf and other spices. Then I peeled and boiled potatoes. Then I cut mushrooms and boiled them. Then I peeled and boiled other vegetables (carrot, onions, garlic etc.). And when my mom got home, she put it all together into oven.
      I don´t want to ever experience such strong horrible arythmia again :-( I am not sure, if I will be alive this christmas.

    • @CiniMini69
      @CiniMini69 4 года назад

      @@martinaskupin9549 Have you seen a cardiologists? They could help with arrhythmias. I have them too, as I have heart valve disease, a terrifying sensation indeed. But Omega3, Q10 and Magenesium + Potasium help with the abnormal rhythms. You are very strong Martina, you will be fine!

    • @martinaskupin9549
      @martinaskupin9549 4 года назад

      @@CiniMini69 I was diagnosed with PAH on 6th april 2018 by cardiologist, specialist on PH. Now I am on Volibris, Uptravi, Sildenafil, Cipralex, potassium 6 tablets per day, magnesium, furosemide forte 250 g, Xanax, Rivotril, Trittico. I was for 8 months on infusion pump with Veletri, but I was getting worse on Veletri, so my PH cardiologist changed it to Uptravi. He told me directly, that I was diagnosed late. And that after Uptravi, there is no other medication for me.

    • @CiniMini69
      @CiniMini69 4 года назад

      @@martinaskupin9549 Hi Martina, how are you doing now? How are things going for you?

  • @milchrisxiao6674
    @milchrisxiao6674 5 лет назад

    You should tried USANA TO GET feel betyer