[TDWTME Plotlines] - In the TDA special, Courtney and Duncan become an official relationship and stay that way in the season. - During Newf Kids on the Rocks, Alejandro invites Tyler to a cross-team alliance with him, which he accepts in order to go far in the game. Ezekiel finds out about this, and he confronts Tyler about it. This ultimately causes the farmboy to be eliminated, and Tyler sticks to Alejandro's side once he's swapped over to Team Chris, up until he is eliminated. - Courtney and Gwen begin to form a solid friendship, which grows once Gwen swaps over to the Amazons. Cody also forms an alliance with Gwen and Sierra, in order to go farther in the game. He ends up secretly betraying Gwen's friendship in order to advance further, and lets Beth into the alliance at merge, however he is sent out after this and the alliance is slowly eliminated. - Beth is a loyal ally to Alejandro throughout most of her time in the season, however Noah and Owen manage to convince her that Alejandro is not a good person, leading Beth to backstab Alejandro in Greece's Pieces, and ultimately her downfall later down the line. - Izzy, Noah and Owen end up becoming a close trio thanks to the former and latter's relationship, and after Izzy's elimination the two bros end up going quite far in the game thanks to their bond, they side with Heather as she also wants Alejandro gone but she ends up tossing Owen out later down the line. - Heather and Alejandro are roughly the same in terms of their relationship this season, nothing changes as they're perfect as is. Alejandro gains more of a rivalry with Noah and has a minor rivalry with Justin early on before he's booted, Heather regains more of a friendship with Duncan and Noah in this season. - Alejandro is responsible for the eliminations of Justin, Leshawna, Duncan, Ezekiel, Izzy, Cody, Gwen, Owen, Sierra and Noah.
The fact you actually made Ezekiel relevant to a plot is nice, the poor guy really deserved some redemption after island and honestly, if this was the canon way I think world tour would definitely be my favorite season
wow Silver, you made me see that It would have also been pretty cool if Noah and Alejandro had a rivalry until the end. And I mean VERY end where heather is 3rd place and Noah is first, with Alejandro being 2nd. It would have been perfect for Noah's redemption from his first season taking the name of "3rd one out" to "Winner of tdwt"
I was really happy to see Beth compete in this season. Like I could see why Trent and Justin weren’t in TDWT because Gwen and Trents relationship was a hot mess, and Justin’s character was basically replaced with Alejandro.
Yeah a lot of people that make Action and World Tour THEIR WAY, like to put Beth out of the game TOO EARLY. That’s so unrealistic. Beth is super social and would definitely not go out unless something like what happened in Island happened to her or she somehow made others mad at her. The only time anyone got that mad at her was when she ate all those cookies herself
I'm a little surprised Heather won. If there was no relationship between Heather and Alejandro then it just makes her look like a floater. She really did steal the victory from Noah and Alejandro. She should have taken Noah's place.
This was more or less Heather's development arc, and I don't think robbing her of that is the best thing for me personally. Especially when I am a Heather fan
My way : 20:Harold-He didn't really help 19:Lindsay-Ezekiel and DJ convinced them to vote her off 18:Duncan- (Quits) 17:DJ-Tyler got angry and got him out since he got Lindsay out 16:Ezekiel-Team Victory lose again.Tyler gets him out as well 15: Bridgette-She was stuck to a pole she couldn't really do anything 14:Izzy-She annoyed the team 13:Leshawna-Alejandro distracted her *Duncan Returns* 12/11:Gwen/Courtney: Courtney:She was bossy to her team Gwen:Heather convinced everyone since she didn't really like her ------------- MERGE ------------- *Blaineley Debuts* *Ezekiel Comes* 10:Ezekiel-He was weird and creepy 9:Owen-He got Auto-Eliminated by Chef since he ate almost all of the food 8: Alejandro-Lots of people saw him as a threat 7: Blaineley-She started being annoying 6:Tyler-No reason really 5:Duncan-He was the real threat 4:Noah-Since Heather won Immunity Cody and Sierra were on a team so Noah got voted off 3:Sierra-She made the plane explode so she got Auto-Eliminated 2:Heather 1:CODY!
My Way continues after Island and Action my ways. Votes and reasons Episode 1: Teams: Victory: Duncan, Bridgette, Izzy, Katie, Leshawna, Harold, DJ & Cody Chris: Tyler, Sierra, Justin, Alejandro, Eva, Owen & Noah Amazon: Lindsay, Trent, Gwen, Beth, Courtney, Heather & Ezekiel Episode 2: Izzy and Sierra Swaps None Episode 3: Loser: Victory Votes: Sierra: DJ Leshawna: DJ Harold: Harold Katie: Harold Bridgette: Harold DJ: DJ Cody: Sierra Duncan: Harold 22nd: Harold (Basically same as cannon) Episode 4: Loser: Victory Votes: Sierra: Bridgette Leshawna: Bridgette Katie: Bridgette Bridgette: DJ DJ: DJ Cody: Sierra Duncan: Bridgette 21st: Bridgette (Same as cannon) Episode 5: Loser: Chris Votes: Alejandro: Justin Izzy: Justin Justin: Alejandro Noah: Alejandro Owen: Justin Tyler: Justin Eva: Alejandro 20th: Justin (Alejandro being the smart guy he is already knew Justin knew what he was doing so he convinced the 3 that didn't vote for him to vote for Justin) Episode 7: Loser: Victory Sierra: Leshawna Leshawna: DJ Katie: Leshawna DJ: DJ Cody: Sierra Duncan: Leshawna 19th: Leshawna (Same as cannon) Episode 8: Loser: Amazon Votes: Lindsay: Heather Beth: Heather Courtney: Beth Ezekiel: Beth Gwen: Heather Heather: Beth Trent: Beth 18th: Beth (Heather managed to make them losing her fault and managed to get Courtney and Trent's vote against her) Episode 9: Loser: Amazon Votes: Lindsay: Heather Heather: Lindsay Courtney: Lindsay Trent: Heather Gwen: Heather Ezekiel: Lindsay 17th: Lindsay (Like in cannon she lost the tiebreaker but this time against Heather) Episode 10: Loser: Amazon Votes: Heather: Trent Courtney: Trent Trent: Heather Gwen: Heather Ezekiel: Trent 16th: Trent (Heather managed to convince Courtney that they lost because of Trent eliminating him) Episode 11: 15th: Izzy (Same as cannon) Loser: Victory Votes: Sierra: DJ Cody: Sierra Katie: Sierra DJ: DJ Duncan: DJ 14th: DJ (Same as cannon) Episode 13: Blaineley debuts on Victory Loser: Victory Votes: Sierra: Duncan Cody: Sierra Katie: Duncan Blaineley: Duncan Duncan: Blaineley 14th: Duncan (Blaineley managed to get Sierra and Katie to vote him off) Episode 14: Loser: Victory Votes: Sierra: Blaineley Cody: Sierra Blaineley: Sierra Cody: Sierra 13th: Sierra (Cody begged Blaineley and Katie to vote off Sierra) Episode 15: Loser: Chris Votes: Alejandro: Noah Eva: Tyler Noah: Tyler Owen: Tyler Tyler: Noah 12th: Tyler (Basically same as cannon) Episode 16: Loser: Amazon Votes: Heather: Courtney Courtney: Gwen Gwen: Courtney Ezekiel: Heather 11th: Courtney (Both sides tried to get Ezekiel's vote but he ended up confused and voted for Heather) Episode 17: Loser: Amazon Votes: Heather: Ezekiel Gwen: Ezekiel Heather: Heather 10th: Ezekiel (He lost the challenge for the team) Episode 19: Merge Duncan Returns Winner: Noah & Gwen Votes: Alejandro: Katie Eva: Katie Owen: Katie Gwen: Eva Cody: Eva Katie: Eva Blaineley: Katie Duncan: Eva Heather: Katie Noah: Alejandro 10th: Katie (Alejandro, Heather and Blaineley worked together and manipulated the votes to get rid of Katie) Episode 20: Winner: Owen Votes: Alejandro: Duncan Eva: Gwen Owen: Heather Gwen: Blaineley Cody: Duncan Blaineley: Gwen Duncan: Blaineley Heather: Duncan Noah: Gwen 9th/8th: Duncan & Gwen (The tri alliance once again