When debating with American or Westerners in general about East Asia it's a double wall of ignorance and arrogance. Even when its clear they have no idea what they're talking about and have never set foot in Asia they will still argue with conviction on their viewpoints. These are the type American media love to highlight and label as experts
Hi David!I heard an interesting theory that China is one cultivation culture and this is why as you said when China is stable the region is stable.China do not expand by wars,because they believe they already have the best positions.China was invaded by nomad cultures such as Mongolian,or pirate cultures such as Japan,West cultures when China is week.
I personally support this argument. China's Han supremacy mindset and the West's White supremacy mindset and end goal are different. Western endgoals are the conversion of every countries and cultures into a western one, while the Chinese endgoal is the recognition by everyone that they are the greatest and most civilized. Conversion of cultures require regime change and war to occur, while recognition only requires potrayal of wealth and military deterrent.
@@limitlesssky3050 "only portrayal" say that to the countries whose seas are being predated by chinese ships and pirates. Such a BS argument about "China good" will not fly anymore.
I've been thinking this for a while now. I live in korea and speak Korean and the way local news covers events here and how they are covered by the world press are vastly different. To be fair Reuters and AP generally do a pretty good job of getting the story right but other sources tend to quote 'experts' with no apparent background in East Asia. My only advice on this is when CNN, VOX, Fox news or even the BBC quote an 'expert' do a google search to see what their background is. I'm really sick of 'experts' with no background in Asian culture or society weighing in on hugly improtant issues such as North Korea or China. So yea, I loved this video. Nice job.
Thanks for the comment. It's really nice to hear an opinion from someone who has some actual experience in what they're talking about. And thanks for sharing the sources you like to turn to for info
PERFECT! After living in China, dealing w/ it for close to 30 years and studying Chinese culture & philosophy for almost 40, I totally agree w/ David. Am also, due to this hands-on experience, astonished of how much, from the very top of western business & political food chain to the bottom feeders, is ignorant about East Asian history, especially the Chinese. How sad is to see ignorant biases be driven out of self-centered arrogance, w/c risks conflicts and misunderstandings.
I doubt you. You can point to Chinese exceptionalism as much as you want, but at the end of the day, the Chinese individual bows to its lizard brain as everybody else. Sociology, Economics and Political studies are at the end of the day just studies of lizard brain behavior. Thousands of years of Chinese monarchy has as little to say about 21. century China as Thousands of years of European monarchy explains European democracy. Extrapolating the past into the future only works over a few years. The Chinese government runs into the same few issues as anybody else, and has the same few options as anybody else. The difference is - being Chinese - they can actually pick a solution which would be dismissed in the West, like that Social Scoring Program. Embracing it is specific Chinese, not inventing it.
Then you saw the "East Asian" from the China point of view. The East Asian history you are talking about, did you read it from Chinese researchers ? Do you even consider to look it from another countries perspective in Asia ? Talking about history, China consider them to be center of the world since ancient and now they still think the same way with economic burst, oversea powers, how some part of the world look up to China to bring down US ( at least in economy ). So to me, it is China who is being arrogant think they will have Asia under their Sino-sphere again.
jinse, you failed so hard, it's not funny anymore. Studying means you add knowledge, not burn it. Even when a huge junk of Vietnamese history is recorded in traditional Chinese, we have differentiate between Chinese people recording events in Chinese and Vietnamese people recording events in Chinese. Then they are probably source in Vietnamese, and most likely records form other neighboring nations. Loa is like claiming. having "studied Roman Empire and Italian History in Italy", that would qualify for insights into European politics. .. and you come along, saying "everybody should burn their sources in Latin". WTF?
Center of the world ? Of the region only and with high population ( most likely due to the traditional of big family and having a son which still present till today and some geography situation ) Do you even know of Roman empire or Persian empire ? According to some source i read it was Persian empire that the most powerful in history ( in some perspective of course ) Talking about Vietnam, i admit that Vietnam was in inflluent of Chinese culture before the colonial period . Because of that, Chinese history was well known in our country for centuries. Some even said that we know Chinese history better than our own. Cause you know, China like a model to follow untill the France came and we finally find out that we were lack of vision :))
nguyen khanh stop coping and deluding yourself. are the vietnamese becoming white worshippers? at least china can stand up for itself after hundreds of years of being gangbanged by foreign powers who don't fight fair. people are talking about the east vs the west and you are making vietnamese people look like white ass kissers who want to be dogs of white supremacy playing conquer and divide. it's a bad look.
China has the history of yin and yang. - Two equally important forces. The goal is to keep those forces equal/keep calm. EU and US has a history of God and Devil. - The goal is to make "God" win.
David Kang you explain it all very well. I was over in E. Asia for quite some time and you're absolutely right. There are so many misconceptions about Asia it boggles the mind.
I can't help thinking the "misconceptions" is deliberate rather than out of ignorance. The West knows well China has no interest in subjucating any other nations, big or small, poor or rich.
What? How's he understating it? He's literally demonstrating what he said a second ago, which is when China's poor the country suffers more chaos and fighting.
He did say during the cultural revolution, which at most the estimates were 1.5 million (not saying that's a small number either). But yes the number you gave is the very rough estimate of death during Mao's entire rule, including the great leap forward which some say around 30 million death.
Pete Foggia still a tiny proportion of their population, and definitely less in absolute terms over the long run if China remained a broke ass third world country
China is at war. China is putting Sun Tzu art of war in practice. "The greatest victory is that which requires no battle." Sun Tzu. The difference between the west and China is the west think like a chess player, the goal is to take out the king to win the war. The Chinese think like a Go chess player, were the aim is not about eliminating, but about surrounding more territory than the opponent.
Not sure if it's based on nothing to say that the Chinese PLA is not expanding militarily and territorially brushing against it's neighbors if not strictly taking claims into their own hands in defiance of soverignty and international norms. A lot of policy decisions aren't necessarily based on eurocentric or asiancentric perspectives, but on the actual actions China has taken in the modern age.
The war doesn't have to be with guns and ships. It can be war by other means. Economics, political, lawfare. The Chinese are smart. We have to be smarter.
Without China and India in ancient world nothing could exists. Chinese trade a lot with Indians which in turn also that our lord Buddha was born and now followed all over the world. Really but have to say China you are going in right path please try to make more mutual relationship with India as we both with our buddy Russia could help everyone so this world will develop a lot and Europe and USA also includes South America and Africa all together for a complete environmental freindly and socialy positive to each other and all living in one united mutual planet in search of explorations and new scientific age of new laws of physics and lot's more things. By the way China you deserve appreciation!!
