When someone is successful and have assets, make sure you have a prenup in place. An iron clad one. All assets that you accumulate before the marriage.
What country does the mothers in law think they can take your house and inheritance? And they automatically think they can move into the house you own. This really stupid.
All you have to do is put her out and divorce. But there wouldn’t be a story then I suppose. Most women in America wouldn’t put up with this for a second!
He and his mother should have been jailed for life! Thank
God for neighbors.
At least she had a neighbor witness what hubby & MIL was doing & called police after she untied herself from tree🤔
Satan get behind thee!
If you were hit on the head with a cricket bat, you would be rendered unconscious.
GREAT story! Thank you for sharing 😊
Evil bastards
When someone is successful and have assets, make sure you have a prenup in place. An iron clad one. All assets that you accumulate before the marriage.
That's the way the smart & successful people do before getting married. No one knows what happens in the future and marriage doesn't always last long.
Another story that confuses civil court vs. criminal court
From the day that woman moved in I moved out I Don’t care about no evil husband
A prenuptial would have been helpful. Does the unborn child have the same protection from the life time restraining order?
D I V O R C E after the 1st incident he was an idiot and she a witch. Why wait..
The story was good but justice was not serves. 2 years for attempted murder and probation for the instigater? No ...not enough
What country does the mothers in law think they can take your house and inheritance? And they automatically think they can move into the house you own. This really stupid.
All you have to do is put her out and divorce. But there wouldn’t be a story then I suppose. Most women in America wouldn’t put up with this for a second!
Why didn't you
divorce him , what if one day he come back
Alwys get a prenup no matter the assets
What a weak story. Very weak anx unrealistic.
Why do you post horrific abuse stories, knowing they are fake? Not enough real violence for you?