manipulated the votes and got them in a tie but Chris threw them both out) Episode 21: Winner: Alejandro Alejandro: Noah Noah: Blaineley Owen: Cody Cody: Blaineley Blaineley: Noah Heather: Noah Eva: Cody 7th: Noah (Once again The tri alliance strikes again and manipulates the votes and gets Noah out) Episode 22: Winner: Eva Votes: Alejandro: Owen Eva: Cody Owen: Cody Cody: Heather Blaineley: Owen Heather: Owen 6th: Owen (And once again the tri alliance strikes again and takes out Owen) Episode 23: Winner: Alejandro Votes: Alejandro: Blaineley Eva: Blaineley Heather: Cody Blaineley: Cody Cody: Eva 5th/4th: Blaineley & Cody (The tiebreaker blew up the plane and Chris eliminated them both) Episode 26: 3rd: Eva 2nd: Alejandro 1st: Heather Plot Lines Gwen & Duncan become a thing. Duncan breaks up with Courtney earlyish into the season. Gwen & Trent make up and agree to be friends. Gwen & Heather get on better terms before Gwen's elimination, which Heather actually feels bad about the next episode Blaineley, Alejandro & Heather make a alliance before the merge lasts until episode 23. Katie & DJ start dating. They started being close during Island. Eva learns to control her anger more. Noah, Eva and Owen rely on each other throughout the season. Cody realizes how creepy he was with Gwen and he and Gwen become friends. Gwen & Heather, despite Heather's helping out in Gwen's elimination, they become friendly, which leads to All-Stars. Heather manipulates Ezekiel to vote with her which gives him a chance
Here's my way I'M TRYING TO MAKE IT REALISTIC😭 kind of Chris: Trent, Alejandro, Izzy, Noah, Tyler, Owen, Lindsay Victory: Beth, Leshawna, Harold, DJ, Bridgette, Ezekiel, and Eva Amazon: Geoff, Cody, Heather, Courtney, Gwen, and Sierra Ep 1 (Walk Like An Egyptain PT 1) Cast sings "Come Fly With Us" Teams get chosen Duncan quits Ep 2 (Walk Like An Egyptian PT 2) Cast sings "Loving Time" and "Rowing Time" DJ starts his animal curse Ezekiel loses the stick Ezekiel gets voted off Ep 3 (Super Happy Crazy Fun Time In Japan) Cast sings "Before We Die" Tyler tries proposing for Lindsay but she thinks he's Noah Trent avoids Gwen to avoid getting superstitious about her Team Chris loses No elimination Ep 4 (Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better) Cast sings "Stuck To A Pole" Courtney begins friendship with Gwen Victory loses Bridgette gets eliminated Ep 5 (I forgot the title but it's New York themed) Cast sings "What's Not To Love?" Geoff investigates out who might have manipulated Bridgette Tyler again tries proposing to Lindsay but fails Leshawna starts an alliance with DJ and Harold Beth and Leshawna swoon over Alejandro and Eva tries to argue that he's not worth it and they need to focus Victory loses Eva gets eliminated Ep 6 (Bridgette Troubled Over Waters) AFTERMATH with Blainely and Bridgette Ep 7 (germany, I FORGOT THE TITLE OK) Cast sings "Eine Kiene" Lindsay finally notices Tyler Heather helps Geoff to figure out it's Alejandro who voted Bridgette Beth makes a mysterious lemonade that everyone hated Team Amazon loses Izzy quits instead and became Brainzilla earlier than usual ❤PLAYER CHECK❤ VICTORY: 4/7 (Beth, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold) CHRIS: 6/7 (Alejandro, Lindsay, Tyler, Owen, Trent and Noah) Amazon: 6/6 (Geoff, Heather, Cody, Sierra, Courtney, and Gwen) Ep 8 (The Am-AHHH-Zon Race) Cast sings "Gyp** Rap* Courtney and Gwen make an alliance against Heather Geoff and Heather try to find ways to get revenge for Bridgette Trent finally speaks to Gwen Alejandro figures this out and tells everyone to vote Geoff Amazon loses Geoff gets eliminated Ep 9 (Can't Help Falling In The Lourve) Cast sings "Paris In The Springtime/Oui, My Friends" Sierra goes ballistic Tyler proposes to Lindsay but she panickes and denies it Lindsay switches teams to Victory Noah and Owen talk strategy Lindsay, Beth, and Leshawna swoon over Alejandro but DJ and Harold are there Team Chris loses No elimination Ep 10 (Newf Kids On The Rock) Cast sings "Sea Shanty" Alejandro helps DJ with his animal curse Gwen and Trent become friends on good terms Courtney gets suspicious of Gwen liking Duncan Tyler is upset about the denial of the proposal Lindsay asks Beth for love advice Owen misses Izzy and she's all he can think about Alejandro tries to trick Sierra but she didn't fall in love Team Amazon lose No elimination! Ep 11 (Jamaica Me Sweat) Cast sings "Oh My Izzy" Noah comforts Owen about missing Izzy Beth notices Zeeke and she accidentally puts some of the mystery lemonade into Zeeke's mouth, Ezekiel start to change back his skin tone. She enlists Cody to help her get Zeeke to drink the full glass. Tyler's still upset Leshawna names her alliance "The Animal Alliance" Beth swoons over Alejandro Team Victory loses Beth gets eliminated Ep 12 (forgot the title) AFTERMATH with Geoff, Blainely, and Bridgette Ep 13 (I See London) Cast sings "Strip Them Down" I FORGOT THE SONG TITLE LOL Noah makes terrible British puns and jokes to lighten Owen up Leshawna and Harold help DJ with his animal curse since they're in an alliance Lindsay asks Tyler about the proposal but he doesn't answer Gwen and Courtney being besties Duncan comes back and put on Team Chris Gwen and Duncan kiss Izzy returns in the middle of the challenge and put on Team Victory Team Amazon loses No elimination Ep 14 (Greece's Pieces) Cast sings "Fight For The Gold" Courtney gets suspicious Tyler gets nervous the whole episode Someone writes an anonymous letter about how much they like Gwen and Courtney read it DJ's animal curse still arises Tyler reveals the kiss Team Chris loses Turns out, the anonymous letter was from Trent Izzy quits again Ep 15 (The Ex-Files) Cast sings "Boyfriend Kisser" Courtney spends the whole time being crazy Gwen feels bad but she still likes Duncan Tyler and Trent are upset about the whole situation Courtney loses on purpose Team Amazon loses Gwen gets eliminated ❤PLAYER CHECK❤ VICTORY: 4/7 (Lindsay, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold) CHRIS: 6/7 (Alejandro, Duncan, Tyler, Owen, Trent and Noah) Amazon: 4/6 (Heather, Cody, Sierra, and Courtney) Ep 16 (I FORGOT BUT IT'S THE AUSSIE EPISODE) Cast sings "Sheer the Sheep" Tyler proposes to Lindsay again and she accepts Alejandro notices that Trent hasn't been doing well in challenges Courtney tries to win as the team want her gone Heather and Cody make an alliance against Sierra Team Chris loses Trent gets eliminated Ep 17 (Sweden Sour) Cast sings "We Built Gwen's Face" Lindsay and Tyler are officially engaged Courtney talks to Gwen on the phone and apologizes, they both become friends again Harold talks about the facts of Sweden Team Amazon loses Courtney gets eliminated Ep 18 AFTERMATH with Geoff, Blainely, and Bridgette The episode stays the same Except, Gwen and Trent are now in a relationship and she ditched Duncan as per Courtney's request Ep 19 (Niagra Brawls) Cast sings "Blainerific" Blainely joins Teams merge Chris announces that there may be a double elimination if he feels like it, it is merge Alejandro tells everyone to vote for Owen Tyler and Lindsay win It's a tie between Owen and Blainely, both of them get voted off ❤PLAYER CHECK❤ FORMER VICTORY: 4/7 (Lindsay, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold) FORMER CHRIS: 3/7 (Alejandro, Tyler, and Noah) FORMER AMAZON: 3/6 (Heather, Cody, and Sierra) Ep 20 (Chinese Fake-Out) Cast sings "A Chinese Lesson" Alejandro focuses on the alliance of Leshawna, Harold, and DJ and plans on taking them down Harold notices what Alejandro is trying to do Duncan being Duncan, thinks about Gwen Sierra wins It's tie between Harold and Noah So, Chris just