Let's put this simply- 1.) They are exotic veterinarians and are very much qualified to handle animals of this type. 2.) This animal is handicapped and would DIE in the wild. They didn't pluck it from it's naturally habitat as a fully healthy wild animal. 3.) Even though this room is extremely messy; it's Christmas and we don't know what the rest of there house looks like! 4.) They have a cat and rabbit running freely because THEY'RE ARE MOST LIKELY LITTER TRAINED. A rabbit and a cat both will use ONLY a litter box if taught correctly at a young age. Plus, a rabbit that size is no threat or is threatened by the cat. Should you leave them alone for long periods of time together? No. But you ppl act as if they have chickens, goats and rats and every other animal running around there house freely! I only heard a dog and saw a cat and rabbit; not a big deal. 5.) It's scared because it's in a new place! Every animal, even puppies and kittens, are going to be scared in a new home! 6.)It's no ones business. Unless that animal is being abused (obviously it's not) then please kindly shut up. I can guarantee most of you are suburban or urban living people that have only owned cats and dogs and have never been around anything else. You have no right nor qualifications to judge these people and obviously have no idea how rehabilitations and handling's of wild animals work. Which would you rather have? An animal dying in the wild because of a handicap? Or saving them and giving them a decent life that they couldn't have in the wild? Like all of you, i would love for all animals and even people to be free and safe. But in a world of hunters, poachers, companies destroying environments, killing animals for testing and products; that's just not the case.
So, what you're saying is that their mother *bought* a handicapped animal for $1,900? Let's not mince words over the obvious, though: 1.) The mother bought the kinka' for herself, and is plainly posing as a gift to pawn off the daily responsibility onto the kid for taking care of it. 2.) Just because you *can* keep a menagerie of potentially disastrous combinations of animals clumped in the same house doesn't mean you should. 3.) Based on both conversation and tones being candidly exchanged here, it's all about what mommy thinks is cute -and not what's best for the animal. 4.) Exclaiming that there are "qualifications" for dictating who can/can't judge others... on the INTERNET? 5.) Yes, the Dalmatian kid desperately needed/needs to become quickly and intimately familiar with the back of someone's hand. 6.) Uh, yeah... Regardless of whatever protest could be mounted, this whole "Christmas Surprise! " video ought to be absolutely mortifying for anyone in it for any number of eye-rolling, face-palming reasons. The fact that it's still available for public viewing says a LOT about the participants.
Animal dying in the wild, a thousand times. This videos encourage stupid people to go and get a kinkajou or whatever from wildlife traffic. So yes, maybe they saved one animal, but how many more they put at risk??? Wild animals belong in the wild, not at our houses. Get them the dalmatian, that's a real pet.
The sister who wanted the dog was soooo bitter, it made me laugh. I'd react the same way, especially since they completey ignored her. But she would not let go, lol!
It's a good thing I am not a parent yet. If my kid were complaining for an entire 5:21 long video about how they didn't get a dalmatian I would have back handed them. I'd never actually heard of a Kinkajou, sure is a cute little thing! Unfortunately we're destroying a lot of exotic animals' natural habitat so it's a good thing people like you exist. I'm sure he'll be happy with you :D
Doesn't bother to actually film girls reaction. Girl doesn't seem to be too fussed about getting her 'dream pet', doesn't even go near it or attempt to touch it for several minutes and will likely be bored of it after a few days. Sigh. GG.
+Juniper Cosmic She probably knows better, given that in the description it says her parents are exotic veterinarians. Kinkajous have been known to attack people, and they are nocturnal by nature, meaning that they are more irritable when woken in the daytime, which I'm assuming this one was.
Well to be honest, she probably didn’t want to scare it since it is a kid. I’m sure she loved it. You can see she loves the rabbit and cat so I’m sure she would neglect it
everyone saying that the Dalmatian girl needs to shut up knock it off , how would you feel if your sibling got a Fucking Kinkajou and all you asked for was a Dalmatian ((Yes I know the Kinkajou has a Missing foot)) you'd be pretty damn Jealous And ask for your pet you wanted.
I would be happy either way. If I didn't get a dog, but already had enough presents to build a fort with - plus an _exotic, unique animal_ - I would be happy either way. You know, it's that little thing a lot of people should have; gratitude.
It's is kinda shitty that no one is even answering the daughter asking about the Dalmatian, it's like they are ignoring her. I think she just wanted someone to answer her. It's not right to give one daughter what they asked for. From the way those kids are acting it seems like that one girl always gets what she wants first and the others are kinda ignored, for Christ sake she already had a rabbit on a leash.
Is it just me or is the girl asking about a Dalmatian VERY ANNOYING/JEALOUS. I mean c'mon let the girl enjoy HER gift. So what if your parents don't love you as much ;) haha
I hope these people do some studying on kinkajous. I trained two when I was a zookeeper. Doby and Narnia were awesome but they are a handful. They are nocturnal and should be kept that way. that's the primary reason for it shaking in the video and no its not cause its a baby. Even adult kinkajous shake in the daytime, its not natural for them. They should also learn to start petting it the opposite way, a kinkajous hair follicles make their hair grow in the opposite direction (tail to head instead of head to tail).
Adorable Kinkajou, but please don't hold your rabbit with one arm like that! It's whole body should be supported and not held by one arm and it's legs dangling loosely. I'm not trying to troll, just offering tips :) The kinkajou is so cute and so is your rabbit and other pets!
