So fake! Qing ya still cried to Yufan after LeYan sought clarifications with her. From what i read on Weibo… Oscar was the one with the Most Night Text Messages in total! Why? cause of qingya… There is a table drawn up of a Tally of messages to each participants (on weibo) where it shown QingYa has been leaving her night text messages to and fro and then STILL eventually left 2 last messages back to Oscar (not to PengGao) in the last 2 episodes though Oscar already obviously paired up with LeYan… So the show actually edited out THAT 2 last text messages part due to Qingya’s actions where she stubbornly chose to leave her messages to Oscar! That’s why there is no more the usual panelist playing who is leaving message to who guessing game if you noticed in last few episodes…
You mean the she still sent messages to Oscar after their date? I really think the last message she sent was before Oscar and Evelyn went on date. On date she got rejected by Oscar was done. Hence, I think every day before that date but after that I don't think she sent him msgs?
@shadedtruth2121 Just recounting what i saw on weibo… a table tallying all the guys’ messages. Oscar got the Most messages! For the last 2 episodes (by right should be to Gao) Qingya still insistently sent to Oscar though she was long rejected! shrugs?! Obviously NOT shown on the tv show… the messaging results! Else audience will be too shocked and chaos will erupt! Cause she already like “paired” with Gao and Oscar already long coupled up with Leyan! Since there was no who will text who message Panelist Guessing Game anymore in the last few episodes could further substantiate that the Message tally table on weibo could be true!
@@ellenchang5777 他就是智商高情商低,只会读书未经世事,那些社会阅历更丰富的不会被他吸引
@@sparklej3420 她可是表里不一,线下给乐言买了 7-8 个黑热搜网暴乐言,她也不被动,很多镜头被剪了,她是恋综史上第一个带营销公司带资本参加节目的女嘉宾,节目组因为她差点毁掉了这个 IP.而且她感情史非常丰富,前男友和朋友纷纷爆料,她全平台掉粉 至少 20 万。网友的眼睛是雪亮的。真的假不了,假的真不了。真善美才值得赞赏。
其实我觉得 mi die 和 ni ni挺真实的,挺可爱。说他们是两个落单的人也有点残酷吧
是大型煙花我看了也想哇,聲音突然超大聲 55:22
So fake! Qing ya still cried to Yufan after LeYan sought clarifications with her.
From what i read on Weibo… Oscar was the one with the Most Night Text Messages in total! Why? cause of qingya…
There is a table drawn up of a Tally of messages to each participants (on weibo) where it shown QingYa has been leaving her night text messages to and fro and then STILL eventually left 2 last messages back to Oscar (not to PengGao) in the last 2 episodes though Oscar already obviously paired up with LeYan…
So the show actually edited out THAT 2 last text messages part due to Qingya’s actions where she stubbornly chose to leave her messages to Oscar! That’s why there is no more the usual panelist playing who is leaving message to who guessing game if you noticed in last few episodes…
You mean the she still sent messages to Oscar after their date? I really think the last message she sent was before Oscar and Evelyn went on date. On date she got rejected by Oscar was done. Hence, I think every day before that date but after that I don't think she sent him msgs?
@shadedtruth2121 Just recounting what i saw on weibo… a table tallying all the guys’ messages. Oscar got the Most messages! For the last 2 episodes (by right should be to Gao) Qingya still insistently sent to Oscar though she was long rejected! shrugs?! Obviously NOT shown on the tv show… the messaging results! Else audience will be too shocked and chaos will erupt! Cause she already like “paired” with Gao and Oscar already long coupled up with Leyan! Since there was no who will text who message Panelist Guessing Game anymore in the last few episodes could further substantiate that the Message tally table on weibo could be true!
@@shadedtruth2121 一直发到最后哦。
看到最後才知道清雅根本沒喜歡澎高 l连告白夜也不给彭高牵手 只是单单放在彭高手腕上隔着衣服 (看起来很嫌弃那样) 😅 哎呀 简直是按照合同的很嫌弃的去表演😂
Season 7 was a bunch of rubbish and that’s the nicest way I could describe it
Wqy真的不好看 不懂
1:19:38 不是,道歉還是補一下吧😅,太噁心人了,一言不合就跑去對質,對方一臉矇,帶入青雅真的很委屈,尤其是那個釣蝦,吃不飽又尷尬,這下顯得他們甜蜜了是吧,這人要不要太癲
然後官宣10天後 翁清雅彭高就分手了
@@finachang7551其實沒有同款,只是長得類似而已,因為我也有這種白框的墨鏡😂 最近流行款吧!但天黑還一直戴在頭上真的有點刻意