OLIVER & HAUSER - "Live in Split" FULL CONCERT 2014

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @nochaas
    @nochaas Год назад +21

    Koja je to privilegija sjediti u publici i proživljavati ove trenutke čistog užitka.

  • @zdislavaskalnikova2962
    @zdislavaskalnikova2962 2 года назад +193

    Ja sam iz Češke, ovu sam poruku preveo na hrvatski jezik pomoću prevoditelja, pa se ispričavam za eventualne greške. Ovaj sam koncert otrio jer sam počeo gledati Stjepana Hausera. Mislim da sam vidio dosta toga što je snimio i velike koncerte koji su snimljeni. Volim ovu s Oliverom. Činjenica da su samo njih dvoje toliko je intimna i moćna u isto vrijeme. Fasciniran sam savršenim skladom dvoje izuzetnich glazbenika, medusobnim poštovanjem i divljenjem.Oliver poštuje i priznaje Stjepana a Stjepan apsolutno obožava Olivera. Obojica se potpuno predaju glazbi i publici koja je osjeća. Čak i po snimci nakon svih ovih godina, pronicljiv čovjek to može naslutiti. I tu je Stjepan potpuno svoj. On ne čini nikakve geste ili izraze prema unaprijed dogovorenom scenariu. On jednostavno živi ovaj koncert i uživa u njemu. Hvala što mogu uživati kad god poželim. Hvala, hvala, hvala!

    • @dp3069
      @dp3069 Год назад +5

      Točno tako!

    • @lorenaelisa649
      @lorenaelisa649 Год назад +6

      Maravilhosos Oliver e Stjepan.
      Pude comprar um CD deles, quando estive em Zagreb, em janeiro deste ano.

    • @majamateljan2969
      @majamateljan2969 Год назад +8

      Koje emocije izaziva ovaj koncert ne mogu to opisati. Dvoje velikana u medusobnoj ljubavi i postovanju. Dobitna kombinacija za svih.🙂💕💕💕

    • @gvejt6025
      @gvejt6025 Год назад +4

      Very good

    • @andreeknoploch1235
      @andreeknoploch1235 Год назад +1

      Je découvre aujourd'hui ce duo et j'adore, je sens que je vais l'écouter très souvent, merci pour ce bonheur que vous nous donnez

  • @georgelewis1664
    @georgelewis1664 3 года назад +209

    I am almost 83 years old and have loved music all my life . I have seen and heard perhaps thousands of artists perform , but looking back over all those experiences , many of the beautiful and memorable , this concert is one of the very best , if not the best I have ever experienced . Rest In Peace , Sweet Prince of Music Oliver . How wonderful for you to have Hauser accompany you in this delightful performance . He, too is an amazing , profound , sensitive and passionate artist . I didn’t understand a word ( I’m a Yankee ) , but every song touched me deeply, often bringing tears and had me “singing” along because the songs were so touching . Thank God for these splendid artists and for having this concert on video tape so people will be able to also enjoy this unique and wonderful concert . Viva Croatia !

    • @TinSpajic
      @TinSpajic 3 года назад +21

      Hi old Yankee. You didn't understand a word but you understood the universal message of this two exeptional artists. The only sad thing is that someone like Oliver will never ever walk, entertain, play and sing on this earth again. He is umcomparable

    • @mariaelisabettarecupero6221
      @mariaelisabettarecupero6221 3 года назад +6

      Musica meravigliosa comlimenti

    • @ElviraErjavec
      @ElviraErjavec 2 года назад +7


    • @isam7928
      @isam7928 2 года назад +1


    • @krasnaja6807
      @krasnaja6807 2 года назад +6

      Wonderful Dalmatian songs, performed by the duo of geniuses, ❤️🎻🙏😘💯🌹

  • @bukabuka7497
    @bukabuka7497 5 лет назад +45

    Tko je bio ovdje nije svjestan koliko je sretan

  • @hjcbgc9211
    @hjcbgc9211 3 года назад +58

    Pustis Oliverov koncert,zatvoris oci i odvede te u potpuno drugi svet,magicno..

  • @markogrle8657
    @markogrle8657 Год назад +80

    Ovaj koncert treba biti nematerijalna baština Hrvatske! ✅

    • @zdislavaskalnikova2962
      @zdislavaskalnikova2962 Год назад

      Mislim da se to već dogodilo onog trenutka kad je Oliver otišao.

    • @NildaTrueba
      @NildaTrueba 9 месяцев назад


    • @ilonaforis
      @ilonaforis 7 месяцев назад


    • @ilonaforis
      @ilonaforis 7 месяцев назад


  • @tanjajovanovic3199
    @tanjajovanovic3199 Год назад +5

    Pratim iz München a Konzerte Stjepana Hausera Ali Sa Oliver om je definitiven najlepsi

  • @PianoGesang
    @PianoGesang 4 года назад +241

    I am a professional German musician and this is one of the most magnificent musical performances I have ever seen. Oliver was a musical genius and maestro. His collaboration with Stjepan Hauser took my breath away. This concert is the best of the best. There may be more versatile jazz musicians out there but the emotion and love of music conveyed here is beyond amazing and I have never and will never underestimate the Dalmatian superstar and Balkan hero and legend.

