I work in a leisure centre as a lifeguard. I disagree that the pool is not clean. We monitor the water condition daily. When we find any contamination, the pool will be closed at once. In the UK, they always abide by the SOP. It doesn’t like other country, which doesn’t care what the rules are, or even there is no rule.
英國小學功課一定比香港的少好多,小學生返學好開心的!不過中學的功課也年年加多,我有讀grammar school 的囝囝,小學時大約由year4開始只是自己做11+的練習,去年GCSEs有很好成績,一直佢自己讀書,無補習,自動自覺去温習,睇書,我也一個讀year 10 non selective state school 的囡囡,功課也不少,老師也會因材施教,有能力就push 多D,要輔助也會幫忙。 無論state school, grammar school英國的學校都會鼓勵佢哋身心全面發展,盡自己的能力,不只是睇成績,英國學校很注重學生有健康的mental health。 我自己也是過來人,經歷過香港及英國的教育,中三後移英讀year 10(n多年前!)考GCSEs 及A levels ,之後入理想的大學。
Hi Gavin, give a thought about enrolling your daughter into public speaking lessons/ classes to improve communication skills. And to turbo charge kids’ mathematics, look for Abacus mental arithmetic (for kids) programs/ classes near your area. Review the availability and programs near you, and talk to the kids and see whether they are interested.
I have neighbours in Toronto, a Taiwanese couple with professional careers, they drive old vehicles, yet send their kids to Toronto's most prestigious private boys and girls' schools, at C$40,000 per child a year, starting in Senior Kindergarten. I realized that admission from SK is easiest since few parents would commit to the hefty tuition fees at such a young age. However, seeking admission to prestigious private schools in the higher grades is more difficult due to competition. Further, these 2 kids are enrolled in piano, violin, tennis, skiing lessons, etc. Talk about aggressive parents pushing their kids to their limits.
unfortunately, parents from all ethnicity and cultural background are like that... parents who are successful themselves like their kids to succeed too and so majority of these of these parents would choose to send their kids to private schools.... there is no such thing as happy schools anywhere... you want your kids to succeed, better work their ass off
J L 12 minutes ago I believe children should be allowed to explore their own abilities without too much control and pressure from elders and parents. Why make a child learn to play a particular musical instrument just because their parents enjoyed playing it and it’s their livelihood. Too much cohesive control can lead to resentment later on in life because parents want to make the child a copy of their own self. If she wants to learn play guitar or any other activities eg acting, dancing just let her discover her own talent. Private schools tend to have smaller class sizes and 20 is max but most only have 17-18 pupils in a class. I have to say most well to do locals do send their kids to private schools even in affluent areas they don’t have confidence in state schools.Ironically, most politicians send their kids to boarding schools or private day schools. I didn’t know Lord Chris Pattern went to a private school because I don’t really follow him but most of the current ministers in Parliament, Rishi Sunak, Michael Gove, Jeremy Hunt, Jacob Rees Mogg, Suella Braverman and past Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, David Cameron, Tony Blair, Winston Churchill and many more were all privately educated.
Can Dr Chiu please advise how a student can be admitted into public school. It is not merely a matter of resources (tuition fee). What are the other requirements?
In the UK, public school is private or independent schools whereas free schools are known as either state or comprehensive or academy schools. Some grammar school may charge free which are, compared to independent schools, are just peanut.
If children have high IQ, they excel without much push. Otherwise, let them live a reasonable school life. Then they prosper as decent , mental and physically healthy citizens. Otherwise, they collapse and ruin your plan.
I work in a leisure centre as a lifeguard. I disagree that the pool is not clean. We monitor the water condition daily. When we find any contamination, the pool will be closed at once. In the UK, they always abide by the SOP. It doesn’t like other country, which doesn’t care what the rules are, or even there is no rule.
LSE, Cambridge, Oxford.
聽完,即係好想入名校,即係谷唔到就搵agent referral, 即係唔係趙先生所講親子happy school. 都仲係好香港人諗法上名校
Thanks, Dr. Chiu wish you have a happy Easter holiday.
升中學考Grammar school係易考過私校(指有排名那些),需要上Creative English 、多閱讀不同書本才會考到私校。這也是我仔女的經驗!
一分錢一分貨,independent school資源夠,可以自己決定收咩學生,係唔同啲。朋友個仔英文唔夠好,學校安排小班教學,得四個人一班。喺香港同英國都好少見啩。
Really eye opening, and v informative! Thanks.
