Charmed, bewitched, delighted, pacified.The magical maestro Hauser. His talent brings people back to the huge concert halls to beauty, inspiration, revives the viewer's sense of joy and happiness. It is a pity that there are very few such concerts, like a drop in the ocean. I hope that the Croatian cultural leadership will understand this. A genius of goodness and peace was born in your country, the unique and beloved performer cellist Stefan Hauser, who does not leave any viewer indifferent Who proudly carries the love of his homeland..
Ich bin aus der Schweiz und erst kürzlich durch Facebook auf Stepian Hauser gestossen. Dort habe ich erst meist kurze Videos gesehen, wo er oft in schönster Natur mit nackten Füssen Cello spielt und überaus sympathisch rüberkommt. Es folgten Videos von einigen Konzerten und ich verliebte mich unsterblich in diesen Ausnahmekuenstler. Heute nun dieses Konzert in Zagreb! So etwas habe ich noch nie erlebt, Stepian lebt seine Musik aus ganzer Seele und ich habe ständig Tränen der Emotion, könnte niederknien. Ein so junger Mensch mit diesem Tiefgang, mystisch! Solange es dies gibt, sind wir noch nicht verloren und mit dem Universum vereint. Würde mir eine DVD wünschen und , so Gott will (bin schon 80) einen Liveauftritt. Danke Stepian, jako te volim❤❤
Warum Stephan (und ein Gitarrist, der später einige Stücke mit ihm spielt ebenso) immer so den Mund bewegt? Niemand sonst im Orchester macht das. Hat das vielleicht eine kulturelle Bewandtnis? Möchte niemandem zu nahe treten aber interessieren würde es mich schon. Mea culpa.
I am both a performer and a producer in the music business for over 40 years. When I saw this performance I had to fight back the tears because it was such a moving experience. Thank you for reminding us of all the beauty and skill required to bring a cynic like me to be so moved by your performance and those of your companions, orchestra, and chorus. I wish you every success.
Благодарю за этот великолепный концерт, буду слушать много много раз, есть такая возможность, благодаря интернету, слёзы наворачиваются... Поделилась, отправила в ОК , хочу, чтобы все насладились БОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ МУЗЫКОЙ ! ! ! БРАВО БРАВО БРАВО! ! !
Et bienpɔ profiter bien mieu et faite vous de votre strategie pour toujour et moi meme jai le coeur paisoble quar je ne doi rien a personne dieu ma Beni abondament et je vie tranquille ma vie priver san avoir le contra du nouveile anne voila cest ce que vous tousse vous pansser seulemen qui vous a donner tous ce que vous tousse vous pansser avoir la cest grasse a moi et mes pettis familles aussi et moi meme aussi avec hausser jospin pettis Prince qui avai cree tous ca que tout le monde antier detien au jourduit et vous dever nous remerci saigneur qui nous ou qui mavai donner cette ider de createur qui vous tousse vous pansser avoir donner beauquou dargents le saigneur ne peu pas tout donner il faut qu il ya un donateur ou ma maison qui couvre tou les chose dabord avan tout san mes bien vous tousse vous ne pouver pas arriver des le debu jusquau pressedant cest mon propre document que vous tousse vous utiliser pour toujour et moi jai yeriman qui nous Guide tousse et ci vous croyer quile puissent travailler san rien guagner quour tous ca vous tousse vous utiliser notre maison avec ware et moi meme tranquille chez moi Grace a biya que yeriman avai labitude de travailler ofissielle avec moi meme aussi merssi yeriman tu voie je leurrai eclaissire pour quoi tu est assosier aussi avec hausser jospin et moi meme aussi et moi meme personne je te remerci beauquou infinimen avec hausser jospin pettis Prince et moi meme aussi mes pettis familles aussi main toi aussi tu est turbulent oui vraimen oui tu est taitu tu ne veux pas me laisser pour toujour et moi je te laisser ma belle soeur cherie que vous tousse vous utiliser mon mari hausser et tu voie vous trois dautres frere vous aite sacrer a moi et mes pettis familles aussi pour toujour amene yeriman appar pour que je puissent faire ma vie priver avec hausser jospin pettis Prince biento chez moi tranquille et vous serrer appar pour toujour amene yeriman toi ami de longue durer avec moi et hausser jospin 😅ce combat laisser tomber on nest tousse familles tranquille insseparable pour toujour amene efiri bisou laisser hausser jospin et travaille fixe san probleme okye dant la pay et de bonne