What if black plays Ng6 after g4? Cotroling f4 square and possibly Nf4 when white moves his knight... White bishop is also weak, so how to break black's position?
I thought that might be better, but Qd2 hitting pawn h6 and guarding f4, then maybe a K move and h2-h4 with an offer to open the h-file. The way play goes is different than the game, but the king-side is still the focal point.
I really enjoy Magnus's quiet modesty in videos like this one. He's a real gent very often.
What if black plays Ng6 after g4? Cotroling f4 square and possibly Nf4 when white moves his knight... White bishop is also weak, so how to break black's position?
I thought that might be better, but Qd2 hitting pawn h6 and guarding f4, then maybe a K move and h2-h4 with an offer to open the h-file. The way play goes is different than the game, but the king-side is still the focal point.
lol every single repurposed chess content has the same clickbait: a win in x opening=revealing how to beat the opening
Yet it still got you to click the video
@@MR08527 did it? Or did I want to see magnus play against the nimzo?
But the girl was winning the game, that's checkmate in 3. +K g6, kg3 then Q*h2 is checkmate
After Kg6 he'll take the rook on h8 🤔
What about Re8? If kg6 "discovered check" its a free rook right? 🥲, then mate in 1 qh6 is mate 😂
She was not winning the game, computer analysis finds that white has mate in 9 moves
Sea side
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