eliminates all of them to save budget Ep 21 (African Lying Safari) Cast sings "Wake Up" Heather, Leshawna, and DJ finally figure out a solution to the animal curse and he's no longer cursed Alejandro focuses on Cody and Sierra Cody pours Beth's mystery lemonade into Zeeke's mouth when DJ caught Zeeke, Ezekiel transforms back to his normal skin tone and no longer becomes feral. DJ wins the challenge Lindsay and Tyler quit as the producers gave them money to plan a wedding Ep 22 (Rapa-Hooey!) Cast sings "Condor" Alejandro manipulates DJ into believing he still has the curse even though he no longer does Leshawna talks DJ that he no longer has the curse Alejandro wins DJ votes himself off thinking he still has the curse and realizes he no longer does but he already voted DJ gets eliminated ❤PLAYER CHECK❤ GIRLS: Heather, Sierra, and Leshawna BOYS: Alejandro, Duncan, and Cody Ep 23 (Awwwwww, Drumheller) Cast sings "This Is How We Will End It" Heather, Cody, and Leshawna friendship Sierra plans an awesome surprise and wins the challenge early Cody and Duncan have a slight rivalry after Cody punched him Sierra blows up the plane Alejandro wins Sierra gets eliminated Ep 24 (Hawaiian Style) AFTERMATH with Bridgette and Geoff Leshawna gets an unfair elimination and gets robbed, 'cause it isn't TD without an unfair elimination Ep 25 (Planes, Trains, and Automobiles) Cast sings "I'm Gonna Make It" Sierra stays to support Cody Alejandro distracts Duncan Heather and Alejandro rivalry Duncan is the last one to cross the finish line and thefore gets eliminated Ep 26 (Hawaiian Punch) Cast sings the final song "Versus" Everything stays the same Cody loses the fight against Alejandro Heather and Alejandro both win in their respective versions but I like the Heather version more Resolution: CODY HELPS FERAL ZEEKE WITH THE HELP OF BETH'S MYSTERY LEMONADE LESHAWNA, HAROLD, AND DJ MADE THE "ANIMAL ALLIANCE" TO HELP DJ WITH HIS ANIMAL CURSE THE LOVE TRIANGLE BETWEEN COURTNEY, GWEN, AND DUNCAN NOT ENDING WITH DERAILMENTS (except Duncan but they'll get back in my TDAS My Way) IZZY COMING BACK TO MAKE THE CONSPIRACY COME TRUE NOAH COMFORTING OWEN ABOUT MISSING IZZY TYLER AND LINDSAY ENGAGED TRENT AND GWEN BACK TOGETHER GEOFF INVESTIGATING BRIDGETTE'S ELIMINATION ALEJANDRO BEING ALEJANDRO SIERRA BEING SIERRA EVA MAKING IT TO EPISODE 5 WITHOUT GETTING VOTED OFF DESPITE BEING FEARED
My way Izzy and Sierra still swap teams Teams Amazon= Heather, Courtney, Gwen, Leshawna, Trent Victory= Ezekiel, Cody, Harold, Sierra, Justin, Lindsay, DJ, Bridgette Chris=Alejandro, Owen, Noah, Tyler, Izzy, Eva X=Duncan(quits) 21st: Sierra(she annoyed the team to much and Cody convinced everyone to eliminate her) 20th: leshawna(Alejandro caused her to loose the challenge for her team) 19th: Bridgette(stuck to a pole the previous challenge) 18th/17th: Eva/Harold(they cost the team for their respective teams and Ezekiel told everyone to vote Harold due to a short rivalry) 16th: lindsay(Justin threw her out of the plane) Ezekiel switches to team amazon 15th: justin(DJ and Cody voted him out after what he did to Lindsay the previous challenge) Duncan returns 14th/13th: izzy and dj(medically evacuated) Cody switches to team Chris 12th: Noah(Alejandro made it seem like Noah cost the challenge) 11th: Gwen(she lost the tie breaker to Courtney) 10th: Owen(he did nothing in the challenge but warned Duncan about Alejandro like Noah did for him) 9th: tyler(to injures to continue) Merge+Blaineley debuts 8th: Trent((Alejandro considered him a threat) 7th: courtney(she was found cheating for Alejandro) 6th/5th: Blaineley and Duncan(they had the same amount of votes and Chris eliminated them both for budget cuts) 4th: cody(Alejandro rigged it against him) 3rd: Heather(she lost the tie breaker to Ezekiel) 2nd: Alejandro(his dummy got stuck on a rock) 1st: Ezekiel(his dummy went into the volcano and Chris declares him the winner of tdwt)
@@enginefan right they are on team victory, some extra plot lines are Alejandro using Cody until Ezekiel convinced him that Alejandro is using him until the final 4 where he’s eliminated
Victory: Harold Lindsay Tyler Gwen Beth Zeke Chris: Alejandro Izzy Owen Noah Justin Duncan Amazon: Heather Courtney Cody Sierra Leshawna Bridgette Ep1/2- Loser: Victory Votes: Zeke: Lindsay Gwen: Lindsay Harold: Zeke Tyler: Zeke Lindsay: Zeke Beth: Zeke 18th- Zeke (He cost the challenge, Tyler, Beth and Lindsay make an alliance and try find out who else voted Lindsay.) Ep3- Japan Loser: Victory Votes: Beth: Harold Tyler: Harold Lindsay: Harold Harold: Gwen Gwen: Harold 17th- Harold (The alliance thought Harold did it, but at the end it was revealed it was Gwen.) Ep4- Yukon Loser: Chris Votes: Izzy: Justin Alejandro: Justin Duncan: Justin Noah: Alejandro Justin: Alejandro Owen: Justin 16th- Justin (Justin got suspicious of Alejandro, and convinced Noah to vote him, but it wasn't enough.) Ep5- NYC Reward Challenge! Ep6- Aftermath Ep7- Germany Loser: Chris Votes: Alejandro: Izzy Duncan: Izzy Noah: Alejandro Izzy: Noah Owen: Duncan 15th- Izzy (Alejandro and Duncan made an alliance to boot off Izzy.) Ep8- Peru Loser: Amazon Votes: Bridgette: Heather Leshawna: Heather Sierra: Bridgette Cody: Sierra Heather: Bridgette Courtney: Bridgette 14th- Bridgette (Heather and Courtney knew they'd both be next if they didn't team up, so they convinced Sierra to switch votes and vote Bridgette.) Ep9- Paris Loser: Amazon Votes: Courtney: Sierra Cody: Sierra Leshawna: Sierra Sierra: Leshawna Heather: Leshawna 13th- Sierra (Leshawna lied to Courtney that Heather wanted her out and convinced both Cody and Courtney to vote Sierra, only until after the elimination did she find out.) Ep10- NFL Loser: Victory Votes: Gwen: Tyler Lindsay: Gwen Beth: Gwen Tyler: Gwen 12th- Cody (Although Gwen was going to be eliminated, Cody sacrificed for her and took her spot.) Ep11- Jamaica Loser: Chris Votes: Alejandro: Owen Owen: Duncan Noah: Alejandro Duncan: Owen 11th- Owen (Alejandro considered Owen more annoying than Noah and got Duncan to boot him off.) Harold debuts on Chris! Ep12- Aftermath Ep13- London Loser: Victory Votes: Gwen: Lindsay Beth: Gwen Lindsay: Lindsay Tyler: Gwen Winner: Gwen 11th- Lindsay (Lindsay accidentally voted herself and Gwen won the tiebreaker, sending her home.) ep14- greece loser: chris votes: alejandro: duncan harold: duncan noah: duncan duncan: Harold 10th- duncan (alejandro betrayed him.) ep15- area 51 merge! Returning: Izzy She is immune. Winner: Izzy and Alejandro Votes: Alejandro: Noah Noah: Heather Heather: Courtney Courtney: Leshawna Leshawna: Courtney Tyler: Gwen Beth: Gwen Gwen: Courtney Harold: Courtney Izzy: Courtney 10th- Courtney (Noah, Leshawna, Gwen and Courtney all had targets, it would of tied but Heather wanted to betray Courtney so Courtney was sent home.) Ep16- Sweden Winner: Leshawna Votes: Alejandro: Beth Noah: Alejandro Heather: Beth Gwen: Beth Leshawna: Heather Tyler: Heather Beth: Gwen Harold: Alejandro Izzy: Beth 9th- Beth (Alejandro suggested to vote Beth or Tyler since their just floating, Heather, Izzy and Gwen agreed and voted Beth.) Ep17- China Loser: Tyler Winner: Noah votes: Leshawna: Heather Heather: Harold Gwen: Harold Alejandro: Harold Harold: Alejandro Noah: Alejandro Izzy: Leshawna 8th/ 7th- Tyler and Harold (Tyler flopped and the alliance AlGwether voted off Harold.) EP18- Niagara Falls Winner: Leshawna and Noah votes: Heather: Izzy Alejandro: Izzy Izzy: Heather Gwen: Heather Leshawna: Heather Noah: Alejandro Alejandro uses idol! 6th- Izzy (Since both Leshawna and Noah were immune, Gwen betrayed the alliance and voted Heather but Alejandro saved Heather and voted off Izzy.) Ep19- Serengeti Winner: Gwen Votes: Gwen: Heather Leshawna: Heather Noah: Heather Heather: Noah Alejandro: Noah 5th- Heather (Gwen joined Leshawna and Noah's alliance and booted off Heather.) Ep20- Condor Reward Ep21- Drumheller Winner: Alejandro Votes: Leshawna: Gwen Noah: Gwen Alejandro: Gwen Gwen: Noah 4th- Gwen
