Nice elimination order, I like how Gwen merges every season lol. My elimination orders: TDI My Way: 22. Ezekiel 21. Sadie 20. Katie 19. Justin 18. Tyler 17. Beth 16. Cody 15. Noah 14. Courtney 13. Harold Merge 12. DJ 11. Geoff 10. Eva 9. Lindsay 8. Owen 7. Izzy 6. Trent 5. Bridgette 4. LeShawna - Secondary Hero 3. Heather - Villain of the Season 2/1. Duncan - Hero of the Season 2/1. Gwen - Hero of the Season TDA My Way: 17. Geoff 16. Katie 15. Heather 14. DJ 13. Owen 12. Izzy 11/10. Bridgette/Trent Merge 9. LeShawna 8. Duncan 7. Justin 6. Gwen 5. Beth - Secondary Hero 4. Courtney - Villain of the Season 3. Noah - Anti-Hero 2/1. Harold 2/1. Lindsay - Hero of the Season TDWT My Way: 20. DJ 19. Harold 18. Katie 17. Lindsay 16. Izzy 15. Owen 14. Bridgette 13. Tyler 12. Courtney Merge | Eva debuts instead of Blaineley 11. Duncan 10. Noah - Secondary Hero 9. Eva 8. Ezekiel 7/6. Cody/Trent 5. LeShawna 4. Gwen - Secondary Hero 3. Sierra - Hero of the Season 2/1. Alejandro - Villain of the Season 2/1. Heather - Anti-Hero/Secondary Villain TDROTI My Way: 13. Dakota 12. Staci 11. Anne Maria 10. Lightning Dakota returns 10/9. Dakota/Sam 8. Jo - Secondary Villain 7. Mike - Secondary Hero Merge 6. Cameron 5. B 4. Scott - Villain of the Season 3. Zoey - Secondary Hero 2/1. Brick - Hero of the Season 2/1. Dawn - Hero of the Season TDAS: 26. Lightning 25. Jo 24. Justin 23. Brick 22. B 21. Harold 20. DJ 19. Izzy 18. Cameron 17. Mal/Mike - Villain 16. Alejandro 15/14. Cody/Owen Merge | Mal/Mike returns 14. Trent 13. Scott 12. Zoey 11. Sierra 10. Duncan 9. Heather 8. Lindsay 7. Mal/Mike - Villain 6/5. Bridgette/Noah 4. Dawn 3. Gwen - Secondary Hero 2/1. Courtney 2/1. LeShawna - Hero of the Season TDPI: 14. Leonard 13. Rodney 12. Amy 11. Sugar 10. Beardo Amy returns 10. Max 9. Amy 8. Dave 7. Sammy Merge 6. Scarlett - Secondary Villain 5. Topher - Villain 4. Sky 3. Shawn 2/1. Ella - Secondary Hero 2/1. Jasmine - Hero of the Season
bruhhh people love ruining Sadie and Katie by just making them leave together super early. LIKE GIVE THEM DEVELOPMENT. DO IT LIKE ISLAND WHERE KATIE ENCOURAGES SADIE. Dont just throw them away.
I like this Version of (Total Drama My Way) as it's good to see some characters who lasted longer then in the Original, Like Eva, Noah, Bridgette, Geoff, Harold, Leshawna, Zoey, Mike, Lindsey, Justin, Annie Maria and Many other's and I was surprised that Lindsey won Total Drama action.
Total Drama island my way: Episode 1 non elimination Episode 2 22nd - Ezekiel Episode 3 21st - Katie Episode 4 20th - Sadie (Quit) Episode 5 19th - Trent Episode 6 18th - Noah Episode 7 17th - Beth Episode 8 16th - Eva Episode 9 15th - Cody Episode 10 14th - Tyler Episode 11 13th - Izzy Episode 12 12th - Courtney Episode 13 11th - Justin Episode 14 non elimination Katie and Sadie return! MERGE!!! Episode 15 12th - Harold Episode 16 11th - Bridgette Episode 17 10th - Lindsay Episode 18 9th - Sadie Episode 19 8th - Geoff Episode 20 7th - Katie Episode 21 6th - DJ Episode 22 5th - Duncan Episode 23 non elimination Episode 24 4th - Leshawna Episode 25 3rd Heather Episode 26 Owen’s ending: Owen was going too loose, but Izzy saved him bc, sh brought out some brownies so he could run faster Lindsay got a fan to help, make him run and in the end Owen made it befor Gwen. Episode 26 Gwen’s ending: Gwen was going too loose, but with Trent kept motivating her she was running to, the finish line faster then Owen leading her winning the Money! Hope u liked this Total Drama Action will be later! Alright it’s finally time for Total Drama Action my way: Episode 1 non elimination Episode 2 22nd/21st Geoff&Bridgette Episode 3 20th - Eva Episode 4 non elimination Episode 5 19th - Tyler Episode 6 Aftermath! Episode 7 18th - Beth Episode 8 17th - Harold Episode 9 16th - Izzy Episode 10 15th - Ezekiel Episode 11 14th - Justin Episode 12 Aftermath! Episode 13 13th - Sadie Episode 14 12th/11th - Trent&Gwen Episode 15 10th - Harold Episode 16 non elimination Episode 17 9th - Leshawna Episode 18 Aftermath! MERGE!!! Episode 19 8th - DJ Episode 20 7th - Heather Episode 21 6th/5th - Duncan&Katie Episode 22 non elimination Episode 23 4th Owen Episode 24 3rd Noah Episode 25 Courtney’s ending: Courtney was way more healthier in more Athletic than Cody making everyone wanting to vote for her to win. Episode 25 Cody’s ending: Courtney was being a brat and wouldn’t stop bragging bout how she was going to win making everybody mad at her and voting for Cody to win! How you guys liked this TDWT will be tomorrow! Or later on today lol ok soo It is now time for Total Drama World tour! Episode 1 and 2 25th/24th Ezekiel&Duncan (Quit) Episode 3 23rd - Trent Episode 4 22nd - Eva Episode 5 21st - Bridgette Episode 6 Aftermath! Episode 7 20th - Geoff (Quit) Episode 8 19th - Justin Episode 9 18th/17th Katie&Sadie Episode 10 16th - Harold Episode 11 15th - Beth Episode 12 Aftermath Duncan returns! Episode 13 15th/14th DJ/Izzy Episode 14 13th - Tyler Episode 15 12th - Lindsay Episode 16 11th - Noah Episode 17 10th/9th Leshawna&Courtney Episode 18 Aftermath MERGE!!! Episode 19 8th - Owen Episode 20 7th - Duncan Tyler returns! Episode 21 6th - Tyler(Secondary hero of the season!) Episode 22 5th - Blaineley(Secondary villain of the season) Episode 23 non elimination Episode 24 4th - Sierra Episode 25 3rd - Cody(hero of the season) Episode 26 Heather’s ending: Heather was going too loose, but When she got to the top she begin to act like she was crying so Alejandro could fill bad for her, so when they’d kissed Heather Kicked him leading her throwing in her sacrifice befor Alejandro! Episode 26 Alejandro’s ending: basically the same thing as Heathers ending except when Heather kicked him when she started to bragg she wasn’t paying attention on who’s sacrifice she was throwing accidentally throwing Alejandro’s sacrifice leading him winning the million!
this is a better version of the show, early booted characters were give more time, also what editor do you use for the yellow screen after theres no elimination?
Man, the Beardo image did give him personally tho I really like how all of the season went, sadly neither Bridgette or trent (my favorites from the first cast) win but aside all good
Nicee my ways!!! I like how Gwen merges since she's one of my favorites in the show. My Winners: TDI: Gwen TDA: Harold TDWT: Heather TDROTI: Zoey TDAS: Leshawna TDPI: Jasmine TDRR: Police Cadets
How about a Battle of the Generations Season with 11 competitors from all 3 generations Gen 3(Pakitew): Shawn Jasmine Sky Dave Max Scarlett Topher Ella Sugar Beardo Sammy Gen 2(Revenge): Mike Zoey Cameron Lightning Scott Jo Brick Anne Maria Dawn B Sam Gen 1(Island and World Tour): Courtney Gwen Duncan Heather Lindsay Alenjardo Sierra Owen Cody Leshawna Noah
@@Catvinity I know having them in might be werid but I think the All-Stars cast deserves redemption after the the derailment they went through and Sam and Sierra where in that cast
@@Catvinity Sam I can understand why people say he shouldn't have been in All-Stars but Sierra got 4th in World Tour that's All-Stars worthy if I've ever seen it, would have been better if both She and Cody where in though
Total drama island my way! Episode 2=(24th Zeke) He was being sexist about women. The Big Sleep/Episode 3= (23rd Sadie) Heather had manipulated sadie that katie said something bad about her. Dodgebrawl/Episode 4=(22nd Justin) Noah has created an alliance with Owen,Noah and Izzy And targetted Justin because he doesn't try in challenges. Not Quite Famous/Episode 5=(21st Beth) Noah had figured out heather had an alliance and noah thought he would target beth first. The sucky Outdoors/Episode 6= (20th Izzy) Izzy Brought a bear to camp and got the gophers no sleep then suggested that they eliminate izzy for that. Phobia Factor/Episode 7=(19th Trent) He had left gwen underground causing leshawna to be mad at him and convice people to vote him. Up The Creek/Episode 8=(18th Harold) Duncan had frammed harold that he stole eva MVP Players so she beat him up and after she was done he was to injured to continue. Paintball Deer Hunt/Episode 9=(17th Eva) Eva had a huge agruement with bridgette and since bridgette was more likeable They Voted off eva for her being a big threat and having a huge temper. If you can take the heat/Episode 10= (16th Katie) Owen was hungry and ate most of the screaming gophers food. But then as a sabatoge noah decided to switch the killer bass foods with them. And owen ate ALL Of the killer bass food. When chris revealed it the killer Bass got mad at katie because she was supposed to watch the food. And then boom shes gone. Who can you trust?/episode 11= (15th Cody) heather had figured out that Noah,Cody and owen had an alliance so she blackmailed noah to vote cody or else she would expose him. Basic straining/Episode 12= (Nobody) Nobody got eliminate i guess. Courtney and duncan hook up. Heather has something planned for the two new lovebirds. X Treme Torture/Episode 13=(14th Noah) Heather had now noah in her hands and she conviced him that if they vote gwen but what he didn't know that she was tricking him and conviced the other campers to vote noah. Brunch of disgustingness/Episode 14=(Nobody) Nothing really happened here. Except for geoff betraying the bro code. And actually having a agruement with duncan.
My preferred finalists are TDI Gwen Owen I honestly don’t have an issue with Island’s finale. Sure Leshawna deserves it more than Owen but at the same time, a finale of Gwen vs Leshawna is kind of anticlimactic since the two had been close friends though out the season and while it still would be competitive, it wouldn’t be as competitive and engaging as Gwen facing off against someone she didn’t know as well. The only 'change' I would make is labeling Gwen as the official winner and Owen as the alternate since Gwen deserved it more. TDA Harold Duncan Admittedly nobody likes Beth as a finalist but I personally like Duncan as one, and while a lot of people argue that Lindsay would be better, I feel like Duncan facing off against Harold would be better than Duncan vs Lindsay or Harold vs Lindsay thematically, due to their ongoing rivalry throughout both Island and Action. I do prefer Harold as the official and Duncan as the alternate. TDWT Heather Cody Yes I said it. Alejandro is not my pick for a finalist. My preferred scenario is Cody overcoming the odds and winning the tiebreaker against Alejandro with maybe a little motivation from Sierra off in the distance. And then the same stuff happens accept Alejandro would probably help Heather and in turn likely Courtney as well. Harold would obviously help Cody and I am assuming the other helper would be Sierra regardless of her injury since she would do anything to help Cody. Admittedly I still like Heather as the official winner, and Cody as the alternate. TDRotI Cameron Jo I love Cameron’s underdog story so Cameron is 100% my pick for the official winner. I chose Jo instead of Lightning because I hate Lightning as a finalist, also Jo fits the whole Brains vs Brawn theme about as well as Lightning does. The difference is that she was on Cameron’s team from the beginning and had ongoing plot line with him that started a few episodes prior to the finale during the merge. If Jo survived the final five vote, then I imagine it would be because Zoey convinces Cameron to vote for Scott since he had nothing saving him that episode and she figured they could get rid of him why they still can, but I imagine Zoey would probably be kicked due to Scott’s immunity idol leaving the final 4 as Cameron, Jo, Lightning, and Scott. There wasn’t a whole lot of player interaction in the final 4 episode, so not much would be effected story wise. I imagine Jo would probably take place of Zoey being hunted by Chef until he leaves her alone. Obviously Jo would not go commando mode since, unlike Zoey she is already very competent in battle. However, since nothing else changes here Scott would still be injured by fang, and Cameron and Lightning’s interactions would remain the same with Cameron accidentally stealing Lightning’s immunity. In this scenario Cameron would be enemies with the majority of the cast remaining on the island, but he would still have immunity bringing Lightning into his list of enemies. Regardless, since Lightning and Jo could not vote for Cameron, I feel like Jo, Cameron, and Scott would vote for Lightning, and Lightning would go home, unless Chris decided to neglect the vote and have Scott medvac’d
You should do revenge of the pahkitew island my way It's the pahkitew cast vs revenge cast and since revenge has 1 last member you can throw blaineley in revenge of the island
No, he is the opposite in fact. He probably has the biggest fan base for such a useless character and the way he got third in World Tour because of Sierra is crazy. I honestly think he’s just a mid character and I believe that his fans love him for no reason.