Enough of the Dalmatian. You guys already have a ton of other animals. So what on the Dalmatian for now. Just be thankful and happy for the new Kinkajou you have. I’m sure everyone in the family is aloud to enjoy him/her
"Bad parenting" would be if the parents would suddenly forget about Keely and her kinkajou, and be all like "Oh, your Dalmatian! Don't worry, sweetheart, let's go buy one right now!"
I feel so bad for the sister. She clearly really really wanted a dog and was probably heartbroken to see such a big wish come true for her sister and not have her own wish come true. Tbh, I might have cried a little if that happened to me. My parents have always made sure my sister and I were given equal presents (except when my sister was told she wasn't getting a computer until her behavior improved and I got a computer for Christmas).
My parents would have NEVER made a wish come true for just one of us!! That little girl is all I could think about the whole video and I prayed they would bring a dog out as well!! That sucks!!! Tisk Tisk mom and dad!! They have a video on their channel, posted in july of 2012 and there is a puppy Dalmatian! So I'm suspecting after this video posted and all the backlash came down, they went and got that poor girl a dog! The thing is this memory will NEVER leave her!!
Hayley Harrison Agreed. Im lucky enough to get a fish! And not to mention the sister was being a real bitch. She needed to grow up. Shouting out "Dalmatian!" Where's my Dalmatian!" Ruined the moment for her sis and made her seem a bit selfish for not being happy for her sister and just worrying about herself not getting her stupid Dalmatian. Life isn't always fair, so I think it's ok for the parents to grant one of the daughter wishes.
Wow, I apologize for all the negative comments from people, just wow. That kinkajou looks adorable by the way. I'd never even heard about them until this video. Looks absolutely adorable!!
I'd have taken all the Dalmatian girl's gifts back and left her with nothing. I'd have taken what she already had too; Her, TV, phone, etc. There is no place of freeloading whiners in my house who contribute nothing yet feel entitled to my money.
because a teen pouting over Christmas gifts is clearly responsible enough for anything other than a Tamagachi.....irresponsible legacies live long and suffer
Okay I wanna see that other girl get her Dalmatian. Seriously. I don't think she's spoiled at all, her and her sister have obviously both been asking for a new pet. The parents decided to ignore the wishes of the girl who wanted the Dalmatian and got a kinkajou for Keely and made a long video about it and gave the one girl all sorts of attention she didn't deserve. I saw someone's comment saying they wanted to take away all of Dalmatian girl's stuff for being spoiled. WELL WHO GOT A NEW PET? NOT HER! But somehow she is spoiled??? She's disappointed because her parents don't give a shit about what she wants and decide to spoil her sister with a fucking rabbit and a kinkajou. Prime example of ass hole parents picking favorites.
Olivia Cramer I'd appreciate it if you keep your negativity to yourself. Neither of my parents are what you're claiming them to be. My sister received the dalmatian 2 weeks later for her birthday.
keely m "It's cute, I hope it has a good life with you guys, but I really have to be honest; your sister was acting like a snobby bitch. I mean, unless she was being sarcastic."
I know but i'm still upset about the horrible things being said about her. And the fact that her sister doesn't give a shit and only cares about herself.
Very cute! I've never seen a kinkajou before - so your video inspired me to learn more about them! I hope that kind of thing helps offset some of the rude comments.
Christian Wyche You can't report me for a name. Would you insult someone with the name Adolf? It's a common name. The world doesn't care if you are offended. Learn to spell.
Awww that's awesome that ur parents got u a kinkajou....great christmas gift. I too love animals...ever since childhood...i used to get in trouble for always playing with stray animals and feeding them. Trust me if we could afford to foster animals domestic or exotic i would. Good luck....and post updates on the kinkajou.
I does make me uncomfortable when people comment on videos telling the video owner that they're bad people or that they shouldn't be doing this or that... it's not possible to have a truly informed opinion of the situation from just watching a few minutes of video... but I do feel sad seeing people keeping exotic animals as pets. Being veterinarians isn't a free pass imo, in fact it's exactly because your parents are vets you'd think they would be more against keeping such animals as they surely understand more than most that this isn't an ideal situation for the kinkajou and surely it's his welfare that matters most?
XxSpenMcfiShepardzzxX Why research something that 'isn't a pet'? They are being captive bred and there is no problem with that. There is however, a problem with people like you who can't spell or make a decent argument.
If Dalmatian-girl asked for that damn dog in my home, my dad would have smacked her down and taken back all her gifts. You gotta be fucking grateful. And stop being jealous of your sister.
MAJE5TYY Only because they got the gift for one of them doesn't mean she's the favorite. Plus you don't know the circumstances. Maybe they didn't get her the dumbass Dalmatian because she wasn't so good in school or maybe they felt she wasn't ready for a dog, and maybe the other sister was ready to have a her pet. Either way the sister should have stayed quiet. She ruined the moment for her sister.
Hi Nice to meet you How did she ruin the moment? Please tell me. Everyone pretty much ignored most question she asked. Yeah, I don't know the situation, neither do you you fucking dumbass so I don't know why you're trying to prove a point with something that applies to you as well. If a child feels like their sibling is the favorite then it's not going to matter to them if their sibling gets better grades.
Why is something like a kinkajou not allowed as a pet in the minds of people but it's okay for dogs, cats, birds, fish, hermit crabs, frogs, turtles, insects, etc? Thousands of animals are taken as pets every day, in every part of the world. But animals deemed "exotic" are not okay....