I don’t think Eva would be the first out honestly I think she gets somewhere around top 10, because maybe she is calm down and made some friends like Noah and Izzy
21st place izzy 20th place ezekiel 19th place tyler 18th place Harold 17th place Cody 16th place Sadie 15th place Courtney 14th place trent 13th place sierra 12th place Eva 11th place Katy 10th place gwen 9th place owen 8th place Beth 7th place leshawna 6th place Justin 5th place Duncan 4th place lindsay 3rd place alehaudro 2nd place noah 1st Heather
My Way: 21st Duncan (Egypt, Quit) Izzy + Sierra swap teams 20th Dj (Japan, Team Victory) 19th Bridgette (The Yukon, Team Victory) 18th Lindsay (New York, Team Victory) 17th Trent (The Amazon, Team Amazon) 16th Harold (Paris, Team Victory) 15th Izzy (Jamaica, Medically evacuated, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot, Former Team Amazon) 14th Leshawna (Jamaica, Team Victory) Ezekiel swaps to Team Amazon (London) Duncan returns (London, Join Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) 13th Eva (London, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) 12th Owen (Area 51, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) 11th/10th Courtney/Gwen (Australia, Team Amazon) 9th Noah (Sweden, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) Merge! (Niagara Falls) Lindsay returns (Niagara Falls) 8th Tyler (Niagara Falls, Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) 7th Lindsay (China, Former Team Victory) 6th Duncan (Africa, Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot) 5th Cody (Rapa Nui, Medically evacuated, Former Team Amazon) 4th Sierra (Drumheller, Disqualified, Former Team Amazon, Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) 3rd Ezekiel (Hawaii, Former Amazon, Former Team Victory) Finale! (Hawaii) Runner-up: Alejandro (Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot) Winner: Heather (Former Team Amazon)
Total drama world tour my way Heather Zeeke Cody Eva Harlord Jeff Trent Leah Owen Izzy Lindsay DJ Katie Satie Justin Noah Bridgette Gwen Al Sierra Runner up Duncan Winner tyler
They wanted to keep something from the original world tour so give them a break and anyways Alejandro would have won by a land slide anyways so there wouldn’t even had been competition
@@totaldramalindsay2669 I respect your opinion and understand it’s a controversial decision, but it’s one that works and Lindsay will get her time soon
[TDWTME Plotlines]
- In the TDA special, Courtney and Duncan become an official relationship and stay that way in the season.
- During Newf Kids on the Rocks, Alejandro invites Tyler to a cross-team alliance with him, which he accepts in order to go far in the game. Ezekiel finds out about this, and he confronts Tyler about it. This ultimately causes the farmboy to be eliminated, and Tyler sticks to Alejandro's side once he's swapped over to Team Chris, up until he is eliminated.
- Courtney and Gwen begin to form a solid friendship, which grows once Gwen swaps over to the Amazons. Cody also forms an alliance with Gwen and Sierra, in order to go farther in the game. He ends up secretly betraying Gwen's friendship in order to advance further, and lets Beth into the alliance at merge, however he is sent out after this and the alliance is slowly eliminated.
- Beth is a loyal ally to Alejandro throughout most of her time in the season, however Noah and Owen manage to convince her that Alejandro is not a good person, leading Beth to backstab Alejandro in Greece's Pieces, and ultimately her downfall later down the line.
- Izzy, Noah and Owen end up becoming a close trio thanks to the former and latter's relationship, and after Izzy's elimination the two bros end up going quite far in the game thanks to their bond, they side with Heather as she also wants Alejandro gone but she ends up tossing Owen out later down the line.
- Heather and Alejandro are roughly the same in terms of their relationship this season, nothing changes as they're perfect as is. Alejandro gains more of a rivalry with Noah and has a minor rivalry with Justin early on before he's booted, Heather regains more of a friendship with Duncan and Noah in this season.
- Alejandro is responsible for the eliminations of Justin, Leshawna, Duncan, Ezekiel, Izzy, Cody, Gwen, Owen, Sierra and Noah.
It's the same winner heather like in the real season it's the same
Why same winners makes it boring
@@Chris_Quintrell It’s the perfect canon finale lol
duncney staying is the best. Gwent and duncney forever
It is so good to see Beth getting far, thank you. They see her as a bad player but she literrally played season 2 by herself.
true, but making her a finalist in season 2 was too far, should've been harold vs duncan
@@cchocolacolatotal drama fact: did you know total drama island has different languages like arabic or russian
I'm so happy Ezekiel wasn't first being eliminated.
Me too
Me too
Yeah although I don't agree with Lindsay being the first one voted out
Me too
0:53 Thank god! Ezekiel wasn't eliminated first.
The fact you actually made Ezekiel relevant to a plot is nice, the poor guy really deserved some redemption after island and honestly, if this was the canon way I think world tour would definitely be my favorite season
As always, another amazing My Way!!! Btw I just wish Trent and Geoff were in this season...
Originally had Geoff in it, but I dropped him out over Justin for plot issues and whatnot. He'll be back though in the future :)
He will replace Justin ima pretend Justin is Geoff!
Edit: He just got out nvm he will replace ALEJANDRO
Trent no but Justin Yes
wow Silver, you made me see that It would have also been pretty cool if Noah and Alejandro had a rivalry until the end. And I mean VERY end where heather is 3rd place and Noah is first, with Alejandro being 2nd. It would have been perfect for Noah's redemption from his first season taking the name of "3rd one out" to "Winner of tdwt"
Glad you think so
I'm so happy you had Noah get to the final 3! It would have been cool to see Alejandro vs Sierra though because they were the 2 newcomers
Do you ever have that feeling that you are missing something? *cough* *cough* E-Scope , Brianzilla and Izzy
@Reuben Davies yeah I know that but I’m not mike……. I’m explosivo
I was really happy to see Beth compete in this season. Like I could see why Trent and Justin weren’t in TDWT because Gwen and Trents relationship was a hot mess, and Justin’s character was basically replaced with Alejandro.
Yeah a lot of people that make Action and World Tour THEIR WAY, like to put Beth out of the game TOO EARLY. That’s so unrealistic. Beth is super social and would definitely not go out unless something like what happened in Island happened to her or she somehow made others mad at her. The only time anyone got that mad at her was when she ate all those cookies herself
Love the video, congrats on 600 subs
Cheers mate
noah is my favorite and it would be so cool to see him in the final three
Noah-it-all 😂
Exactly 😅😂😂😂
Yeah he is a strong player
Same I love noah
I just clicked on this and I already know that Noah is gonna make it to the top 5 same with Alejandro and maybe cody
I'm a little surprised Heather won. If there was no relationship between Heather and Alejandro then it just makes her look like a floater. She really did steal the victory from Noah and Alejandro. She should have taken Noah's place.