Ardian Sulaj firstly try to write correctly and also you idiot Greeks came to India as we have evidence as Greek sculptures are benchmarked in India and also I am not here to speak about who was greater but I want to say let's all together fight against ills of humanity by close inspection including in our countries too. We after all are humans and humans means an species of intelligent speices so if we really have brains then we should together work against ills of humanity.
Ardian Sulaj who invented toilets ?? Guess what you will never know , people in the west are truly ignorant . Just keep talking about toilets and we will surpass you
Ardian Sulaj actually this is the most idiotic conversation between you to me. Do you know we were the developers of Mathematic system which you uses today. India invented zero and also invented shampoos today what you use to make your hair comfortable. Trignometry also was invented in India and who said India was an undeveloped country, The Indus Valley civilization, the first city Mohenjodaro in world is also established in India and Pakistan. Also, Indians invented drainage and water system including we invented toilets at time when europeans didin't know what is civilization. XXD
Lol the cringe is real. The dude is right, as a Chinese immigrant i can tell u that Chinese history has nothing to do with external conflict, the majority of conflicts are internal. People say you can predict the future base on the past, so there you go.
lol the West keeps bringing up the same Chinese internal conflicts over and over as "human rights" argument. Apparently massacring your own people is worse than massacring people all over the world outside your own country.
it is all media manipulation, when was the last time fox news or cnn report anything other than Trump Trump Trump. China has the same thing, the chinese media never report anything that endangers the public trust in government. Honestly the US media rn is so polarized, it is like watch a fuking drama show.
This is so true . There was hardly any conquest in Asia when these countries were powerful . You may point to Gengis Khan but he was hardly a Chinese . The Europeans started the conquest and subjugation .
Well.... here we are 11 months after this video was published and China is building a naval base on the coast of Cambodia, another base in Pakistan, threatening the use of force regarding Taiwan....and Hong Kong. Your an east Asia expert??? No your just wrong that’s all.
Where are the Chinese naval ships in Cambodia and Pakistani? It doesn't take 2-3 years to build a naval port. You're the one who has no idea. They also aren't in east Asia, and China isn't going to war or invade from those ports in Cambodia or Pakistan even if they use them. Taiwan is part of China as recognised by international law and 99% of the world. China has never renounced the use of force to reunify completely with Taiwan. So this means nothing. Other than that China isn't invading anyone.
Philip Cannon didnt take to show your true colours aye. Makes sense people with heads like yours commit genocide on several continents, invade china, then try to play the moral high ground. Your living proof that sinophobia and sinophobic propaganda stems from a fear of white supremacy falling. Sad and pathetic.
this guy is weird: 3:33 "East Asia is more stable and defense spending is not a big as people think"... people aren't saying there will be a physical war, they're saying there will be an economic and cultural war based on China's desire to expand, productivity, sheer size, political control (communism/fascism), willingness to cut corners/tolerate corruption, etc... they're playing the same global power game but with different rules.
Major General Zhu Cheng hu " China will use nuclear force to destroy hundreds of American cities if the US stay in the way of China unification with Taiwan" General Wen Zong Ren "... in order for China to rise, China must have a fateful battle with the US" General Chi hao tian " It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century....after solving the issue of America, the western countries in Europe would bow to us, not to mention Taiwan, Japan and other small countries..." Colonel Qiao Liang wrote a book - " warfare beyond bounds - subtitle - China's Master Plan to Destroy America " in which he calls for dirty war against the West saying there's no rule; no restriction to fight the US and it’s allies...
This guy came to my college for my poli sci class. He tends to make broad generalizations without substantial evidence and conveniently ignores evidence that goes against his theories. One of the more absurd claims he made was that China has an interest in keeping the sovereignty of Taiwan. Yeah? Just like they did with Hong Kong right? I'm sure all those military drills are just for show. And China isn't bolstering their military prowess that should be a threat? Then why are they spending billions on creating artificial islands in the South China sea and putting military bases on them? Dude reminds me of a flat-earther, just thinks he can assert his theory and tell people "ah, you just don't understand enough about history!" Well I'm waiting for you to enlighten us Mr. Kang, because you have yet to give a compelling argument for your theories, and it ignores the current events that China is making on the global stage. Delusional propagandist. Even my Professor was rolling her eyes at some of the BS he was saying.
China asserted control over HK after the US began to intervene and attempted to stoke a color revolution. Didn't you know that? Military drills around Taiwan comes on the heels of increased American naval patrols around Taiwan, US belligerence towards China, and support for "independence" groups in Taiwan. Everything was peaceful and fine until the US "Pivot to Asia" which began under Obama, increased under Trump, and increased some more under Biden. China asserts sovereignty and control over the S. China Sea because it knows the US can use that narrow sea lane to suffocate it. Again, since the "Pivot to Asia" by the US and threats against China, it has only forced China to take these defensive actions. The problem with you is that you only listen/watch mainstream news sources. You watch too much MSM and listen to too many neoconservative experts.
So this isn't a video explaining the chances or the likelihood of an inevitable war with China but a video about the necessity and prevalence of foreign relations experts about China and of East Asian nations.
"The greatest war every fought, and are still fighting, where more people have been defeated and died, is the war within." Only if we as individuals can win every battle within ourselves to be free our own selves can the world will ever be at peace. The world outside is merely a reflection of the world inside. We can't solve the problems of the world if we can't even solve the problems in our own selves. " Know thyself" , "Conquer Oneself or you will be conquered by your own self" "Rule your mind or it will rule you" These are but the very teachings of the great Humans and masters which most people never realize nor actualize. Time to awaken from the sleep and once awaken to the beauty and power that you have, that you are. We can do it!
The big mistake you're making is thinking China is a free market economy. It is not. Maybe on a small to middle scale, but big and international level are under surveillance by the state on how they do their business. If the CEO is not to the liking of the party he'll be removed for someone more favourable. The only way to do business on the inside of China from an Economic standpoint, is if you are willing to accept the political control surrounding it. As for war (Which the video title is about): I don't think there will be war in East Asia, however China does play the power politics game against surrounding countries, and I expect a lot of strain in the region for years to come.