英國小學功課一定比香港的少好多,小學生返學好開心的!不過中學的功課也年年加多,我有讀grammar school 的囝囝,小學時大約由year4開始只是自己做11+的練習,去年GCSEs有很好成績,一直佢自己讀書,無補習,自動自覺去温習,睇書,我也一個讀year 10 non selective state school 的囡囡,功課也不少,老師也會因材施教,有能力就push 多D,要輔助也會幫忙。 無論state school, grammar school英國的學校都會鼓勵佢哋身心全面發展,盡自己的能力,不只是睇成績,英國學校很注重學生有健康的mental health。
我自己也是過來人,經歷過香港及英國的教育,中三後移英讀year 10(n多年前!)考GCSEs 及A levels ,之後入理想的大學。
我兩個小孩都沒有什麼補習,讀普通學校,兒子GCSE 1OA,女兒15A。我太太連英文也不會,完全是家庭主婦。兩个孩子鋼琴玩到五级就停。兒子最後選擇音樂,女兒現讀化學,物理,生物和地理。我只是想講是龍就是龍,是鳳就是鳳。何必强求,给孩子一个快樂的童年吧😊 。
學生只靠考入出名中小學, 搵補習老師, 做補充練習催谷, 就算畀你入到名牌大學都冇用.
如果唔係自己真正材料, 入咗名牌大學校頭一兩年, 就會跟唔上, 比大學踢走.
谷子女入名校只是滿足父母虛榮心而己,子女天資承存父母基因, 西方文化不太注重白領及藍領.尊卑之分,做人品格及教養都不是名校出身的專利,子女畢業大學不同科系有專業認可,不難找到職位在社會立足謀生。
GCSE 好易下。攞A同A* 比例成三四成。 10 A不是什麽特別。 香港會考同 DSE。攞A或 5-5星。得5 %度
@@gctalk 每個人嘅情況都唔一樣,有啲野亦都唔係話解決就解決,特別係小朋友教育。之前睇佢片話個仔一來就要讀GCSE 課程,講真,你女year 2升好的year 3學校都唔易,更何況佢仔由台灣轉英國學校。佢哋如果一開始直接去英國唔去台灣,可能反而更易適應。
第一次聽到有KOL講英國教育講得咁清楚。👍👍 你好野。如果小朋友有能力向學術發展,開始準備11+最實際😅 雖然都係要努力做練習,但係都冇香港果種壓逼感。算係親子生活,學術兩方面有平行。
其實每日花一個鐘做練習, 考私校有把握
讀私校對年齡有冇state sch咁嚴謹規定呢?
趙博財力強勁,2女入independent school。
阿囡又真係讀得LOK LOK 聲仲成日串我啲讀音差. , 但真係拼唔啱番啱既字出黎.. 不過真係開心既
Good sharing
No pain no gain
Grammar schools are selective state secondary schools
Interesting 👍🏻 Thanks for sharing.
趙博,你有無聽過「楊雪霏」?佢彈古典結他彈到國際知名,係大師John Williams 嘅徒弟,仲定居響英國添。
Hi Gavin, give a thought about enrolling your daughter into public speaking lessons/ classes to improve communication skills. And to turbo charge kids’ mathematics, look for Abacus mental arithmetic (for kids) programs/ classes near your area. Review the availability and programs near you, and talk to the kids and see whether they are interested.
趙博你好,祝你有一個愉快啲旅行。我係美國羅省template city,發現D細人都好多功課。可能因為這區華人超過七成!我個女入咗大學之後發現在silicon valley既同學在中學時比他們更忙。不單子父母在中學時要伴讀,大學時也要伴讀!我也是伴讀的父親!😅
@@paulhker 其實讀大學已經有個人嘅思想同生活理念自己理想嘅追求,如果仲要父母陪伴讀大學咁你係係咪阻止子女嘅成長同埋獨立呢
Vancouver and Toronto 的 top private schools 都係很難入的,they are university preparatory schools, 好似香港嘅名校一樣。
I have neighbours in Toronto, a Taiwanese couple with professional careers, they drive old vehicles, yet send their kids to Toronto's most prestigious private boys and girls' schools, at C$40,000 per child a year, starting in Senior Kindergarten. I realized that admission from SK is easiest since few parents would commit to the hefty tuition fees at such a young age. However, seeking admission to prestigious private schools in the higher grades is more difficult due to competition. Further, these 2 kids are enrolled in piano, violin, tennis, skiing lessons, etc. Talk about aggressive parents pushing their kids to their limits.