This was more or less Heather's development arc, and I don't think robbing her of that is the best thing for me personally. Especially when I am a Heather fan
Btw why tho, bridgette was eleminated so shouldnt she be the host after that
My way :
20:Harold-He didn't really help
19:Lindsay-Ezekiel and DJ convinced them to vote her off
18:Duncan- (Quits)
17:DJ-Tyler got angry and got him out since he got Lindsay out
16:Ezekiel-Team Victory lose again.Tyler gets him out as well
15: Bridgette-She was stuck to a pole she couldn't really do anything
14:Izzy-She annoyed the team
13:Leshawna-Alejandro distracted her
*Duncan Returns*
Courtney:She was bossy to her team
Gwen:Heather convinced everyone since she didn't really like her
*Blaineley Debuts*
*Ezekiel Comes*
10:Ezekiel-He was weird and creepy
9:Owen-He got Auto-Eliminated by Chef since he ate almost all of the food
8: Alejandro-Lots of people saw him as a threat
7: Blaineley-She started being annoying
6:Tyler-No reason really
5:Duncan-He was the real threat
4:Noah-Since Heather won Immunity Cody and Sierra were on a team so Noah got voted off
3:Sierra-She made the plane explode so she got Auto-Eliminated
My way:
19th Duncan
18th sadie
17th Geoff
16th Ezekiel
15th courtney
14th izzy
13th trent
(Cody debuts and Duncan returns)
12th Noah (quits)
11th owen (quits)
10th heather
9th gwen
(Blaineley debuts)
8th Sierra
7th Duncan again
6th Blaineley (villain of the season and aftermath)
5th cody
4th Alejandro (villain of the season)
3rd lindsay
2nd leshawna
1st Tyler
I’m just glad everyone got a redemption arc and their elimination being justified
Idk why but the fact your top 6 in TDA were the first out here is so funny to me 💀😭🤚
thank you for not eliminating zeke so early
WHERES SADIE??????? 2:31
I'm pretty sure Sadie isn't in TDWT..😮
I mean why is Katie and Geoff in aftermTh@@juhi-tm5qo
@@doctorsteve8182…because brigettes in the show, and Sadie is,we’ll, Sadie…
Eva and Beth weren't there tho? 😮
They got added
Well Beth did I don’t think Eva was
*me being sad that Noah didn’t get in the final but is very glad he got more into the game then he should’ve had* :)
i have a question! ¿how did you get those icons' i have been searching everywhere for them! (on the voting box thing)
Just look for User:CoGreen20's profile on the Total Drama wiki and you should find it
My Way continues after Island and Action my ways. Votes and reasons
Episode 1:
Victory: Duncan, Bridgette, Izzy, Katie, Leshawna, Harold, DJ & Cody
Chris: Tyler, Sierra, Justin, Alejandro, Eva, Owen & Noah
Amazon: Lindsay, Trent, Gwen, Beth, Courtney, Heather & Ezekiel
Episode 2:
Izzy and Sierra Swaps
Episode 3:
Loser: Victory
Sierra: DJ
Leshawna: DJ
Harold: Harold
Katie: Harold
Bridgette: Harold
Cody: Sierra
Duncan: Harold
22nd: Harold (Basically same as cannon)
Episode 4:
Loser: Victory
Sierra: Bridgette
Leshawna: Bridgette
Katie: Bridgette
Bridgette: DJ
Cody: Sierra
Duncan: Bridgette
21st: Bridgette (Same as cannon)
Episode 5:
Loser: Chris
Alejandro: Justin
Izzy: Justin
Justin: Alejandro
Noah: Alejandro
Owen: Justin
Tyler: Justin
Eva: Alejandro
20th: Justin (Alejandro being the smart guy he is already knew Justin knew what he was doing so he convinced the 3 that didn't vote for him to vote for Justin)
Episode 7:
Loser: Victory
Sierra: Leshawna
Leshawna: DJ
Katie: Leshawna
Cody: Sierra
Duncan: Leshawna
19th: Leshawna (Same as cannon)
Episode 8:
Loser: Amazon
Lindsay: Heather
Beth: Heather
Courtney: Beth
Ezekiel: Beth
Gwen: Heather
Heather: Beth
Trent: Beth
18th: Beth (Heather managed to make them losing her fault and managed to get Courtney and Trent's vote against her)
Episode 9:
Loser: Amazon
Lindsay: Heather
Heather: Lindsay
Courtney: Lindsay
Trent: Heather
Gwen: Heather
Ezekiel: Lindsay
17th: Lindsay (Like in cannon she lost the tiebreaker but this time against Heather)
Episode 10:
Loser: Amazon
Heather: Trent
Courtney: Trent
Trent: Heather
Gwen: Heather
Ezekiel: Trent
16th: Trent (Heather managed to convince Courtney that they lost because of Trent eliminating him)
Episode 11:
15th: Izzy (Same as cannon)
Loser: Victory
Sierra: DJ
Cody: Sierra
Katie: Sierra
Duncan: DJ
14th: DJ (Same as cannon)
Episode 13:
Blaineley debuts on Victory
Loser: Victory
Sierra: Duncan
Cody: Sierra
Katie: Duncan
Blaineley: Duncan
Duncan: Blaineley
14th: Duncan (Blaineley managed to get Sierra and Katie to vote him off)
Episode 14:
Loser: Victory
Sierra: Blaineley
Cody: Sierra
Blaineley: Sierra
Cody: Sierra
13th: Sierra (Cody begged Blaineley and Katie to vote off Sierra)
Episode 15:
Loser: Chris
Alejandro: Noah
Eva: Tyler
Noah: Tyler
Owen: Tyler
Tyler: Noah
12th: Tyler (Basically same as cannon)
Episode 16:
Loser: Amazon
Heather: Courtney
Courtney: Gwen
Gwen: Courtney
Ezekiel: Heather
11th: Courtney (Both sides tried to get Ezekiel's vote but he ended up confused and voted for Heather)
Episode 17:
Loser: Amazon
Heather: Ezekiel
Gwen: Ezekiel
Heather: Heather
10th: Ezekiel (He lost the challenge for the team)
Episode 19:
Duncan Returns
Winner: Noah & Gwen
Alejandro: Katie
Eva: Katie
Owen: Katie
Gwen: Eva
Cody: Eva
Katie: Eva
Blaineley: Katie
Duncan: Eva
Heather: Katie
Noah: Alejandro
10th: Katie (Alejandro, Heather and Blaineley worked together and manipulated the votes to get rid of Katie)
Episode 20:
Winner: Owen
Alejandro: Duncan
Eva: Gwen
Owen: Heather
Gwen: Blaineley
Cody: Duncan
Blaineley: Gwen
Duncan: Blaineley
Heather: Duncan
Noah: Gwen
9th/8th: Duncan & Gwen (The tri alliance once again manipulated the votes and got them in a tie but Chris threw them both out)
Episode 21:
Winner: Alejandro
Alejandro: Noah
Noah: Blaineley
Owen: Cody
Cody: Blaineley
Blaineley: Noah
Heather: Noah
Eva: Cody
7th: Noah (Once again The tri alliance strikes again and manipulates the votes and gets Noah out)
Episode 22:
Winner: Eva
Alejandro: Owen
Eva: Cody
Owen: Cody
Cody: Heather
Blaineley: Owen
Heather: Owen
6th: Owen (And once again the tri alliance strikes again and takes out Owen)
Episode 23:
Winner: Alejandro
Alejandro: Blaineley
Eva: Blaineley
Heather: Cody
Blaineley: Cody
Cody: Eva
5th/4th: Blaineley & Cody (The tiebreaker blew up the plane and Chris eliminated them both)
Episode 26:
3rd: Eva
2nd: Alejandro
1st: Heather
Plot Lines
Gwen & Duncan become a thing.
Duncan breaks up with Courtney earlyish into the season.