Dont fool yourself that huge western companies are not de facto under similar control of their governments. If Chinese came and wanted to buy Apple or Siemens, answer would simply be *no* . I don't care for reasons, end result is the same. China is ruled by CCP, west is ruled by rich clique.
Even if they are more libertarian, he/they are at least partially to blame for the state the Republican party is in, and the disdainful fervor towards progressivnism. Don't just read their book, read into the history of their actions which involves record civil and criminal environmental penalties.
What? Structural Realism doesn't argue that because history unfolded a certain way therefore it will unfold the same way in the future - it argues that states respond to structural factors in the international system, namely international anarchy, unverifiable intentions and the ubiquity of military capacity. China isn't magically absolved of dealing with these issues because it unified - on the contrary a unified China is bordered by many states with which it has historical enmities and conflicting geopolitical imperatives. Furthermore the regional political layout of Asia is now more similar to prewar Europe than Pre-1800 Asia so the historical comparison doens't even make any sense.
Don Gray Not necessarily. Not all cultures have the same titanic struggle dynamics of a history like Europe. We shouldn’t make the mistake of judging other parts of the world by what has happened in the West and think other cultures think like or act like we have in the past.
Military actions (war) are inevitable as long as we enforce nationalism and fragmentary sovereignity; you or time may prove me wrong - yet I highly doubt either will...
No sane people in Asia is worried about an all out war with China. We know they're not going to invade by military, just like we know there's not going to be a ww3 in our lifetime. What we're worried about instead is cultural and political invasion. We look at how Chinese government is treating their people and how their people are treating each other and we decide we dont want to be a part of that. Yet with their increasing economic importance in the region, everyone can see clearly how they're influencing our culture and politics. And how they're flooding other countries with their own people and ideologies. And that's what makes us truly scared.
Dantae Hiruma When did China even attack your beloved West? How are the behavior of those European nations ? How many ctries are not colonized by them? How often have your Christian missionaries running around Asia, persuading them to forsake their religion to become a Christian and said those who worship images will be thrown to Hell.Aren’t all these fabrications? I know why Europeans always accuse China of being a monster.To cover their guilt and fear.A pot calling a kettle black. Hypocrisy at its best.
It's ironic what Japanese did. Comfort women, Nanjing Massacre, Pearl Harbor and invasion of all of Southeast Asia lecturing about Chinese invasion. That's pretty rich
Thucydides wrote about the Greco-Spartan conflict. It was a lesson to be learned, not an inevitability. Politicians and some scholars now use this event to justify their geopolitical plans. They claim its inevitable. It's a LESSON, not a prediction. Wars can be avoided war if we learn from history. Then weapons used were swords, spears and chariots. Now the weapons are deadlier.
@@mottscottison6943 hard to remember 5yrs ago, but I think that was my point. The one with all the power is going to abuse it whether it is pax Americana or pax China.
I've only been to the Tibet but only for a week, and from what I can tell you; it isn't like how the media portrays it. Yes, there was one instance I was followed by cops there, but that was because my friends was drunk and loud.
Yes at this time,China and Russia have interests, as well as China and the United States. To be honest, at the current stage, the interests between China and US are 10 times greater than the interests of China and Russia, it also means china keep better relationship with western but it cannot be said that we will abandon the interests between China and Russia! How China-US relations develop depends on pragmatic attitude of the US government. I am very disgusted by the U.S. government's constantly using Taiwan and Xinjiang to provoke aggravate tensions between US and China ,I believe this is also the reason why most citizens dislike the U.S. government in recent years.
here's what history says-in the last 500 years there have been 16 cases where a rising power threatened to displace a ruling power and 12 of those cases resulted in war. 'the rise of Athens instilled fear into sparta that made war ineivitable' - Thycidides
This scholar do know about China's and Asia mindset.He must have studied about Asia for a long time. One of preconceived ideas of Western scholars or people is Asians can't think for themselves so they need the West to teach them what should or should not be done.
conan263 Ya, they can’ think for themselves and yet find themselves becoming one of the greatest power of modern times. And it is still half of the journey to their full potential. What an irony!
conan263 Who wants to be America? How long had they reign supreme in this world.Since world war 2? China has been the world leading economic power for 1800 years and most of the nations around her was her vassal states for hundred of years. You can check and see what I had say is fabrication or not. US place in this world can’t even be compare with the weakest empire of ancient times. You know that country Iran which was bullied by brash America . Their ancestors are the Persians which once hold a large territory and had fought against the Greeks long , long time ago. Where is US place? You can bully them right now, but that is only a short period out of thousand of years history.No historian in future will treat US seriousy because their role in history is insignificant.Do u understand?
Ancient Chinese history might not shed much light on the present, since Mao uprooted culture by purging or subjugating: teachers, monks, and elders. Chinese history is still taught in China, albeit without its traditionalist roots. Some aspects of tradition clearly survived and were adapted to the 21st century. I'm going to do more research.
Until mmid-Qing, China was underpopulated with vast lands and under-developed resources and spend far more worthwhile time and effort internally developing itself than musadventurers in the poor impoverish foreign lands. We the latter are more than happy to acknowledge the Big Brother (they think as OverLord) to supply at high prices and grow very rich. We were saddened when it periodically collapsed and elated now that She returns to Her Largesse.