Most of those animals you have named are domesticated. Meaning they can be around people without much a problem. The problem with the kinkajou is that it is a very delicate animal not to mention it is a wild animal as well. Dogs, cats, birds, etc. have been bred to be around humans when wild animals like the kinkajou have not. It's also best to keep wild animals in the wild because they are more likely to die in captivity from neglection or poor diets. Just because you want an animal as a pet doesn't mean you have the right to own one. They are beings and should be respected as such.
i think keeping exotic pets is good for the population, if the specie is someday close to extinction, u can always use the domestic ones to breed more. As long as its responsible people that takes care of those animals
Sasu Art That's what conservation breeding programs at responsible zoos are for. We absolutely cannot rely on the exotic pet trade for species conservation. Unfortunately such a large percentage of people who try to own exotic pets are not experienced enough, educated enough, or well-prepared to take care of exotic pets, especially as the animals get older, and so often the animals end up either being destroyed or having to be taken by rescue organizations. (I'm not saying the family in this video is like this, but on the whole).
Kikyo4815 as i said, as long as they are responsible and they actually know what they doing, i see nothing wrong with owning an exotic animals, many that own one is usally a rescue from an inresponsible person. I have seen many here on youtube that takes great care of their exotic animals, they have the money, time, and they know what they doing when they decide to take care of these animals. And besides, if u have raised a wild animal in captivity, it can neverreturn to the wild, since it would die.
Looks like this "pet" will need alot of attention. This is one, I think that should be left in the wild! And those people's house is a bloody mess. Maybe they should have put that money towards a housekeeper!
Is not a monkey. The house is a mess because they're openning christmast presents. I could say it's not always like that. Definitelly kinkajous aren't pets for a immature child. Even for adults are quite difficult pets, ask Paris Hilton haha, he has been sent to the hospital twice because of this little animal. No, she can't release it in the wild, first it isn't endemic of USA as far as I know, it would cause a big disaster if it's released or it'd just die. So the better option is taking care of it, I hope this family is aware of that.
it has been bought from a breeder that likely has a passion for caring for those animals. Which, believe it or not, are not only sold to people as pets but also to education foundations and zoos that work to conserve that species. Cats and dogs had to be domesticated from their wild counterparts at one point. If you think that domesticated animals are the only ones that should be kept as pets, than you are ignoring reptiles, most birds (including those you see at your local pet store), and fish. It isn't like kinkajous are going to have a terrible life, it's actually longer and much more enriching. Those people know what they are doing!
Did your sister get a Dalmatian in the end ? So happy that you got your kinkajou. How is she doing now ? Can you do another video please. She is so cute . :)
Wow! girl you are soooo lucky! He/she looks very happy and healthy... I feel that you and your family will take very good care. What name did you come up with?
That kid asking for a dalmatian just finished opening all her presents and she already bugging mom for another dog... Sheesh, that kid is hard to please!
I am SO jealous! you are so lucky being raised in a house of such love and abundance! And TWO vets! I'd be in heaven! I LUV all the procyonidae, especially raccoons and have raised many as wildlife rehabilitator, sadly can't keep them though. :( Keep us posted on Skittles, I may decide to adopt one too, at least I can keep them. Good luck!
I'm just really curious. What type of specialized care goes into owning a kinkajou, and what type of animal is it exactly? I probably think it's above the level of care and cost I could afford but it's too cute for me to not want to know about it, and I'd rather hear it from someone who owns one rather than wiki etc.
Kinkajous are related to Coatis and Raccoons. They are much better pets than monkeys and many people take them on walks and the kinkajous usually come when called. They need a decent sized cage, plenty of play time, and fresh fruit every night.
OBVIOUSLY I did research before! I knew she needed exercise daily and that she would be a 'hassle' but I could care less. I am up to the challenge, and am responsible enough to take care of her properly. Almost every pet owner looking into getting a puppy knows the puppy will be a 'hassle' and need lots of attention, but they still adopt the puppy knowing what lies ahead. So please keep your comments to yourself.
I was reading the other Comments, and for the people who are hating on you and your animals, and their feelings, they just don't know what love is...If you have a wild animal, and you've had it since a baby, and its now 2-3 years old or younger, and you put them in the wild, they will get killed or just die, because they weren't raised to hunt..So Keely your doing the right thing, people are just so ignorant, and I got mad when i read these hateful comments towards you....Your doing great..!!!!!
I hope it was rescuedand not bought from a breeder. Keeping it as a pet because it can't survive in the wild is one thing, but purchasing it from a breeder is another. Wild animals should stay just that-wild. Those in particular are nocturnal and extremely hard to care for.
Azмєяa Mσσn it probably wouldn't be if it was bought from a breeder. But it's all instinctual. it would be happier I'm sure in a sanctuary where they can mimic it's natural habitat and care for all it's needs properly. At least in my opinion.
Steph, no. Go release your dog into the wild if you feel animals are doomed in captivity, not true for a large amount of animals including kinkajous, are they harder to take care of and do you need to satisfy their instincts? Sure. but they are affectionate and form strong bonds and play with their owners, they arent preyed upon and live longer than in the wild.
That girl is so annoying!!!!! Be happy that your sister is happy! Not be a hater! "Is that a family gift or her gift?! Like seriously! Get over yourself
Obviously they are, if you mean they don't make good pets or are unsuitable or if it's cruel to keep them, could you please give a source other than the fact that it's unusual and kinda looks like a monkey, of which certain types can be unsuitable?