Gwen & Trent make up and agree to be friends.
Gwen & Heather get on better terms before Gwen's elimination, which Heather actually feels bad about the next episode
Blaineley, Alejandro & Heather make a alliance before the merge lasts until episode 23.
Katie & DJ start dating. They started being close during Island.
Eva learns to control her anger more.
Noah, Eva and Owen rely on each other throughout the season.
Cody realizes how creepy he was with Gwen and he and Gwen become friends.
Gwen & Heather, despite Heather's helping out in Gwen's elimination, they become friendly, which leads to All-Stars.
Heather manipulates Ezekiel to vote with her which gives him a chance
I wanted to see Noah in final 2, alejandro to be voted out, and heather to lose
Here's my way
Chris: Trent, Alejandro, Izzy, Noah, Tyler, Owen, Lindsay
Victory: Beth, Leshawna, Harold, DJ, Bridgette, Ezekiel, and Eva
Amazon: Geoff, Cody, Heather, Courtney, Gwen, and Sierra
Ep 1 (Walk Like An Egyptain PT 1)
Cast sings "Come Fly With Us"
Teams get chosen
Duncan quits
Ep 2 (Walk Like An Egyptian PT 2)
Cast sings "Loving Time" and "Rowing Time"
DJ starts his animal curse
Ezekiel loses the stick
Ezekiel gets voted off
Ep 3 (Super Happy Crazy Fun Time In Japan)
Cast sings "Before We Die"
Tyler tries proposing for Lindsay but she thinks he's Noah
Trent avoids Gwen to avoid getting superstitious about her
Team Chris loses
No elimination
Ep 4 (Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better)
Cast sings "Stuck To A Pole"
Courtney begins friendship with Gwen
Victory loses
Bridgette gets eliminated
Ep 5 (I forgot the title but it's New York themed)
Cast sings "What's Not To Love?"
Geoff investigates out who might have manipulated Bridgette
Tyler again tries proposing to Lindsay but fails
Leshawna starts an alliance with DJ and Harold
Beth and Leshawna swoon over Alejandro and Eva tries to argue that he's not worth it and they need to focus
Victory loses
Eva gets eliminated
Ep 6 (Bridgette Troubled Over Waters)
AFTERMATH with Blainely and Bridgette
Ep 7 (germany, I FORGOT THE TITLE OK)
Cast sings "Eine Kiene"
Lindsay finally notices Tyler
Heather helps Geoff to figure out it's Alejandro who voted Bridgette
Beth makes a mysterious lemonade that everyone hated
Team Amazon loses
Izzy quits instead and became Brainzilla earlier than usual
VICTORY: 4/7 (Beth, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold)
CHRIS: 6/7 (Alejandro, Lindsay, Tyler, Owen, Trent and Noah)
Amazon: 6/6 (Geoff, Heather, Cody, Sierra, Courtney, and Gwen)
Ep 8 (The Am-AHHH-Zon Race)
Cast sings "Gyp** Rap*
Courtney and Gwen make an alliance against Heather
Geoff and Heather try to find ways to get revenge for Bridgette
Trent finally speaks to Gwen
Alejandro figures this out and tells everyone to vote Geoff
Amazon loses
Geoff gets eliminated
Ep 9 (Can't Help Falling In The Lourve)
Cast sings "Paris In The Springtime/Oui, My Friends"
Sierra goes ballistic
Tyler proposes to Lindsay but she panickes and denies it
Lindsay switches teams to Victory
Noah and Owen talk strategy
Lindsay, Beth, and Leshawna swoon over Alejandro but DJ and Harold are there
Team Chris loses
No elimination
Ep 10 (Newf Kids On The Rock)
Cast sings "Sea Shanty"
Alejandro helps DJ with his animal curse
Gwen and Trent become friends on good terms
Courtney gets suspicious of Gwen liking Duncan
Tyler is upset about the denial of the proposal
Lindsay asks Beth for love advice
Owen misses Izzy and she's all he can think about
Alejandro tries to trick Sierra but she didn't fall in love
Team Amazon lose
No elimination!
Ep 11 (Jamaica Me Sweat)
Cast sings "Oh My Izzy"
Noah comforts Owen about missing Izzy
Beth notices Zeeke and she accidentally puts some of the mystery lemonade into Zeeke's mouth, Ezekiel start to change back his skin tone. She enlists Cody to help her get Zeeke to drink the full glass.
Tyler's still upset
Leshawna names her alliance "The Animal Alliance"
Beth swoons over Alejandro
Team Victory loses
Beth gets eliminated
Ep 12 (forgot the title)
AFTERMATH with Geoff, Blainely, and Bridgette
Ep 13 (I See London)
Cast sings "Strip Them Down" I FORGOT THE SONG TITLE LOL
Noah makes terrible British puns and jokes to lighten Owen up
Leshawna and Harold help DJ with his animal curse since they're in an alliance
Lindsay asks Tyler about the proposal but he doesn't answer
Gwen and Courtney being besties
Duncan comes back and put on Team Chris
Gwen and Duncan kiss
Izzy returns in the middle of the challenge and put on Team Victory
Team Amazon loses
No elimination
Ep 14 (Greece's Pieces)
Cast sings "Fight For The Gold"
Courtney gets suspicious
Tyler gets nervous the whole episode
Someone writes an anonymous letter about how much they like Gwen and Courtney read it
DJ's animal curse still arises
Tyler reveals the kiss
Team Chris loses
Turns out, the anonymous letter was from Trent
Izzy quits again
Ep 15 (The Ex-Files)
Cast sings "Boyfriend Kisser"
Courtney spends the whole time being crazy
Gwen feels bad but she still likes Duncan
Tyler and Trent are upset about the whole situation
Courtney loses on purpose
Team Amazon loses
Gwen gets eliminated
VICTORY: 4/7 (Lindsay, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold)
CHRIS: 6/7 (Alejandro, Duncan, Tyler, Owen, Trent and Noah)
Amazon: 4/6 (Heather, Cody, Sierra, and Courtney)
Cast sings "Sheer the Sheep"
Tyler proposes to Lindsay again and she accepts
Alejandro notices that Trent hasn't been doing well in challenges
Courtney tries to win as the team want her gone
Heather and Cody make an alliance against Sierra
Team Chris loses
Trent gets eliminated
Ep 17 (Sweden Sour)
Cast sings "We Built Gwen's Face"
Lindsay and Tyler are officially engaged
Courtney talks to Gwen on the phone and apologizes, they both become friends again
Harold talks about the facts of Sweden
Team Amazon loses
Courtney gets eliminated
Ep 18
AFTERMATH with Geoff, Blainely, and Bridgette
The episode stays the same
Except, Gwen and Trent are now in a relationship and she ditched Duncan as per Courtney's request
Ep 19 (Niagra Brawls)
Cast sings "Blainerific"
Blainely joins
Teams merge
Chris announces that there may be a double elimination if he feels like it, it is merge
Alejandro tells everyone to vote for Owen
Tyler and Lindsay win
It's a tie between Owen and Blainely, both of them get voted off
FORMER VICTORY: 4/7 (Lindsay, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold)
FORMER CHRIS: 3/7 (Alejandro, Tyler, and Noah)
FORMER AMAZON: 3/6 (Heather, Cody, and Sierra)
Ep 20 (Chinese Fake-Out)
Cast sings "A Chinese Lesson"
Alejandro focuses on the alliance of Leshawna, Harold, and DJ and plans on taking them down
Harold notices what Alejandro is trying to do
Duncan being Duncan, thinks about Gwen
Sierra wins
It's tie between Harold and Noah
So, Chris just eliminates all of them to save budget
Ep 21 (African Lying Safari)
Cast sings "Wake Up"
Heather, Leshawna, and DJ finally figure out a solution to the animal curse and he's no longer cursed
Alejandro focuses on Cody and Sierra
Cody pours Beth's mystery lemonade into Zeeke's mouth when DJ caught Zeeke, Ezekiel transforms back to his normal skin tone and no longer becomes feral.
DJ wins the challenge
Lindsay and Tyler quit as the producers gave them money to plan a wedding
Ep 22 (Rapa-Hooey!)