So I'm copy/pasting this comment from the other China video because it is still quite applicable. The thing is, this guy is thinking too short term. No there won't be any China/US conflict in the next 15 years, but within the next 30-60 years there definitely will be. You have to understand that Chinese and US society's and governments are fundamentally different, with vastly different goals, ways of life, and internal societal factors including but not limited to, population, age, tradition, liberalization, and openness to outside culture. Remember that China is almost entirely a homogeneous society (especially so in the ruling class) so it's basic structural common tenet will always be in some way "us against the world". You also have to take into account that no country/people want to forever be "second best", which is especially applicable to the Chinese where they've already had to endure centuries of invasion, occupation, and outside influence. And now that after enduring all that they've climbed to the top of the world stage, have the largest economy, and the most power in Asia, they are actually in a position to challenge the one remaining superpower for dominance to secure their place once and for all. It is fallacy to think they will be complacent and pacifist and just ignore the chance. The Chinese see the U.S. hegemony as the biggest external threat to their continued expansion of their sphere of influence and economic opportunities. This commentator also seems to be entirely ignoring the geopolitical ramifications from China's continued expansion/growth. Yes, while the occupation and militarization of a few small islands in the South China Sea is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, do you really think they're going to stop there? This is merely the first move in a chess game that's going to be played out for the next 20 years. How long until they're established and comfortable enough to fully take the Paracels, or even move on Taiwan? The rate at which the PLA Navy and Air Force has been expanding is the fastest of any nation since the beginning of the Cold War. They're poring billions into ballistic missile technology and electronic warfare. There's hundreds of cyber attacks every day pointed at various U.S. intelligence agencies and defense contractors. I'm not implying that the Chinese plan to take the U.S. military head on or that the U.S. aren't doing the same things, but they want to be in a position where the threat of a military engagement is greatly diminished. Now he is absolutely correct that the number one threat to China (and probably the US) is internal conflict. This is a country of 1.4 BILLION people. A country of 1.4 BILLION people controlled by a communist authoritarian regime who only manage to keep control by being a communist authoritarian regime. Don't forget this is a government who don't allow basic human rights or access to information. This is government that maintains authority by forcing compliance. This is a government that will throw tens of thousands into "re-education" camps who don't agree or comply or fit in with their views. This is a government that will mass murder it's own citizens and then cover it up and act like it never happened. Now 1.4 billion people is a lot of people to care for and I can understand the challenges in trying to keep this vast populace contented, but at the end of the day China is still a country held together by power, and fear when need be. A government that fears it's own people will never last. This guy is too optimistic, and while that is preferable to the usual fear mongering and over reaction in the mainstream media it is foolish to be short sighted and not realize that there will undoubtedly be a future conflict between the U.S. and China. What that eventual conflict will look like, and when it will take place, no one can say for sure and all we do is speculate, but be assured it is coming. When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
1kyleabc why to start war, if China can buy anything if it wants? Everything is perfect, however, there's some lack of new technologies, which China certainly will obtain in the future. It would be good if USA shared their patents and blueprints of 5th generation weapons with China, it will ensure peace and stability on this planet.
I don't know, I think I'd rather believe a person who knows the region and it's history inside out and from that position of knowledge provides a hopeful and reasonable perspective. Than a random someone spouting exactly the prejudices he so eloquently warned against, telling us that Armageddon is inevitable. Just me? I hope not.
Just like how we gave 'freedom' to the middle east? Get the fuck out of here. Clearly you don't know how stupid giving our ideals to others isn't ideal for every country.
lol where maybe a MILLION chinese died??? what cutural revolution is he talking about???? during mao like 100x that died as a result of communist revolution and opression
not neccisarily saying hes wrong but hes using evidence from when africa and north and south america were all pretty much out of the game so this isnt neccisarily true also almost all of chinas water comes form one area of fast depleting glaciers on the border between pakistan china and india and china is currently building artificial rivers that will make an unnatraul dependence on water that isnt usually in those areas so this could very well spark a conflict we havn't had a pretence for there will also be a huge age difference between china and india right as the fuse is running out because of the respective birth rates and this will put alot of stress on china to care for its elderly something traditionally put on the children more so than in the west so their productivity will be down a bit, i dont know everything but its always fun to think about these things, oh ya i also almost forgot bangledesh destabalizing the area they got like 300 millionish bangledeshi people split between inda and bangladesh proper and all there water comes from the same area as well and they will lose most of their country to sea level rise in all lilihood destabalizing southesat asia and india with mass immigration
You know all of this is avoidable to be honest if the U.S. starts making their own products using automation instead we wouldn't have to worry about much.
When debating with American or Westerners in general about East Asia it's a double wall of ignorance and arrogance. Even when its clear they have no idea what they're talking about and have never set foot in Asia they will still argue with conviction on their viewpoints. These are the type American media love to highlight and label as experts
So true, well said.
Hi David!I heard an interesting theory that China is one cultivation culture and this is why as you said when China is stable the region is stable.China do not expand by wars,because they believe they already have the best positions.China was invaded by nomad cultures such as Mongolian,or pirate cultures such as Japan,West cultures when China is week.
I personally support this argument. China's Han supremacy mindset and the West's White supremacy mindset and end goal are different. Western endgoals are the conversion of every countries and cultures into a western one, while the Chinese endgoal is the recognition by everyone that they are the greatest and most civilized. Conversion of cultures require regime change and war to occur, while recognition only requires potrayal of wealth and military deterrent.
@@limitlesssky3050 "only portrayal" say that to the countries whose seas are being predated by chinese ships and pirates. Such a BS argument about "China good" will not fly anymore.
I've been thinking this for a while now. I live in korea and speak Korean and the way local news covers events here and how they are covered by the world press are vastly different. To be fair Reuters and AP generally do a pretty good job of getting the story right but other sources tend to quote 'experts' with no apparent background in East Asia. My only advice on this is when CNN, VOX, Fox news or even the BBC quote an 'expert' do a google search to see what their background is. I'm really sick of 'experts' with no background in Asian culture or society weighing in on hugly improtant issues such as North Korea or China. So yea, I loved this video. Nice job.
Thanks for the comment. It's really nice to hear an opinion from someone who has some actual experience in what they're talking about. And thanks for sharing the sources you like to turn to for info
PERFECT! After living in China, dealing w/ it for close to 30 years and studying Chinese culture & philosophy for almost 40, I totally agree w/ David. Am also, due to this hands-on experience, astonished of how much, from the very top of western business & political food chain to the bottom feeders, is ignorant about East Asian history, especially the Chinese. How sad is to see ignorant biases be driven out of self-centered arrogance, w/c risks conflicts and misunderstandings.
I doubt you. You can point to Chinese exceptionalism as much as you want, but at the end of the day, the Chinese individual bows to its lizard brain as everybody else. Sociology, Economics and Political studies are at the end of the day just studies of lizard brain behavior. Thousands of years of Chinese monarchy has as little to say about 21. century China as Thousands of years of European monarchy explains European democracy. Extrapolating the past into the future only works over a few years. The Chinese government runs into the same few issues as anybody else, and has the same few options as anybody else. The difference is - being Chinese - they can actually pick a solution which would be dismissed in the West, like that Social Scoring Program. Embracing it is specific Chinese, not inventing it.
Then you saw the "East Asian" from the China point of view. The East Asian history you are talking about, did you read it from Chinese researchers ? Do you even consider to look it from another countries perspective in Asia ?