I’m sorry you got all these crappy comments. This is literally 7 years later and I just want to say how lucky you are to have a chance to bond with such a beautiful creature. Wow!😊
I think that if they can take care of the animal (due to responsibility, age, research, ability, etc.) then what does it matter if it is exotic or not? There are people out there that should never own an animal of any kind (Fight, Abuse, Neglect, the list goes on) and these are animals that are legal to own practically everywhere that are well known and long domesticated.
Let's put this simply-
1.) They are exotic veterinarians and are very much qualified to handle animals of this type.
2.) This animal is handicapped and would DIE in the wild. They didn't pluck it from it's naturally habitat as a fully healthy wild animal.
3.) Even though this room is extremely messy; it's Christmas and we don't know what the rest of there house looks like!
4.) They have a cat and rabbit running freely because THEY'RE ARE MOST LIKELY LITTER TRAINED. A rabbit and a cat both will use ONLY a litter box if taught correctly at a young age. Plus, a rabbit that size is no threat or is threatened by the cat. Should you leave them alone for long periods of time together? No. But you ppl act as if they have chickens, goats and rats and every other animal running around there house freely! I only heard a dog and saw a cat and rabbit; not a big deal.
5.) It's scared because it's in a new place! Every animal, even puppies and kittens, are going to be scared in a new home!
6.)It's no ones business. Unless that animal is being abused (obviously it's not) then please kindly shut up. I can guarantee most of you are suburban or urban living people that have only owned cats and dogs and have never been around anything else. You have no right nor qualifications to judge these people and obviously have no idea how rehabilitations and handling's of wild animals work. Which would you rather have? An animal dying in the wild because of a handicap? Or saving them and giving them a decent life that they couldn't have in the wild?
Like all of you, i would love for all animals and even people to be free and safe. But in a world of hunters, poachers, companies destroying environments, killing animals for testing and products; that's just not the case.
So, what you're saying is that their mother *bought* a handicapped animal for $1,900?
Let's not mince words over the obvious, though:
1.) The mother bought the kinka' for herself, and is plainly posing as a gift to pawn off the daily responsibility onto the kid for taking care of it.
2.) Just because you *can* keep a menagerie of potentially disastrous combinations of animals clumped in the same house doesn't mean you should.
3.) Based on both conversation and tones being candidly exchanged here, it's all about what mommy thinks is cute -and not what's best for the animal.
4.) Exclaiming that there are "qualifications" for dictating who can/can't judge others... on the INTERNET?
5.) Yes, the Dalmatian kid desperately needed/needs to become quickly and intimately familiar with the back of someone's hand.
6.) Uh, yeah... Regardless of whatever protest could be mounted, this whole "Christmas Surprise! " video ought to be absolutely mortifying for anyone in it for any number of eye-rolling, face-palming reasons. The fact that it's still available for public viewing says a LOT about the participants.
Shut the fuck up I have one u ruined the video dickhead
Animal dying in the wild, a thousand times. This videos encourage stupid people to go and get a kinkajou or whatever from wildlife traffic. So yes, maybe they saved one animal, but how many more they put at risk??? Wild animals belong in the wild, not at our houses. Get them the dalmatian, that's a real pet.
If you think it's awesome now, wait until it reaches level 20 and evolves into a Kinkataur.
lmfao @ "kinkataur"
best comment on the feed.
Dude, where's your logic, they won't revolve at level 20 unless you give it a Kinkanite stone.
i ask my mom for one... got punched in the throat.
This comment XDDD
Well, what have you learned?
Alucard Hellsing lol yes
That one girl that wants a Dalmatian should take care of the cat, the rabbit, and the dog or dogs that you already have. Just saying
Very true she asking for more animals also more money her parents spend and she spends nothing
Christian Wyche yes exactly
i agree. animals are not toys that you can just put on a shelf. they're responsybylytyes too
shut up about the Dalmatian already jeeze
Jake Sanderson seriously tho.
Enough on the damn dalmation already.
"Somebody got a black cat! Or is that one we had?" Dad's a comedian...
The sister who wanted the dog was soooo bitter, it made me laugh. I'd react the same way, especially since they completey ignored her. But she would not let go, lol!
I'dRatherBe AtTheZoo ignored he because it’s rude she should be happy she gets anything at all
It's a good thing I am not a parent yet. If my kid were complaining for an entire 5:21 long video about how they didn't get a dalmatian I would have back handed them. I'd never actually heard of a Kinkajou, sure is a cute little thing! Unfortunately we're destroying a lot of exotic animals' natural habitat so it's a good thing people like you exist. I'm sure he'll be happy with you :D
Wow I hope you aren't ever a parent with that attitude..
dose anybody else see a bunny in the back or am i just trippin balls
I do they don't care about it I thinks its cute
I saw it near the desk
I do
Watch more she picks it up
Doesn't bother to actually film girls reaction.
Girl doesn't seem to be too fussed about getting her 'dream pet', doesn't even go near it or attempt to touch it for several minutes and will likely be bored of it after a few days. Sigh. GG.
+Juniper Cosmic She probably knows better, given that in the description it says her parents are exotic veterinarians. Kinkajous have been known to attack people, and they are nocturnal by nature, meaning that they are more irritable when woken in the daytime, which I'm assuming this one was.
I doubt she'll get bored of it. You have to be a committed and responsible pet owner to not get bored with a pet.