acha a notre amour pour toujour amene yeriman pourra me Guide san probleme et gougle puissent aussi tu est turbulent oui vraimen tu me derange pour toujour dit moi surtous merssi ma belle maman fidelle natureille san probleme okye et je ne toublillerrer jamai pour toujour amene et je tavai beauquou gerrer san probleme et je trouve que tu est beauquou changer et ca reste accord du travaille fixe et tous doussemen ca vas yaller voir yeriman pourra te gerrer ca pour nous deux tranquille et tu a besoin de soutien pour tes pettis future famme okye yeriman cheri oui comme comvenu okye tu vas laider il est genti main turbulent comme assosier aussi avec hausser jospin pettis Prince et moi meme aussi nous devriont trouver dotre personne meme pour travaille fixe avec yongue aussi et cest media qui veule partager mon mari qui nous Guide san probleme comme comvenu ho yeriman votre famme pricsil est fatiguer mantalment et aussi trops de straisse jusqua presan je ne trouve pas mon mari hausser jospin pettis Prince et je sui fatiguer mantalment pssicologiquement il me faut seulemen de la musique damour musique classique serrai mieu pour moi et hausser jospin pettis Prince jospin pour moi merci beaucous asser inteligente bien sur cheri alor rajouter quoi vous aver toujour me gerrer san probleme okye merssi yeriman toi ami de notre amour pour toujour amene et moi meme aussi merssi dieu amene yeriman pourra tous prandre pour toujour amene 😅🎉😅❤
He is one of those musical performers who perform as though they are being channeled by some parahuman intelligence totally aligned to the spirit of the audience. Always a joy to watch and hear. Undefinable free spirit and superior technique.
In our current world of darkness and sadness, Hauser’s music offers peace, love, and tranquility to the soul of human existence. His music is the light and the rays of hope to a better and brighter future where darkness and sadness will never prevail.
Bez obzira koliko je vremena prošlo od izvođenja koncerta, nikad nije kasno uživati u izvedbi istog.Zbor , razni izvođači, orkestar, a posebno glavni izvođač na svom instrumentu cello, ispunili su moju dušu toplinom divnog ugođaja. Uz sve životne teškoće, vrijedi živjeti za ovakve trenutke. Bravo!!!🌻🌹
Bizous and God blessyou all the times of your life.I have no brothers or sisters,and I say : ÿoû are my brother, my best brother...,..mille bîzous!!!!.
E meraviglioso:diventa una cosa sola con il suo Instrumentierung che suona mirabilmente con tutto il suo essere con grande amore. non mi stanco mai di ascoltarlo. E grande!!!!
Хорватия страна поразительной красоты...Много десятилетий назад она ослепила меня вспышкой необыкновенной белизны и лазури на Адриатике,безудержным солнечным пожаром... Неудевительно,что именно она дала миру бесконечно талантливого,харизматичного музыканта- Степана Хаузера. КРАСОТА РОЖДАЕТ КРАСОТУ! ОН сливается в единое с инструментом,извлекая божественные звуки,возвышая нас и поднимая высоко,в бездонное небо своей Родины. Маленькая Хорватия какого же Гения родила ты!
Какие слова! Какой музыкант! Он сам эта музыка, просто она выходит через эти струны... Она Живая...Музыка.. Да Музыка сразу после Бога. А в этом слчае сам БОГ ЖИВЕТ....!... В МУЗЫКЕ... СЕРДЦЕ ПОЛНИТСЯ ЕЙ и Душа...
Многократно возвращаюсь к этому концерту. Вот это настоящая музыка!!! Настоящий Hauser!!! И время неподвластно!!! Браво, оркестру, дирижеру, хору!!! Браво, Маэстро!!!
@@zulaas1146 этот смайлик я очень не люблю , именно поэтому он для вас! Ваш комментарий;(Дамы !У вас божий дар и яичница в одной тарелке .Молимся поочередно. Вы оскорбили женщин которые писали искренние благодарности ! ваш уровень культуры😱
I've been living with pain for some years now. I had a spinal fusion operation in January and the healing went south. I crawled around my home on my hands and knees for weeks. Hauser and his music brings tears but with great peace. I become one with all souls in beauty. Thank you, sir.
Larry Brickey heart breaks for you. Totally understand the all consuming pain you describe. I had my third lumbar surgery this past Nov. with major success. The crawling on the floor sounds sickeningly familiar!
@@paulaplatner5943 Thank you. Things are moving forward. They've discovered one of the fusing vertebrae cracked. So in three months another cut and sew then yet one more new one to trim. Oh, I had a car accident Friday. How are you doing?
