Measuring volume is not possible unfortunately. The point cloud consists of XYZ positions of reflections from surfaces of unknown shape. The only option is an approximation by fitting simple geometric shapes, usually cylinders. This is possible for the simple parts, like the stem, but very error prone in other parts. Using a volume model based on dbh and height might be a better option here.
..these laser scanners and drones are a highly-manicured forest woodlot. Anywhere else, not so much. But I'm an old increment bore/compass/inclinometer-style Luddite...
I am a PhD student in Addis Ababa University, in Remote sensing and I want to do A desertation on Forest Carbon Analysis, So I have to get the 3D image via this TLS scanner. So, How can get it?
Thanks for uploading this, very educational!
Thnks, this is a great video
This is great, would have loved to see how to measure volume of the tree also.
Measuring volume is not possible unfortunately. The point cloud consists of XYZ positions of reflections from surfaces of unknown shape. The only option is an approximation by fitting simple geometric shapes, usually cylinders. This is possible for the simple parts, like the stem, but very error prone in other parts. Using a volume model based on dbh and height might be a better option here.
Great video
..these laser scanners and drones are a highly-manicured forest woodlot. Anywhere else, not so much. But I'm an old increment bore/compass/inclinometer-style Luddite...
Full agreement, this is no technology for forest inventories. But useful for ecological research...
I am a PhD student in Addis Ababa University, in Remote sensing and I want to do A desertation on Forest Carbon Analysis, So I have to get the 3D image via this TLS scanner. So, How can get it?
Acre, Amazônia, Brasil!!!
I'm wondering when will this thing will applicable in mobile phones platforms ?
what does terrestrial and mobile laser scanning operator? could u list some of the duties please.
Salam fr borneo
Salam dari Göttingen, Jerman!
great guys! are you interested in collaborating with us and to bring your knowledge and skills to Lincoln, UK?
Wow, Lincoln looks wonderful... Unfortunately we have enough work with our own students right now, but we keep this in mind...