My way for all seasons *TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND* Episode one Killer bass lose 22nd:Ezekiel(he was sexist so they voted him off) Events:Lindsay Beth Heather and Owen Make an alliance Episode two Killer bass lose 21st:Eva(she had anger issues) Events;Gwen develops a crush on trent Episode three Screaming gophers lose 20th:Noah(he didnt help during the challenge) Events:None Episode four Screaming gophers lose 19th:Justin(his hotness was a threat so heather managed to manipulate people into voting him off) Events:Heather reads gwens diary outloud Episode five Killer bass lose 18th:Katie(she was getting annoying) Episode six Events:Tyler and Lindsay date Killer bass lose 17th:Sadie(she kept crying about katie being eliminated and wasn't helping) Events;Courtney and Duncan kiss Harold is always getting bullied Episode seven Killer bass lose 16th:Tyler(they voted him off because he didnt face his fear) Events:Lindsay is sad heather is happy Episode eight Screaming gophers lose 15th;Izzy(ran away to escape the police) Events:Beth steals a cursed totem from boney island and leaves heathers alliance Episode nine Screaming gophers lose 14th:Beth(after cody was mauled by a bear they believed it was because of beths cursed totem so they voted her off) Events:Everyone is starting to hate heather Cody gets mauled by a bear Episode ten Screaming gophers lose 13th;Cody(he was too injured so they voted him off) Events:Leshawna and Gwen form a alliance Episode eleven killer bass lose 12th:Courtney(harold rigged the votes) Events:Duncans very angry Episode twelve 11th:Harold(they voted him off cause he rigged the votes) Events:Harold and Leshawna kiss Epsiode thirteen is a non-elimination episode Episode fourteen *MERGE* Contestants still left:Owen Leshawna Gwen Trent Heather Lindsay Duncan Geoff Bridgette and DJ **izzy and eva rejoin** Episode fifteen 12th;Eva(she had anger issues) Events;Geoff and Bridgette Gwen and Trent are officially couples Episode sixteen Heather wins invincibility 11th:Trent(heather kissed him and tricked everyone) Events:Gwen is depressed Leshawna is furious at heather Episode seventeen Leshawna wins invincibility 10th:DJ(the girls alliance:Gwen Leshawna Lindsay and Bridgette voted him off because he was a threat) Event:the boys are angry Episode eighteen 9th:Lindsay(due to a technicality, Lindsay was eliminated from the game) Events:Lindsay hopes heather gets her karma Episode nineteen Heather wins invincibility 8th:Geoff(the girl alliance considered him a threat because he was always so happy and they even got izzy to vote with them this time) Events;Bridgette feels guilty for betraying geoff Episode twenty Duncan wins invincibility 7th:Izzy(she was considered a threat) Still left in game:Bridgette Owen Leshawna Heather Duncan Gwen Episode twenty-one Heather wins invincibility Duncan and Bridgette tiebreaker 6th:Bridgette:(heather owen and duncan voted bridgette while leshawna gwen and bridgette voted duncan, it was a tie and duncan won the tiebreaker and got bridgette eliminated) Episode twenty two 5th:Heather*villain of the season*(the eliminated contestants where able to choos who got out and they all chose heather) Episode twenty three Mr coconut debuts 5th;Mr coconut(chris disqualified him) Episode twenty four Gwen wins invincibility 4th;Duncan(leshawna and gwen decided to vote off duncan caude he was more of a threat than owen and they convinced owen to vote him too) Episode twenty five Third:Leshawna(she refused lindsays dare and was eliminated) Episode twenty six(finale) And the winner is..... *GWEN* Runner up:Owen(gwen won the race) Winner:Gwen(gwen wins total drama island trent takes her out on a date and gwen uses the money to throw a huge party) *TOTAL DRAMA ACTION IS NEXT* *Total drama action my way* Episode one Teams: Killer grips:Gwen Heather Leshawna Duncan DJ Bridgette Geoff Cody Harold Sadie Katie Screaming Gaffers:Trent Justin Owen Lindsay Beth Izzy Tyler Noah Ezekiel Eva Courtney Episode two Screaming gaffers lose 22nd:Ezekiel(he made his team lose) Episode three Killer grips lose 21st:Geoff(he kissed Bridgette to much) Episode four Killer grips lose 20th:Bridgette(when geoff was eliminated she kept crying so they voted her off) Episode five Screaming gaffers lose 19th:Courtney(she was rude and bossy and no one really liked her) Episode six Screaming gaffers loss 18th:Izzy i mean Kaleidoscope(she was too crazy) Episode seven Screaming gaffers loss 17th:Trent(he kept helping gwens team and was acting weird) Episode eight Killer grips lose 16th:Sadie(her and katie were getting annoyed so they voted sadie off and katie is so sad Episode nine Screaming gaffers lose 15th:Eva(noah made an alliance with owen and they convinced the others to vote eva off because she could be a threat in the merge) Episode ten No elimination Episode eleven Killer grips lose 14th:Heather(everyone remembers how rude she was last season and vote he roff) Episode twelve No elimination Episode thirteen Killer grips lose 13th:DJ(leshawna was supposed to be eliminated but DJ quit cause he was cheating by teaming with chef) Episode fourteen Courtney sues chris and is allowed to rejoin onto the screaming gaffer team No elimination Episode fifteen Killer grips lose 13th:Gwen(they voted gwen off cause she won last season and was a threat) Episode sixteen Screaming gaffers lss 12th:Noah(justin was getting tired of noahs sarcasm, so he used his charms to convince beth lindsay courtney and owen to vote noah off) Episode seventeen Killer grips lose Two people are eliminated 11th:Leshawna(she made a rude video about her teammates and was voted off) 10th:Owen:(was injured during the challenge and had to be taken away) Episode eighteen *MERGE* People still in the game:Duncan Cody Harold Katie Justin Lindsay Beth Tyler and Courtney NO elimination Episode nineteeem Courtney wins invincibility 9th:Tyler(they voted him off because hes very athletic) Episode twenty Duncan wins invincibility DOUBLE ELIMINATION 8th and 7th:Cody and Katie(Cody stood up to duncan and was beat up and katie had an argument with courtney causing them both to be voted off) Episode twenty one Courtney wins invincibility 6th:Justin*secondary villain*(he tried to date courtney and duncan convinced harold lindsay and beth to vote him off) Owen rejoins Episode twenty two Harold wins invincibility 6th:Duncan(harold got revenge for duncan bullying him by getting him voted off) Episode twenty three PURGE CHALLENGE 5th:Beth(she came last in the challenge and was eliminated) Final four:Lindsay Harold Courtney and Owen Episode twenty four Lindsay wins invincibility 4th:Courtney*villain of the season*(no one liked her) Episode twenty five Harold wins invincibility and get to pick someone to bring to the final 2 Harold brings lindsay to the final two because he thinks she will be easier to beat in a final challenge 3rd:Owen Episode twenty six The eliminated contestants will vote someone to win Voted for Harold to win:Cody Leshawna Courtney Heather Ezekiel DJ Geoff Voted For Lindsay to win:Gwen Beth Duncan Justin Eva Izzy Owen Noah Katie Sadie Bridgette Tyler Trent *LINDSAY WINS* Runner-up:Harold(he didnt get enough votes) Winner:Lindsay(she got the most votes to win) *TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR IS NEXT*
Total drama world tour my way Episode one Teams: Team amazon:Heather Gwen Courtney Cody Sierra Eva Katie Sadie Team chris is Really Really Really Really Hot:Alejandro Duncan Owen Noah Tyler Izzy Geoff Justin Team victory:Leshawna Harold DJ Bridgette Lindsay Ezekiel Trent Beth Episode two Team victory loses 24th:Ezekiel(he made his team lose) Episode three Team victory loses 23th:Harold(Alejandro manipulated him and harold quit the game) Episode four Team victory loses 22nd:Bridgette(she got stuck to a pole) Geoff is mad because alejandro tried to kiss bridgette Episode five No elimination Episode six Team victory loses 21st:Leshawna(alejandro manipulated her and she ended up making her team lose) Episode seven No elimination Episode eight Team victory loses 20th:DJ(he wanted to be eliminated so they voted him off) Episode nine Non elimination Episode ten 19th:Izzy(got injured and had to be medically evacuated) Episode eleven No elimination Episode twelve Team chris is really really hot loses 18th:Justin(he was jealous of alejandro taking all the girls and tried to convince everyone to vote him off) Episode thirteen Team chris is really really hot loses 17th:Geoff(he was still mad because alejandro tried to kiss bridgette and confronted him but alejandro convinced owen tyler and duncan to vote him off) Gwen kisses duncan in this episode Episode fourteen Non elimination Episode fifteen Team amazon loses Tie between Gwen and Courtney Gwen wins the tie 16th:Courtney(courtney was mad because gwen kissed duncan,eva katie cody and gwen voted courtney, and courtney sadie heather and sierra voted gwen and it was a tie,gwen won the tiebreaker and courtney was eliminated) Episode sixteen Team chris is really really hot loses 15th:Noah(noah was figuring out alejandros plan so Alejandro convinced duncan tyler and owen to vote off noah) Episode seventeen Team victory loses 14th:Trent(Trent and gwen became a couple again,but since the only people left on team victory are:Beth Trent and Lindsay, beth and lindsay obviously voted trent off) Episode eighteen Team chris is really really hot loses 13th:Owen(Alejandro thought owen was useless so he got duncan and tyler to vote him off) Episode nineteen Team amazon lose 12th:Sadie(she made her team lose and katie is mad) Episode twenty Team recap Team chris is really really really hot:Alejandro Duncan and Tyler Team amazon:Sierra Cody Heather Katie Eva Gwen Team victory:Lindsay and Beth No elimination Episode twenty two Team victory lose 11th:Beth(it was a tiebreaker between lindsay and beth and Lindsay and team amazon got to pick someone onto there team since they came first in the challenge, they decided to pick lindsay because she won last season) Team victory is disbanded as lindsay joins team amazon Episode twenty three *MERGE* Blaineley debuts Merge contestants:Blaineley Alejandro Cody Duncan Tyler Lindsay Gwen Heather Sierra Katie and Eva Lindsay and Tyler win invincibility 11th:Eva(eva was a threat so they voted her off) Episode twenty four Sierra and cody win invincibility 10th and 9th:Blaineley and Tyler(Blaineley was disliked by everyone and tyler got badly injured during the challenge so he waa medically evacuated) Episode twenty five Gwen wins invincibility 8th:Duncan(he was a threat so alejandro convinced heather cody katie and Lindsay to vote him off) Episode twenty six PURGE CHALLENGE 7th:Lindsay(it was a purge challenge and lindsay came last so she was automatically eliminated) Final 6:Alejandro Heather Cody Sierra Katie Gwen Episode twenty seven Alejandro wins invincibility 6th:Gwen(Alejandro convinced sierra katie and heather to vote off gwen since she already won season one and would be a threat if the finale was a jury vote) Episode twenty eight Sierra wins invincibility 5th:Sierra(she destroyed the plane and chris automatically eliminated her) Episode twenty nine Katie wins invincibility 4th:Alejandro*villain of the season*(Katie got cody and heather to vote off alejandro) Episode thirty Who do the eliminated contestants want to win Who wants cody to win:Sierra Gwen Harold Tyler Ezekiel Geoff Leshawna Trent Owen Noah Who wants Katie to win:Sadie Lindsay Courtney Eva Bridgette Beth Justin Izzy DJ Who wants heather to win:Blaineley Duncan Alejandro No elimination Episode thirty two Heather makes it to Hawaii first Katie and Cody fight Katie gets knocked into the water meaning cody is in the final 2 3rd:Katie(she lost the challenge) *FINAL TWO:HEATHER AND CODY* Episode thirty two part two Codys helpers:Sierra and Gwen Heathers helpers:Alejandro Duncan And the winner is.... *CODY* Runner-up:Heather(cody threw his dummy into the volcano first) Winner:Cody(cody threw his dummy into the volcano first and won the money and split it with sierra like he promised) Next is total drama revenge of the island TDROTI My way Episode one Mutant maggots:Mike Zoey Cameron Jo Brick Annemaria Toxic rats:Staci Dawn B Sam Dakota Lightning Scott Toxic rats lose 13th:Staci(she talked too much) Episode two Toxic rats lose 12th:Sam(he was too busy playing games to do the challenge) Episode three No elimination Episode four Toxic rats lose 11th:B(scott convinced everyone else to vote him off) Episode five Mutant maggots lose 10th:Annemaria(she was too concerned about her looks) Episode six Mr coconut debuts and joins the toxic rats Toxic rats lose 10th:Dakota(she was too worried about her looks) Episode seven 9th:Mr coconut(scott originally was gonna be eliminated but scott used the immunity idol and got mr coconut eliminated) Episode eight No elimination Episode nine Merge Merge contestants:Zoey Cameron Mike Lightning Scott Brick Dawn Jo Scott wins invincibility and picks mike to be eliminated 8th:Mike(scott chose him to be eliminated) Episode ten Dawn wins invincibility 7th:Jo(scott convinced the others to vote her off) Episode eleven Zoey wins invincibility 6th:Brick(he got injured and was medically evacuated) Episode twelve Scott wins invincibility 5th:Dawn(scott convinced everyone to vote her off) Episode thirteen Zoey wins invincibility 4th:Scott*villain of the season*(he was a threat) Episode fourteen Purge challenge Cameron came last and was eliminated 3rd:Cameron(came last) Episode fifteen *FINALE* *Zoey wins* Runner-up:Lightning(lost the final challenge) Winner:Zoey(won the final challenge) Next is total drama all stars