It is great spiritual🌹🤗 experience to listen to a choir of Angelic voices and a big orchestra with an excellent conductor accompanied by stjepan hauser 🎻 great cellist, together with a young soprano singer 🌹with a blessed pleasant clear voice... thanks and i wish you great success 💖in the future,amen🙏
I only discovered him last week and instantly fell in love with him and his music. This terrible virus is teaching us to be still and enjoy the finer things in life. .. Like the love, peace and joy of Hauser’s soul
Pochodze z males wioski na pomorzu ,nie znam nikogo kto kocha muzyke powazna, dzieki fb odkrylam Pana,jestem zachwycona,Pan to kocha,Pan sie nia bawi ,to takie naturalne, mam nadzieje ze kiedys w zyciu bede miala okazje posluchac Pana na zywo zdrowia zycze i duzej publicznosci
@@joannazielinska1383 Przez tego wirusa, to teraz mam wiecej czasu na zajecie sie wyzszymi wartosciami w zyciu i szukaniu dobrej muzyki. Jestem z takiego miasteczka Kwidzyn, na poludnie of Gdanska, choc obecnie mieszkam w Ottawie. Pozdrowienia
@@josephjackson1956 - on this one but not all of his music Either way he is a genius. Never was a fan oh Cello till I heard him play Id love to hear him play in Zagreb
I was listening for 2 glorious hours. Still without question, sent from God. Phenomenal musician from the heavens. I listen to no other. We are so blessed.
Thank you Stephan, Your playing must be the nearest thing we will hear when we get to Heaven, the exquisite harmony of the Angelic Court where everything is perfect, Praying for you that you will always be blessed in your playing and may you continue to raise all those who listen to you to peace and harmony of mind and body.
Закрываю глаза и....вижу море, оно спокойно, ласковые волны, касаясь прибрежного песка, шуршат камешками, образуя белые гребешки... Виолончель Хаузера покоряет чистотой звуков и реальностью происходящего...Спасибо маэстро!!!💝🌺💖
I’m in love ❤ with this beautiful piece of music: 🎼 The Albinoni Adagio….Every time I hear it…My soul flies to another dimension….Thanks for playing it for all your audience….❤❤❤
I'm a teenager... And went through lots of temptation and lots of mistakes. There are times I felt hopeless and lost. But Lauren's songs are the ones who gave me the comfort I need when I'm alone... Her songs speaks of all the things I experience. ❤❤❤ I just wanna say Thank you Lord for giving her the experience and idea to write these songs which became a blessings to some of us 🔥🔥🔥
Смотрю, как завороженная, не могу оторваться, хотя я по профессии далека от музыки! Благодарю Бога за то, что нашла Его в ютубе!!! Конечно он всех очаровал своей игрой, красотой, талантом!!!
This music is food for the soul. Thank you, Maestro Hauser for the gifts you give us all with your superb musical talent. I cherish you so much. You deserve an extraordinary life. Much love. Monica L.Z.🎉❤😂
Мне 70 лет,комментарии пишу редко,но меня настолько поразил этот человек .Господи,благодарю тебя,что дал мне возможность услышать и увидеть это чудо.Уважаемые родители,огромная вам благодарность и низкий поклон за сына.Для меня лично он спасение.Я украинка,всю жизнь живу в Донбассе.И каждый день смотрю и слушаю Степана.
Дорогая Любовь, через строки видна Ваша Душа. Пусть Господь хранит и благословляет Донбасс и Вас с близкими Вашими. А высокая Музыка и талантливые люди- это творцы и творение Бога. По образу и подобию Его. Этим мы, люди, едины и близки. С Богом и между собой. Обнимаю Вас. ❤️🙏🏻
Степан Хаузер одарённый Виолончелист, я разделяю с Вами восторг, потрясающий концерт! Я родилась в Донецке , на половину украинка ,скорей бы закончилось это безумие(Война) Счастья Вам , здоровья! Будем наслождаться игрой Stjepana hauser🤩💕🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷
Throughout these tumultuous times of war, hatred, greed, spite and envy comes the beautiful, soul filling music of Hauser and his cello which speaks volumes of love, peace, harmony and joy.. Music shall remain and live long after war. Thank you so much for this sheer joy.
Yes for sure always beautiful and relaxing with music ,music in any languages. I love music and I lessening to all but clascal music and music with out clascal there's no music.
So einen unsäglich lieben Blick wie Stepian Hauser manchmal seinen jeweiligen Solopaertner/innen in diesem Konzert schenckt, möchte ich auch mal erhalten. Ich glaube mein Herz würde auf Wolke sieben entschweben, denn ich verehre diesen Cellisten so sehr. ❤
@Stjepan Hauser You are an amazing musician Stjepan! We love listening to you play, you make your cello sing so beautifully! God bless you, as you continue sharing your gift of music with the world! We do need more heart felt, beautiful music, especially in the crazy days we are living in at the time. Thank you for pouring your heart and love into your wonderful music! You are truly a gifted cello player!