私校都未必間間學術高,要check 學校係咪同11+程度一致。
最近在考慮幫大仔報私校,大仔Year 9,原本以為讀state school都冇乜所謂,但讀左之後覺得唔係咁,因為今年揀科,佢讀咩科會受好多野限制…
新房? 為什麼呀?同小朋友玩會很快學會乘數表,努力💪
倫敦independence day school
競爭最激烈係11+ /13+
尤其top tier 嘅school
E.g: Hampton school
2023 年 900人報 收100人
7點還好啦, 我澳洲依度係6點或更早😂.
即係話,來英國讀書,有要求或入讀出名大學,依然都要谷啦? 😮但到頭來個啲世界名校亦唔係想谷就可以入到去。
香港的國際學校其實最想賣Debentures, 有外國護照都冇乜用。
趙博你好!我快將60歲 ,來英國已有一年,想返香港取回MPF,請問把MPF匯到英國是否要交稅?麻煩晒!
unfortunately, parents from all ethnicity and cultural background are like that... parents who are successful themselves like their kids to succeed too and so majority of these of these parents would choose to send their kids to private schools.... there is no such thing as happy schools anywhere... you want your kids to succeed, better work their ass off
我朋友小朋友係大陸香港做功課做到晚晚哭,好慘! 我D女係美國讀書真舒服, 小學D功課每星期只需花3小時就完成,不過讀課外書比較多! 佢哋好快入high school, 功課應該好多、壓力大D, 但始終舒服過大陸香港!
唔肯講野眞要注意。 為佢個人都應該開導。 私校一定要補習啦。
UK讀書好🎉👍👩🎓Australia 生活好👍Canada 本來好好但Vancouver 冬天都太長又凍又落雨!!!長途机😢
@Austine Au USA名校👍可惜好区衰区隨時雌線佬槍殺平民😡
@Austine Au Australia 做防哂好过剷雪!2,3点天黑🥴!
係香港唔需要入大學或入到大學唔需要讀有競爭的學糸,基本整個中、小學都可以hea 讀,唔讀書,玩足12年... 香港教育局規定學校唔能夠以成績去趕學生出校,小學留級亦只能留一年,家長唔需要小朋友入大學,就小朋友係完全唔洗讀書,都一定可以直升中六到畢業
@@gctalk 點解唔可以?只要家長唔怕見老師,怕的就是老師。
香港好多DSE 零分的學生,從來唔交功課,一樣可以好好的完成中六。
我係英國讀大學,完全唔覺英國大學難入或難讀(我間大學係歐洲讀我果科係top 3),個人覺得英國大學係易pass難高分,香港讀大學死讀可以讀到好高分,呢邊讀大學,死讀最多上到2.1,要first係一定要靠思考,提問,創新,努力及天資。仲有趙博成日都有話要比較既,一定要apple to apple,你用香港從來唔交功課既學生比較英國大學想要讀有競爭的學糸既學生,咁有咩好比?要比就apple to apple
想入一流大學想要讀有競爭的學糸 ---- 無論邊度想讀有競爭學糸或一流大學,都必然都要努力,我唔認為英國既壓力會比香港果D雞精班大囉,有識eton及cambridge既朋友,佢地係好努力讀書,但都有好全面發展其他野。
單純只要大學學位 ---- 香港得幾間大學,人口同香港接近既london有四十間大學,而全英國有成160間,英國有好多雞校,收生要求好低,如果唔理好醜只求學位,英國讀大學易過借火。
普通中學畢業 ---- 單單一般功課,考試,默書,大測,小測既數量,書包既重量,學習既時間,香港都辛苦過英國九條街,同埋英國係活動教學,好多project我覺得係好好玩。
從來唔交功課既學生 ---- 去到咁唔care既情度,其實邊度都無差唔多,不過好奇一問係咩學校。如果我學校從來都唔交功課,見極家長都無改善,一般過左法訂讀書年紀就會自動退學或被踢出校,仲同你晒多三年咩。仲有零分不等於從來唔交功課,我細佬交足功課,都有搵過下書,結果都係零分。
@@gctalk 趙博你好:上邊kon…嘅留言回覆好正,真係四個字(耐人尋味)。
請問趙先生,我仔明年中學畢業 ,用BNO去英國讀大學,是否有學費優惠,多謝
有居英權 正式英國護照, 都要畀國際學生學費.
更何況 BNO 5+1.