Well to be honest, she probably didn’t want to scare it since it is a kid. I’m sure she loved it. You can see she loves the rabbit and cat so I’m sure she would neglect it
Shut the fuck up juniper
everyone saying that the Dalmatian girl needs to shut up knock it off , how would you feel if your sibling got a Fucking Kinkajou and all you asked for was a Dalmatian ((Yes I know the Kinkajou has a Missing foot)) you'd be pretty damn Jealous And ask for your pet you wanted.
I would be happy either way. If I didn't get a dog, but already had enough presents to build a fort with - plus an _exotic, unique animal_ - I would be happy either way. You know, it's that little thing a lot of people should have; gratitude.
+ReasonableCrackers♡ Quiet true.
+ReasonableCrackers♡ they have other dogs, how do you know one of other ones wasn't a gift to her??
"Somebody got a black cat, or is that the one we have" Hahahaha
shes gonna be bored of it and it will sit in a cage it's whole life
2 years later...... Still not bored... sorry bud... Will have her for 20 more years to come
keely m 10/10 mlg
probably dead now
keely m Still having it?
It's is kinda shitty that no one is even answering the daughter asking about the Dalmatian, it's like they are ignoring her. I think she just wanted someone to answer her. It's not right to give one daughter what they asked for. From the way those kids are acting it seems like that one girl always gets what she wants first and the others are kinda ignored, for Christ sake she already had a rabbit on a leash.
The other girl did get a Dalmatian in the end...
A kinachu is a hell of allot cheaper than a dalmaition that costs 3000$
+Colestercamps some breeders sell puppies for free
Daddy Alabama no breeders do not sell dogs for free people who decide if have a batch of puppy's sell them for nothing .
Colestercamps some do. i got my 2 dogs for free
Omg your sister was getting on my nerves
Wtf she freaking wants a Dalmatian
Is it just me or is the girl asking about a Dalmatian VERY ANNOYING/JEALOUS. I mean c'mon let the girl enjoy HER gift. So what if your parents don't love you as much ;) haha
I hope these people do some studying on kinkajous. I trained two when I was a zookeeper. Doby and Narnia were awesome but they are a handful. They are nocturnal and should be kept that way. that's the primary reason for it shaking in the video and no its not cause its a baby. Even adult kinkajous shake in the daytime, its not natural for them. They should also learn to start petting it the opposite way, a kinkajous hair follicles make their hair grow in the opposite direction (tail to head instead of head to tail).
Adorable Kinkajou, but please don't hold your rabbit with one arm like that! It's whole body should be supported and not held by one arm and it's legs dangling loosely. I'm not trying to troll, just offering tips :) The kinkajou is so cute and so is your rabbit and other pets!
AleiaAnimalLover368 Their vets! Nuff said.
I agree! If he freaks and wiggles his back could get very hurt.
Shut the fuck up it is a video about a kinkajou
Enough of the Dalmatian. You guys already have a ton of other animals. So what on the Dalmatian for now. Just be thankful and happy for the new Kinkajou you have. I’m sure everyone in the family is aloud to enjoy him/her
Did she even like the kinkajou? She didn't even want to hold it. It looked really stressed with the annoying, "WHERES MY DALMATION???!
I was in shock! Of course I LOVED the kinkajou (Tia)
Aww I feel bad for that kid who wanted the dog. No one was even paying attention to the poor kid! Bad parenting 101
"Bad parenting" would be if the parents would suddenly forget about Keely and her kinkajou, and be all like "Oh, your Dalmatian! Don't worry, sweetheart, let's go buy one right now!"
Well that's your opinion lol
WillowJule18 "bad parenting"lol okay.
FacheChanteDeux 1) She's a kinkajou.
2) She's a rescue.
3) You're welcome.
Lmao 😂 i don’t she has all those presents but crying for the dog and then she gets it and no thank you at all to her parents
sounds like a zoo in there and sounds like someone is jealousss
Too cute I'm glad your parents are exotic veterinarians that makes me feel genuinely better about the future of the animal!
Hell if I got a kinkajou for Christmas I'd be freaking out, I wouldn't just smile and walk into another room
I feel so bad for the sister. She clearly really really wanted a dog and was probably heartbroken to see such a big wish come true for her sister and not have her own wish come true. Tbh, I might have cried a little if that happened to me. My parents have always made sure my sister and I were given equal presents (except when my sister was told she wasn't getting a computer until her behavior improved and I got a computer for Christmas).
theres actually another video on the channel, and she does get her dalmatian!
***** I saw it. I'm super glad she got her puppy.
My parents would have NEVER made a wish come true for just one of us!! That little girl is all I could think about the whole video and I prayed they would bring a dog out as well!! That sucks!!! Tisk Tisk mom and dad!! They have a video on their channel, posted in july of 2012 and there is a puppy Dalmatian! So I'm suspecting after this video posted and all the backlash came down, they went and got that poor girl a dog! The thing is this memory will NEVER leave her!!
Hayley Harrison Agreed. Im lucky enough to get a fish! And not to mention the sister was being a real bitch. She needed to grow up. Shouting out "Dalmatian!" Where's my Dalmatian!" Ruined the moment for her sis and made her seem a bit selfish for not being happy for her sister and just worrying about herself not getting her stupid Dalmatian. Life isn't always fair, so I think it's ok for the parents to grant one of the daughter wishes.
MAJE5TYY You're immature.
finally someone who loves Dalmatians as much as I do!!! I love Dalmatians!!!!!