:} and that Cello voice wells up saline water from, since my childhood. For sweet is the depth of tone, its frequencies penetrating my sinew and bone, noting strokes soothing my HeartSoul.
It is the first time that I hear a Classical Concert with Stjepan Hauser of such beauty. I am deeply impressed as I know him from romantic songs only. ❤
Just totally beautiful. How anyone could downvote this glorious music, I cannot understand. The orchestra, Hauser, and the organist...just glorious. Watching his face, one can see that he is totally enraptured by this glorious music. When ANZAC Day comes up in Australia on the 25th of April, I always play this Adagio on my radio program because it was used so incredibly emotionally in Peter Weir's film "Gallipoli"
@@marlenerodulfa4397 Of coufse, you are right! I love the way he encourages this young girl with such a beautiful voice. He is always lovely to his guests :) I suspect that his first love IS classical music, even though he plays other genres (including rock) so brilliantly.
Diana Hockley I read his biography when I first heard of the 2CELLOS. I wanted to know all about him and Luka Sulic. Yes, he’s trained in classical music at a young age of 8 and been playing since. Trained with the best masters in Croatia, Vienna and London. Luka started at age 5 in classical music too in Croatia and London. When 2CELLOS took a break from doing concerts all over the world, Hauser did solo concerts. Luka married and have children now. Don’t know if they’ll be back together in the future but Stjepan’s solo concerts are great. I love them.
I've lost track of how many times I've watched or just listened to this fabulous concert. It's a delightful assortment of music, with amazing soloists, orchestra, and youth choir. Elisabeth Fuchs is genius in her ability to hold it all together! Thank you, Hauser, for sharing these musical favorites of yours with the world, and making it a more peaceful place.
Es divino yo cuando lo oigo ,pienso un Maestro como Hauser abra muy pocos es especial. Me quedo dormida con su música y es un na suerte que darme pensando en su música , te relaja y así no piensa en mis penas
Yes, I totally agree. I hope Hauser that you are truly happy and at peace, which I believe you are cause I don’t see how you could bring so much joy and peace to millions of us who are moved to the depths of our being if you were not. But I also realize that you must also have your moments of loss, loneliness and wonder what’s my life all about , but maybe just maybe that is what brings such depth of wonder to the music you create. As a priest I can only hope and pray that my life brings such joy and wonderment as you do to us who have great joy and peace in finding you….😊
The feelings you emote when you play touch the souls of everyone who listens. No, it's not just your good looks & sense of humor, it's your gift that you share. Thank you!
Как прекрасен. Господь, что создаёт таких талантливых, в совершенстве, людей. Степан,. Вам долгих лет жизни Берегите себя, не растрачйвайтесь по мелочам. Один муж, одна жена.. И тогда у вас будет всё отлично.... Храни, вас,. Господь. Радуйте. Бога и нас. 🙏Аминь❤
Нет, милая Степан Хаузер не женат, не имеет детей 😊 Степан Хаузер и Зоя близнецовые пламена Бога Всемогущего ❤ любя побеждаем 😊 наши сердца бьются в ритме любви 😊
Imagine singing this, as I did. A singer has to concentrate very hard to convey the message the composer intended to. Even then tears can hardly be held back.
It's what I imagine Heaven will sound like. One of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written in my opinion. You can't help but cry. Praying that you recover soon from covid. May our Lord and His angels protect you now and always.
I agree, he has a heaven-sent gift. My heart goes out to you for the difficult health issues you are experiencing. Here is a caring embrace from one human to another.☺️🙏
Fantastic…reminded me of my dad and how much he loved cello…he was the pioneer in Shahs time in Iran, he was the head of Philharmonic . He played drums and violin. Had his own quartet with other classical music lovers practicing in our living room. But cello was his favorite. Bravo Hauser and everyone in the orchestra and choir and the conductor. For the first time after thirty years that he has passed you made me cry and remember him. 🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
Als Kind hat mich in Detmold ein Kammerorchester adoptiert Meine Ersatzmutter war Elly Nay da zu gehoerten auch Wolfgang Schneiderhan Adolf Scheerbom Hans -Richter -Hase ,
I am Japanese. I was tired because of my work, my family, and many difficult things. However, he is healed recently knowing this person. He is so handsome and has a great performance. Thank you very much.