Total drama all stars my way Episode one Teams Heroic Hamsters:Owen Gwen Harold Bridgette Lindsay Cody Zoey Mike Brick Dawn Katie Leshawna Sierra Villainous Vultures:Heather Alejandro Duncan Courtney Lightning Jo Scott Justin Eva Izzy Ezekiel Noah Blaineley Villainous vultures lose 26th:Ezekiel(hes not a all star and the only reason Chris let him in is because they needed even teams) Episode two Heroic hamsters lose Mike becomes mal No elimination Episode three Villainous vultures lose 25th:Blaineley(no one liked her) Episode four Heroic hamsters lose 24th:Brick(he caused his team to lose becaude he was helping the other team) Episode five Villainous vultures lose 23rd:Izzy(mal convinced the vultures to vote off izzy because she was the only one that knew mike turned evil) Episode six Villainous vultures lose 22nd:Eva(her anger got the better of her) Episode seven Heroic hamsters lose 21st:Harold(mal convinced his team to vote harold off) Episode eight Villainous vultures lose 20th and 19th:Lightning and Jo(heather recognizes them as threats and convinced others to vote them and it ended up being a double elimination Episode nine Heroic hamsters lose 18th:Owen(everyone knew that owens popularity could be a problem so they voted him off) Episode ten Villainous vultures lose 17th:Justin(alejandro didnt like him and Justin is the least evil out of everyone on that team) Episode eleven Heroic hamsters lose Lindsay was gonna be eliminated but chris switched her to the villainous vultures Episode twelve Villainous vultures lose 16th:Duncan(courtney wanted him gone after the boyfriend kisser incident just so gwen would be sad) Episode thirteen Villainous vultures lose 15th:Alejandro(alejandro found the immunity idol and gave it to heather but heather betrayed him and told everyone about how alejandro made it far in world tour and he got voted off) Episode fourteen No elimination People still in the game Heroic hamsters:Sierra Cody Mal Zoey Leshawna Katie Dawn Bridgette Gwen Villainous vultures:Heather Courtney Scott Lindsay and Noah Episode fifteen Villainous vultures lose 14th:Noah(heather was gonna be eliminated but she used her immunity idol and noah was eliminated) Episode sixteen 13th:Cody(Mal injured him on purpose by knocking him down a cliff so he had to be medically evacuated) Episode seventeen Heroic hamsters lose 12th:Zoey(mal betrayed his girlfriend and made a fake video of zoey saying bad things about her teammates so they voted her off) Episode eighteen *MERGE* Purge challenge 11th:Lindsay(she came last and was eliminated) Episode nineteen Mal wins invincibility 10th:Katie(mal convinced everyone else to vote her off) Episode twenty The eliminated contestants compete in a rejoin challenge Izzy rejoins Episode twenty one Courtney wins invincibility 10th:Heather(she was a threat) Episode twenty two Izzy wins invincibility 9th:Sierra(mal told everyone that sierra was a strong competitor so she was voted off) Episode twenty three Chris puts everyone a duo and whichever duo comes last in the challenge is automatically eliminated 8th and 7th:Leshawna and Scott(mal sanotaged them and caused them both to come last) Episode twenty four Courtney wins invincibility 6th:Izzy(mal barely managed to convice everyone to vote her off because she was a threat) Final five:Courtney Gwen Dawn Mal and Bridgette Episode twenty five Mal becomes mike again Bridgette wins invincibility 5th:Mike/Mal*villain of the season*(they voted him off because of all the stuff he did as mal) Episode twenty six Dawn wins invincibility 4th:Gwen(dawn was gonna convince everyone to vote courtney off but gwen voted herself and told bridgette and courtney to vote her off) Episode twenty seven Purge challenge 3rd:Bridgette(she came last in the challenge and was automatically eliminated) Episode twenty eight *FINALE* Eliminated contestants vote who win Who voted courtney to win:Scott Duncan Gwen Cody Sierra lightning eva izzy leshawna blaineley justin heather alejandro Noah Who voted dawn to win:Bridgette zoey mike jo brick owen katie ezekiel lindsay harold *COURTNEY WINS* Runner-up:Dawn(she didnt get enough votes to win) Winner:Courtney(she got the most votes to win) Pahkitew island is next
Total drama island my way 24th-Harold 23rd-Tyler 22nd-Eva 21st-Katie 20th-Lindsay 19th-Owen 18th-Izzy 17th-Justin 16th-Geoff 15th-Ezekiel 14th-Bridgette 13th-Noah Merge + Harold and Lindsay return 12th-Cody 11th-Beth 10th-Courtney 9th-Duncan 8th-DJ 7th-Lindsay 6th-Leshawna 5th-Gwen 4th-Sadie 3rd-Heather 2nd-Harold 1st-Justin
For pahkatiew ik I'm late but 14th place Lenoard - Same as yours 13th place Sugar - She had almost no use and bullied Ella for no reason Amy manipulates Max and pretends to be his sidekick Topher is annoying Chris Sammy and Jasmine start a friendship which Amy notices 12th place Beardo - He was the worst in challenges Amy tries to sabotage her team and pin it somehow on Scarlet Sammy tries convincing others to vote for Amy 11th place Scarlet - Amy manipulates max into trying to get Sammy to vote scarlet Amy tricks Topher into promising him the leader of the alliance It wasn't hard to convince Rodney as he was a simp for her Jasmine is mad at Sammy for voting scarlet when they knew Amy was up to something Ella makes friends with Sky and Dave has a crush on sky so he is mad 10th place Topher - Shawn's fear of zombies cost his team's defeat as he didn't participate but Topher was annoying Chris so he was disqualified Rodney falls in love with Jasmine causing Amy to lose control over him Jasmine and Shawn form a bond and form crushes on each other 9th place Rodney - He got the bear mad and the bear decided to spit out the monkey with the key to spite him and since Amy lost control over Rodney she was able to convince them to vote him Dave is jealous of sky and Ella's friendship 8th place Max - He cost the challenge and Amy threw him under the bus for it so she didn't get eliminated Amy manipulates Ella next but since sky was there to stop it she decided to manipulate Dave instead MERGE 7th place Dave - He gets rejected by sky so he votes Ella thinking she's that she's the reason sky hates him Sky and Ella make an alliance Jasmine , Shawn and Sammy make an alliance as well Amy is toast 6/5th place Sky and Jasmine - Sky lost for her and Ella but they voted sky cuz she was more of a threat and Sammy lost it for her team but Amy was able to convince Ella to get Jasmine second most voted so she was eliminated with sky Shawn and Jasmine are a couple 4th place Sammy - Amy sabotages her 3rd Place Amy ( Main villain ) She was last in all challenges Alt winner Winner Ella Shawn
14 Leonard ( cost them the challenge) 13 max didn't help usless 12 berdo usless 11 rodeney was being way too crepph 10 tohper tried to kill chirs 9 scarlet tried to kill everyone 8 Ella she sang Merge 7th dave 6th shawn 5th sky 4th suger 3rd jasmine Runner up amy Winner sammy Pahikatail island my way
Total drama island my way 25. Kate 24. Sadie 23. Ezekiel 22. Justin 21. Beth 20. Noah 19. Eva 18. Tyler 17. Izzy 16. Cody 15. Bridgette 14. Geoff 13. Courtney *merge and Eva and Noah return* 12. Eva (again) 11. DJ 10. Leshowna 9. Trent 8. Noah (again) 7. Gwen 6. Duncan 5. Mr. Coconut 4. Heather 3. Owen 2. Lindsay 1. Harold
Total drama action my way 14.Geoff and Bridgette 13. Beth 12. Justin 11. Izzy 10. Trent *Izzy returns* 9. Lindsay 8. DJ *Courtney debuts* 7. Izzy (again) *merge* 6. Harold 5. Courtney 4. Owen 3. Leshowna 2. Heather 1. Duncan
Total drama world tour my way 19. Duncan (quits) 18. Leshowna 17. Bridgette 16. Harold 15. Ezekiel 14. Lindsay 13. DJ 12.izzy *blainly debuts* 11. Gwen *merge* 10. Courtney and blainly 9. Owen 8. Alejandro 7. Sierra *Duncan and Izzy return* 6. Izzy (again) 5. Duncan (again) 4. Tyler 3. Heather 2. Cody 1. Noah
14 staci(talks too much) 13 sam( didnt help jist played video games) 12 B (scott) 11 dawn (scott set her up) 10 mike (scott black malied him) 9 dakoda she was too busy bwing interviewd during the challenge Mike returns 8 camrron 7 mike (immunity scott) 6 zoey (immune scott) 5 lighting immune annie maria 4 annie maria( immune scott) 3 scott (immune brick) (jo and brick made a temporary alliance) Runner Jo Winner brick Revenge of the island my way
16/15th geoff brigette 14 trent 13 DJ 12 izzy 11 owen Izzy is back 10 gwen 9 izzy Courtney joins 8 heather 7 justin 6 leshana 5 Harold 4/3 duncan/Courtney Runner up lindsay Winnee beth Total drama action my way
did Geoff and Gwen still bond in the one episode? if they did I say that Duncan should of left instead of Geoff cause we know that Leshawna and Gwen are bonded and so are Gwen and Geoff
My way Island 22nd Ezekiel 21st Justin 20th Noah 19th Gwen 18th Katie 17th Tyler 16th Izzy 15th Heather 14th Cody 13th Sadie 12th Courtney 11th Harold Merge + Heather and Izzy return 12th Eva 11th Geoff 10th Bridgette 9th Beth 8th Dj 7th Izzy 6th Trent 5th Leshawna Mr Coconut debuts 5th Mr Coconut 4th Duncan 3rd Heather 2nd Lindsay 1st Owen Action 14th/13th Heather and Leshawna 12th Izzy 11th Geoff Eva debuts 11th Bridgette 10th Dj 9th Eva Courtney debuts 9th Gwen 8th Trent Merge 7th Duncan 6th Justin Duncan returns 6th Lindsay 5th Harold 4th/3rd Courtney and Owen 2nd Duncan 1st Beth World tour 17th/16th Duncan and Ezekiel 15th Dj 14th Bridgette 13th Harold 12th Leshawna 11th/10th Izzy and Lindsay Duncan returns 10th Owen 9th Tyler 8th Gwen Merge + Blaineley debuts 8th Noah 7th/6th Blaineley and Courtney 5th Duncan 4th Cody 3rd Heather 2nd Alejandro 1st Sierra Revenge of the island 13th Dawn 12th Dakota 11th Sam 10th Lightning 9th Jo 8th/7th Staci and Anne maria Jo returns 7th B Merge 6th Jo 5th Mike 4th Scott 3rd Cameron 2nd Zoey 1st Brick All stars 14th Courtney 13th Sam 12th Lightning 11th Jo 10th Sierra 9th Cameron Merge 8th Duncan 7th Heather 6th Alejandro 5th Mike 4th/3rd Lindsay and Gwen 2nd Scott 1st Zoey Pakhitew island 14th Leanord 13th Sugar 12th Amy 11th Rodney 10th Max 9th Beardo 8th Topher Merge 7th Dave 6th/5th Scarlett and Ella 4th Jasmine 3rd Sammy 2nd Sky 1st Shawn Don't judge me
Yo no tengo una problema con Katie y Sadie. Yo no tuve una history’s con Katie y Sadie asi que no usar ellas mucho en el video. Pero quiero usar ellas en un video en el futuro.
Total drama action my way own cast 22nd geoff & 21st bridgette 20th Ezekiel 19th izzy 18th satie 17th trent After math 1 16th gwen 15th cody 14th DJ quits After math 2 13rd katie 12nd tyler 11st noah 10th Justin 9th leshawna Izzy returns 9th owen 8th izzy MERGE After math 3 7th Heather 6th eva Owen returns 6th beth 5th duncan 4th courtney & 3rd owen 2nd harold 1st Lindsay After math 4
People in the show comment about his weight. Remember when Trent said “it took you 10 and a half hours to walk 3 city blocks?” Or when other contestants say things about it. I just thought that would be how he would be eliminated. I wasn’t trying to shame him
cody winning world tour is lit trash and making katie and sadie leaving the first one is also trash and also making brick and sammy finalist is super trash they are both boring/annoying character
Nice elimination order, I like how Gwen merges every season lol.