+Marie Bella But that girl didn't get one did she;(
She did
I meant in the video duh
That's a darn cute pet! Kids are lucky to be in a rich family. They have no idea what most people like me get for Christmas (nothing).
Why isn't the mom answering any of the questions?? Rude
I jumped out of my bed when I heard You & I in the back. Thanks for making my day!
Talk about favoritism. Who the fuck gets someone a fucking Kinkajou but can't get a fucking dog? There better be a Surprise Dalmatian vid around here.
LimmBurger There is
I known right
She got ignored
there is I have seen it.
The cost for a Kinkajou is much more inexpensive compared to a Dalmatian... (very rarely are there Dalmatians at doggy shelters)
Wow, I apologize for all the negative comments from people, just wow. That kinkajou looks adorable by the way. I'd never even heard about them until this video. Looks absolutely adorable!!
The amount of animals you guys have is amazing! (: *jealous*
i bet the cat's going to love that thing...i give it a month
I'd have taken all the Dalmatian girl's gifts back and left her with nothing. I'd have taken what she already had too; Her, TV, phone, etc. There is no place of freeloading whiners in my house who contribute nothing yet feel entitled to my money.
because a teen pouting over Christmas gifts is clearly responsible enough for anything other than a Tamagachi.....irresponsible legacies live long and suffer
That little girl was selfish GO AND BUY URSELF A DALMATION!!!
Aww! Thanks so much for uploading this! You;re kinkajou is so adorable!
Okay I wanna see that other girl get her Dalmatian. Seriously. I don't think she's spoiled at all, her and her sister have obviously both been asking for a new pet. The parents decided to ignore the wishes of the girl who wanted the Dalmatian and got a kinkajou for Keely and made a long video about it and gave the one girl all sorts of attention she didn't deserve. I saw someone's comment saying they wanted to take away all of Dalmatian girl's stuff for being spoiled. WELL WHO GOT A NEW PET? NOT HER! But somehow she is spoiled??? She's disappointed because her parents don't give a shit about what she wants and decide to spoil her sister with a fucking rabbit and a kinkajou. Prime example of ass hole parents picking favorites.
Olivia Cramer I'd appreciate it if you keep your negativity to yourself. Neither of my parents are what you're claiming them to be. My sister received the dalmatian 2 weeks later for her birthday.
I am just commenting on what I see. Sorry for defending your sister while everyone bullies her in the comments.
keely m "It's cute, I hope it has a good life with you guys, but I really have to be honest; your sister was acting like a snobby bitch. I mean, unless she was being sarcastic."
+Olivia Cramer the sister got her Dalmatian for her birthday
I know but i'm still upset about the horrible things being said about her. And the fact that her sister doesn't give a shit and only cares about herself.
I love this video with the exception of your parents not answering any of the questions everyone keeps asking, lol. I want to know the answers too!!!
Shut up about the dalmation, the kinkajou seems like it will turn into a family responsibility.
A kinkajou would be an interesting animal to have, would you keep it in some sort of cage/enclosure? Or would it just get free roam?
A kinkajou, hold up let me get my pokeballs
Very cute! I've never seen a kinkajou before - so your video inspired me to learn more about them! I hope that kind of thing helps offset some of the rude comments.
Omg I love kinkajous so much! I have a family member who owns one. They're so sweet and playful!
didn't know this animal existed till this video lmao
It started to become famous because of Paris Hilton, and I don't doubt that the girl is a Paris Hilton's fan, for some reason.
So then, 3 years on, is this still a much loved pet?
It is terrified , that is horrible ! Why are animals roaming around that house !
Because it's better to be in an animal proofed house than stick in a cage all day. How is it horrible to take good care of animals?
Christian Wyche You can't report me for a name. Would you insult someone with the name Adolf? It's a common name. The world doesn't care if you are offended. Learn to spell.
Duh, typo!
Christian Wyche O and A are on opposite sides of the keyboard.
Baby Hitler but that is your name nowing that guy killed 100 of 1000 Jews what if I'm a Jew that would offend me
Awww that's awesome that ur parents got u a kinkajou....great christmas gift. I too love animals...ever since childhood...i used to get in trouble for always playing with stray animals and feeding them. Trust me if we could afford to foster animals domestic or exotic i would. Good luck....and post updates on the kinkajou.
I does make me uncomfortable when people comment on videos telling the video owner that they're bad people or that they shouldn't be doing this or that... it's not possible to have a truly informed opinion of the situation from just watching a few minutes of video... but I do feel sad seeing people keeping exotic animals as pets. Being veterinarians isn't a free pass imo, in fact it's exactly because your parents are vets you'd think they would be more against keeping such animals as they surely understand more than most that this isn't an ideal situation for the kinkajou and surely it's his welfare that matters most?
That's funny, she's like. She gets a kinkajou and I can't even get a damn dog lol
just so u know kinkajous r not pets they are wild animals and they are carnivores
Then why is it eating a banana
cuz its obviosluy there ominvores and i meant to say wuz they r actually relative to carnivores but they r known to eat birds, bats, and insects
You are so stupid. You know nothing about kinkajous.
u r so stupid u know nothing kinkajous and i how to take care of kinkajous.
XxSpenMcfiShepardzzxX Why research something that 'isn't a pet'? They are being captive bred and there is no problem with that. There is however, a problem with people like you who can't spell or make a decent argument.