There are no words that adequately give the proper praise to this concert. Have watched it 3x and each time it outperforms itself due to the incredible talent of Maestro Stephan. Thank you for sharing this 🙏 amazing concert. I cherish you so much, Hauser. ❤❤❤❤❤mlzmuda
Que bonito ,tocas 😍 eres un artista del Violanchero , nunca pensé que me gustaría tanto tu música con todos los que son también unos grades artistas es fantástico oírlos 🎉 y Hauser es un fenómeno
As many people have said this concert is one that I have gone back to many times. In fact this was something that gave me comfort last fall as my father's health declined and he subsequently passed away. I would sit with him at his bedside playing this music so that we could simply be. That was a magical and special time.
As an afficianado of fine music, I am on a constant quest seeking out virtuosity internationally. I find here a real treasure trove in the various performers, choir and orchestra. Hauser is the shining light shining in the midst. I am humbled by such virtuosity and deem it beyond any sense of entitlement, for my ears are not worthy to hear such incredible heavenly beauty as I am hearing at the moment. Call it awestruck or whatever one would like to call it. I call it defying to the critical ear and it won. Thank you Hauser and thank all those who participated in this event. I am sure of one thing. This concert will be long remembered and referred to by afficianados like myself for years to come. It is my obligation to carry forth the name Hauser, wherever I go and with whom I shall speak regarding his work and this concert. I am emotionally and spiritually moved. Hauser pronounces the word love in the most eloquent way ! Again from me to you, Hauser, thank you so very much !!!
Peter Kinberger...your evaluation of Hauser is nothing short of brilliance itself. I was humbled to read your touching review of this magnificent music. You are obviously a treasure trove in your own right! Thank you, Peter Kinberg and Hauser for brightening this gloomy lockdown day.
This is the most amazing talent I have encountered in my 70 years of living. This man is so gifted! Thank you for sharing this beautiful talent. I'm so humbled. Thank you, Annie
❤❤ich bin untroestlich, Stepjan Hauser nicht schon viel frueher begegnet zu sein. Aber es noch nicht zu spaeht, seine himmlische Musik ganz und gar zu geniessen, die uns mit dem Universum vereint.❤❤
Stjepan has helped me come out of a deep hole of depression after losing people who meant a lot to me. I am so grateful that he exists, and that I found him right in time ❤
This concert is like catharsis for my soul...I close my eyes and hear only music...thank you...orchestra and amazing solist Stjepan Houser the best wizard and cellist...🥺😘🥰🙏
Just looking at him playing , his face showing us all the passion is yes divine... no words to describe all i felt during this concert... 🌹 thank you for your talent your vibrant energy and thank to all the musicians all talented
Ein spezielles Lob möchte ich auch aussprechen für die perfekte Kamerafuehrung dieses Videos. Sie bringt Stephan Hauser, aber auch den Maedchenchor , die einzelnen Solisten um die Hauptfigur, die Dirigentin, das gesamte Orchester, die Stimmung im Saal, etc. optimal zur Geltung. Man konnte diese excellente Aufführung maximal geniessen. Vielen herzlichen Dank! 😘
The entire orchestra had sheet music...our genius HAUSER had none in front of him...hie played from his head and his HEART!!! Such a gift to the world!!! I wish there was a recording of this concert...imagine a long drive through hills, forests or the desert listening to all of this....
00:34 Benedictus (K. Jenkins) 09:05 Pie Jesu (A. L. Webber) feat. Josephine Ida Zec, child soprano 13:00 Ave Maria (F. Schubert) 17:50 Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J. S. Bach) 21:08 Prelude from Cello Suite no.1 (J. S. Bach) 23:40 Panis Angelicus (C. Franck) 28:08 Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott from St. Matthew Passion (J. S. Bach) 36:20 Passacaglia (Handel - Halvorsen) 44:37 Adagio (Albinoni) 51:47 Salut d'Amour (E. Elgar) 54:40 Song from a Secret Garden (Secret Garden) 58:28 Mia & Sebastian’s Theme from La La Land (J. Hurwitz) 1:02:47 Adagio from Concierto de Aranjuez (J. Rodrigo) 1:09:13 Aria (Cantilena) from Bachianas Brasileiras (H.Villa - Lobos) 1:14:56 Tango en Skai (R. Dyens) 1:18:27 Hungarian Rhapsody op. 68 (D. Popper) 1:27:52 The Swan (C. Saint-Saëns)
I can. As I listen only think as we say here mo ait Fein (my own place) as it allows me to relax and think of family and how I'm blessed to have from his music been granted the knowledge of my children and my grandchildren s value to me
Hauser - это человек, появившийся на Свет вместе с музыкальным инструментом, без которого его жизнь невозможна. Они - единое целое. Спасибо за встречу с этой уникальной Личностью!