    • @sanjamatsuri
      @sanjamatsuri 4 года назад +19

      Thank you, everything you say is true, but really, Oliver and after all Croatia is not Balkan...It does not exist, there is only mountain Balkan which is a part of Serbia, Macedonia, Greece...The term Balkan is invented by European politicians who enjoy humiliating Croatia after independence (after the breakdown of Yugoslavia, thank god!) ... So, Croatia existed before Yugoslavia and feel free to look on the map where is my country...Central and South Europe...

    • @tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348
      @tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348 4 года назад +10

      Thank you for your compliments but please skip the balkans. It kind of brings a negative tune to it. Ms Matsuri is totally right in her statement no matter what "the rest" are trying to imply or interpret. There is an enormous difference between the social term of Balkans vs the political term of Balkans vs the peninsula of Balkans and eventually vs the mountain Balkan (in Turkish Balkan means mountain) located within Bulgaria. So which part are we actually talking about? Not all of these mentioned terms are positive. Shall we agree to be called either of these terms (even the negative ones) if we live in Croatia or if it´s actually insulting? My attention is not to patronize our neighboring countries only to lighten up the position of Croatia out of my point of view. Let each of the other countries speak out on their behalf and finally, none of them or any other European country has earned themselves the right to label my or any other country! That´s it, no more no less........and out.

    • @puljano
      @puljano 4 года назад +9

      @@tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348 Balkan is Penisiula,like Apeninian-Italy Penisiula,Iberian.spanish,portugese Penisiula...and jes Croatia is Balkan Penisiula...im From Dalmatia-sauth Croatia and we are Balkan..

    • @tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348
      @tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348 4 года назад +6

      @@puljano True, Balkans is a peninsula. Then we are speaking geographically and so far I agree. Not all Croatia is a part of the Balkan peninsula in geographical terms. If you rather read profoundly what I wrote you´ll better get my statement or what I actually wanted to stay. Read between the lines.

    • @puljano
      @puljano 4 года назад +8

      @@tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348 jes 90% Croatian territory is on Balkan...pa Balkan i je zemljepisni pojam..to sto neki od vas zamisljate da je Balkan nekakav mentalno turski sklop,to je vas problem..to je isto,kao kad bi Portugalci negirali da su dio Iberiana,jer je kao njihova kultura drugacija od Spanjolske..smjesno,da smjesnije nemoze biti..i jos se svadjate sa strancima oko toga...a citav svijet na Balkan gleda kao na zemljepisni pojam

  • @mariocoric7707
    @mariocoric7707 4 года назад +152

    ljubomoran sam na sve ljude koji su ovo live dozivjeli tu ljepotu i sklad guštali ste najbolji koncert Oliverov definitivno po meni i zato je bio dovoljan klavir čelo i njegov glas neka ti je laka crna zemlja kralju glazbe

    • @nerisanchez3557
      @nerisanchez3557 2 года назад +1

      Grande, grandioso Sr. OLIVER, Ud. ha tenido una voz dulce y melodiosa, me sacó el sombrero con su romántica música y sus compañeros son también magníficos y hacen magia con su Cello, y Piano, hacen el complemento. Tutto bello. Buen Concierto ⭐⭐⭐🌹🌹🌹

    • @mariamelitashunatutusima2031
      @mariamelitashunatutusima2031 2 года назад +1

      Ud es grande entre los grandes Sr Oliver me encanta su voz ronquita.

    • @celindar8234
      @celindar8234 2 года назад +1

      Son muy buenos músicos

    • @stelamihaelamarcu150
      @stelamihaelamarcu150 2 года назад

      Me i am not jealous, Me i love him, and i love so much that it's possible share him with all people and jealous and love, like this so much i love, very much! 💙❤️🎻🎶💞🤠☺️🤗

  • @belindablagdan1495
    @belindablagdan1495 3 года назад +23

    Ne trebaju vam ni prateći vokali, ni orkestar....vas dvojica ekipa ste iz najljepših snova, kad vas slušam, kao da sam na nekoj drugoj planeti, zvuči vanserijski, nemam
    adekvatan pridjev za opisati svoj doživljaj vašeg nastupa i prenošenja ogromne količine pozitivne energije na nas, slušatelje...

  • @susanribeiro2635
    @susanribeiro2635 3 года назад +30

    It is now 2022 and last night I had the most beautiful night of my life...you introduced me to OLIVER...i was so taken by his beautiful voice and the way he just took my heart. I told friends of this performance and can't get it he music out of my head, and thrilled to watch Oliver and STjepan again tonight. What a beautiful way to be so immersed in this music, thank you from my heart. Heaven sings of Oliver forever.