What a great family you have! Love all the animals/kids/happiness in this vid. Your parents are amazing.
that place is a dam zoo
you've never seen my house!
Man that kid in the background was annoying as hell where's my Dalmatian OMFG
If Dalmatian-girl asked for that damn dog in my home, my dad would have smacked her down and taken back all her gifts. You gotta be fucking grateful. And stop being jealous of your sister.
FINALLY SOMEONE USES THEIR HEAD. I FINALLY AGREE! I'm sick of reading comments of people feeling bad for the sister.
Shelby Wesley Yeah it's always nice a nice feeling when your parents treat your sibling as their favorite.
MAJE5TYY Only because they got the gift for one of them doesn't mean she's the favorite. Plus you don't know the circumstances. Maybe they didn't get her the dumbass Dalmatian because she wasn't so good in school or maybe they felt she wasn't ready for a dog, and maybe the other sister was ready to have a her pet. Either way the sister should have stayed quiet. She ruined the moment for her sister.
Hi Nice to meet you How did she ruin the moment? Please tell me. Everyone pretty much ignored most question she asked. Yeah, I don't know the situation, neither do you you fucking dumbass so I don't know why you're trying to prove a point with something that applies to you as well. If a child feels like their sibling is the favorite then it's not going to matter to them if their sibling gets better grades.
*+MAJE5TYY* Yes, the girl who wanted the Dalmatian was being ignored, but that doesn't mean Keely was the favorite child.
YEs! She LOVES my dogs and cats! Especially my 'puppy' haha they run around and pounce on each other. It's ADORABLE!
this animal needs to be in the wild
The most adorable animal I ever seen--little honey bun!! Dee Dee
happy to see ppl loving animals and dont want to offend but that mess is so not good for rabbit or any other animal...
Wow I really want to be an exotics vet when I'm older, have for years now. You're parents are awesome
A fucking kinkajou... R u serious? Do you not worry about it being scared shitless
Those people know what they are doing, did you read the description?
Know what they are doing... your right, they own atleast one of every creature on the planet, now, accept MEEE,
"someone got a black cat. or is that one we already had?" haha, i'm guessing you guys have a lot of pets?
i'm so jealous about the kinkajou!!
Why is something like a kinkajou not allowed as a pet in the minds of people but it's okay for dogs, cats, birds, fish, hermit crabs, frogs, turtles, insects, etc? Thousands of animals are taken as pets every day, in every part of the world. But animals deemed "exotic" are not okay....
Most of those animals you have named are domesticated. Meaning they can be around people without much a problem. The problem with the kinkajou is that it is a very delicate animal not to mention it is a wild animal as well. Dogs, cats, birds, etc. have been bred to be around humans when wild animals like the kinkajou have not. It's also best to keep wild animals in the wild because they are more likely to die in captivity from neglection or poor diets. Just because you want an animal as a pet doesn't mean you have the right to own one. They are beings and should be respected as such.
dogs are so domesticated house life is their habitat
i think keeping exotic pets is good for the population, if the specie is someday close to extinction, u can always use the domestic ones to breed more. As long as its responsible people that takes care of those animals
Sasu Art That's what conservation breeding programs at responsible zoos are for. We absolutely cannot rely on the exotic pet trade for species conservation. Unfortunately such a large percentage of people who try to own exotic pets are not experienced enough, educated enough, or well-prepared to take care of exotic pets, especially as the animals get older, and so often the animals end up either being destroyed or having to be taken by rescue organizations. (I'm not saying the family in this video is like this, but on the whole).
as i said, as long as they are responsible and they actually know what they doing, i see nothing wrong with owning an exotic animals, many that own one is usally a rescue from an inresponsible person.
I have seen many here on youtube that takes great care of their exotic animals, they have the money, time, and they know what they doing when they decide to take care of these animals.
And besides, if u have raised a wild animal in captivity, it can neverreturn to the wild, since it would die.
Gotta love the rudness on here :P Very cute though ^.^ I knew you had to love it!! I know the only spoiled on is the kinkajou lol
I will give this family a chupacabra to play with.
Wow! is your daughter interested in going into veterinary medicine, too? What a wonderful experience!
Looks like this "pet" will need alot of attention. This is one, I think that should be left in the wild!
And those people's house is a bloody mess. Maybe they should have put that money towards a housekeeper!
Is not a monkey.
The house is a mess because they're openning christmast presents. I could say it's not always like that.
Definitelly kinkajous aren't pets for a immature child. Even for adults are quite difficult pets, ask Paris Hilton haha, he has been sent to the hospital twice because of this little animal.
No, she can't release it in the wild, first it isn't endemic of USA as far as I know, it would cause a big disaster if it's released or it'd just die.
So the better option is taking care of it, I hope this family is aware of that.
+sanzep ups, *she
it has been bought from a breeder that likely has a passion for caring for those animals. Which, believe it or not, are not only sold to people as pets but also to education foundations and zoos that work to conserve that species. Cats and dogs had to be domesticated from their wild counterparts at one point. If you think that domesticated animals are the only ones that should be kept as pets, than you are ignoring reptiles, most birds (including those you see at your local pet store), and fish. It isn't like kinkajous are going to have a terrible life, it's actually longer and much more enriching. Those people know what they are doing!
Tbh, I prefer sugar gliders :) They are bred to be pets, and really cute. They can be noisy at first, but after a while they are the sweetest things!
smh, rich white people.