Listening to this concert is like visiting a special place in heaven. Every piece is my favorite. It is such a special thing to have this opportunity to listen to all of these beautiful people together. Mr. Hauser's expressive and passionate playing takes me on a journey of musical ecstasy. Words fail to express my gratitude for sharing this concert.
Stjepan Hauser, Live in Zagreb, Full Classical concert. Passionate, powerful. Heavenly angelic music. Thank you all. The choir,superb. The musicians,so talented. Elisabeth Fuchs, brilliant conductor. Stjepan Hauser, your parents are proud of you, so am I. The applause is from all the grateful people that you have made happy during this difficult time. God Bless you and your family. 🙏🏻 please do not stop playing your beloved Cello, ❤️
We do not only enjoy his marvelous performance but also all his musicians. They all the time smile and enjoy his 🎶 what to say about his pianist??!!OH my God!I do not have words to describe my feelings God blessing all of them
Yo estoy de acuerdo contigo cariño y cada época tiene lo suyo pero es una realidad que hay que prestar atención a las influencias a las que sometemos a veces a los cambios que van teniendo prioridad en los cambios que tenemos que hacer para poder llegar a una meta apropiada para no exagerar los cambios.
she is excellent, first time i saw her conducting this orchestra for Stjepan her manner towards him was very cool and unimpressed looking, I have to say it looks as if he has won her over 100%
Beautiful. Thank you to this wonderful orchestra, the soloists and to you, Mr Hauser. You are a truly generous, large-hearted artist, making those who perform with you as comfortable as you can with your encouraging looks, warm smiles and hugs. A deep, playful, beautiful soul. And it all comes out in your music. May you always remain as sweet and generous, and keep making gorgeous music.
Thank you for the truth that you saw in Hauser If you saw that qualities, it's because you have that qualities too Life has many many good and beautiful qualities We just need to pay atention and feel with our hearts Life is a Great Miracle
Dear Mr Hauser, your performance is exceptional!!! You are one of the most talented musicians worldwide!!! I listen to your music every single day. It helps me remain calm something I need the most, especially this hard period we 're all going through! My best wishes to you!! Much love from Greece!!
I listen daily too. The music goes into my brain in the spot that gives great pleasure and I spend the rest of the day with the afterglow. Have never heard a musician play the soul of the music. He does it !!! A real gift he is sharing with us!!!!
Estou apaixonada pôr músico eu mim identifico com esse tipo de música adimiro esse músico Todas palmas pra Ele Deus os Abençoe. Toca ao meu coração Também minha Alma parabéns.
Still love this piece and its meaning. Congratulations to the Welsh composer, the female conductor, the young singers and most of all to Hauser. Beautiful meditation piece for the discord in the world.
The moment i watched Hauser's music video for the first time, i got hooked to his melodious music. He certainly has the power to make us feel absolute peace & happiness. Stay blessed always.
I only recently discovered this wonderfully talented musician, it was love at first note, Thank you for sharing your God Given talent with the world you are obviously so adored and appreciated by your fans! God Bless you 🛐
Tu joues comme un 🤴 de Croatie tu es un ange pour moi tomber des cieux merveilleux merci mon Genie du Cello,plus tu joues plus je tremble de bonheur et de joie,tu es mon amour mon maestro romantique plein de ressources humaines je penses rien que a entendre joué j es des frissons partout ta musique enchanteresse me font voir des étoiles partout , mais sait toi l etoiles mon Stjephan Hauser,et cela pour toutes ta vie et merci aussi a l orchestre le solo de violon les chants de ces jeunes filles et le 🎹🎹 et le chef d orchestre vous êtes tous des jeunes gens avec des dons extraordinaires avec vous tous pour toujours et que dieux veilles sur vous pour toujours 😢😢❤❤merci pour cette belle performances mon MAESTRO romantique incroyable UNE ETOILE ES NÉ EN CROATIE un pays merveilleux merci 😘😢😮 merci pour cette merveilleuse etoiles 🌟🔯🌟🔯 et que la paix règne sur la terre ça ne peut être autrement avec cette passion de MAESTRO romantique Stjephan Hauser 😢❤😮👏👏💋💋🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️🎹🎹🎹🙋🙋
May I recommend you listen to Dimash. He has the same effect on many throughout the world. He is a you Kazhak singer, only 26 but with the voice of an angel. His humility, gentleness and respect is a beautiful thing. He was unknown apart from in his own country until he guested in the Singer competition in China 2017. (Gloria Wu RUclips channel is excellent). He brings calm, hope and emotion in all of his songs and is the most accomplished singer in the world. I would love to see and hear a collaboration with Hauser.
cada vez que lo veo ,brotan lagrimas de emoción como si fuera la primera vez , el adagio es sublime ! te toca el alma ! la orquesta , el teatro, la acustica, el organo, el coro , la directora , todo es perfecto !!! ovación de pie !