Cast sings "Condor"
Alejandro manipulates DJ into believing he still has the curse even though he no longer does
Leshawna talks DJ that he no longer has the curse
Alejandro wins
DJ votes himself off thinking he still has the curse and realizes he no longer does but he already voted
DJ gets eliminated
GIRLS: Heather, Sierra, and Leshawna
BOYS: Alejandro, Duncan, and Cody
Ep 23 (Awwwwww, Drumheller)
Cast sings "This Is How We Will End It"
Heather, Cody, and Leshawna friendship
Sierra plans an awesome surprise and wins the challenge early
Cody and Duncan have a slight rivalry after Cody punched him
Sierra blows up the plane
Alejandro wins
Sierra gets eliminated
Ep 24 (Hawaiian Style)
AFTERMATH with Bridgette and Geoff
Leshawna gets an unfair elimination and gets robbed, 'cause it isn't TD without an unfair elimination
Ep 25 (Planes, Trains, and Automobiles)
Cast sings "I'm Gonna Make It"
Sierra stays to support Cody
Alejandro distracts Duncan
Heather and Alejandro rivalry
Duncan is the last one to cross the finish line and thefore gets eliminated
Ep 26 (Hawaiian Punch)
Cast sings the final song "Versus"
Everything stays the same
Cody loses the fight against Alejandro
Heather and Alejandro both win in their respective versions but I like the Heather version more
did this girl manage to remove the love triangle yet keep the elimination decent? yes!
This woman did indeed delete a whole plot and saved the best season
@@enginefan oops my mistake!
@@h1bbers No worries!
@@enginefan and zekes not feral yet
My order
19. Duncan (quits)
18. Leshowna
17. Lindsay
16. Bridgette
15. Ezekiel
14. Dj
*Ezekiel and Duncan return*
13. Owen
12. Harold
11. Izzy
10. Sierra
9. Ezekiel (again)
*Merge and blainley debuts*
8. Courtney and blainley
7. Duncan (again)
6. Gwen
5. Alejandro
4. Heather
3. Tyler
2. Cody
1. Noah
My way
Izzy and Sierra still swap teams
Amazon= Heather, Courtney, Gwen, Leshawna, Trent
Victory= Ezekiel, Cody, Harold, Sierra, Justin, Lindsay, DJ, Bridgette
Chris=Alejandro, Owen, Noah, Tyler, Izzy, Eva
21st: Sierra(she annoyed the team to much and Cody convinced everyone to eliminate her)
20th: leshawna(Alejandro caused her to loose the challenge for her team)
19th: Bridgette(stuck to a pole the previous challenge)
18th/17th: Eva/Harold(they cost the team for their respective teams and Ezekiel told everyone to vote Harold due to a short rivalry)
16th: lindsay(Justin threw her out of the plane)
Ezekiel switches to team amazon
15th: justin(DJ and Cody voted him out after what he did to Lindsay the previous challenge)
Duncan returns
14th/13th: izzy and dj(medically evacuated)
Cody switches to team Chris
12th: Noah(Alejandro made it seem like Noah cost the challenge)
11th: Gwen(she lost the tie breaker to Courtney)
10th: Owen(he did nothing in the challenge but warned Duncan about Alejandro like Noah did for him)
9th: tyler(to injures to continue)
Merge+Blaineley debuts
8th: Trent((Alejandro considered him a threat)
7th: courtney(she was found cheating for Alejandro)
6th/5th: Blaineley and Duncan(they had the same amount of votes and Chris eliminated them both for budget cuts)
4th: cody(Alejandro rigged it against him)
3rd: Heather(she lost the tie breaker to Ezekiel)
2nd: Alejandro(his dummy got stuck on a rock)
1st: Ezekiel(his dummy went into the volcano and Chris declares him the winner of tdwt)
Think you forgot to include teams for DJ and Bridgette, and I also think the merge is small but not bad.
@@enginefan right they are on team victory, some extra plot lines are Alejandro using Cody until Ezekiel convinced him that Alejandro is using him until the final 4 where he’s eliminated
@@godzillaguy5467 Not bad, also does that mean Team Victory has eight people?
@@enginefan I guess, it was hard for me at the time to figure out who goes on what team
18th Ezekiel
17th Harold
16th Bridgette
15th Gwen
14th Lindsay
13th Justin
12th Tyler
11th Owen
10th Beth
9th Leshawna
8th Izzy
7th/6th Duncan and Courtney
5th Sierra
4th Cody
3rd Heather
Runner Up Alejandro
Winner Noah
Poor Leshawna. She does not deserve this 😭😭
The vid is amazing. At least she got further
TDWT my way
20th: Duncan (Quit)
19th: Sadie
18th: DJ
17th/16th: Leshawna and Lindsay
15th: Ezekiel
14th: Katie
Duncan Returns!
14th: Harold
13th/12th: Cody and Sierra
Blaineley debuts!
12th/11th: Duncan and Gwen
10th: Blaineley
9th: Eva
8th: Owen
7th: Courtney
6th: Bridgette
5th: Noah
4th: Heather
3rd: Alejandro
2nd: Izzy
1st: Tyler!
2nd: Tyler
1st: Izzy!
Awesome prediction :D
Galactic Bean Thanks! Even though some of my opinions have changed.
Can u make TDROTI and TDAS thank you!
Thanks for getting noah far
Harold deserved better..and Leshawna!
Here's my way:
19th: Duncan (quits)
18th: Ezekiel
17th: Harold (quits)
16th: Bridgette
15th: Leshawna
14th: Izzy
13th: Owen (quits)
(Duncan returns)
12th: Noah
11th: Tyler
10th/9th: Gwen/Courtney (double elimination)
(Merge/Blaineley debuts)
8th: Lindsay
7th: Blaineley
6th: DJ
5th: Duncan
4th: Sierra
3rd: Cody
2nd: Alejandro
1st: Heather
Bridgette and Geoff relationship repair?
Victory: Harold Lindsay Tyler Gwen Beth Zeke
Chris: Alejandro Izzy Owen Noah Justin Duncan
Amazon: Heather Courtney Cody Sierra Leshawna Bridgette
Loser: Victory
Zeke: Lindsay
Gwen: Lindsay
Harold: Zeke
Tyler: Zeke
Lindsay: Zeke
Beth: Zeke
18th- Zeke (He cost the challenge, Tyler, Beth and Lindsay make an alliance and try find out who else voted Lindsay.)
Ep3- Japan
Loser: Victory
Beth: Harold
Tyler: Harold
Lindsay: Harold
Harold: Gwen
Gwen: Harold
17th- Harold (The alliance thought Harold did it, but at the end it was revealed it was Gwen.)
Ep4- Yukon
Loser: Chris
Izzy: Justin
Alejandro: Justin
Duncan: Justin Noah: Alejandro
Justin: Alejandro
Owen: Justin
16th- Justin (Justin got suspicious of Alejandro, and convinced Noah to vote him, but it wasn't enough.)
Ep5- NYC
Reward Challenge!
Ep6- Aftermath
Ep7- Germany
Loser: Chris
Alejandro: Izzy
Duncan: Izzy
Noah: Alejandro
Izzy: Noah
Owen: Duncan
15th- Izzy (Alejandro and Duncan made an alliance to boot off Izzy.)
Ep8- Peru
Loser: Amazon
Bridgette: Heather
Leshawna: Heather
Sierra: Bridgette
Cody: Sierra
Heather: Bridgette
Courtney: Bridgette
14th- Bridgette (Heather and Courtney knew they'd both be next if they didn't team up, so they convinced Sierra to switch votes and vote Bridgette.)
Ep9- Paris
Loser: Amazon
Courtney: Sierra
Cody: Sierra
Leshawna: Sierra
Sierra: Leshawna
Heather: Leshawna
13th- Sierra (Leshawna lied to Courtney that Heather wanted her out and convinced both Cody and Courtney to vote Sierra, only until after the elimination did she find out.)
Ep10- NFL
Loser: Victory
Gwen: Tyler
Lindsay: Gwen
Beth: Gwen
Tyler: Gwen
12th- Cody (Although Gwen was going to be eliminated, Cody sacrificed for her and took her spot.)