There parents are vets. I am guessing some of there animals they are just caring for them not keeping em, for rehabilitation
They are rich because they cared about their education and goals.don't be a ignorant rasist
Baekhyun It's bad to be rich and/or white?
Baekhyun It's a terrible thing that people work hard and make money right?
Did your sister get a Dalmatian in the end ? So happy that you got your kinkajou. How is she doing now ? Can you do another video please. She is so cute . :)
Damn her she wants everything
whoa, thats a lot of presents...wish my Christmases were like that! lol, I guess vets get a lot of money??
"I don't get a simple Dalmation, but Keeley *(Sorry if I butchered the spelling xP)* gets this!
Literally me every Christmas x)
Wow! girl you are soooo lucky! He/she looks very happy and healthy... I feel that you and your family will take very good care. What name did you come up with?
That kid asking for a dalmatian just finished opening all her presents and she already bugging mom for another dog... Sheesh, that kid is hard to please!
I am SO jealous! you are so lucky being raised in a house of such love and abundance! And TWO vets! I'd be in heaven! I LUV all the procyonidae, especially raccoons and have raised many as wildlife rehabilitator, sadly can't keep them though. :( Keep us posted on Skittles, I may decide to adopt one too, at least I can keep them. Good luck!
Don't feed it Taco Bell or else it turns into a Chupacabra
I'm just really curious. What type of specialized care goes into owning a kinkajou, and what type of animal is it exactly? I probably think it's above the level of care and cost I could afford but it's too cute for me to not want to know about it, and I'd rather hear it from someone who owns one rather than wiki etc.
Kinkajous are related to Coatis and Raccoons. They are much better pets than monkeys and many people take them on walks and the kinkajous usually come when called. They need a decent sized cage, plenty of play time, and fresh fruit every night.
Family of raccoons and coatimundis, it eats mainly fruit, above advanced care, and the cost can be up to 2,500 dollars plus caging
what a bunch of weirdos
OBVIOUSLY I did research before! I knew she needed exercise daily and that she would be a 'hassle' but I could care less. I am up to the challenge, and am responsible enough to take care of her properly. Almost every pet owner looking into getting a puppy knows the puppy will be a 'hassle' and need lots of attention, but they still adopt the puppy knowing what lies ahead. So please keep your comments to yourself.
Well, I guess it's goodbye to the family cat :\
I was reading the other Comments, and for the people who are hating on you and your animals, and their feelings, they just don't know what love is...If you have a wild animal, and you've had it since a baby, and its now 2-3 years old or younger, and you put them in the wild, they will get killed or just die, because they weren't raised to hunt..So Keely your doing the right thing, people are just so ignorant, and I got mad when i read these hateful comments towards you....Your doing great..!!!!!
I hope it was rescuedand not bought from a breeder. Keeping it as a pet because it can't survive in the wild is one thing, but purchasing it from a breeder is another. Wild animals should stay just that-wild. Those in particular are nocturnal and extremely hard to care for.
But from a breeder, wouldn't the kinkajou, raised in captivity, not be accustomed to its natural habitat?
Azмєяa Mσσn it probably wouldn't be if it was bought from a breeder. But it's all instinctual. it would be happier I'm sure in a sanctuary where they can mimic it's natural habitat and care for all it's needs properly. At least in my opinion.
I just found out it was rescued; it's missing its back left foot.
Where can I get one
Steph, no. Go release your dog into the wild if you feel animals are doomed in captivity, not true for a large amount of animals including kinkajous, are they harder to take care of and do you need to satisfy their instincts? Sure. but they are affectionate and form strong bonds and play with their owners, they arent preyed upon and live longer than in the wild.
how precious!!! a sweetface kinkajou!
Omfg she should be happy she got a stuffed dog she's complaining on Christmas where's my dalmation omg STOP!!!!
OMG that kinkajou is sooo cute! How lucky are you! Sorry about the dalmatian to ur sista! :-(
That girl is so annoying!!!!! Be happy that your sister is happy! Not be a hater! "Is that a family gift or her gift?! Like seriously! Get over yourself
Dang. That's a lot of presents, then a pet, I usually get like 3 presents on Christmas.
kinkajou's are not pets -_-
Obviously they are, if you mean they don't make good pets or are unsuitable or if it's cruel to keep them, could you please give a source other than the fact that it's unusual and kinda looks like a monkey, of which certain types can be unsuitable?
Where did you get Tia? I've been talking to my parents about getting a kinkajou and was just wondering.
Those animals are not pets and people need to realize that!
They are, jut it's not common for ppl to have them and also in some times in other places it's Ur not aloud to have it.
They are actually great companion pets just not common
They r pets
They are exotic pets, like rats. So not many people own it.
Maiya Hessbrook Rats aren't really exotic...
I’m sorry you got all these crappy comments. This is literally 7 years later and I just want to say how lucky you are to have a chance to bond with such a beautiful creature. Wow!😊
Shut up about the Dalmation
all i heard during this video was "i put a dalmation on my list, i didnt get one and she gets this!" xD
I think that if they can take care of the animal (due to responsibility, age, research, ability, etc.) then what does it matter if it is exotic or not? There are people out there that should never own an animal of any kind (Fight, Abuse, Neglect, the list goes on) and these are animals that are legal to own practically everywhere that are well known and long domesticated.
tlcoffer thank you
lol at your sister wanting a damn Dalmatian
Rich white people...
I love how she says "I don't get a simple dalmation...?" "Can she keep skittles..." >:( "Is my dalmation next door"??
They are acting like brats