好多Band 仔classical music 出身, 知唔知英女王頒過幾多勳章比Band 仔?可以企喺Palace Buckingham 個天台彈國歌個Band 仔,係個天文物理學家。西裝友呃女、呃錢、偽君子未見過? 反而識過Band 仔個個冇好人?閣下鍾意嗰位周慧敏嫁俾倪震,倪震係君子?結他同音樂係好難。結他係練到手指流血,要好刻苦好有天份好熱愛至練得成,同專注鑽研一個學術未必好大分別,普通八級鋼琴都只係初階。
hk math standard is simply bow that of the uk prep schools. by a year to 2 years...
我個仔讀緊英國私校year 9, 佢話數學都一樣做好多題同唔淺。不過英國呢邊考試主要係考你係唔係真係識,香港啲試題有時好tricky, 做卷要好小心。英國考嘅題目就straightforward 啲
the gap by year 9 is actually smaller. year 5 year 6 the gap vs hk is very wide but i am talking prep schools they typically a year to 2 years ahead
12 minutes ago
I believe children should be allowed to explore their own abilities without too much control and pressure from elders and parents. Why make a child learn to play a particular musical instrument just because their parents enjoyed playing it and it’s their livelihood. Too much cohesive control can lead to resentment later on in life because parents want to make the child a copy of their own self. If she wants to learn play guitar or any other activities eg acting, dancing just let her discover her own talent. Private schools tend to have smaller class sizes and 20 is max but most only have 17-18 pupils in a class. I have to say most well to do locals do send their kids to private schools even in affluent areas they don’t have confidence in state schools.Ironically, most politicians send their kids to boarding schools or private day schools. I didn’t know Lord Chris Pattern went to a private school because I don’t really follow him but most of the current ministers in Parliament, Rishi Sunak, Michael Gove, Jeremy Hunt, Jacob Rees Mogg, Suella Braverman and past Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, David Cameron, Tony Blair, Winston Churchill and many more were all privately educated.
新時代,1.已經多了state schools 學生入牛劍;2. 就算入唔到牛劍帝的,如果入不錯大學,也可有發展。所謂階級,是自己俾自己的。又實際講,英國「專家人仕」搵錢亦不一定多個藍領好多。
廣告? 你agent朋友?
Grammar school 只係因應成績收生的政府學校,independent schools 在英國一定係比grammar schools 好,top 100 的independent schools 無論成績或設施上,應該是grammar school 好難跟上的😅。還有一樣東西,就是朋輩和父母,independent schools 的父母不只是為了學術成績,個人品德修養和見識也是很不同。你的女兒上了independent schools 是很難回頭的😅
好奇一問 因為我今年先去可以問下嗎
Not true.
@@gctalk 咁我就唔明啦,本身要升year 3, 但轉左去讀year 2, 咁如果只係轉校,都係要升year 3, 考7+ 都係要,除非可以直升。
@@wwsmichelle 9月升year 3, 3月轉校year 2
英國現任威爾斯皇妃即係William 的太太,英國人稱之平民身份嫁入皇室,不過皇妃父母在她年幼時,已經努力工作除了脫貧,還想把社會地位升級,所以將£放在三子女進入私校寄宿,除了讓孩子接受高等教育,學習上流社會禮儀和將生活圈子提升。孟母三遷,就係要好學習環境,和好的同輩。中西文化在這方面也一致吧。
Can Dr Chiu please advise how a student can be admitted into public school. It is not merely a matter of resources (tuition fee). What are the other requirements?
In the UK, public school is private or independent schools whereas free schools are known as either state or comprehensive or academy schools. Some grammar school may charge free which are, compared to independent schools, are just peanut.
If children have high IQ, they excel without much push. Otherwise, let them live a reasonable school life. Then they prosper as decent , mental and physically healthy citizens. Otherwise, they collapse and ruin your plan.
讀公開大學是否免費或較平 英國有冇其他大學 讀一科交一科學費
膚淺,Band 仔都好斯文
背字典 😮 邊間?
但凡喜歡多功課嘅家長,都係不負責任嘅父母,佢哋只係想用功課消耗仔女時間,跟住係唔洗付出時間 佢哋啲仔女就會學業有成。
學生只靠考入出名中小學, 搵補習老師, 做補充練習催谷, 就算畀你入到名牌大學都冇用.
如果唔係自己真正材料, 入大學校頭一兩年, 就會跟唔上, 比大學踢走.
其實佢自己精神分裂, 自己又話香港入唔到國際學校(都唔知幾多位), 又話要搶入英國independent school, 未又係將英國變成香港教育!