Time after time two lay awake for the curtain the call of the night street lamps are bright burnin the fountain it rushes while the town stays vibrant we're down to run our own little island what if you had your way tonight i'd get the whole day tomorrow feels like we're shifting gears taking turns of baring sorrow leave me gently tucked in tight and let me mourn your abscence like a songbird fright migrating to a better place i know but don't let me leave without one last show
Time after time
two lay awake for the curtain
the call of the night
street lamps are bright burnin
the fountain it rushes
while the town stays vibrant
we're down to run
our own little island
what if you had your way tonight
i'd get the whole day tomorrow
feels like we're shifting gears
taking turns of baring sorrow
leave me gently
tucked in tight
and let me mourn your abscence
like a songbird fright
migrating to a better
place i know
but don't let me leave
without one last show
Is freeeee?:( i love thatttt