    • @ElviraErjavec
      @ElviraErjavec 2 года назад +2


    • @marinrota80
      @marinrota80 Год назад +1

      Tjtutpu❤kđjjii7i io❤žnlllž

  • @tinadavenport2888
    @tinadavenport2888 3 года назад +32

    I only discovered Oliver's beautiful voice a few months ago. How I wish I had known of him throughout his career because I know I missed out on so much beautiful music. As far as him singing with Hauser playing cello, well, I imagine that's probably what heaven sounds like.

  • @janahorka-nv9em
    @janahorka-nv9em Год назад +10

    Ráda opakovaně poslouchám vystoupení těchto dvou skvělých umělců. Chorvatské písně jsou krásné. Několikrát jsem navštívila Chorvatsko a vzpomínám na krásné večery u moře, kde jsme při skleničce vína, poslouchali tyto písně. Bylo nám dobře. Hru na cello, jsem vnímala s vážnou hudbou. Když jsem prvně, v roce 2019, uslyšela , co vše se dá na cello zahrát, stala jsem se fanynkou Stjepana Hausera a jeho hru vyhledávám. Dokonale doprovází Olivera Dragoviče. Nádhera, balzám na duši.

  • @markfelts9875
    @markfelts9875 4 года назад +10

    Listening to his music makes me so sad I wish he was still here with us. What a legend

  • @parivashborazjani
    @parivashborazjani Год назад +4

    you are perfect by yourself bravo i am also 81 years old and listen to all kind of music you and Oliver are the best the one before me the Yankee said it best i am Iranian but we are not so different this music touched or sole this is 8 years ago Oliver is no longer but i listen to Hauser every day and night and he never stop to memorize me you do not need to be from the same country to love excellence

  • @rubischmargarete9956
    @rubischmargarete9956 3 года назад +5

    Dear Stjepan Hauser, thank You for this wonderful conzert with oliver dragojevic - THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @antonijak1770
    @antonijak1770 3 года назад +10

    Bože, hvala Ti na ljepoti koju nam daješ....

  • @mijopilat3052
    @mijopilat3052 6 лет назад +202

    U maloj zemlji velikih ljudi izgubili smo jednog od najvećih...

  • @yolandenadeau2064
    @yolandenadeau2064 4 года назад +13

    Anywhere you are, you make it greater I love you Hauser.

  • @МаријаМиленковић-ы6щ
    @МаријаМиленковић-ы6щ 4 года назад +41

    Prepoznao te je veliki Oliver, Hauseru. Samo ti si mogao da uveličaš njegov nastup. I da, pored njega, dodješ do izražaja. Dvojica veličanstvenih, zapisani u svim dimenzijama, poznatim i nepoznatim.

  • @marilynpelletier9804
    @marilynpelletier9804 4 года назад +39

    Whenever I watch videos with Oliver and Hauser I have to stop anything else and just sit and enjoy their beautiful music. I listen every day. You are both beyond words. Love you both. Oliver left this world way too soon. Brings tears to my eyes.

  • @leonardleo4685
    @leonardleo4685 4 года назад +12

    I love you Oliver, you touch my soul!!!

  • @lydiahopkins6782
    @lydiahopkins6782 2 года назад +4

    Sweet Oliver 🕊🕊God make your beautiful 😍 soul happy ❣️🙏🏻I like you to let you to know Stjepan has 🏅 win big success in his spectacular concert 🎵in the USA 🇺🇸 he conquered the American 🇺🇸 heart ❤️ big 🎉victory ❣️and he Triumph 🎻🌹be proud of him 🕊🌹as I am ❣️he is a unique man a❣️and a unique cellist 🎻🌹I don’t have to tell you ❣️you know him better than any one ❣️God rest your beautiful soul in Peace ☮️ 😢😢 🕊🕊🌹🕊love 💜from Texas USA 🇺🇸💫🇺🇸💫💜😘🕊🕊

  • @ЗояТонких-з8е
    @ЗояТонких-з8е Год назад +7

    Добрый день, всем 😊 С любовью из России ❤ Спасибо большое 😊

  • @vjekoslavarlovicmaxarlo
    @vjekoslavarlovicmaxarlo 3 года назад +11

    Oliver forever ❤️❤️❤️

    @DUSKOTOMAS 9 лет назад +63

    I was at this concert in Split, what a beautiful night. Unforgettable

  • @sladjanapopovic4020
    @sladjanapopovic4020 6 лет назад +24

    Prava umetnost ne poznaje granice, politiku, vreme...Nadjača i smrt... Hvala 💐

  • @stefancvetkovic6269
    @stefancvetkovic6269 6 лет назад +120

    Poslednji pozdrav morskom vuku, jednom od najvećih umetnika sa ovih prostora.
    Uz tvoje pesme smo se zaljubljivali, voleli i tugovali, ostaju za sva vremena i za neke nove buduće generacije.
    Adio galebe naš, ostavio si trag u beskraju i otišao u večnost.