Talking about history, China consider them to be center of the world since ancient and now they still think the same way with economic burst, oversea powers, how some part of the world look up to China to bring down US ( at least in economy ). So to me, it is China who is being arrogant think they will have Asia under their Sino-sphere again.
jinse, you failed so hard, it's not funny anymore. Studying means you add knowledge, not burn it. Even when a huge junk of Vietnamese history is recorded in traditional Chinese, we have differentiate between Chinese people recording events in Chinese and Vietnamese people recording events in Chinese. Then they are probably source in Vietnamese, and most likely records form other neighboring nations.
Loa is like claiming. having "studied Roman Empire and Italian History in Italy", that would qualify for insights into European politics. .. and you come along, saying "everybody should burn their sources in Latin". WTF?
Center of the world ? Of the region only and with high population ( most likely due to the traditional of big family and having a son which still present till today and some geography situation )
Do you even know of Roman empire or Persian empire ? According to some source i read it was Persian empire that the most powerful in history ( in some perspective of course )
Talking about Vietnam, i admit that Vietnam was in inflluent of Chinese culture before the colonial period . Because of that, Chinese history was well known in our country for centuries. Some even said that we know Chinese history better than our own. Cause you know, China like a model to follow untill the France came and we finally find out that we were lack of vision :))
nguyen khanh stop coping and deluding yourself. are the vietnamese becoming white worshippers? at least china can stand up for itself after hundreds of years of being gangbanged by foreign powers who don't fight fair. people are talking about the east vs the west and you are making vietnamese people look like white ass kissers who want to be dogs of white supremacy playing conquer and divide. it's a bad look.
China has the history of yin and yang. - Two equally important forces. The goal is to keep those forces equal/keep calm.
EU and US has a history of God and Devil. - The goal is to make "God" win.
this has nothing to do with totalitarian communist regime
@@drchrone brainless
David Kang you explain it all very well. I was over in E. Asia for quite some time and you're absolutely right. There are so many misconceptions about Asia it boggles the mind.
I can't help thinking the "misconceptions" is deliberate rather than out of ignorance. The West knows well China has no interest in subjucating any other nations, big or small, poor or rich.
"Maybe a million died" that's a little understated...just a bit
What? How's he understating it? He's literally demonstrating what he said a second ago, which is when China's poor the country suffers more chaos and fighting.
DawnMoon he said maybe a million. The actual figure from mao is 45mil on the low end and 75mil on the high.
He did say during the cultural revolution, which at most the estimates were 1.5 million (not saying that's a small number either). But yes the number you gave is the very rough estimate of death during Mao's entire rule, including the great leap forward which some say around 30 million death.
Pete Foggia. Yes, just a million. Nothing compared to the millions of Vietnamese who died by American bombs.
Pete Foggia still a tiny proportion of their population, and definitely less in absolute terms over the long run if China remained a broke ass third world country
How this dude talks is so chill, it’s amazin
Thank you. Sadly, we don't seem to be living in a time of reason. Emotions and ignorance rule the day.
And the night
He didn't make any actual points, he just repeated the same opinion for 6 minutes. Could have done this in 30 seconds.
China is at war. China is putting Sun Tzu art of war in practice.
"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle."
Sun Tzu.
The difference between the west and China is the west think like a chess player, the goal is to take out the king to win the war.
The Chinese think like a Go chess player, were the aim is not about eliminating, but about surrounding more territory than the opponent.
Not sure if it's based on nothing to say that the Chinese PLA is not expanding militarily and territorially brushing against it's neighbors if not strictly taking claims into their own hands in defiance of soverignty and international norms. A lot of policy decisions aren't necessarily based on eurocentric or asiancentric perspectives, but on the actual actions China has taken in the modern age.
In one word: yes.
The war doesn't have to be with guns and ships.
It can be war by other means.
Economics, political, lawfare.
The Chinese are smart. We have to be smarter.
gypsydanger a virus
Without China and India in ancient world nothing could exists. Chinese trade a lot with Indians which in turn also that our lord Buddha was born and now followed all over the world. Really but have to say China you are going in right path please try to make more mutual relationship with India as we both with our buddy Russia could help everyone so this world will develop a lot and Europe and USA also includes South America and Africa all together for a complete environmental freindly and socialy positive to each other and all living in one united mutual planet in search of explorations and new scientific age of new laws of physics and lot's more things. By the way China you deserve appreciation!!
Ardian Sulaj firstly try to write correctly and also you idiot Greeks came to India as we have evidence as Greek sculptures are benchmarked in India and also I am not here to speak about who was greater but I want to say let's all together fight against ills of humanity by close inspection including in our countries too. We after all are humans and humans means an species of intelligent speices so if we really have brains then we should together work against ills of humanity.
Shubhankar Dasgupta intellegent are they who have develop country like west no india you dont have yet toilets let alone doing things
Ardian Sulaj who invented toilets ?? Guess what you will never know , people in the west are truly ignorant . Just keep talking about toilets and we will surpass you
Ajinkya Ubale guess who doesnt use toilets you know very well because you are indian
Ardian Sulaj actually this is the most idiotic conversation between you to me. Do you know we were the developers of Mathematic system which you uses today. India invented zero and also invented shampoos today what you use to make your hair comfortable. Trignometry also was invented in India and who said India was an undeveloped country, The Indus Valley civilization, the first city Mohenjodaro in world is also established in India and Pakistan. Also, Indians invented drainage and water system including we invented toilets at time when europeans didin't know what is civilization. XXD
Lol the cringe is real. The dude is right, as a Chinese immigrant i can tell u that Chinese history has nothing to do with external conflict, the majority of conflicts are internal. People say you can predict the future base on the past, so there you go.
Mongols are Mongolians.
lol the West keeps bringing up the same Chinese internal conflicts over and over as "human rights" argument. Apparently massacring your own people is worse than massacring people all over the world outside your own country.
it is all media manipulation, when was the last time fox news or cnn report anything other than Trump Trump Trump. China has the same thing, the chinese media never report anything that endangers the public trust in government. Honestly the US media rn is so polarized, it is like watch a fuking drama show.
What you call internal, was not yet internal when Han invaded all the lands that are now China.
This is so true . There was hardly any conquest in Asia when these countries were powerful . You may point to Gengis Khan but he was hardly a Chinese . The Europeans started the conquest and subjugation .
Genghis Khan was never an emperor of China. His conquests are Mongolian conquests.