I was watching classical concerts on Utube for past 6 hours. First time I’ve listened to Hauser. Oh my goodness, I hate the fact that I haven’t been listening to him before today. I’m memorized watching him. The entire concert is awesome! I will definitely look for all of Hauser’s music💜
Спасибо, дорогой Степан! Твоя музыка лечит мои раны сердца, сейчас живём в страшное время, теряем знакомых, друзей, близких! Пусть тебя это не коснётся!!! Нахожу тебя на каналах, слушаю музыку в твоём исполнении и обретаю силы и свободу дышать и дальше жить! Береги себя!!!
Спасибо большое, спасибо огромное. Каждый раз испытываешь непередаваемые чувства при прослушивании произведений в вашем исполнении. Всего вам доброго, удачи, постоянного творчества в работе, большого личного счастья, которое поможет вам ещё красивее показать ваши возможности.
I truly appreciate the high quality of his cello playing as a former concert violinist and daughter of a concert cellist. Bravo and thank you for your wonderful execution and pathos.
Absolutely superb. The choir, soloists, orchestra, and Hauser had me enthralled. Thank you so much for such superlative musicians and singers. You should be very proud of yourselves.
Everyone who listen or watch Houser perform is captivated by his love and passion for this 🎉😂beautiful music he plays he is pure majic .loved by all.Val
Charmed, bewitched, delighted, pacified.The magical maestro Hauser. His talent brings people back to the huge concert halls to beauty, inspiration, revives the viewer's sense of joy and happiness. It is a pity that there are very few such concerts, like a drop in the ocean. I hope that the Croatian cultural leadership will understand this. A genius of goodness and peace was born in your country, the unique and beloved performer cellist Stefan Hauser, who does not leave any viewer indifferent Who proudly carries the love of his homeland..
da hauser je neko posebno.
Only Hauser can makes this kind out of the world music!
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉graciasporlindacancio es
@@mariettestabel275❤lepo hvala na lepim recima❤❤
Vă mulțumesc ,ca întotdeauna ne încăntati inima ,mintea și mai cu seamă sufletul !!!❤
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:24分
Da așa e ❤
My children...once asked me were God lives...He lives in this man...and breaths through his music...he brings me to tears of joy... thank you..
@Stjepan Hauser you stir my soul...
Pela alegria que sua música proporciona, agradeço ter conhecido a música clássica ou ligeira . Obrigada
@Stjepan Hauser Fake account!
Oh !how well spoken that was , u have a heart filled with love and kindness ,and that is wonderful quality's to see.isnt he soo awesome..💖
Very nice.
Ich bin aus der Schweiz und erst kürzlich durch Facebook auf Stepian Hauser gestossen. Dort habe ich erst meist kurze Videos gesehen, wo er oft in schönster Natur mit nackten Füssen Cello spielt und überaus sympathisch rüberkommt. Es folgten Videos von einigen Konzerten und ich verliebte mich unsterblich in diesen Ausnahmekuenstler. Heute nun dieses Konzert in Zagreb! So etwas habe ich noch nie erlebt, Stepian lebt seine Musik aus ganzer Seele und ich habe ständig Tränen der Emotion, könnte niederknien. Ein so junger Mensch mit diesem Tiefgang, mystisch! Solange es dies gibt, sind wir noch nicht verloren und mit dem Universum vereint. Würde mir eine DVD wünschen und , so Gott will (bin schon 80) einen Liveauftritt. Danke Stepian, jako te volim❤❤
Warum Stephan (und ein Gitarrist, der später einige Stücke mit ihm spielt ebenso) immer so den Mund bewegt? Niemand sonst im Orchester macht das. Hat das vielleicht eine kulturelle Bewandtnis? Möchte niemandem zu nahe treten aber interessieren würde es mich schon. Mea culpa.