    • @gordan5281
      @gordan5281 4 года назад +5

      ne bih rek rekao jedan od najboljih! u sirem zanru kojem pripada bez premca ono iskreno bez pretetenzija.

    • @dotmixson6621
      @dotmixson6621 2 года назад +2

      Ok my heart is broken 💔
      Iove this music God Bless you Houser so glad you had this this of Blessing with this extraordinary man and music, I feel so much love for the two of you,Houser you are perfection, Best of luck much love and respect 🙌 ❤ ♥ ⚘

  • @GoranVONKarkin
    @GoranVONKarkin 2 года назад +29

    Nisam se ovoliko isplakao u zivotu ... HVALA VAM STO STE ME PODSJETILI DA IMAM EMOCIJE 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

  • @teresaramos1719
    @teresaramos1719 4 года назад +27

    Oliver will be forever missed R.I.P. ,a bright star has gone home ,to shine on the black ,velvet sky ..

    • @dahliaapollo7938
      @dahliaapollo7938 4 года назад +4

      Teresa Ramos had no clue he passed away!!
      He can join Leonard cohen
      Thanks Hauser for playing so beautifully with Oliver unique

  • @jelenam6763
    @jelenam6763 4 года назад +22

    Nikadaa vise ,ovakav glas nikad vise ovakvu emociju niko u meni nece moci probuditi kao sto je to umeo Oliver, svaki trenutak mi zivota prolazi dok slusam ,..

  • @rosesummers2817
    @rosesummers2817 9 лет назад +182

    Stjepan you really are an incredible talent, but with Oliver, you carry me to a place beyond words.

    • @sanjasmukavic60
      @sanjasmukavic60 9 лет назад +22

      I couldn't say any better than you did!!Beautiful said!!

    • @soconinacoco4071
      @soconinacoco4071 4 года назад +2

      R MI

    • @soconinacoco4071
      @soconinacoco4071 4 года назад +1

      Te Amo

    • @coletteallen2479
      @coletteallen2479 4 года назад +11

      There’s nothing like what you Stjephan and our late Oliver gave to us . Your sync together seemed to carry one another’s heart and souls together . You were such a peaceful blessing to us all and it will be a legacy to you both here and in eternity. 🌹🌹❤️✝️🙏🙏

    • @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с
      @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с 4 года назад +4

      Какой красивый, сильный голос зрелого мужчины, ВРАВО!!!ЭТО ВАШ УЧИТЕЛЬ🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🎆🎇🎆🎇🎇🎇🎇🎆🎆🎶🎶🎶🎶, СТЕПАН!!??!

  • @kriszimb
    @kriszimb 7 лет назад +61

    OLiver je BOG dalmatinske muzike. Koju emociju prenosi kroz tu boju glasa, pa to je velicanstveno.

  • @brankamarkovic7424
    @brankamarkovic7424 3 года назад +35

    Koju privilegiju i sreću su imali oni koji su ovo uživo doživeli!!! Ovakva 2 experta na jednom mestu, to ispunjava životni san!!! Hvala vam, momci, na neprolaznoj lepoti koju ste nam poklonili!!! Ovo nikad neće zastariti🎶🎻🎶🎹🎶🎼💓😇👏🌟

    • @annalouisataylor8651
      @annalouisataylor8651 Год назад

      Í in m

    • @ilonaforis
      @ilonaforis 7 месяцев назад

      ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤¹❤ESTI CEL MAI BUN !🎼🎶❤️💯🌠

  • @alaklija3754
    @alaklija3754 3 года назад +37

    Nikada neću prestat plakati za Oliverom. Nema pjesme kojom ne dirne u dušu, obogati mi dan čim mu čujem glas, iako znam da neće biti novih pjesama. Ovaj koncert je samo još jedan dokaz njegove kvalitete- umijeće dva virtuoza spojena u božanstvene zvukove, bezvremena ljepota, ostavština za cijeli svijet. ❤️❤️ za obojicu.

    • @Netty-di6kj
      @Netty-di6kj Год назад

      Ci dieu le veut je souhaite vous merci beaucoup bisous à vous trois merci beaucoup que dieu vous bénisse pour moi une voie ci.douce...et agréable à entendre j'aime beaucoup et les violonselle aussi l, accompagnement de bi violonselle aussi très bien je vous aime tous bisous mes amours ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @paolacagnetti8117
    @paolacagnetti8117 4 года назад +20

    Oliver and Stjepan... The goddess Music introduced us to two of her jewels and put them together to introduce us to two similar souls...

  • @carlvanheerden2524
    @carlvanheerden2524 4 года назад +9

    Het Oliver se musiek geweldig geniet tydens ons besoek aan Croatia 2018. Wat .n stem en persoonlikheid !