Europe more wars than any other continent.
Well.... here we are 11 months after this video was published and China is building a naval base on the coast of Cambodia, another base in Pakistan, threatening the use of force regarding Taiwan....and Hong Kong. Your an east Asia expert??? No your just wrong that’s all.
Where are the Chinese naval ships in Cambodia and Pakistani? It doesn't take 2-3 years to build a naval port. You're the one who has no idea.
They also aren't in east Asia, and China isn't going to war or invade from those ports in Cambodia or Pakistan even if they use them. Taiwan is part of China as recognised by international law and 99% of the world. China has never renounced the use of force to reunify completely with Taiwan. So this means nothing. Other than that China isn't invading anyone.
Thanks for a reasoned logical view on this issue!
David Kang danced around the topic - It is inevitable.
Why are you leaving out the South China Sea?....
Philip Cannon South China Sea is not war
Philip Cannon Shut up Idiot too bad for me ? Fuck Off
Philip Cannon didnt take to show your true colours aye. Makes sense people with heads like yours commit genocide on several continents, invade china, then try to play the moral high ground. Your living proof that sinophobia and sinophobic propaganda stems from a fear of white supremacy falling. Sad and pathetic.
KGrace why you ignorant little pig..
Philip Cannon stop it get some help
this guy is weird:
3:33 "East Asia is more stable and defense spending is not a big as people think"... people aren't saying there will be a physical war, they're saying there will be an economic and cultural war based on China's desire to expand, productivity, sheer size, political control (communism/fascism), willingness to cut corners/tolerate corruption, etc... they're playing the same global power game but with different rules.
People click this obviously because of the title..
So the fact that China is building military bases in Africa, the Philippines and Pakistan is about local knowledge?
The US doesn't allow anyone to challenge it's power. That's the bottom line.
Major General Zhu Cheng hu " China will use nuclear force to destroy hundreds of American cities if the US stay in the way of China unification with Taiwan"
General Wen Zong Ren "... in order for China to rise, China must have a fateful battle with the US"
General Chi hao tian " It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century....after solving the issue of America, the western countries in Europe would bow to us, not to mention Taiwan, Japan and other small countries..."
Colonel Qiao Liang wrote a book - " warfare beyond bounds - subtitle - China's Master Plan to Destroy America " in which he calls for dirty war against the West saying there's no rule; no restriction to fight the US and it’s allies...
What about the history of Japanese economic development? No parallel to China in East Asian history?
I certainly hope not because total war would apocalyptic for everyone and Fallout would actually be a picturesque version of post war shenanigans
This guy came to my college for my poli sci class. He tends to make broad generalizations without substantial evidence and conveniently ignores evidence that goes against his theories. One of the more absurd claims he made was that China has an interest in keeping the sovereignty of Taiwan. Yeah? Just like they did with Hong Kong right? I'm sure all those military drills are just for show. And China isn't bolstering their military prowess that should be a threat? Then why are they spending billions on creating artificial islands in the South China sea and putting military bases on them? Dude reminds me of a flat-earther, just thinks he can assert his theory and tell people "ah, you just don't understand enough about history!" Well I'm waiting for you to enlighten us Mr. Kang, because you have yet to give a compelling argument for your theories, and it ignores the current events that China is making on the global stage. Delusional propagandist. Even my Professor was rolling her eyes at some of the BS he was saying.
China asserted control over HK after the US began to intervene and attempted to stoke a color revolution. Didn't you know that?
Military drills around Taiwan comes on the heels of increased American naval patrols around Taiwan, US belligerence towards China, and support for "independence" groups in Taiwan. Everything was peaceful and fine until the US "Pivot to Asia" which began under Obama, increased under Trump, and increased some more under Biden.
China asserts sovereignty and control over the S. China Sea because it knows the US can use that narrow sea lane to suffocate it. Again, since the "Pivot to Asia" by the US and threats against China, it has only forced China to take these defensive actions.
The problem with you is that you only listen/watch mainstream news sources. You watch too much MSM and listen to too many neoconservative experts.
China has never ventured beyond their immediate border and bothered anyone afar, with 5,000 years of proven record! What say you?
So this isn't a video explaining the chances or the likelihood of an inevitable war with China but a video about the necessity and prevalence of foreign relations experts about China and of East Asian nations.
What happens when the US will not or can't repay their debt to China
"The greatest war every fought, and are still fighting, where more people have been defeated and died, is the war within."
Only if we as individuals can win every battle within ourselves to be free our own selves can the world will ever be at peace. The world outside is merely a reflection of the world inside. We can't solve the problems of the world if we can't even solve the problems in our own selves.
" Know thyself" ,
"Conquer Oneself or you will be conquered by your own self"
"Rule your mind or it will rule you"
These are but the very teachings of the great Humans and masters which most people never realize nor actualize.
Time to awaken from the sleep and once awaken to the beauty and power that you have, that you are.
We can do it!
The big mistake you're making is thinking China is a free market economy. It is not. Maybe on a small to middle scale, but big and international level are under surveillance by the state on how they do their business. If the CEO is not to the liking of the party he'll be removed for someone more favourable. The only way to do business on the inside of China from an Economic standpoint, is if you are willing to accept the political control surrounding it. As for war (Which the video title is about): I don't think there will be war in East Asia, however China does play the power politics game against surrounding countries, and I expect a lot of strain in the region for years to come.
Dont fool yourself that huge western companies are not de facto under similar control of their governments. If Chinese came and wanted to buy Apple or Siemens, answer would simply be *no* . I don't care for reasons, end result is the same.
China is ruled by CCP, west is ruled by rich clique.
I guess you got all your news from the western media...
The only thing that suffered globally is the planet.
go China !!
Yeah! China, go right to hell!
Cyberphobe such a hole🙄
Not from Australia point of view
And ap world is cutting out East Asian history..:
Is this channel seriously funded by the Kochs.......
TheWeepingCrayngel no, this video is
+U WOT M8 I think you mean this guy's research; I dunno who dafuq these Kochs are that everybody badmouths, but I doubt they're Hollywood...
Those damn Koch Brothers, trying to stop sensationalism of a war with China.
Even if they are more libertarian, he/they are at least partially to blame for the state the Republican party is in, and the disdainful fervor towards progressivnism. Don't just read their book, read into the history of their actions which involves record civil and criminal environmental penalties.
