Aaron Balick - Why Does Social Media Weaponize Our Reactions?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 26

  • @ellenemmet
    @ellenemmet 10 месяцев назад +4

    bravo! the art of real conversation modelled so beautifully. thank you.

  • @shanehiggs1779
    @shanehiggs1779 10 месяцев назад +9

    Great conversation! Other than RUclips, I stopped participating in Social Media a few years ago. I had been in CBT for depression and anxiety and had become sufficiently self-aware that i recognized the deleterious effect it was having, despite the occasional fun of reconnecting with family/friends. I did decide to stick with RUclips, however, because it felt like i had more control over what I was taking in - I'm able to redirect to less anxious content. That, and i havent watched TV or movies in 20 years or so - thus it's a source of entertainment.
    I've only found this channel recently but have been enjoying it immensely. Behavioral sciences are a significant part of my profession (though I'm not a therapist by any stretch), so it's also benefitting me in that sense.
    Thanks for the content! Enjoying the dream sequences also.

  • @stevenobdyke6776
    @stevenobdyke6776 10 месяцев назад

    I love your old podcast. Thank you for this resource in tapping in to one of the great thinkers of the last couple of centuryies.

  • @marilynwarbis7224
    @marilynwarbis7224 10 месяцев назад

    Social media "polarising and dividing". Yes, Jesus said 'I come not with peace but with the sword'. It's The Sword of Cleavage which is the energy of Love in Cosmos. It divides those who act from love from those who don't. It's effect is showing in the world today.

  • @ScottMarc-RT1
    @ScottMarc-RT1 10 месяцев назад +7

    How does a country own its collective shadow ? Made made even more difficult when leadership cannot be the knowing figure.

  • @cynthiabeverforden5257
    @cynthiabeverforden5257 10 месяцев назад +4

    The question is why does it weaponize some people's reactions? Maybe because I have watched the news media, movies, and television manipulate people since the 1960s that I don't react. I just analyze what they are doing and move on. I taught my son to be observant of what people are trying to do when they manipulate you.

  • @handelibaral
    @handelibaral 10 месяцев назад +8

    I enjoy the coherence of the way you all convey knowledge. İt is such a pleasant experience to listen to each of you

  • @ChriseldaPhoenix
    @ChriseldaPhoenix 10 месяцев назад +5

    I'd like to offer a different perspective on a point from your video around the 38-minute mark. While the concept of "identification" with global events might be labeled as projection, I believe that's a simplistic conclusion. A deeper look reveals the law of correspondence at play, reflecting legitimate lived experiences in the 'as above, so below' principle. Reducing this to mere projection seems dismissive, almost a form of intellectual gaslighting.
    Consider those who lack privilege; their daily existence is a fight for survival, offering them a purer form of experience. Paulo Freire talks about the importance of becoming aware of one's oppression. Extending this thought, I believe that those on the fringes of society have access to the most authentic and raw life experiences, far more genuine than what privilege can offer. If these individuals realize this, it could dramatically shift the power dynamics.
    I truly enjoy your podcast, but I must point out-it feels predominantly white. This perspective seems to limit the depth of discussion. Have you considered inviting more people of color to participate? Their absence is noticeable, and their perspectives could enrich the conversation. Why should guests always be academics, and predominantly white males?
    Your podcast is a favorite of mine, but this issue stands out. I encourage you to explore these blind spots with curiosity. Discussing projection and unity is one thing from a place of privilege, but imagine the insights that could come from dialogues with those who have been systematically marginalized. Hearing their views on forgiveness and healing would be incredibly more powerful and authentic.

    • @storyalchemist_
      @storyalchemist_ 8 месяцев назад

      Just leaving this comment to hopefully help it be seen by the podcast authors.

  • @carolorber6009
    @carolorber6009 4 месяца назад

    What helped free me from the compulsion to 'blame' has been an extensive process of coming out of denial about the depth of emotional poverty I was encased in from the beginning. Experiencing those feelings which had always been there, but had been buried since childhood was terrifying, liberating, and gratifying. Drugs, alcohol, therapy, and now 12 step ACA have been my salvation. As always, the most substantive podcast I've engaged with online . 🙏

  • @Californiansurfer
    @Californiansurfer 10 месяцев назад

    ❤2023 book. Teaching white supremacy by Donald yacovan. They stopped teaching white supremacy in public schools 1776-1965. Due to martin Luther king and Malcom x. It’s our history

  • @Californiansurfer
    @Californiansurfer 10 месяцев назад

    ❤people will be authentic and I like that. but, they need to back that. I was in Little Tokyo and a kid called himself Latin X. , the guys asked him what does that mean. They were Chicano. The poor kid, didn’t say anything and walked away. Yes, in the real world. It’s different. It’s reality.. nothing to hide behind..