  • @BernardKotlar
    @BernardKotlar 5 лет назад +18

    OLIVER & HAUSER = Neponovljivi i nažalost nikad više...

  • @radmilamikulic1290
    @radmilamikulic1290 3 года назад +5

    Für jedes Kompliment, zwei Riesen, göttlich …
    Das leise Leuchten dieser Schönheit Musik die Herzens Tränen, traurige Stimmung, wundervolle Harmonie, berührende Worte, geniale Profis und Meister ihres Fach!!!

  • @mcarmenrodriguezbarros
    @mcarmenrodriguezbarros 11 месяцев назад +2

    Fantástico Concert!! Donde el Romance Brilla en esplendor!!
    Románticismo por doquier.
    Una Voz Rota que modula maravillosamente.
    Acompañado de ése !! Extraordinario Chelo que de veces se convierte en tres extrumentos. Guitarra, Violin, y el propio Chelo. Es de Admirar cómo lo dominas. Prince. Thank you una pasada..❤❤❤😊 Esto es un tesoro. Fabuloso.😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @annmoody8891
    @annmoody8891 3 года назад +13

    Beautiful, every single song!

  • @jeanniedixon5494
    @jeanniedixon5494 4 года назад +28

    Oliver Dragojevic, musical maestro. His music lives on and on. Love his voice and banter with Stjepan Hauser. They had a special relationship and respect for each other. Just downloaded. Priceless.

  • @snoopylove4ever
    @snoopylove4ever 8 лет назад +174

    Magicno, zatvorim oci i odvedu me u potpuno drugi, ljepsi svijet.

    • @JimmyGlo630
      @JimmyGlo630 4 года назад +2


    • @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с
      @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с 4 года назад +2

      Какая МОЩЬ - СИЛА ЗВУЧАНИЯ, вызывает полное уважение к замечатеному ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЮ ВОКАЛА

    • @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с
      @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с 4 года назад +3

      ХОРВАТИЯ может ГОРДИТЬСЯ СВОИМИ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЯМИ-ВИРТУОЗАМИ СВОЕГО ДЕЛА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @georgetanghile1229
      @georgetanghile1229 3 года назад


    • @zvezda663
      @zvezda663 3 года назад


  • @rinost1426
    @rinost1426 3 года назад +25

    Jeli uspilo ikom da odsluša ovo bez suza... Ovo bi kamen rastopilo.
    Hvala Hauseru a za Olivera nemam rić kako da mu se zahvali.. Neponovljiv, ikona, čovik koji je spojia toliko ljudi svojim pismama i to će činit i dalje. Počivao u miru Galebe 🙏

  • @TV-jl8oe
    @TV-jl8oe 6 лет назад +49

    Two most sexiest men from Croatia in one place....So, GREAT.. I learned Oliver Dragojevic he passed away, Rest in peace... Mr. Hauser did a good job to do this concert, all fans are happy...to have this clip..and listen over and over again. Hi from Kroea....I am a fan of two since 2015.

  • @teresahernik745
    @teresahernik745 4 года назад +37

    "Let's hurry to love people, they leave so quickly".
    But memory remains.

    • @NargesAdelijah
      @NargesAdelijah Месяц назад

      پیامت قابل ستایش است ۰ شیوا گوی عشق ن ۰ع

  • @zancic2176
    @zancic2176 4 года назад +19

    Croatian soul!

  • @miloslavamarkova5270
    @miloslavamarkova5270 4 года назад +8

    Po takovém koncertě je mi tak dobře že bych objimala všechny lidi

  • @manuelamarques4089
    @manuelamarques4089 4 года назад +16

    Music of this kind is unique

  • @РаисаСтасилович
    @РаисаСтасилович 5 лет назад +49

    Степан, спасибо за видео! Какой красивый хорватский язык - сама музыка!!! Оливер - чудесный артист!!! Степан - музыкант-виртуоз!!! Поклон братьям-славянам из Беларуси за истинный талант и красоту!!!

  • @annickpatte9424
    @annickpatte9424 4 года назад +21

    Merci Stjepan Hauser pour ce doux concert avec Oliver👏👏❤❤

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 2 года назад +6

    Hallo....Ein wunderschönes Konzert in Split....Olivier , lass dich von den Engeln im Paradies lieben, so wie Kroatien dich geliebt hat. Du hast diese Welt zu fröh verlassen , deine schöne Stimme fehlt jetzt...Ruhe in ewigem Frieden, lass Kroatien an dich denken....

  • @Dado30P
    @Dado30P 6 лет назад +17

    Najmiliji mi Umjetnik. Počivaj u miru Legendo.