What? Structural Realism doesn't argue that because history unfolded a certain way therefore it will unfold the same way in the future - it argues that states respond to structural factors in the international system, namely international anarchy, unverifiable intentions and the ubiquity of military capacity. China isn't magically absolved of dealing with these issues because it unified - on the contrary a unified China is bordered by many states with which it has historical enmities and conflicting geopolitical imperatives. Furthermore the regional political layout of Asia is now more similar to prewar Europe than Pre-1800 Asia so the historical comparison doens't even make any sense.
War with anyone is inevitable! That’s how and what we humans do for pieces on the ground! “Right In Two”
Don Gray Not necessarily. Not all cultures have the same titanic struggle dynamics of a history like Europe.
We shouldn’t make the mistake of judging other parts of the world by what has happened in the West and think other cultures think like or act like we have in the past.
firstly ,we will recapture taiwan
secondly,Tokyo massacre
thirdly,conquer USA,USA will be our colony,American are our salve🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Nothing is inevitable. Enlightened self interest will prevail.
This guy is going to look real stupid when war does breakout.
And we all will look really stupid when the war does end.
Countries rarely go to war with their largest trading partners.
you're the only person in the comments section who gets it.
Military actions (war) are inevitable as long as we enforce nationalism and fragmentary sovereignity; you or time may prove me wrong - yet I highly doubt either will...
why would not something that has not yet happened be possible ?
Taiwan still needs to worry about Chinese invasion.
OMG, he is really a professor! Very knowledgeable and insightful!
Your logo. Like... why the long ass 'i'? Why the upside down 'g' as a 'b'?
Why Big Think go downhill and downhill? With inevitable war clickbait over and over.
Trolls on China trolling on China.
I’m obsessed Asian drama, that’s history enough for me!
China Uncensored, check it out.
No sane people in Asia is worried about an all out war with China. We know they're not going to invade by military, just like we know there's not going to be a ww3 in our lifetime. What we're worried about instead is cultural and political invasion. We look at how Chinese government is treating their people and how their people are treating each other and we decide we dont want to be a part of that. Yet with their increasing economic importance in the region, everyone can see clearly how they're influencing our culture and politics. And how they're flooding other countries with their own people and ideologies. And that's what makes us truly scared.
Dantae Hiruma
When did China even attack your beloved West? How are the behavior of those European nations ? How many ctries are not colonized by them? How often have your Christian missionaries running around Asia, persuading them to forsake their religion to become a Christian and said those who worship images will be thrown to Hell.Aren’t all these fabrications? I know why Europeans always accuse China of being a monster.To cover their guilt and fear.A pot calling a kettle black. Hypocrisy at its best.
WTH. Who said I was European? Who are even talking about Europe or the West here? Do you have problems with reading comprehension?
Oh, sorry about that.Hey, ur name seems to be a Japanese. Uncommon to see an English speaker from Japan.(if u are a Japanese).
It's ironic what Japanese did. Comfort women, Nanjing Massacre, Pearl Harbor and invasion of all of Southeast Asia lecturing about Chinese invasion. That's pretty rich
Thucydides wrote about the Greco-Spartan conflict. It was a lesson to be learned, not an inevitability.
Politicians and some scholars now use this event to justify their geopolitical plans. They claim its inevitable.
It's a LESSON, not a prediction. Wars can be avoided war if we learn from history.
Then weapons used were swords, spears and chariots. Now the weapons are deadlier.
more ethnocentrism being misapplied by cretins with zero historic or cultural perspective.
The British stolen most land who doesn't know this, You are blind if you don't see this.
A million?!! Who paying you off! Try 100 million! And don't confuse the CCP with the mandate of heaven
Europeans bad! Asians good! Adam Sandler voice 😂
World War 1 and 2, the Cold War and Mutually Assured Destruction Doctrine. You Europeans sure got this peaceful world game down pat.
Sounds like the French advisors for Vietnam. Look what the French interrupted the Vietnamese to be and that was wrong.
Stop warmongering.
I dont think there was ANY proof presented either way. What a waste of time.
How is stronger china = more stability any different than pax americana?
U didn't see all the wars instigated one eya or another by US?
@@mottscottison6943 hard to remember 5yrs ago, but I think that was my point. The one with all the power is going to abuse it whether it is pax Americana or pax China.
I wonder what the Taiwanese and the Tibetans think of this.
I've only been to the Tibet but only for a week, and from what I can tell you; it isn't like how the media portrays it. Yes, there was one instance I was followed by cops there, but that was because my friends was drunk and loud.
So you're saying the Chinese government isn't exporting millions of Han Chinese there?
It won’t be much of a war.
The truth is none of your comments matters.
So this talk has actually nothing to do with the title, its click bait so it gets a dislike.
Yes at this time,China and Russia have interests, as well as China and the United States. To be honest, at the current stage, the interests between China and US are 10 times greater than the interests of China and Russia, it
also means china keep better relationship with western but it cannot be said that we will abandon the interests between China and Russia! How China-US relations develop depends on pragmatic attitude of the US government. I am very disgusted by the U.S. government's constantly using Taiwan and Xinjiang to provoke aggravate tensions between US and China ,I believe this is also the reason why most citizens dislike the U.S. government in recent years.
"Is this neocon?"
Brian Kim
I'd take a class with him.
Hola greetings from Costa Rica
here's what history says-in the last 500 years there have been 16 cases where a rising power threatened to displace a ruling power and 12 of those cases resulted in war. 'the rise of Athens instilled fear into sparta that made war ineivitable' - Thycidides
European history that considered other history as non-existenece
so european history and experience are universal? how disgusting
oh you are an indian. hahah
as per title and then video, it still does not make sense, inevitable ??
Great talk,thank you. Ignorance is bliss for the main stream media and the people who read it as gospel truth,
Bring all the troops home..... Leave the rest of the world alone....
This scholar do know about China's and Asia mindset.He must have studied about Asia for a long time. One of preconceived ideas of Western scholars or people is Asians can't think for themselves so they need the West to teach them what should or should not be done.
Ya, they can’ think for themselves and yet find themselves becoming one of the greatest power of modern times. And it is still half of the journey to their full potential. What an irony!
Who wants to be America? How long had they reign supreme in this world.Since world war 2? China has been the world leading economic power for 1800 years and most of the nations around her was her vassal states for hundred of years. You can check and see what I had say is fabrication or not. US place in this world can’t even be compare with the weakest empire of ancient times.