My elimination orders:
TDI My Way:
22. Ezekiel
21. Sadie
20. Katie
19. Justin
18. Tyler
17. Beth
16. Cody
15. Noah
14. Courtney
13. Harold
12. DJ
11. Geoff
10. Eva
9. Lindsay
8. Owen
7. Izzy
6. Trent
5. Bridgette
4. LeShawna - Secondary Hero
3. Heather - Villain of the Season
2/1. Duncan - Hero of the Season
2/1. Gwen - Hero of the Season
TDA My Way:
17. Geoff
16. Katie
15. Heather
14. DJ
13. Owen
12. Izzy
11/10. Bridgette/Trent
9. LeShawna
8. Duncan
7. Justin
6. Gwen
5. Beth - Secondary Hero
4. Courtney - Villain of the Season
3. Noah - Anti-Hero
2/1. Harold
2/1. Lindsay - Hero of the Season
TDWT My Way:
20. DJ
19. Harold
18. Katie
17. Lindsay
16. Izzy
15. Owen
14. Bridgette
13. Tyler
12. Courtney
Merge | Eva debuts instead of Blaineley
11. Duncan
10. Noah - Secondary Hero
9. Eva
8. Ezekiel
7/6. Cody/Trent
5. LeShawna
4. Gwen - Secondary Hero
3. Sierra - Hero of the Season
2/1. Alejandro - Villain of the Season
2/1. Heather - Anti-Hero/Secondary Villain
13. Dakota
12. Staci
11. Anne Maria
10. Lightning
Dakota returns
10/9. Dakota/Sam
8. Jo - Secondary Villain
7. Mike - Secondary Hero
6. Cameron
5. B
4. Scott - Villain of the Season
3. Zoey - Secondary Hero
2/1. Brick - Hero of the Season
2/1. Dawn - Hero of the Season
26. Lightning
25. Jo
24. Justin
23. Brick
22. B
21. Harold
20. DJ
19. Izzy
18. Cameron
17. Mal/Mike - Villain
16. Alejandro
15/14. Cody/Owen
Merge | Mal/Mike returns
14. Trent
13. Scott
12. Zoey
11. Sierra
10. Duncan
9. Heather
8. Lindsay
7. Mal/Mike - Villain
6/5. Bridgette/Noah
4. Dawn
3. Gwen - Secondary Hero
2/1. Courtney
2/1. LeShawna - Hero of the Season
14. Leonard
13. Rodney
12. Amy
11. Sugar
10. Beardo
Amy returns
10. Max
9. Amy
8. Dave
7. Sammy
6. Scarlett - Secondary Villain
5. Topher - Villain
4. Sky
3. Shawn
2/1. Ella - Secondary Hero
2/1. Jasmine - Hero of the Season
Great 👍
In season two, Gwen didn't make merge
Her way
Ella would deserve it tho
The one who made it to the merger in all seasons was Courtney. Gwen missed the second one
bruhhh people love ruining Sadie and Katie by just making them leave together super early. LIKE GIVE THEM DEVELOPMENT. DO IT LIKE ISLAND WHERE KATIE ENCOURAGES SADIE. Dont just throw them away.
Even tho i don't really like them, i have to agree that at least Sadie could have more development after Katie leaves
Yeah! Even though they were annoying, they deserved to have some character development.
no thanks
@@Ṯaxəṣeveryone things Ezekiel should always be voted out first like of you agree. 👇
And Sadie and Katie a4e so underrated they are like pepper and salt from inaminate insanity #lovekatieandsadie
I like this Version of (Total Drama My Way) as it's good to see some characters who lasted longer then in the Original, Like Eva, Noah, Bridgette, Geoff, Harold, Leshawna, Zoey, Mike, Lindsey, Justin, Annie Maria and Many other's and I was surprised that Lindsey won Total Drama action.
Well, Lindsay was the original winner of total drama action. She didnt cause her voice actor had to go early so they decided to eliminate her
@@RaffehNaseer false news, beth was always planned to be the winner of TDA as released by the creators of the show.
I refuse to believe that they could’ve done Courtney Vs Duncan or Harold Vs Duncan
I fully hate this guy
that was original lindsay's win for me because she was eliminated in a stupid way
TDAS My Way:
*Teams Forms*
Heroic Hamsters: Zoey,Cameron,Dawn,B,Sam,Brick,Bridgette,Trent,Owen,Katie,Tyler,Lindsay
Villainous Vultures: Mike,Jo,Lightning,Scott,Dakota,Anne Maria,Alejandro,Heather,Gwen,Courtney,Duncan,Eva
Ep1: No one
Ep2: 24th - Sam *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep3: 23rd - Alejandro *Villainous Vultures*
Ep4: 22nd - Anne Maria *Villainous Vultures*
Ep5: 21st - Cameron *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep6: 20th - Katie *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep7: 19th - Lightning *Villainous Vultures*
Ep8: 18th - Dakota *Villainous Vultures*
Ep9: 17th - Tyler *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep10: No one
Ep11: 16th - Lindsay *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep12: 15th/14th - Jo/Eva(Quit) *Villainous Vultures*
Ep13: No one
Ep14: 13th - Brick *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep15: No one
Ep16: 12th - B *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep17: 11th - Trent *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep18: 10th - Courtney *Villainous Vultures*
Ep19: 9th - Gwen *Villainous Vultures*
Ep20: 8th - Scott *Villainous Vultures*
Ep21: No one
Ep22: 7th - Bridgette *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep23: 6th/5th - Zoey/Owen *Heroic Hamsters*
Ep24: 4th - Mike *Villainous Vultures*
Ep25: 3rd - Heather *Villainous Vultures*
Ep26: 2nd - Duncan *Villainous Vultures*
Winner - Dawn *Heroic Hamsters*
Total Drama island my way:
Episode 1 non elimination
Episode 2 22nd - Ezekiel
Episode 3 21st - Katie
Episode 4 20th - Sadie (Quit)
Episode 5 19th - Trent
Episode 6 18th - Noah
Episode 7 17th - Beth
Episode 8 16th - Eva
Episode 9 15th - Cody
Episode 10 14th - Tyler
Episode 11 13th - Izzy
Episode 12 12th - Courtney
Episode 13 11th - Justin
Episode 14 non elimination
Katie and Sadie return!
Episode 15 12th - Harold
Episode 16 11th - Bridgette
Episode 17 10th - Lindsay
Episode 18 9th - Sadie
Episode 19 8th - Geoff
Episode 20 7th - Katie
Episode 21 6th - DJ
Episode 22 5th - Duncan
Episode 23 non elimination
Episode 24 4th - Leshawna
Episode 25 3rd Heather
Episode 26 Owen’s ending: Owen was going too loose, but Izzy saved him bc, sh brought out some brownies so he could run faster Lindsay got a fan to help, make him run and in the end Owen made it befor Gwen.
Episode 26 Gwen’s ending: Gwen was going too loose, but with Trent kept motivating her she was running to, the finish line faster then Owen leading her winning the Money!
Hope u liked this Total Drama Action will be later! Alright it’s finally time for
Total Drama Action my way:
Episode 1 non elimination
Episode 2 22nd/21st Geoff&Bridgette
Episode 3 20th - Eva
Episode 4 non elimination
Episode 5 19th - Tyler
Episode 6 Aftermath!
Episode 7 18th - Beth
Episode 8 17th - Harold
Episode 9 16th - Izzy
Episode 10 15th - Ezekiel
Episode 11 14th - Justin
Episode 12 Aftermath!
Episode 13 13th - Sadie
Episode 14 12th/11th - Trent&Gwen
Episode 15 10th - Harold
Episode 16 non elimination
Episode 17 9th - Leshawna
Episode 18 Aftermath!
Episode 19 8th - DJ
Episode 20 7th - Heather
Episode 21 6th/5th - Duncan&Katie
Episode 22 non elimination
Episode 23 4th Owen
Episode 24 3rd Noah
Episode 25 Courtney’s ending: Courtney was way more healthier in more Athletic than Cody making everyone wanting to vote for her to win.
Episode 25 Cody’s ending: Courtney was being a brat and wouldn’t stop bragging bout how she was going to win making everybody mad at her and voting for Cody to win! How you guys liked this TDWT will be tomorrow! Or later on today lol ok soo
It is now time for Total Drama World tour!
Episode 1 and 2 25th/24th Ezekiel&Duncan
(Quit) Episode 3 23rd - Trent
Episode 4 22nd - Eva
Episode 5 21st - Bridgette
Episode 6 Aftermath!
Episode 7 20th - Geoff (Quit)
Episode 8 19th - Justin
Episode 9 18th/17th Katie&Sadie
Episode 10 16th - Harold
Episode 11 15th - Beth
Episode 12 Aftermath
Duncan returns!
Episode 13 15th/14th DJ/Izzy
Episode 14 13th - Tyler
Episode 15 12th - Lindsay
Episode 16 11th - Noah
Episode 17 10th/9th Leshawna&Courtney
Episode 18 Aftermath
Episode 19 8th - Owen
Episode 20 7th - Duncan
Tyler returns!
Episode 21 6th - Tyler(Secondary hero of the season!)
Episode 22 5th - Blaineley(Secondary villain of the season)
Episode 23 non elimination
Episode 24 4th - Sierra
Episode 25 3rd - Cody(hero of the season)
Episode 26 Heather’s ending: Heather was going too loose, but When she got to the top she begin to act like she was crying so Alejandro could fill bad for her, so when they’d kissed Heather Kicked him leading her throwing in her sacrifice befor Alejandro!
Episode 26 Alejandro’s ending: basically the same thing as Heathers ending except when Heather kicked him when she started to bragg she wasn’t paying attention on who’s sacrifice she was throwing accidentally throwing Alejandro’s sacrifice leading him winning the million!
How did he have so much time to type all that respect ✊
Very good
TDI My Way:
Ep1: No one
Ep2: 24th - Sadie *Killer Bass*
Ep3: 23rd - Katie *Killer Bass*
Ep4: 22nd - Justin *Screaming Gophers*
Ep5: 21st - Cody *Screaming Gophers*
Ep6: 20th - Trent *Screaming Gophers*
Ep7: 19th - Ezekiel *Killer Bass*
Ep8: 18th - Eva *Killer Bass*
Ep9: 17th - Geoff *Killer Bass*
Ep10: 16th - Lindsay *Screaming Gophers*
Ep11: 15th - Beth *Screaming Gophers*
Ep12: 14th - Courtney *Killer Bass*
Ep13: 13th - Bridgette *Killer Bass*
Ep14: No one
Ep15: *Sadie and Cody returns* 12th - Noah *Screaming Gophers*
Ep16: 11th - Sadie *Killer Bass*
Ep17: 10th - Harold *Killer Bass*
Ep18: 9th - Cody *Screaming Gophers*
Ep19: 8th - Izzy *Screaming Gophers*
Ep20: 7th - Owen *Screaming Gophers*
Ep21: 6th - Heather *Screaming Gophers*
Ep22: No one
Ep23: 5th - Duncan *Killer Bass*
Ep24: 4th - Leshawna *Screaming Gophers*
Ep25: 3rd - Dj *Killer Bass*
Ep26: 2nd - Gwen *Screaming Gophers*
Winner - Tyler *Killer Bass*
love you dude love this channel
Thank you!