  • @BananaAlert
    @BananaAlert 9 лет назад +282

    Ovo mi je najbolji Oliverov koncert. Oliver je besprijekoran u točnosti pjevanja, tonu i izražaju. Bez pratećeg orkestra se jasno vidi koliko je Oliver dobar klavirist u svom načinu glazbe. Stjepan je nadaren, pun snage, života i dobrih glazbenih pomisli.

  • @ruohaochen
    @ruohaochen 4 года назад +17

    Both the singer and the cellos are singing in a recognizable and cooperative way. Amazing!

  • @Yugoschwabo
    @Yugoschwabo 5 лет назад +21

    Bez riči samo suze 😢🇭🇷♥️

  • @sanjasmukavic60
    @sanjasmukavic60 9 лет назад +70

    Prekrasan koncert,kao i svaki od Olivera naravno.Ali ova kombinacija njega i Stjepana je senzacionalna!Toliko puta sam već pogledala i poslušala ovaj koncert i nikako mi ne može dosaditi! Uživam od prvog do zadnjeg takta,od prve do zadnje pjesme...jednostavno uživancija za srce i dušu!

  • @velimirmiljkovic
    @velimirmiljkovic 6 лет назад +56

    Kako ja volim ovog coveka... Taj glas, tako nesto se vise ne radja... Ta patina u glasu... Potpuno jedinstvo...obozavam Olivera...i kad sam najveseliji ja njega mogu slusati

  • @lillemorsaxfors9353
    @lillemorsaxfors9353 4 года назад +31

    My very first time to hear Oliver and I may say that he really had an lovely voice and Stjepan sounds amazing on the Cello. Sadly I read the earlier comments that Oliver left us,
    RIP Oliver 🙏💜🙏 . Really 💯% Loved Listening to my ears. Thank You for wonderful music and songs. ❤👏❤👏❤

  • @josettegandebeuf7238
    @josettegandebeuf7238 3 года назад +13

    Quel belle rencontre entre Oliver et Hauser. Une très bonne école et excellent Duo. 😍

  • @ТатьянаМотрич-щ6у
    @ТатьянаМотрич-щ6у 3 года назад +19

    Боже,Спасибо,за великолепие прекрасного голоса Оливера,в сопровождении двух гениальных
    виолончелей Стьепана и Лукаса!

  • @vivianabaskovicperic297
    @vivianabaskovicperic297 6 лет назад +32

    Savršenstvo muzikalnosti, znanja talenta i ljubavi...saršenstvo u svemiru, nikad više nešto tako bez Olivera. Putuj hrabro dragi naš Oliver, volimo te...

    • @byebyebabybye1
      @byebyebabybye1 6 лет назад +1

      moja kcer se isto zove Viviana

    • @Hi_881
      @Hi_881 3 года назад

      Mogu da Se pridruzim bukvakno najljepši Koment za Hauser I Oliver kad god došla dobrodošla I Magdalena I potsjeti me stvarno najljepše odigrano 💋❤️

  • @roselinehenri5751
    @roselinehenri5751 4 года назад +19

    🤗🎶👏🎻🎶👏Quel beau concert . Un duo Oliver et Hauser ! Une rencontre de deux âmes sensibles qui communiquent si bien ensemble. Une perte ce grand artiste que fut Oliver . Cette vidéo est un beau trésor en sa mémoire . ❤️
    Du Québec au🇨🇦...🌺

  • @kirk6661
    @kirk6661 6 лет назад +15

    hvala Vam maestro... pozdrav iz slovačko. brača

    • @jebalica
      @jebalica 6 лет назад +2

      Hvala tebi brate. Pozdrav iz Hrvatske. Slovaci uvijek dobrodošli...

  • @vidacf4
    @vidacf4 6 лет назад +24

    Adio Galebe .. Hvala za sve i počivao u miru Božijem !

  • @josefinesteurer6384
    @josefinesteurer6384 3 года назад +6

    Das ist einmalig!! Die Beiden hat der Himmel zusammengeführt! Ein Konzert , dass man immer wieder gerne hört!! So harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmt!! Josefine

  • @olgabrajnovic584
    @olgabrajnovic584 Год назад +11

    Danas sam želila proslaviti poseban dan slušajući ovaj koncert s grupom španjolskih prijatelja. Prevela sam im tekstove pjesama i divili su se. I dalje me uzbuđuje kao prvog dana. Ovaj video je pravo blago.

