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One of the best drama and best couple❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My faveriote cuple mashallah bohatttttttt hi piyra cuple hai
MASHALLAH usama super multitalented actor stay blessed always wish you best of luck with healthy and happy life u both
Keep sending your love and support and don't forget to subscribe! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Usama khan laughing sound over sweet 🤗🤗🥰🥰❣️😍👍🏻
So cute anmol baloch Usama Khan 🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻💕💕
@affankhan2594, Keep sending your love and support and don't forget to subscribe! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Usama Khan hme bahut achchhe lgte hain aur unki muskuraht usse bhi zyada
My favorite actor anmol baloch I love anmol baloch
My favorite actors is ka drama aik sitam aur ka my best drama ❤
Story achchi thi but aap jo bol rhe vo bhi sahi h
Very best couple 💯💯💯🥰 🥰🥰 please yaar real love
2 3 bar deka meany is my favorite drama
Best drama AK sitam aur😊
Aslam sardar hi anmol Baloch very good rice actor
BesT CoOupLeE oOf ThE woOrld
Best couples
Nice couplePakistani aishverya
Best couple 🥰❤️
Usama Anmol 💋
Love you anmolbaloch my favourite actress ❤
@killer23900, Keep sending your love and support and don't forget to subscribe! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Amazing couple love from Gilgit I love u both
Mashallah best couple
Glad to share your response with us
Anmol love u
Best Usama khan❤️❤️
I love this couple
Nice coupl
Best couple
you r best anmol😊
We are muslims so dont need romance overall intresting
Hamare liye toh drama ki bhi zaroorat nhi h
@@MuhammadAli-hp5bz yes drama b nai bnana. Chahye.ye keh rahi zamana zalim ye khud zalim hai deen or Muslim kiliye jo esi bati kr rahi.
Anmol baloch so cute and beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Usama anmol best jodi❤
Usman Khan best actor
Drama name?
Ik sitam aur
Is it couple??
@@afzaldogstrainer.bordingce930 ďďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďdďďďďďďďďďdďďďdďďďďďďďďďdďďdďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďďdďďďďdďďďďdďdtďďďddďďďdďďďdďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďdďďďddddďďďdďdďďďďdďdďďďddďďďďďďdďdďďďďdďďďďďďďdďďďďďďdddďďdďďdďďddďdďďdďdďďďďďdďđďďďdďdďdďďďďďďdďdďďďďďdďďďďďďďďďdďďďďďďddďďddďďďďďďďdďďďďďďďďďďďďďďďdddďďďďďďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďďďďďďďďďďďdddďďďďďďďďďďďďdďďďďďďďďfďdďfffďfďfďffďďffďďfďfďfďfdffďfffďfďfďďffďfffďďffďďffffďfďffffffďffffffffffffffffffffffffďďffďffďffďfďfdfdfffffďffffffffďfffďfffffdfffffďďf
Best usama khan
Best jodi
Usama Khan and anmol bloch cute couple
Ya nice couple
Cute jodi🥰🥰
Kiran ka kirdaar anmol ne bahut accha kiyaa👍👍👍👍
Both are great actor❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bestest couple👫 🥰🥰🥰
ya dono husband wife haii plz batay
Very cute couple they should get married
Best couple ❤️
Usama anmol 💑👫
Is this a couple
Romance tha hi ni is drama mn....love tha but romance ni tha
💯 usama
Ugala And zohaib best couple 😍😍
Ap zaniab or usama ko ek sa at bolay usama and zaniab best couple
Is they real husband wife?????😮😮😮
Usama khan & zainab shabbir cute couple
Usama Anmol saat me buhut achai lagtai hai .
Anmol usama ki bhabhi hi sahi lagti hai
Best couple 💋👅❣️❣️❣️👄👄😘🥰🥰😘😘
Mje shadi ni krni wala scene viral hua ha!