TDA My Way:
Ep1: No one
Ep2: 21th - Izzy
*Teams Form*
Screaming Gaffers: Gwen,Leshawna,Katie,Courtney,Lindsay,Geoff,Ezekiel,Justin,Owen
Killer Grips: Heather,Eva,Bridgette,Beth,Duncan,Cody,Dj,Harold,Trent
Ep3: 20th - Ezekiel *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep4: 19th - Geoff *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep5: 18th - Gwen *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep6: Aftermath
Ep7: 17th - Harold *Killer Grips*
Ep8: 16th - Leshawna *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep9: No one *Izzy Returns -> Screaming Gaffers*
Ep10: 15th - Justin *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep11: 14th - Katie *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep12: Aftermath
Ep13: 13th - Heather *Killer Grips*
Ep14: 12th - Izzy *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep15: No one
Ep16: 11th - Owen *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep17: *Justin Returns* 10th - Duncan *Killer Grips*
Ep18: 9th - Beth *Killer Grips*
Ep19: 8th - Courtney *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep20: 7th - Justin *Screaming Gaffers*
Ep21: 6th - Dj *Killer Grips*
Ep22: 5th - Eva *Killer Grips*
Ep23: Aftermath
Ep24: 4th/3rd - Bridgette/Cody *Killer Grips*
Ep25: No one
Ep26: 2nd - Lindsay *Screaming Gaffers*
Winner - Trent *Killer Grips*
I respect that u did it on a PowerPoint! 👍
Ep1: No one
*Teams Form* (Just like the original)
Ep2: 15th - Staci *Toxic Rats*
Ep3: 14th - Sam *Toxic Rats*
Ep4: No one
Ep5: 13th - B *Toxic Rats*
Ep6: No one *Cameron Swap Teams*
Ep7: 12th - Anne Maria *Muttant Maggots*
Ep8: *Staci Returns -> Muttant Maggots* 11th - Mike(Evacuated) *Muttant Maggots*
Ep9: *Dakota Swap Teams* 10th - Staci *Muttant Maggots*
Ep10: 9th - Dawn *Toxic Rats*
Ep11: *Mike Returns* 8th - Brick *Muttant Maggots*
Ep12: 7th - Jo *Muttant Maggots*
Ep13: 6th - Lightning *Toxic Rats*
Ep14: No one
Ep15: 5th/4th - Dakota(Quit)/Cameron *Toxic Rats,Muttant Maggots;Muttant Maggots,Toxic Rats*
Ep16: 3rd - Zoey *Muttant Maggots*
Ep17: 2nd - Scott *Toxic Rats*
Winner - Mike *Muttant Maggots*
TDWT My Way:
Ep1: No one
*Teams Form*
Victory: Bridgette,Leshawna,Eva,Beth,Lindsay,Harold,Geoff,Dj,Ezekiel
Amazon: Heather,Courtney,Gwen,Sadie,Katie,Blaineley,Sierra,Cody
Chris: Alejandro,Duncan,Trent,Justin,Noah,Tyler,Owen,Izzy
Ep2: 27th - Dj(Quit) *Victory*
Ep3: 26th - Izzy *Chris*
Ep4: 25th - Blaineley *Amazon*
Ep5: 24th - Ezekiel *Victory*
Ep6: 23rd - Leshawna *Victory*
Ep7: 22nd - Sierra *Amazon*
Ep8: 21st - Owen *Chris*
Ep9: Aftermath
Ep10: 20th - Bridgette *Victory*
Ep11: 19th - Duncan(Quit) *Chris*
Ep12: *Sierra Returns -> Chris* 18th - Justin *Chris*
Ep13: 17th/16th - Tyler (Evacuated)/Sadie *Chris/Amazon*
Ep14: *Owen Returns -> Chris* 15th - Cody *Amazon*
Ep15: Aftermath
Ep16: 14th - Sierra(Quit) *Chris*
Ep17: 13th/12th - Harold/Geoff(Evacuated) *Victory*
Ep18: 11th - Lindsay *Victory*
Ep19: 10th - Beth *Victory*
Ep20: 9th - Heather *Amazon*
Ep21: Aftermath
Ep22: 8th - Eva *Victory*
Ep23: 7th/6th - Owen/Alejandro *Chris*
Ep24: 5th - Courtney *Amazon*
Ep25: 4th - Gwen *Amazon*
Ep26: 3rd - Trent *Chris*
2nd - Noah *Chris*
Winner - Katie *Amazon*
Yall remember when doing a fan season DDDD dont do Dawn Dirty
The 4 Ds of fan season rules
TDI My Way:
Episode 1: Teams Form. No Elimination
Episode 2: Ezekiel (22nd Place) Katie and Izzy switch Teams
Episode 3: Beth (21st Place)
Episode 4: Justin (20th Place)
Episode 5: Sadie (19th Place)
Episode 6: Katie (18th Place)
Episode 7: Tyler (???)
Episode 8: Izzy (???)
Episode 9: Cody (17th Place)
Episode 10: Owen (16th Place)
Episode 11: Eva (15th Place)
Episode 12: Courtney (14th Place)
Episode 13: Noah (13th Place)
Episode 14: Reward Challenge/Non Elimination Episode
Episode 15: Harold (12th Place) Merge and Tyler and Izzy Return
Episode 16: Trent (11th Place)
Episode 17: Izzy (10th Place)
Episode 18: Lindsay (9th Place, Auto-Eliminated)
Episode 19: DJ (8th Place, Auto-Eliminated)
Episode 20: Bridgette (7th Place)
Episode 21: Tyler (6th Place)
Episode 22: Leshawna (5th Place)
Episode 23: Mr. Coconut (RIP)
Episode 24: Duncan (4th Place, Chef's Choice)
Episode 25: Heather (3rd Place)
Episode 26: Runner-up: Geoff
Winner: Gwen!
TDA My Way: The Canon 14 (Plus Courtney midway through) contestants + 4 add-ons (Eva (Screaming Gaffers), Katie (Killer Grips), Noah (Screaming Gaffers) and Tyler (Killer Grips))
Episode 1: Reward Challenge/Non Elimination Episode
Episode 2: Bridgette & Geoff (19th/18th Place)
Episode 3: Izzy (???) Teams Form
Episode 4: Reward Challenge/Non Elimination Episode
Episode 5: Trent (17th Place)
Episode 6: Aftermath 1
Episode 7: Gwen (16th Place) Izzy Returns
Episode 8: Reward Challenge/Non Elimination Episode
Episode 9: DJ (15th Place)
Episode 10: Owen (14th Place)
Episode 11: Izzy (13th Place)
Episode 12: Aftermath 2
Episode 13: Heather (12th Place) Courtney Debuts
Episode 14: Reward Challenge/Non Elimination Episode
Episode 15: Tyler (11th Place)
Episode 16: Beth (10th Place) Merge
Episode 17: Leshawna (9th Place)
Episode 18: Aftermath 3
Episode 19: Noah (8th Place)
Episode 20: Justin (7th Place)
Episode 21: Eva (6th Place)
Episode 22: Reward Challenge/Non Elimination Episode
Episode 23: Duncan (5th Place)
Episode 24: Katie (4th Place)
Episode 25: Harold (3rd Place)
Episode 26: Runner-up: Courtney
Winner: Lindsay!
TDPI My Way:
*Teams Form* (Just like the original)
Ep1: 15th - Max *Floating Salmon*
Ep2: 14th - Beardo *Confused Bears*
Ep3: 13th - Sugar *Confused Bears*
Ep4: *Max Returns* 12th - Leonard *Confused Bears* *Samey Swap Teams*
Ep5: 11th - Rodney *Floating Salmon*
Ep6: No one
Ep7: 10th/9th - Scarlett/Max *Floating Salmon*
Ep8: 8th - Amy *Floating Salmon*
Ep9: 7th - Ella *Confused Bears*
Ep10: 6th - Shawn *Confused Bears*
Ep11: 5th - Samey *Floating Salmon/Confused Bears*
Ep12: 4th - Topher *Floating Salmon*
Ep13: 3rd - Jasmine *Floating Salmon*
2nd - Dave *Confused Bears*
Winner - Sky *Confused Bears*
Total Drama Island My Way
22nd: Ezekiel
21st: Eva
20th: Justin
19th: Beth
18th: Sadie
17th: Katie
Xth: Izzy
16th: Cody
Xth: Noah
15th: DJ
14th: Courtney
13th: Tyler
Merge: Noah & Izzy Return
12th: Noah
11th: Trent
10th: Bridgette
9th: Lindsay
8th: Owen
7th: Izzy
6th: Geoff
5th: LeShawna
4th: Harold
3rd: Heather (Main Villian)
Runner Up: Gwen
Winner: Duncan
Action: Courtney & Noah Replace DJ & Beth
15/14th: Geoff & Bridgette
Xth: Izzy
13th: Trent
12th: Gwen
Izzy Returns
11th: Izzy
10th: Owen
Tyler Debuts
Xth: Courtney
9th: Heather
8th: Noah
7th: Duncan
Courtney Returns
6th: LeShawna
5th: Tyler
4th/3rd: Courtney & Justin (Main Villian)
Runner Up: Lindsay
Winner: Harold
World Tour: Beth Replaces Bridgette
18th: Ezekiel
17th: Tyler
16th: Lindsay
15th: LeShawna
14th: Harold
13th: Izzy
12th: Beth
Duncan Returns
11th: DJ
10th: Owen
9th: Gwen
Merge: Blainley Debuts
8th: Blainley
7th/6th: Courtney & Duncan
5th: Cody
4th: Sierra
3rd: Alejandro (Main Villian)
Runner Up: Noah
Winner: Heather
I like how you didn’t do what everyone else does and go ‘ew Ezekiel’ and always boot him first. At least he get some redemption
I quite liked the idea of Heather using Alejandro's love of her to sabotage him.
My way:
24: Zeke
23: Eva
22: Geoff
21: Gwen
20: DJ
19: Lashauna
18: Owen
17: Beth
16: Lindsay
15: Harold
14: Justin
13: Owen
(Lindsay and Harold return!)
12: Katie
11: Courtney
10: Tyler
9: Heather
8: Izzy
7: Sadie
6: Bridgette
5: Lindsay
4: Cody
3rd: Harold
2nd: Duncan
1st: Noah
14/13: Gwen/Justin
(Teams form! )
12: Duncan
11: Harold
( Gwen returns! )
11: Izzy
10: Heather
9: Gwen
( Noah debuts! )
9: Owen
8: Lashauna
( Merge )
7: Lindsay
6: Geoff
( Harold returns! )
6: Bridgette
5: DJ
4: Harold
3rd: Noah
2nd: Beth
1st: Trent
17: Duncan
(Teams form!)
16: Zeke
15: Lashauna
14: DJ
13: Bridgette
12: Lindsay
11: Noah
10: Harold
( Noah returns! )
10: Gwen
9: Tyler
8: Izzy
(Blaineley debuts!)
8: Blaineley
5: Courtney
4: Alejandro
3rd: Heather
2nd: Noah
1st: Sierra
13: Staci
12: Dakota
11: Lightning
( Anne-Marie switches teams! )
10: Sam
9: B
(Anne-Marie and Brick switch teams!)
8/7: Scott/ Jo
( Dakota returns! )
7: Zoey
6: Cameron
5: Brick
4: Dawn
3rd: Dakotazoid
2nd: Anne-Maria
1st: Mike
TDAS: ( Own Cast )
Heroes: Trent, Brick, Dawn, Zoey, Mike, Sierra, Brick, Sam, Cameron, Lashauna, Owen, Harold, Lindsay,
Villains: Gwen, Courtney, Duncan, Noah, Izzy, Scott, Lightning, Eva, Jo Anne-Marie, Heather, Alejandro
24: Jo
23: Sierra
22: Alejandro
21: Lashauna
20/19: Brick/Anne-Maria
( Dakota returns/debuts! )
19: Duncan
18: Lightning
17: Zoey
16: Izzy
15: Eva
14: Owen
13: Cody
( Merge )
12: Lindsay
( Eva returns! )
( Blaineley debuts! )
12: Harold
11: Courtney
10: Heather
( Bridgette debuts! )
10: Bridgette
9: Trent ( Offered to be elim )
8: Gwen ( Quit )
7: Noah
6: Mike
5: Cameron
4: Blaineley
3: Scott/Sam
2: Eva
1st: Dawn
14: Leonard
13: Rodney
12: Samey
11: Topher
( Samey returns! )
11/10: Amy/Sugar
9: Jasmine
( Sky/Max switch teams! )
8: Max
7: Scarlett
6/5: Sky/Shawn
4: Dave
3rd: Samey
2nd: Beardo
1st: Ella
this is a better version of the show, early booted characters were give more time, also what editor do you use for the yellow screen after theres no elimination?
Man, the Beardo image did give him personally tho
I really like how all of the season went, sadly neither Bridgette or trent (my favorites from the first cast) win but aside all good
I finally find one where Cody wins!
World tour Cody wins!!!! :D
@@Ethanhasnovideos no he doesn’t that’s heather
@@laurensmith1697 not from the actually series with Alejandro and Heather... on this video I meant
@@Ethanhasnovideos oh sorry sorry
The coconut: hello my ladies I need Owen back
I LOVE THE FACT MR COCONUT WAS 11TH(hope hes healing from the injury)
He has, full recovery
What I Cant Even See The Craps
Nicee my ways!!! I like how Gwen merges since she's one of my favorites in the show.
My Winners:
TDI: Gwen
TDA: Harold
TDWT: Heather
TDAS: Leshawna
TDPI: Jasmine
TDRR: Police Cadets
Omg this was soo cool, what app did you use for making this?
The most expensive app I could find. Jk it’s google slides
I finally found someone that makes Eva win immunity " no pain no game " TDI as she should
How about a Battle of the Generations Season with 11 competitors from all 3 generations
Gen 3(Pakitew):
Gen 2(Revenge):
Anne Maria
Gen 1(Island and World Tour):
No Sam or Sierra I think but great idea
@@Catvinity I know having them in might be werid but I think the All-Stars cast deserves redemption after the the derailment they went through and Sam and Sierra where in that cast
@@thearmchairgamer2668 they shouldn’t have been in all stars…
@@Catvinity Sam I can understand why people say he shouldn't have been in All-Stars but Sierra got 4th in World Tour that's All-Stars worthy if I've ever seen it, would have been better if both She and Cody where in though
@@thearmchairgamer2668 If she should have she shouldn’t have went even more crazy of Cody
Total drama island my way!