  • @zitagrebliauskaite7396
    @zitagrebliauskaite7396 Год назад +2

    Aš Net pasiilgau gerbiamu muzikantų,jų labai mano širdžiai jū reikia..Nuostabus balsas ir visa kūno kalba Oliverio ir tarsi ramus žaismas,į kurį meistriškai įplaukia Hauseris.Mane tiesiog užburia,jų duetas.Ačiu Tau Oliveri,ramybės ir poilsio amžinybeje.❤❤

  • @mwake7
    @mwake7 4 года назад +23

    Such a beautiful song and cello complements it perfectly!
    Great to hear Croatian, again 👏👏💖🌹

  • @doelmajuder9762
    @doelmajuder9762 2 года назад +5

    The greatest musician and singer who captivates everyone's heart ❤ with his sweet earnest voice , so expressive of every emotion and feeling of love Maestro Stjephan Hauser played the most vibrant and lively music 🎶🎵 along making the performance most enjoyable and unforgettable These songs will be remembered for generations to come l love Oliver's smiles and happiness as he sings ,enjoying from. within his heart and soul The most beautiful, expressive voice that I have ever heard Together they opened up the skies and heaven to all that in so beautiful in the world 🌎 Thank you to the two greatest musicians that I will never forget ❤

    • @georgelewis1664
      @georgelewis1664 Год назад +1

      Thank you for your beautiful and sensitive comment . It’s easy to fall in love with this delightful music and these precious artists . We are blessed to be able to hear it and see it performed with utter class. I know your heart is pure. God bless you .

  • @irenaperkusic2768
    @irenaperkusic2768 4 года назад +45

    Preplakah cijeli koncert, bravo legende, volim vas

  • @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с
    @ЛюдмилаВилкина-н4с 3 года назад +17


  • @birgittalundkvist7009
    @birgittalundkvist7009 5 лет назад +31

    Stjepan, you two were magic together. Thanks for sharing your amazing music. And I am sorry for your loss

    • @tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348
      @tonyjeliccflstudiehandledn7348 4 года назад +1

      Glad du kunde uppskatta det vi har uppskattat sedan 70-talet,fru Lundkvist. Visst syftar jag på Oliver. Hur skulle en sådan artist kunna bryta igenom de språkliga o fördomsfulla barriärerna trots att han var that good? Hur kommer det sig att han hamnar på världskartan först när en yngling (Hauser) som har idealiserat honom i åratal väljer att uppträda med honom (sin idol)? I hope you got my point. Best regards, tony från Borås

  • @1970adac
    @1970adac 5 лет назад +15

    Galebe naš dobri. Hvala dragom Bogu kad smo te imali.Prerano si nas napustio,ali pjesme uz koje smo odrasli će nas uvijek vraćati na lijepo mjesto koje si nam obezbjedio.

  • @igormrkela4967
    @igormrkela4967 5 лет назад +31

    Od prvog do zadnjeg takta najbolje od muzike !!! Oliverove pjesme sam cuo kod barba Ive u kolima kad smo se vozili po Splitu davnih godina i tad sam valjda i prvi put zapjevao !!! Klanjam se od srca toj energiji i ljubavi koju cujem u svakoj pjesmi koju si otpjevao MOJ GALEBE !!! Tvoj let i dalje traje jer su pjesme koje si otpjevao vjecne !!! Pocivaj u miru bozijem !!!

  • @sarakukic
    @sarakukic 3 года назад +14

    Pjevaš nam i s neba, anđele Božji ❤️ hvala ti!

  • @carolynquirke5342
    @carolynquirke5342 4 года назад +23

    I’m so grateful for these videos of Oliver’s singing and Hauser’s diverse abilities on his cello to enhance the performance of them both. It’s obvious they enjoy and admire each other.

  • @eminemisirlioglu6716
    @eminemisirlioglu6716 3 года назад +18

    It was an amazing concert that I watched for the first time. Listening to these Amazing songs was like a dream. I wish my dear Oliver Dragojevic to sleep in lights. Dear Maestro, I would like to thank you a thousand times for your wonderful music, which you always present to us with care, and I congratulate you with all my heart for all your achievements today.🌹

  • @antoniovukadinovic2225
    @antoniovukadinovic2225 9 лет назад +75

    Magija i umjetnost predočeni u jednom koncertu, magija kojom Stjepan svira te umjetnost kojom Oliver pjeva!
    Veliki pozdrav za sve ljubitelje odlične glazbe, u čitanke za djecu ovakvi tekstovi.

  • @reginehospital3225
    @reginehospital3225 3 года назад +11

    Une bonne idée cette association...Oliver je l'ai tant aimé 🌟🕯🕊🌟⛵...c'est comme ça que j'ai connu votre musique 🎻, vos deux talents sont là...lui n'est plus mais je l'écoute toujours, alors quand c'est en votre accompagnement...quoi d'autre!
    Merci Stjepan 💖🌟

  • @plantaricmiha
    @plantaricmiha 3 года назад +9

    Ravnokar uspaval mojega 3-letnika..ob 1h ponoči. Vedno deluje.. prekrasna glasba❤️

  • @domnitianuelena522
    @domnitianuelena522 4 года назад +6

    Foarte frumos. Stjepan, atât de tânăr și atât de talentat, dragul de el.
    A acompaniat perfect, din tot sufletul.
    Ești un mare artist, Stjepan.

  • @marilynpelletier9804
    @marilynpelletier9804 4 года назад +19

    Absolutely fantastic. So sad Oliver left us much too soon. RIP.

