Arab culture is okay but not to lose Nusantara identity, says Noor Farida

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • More Muslims wear Arab dress and speak Arabic in Malaysia, but G25 coordinator Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin warns of the potential danger.

Комментарии • 26

  • @Surayna
    @Surayna 6 лет назад +4

    Agreed with smart ..i was concerned about this bfre but i nobody to highlight the issues

  • @misselmy7839
    @misselmy7839 6 лет назад +7

    U can follow islam but why must follow arabic style? That's the weird part of malays. Islam belongs to all races. It doesn't mean we have to throw our culture away. I'm ashamed that malays want to wear jubah's and niqab's more but throw their traditional clothes away. Even in the malaysia airlines.The stewardess are stopped from wearing kebaya's and forced to wear jubah's? Tapi jerit hidup melayu. I'm not surprised that one malays will even throw away malay language and start speaking arab if the malays starts to be extremist.The arabs doesn't even look at us.Have u malays ever seen them wearing our traditional clothes? No right? So why must we wear? Even in 2013 when malays were performing tarian zapin our traditional but stopped by arab people scolding us to do so. But in their own country provides belly dance and show women half naked? So is this fair? No so pls malay don't bulok try to be arabs cause arabs don't even look or respect us. As a malay I'm ashamed of malays trying to be something they're not

  • @gheebleasdale4550
    @gheebleasdale4550 6 лет назад +1

    With much RESPECT to Puan Farida Ariffin. She SHOULD have that stand to be the next Minister of Malaysia. God Bless Her!

  • @saynotostupidislamofascist401
    @saynotostupidislamofascist401 5 лет назад +1

    wow these woman so awesome with her greatest opinions. by the way i agreed 1000%.

  • @sitililac4741
    @sitililac4741 8 лет назад +5

    kalau ikot arab tak blh kalau barat boleh sangat lah gitu

  • @Mommyecah
    @Mommyecah 6 лет назад +3

    In another video she's against Solat Jumaat which according to her should be done in Saturday. Which truly show she's is just not a real muslim. How can a human change God's rules? Regarding to this issues, Arabic culture is personal preference, everyone have the rights to wear and use different language. We have tamil, chinese, english but why can't muslim use arab for certain words in their daily life ? Obviously Islam and Arabic share almost the same lifestyle due to culture. And what might cause such a huge problem to her? Come on you can see how much she hate her own religion without understanding and love her own religion. This is truly scary guys, seriously she's ruining her own religion and make her own regulations. Her education/name/position won't save her in the after life. Other muslims, keep your faith and don't easily trapped in such games. Follow what quran teach you, keep it safe in your heart. May Allah bless all of us.

    • @notanothermichael4676
      @notanothermichael4676 5 лет назад +2

      Because we Malays are throwing away our Nusantaran Values for Arab ones. Its not about wearing dresses or jewelry but VALUES. Islamic Values aren't Arab Values because the reason why the Prophet PBUH is an Arab is because Allah SWT wanted to save the Quraishy Arabs from their Jahilliah Values not because Allah SWT favours Arabs over everyone else. The problem today is that us Malays are confusing Islam and Arab. Sure Quranic Arabic is our sacred language but we should not replace our native words with Arabic plus this mentality will only attract more and more Malays to join Terrorist Movements because of their naivity and Arabs to take control of our government. People have been using religion as a method of imperialism for centuries like the Romans, Papacy, Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    • @Light-jo9lp
      @Light-jo9lp 2 месяца назад

      dia mampoi da.haha

    • @yusofahmad50
      @yusofahmad50 2 месяца назад

      She is absolutely right. Jumaat means Friday according to Gregorian Calender which has nothing to do with the Arabic word Jemaah. Nothins stated anywhere it should be done on Friday.