Episode 2=(24th Zeke) He was being sexist about women.
The Big Sleep/Episode 3= (23rd Sadie) Heather had manipulated sadie that katie said something bad about her.
Dodgebrawl/Episode 4=(22nd Justin) Noah has created an alliance with Owen,Noah and Izzy And targetted Justin because he doesn't try in challenges.
Not Quite Famous/Episode 5=(21st Beth) Noah had figured out heather had an alliance and noah thought he would target beth first.
The sucky Outdoors/Episode 6= (20th Izzy) Izzy Brought a bear to camp and got the gophers no sleep then suggested that they eliminate izzy for that.
Phobia Factor/Episode 7=(19th Trent) He had left gwen underground causing leshawna to be mad at him and convice people to vote him.
Up The Creek/Episode 8=(18th Harold) Duncan had frammed harold that he stole eva MVP Players so she beat him up and after she was done he was to injured to continue.
Paintball Deer Hunt/Episode 9=(17th Eva) Eva had a huge agruement with bridgette and since bridgette was more likeable They Voted off eva for her being a big threat and having a huge temper.
If you can take the heat/Episode 10= (16th Katie) Owen was hungry and ate most of the screaming gophers food.
But then as a sabatoge noah decided to switch the killer bass foods with them.
And owen ate ALL Of the killer bass food.
When chris revealed it the killer Bass got mad at katie because she was supposed to watch the food.
And then boom shes gone.
Who can you trust?/episode 11= (15th Cody) heather had figured out that Noah,Cody and owen had an alliance so she blackmailed noah to vote cody or else she would expose him.
Basic straining/Episode 12=
(Nobody) Nobody got eliminate i guess.
Courtney and duncan hook up.
Heather has something planned for the two new lovebirds.
X Treme Torture/Episode 13=(14th Noah) Heather had now noah in her hands and she conviced him that if they vote gwen but what he didn't know that she was tricking him and conviced the other campers to vote noah.
Brunch of disgustingness/Episode 14=(Nobody) Nothing really happened here.
Except for geoff betraying the bro code.
And actually having a agruement with duncan.
My preferred finalists are
I honestly don’t have an issue with Island’s finale. Sure Leshawna deserves it more than Owen but at the same time, a finale of Gwen vs Leshawna is kind of anticlimactic since the two had been close friends though out the season and while it still would be competitive, it wouldn’t be as competitive and engaging as Gwen facing off against someone she didn’t know as well. The only 'change' I would make is labeling Gwen as the official winner and Owen as the alternate since Gwen deserved it more.
Admittedly nobody likes Beth as a finalist but I personally like Duncan as one, and while a lot of people argue that Lindsay would be better, I feel like Duncan facing off against Harold would be better than Duncan vs Lindsay or Harold vs Lindsay thematically, due to their ongoing rivalry throughout both Island and Action. I do prefer Harold as the official and Duncan as the alternate.
Yes I said it. Alejandro is not my pick for a finalist. My preferred scenario is Cody overcoming the odds and winning the tiebreaker against Alejandro with maybe a little motivation from Sierra off in the distance. And then the same stuff happens accept Alejandro would probably help Heather and in turn likely Courtney as well. Harold would obviously help Cody and I am assuming the other helper would be Sierra regardless of her injury since she would do anything to help Cody. Admittedly I still like Heather as the official winner, and Cody as the alternate.
I love Cameron’s underdog story so Cameron is 100% my pick for the official winner. I chose Jo instead of Lightning because I hate Lightning as a finalist, also Jo fits the whole Brains vs Brawn theme about as well as Lightning does. The difference is that she was on Cameron’s team from the beginning and had ongoing plot line with him that started a few episodes prior to the finale during the merge. If Jo survived the final five vote, then I imagine it would be because Zoey convinces Cameron to vote for Scott since he had nothing saving him that episode and she figured they could get rid of him why they still can, but I imagine Zoey would probably be kicked due to Scott’s immunity idol leaving the final 4 as Cameron, Jo, Lightning, and Scott. There wasn’t a whole lot of player interaction in the final 4 episode, so not much would be effected story wise. I imagine Jo would probably take place of Zoey being hunted by Chef until he leaves her alone. Obviously Jo would not go commando mode since, unlike Zoey she is already very competent in battle. However, since nothing else changes here Scott would still be injured by fang, and Cameron and Lightning’s interactions would remain the same with Cameron accidentally stealing Lightning’s immunity. In this scenario Cameron would be enemies with the majority of the cast remaining on the island, but he would still have immunity bringing Lightning into his list of enemies. Regardless, since Lightning and Jo could not vote for Cameron, I feel like Jo, Cameron, and Scott would vote for Lightning, and Lightning would go home, unless Chris decided to neglect the vote and have Scott medvac’d
5:28 got me cracking up😭😭
My Winners
Tdi: Gwen
Tda: Linday,Harold,Or Justin
Tdwt: Tyler
Tdroti: Dawn,B,Mike,or Scott
Tdas: Alejandro
Tdpi: Jasmine or Scarlett
Tdrr: Sisters, Reality Tv Pros,Or Rockers
I loved your world tour I agree with everything I would have loved if Cody won
I like total drama the movie 😊❤
thank you
@@phoenix9785 my pleasure 🙏 ☺ 😊
19:29 wow, katie the backstabber
oh, wo
You should do a fan season and put your favorite characters in there and see who wins I’d totally see it dude
Will do!
You should do revenge of the pahkitew island my way
It's the pahkitew cast vs revenge cast and since revenge has 1 last member you can throw blaineley in revenge of the island
Thanks for the suggestion! It sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun to make!
@@phoenix9785 no probs
@@DutchBrosOnTop if have a new season this should happen
Yes mike you won Yes (in your face scott)
Cody is criminaly underrated
No, he is the opposite in fact. He probably has the biggest fan base for such a useless character and the way he got third in World Tour because of Sierra is crazy. I honestly think he’s just a mid character and I believe that his fans love him for no reason.
@@animeboiindacut5930 ive never seen someone who loves cody
My opinion it if they do a movie it wouldn't be a competition it would just be a reunion with all the characters
My way for all seasons
Episode one
Killer bass lose
22nd:Ezekiel(he was sexist so they voted him off)
Events:Lindsay Beth Heather and Owen Make an alliance
Episode two
Killer bass lose
21st:Eva(she had anger issues)
Events;Gwen develops a crush on trent
Episode three
Screaming gophers lose
20th:Noah(he didnt help during the challenge)
Episode four
Screaming gophers lose
19th:Justin(his hotness was a threat so heather managed to manipulate people into voting him off)
Events:Heather reads gwens diary outloud
Episode five
Killer bass lose
18th:Katie(she was getting annoying)
Episode six
Events:Tyler and Lindsay date
Killer bass lose
17th:Sadie(she kept crying about katie being eliminated and wasn't helping)
Events;Courtney and Duncan kiss
Harold is always getting bullied
Episode seven
Killer bass lose
16th:Tyler(they voted him off because he didnt face his fear)
Events:Lindsay is sad heather is happy
Episode eight
Screaming gophers lose
15th;Izzy(ran away to escape the police)
Events:Beth steals a cursed totem from boney island and leaves heathers alliance
Episode nine
Screaming gophers lose
14th:Beth(after cody was mauled by a bear they believed it was because of beths cursed totem so they voted her off)
Events:Everyone is starting to hate heather
Cody gets mauled by a bear
Episode ten
Screaming gophers lose
13th;Cody(he was too injured so they voted him off)
Events:Leshawna and Gwen form a alliance
Episode eleven
killer bass lose
12th:Courtney(harold rigged the votes)
Events:Duncans very angry
Episode twelve
11th:Harold(they voted him off cause he rigged the votes)
Events:Harold and Leshawna kiss
Epsiode thirteen is a non-elimination episode
Episode fourteen
Contestants still left:Owen Leshawna Gwen Trent Heather Lindsay Duncan Geoff Bridgette and DJ
**izzy and eva rejoin**
Episode fifteen
12th;Eva(she had anger issues)
Events;Geoff and Bridgette
Gwen and Trent are officially couples
Episode sixteen
Heather wins invincibility
11th:Trent(heather kissed him and tricked everyone)
Events:Gwen is depressed
Leshawna is furious at heather
Episode seventeen
Leshawna wins invincibility
10th:DJ(the girls alliance:Gwen Leshawna Lindsay and Bridgette voted him off because he was a threat)
Event:the boys are angry
Episode eighteen
9th:Lindsay(due to a technicality, Lindsay was eliminated from the game)
Events:Lindsay hopes heather gets her karma
Episode nineteen
Heather wins invincibility
8th:Geoff(the girl alliance considered him a threat because he was always so happy and they even got izzy to vote with them this time)
Events;Bridgette feels guilty for betraying geoff
Episode twenty
Duncan wins invincibility
7th:Izzy(she was considered a threat)
Still left in game:Bridgette Owen Leshawna Heather Duncan Gwen
Episode twenty-one
Heather wins invincibility
Duncan and Bridgette tiebreaker
6th:Bridgette:(heather owen and duncan voted bridgette while leshawna gwen and bridgette voted duncan, it was a tie and duncan won the tiebreaker and got bridgette eliminated)
Episode twenty two
5th:Heather*villain of the season*(the eliminated contestants where able to choos who got out and they all chose heather)
Episode twenty three
Mr coconut debuts
5th;Mr coconut(chris disqualified him)
Episode twenty four
Gwen wins invincibility
4th;Duncan(leshawna and gwen decided to vote off duncan caude he was more of a threat than owen and they convinced owen to vote him too)
Episode twenty five
Third:Leshawna(she refused lindsays dare and was eliminated)
Episode twenty six(finale)
And the winner is.....