Plz Zainab or Usama ko bulayn
Sehar khan or hamza Sohail ko sath me bulao
Zaniab k sath acha lagta hai usama
Ya kaash k Islam aajaaye Pakistan m aur yeah log drama ko khatam krde
Best jodi h ❤
Shukriya Sana Parveen! Subscribe to our channel for unlimited entertainment! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Usama and zainab ki jodi mast lagti hai
Usama k sath serf zaniab achi lagti hai
Bibi tumhay romance dekhnay ka itna shouq h tu indian dramay deakh liya karo wahan tumhari mutabiqat se romance hota h we are muslims ok u undarstand
I het Anmol
Zainab Shabbir is much better than this massi
Ye real ma bhe waqi achi hy ya idr bhe darama kr rahi hy
پوری رات ایک بیڈ پر اوپر نیچے سوتے ھوے شرم نھی اتی اور رومانس سین فلم بند کرتے ھوے شرم اتی ھے
Usama & zainab good couple
kea hsbnd wife hn
Ap logon ko sharam nhi ati ye Pakistan h ke us ya uk ap logon ka koi kasoor nhi ye qayamat ki nishaniyan hai aurat ho kar aisi baatein karti hai
Usama Khan ka number Mel sakta ha please
Best couple❤❤❤❤
Best couple ♥️♥️
Best couple❤❤❤
One of the best drama and best couple❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My faveriote cuple mashallah bohatttttttt hi piyra cuple hai
MASHALLAH usama super multitalented actor stay blessed always wish you best of luck with healthy and happy life u both
Keep sending your love and support and don't forget to subscribe! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Usama khan laughing sound over sweet 🤗🤗🥰🥰❣️😍👍🏻
So cute anmol baloch Usama Khan 🥰🥰🥰😻😻😻💕💕
@affankhan2594, Keep sending your love and support and don't forget to subscribe! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Usama Khan hme bahut achchhe lgte hain aur unki muskuraht usse bhi zyada
My favorite actor anmol baloch I love anmol baloch
My favorite actors is ka drama aik sitam aur ka my best drama ❤
Story achchi thi but aap jo bol rhe vo bhi sahi h
Very best couple 💯💯💯🥰 🥰🥰 please yaar real love
2 3 bar deka meany is my favorite drama
Best drama AK sitam aur😊
Aslam sardar hi anmol Baloch very good rice actor
BesT CoOupLeE oOf ThE woOrld
Best couples
Nice couple
Pakistani aishverya
Best couple 🥰❤️
Usama Anmol 💋
Love you anmolbaloch my favourite actress ❤
@killer23900, Keep sending your love and support and don't forget to subscribe! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Amazing couple love from Gilgit I love u both
Mashallah best couple
Glad to share your response with us
Anmol love u
Best Usama khan❤️❤️
I love this couple
Nice coupl
Best couple
you r best anmol😊
We are muslims so dont need romance overall intresting
Hamare liye toh drama ki bhi zaroorat nhi h
@@MuhammadAli-hp5bz yes drama b nai bnana. Chahye.ye keh rahi zamana zalim ye khud zalim hai deen or Muslim kiliye jo esi bati kr rahi.
Anmol baloch so cute and beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Usama anmol best jodi❤
Usman Khan best actor
Drama name?
Ik sitam aur
Is it couple??
@@afzaldogstrainer.bordingce930 ďďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďdďďďďďďďďďdďďďdďďďďďďďďďdďďdďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďďdďďďďdďďďďdďdtďďďddďďďdďďďdďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďdďďďddddďďďdďdďďďďdďdďďďddďďďďďďdďdďďďďdďďďďďďďdďďďďďďdddďďdďďdďďddďdďďdďdďďďďďdďđďďďdďdďdďďďďďďdďdďďďďďdďďďďďďďďďdďďďďďďddďďddďďďďďďďdďďďďďďďďďďďďďďďdddďďďďďďďďďdďďďďďďdďďďďďďďďďďďďďdddďďďďďďďďďďďďdďďďďďďďďfďdďfffďfďfďffďďffďďfďfďfďfdffďfffďfďfďďffďfffďďffďďffffďfďffffffďffffffffffffffffffffffffďďffďffďffďfďfdfdfffffďffffffffďfffďfffffdfffffďďf
Best usama khan
Best jodi
Usama Khan and anmol bloch cute couple
Ya nice couple
Cute jodi🥰🥰
Kiran ka kirdaar anmol ne bahut accha kiyaa👍👍👍👍
Both are great actor❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bestest couple👫 🥰🥰🥰
ya dono husband wife haii plz batay
Very cute couple they should get married
Best couple ❤️
Usama anmol 💑👫
Is this a couple
Romance tha hi ni is drama mn....love tha but romance ni tha
💯 usama
Ugala And zohaib best couple 😍😍
Ap zaniab or usama ko ek sa at bolay usama and zaniab best couple
Is they real husband wife?????😮😮😮
Usama khan & zainab shabbir cute couple
Usama Anmol saat me buhut achai lagtai hai .
Anmol usama ki bhabhi hi sahi lagti hai
Best couple 💋👅❣️❣️❣️👄👄😘🥰🥰😘😘
Mje shadi ni krni wala scene viral hua ha!
Plz Zainab or Usama ko bulayn
Sehar khan or hamza Sohail ko sath me bulao
Zaniab k sath acha lagta hai usama
Ya kaash k Islam aajaaye Pakistan m aur yeah log drama ko khatam krde
Best jodi h ❤
Shukriya Sana Parveen! Subscribe to our channel for unlimited entertainment! bit.ly/SubscribeDesiTv
Usama and zainab ki jodi mast lagti hai
Usama k sath serf zaniab achi lagti hai
Bibi tumhay romance dekhnay ka itna shouq h tu indian dramay deakh liya karo wahan tumhari mutabiqat se romance hota h we are muslims ok u undarstand
I het Anmol
Zainab Shabbir is much better than this massi
Ye real ma bhe waqi achi hy ya idr bhe darama kr rahi hy
پوری رات ایک بیڈ پر اوپر نیچے سوتے ھوے شرم نھی اتی اور رومانس سین فلم بند کرتے ھوے شرم اتی ھے
Usama & zainab good couple
kea hsbnd wife hn
Ap logon ko sharam nhi ati ye Pakistan h ke us ya uk ap logon ka koi kasoor nhi ye qayamat ki nishaniyan hai aurat ho kar aisi baatein karti hai
Usama Khan ka number Mel sakta ha please
I het Anmol
Best couple❤❤❤❤
Best couple ♥️♥️
Best couple❤❤❤