  • @MrLantean
    @MrLantean 8 лет назад +2

    Nowadays more Malays are emulating many aspects of Arab culture. There are even a number of Malay women are dressed in the traditional Arab women clothes as well as wearing the burqa while the men in Arab clothes and turban. On March 24 2016, the Sultan of Johor tells the Malays not to blindly emulating the Arabs. Then constitutional law expert Abdul Aziz Bari responds by saying that Arab culture and norms are intergral part of Islam and the sultan is making a fool of himself. It is known fact that Islam originates from Arabia. Prophet Muhamad himself is an Arab and the culture of Islam is naturally and originally Arab. If the prophet is an Iranian, then Islam is an Iranian religion. When non-Arabs embrace Islam, native terms are used to explain the original Arab terms. Islam has to go through changes and modification to be compatible to native culture. For example in India, Muslims adopt songs and hyms that originally used to praise Hindu gods to praise Prophet Muhamand and Allah. In Malaysia, Malay terms has been dropped in favor of original Arab terms. Hary Raya Aidilfitri has been reverted to the original Arab term Eid-al-Fitri, buka puasa to Iftar and sembahyang to Solat. Those who emulates the Arabs believes that Islam practiced by the Arabs is the purest and most original form and emulating them brings them closer to Allah. All religions evolve from its original place of origin. Buddhism originates from India and when it enters China, Japan or Thailand, it evolved and adapt to local cultural and religious traditions where native terms are used to replace original Sanskrit terms. The same go to Islam when Malays embrace it. It is alright to adapt other cultural practices but need to be adapt to suit local culture. It is understandable why the Sultan of Johor is upset over the fact that many Malays are becoming Arabised. Malay people will lost their distinct cultural identity if more Malays are blindly emulating Arab culture.

  • @afifkamal2113
    @afifkamal2113 2 месяца назад

    Dia rasa dia sgt hebat kot, boleh kalahkan perempuan pertama yg bina Universiti di dunia. Yg hebat lagi dri dia pun tunduk pada Tuhan. Ni setakat gitu je pun, smpai nak ubah hukum Tuhan. Semoga di sana kau diberi keampunan Tuhan yg kau persendakan

  • @arshatarifin7442
    @arshatarifin7442 6 лет назад +5

    Ikut je Sunnah Rasulullah saw..budaya tak penting berbanding dgn sunnah..bukannye kita tiru Arab..kita ikut sunnah..ade paham ke tak paham2 lagi?..cakap tu biar berakal skit

    • @notanothermichael4676
      @notanothermichael4676 5 лет назад +2

      you do realize that the arabs are using the religion to spread their power ?

    • @yusofahmad50
      @yusofahmad50 2 месяца назад

      Dia ni otaknya telah di cuci sejak tadika lagi. Dah tak boleh buat apa dah. Biarkan lah dia hidup bawah tempurung.

  • @in7687
    @in7687 7 лет назад +1

    try explain to your country road folks

  • @taufikhidayad85
    @taufikhidayad85 7 лет назад +3

    ikut arab marah..ikut mat salleh boleh..bana die

    • @notanothermichael4676
      @notanothermichael4676 5 лет назад +1

      other way around sweetheart

    • @yusofahmad50
      @yusofahmad50 2 месяца назад

      Ikut Arab membabi buta...kalau boleh nak naik unta tak mau bawa kereta. Ikut mat saleh demi kemajuan bangsa dalam ilmu sains dan teknologi. Itu sebenar bezanya.

  • @bahasajawi
    @bahasajawi 9 лет назад +2


  • @idfree9174
    @idfree9174 8 лет назад +2

    How hypocritical and contradictory. Her name is Arabic. Most if not all Malays are a people with names that are Arabic. Let her shed hers to Mary, Julianna Queen of Holland or some other European name. After all what she spews out very unsubtley is the same anti Arab anti Muslim narratives of her Western handlers. The Kebaya is not Arabic. it is not Malay, it is a variation of the Lunghi, a south Indian dress. But tell that to people like her and she will spit out the word Keling under her breath.

    • @notanothermichael4676
      @notanothermichael4676 5 лет назад +3

      i don't think you get her point. Attacking her for her material possessions is a strawman clearly shes talking about us malays throwing our Nusantaran Values and adopting inferior Arab Values.

    • @dondog3123
      @dondog3123 10 месяцев назад

      i think you are confused by her points

    • @idfree9174
      @idfree9174 10 месяцев назад

      I think you and she are both equally confused. Arab culture is what civilized Europe in the Middle Ages and before. Your statement "inferior Arab values" is inferior to what? She loaded with pious platitudes and an inferior knowledge of the law and culture. and @@dondog3123

  • @Light-jo9lp
    @Light-jo9lp 2 месяца назад