  • @MultiOesterreich
    @MultiOesterreich 5 лет назад +44

    Two excellent musicians with unforgettable melodies. Excellent concert. Very peaceful. I will think about Oliver when I stay next week in Bogomolje/Hvar in front of Korcula.

  • @inesmolina1598
    @inesmolina1598 3 года назад +17

    ¡ La juventud de Hauser y la madurez de Oliver , dos grandes Maestros unidos en una melodía ,qué hermosura !

  • @omeralagic9529
    @omeralagic9529 4 года назад +5

    moj OLIVERE,, nikad ne staris .ZA MENE SI ZIV, lazu oni da si otisa,
    i mi dolazimo tamo. SIGURNO.

    • @NildaTrueba
      @NildaTrueba 7 месяцев назад

      Oliver no sé cómo no te conocía si hay una persona cantando con una dulzura y contanto gusto es Oliver 24:47 24:49

  • @teresadasilva4450
    @teresadasilva4450 3 года назад +21

    It is my first time watching and listening to this amazing concert in Croatia. As someone has said "it is an incredible Magnificent Musical Performance" by two musical genius of different generations. You deserve our admiration and our passion.

    • @elzbietamichalik4558
      @elzbietamichalik4558 2 года назад

      Bez tak utalentowanych artystów świat byłby pusty i smutny dzięki za radość jaką wnosicie do naszego życia ,maestro Stepan niech dalej nas obdarza swoją wspaniałą grą ‼️❤️🎻🎻🎻🎶🎻

  • @delydemata1130
    @delydemata1130 2 года назад +7

    "Live in Split" Full concert of Oliver and Hauser, both fantastic and wonderful musician.. A singer pianist and cello player, beautiful performance 🎼🎹🎶🎤🎻🎻🌹💕❤👏👏

  • @mandalenalindorfer2499
    @mandalenalindorfer2499 4 года назад +16

    Oliver für immer ❤️🙏🌹🕊🎼🎤✨🌌🌊❤️Mirno More Kapetane 🧿

  • @ЗояТонких
    @ЗояТонких 3 года назад +8

    Как Прекрасен замысел Бога для наших душ и многих других, которые связаны с нами.

  • @mike2langelo
    @mike2langelo 3 года назад +6

    Ne zaboravlja te Tuzla, dobri nas majstore ❤️

  • @celinespiegel1011
    @celinespiegel1011 3 года назад +11

    Just discovert this amazing concert..the dual complicity
    off Mr. Oliver together with Sjepan
    Hauser was magnificent...😍😍

  • @alenurasek7549
    @alenurasek7549 4 года назад +14

    Boźe, hvala Ti za ovu ljepotu, HVALA !!!!!

  • @elisabethmollard3656
    @elisabethmollard3656 Год назад +2

    Même si je ne comprend pas le Croate, la musique et les paroles sont magnifiques, merveilleuses, divines et toi Stjepan, tu suis le maître avec perfection, tu es sur le bon chemin, tu es même sur l'autoroute des merveilles, tu es un génie, j'aime lorsque tu chantes ces chansons avec ton papa,c'est Fantastique, souvenirs merveilleux, de là-haut, il est fière, merci pour lui.bravo.tu es un génie. Je t'aime. 🎹🎵🎶❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @darkfleet90
    @darkfleet90 6 лет назад +20

    Počivao u miru Božjem. Hvala ti.

  • @НинаЕргешева
    @НинаЕргешева 3 года назад +8

    Melodies & rhythmic cosonance of vocalist & accompaniment are so harmonic, that one may say: these two fine musicians, two different men - the elder & the younger one, are native father & son, so deeply they are understanding each other.
    So much sadness in a singer's voice. A beautiful duet of the highest level, both realise their talents maximally.
    I am surprised ( I'm surprised very very seldom, by the way).

  • @lolololo-up4te
    @lolololo-up4te 5 лет назад +17

    Meštre vječni,veliki čovječe počivaj u miru Božijem.......🍀

  • @reginajohnson4922
    @reginajohnson4922 9 лет назад +56

    I came across this concert on my birthday. Slušam i uživam, nemam riječi. Oliver i Stjepan / božanska kombinacija, dva vrhunska umjetnika. HVALA VAM!!! Vraćate me u rodnu Hrvatsku. Beskrajno sam vam zahvalna!!!

  • @NewEarthWellness
    @NewEarthWellness 6 лет назад +47

    Hi Stjepan, I'm so sorry for your loss. He had such a beautiful voice.

  • @mcarmenrodriguezbarros
    @mcarmenrodriguezbarros 9 месяцев назад +1

    Me siento en otra Galaxia!! Escuchando al Maestro Oliver su Música y Canto Divino. Sé encuentra en el Cielo Cómo el Ángel Real.
    Amenizando a todos los demás Ángeles... 😢❤❤ kisses Etjepan. Love❤❤