Ep11- Jamaica
Loser: Chris
Alejandro: Owen
Owen: Duncan
Noah: Alejandro
Duncan: Owen
11th- Owen (Alejandro considered Owen more annoying than Noah and got Duncan to boot him off.)
Harold debuts on Chris!
Ep12- Aftermath
Ep13- London
Loser: Victory
Gwen: Lindsay
Beth: Gwen
Lindsay: Lindsay
Tyler: Gwen
Winner: Gwen
11th- Lindsay (Lindsay accidentally voted herself and Gwen won the tiebreaker, sending her home.)
ep14- greece
loser: chris
alejandro: duncan
harold: duncan
noah: duncan
duncan: Harold
10th- duncan (alejandro betrayed him.)
ep15- area 51
Returning: Izzy
She is immune.
Winner: Izzy and Alejandro
Alejandro: Noah
Noah: Heather
Heather: Courtney
Courtney: Leshawna
Leshawna: Courtney
Tyler: Gwen
Beth: Gwen
Gwen: Courtney
Harold: Courtney
Izzy: Courtney
10th- Courtney (Noah, Leshawna, Gwen and Courtney all had targets, it would of tied but Heather wanted to betray Courtney so Courtney was sent home.)
Ep16- Sweden
Winner: Leshawna
Alejandro: Beth
Noah: Alejandro
Heather: Beth
Gwen: Beth
Leshawna: Heather
Tyler: Heather
Beth: Gwen
Harold: Alejandro
Izzy: Beth
9th- Beth (Alejandro suggested to vote Beth or Tyler since their just floating, Heather, Izzy and Gwen agreed and voted Beth.)
Ep17- China
Loser: Tyler
Winner: Noah
Leshawna: Heather
Heather: Harold
Gwen: Harold
Alejandro: Harold
Harold: Alejandro
Noah: Alejandro
Izzy: Leshawna
8th/ 7th- Tyler and Harold (Tyler flopped and the alliance AlGwether voted off Harold.)
EP18- Niagara Falls
Winner: Leshawna and Noah
Heather: Izzy
Alejandro: Izzy
Izzy: Heather
Gwen: Heather
Leshawna: Heather
Noah: Alejandro
Alejandro uses idol!
6th- Izzy (Since both Leshawna and Noah were immune, Gwen betrayed the alliance and voted Heather but Alejandro saved Heather and voted off Izzy.)
Ep19- Serengeti
Winner: Gwen
Gwen: Heather
Leshawna: Heather
Noah: Heather
Heather: Noah
Alejandro: Noah
5th- Heather (Gwen joined Leshawna and Noah's alliance and booted off Heather.)
Ep20- Condor
Ep21- Drumheller
Winner: Alejandro
Leshawna: Gwen
Noah: Gwen
Alejandro: Gwen
Gwen: Noah
4th- Gwen
I don’t think Eva would be the first out honestly I think she gets somewhere around top 10, because maybe she is calm down and made some friends like Noah and Izzy
She wasn’t eliminated, she didn’t compete in the season.
So... in this universe Heather is the real winner... Ok...
i feel sad about lindsay T_T
21st place izzy 20th place ezekiel 19th place tyler 18th place Harold 17th place Cody 16th place Sadie 15th place Courtney 14th place trent 13th place sierra 12th place Eva 11th place Katy 10th place gwen 9th place owen 8th place Beth 7th place leshawna 6th place Justin 5th place Duncan 4th place lindsay 3rd place alehaudro 2nd place noah 1st Heather
Owen’s my favorite but this is awesome
My Way:
21st Duncan (Egypt, Quit)
Izzy + Sierra swap teams
20th Dj (Japan, Team Victory)
19th Bridgette (The Yukon, Team Victory)
18th Lindsay (New York, Team Victory)
17th Trent (The Amazon, Team Amazon)
16th Harold (Paris, Team Victory)
15th Izzy (Jamaica, Medically evacuated, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot, Former Team Amazon)
14th Leshawna (Jamaica, Team Victory)
Ezekiel swaps to Team Amazon (London)
Duncan returns (London, Join Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
13th Eva (London, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
12th Owen (Area 51, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
11th/10th Courtney/Gwen (Australia, Team Amazon)
9th Noah (Sweden, Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
Merge! (Niagara Falls)
Lindsay returns (Niagara Falls)
8th Tyler (Niagara Falls, Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
7th Lindsay (China, Former Team Victory)
6th Duncan (Africa, Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot)
5th Cody (Rapa Nui, Medically evacuated, Former Team Amazon)
4th Sierra (Drumheller, Disqualified, Former Team Amazon, Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
3rd Ezekiel (Hawaii, Former Amazon, Former Team Victory)
Finale! (Hawaii)
Runner-up: Alejandro (Former Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot)
Winner: Heather (Former Team Amazon)
TDWT my way
Runner-Up = Duncan
Winner = AleJandro
Beth getting farther than Leshawna and Harold!🤨
They had their time in Action
@@enginefan Eh they were still robbed from winning and D VS H would be a great finale!
@@matstermaster8086 But Leshawna was an alternate winner-
@@enginefan Oh
@@enginefan no she wasn’t
Total drama world tour my way
Runner up Duncan
Winner tyler
Cody 9 th !? I desagree sorry but it's not possible
Alejandro dabbing
You forgot Ezekiel on the chairs
He wasn’t there
Why Katie is host in aftermath and not Sadie 😭
Wait, what did Bridgette do last season?
TDAME is up there
Can someone say the elimination order?
Lindsay, Harold, Bridgette, Justin, LeShawna, Duncan, Ezekiel, Izzy, Courtney, Cody, Gwen/Beth, Tyler, Owen, Sierra, Noah, Alejandro/Heather
@@enginefan Thank you!
When Alejandro Dabs:
wa lindsay eliminated first i hope i dont see any more of you but im angry
its his opinion dude
R.I.P. Lindsay, was not her season I guess.
Maybe the winner is Alejandro
Why the same finale!? I wanted Noah or Tyler to win.
Honestly I did consider Noah for finale but the original was perfect, it’s very hard to change two deserving finalists
What happend to Justin’s face
My way vs ur way but I do my victims
Ur way
18th Lindsay
17th Harold
16th Bridgette
15th Justin
Aftermath Lindsay Harold Bridgette Justin
14th Leshawna
13th Sierra Sike It was a Reward
13th Duncan Quits
12th Ezekiel
Aftermath Leshawna Duncan
11th Izzy
10th Alejandro Sike Reward
10th Courtney
9th Cody
Aftermath Izzy Courtney Cody
8th/7th Beth Gwen
6th Tyler
5th Owen
4th Sierra
Aftermath Beth Gwen Tyler Owen
3rd Noah
2nd Alejandro
18th Beth Victim 0
17th Ezekiel Victim 0
16th Duncan Victim 1
15th Justin Victim 1
14th Courtney Victim 0
13th Heather Victim 5
12th Alejandro Victim 6
11th Izzy Victim 4
10th Gwen Victim 5
9th Cody
8th Bridgette
7th/6th Leshawna Harold
5th Owen Victim 4
4th Sierra Victim 1
3rd Lindsay Victim 3
2nd Noah Victim 6
1st Tyler Victim 10
I likebthis3
Where’s justice for Lindsey here? You screwed her over more than total drama actually did
Did you see the previous season? :/
I think u forgot somebody
@@enginefan u forgot dj
@@Mia_Hazbin DJ wasn't included in the MW ones, I think TDA gave him a good enough arc for him to sit out this time around, Justin takes his spot
@@enginefan ok
Ok seriously heather and Alejandro finale? It’s ale been done bruh I wanted the finale to be Noah and alejandro
They wanted to keep something from the original world tour so give them a break and anyways Alejandro would have won by a land slide anyways so there wouldn’t even had been competition
Katie and Geoff would make a very interesting pair as hosts
bu wy head mad at ma boi eskel
*tyler and girls. HMMM AM I TRANSGENDER*
Thank you for the wonderful one word feedback!
@@enginefan Sorry Its Just I’m Disappointed That Lindsay Was Eliminated
@@totaldramalindsay2669 I respect your opinion and understand it’s a controversial decision, but it’s one that works and Lindsay will get her time soon