Runner up:Owen(gwen won the race)
Winner:Gwen(gwen wins total drama island trent takes her out on a date and gwen uses the money to throw a huge party)
*Total drama action my way*
Episode one
Killer grips:Gwen Heather Leshawna Duncan DJ Bridgette Geoff Cody Harold Sadie Katie
Screaming Gaffers:Trent Justin Owen Lindsay Beth Izzy Tyler Noah Ezekiel Eva Courtney
Episode two
Screaming gaffers lose
22nd:Ezekiel(he made his team lose)
Episode three
Killer grips lose
21st:Geoff(he kissed Bridgette to much)
Episode four
Killer grips lose
20th:Bridgette(when geoff was eliminated she kept crying so they voted her off)
Episode five
Screaming gaffers lose
19th:Courtney(she was rude and bossy and no one really liked her)
Episode six
Screaming gaffers loss
18th:Izzy i mean Kaleidoscope(she was too crazy)
Episode seven
Screaming gaffers loss
17th:Trent(he kept helping gwens team and was acting weird)
Episode eight
Killer grips lose
16th:Sadie(her and katie were getting annoyed so they voted sadie off and katie is so sad
Episode nine
Screaming gaffers lose
15th:Eva(noah made an alliance with owen and they convinced the others to vote eva off because she could be a threat in the merge)
Episode ten
No elimination
Episode eleven
Killer grips lose
14th:Heather(everyone remembers how rude she was last season and vote he roff)
Episode twelve
No elimination
Episode thirteen
Killer grips lose
13th:DJ(leshawna was supposed to be eliminated but DJ quit cause he was cheating by teaming with chef)
Episode fourteen
Courtney sues chris and is allowed to rejoin onto the screaming gaffer team
No elimination
Episode fifteen
Killer grips lose
13th:Gwen(they voted gwen off cause she won last season and was a threat)
Episode sixteen
Screaming gaffers lss
12th:Noah(justin was getting tired of noahs sarcasm, so he used his charms to convince beth lindsay courtney and owen to vote noah off)
Episode seventeen
Killer grips lose
Two people are eliminated
11th:Leshawna(she made a rude video about her teammates and was voted off)
10th:Owen:(was injured during the challenge and had to be taken away)
Episode eighteen
People still in the game:Duncan Cody Harold Katie Justin Lindsay Beth Tyler and Courtney
NO elimination
Episode nineteeem
Courtney wins invincibility
9th:Tyler(they voted him off because hes very athletic)
Episode twenty
Duncan wins invincibility
8th and 7th:Cody and Katie(Cody stood up to duncan and was beat up and katie had an argument with courtney causing them both to be voted off)
Episode twenty one
Courtney wins invincibility
6th:Justin*secondary villain*(he tried to date courtney and duncan convinced harold lindsay and beth to vote him off)
Owen rejoins
Episode twenty two
Harold wins invincibility
6th:Duncan(harold got revenge for duncan bullying him by getting him voted off)
Episode twenty three
5th:Beth(she came last in the challenge and was eliminated)
Final four:Lindsay Harold Courtney and Owen
Episode twenty four
Lindsay wins invincibility
4th:Courtney*villain of the season*(no one liked her)
Episode twenty five
Harold wins invincibility and get to pick someone to bring to the final 2
Harold brings lindsay to the final two because he thinks she will be easier to beat in a final challenge
Episode twenty six
The eliminated contestants will vote someone to win
Voted for Harold to win:Cody Leshawna Courtney Heather Ezekiel DJ Geoff
Voted For Lindsay to win:Gwen Beth Duncan Justin Eva Izzy Owen Noah Katie Sadie Bridgette Tyler Trent
Runner-up:Harold(he didnt get enough votes)
Winner:Lindsay(she got the most votes to win)
Total drama world tour my way
Episode one
Team amazon:Heather Gwen Courtney Cody Sierra Eva Katie Sadie
Team chris is Really Really Really Really Hot:Alejandro Duncan Owen Noah Tyler Izzy Geoff Justin
Team victory:Leshawna Harold DJ Bridgette Lindsay Ezekiel Trent Beth
Episode two
Team victory loses
24th:Ezekiel(he made his team lose)
Episode three
Team victory loses
23th:Harold(Alejandro manipulated him and harold quit the game)
Episode four
Team victory loses
22nd:Bridgette(she got stuck to a pole)
Geoff is mad because alejandro tried to kiss bridgette
Episode five
No elimination
Episode six
Team victory loses
21st:Leshawna(alejandro manipulated her and she ended up making her team lose)
Episode seven
No elimination
Episode eight
Team victory loses
20th:DJ(he wanted to be eliminated so they voted him off)
Episode nine
Non elimination
Episode ten
19th:Izzy(got injured and had to be medically evacuated)
Episode eleven
No elimination
Episode twelve
Team chris is really really hot loses
18th:Justin(he was jealous of alejandro taking all the girls and tried to convince everyone to vote him off)
Episode thirteen
Team chris is really really hot loses
17th:Geoff(he was still mad because alejandro tried to kiss bridgette and confronted him but alejandro convinced owen tyler and duncan to vote him off)
Gwen kisses duncan in this episode
Episode fourteen
Non elimination
Episode fifteen
Team amazon loses
Tie between Gwen and Courtney
Gwen wins the tie
16th:Courtney(courtney was mad because gwen kissed duncan,eva katie cody and gwen voted courtney, and courtney sadie heather and sierra voted gwen and it was a tie,gwen won the tiebreaker and courtney was eliminated)
Episode sixteen
Team chris is really really hot loses
15th:Noah(noah was figuring out alejandros plan so Alejandro convinced duncan tyler and owen to vote off noah)
Episode seventeen
Team victory loses
14th:Trent(Trent and gwen became a couple again,but since the only people left on team victory are:Beth Trent and Lindsay, beth and lindsay obviously voted trent off)
Episode eighteen
Team chris is really really hot loses
13th:Owen(Alejandro thought owen was useless so he got duncan and tyler to vote him off)
Episode nineteen
Team amazon lose
12th:Sadie(she made her team lose and katie is mad)
Episode twenty
Team recap
Team chris is really really really hot:Alejandro Duncan and Tyler
Team amazon:Sierra Cody Heather Katie Eva Gwen
Team victory:Lindsay and Beth
No elimination
Episode twenty two
Team victory lose
11th:Beth(it was a tiebreaker between lindsay and beth and Lindsay and team amazon got to pick someone onto there team since they came first in the challenge, they decided to pick lindsay because she won last season)
Team victory is disbanded as lindsay joins team amazon
Episode twenty three
Blaineley debuts
Merge contestants:Blaineley Alejandro Cody Duncan Tyler Lindsay Gwen Heather Sierra Katie and Eva
Lindsay and Tyler win invincibility
11th:Eva(eva was a threat so they voted her off)
Episode twenty four
Sierra and cody win invincibility
10th and 9th:Blaineley and Tyler(Blaineley was disliked by everyone and tyler got badly injured during the challenge so he waa medically evacuated)
Episode twenty five
Gwen wins invincibility
8th:Duncan(he was a threat so alejandro convinced heather cody katie and Lindsay to vote him off)
Episode twenty six
7th:Lindsay(it was a purge challenge and lindsay came last so she was automatically eliminated)
Final 6:Alejandro Heather Cody Sierra Katie Gwen
Episode twenty seven
Alejandro wins invincibility
6th:Gwen(Alejandro convinced sierra katie and heather to vote off gwen since she already won season one and would be a threat if the finale was a jury vote)
Episode twenty eight
Sierra wins invincibility
5th:Sierra(she destroyed the plane and chris automatically eliminated her)
Episode twenty nine
Katie wins invincibility
4th:Alejandro*villain of the season*(Katie got cody and heather to vote off alejandro)
Episode thirty
Who do the eliminated contestants want to win
Who wants cody to win:Sierra Gwen Harold Tyler Ezekiel Geoff Leshawna Trent
Owen Noah
Who wants Katie to win:Sadie Lindsay Courtney Eva Bridgette Beth Justin Izzy DJ
Who wants heather to win:Blaineley Duncan Alejandro
No elimination
Episode thirty two
Heather makes it to Hawaii first
Katie and Cody fight
Katie gets knocked into the water meaning cody is in the final 2
3rd:Katie(she lost the challenge)
Episode thirty two part two
Codys helpers:Sierra and Gwen
Heathers helpers:Alejandro Duncan
And the winner is....
Runner-up:Heather(cody threw his dummy into the volcano first)
Winner:Cody(cody threw his dummy into the volcano first and won the money and split it with sierra like he promised)
Next is total drama revenge of the island
Episode one
Mutant maggots:Mike Zoey Cameron Jo Brick Annemaria
Toxic rats:Staci Dawn B Sam Dakota Lightning Scott
Toxic rats lose
13th:Staci(she talked too much)
Episode two
Toxic rats lose
12th:Sam(he was too busy playing games to do the challenge)
Episode three
No elimination
Episode four
Toxic rats lose
11th:B(scott convinced everyone else to vote him off)
Episode five
Mutant maggots lose
10th:Annemaria(she was too concerned about her looks)
Episode six
Mr coconut debuts and joins the toxic rats
Toxic rats lose
10th:Dakota(she was too worried about her looks)
Episode seven
9th:Mr coconut(scott originally was gonna be eliminated but scott used the immunity idol and got mr coconut eliminated)
Episode eight
No elimination
Episode nine
Merge contestants:Zoey Cameron Mike Lightning Scott Brick Dawn Jo
Scott wins invincibility and picks mike to be eliminated
8th:Mike(scott chose him to be eliminated)
Episode ten
Dawn wins invincibility
7th:Jo(scott convinced the others to vote her off)
Episode eleven
Zoey wins invincibility
6th:Brick(he got injured and was medically evacuated)
Episode twelve
Scott wins invincibility
5th:Dawn(scott convinced everyone to vote her off)
Episode thirteen
Zoey wins invincibility
4th:Scott*villain of the season*(he was a threat)
Episode fourteen
Purge challenge
Cameron came last and was eliminated
3rd:Cameron(came last)
Episode fifteen
*Zoey wins*
Runner-up:Lightning(lost the final challenge)
Winner:Zoey(won the final challenge)
Next is total drama all stars
Total drama all stars my way
Episode one
Heroic Hamsters:Owen Gwen Harold Bridgette Lindsay Cody Zoey Mike Brick Dawn Katie Leshawna Sierra
Villainous Vultures:Heather Alejandro Duncan Courtney Lightning Jo Scott Justin Eva Izzy Ezekiel Noah Blaineley
Villainous vultures lose
26th:Ezekiel(hes not a all star and the only reason Chris let him in is because they needed even teams)
Episode two
Heroic hamsters lose
Mike becomes mal
No elimination
Episode three
Villainous vultures lose
25th:Blaineley(no one liked her)
Episode four
Heroic hamsters lose
24th:Brick(he caused his team to lose becaude he was helping the other team)
Episode five
Villainous vultures lose
23rd:Izzy(mal convinced the vultures to vote off izzy because she was the only one that knew mike turned evil)
Episode six
Villainous vultures lose
22nd:Eva(her anger got the better of her)
Episode seven
Heroic hamsters lose
21st:Harold(mal convinced his team to vote harold off)
Episode eight
Villainous vultures lose
20th and 19th:Lightning and Jo(heather recognizes them as threats and convinced others to vote them and it ended up being a double elimination
Episode nine
Heroic hamsters lose
18th:Owen(everyone knew that owens popularity could be a problem so they voted him off)
Episode ten
Villainous vultures lose
17th:Justin(alejandro didnt like him and Justin is the least evil out of everyone on that team)
Episode eleven
Heroic hamsters lose
Lindsay was gonna be eliminated but chris switched her to the villainous vultures
Episode twelve
Villainous vultures lose
16th:Duncan(courtney wanted him gone after the boyfriend kisser incident just so gwen would be sad)
Episode thirteen
Villainous vultures lose
15th:Alejandro(alejandro found the immunity idol and gave it to heather but heather betrayed him and told everyone about how alejandro made it far in world tour and he got voted off)
Episode fourteen
No elimination
People still in the game
Heroic hamsters:Sierra Cody Mal Zoey Leshawna Katie Dawn Bridgette Gwen
Villainous vultures:Heather Courtney Scott Lindsay and Noah
Episode fifteen
Villainous vultures lose
14th:Noah(heather was gonna be eliminated but she used her immunity idol and noah was eliminated)
Episode sixteen
13th:Cody(Mal injured him on purpose by knocking him down a cliff so he had to be medically evacuated)
Episode seventeen
Heroic hamsters lose
12th:Zoey(mal betrayed his girlfriend and made a fake video of zoey saying bad things about her teammates so they voted her off)
Episode eighteen
Purge challenge
11th:Lindsay(she came last and was eliminated)
Episode nineteen
Mal wins invincibility
10th:Katie(mal convinced everyone else to vote her off)
Episode twenty
The eliminated contestants compete in a rejoin challenge
Izzy rejoins
Episode twenty one
Courtney wins invincibility
10th:Heather(she was a threat)
Episode twenty two
Izzy wins invincibility
9th:Sierra(mal told everyone that sierra was a strong competitor so she was voted off)
Episode twenty three
Chris puts everyone a duo and whichever duo comes last in the challenge is automatically eliminated
8th and 7th:Leshawna and Scott(mal sanotaged them and caused them both to come last)
Episode twenty four
Courtney wins invincibility
6th:Izzy(mal barely managed to convice everyone to vote her off because she was a threat)
Final five:Courtney Gwen Dawn Mal and Bridgette
Episode twenty five
Mal becomes mike again
Bridgette wins invincibility
5th:Mike/Mal*villain of the season*(they voted him off because of all the stuff he did as mal)
Episode twenty six
Dawn wins invincibility
4th:Gwen(dawn was gonna convince everyone to vote courtney off but gwen voted herself and told bridgette and courtney to vote her off)
Episode twenty seven
Purge challenge
3rd:Bridgette(she came last in the challenge and was automatically eliminated)
Episode twenty eight
Eliminated contestants vote who win
Who voted courtney to win:Scott Duncan Gwen Cody Sierra lightning eva izzy leshawna blaineley justin heather alejandro Noah
Who voted dawn to win:Bridgette zoey mike jo brick owen katie ezekiel lindsay harold
Runner-up:Dawn(she didnt get enough votes to win)
Winner:Courtney(she got the most votes to win)
Pahkitew island is next
My made up season based on cars
17: bumber $ave
16: sputter stop
15: twin 1
14: bobby
13: blinkr
12: wtcl
11: blue-blue
10: twin 2
Merge cow return
10: green-green
9: 117
8: chick Hicks
7/6: intersection
5: lily
4: Cruz
3: lighting McQueen
2:cow again
I like most of them but you really did Katie and Sadie dirty like being the second eliminated twice and once the first eliminated
45:05 my fav character shwan
Total drama island my way
Merge + Harold and Lindsay return
For pahkatiew ik I'm late but
14th place
Lenoard - Same as yours
13th place
Sugar - She had almost no use and bullied Ella for no reason
Amy manipulates Max and pretends to be his sidekick
Topher is annoying Chris
Sammy and Jasmine start a friendship which Amy notices
12th place
Beardo - He was the worst in challenges
Amy tries to sabotage her team and pin it somehow on Scarlet
Sammy tries convincing others to vote for Amy
11th place
Scarlet - Amy manipulates max into trying to get Sammy to vote scarlet
Amy tricks Topher into promising him the leader of the alliance
It wasn't hard to convince Rodney as he was a simp for her
Jasmine is mad at Sammy for voting scarlet when they knew Amy was up to something
Ella makes friends with Sky and Dave has a crush on sky so he is mad
10th place
Topher - Shawn's fear of zombies cost his team's defeat as he didn't participate but Topher was annoying Chris so he was disqualified
Rodney falls in love with Jasmine causing Amy to lose control over him
Jasmine and Shawn form a bond and form crushes on each other
9th place
Rodney - He got the bear mad and the bear decided to spit out the monkey with the key to spite him and since Amy lost control over Rodney she was able to convince them to vote him
Dave is jealous of sky and Ella's friendship
8th place
Max - He cost the challenge and Amy threw him under the bus for it so she didn't get eliminated
Amy manipulates Ella next but since sky was there to stop it she decided to manipulate Dave instead
7th place
Dave - He gets rejected by sky so he votes Ella thinking she's that she's the reason sky hates him
Sky and Ella make an alliance
Jasmine , Shawn and Sammy make an alliance as well
Amy is toast
6/5th place
Sky and Jasmine - Sky lost for her and Ella but they voted sky cuz she was more of a threat and Sammy lost it for her team but Amy was able to convince Ella to get Jasmine second most voted so she was eliminated with sky
Shawn and Jasmine are a couple
4th place
Sammy - Amy sabotages her
3rd Place
Amy ( Main villain )
She was last in all challenges
Alt winner Winner
Ella Shawn
14 Leonard ( cost them the challenge)
13 max didn't help usless
12 berdo usless
11 rodeney was being way too crepph
10 tohper tried to kill chirs
9 scarlet tried to kill everyone
8 Ella she sang
7th dave
6th shawn
5th sky
4th suger
3rd jasmine
Runner up amy
Winner sammy
Pahikatail island my way
I Finally Found The One Where Duncan Not Quit
these seasons slayed
Total drama island my way
25. Kate
24. Sadie
23. Ezekiel
22. Justin
21. Beth
20. Noah
19. Eva
18. Tyler
17. Izzy
16. Cody
15. Bridgette
14. Geoff
13. Courtney
*merge and Eva and Noah return*
12. Eva (again)
11. DJ
10. Leshowna
9. Trent
8. Noah (again)
7. Gwen
6. Duncan
5. Mr. Coconut
4. Heather
3. Owen
2. Lindsay
1. Harold
Total drama action my way
14.Geoff and Bridgette
13. Beth
12. Justin
11. Izzy
10. Trent
*Izzy returns*
9. Lindsay
8. DJ
*Courtney debuts*
7. Izzy (again)
6. Harold
5. Courtney
4. Owen
3. Leshowna
2. Heather
1. Duncan
Total drama world tour my way
19. Duncan (quits)
18. Leshowna
17. Bridgette
16. Harold
15. Ezekiel
14. Lindsay
13. DJ
*blainly debuts*
11. Gwen
10. Courtney and blainly
9. Owen
8. Alejandro
7. Sierra
*Duncan and Izzy return*
6. Izzy (again)
5. Duncan (again)
4. Tyler
3. Heather
2. Cody
1. Noah
Action is just so real
Is this made with microsoft power point?