  • @mightytaiger3000
    @mightytaiger3000 10 месяцев назад +1

    I’m at half of the episode… might forget so I’ll comment for now.
    Really like Lisa’s input and I wish she’d gone into more detail about what makes the difference between sharing our problems in a way that helps and sharing them in ways that make us feel worse.
    I agree with her point about how seeing videos of the worst kind of suffering in the world is not easy to digest- and it would be interesting to see a show about this if it fits- How we are really not equipped to hear about every little awful thing that happens around the world.
    Just because we now can, doesn’t mean we should.
    I believe trying to do so just creates a feeling of helplessness and keeps you from making a difference where you can- at a local level.
    Similar to how we have a limit to the number of people we can hold meaning relationships with, there is a limit to the causes we can truly engage with and be invested in.
    I’m not apathetic to what is happening but I’m not going to subject myself to traumatizing footage for the sake of being on trend.
    I see enough demoralizing scenarios with the way homelessness has grown since2020 across the USA.
    I’m not sure what the stance of the guest is.
    As far as venting being bad, I disagree. Not as a lifestyle but as an occasional treat, venting online has been helpful for me and others.
    In some ways it can be similar to journaling- except it’s open for the internet to read and chime in.
    Now, seems he’s arguing that nothing is really worth getting outraged about, and that somehow outrage is preventing for a solution.
    I think if that were the case, the world would have had less issues when social media wasn’t around- which was a long time.
    But if anything a lot of things flew under the radar BECAUSE the information couldn’t be as freely and rapidly shared.
    You can see it with situations like SeaWorld.
    Watch Free Willy and they mention the same things that the Black Fish documentary mentions, and yet in the 90s millions of people saw the movie but it didn’t lead to much.
    When Black Fish came out, through social media the information (and understandable outrage) gained momentum and it has changed things for the better.
    For me the issue isn’t the outrage or lack of it, but the fact that it’s incredibly fickle and phony from most people online.
    2 years ago the trendy cause was police corruption but now it’s wars in places people can’t even point at on a map- so it doesn’t matter that there’s been as many cases of police abusingTheir power as in2020- and even doing so with handicapped people- there was no outrage and no protests because neither Fox nor CNN said so.
    As far as therapist being involved in the making of social media platforms, they are. But it’s been evident that the people behind these apps have nefarious intentions. This is by their own admission. They want to prey on vulnerability and psychological weaknesses.
    I think it’s a bit naive (or uninformed) to suggest that the outcomes of social media at this point are due to an honest mistake.
    I really could not believe the guest (especially given his credentials) suggested that people should be required to follow those with opposing views.
    Why should the gov or Big Tech nanny us??
    Would you like to be forced to go to a place of worship opposite from yours once a month?
    Would you support for muslimRefugees to be required to go to a Baptist church once a month?
    Not sounding so kumbaya now…is it?
    On the one hand the guest doesn’t like it when people misread him and try to force a stance from him, but on the other, he wants to control what people are exposed to?
    And then he’s “sad” about Elon Musk?
    His whole thing is that he’s allowing people with diverse views on the platform… (I’m not a fan of his for other reasons but that’s the official story) and he has exposed how conservatives were being shadowbanned at a higher percentage than democrats.
    So?? What’s the issue here?

  • @sterlgirlceline
    @sterlgirlceline 7 месяцев назад


  • @mightytaiger3000
    @mightytaiger3000 10 месяцев назад +4

    Very timely topic as I recently saw there’s several accounts on here and other socialmedia platforms talking about how the design but also some of the content on socialmedia can (and has for many) exacerbate spiritualpsicosis.
    It was mostly about the channels that claim to be doing “collective readings” or “channelings” and such.
    Also just the way you can be enabled in stalking people or perceive yourself to be sharing intimate moments just because people now post every moment of their day.
    It reminded me of an article I read sometime around 2007 where they mentioned how technology was creating a schizophrenic friendly world… some of it was meant to be humorous- like talking about how many were wearing bluetooth headphones and talking on the phone and so they seemed to be talking to themselves.
    But some of it was serious, talking about how we were shouting at a void and also having these delayed interactions, some with people’s that we have never met so they might as well be imaginary.
    I wish I could remember who wrote it. It’s definitely rung more with the time.

  • @DanielDamiens
    @DanielDamiens 10 месяцев назад

    I have much extended and comprehensive work, and can support many psychological/paranormal "phenomena" through a deep understanding of psychology, physics and biology and their relationship on/with our consciousness as individuals and the collective unconscious. social media is merely a product of the collective with a twist. We need to speak about frequencies. I wrote to ARIS via email not long ago then regretted it after hearing about the Rockefeller predicament, but I see slowly, that you guys are fully understanding and trying to ask/educate the public on what Jung truly knew

  • @juliahowell7250
    @juliahowell7250 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for defining what I was feeling as well listening to this podcast

  • @JennyBesserit
    @JennyBesserit 10 месяцев назад

    This was a really long video. Couldn't get through it in one go

  • @bettydoughtery3920
    @bettydoughtery3920 10 месяцев назад +2

    Excellent, Thank you.

  • @orangewarm1
    @orangewarm1 10 месяцев назад +3

    The brain responds more to negative emotions and news. The brain doesn't recognise news as negative, it just sees it as more 'interesting'.

    • @di_kid00
      @di_kid00 10 месяцев назад +1

      It may be more primal. Bad news and tragedies trigger survival instincts. And if there are danger, we need to learn all about it and avoid it at all costs.

    • @topchief777
      @topchief777 10 месяцев назад +1

      It keeps people in fear and without self-awareness that you are creating the reality, ppl don’t realize that fear is a choice based on a lie that is born of fear, ironically, which in turn creates every problem in the world for you.

  • @neilkiots
    @neilkiots 10 месяцев назад

    great episode- i really enjoyed this guest. the image that comes to mind when i think of twitter is a mass of people all yelling into the grand canyon. i think about this topic a lot, and here are some thinkers that've helped me with my conceptual frame:
    Shoshana Zuboff
    Norbert Wiener
    bf skinner
    Jean Baudrillard