You know that country Iran which was bullied by brash America . Their ancestors are the Persians which once hold a large territory and had fought against the Greeks long , long time ago. Where is US place? You can bully them right now, but that is only a short period out of thousand of years history.No historian in future will treat US seriousy because their role in history is insignificant.Do u understand?
Knowledge is power.
What a bullshit title... clickbait
Ancient Chinese history might not shed much light on the present, since Mao uprooted culture by purging or subjugating: teachers, monks, and elders. Chinese history is still taught in China, albeit without its traditionalist roots. Some aspects of tradition clearly survived and were adapted to the 21st century. I'm going to do more research.
Until mmid-Qing, China was underpopulated with vast lands and under-developed resources and spend far more worthwhile time and effort internally developing itself than musadventurers in the poor impoverish foreign lands. We the latter are more than happy to acknowledge the Big Brother (they think as OverLord) to supply at high prices and grow very rich. We were saddened when it periodically collapsed and elated now that She returns to Her Largesse.
So I'm copy/pasting this comment from the other China video because it is still quite applicable.
The thing is, this guy is thinking too short term. No there won't be any China/US conflict in the next 15 years, but within the next 30-60 years there definitely will be. You have to understand that Chinese and US society's and governments are fundamentally different, with vastly different goals, ways of life, and internal societal factors including but not limited to, population, age, tradition, liberalization, and openness to outside culture. Remember that China is almost entirely a homogeneous society (especially so in the ruling class) so it's basic structural common tenet will always be in some way "us against the world". You also have to take into account that no country/people want to forever be "second best", which is especially applicable to the Chinese where they've already had to endure centuries of invasion, occupation, and outside influence. And now that after enduring all that they've climbed to the top of the world stage, have the largest economy, and the most power in Asia, they are actually in a position to challenge the one remaining superpower for dominance to secure their place once and for all. It is fallacy to think they will be complacent and pacifist and just ignore the chance. The Chinese see the U.S. hegemony as the biggest external threat to their continued expansion of their sphere of influence and economic opportunities. This commentator also seems to be entirely ignoring the geopolitical ramifications from China's continued expansion/growth. Yes, while the occupation and militarization of a few small islands in the South China Sea is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, do you really think they're going to stop there? This is merely the first move in a chess game that's going to be played out for the next 20 years. How long until they're established and comfortable enough to fully take the Paracels, or even move on Taiwan? The rate at which the PLA Navy and Air Force has been expanding is the fastest of any nation since the beginning of the Cold War. They're poring billions into ballistic missile technology and electronic warfare. There's hundreds of cyber attacks every day pointed at various U.S. intelligence agencies and defense contractors. I'm not implying that the Chinese plan to take the U.S. military head on or that the U.S. aren't doing the same things, but they want to be in a position where the threat of a military engagement is greatly diminished.
Now he is absolutely correct that the number one threat to China (and probably the US) is internal conflict. This is a country of 1.4 BILLION people. A country of 1.4 BILLION people controlled by a communist authoritarian regime who only manage to keep control by being a communist authoritarian regime. Don't forget this is a government who don't allow basic human rights or access to information. This is government that maintains authority by forcing compliance. This is a government that will throw tens of thousands into "re-education" camps who don't agree or comply or fit in with their views. This is a government that will mass murder it's own citizens and then cover it up and act like it never happened. Now 1.4 billion people is a lot of people to care for and I can understand the challenges in trying to keep this vast populace contented, but at the end of the day China is still a country held together by power, and fear when need be. A government that fears it's own people will never last.
This guy is too optimistic, and while that is preferable to the usual fear mongering and over reaction in the mainstream media it is foolish to be short sighted and not realize that there will undoubtedly be a future conflict between the U.S. and China. What that eventual conflict will look like, and when it will take place, no one can say for sure and all we do is speculate, but be assured it is coming.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
1kyleabc why to start war, if China can buy anything if it wants? Everything is perfect, however, there's some lack of new technologies, which China certainly will obtain in the future. It would be good if USA shared their patents and blueprints of 5th generation weapons with China, it will ensure peace and stability on this planet.
I don't know, I think I'd rather believe a person who knows the region and it's history inside out and from that position of knowledge provides a hopeful and reasonable perspective. Than a random someone spouting exactly the prejudices he so eloquently warned against, telling us that Armageddon is inevitable.
Just me? I hope not.
Lovely advert for this guys co
Chris shapiro should learn from this man
NO! If the US understands we now live in a multipolar world. Good discussion.
It will happen.
What a wise thought! as precious as gold
"IR Theorist" has a different meaning in porn.
emmm you have really thoughtful opion.many people may start to blame you just bcoz you are cogitative.
Good lord I hope not.
Why does this guy speak so pro CCP?
wait so yes or no, and answers with a call to action for better area studies.
There's no evidence the number keep changing Liar Living Being.
This guy don’t understand China, the true about people there, why they become who they are today.
Look like China need a FREEDOM. GO U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.......
Just like how we gave 'freedom' to the middle east? Get the fuck out of here. Clearly you don't know how stupid giving our ideals to others isn't ideal for every country.
lol where maybe a MILLION chinese died??? what cutural revolution is he talking about???? during mao like 100x that died as a result of communist revolution and opression
Charles Koch foundation... One of the guys who manipulates the republican party. Good job big think.
not neccisarily saying hes wrong but hes using evidence from when africa and north and south america were all pretty much out of the game so this isnt neccisarily true also almost all of chinas water comes form one area of fast depleting glaciers on the border between pakistan china and india and china is currently building artificial rivers that will make an unnatraul dependence on water that isnt usually in those areas so this could very well spark a conflict we havn't had a pretence for there will also be a huge age difference between china and india right as the fuse is running out because of the respective birth rates and this will put alot of stress on china to care for its elderly something traditionally put on the children more so than in the west so their productivity will be down a bit, i dont know everything but its always fun to think about these things, oh ya i also almost forgot bangledesh destabalizing the area they got like 300 millionish bangledeshi people split between inda and bangladesh proper and all there water comes from the same area as well and they will lose most of their country to sea level rise in all lilihood destabalizing southesat asia and india with mass immigration
He talked everything except the topic
You know all of this is avoidable to be honest if the U.S. starts making their own products using automation instead we wouldn't have to worry about much.