i used google slides bc i knew it better
@@phoenix9785 oh ok thanks. i figured that’s how these were made
25th ezekial
24th katie
23th Justin
22th tyler
21 noah
20th eva
19th izzy
18 cody
17 sadie
16 beth
Merge eva izzy are back
15th Courtney
14th harold
13th geoff
12th DJ
11 Eva
10 britgette
9th lindsay
8th trent
7th izzy
Mr coconut joins
6th mr coconut
5th Owen
4th owen
3rd heather
Runner up Gwen winner duncan
i like how the mr coconuts beat 3 people.
trent being higher than his OG spot is a crime against humanity
Trent deserves better than og
Literally every elimination reason: Oh ThEy WeRe A ThReAt To EvErYoNe So BlAh BlAh BlAh WaNtEd He Or ShE oUt
I really wish people would but sadie and/or katie higher in their fan season's, they deserve development 😭
17th lighting
16th Owen
15th sierria
14th dakoda
13th cameron
12th leshana
11th Jo
10th heather
9th mike
8th duncan
7th alejandro
6th/5th brick annie maria
4th Gwen
3rd zoey
Runner up Scott
Winner Courtney
My ways
S 1
Episode 1-22nd-Ezekiel
Episode 2-21st-Sadie
Episode 3-20th-Justin
Episode 4-none
Episode 5-19th-Beth
Episode 6-18th-Cody
Episode 7-17th-Izzy
Episode 8-None
Episode 9-16th-Katie
Episode 10-15th-Courtney
Episode 11-none
Episode 12-14th-Harold
Episode 13-13th-Dj
Izzy and Cody com e back
Episode 14-12th-Noah
Episode 15-None
Episode 16-11th-Cody
Episode 17-10th-Eva
Episode 18-9th-Duncan
Episode 19-8th-Trent
Episode 20-7th-Brigette
Episode 21-6th-Geoff
Episode 22-5th and 5th(tied)-Izzy,Lindsay
Episode 23-4th-Heather
Episode 24-3rd-Owen
Episode 25-None
Episode 26-Gwen
Acton comming soon!
14 staci(talks too much)
13 sam( didnt help jist played video games)
12 B (scott)
11 dawn (scott set her up)
10 mike (scott black malied him)
9 dakoda she was too busy bwing interviewd during the challenge
Mike returns
8 camrron
7 mike (immunity scott)
6 zoey (immune scott)
5 lighting immune annie maria
4 annie maria( immune scott)
3 scott (immune brick) (jo and brick made a temporary alliance)
Runner Jo
Winner brick
Revenge of the island my way
This is cool but you keep eliminating ma homie owen way too early and it sucks 😔
My tdi way:
22th eziekle
21th beth
20th sadie
19th owen
18th courtney
17th justin
16th eva
15th tyler
14th harrold
13th izzy
12th dj
11th bridgette
10th lindsay
9th noah
8th katie
7th cody
6th leshawna
5th geoff
4th trent
3rd heather
2nd duncan
1st gwen
What App do u use?
Google Slides :)
16/15th geoff brigette
14 trent
13 DJ
12 izzy
11 owen
Izzy is back
10 gwen
9 izzy
Courtney joins
8 heather
7 justin
6 leshana
5 Harold
4/3 duncan/Courtney
Runner up lindsay
Winnee beth
Total drama action my way
No way in world tour Katie voted for sadie
Honestly Zoe should have on the all stars one since she seems extra developed
Why did Bridgette vote for her bff Courtney?
did Geoff and Gwen still bond in the one episode? if they did I say that Duncan should of left instead of Geoff cause we know that Leshawna and Gwen are bonded and so are Gwen and Geoff
They did, but I thought the would’ve seen Geoff as the bigger jury threat and voted to eliminate him
Who here think Owen is the goat🐐🐐
Dawn scot
Glazing crazy like why you make Harold win 4 times why not once
My way
22nd Ezekiel
21st Justin
20th Noah
19th Gwen
18th Katie
17th Tyler
16th Izzy
15th Heather
14th Cody
13th Sadie
12th Courtney
11th Harold
Merge + Heather and Izzy return
12th Eva
11th Geoff
10th Bridgette
9th Beth
8th Dj
7th Izzy
6th Trent
5th Leshawna
Mr Coconut debuts
5th Mr Coconut
4th Duncan
3rd Heather
2nd Lindsay
1st Owen
14th/13th Heather and Leshawna
12th Izzy
11th Geoff
Eva debuts
11th Bridgette
10th Dj
9th Eva
Courtney debuts
9th Gwen
8th Trent
7th Duncan
6th Justin
Duncan returns
6th Lindsay
5th Harold
4th/3rd Courtney and Owen
2nd Duncan
1st Beth
World tour
17th/16th Duncan and Ezekiel
15th Dj
14th Bridgette
13th Harold
12th Leshawna
11th/10th Izzy and Lindsay
Duncan returns
10th Owen
9th Tyler
8th Gwen
Merge + Blaineley debuts
8th Noah
7th/6th Blaineley and Courtney
5th Duncan
4th Cody
3rd Heather
2nd Alejandro
1st Sierra
Revenge of the island
13th Dawn
12th Dakota
11th Sam
10th Lightning
9th Jo
8th/7th Staci and Anne maria
Jo returns
7th B
6th Jo
5th Mike
4th Scott
3rd Cameron
2nd Zoey
1st Brick
All stars
14th Courtney
13th Sam
12th Lightning
11th Jo
10th Sierra
9th Cameron
8th Duncan
7th Heather
6th Alejandro
5th Mike
4th/3rd Lindsay and Gwen
2nd Scott
1st Zoey
Pakhitew island
14th Leanord
13th Sugar
12th Amy
11th Rodney
10th Max
9th Beardo
8th Topher
7th Dave
6th/5th Scarlett and Ella
4th Jasmine
3rd Sammy
2nd Sky
1st Shawn
Don't judge me
So why did you get voted off?
TDWT contestants eliminated post merge: “they liked us”
Yeah… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
were was izzy at in season 2
On Grips. She was an early boot
The TDA my way Final 2 shouldve been The actual Final 2
it should of been duncan vs linsday
Whyyyyyy did you do this to sadie 😢❤
So i pick Courtney to win All Stars
Owen is the best OG Winner nobody can say that owen is a bad OG winner!
Total drama world tour my way own cast
24th duncan quits
23rd Ezekiel
22nd DJ
21st bridgette
20th harold
19th katie
18th satie
17th beth
16th geoff
15th leshawna
14th noah
13rd eva
12nd trent
11st Lindsay
10th izzy
Duncan returns
10th tyler
9th gwen
8th Justin
Bradley debuts
8th owen
7th courtney
6th Bradley
5th duncan again
4th cody
3rd sherria
2nd alejandro
1st Heather
Katie and Sadie barely got any development but overall this is a good way.
I'm going to find where Gwen wins
Look no further
Total drama island my way
22nd Ezekiel
21st satie
20th Noah
19th Justin
18th katie
17th cody
16th courtney
15th harold
14th eva
13rd owen
12nd izzy
11st tyler
10th trent
9th bridgette
8th beth
7th Lindsay
6th geoff
5th DJ
4th duncan
3rd Heather
2nd gwen
1st leshawna
Cars season 2 drama
21/20 green-green
19 sputter stop
18 wtcl
17 117
16 twin 1
15 bobby
14 blue-blue
13 cow
12 twin 2
11 blinkr
10 mater
Merge and Cruz returns
9 bummer save
8 chick Hicks
7 intersection
6 jack Storm
5 Cruz again
4 /3 lily& McQueen
2 strange
1 pizza girl
Jazz and Amy deserved to be in the finals. That was just bad writing in the original season
Que tiene con kite y seidi
Yo no tengo una problema con Katie y Sadie. Yo no tuve una history’s con Katie y Sadie asi que no usar ellas mucho en el video. Pero quiero usar ellas en un video en el futuro.
I lile how Gwen was in the good's team bcz in this one she didnt kiss Duncan
21 duncan quits
20 ezekial
19 DJ
18 Justin
17 harold
16 brigette
15 harold
Duncan is back
14 owen
13 izzy
12 beth
11 noah
Blaney joins
10 tyler
9/8th gwen/Courtney
7 leshana
6th blanley
5th duncan
4th sierria
3rd cody
Runner up alejandro
Winner heather
What the hell u got with poor Ezekiel? Why are u all against him?!
Total drama action my way own cast
22nd geoff & 21st bridgette
20th Ezekiel
19th izzy
18th satie
17th trent
After math 1
16th gwen
15th cody
14th DJ quits
After math 2
13rd katie
12nd tyler
11st noah
10th Justin
9th leshawna
Izzy returns
9th owen
8th izzy
MERGE After math 3
7th Heather
6th eva
Owen returns
6th beth
5th duncan
4th courtney & 3rd owen
2nd harold
1st Lindsay After math 4
22 izzy
21 beth
20 leshawna
19 kattie
18 bridget
17 eva
16 lisday
15 harold
14 corlyne
13 cody
12 trent
11 noah
10 tyler
9 geoff
7 dj
6 gwen
5 ezeequiel
4 duncan
3 justin
2 owen
1 heather
Season 2
19/18 izzy y owen
17 bridget
16 geoff
15 trent
14 gwen
13 lisday
12 eva
11 corlyne
10 harold
9 heather
8 geoff
7 leshawna
6/5 duncan y dj
4 ezeequiel
3 kattie
2 saddie
1 justin
Season 3
20 cody
19 eva
18 gwen
17 trent
16/15 bridget y geoff
14/13/12 heather beth y lisday
11 duncan
10 ezeequiel
9 kattie
8 cortlyne
7 izzy
6 owen
5 tyler
4 noah
3 justin
2 cody xx
1 saddie
And why you fat shaming Owen for being big
People in the show comment about his weight. Remember when Trent said “it took you 10 and a half hours to walk 3 city blocks?” Or when other contestants say things about it. I just thought that would be how he would be eliminated. I wasn’t trying to shame him
tdi my way
non elimination
22nd sadie
21st ezekiel
20th justin
19th beth
18th izzy
17th geoff
16th katie
15th leshawna
14th owen (lost in a tiebreaker)
13th cody
teams merge, leshawna and izzy return
12th tyler
11th bridgette
10th lindsay
9th trent (wait what?)
8th dj
7th izzy (still keeping the "izzy gets voted after dj" thing)
6th heather
5th harold
4th duncan
3rd leshawna
1st/2nd noah
1st/2nd gwen
i realized i didnt add eva
@@mei-dc3bm that happens to me sometimes I forget character
You forgot Courtney as well
I use Google Slides too
...who let bro cook
I made sure to leave no crumbs
mr coconut noo
Team Zoey
cody winning world tour is lit trash and making katie and sadie leaving the first one is also trash and also making brick and sammy finalist is super trash they are both boring/annoying character