❤❤Dereinst in Stepjans
1:30:55 1:30:57
❤❤Dereinst in seinen Armen zu sterben, stelle ich mir so schön vor, würde den Übergang in die andere Dimension zu einem friedlichen Erlebnis machen❤
❤❤❤Ich verehre dich wie noch nie jemanden anderen in meinem Leben!❤❤❤
I am both a performer and a producer in the music business for over 40 years. When I saw this performance I had to fight back the tears because it was such a moving experience. Thank you for reminding us of all the beauty and skill required to bring a cynic like me to be so moved by your performance and those of your companions, orchestra, and chorus. I wish you every success.
Andrew Franks : Ditto
Thank you
let them tears fall its beautifull
Andrew Franks, same here, except I am neither a performer nor a producer of music.
Valóban fantasztikus koncert! Hamarosan jön Budapestre is!
A Marvellous human being with music in his heart. Plays with his soul for everyone
That's so true about him his such a lovely person ❤️ 💕 💗
Благодарю за этот великолепный концерт, буду слушать много много раз, есть такая возможность, благодаря интернету, слёзы наворачиваются... Поделилась, отправила в ОК , хочу, чтобы все насладились БОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ МУЗЫКОЙ ! ! ! БРАВО БРАВО БРАВО! ! !
Разделяю с вами восторг,слушпя этого прекрасного исполнителя мирового уровня.
Yo no puedo dormir si no le escucho,es asombro ,Hauser es lo más grande que hay en la tierra
I agree with you. From Japan 🇯🇵, JST、4:43分
Et bienpɔ profiter bien mieu et faite vous de votre strategie pour toujour et moi meme jai le coeur paisoble quar je ne doi rien a personne dieu ma Beni abondament et je vie tranquille ma vie priver san avoir le contra du nouveile anne voila cest ce que vous tousse vous pansser seulemen qui vous a donner tous ce que vous tousse vous pansser avoir la cest grasse a moi et mes pettis familles aussi et moi meme aussi avec hausser jospin pettis Prince qui avai cree tous ca que tout le monde antier detien au jourduit et vous dever nous remerci saigneur qui nous ou qui mavai donner cette ider de createur qui vous tousse vous pansser avoir donner beauquou dargents le saigneur ne peu pas tout donner il faut qu il ya un donateur ou ma maison qui couvre tou les chose dabord avan tout san mes bien vous tousse vous ne pouver pas arriver des le debu jusquau pressedant cest mon propre document que vous tousse vous utiliser pour toujour et moi jai yeriman qui nous Guide tousse et ci vous croyer quile puissent travailler san rien guagner quour tous ca vous tousse vous utiliser notre maison avec ware et moi meme tranquille chez moi Grace a biya que yeriman avai labitude de travailler ofissielle avec moi meme aussi merssi yeriman tu voie je leurrai eclaissire pour quoi tu est assosier aussi avec hausser jospin et moi meme aussi et moi meme personne je te remerci beauquou infinimen avec hausser jospin pettis Prince et moi meme aussi mes pettis familles aussi main toi aussi tu est turbulent oui vraimen oui tu est taitu tu ne veux pas me laisser pour toujour et moi je te laisser ma belle soeur cherie que vous tousse vous utiliser mon mari hausser et tu voie vous trois dautres frere vous aite sacrer a moi et mes pettis familles aussi pour toujour amene yeriman appar pour que je puissent faire ma vie priver avec hausser jospin pettis Prince biento chez moi tranquille et vous serrer appar pour toujour amene yeriman toi ami de longue durer avec moi et hausser jospin 😅ce combat laisser tomber on nest tousse familles tranquille insseparable pour toujour amene efiri bisou laisser hausser jospin et travaille fixe san probleme okye dant la pay et de bonne acha a notre amour pour toujour amene yeriman pourra me Guide san probleme et gougle puissent aussi tu est turbulent oui vraimen tu me derange pour toujour dit moi surtous merssi ma belle maman fidelle natureille san probleme okye et je ne toublillerrer jamai pour toujour amene et je tavai beauquou gerrer san probleme et je trouve que tu est beauquou changer et ca reste accord du travaille fixe et tous doussemen ca vas yaller voir yeriman pourra te gerrer ca pour nous deux tranquille et tu a besoin de soutien pour tes pettis future famme okye yeriman cheri oui comme comvenu okye tu vas laider il est genti main turbulent comme assosier aussi avec hausser jospin pettis Prince et moi meme aussi nous devriont trouver dotre personne meme pour travaille fixe avec yongue aussi et cest media qui veule partager mon mari qui nous Guide san probleme comme comvenu ho yeriman votre famme pricsil est fatiguer mantalment et aussi trops de straisse jusqua presan je ne trouve pas mon mari hausser jospin pettis Prince et je sui fatiguer mantalment pssicologiquement il me faut seulemen de la musique damour musique classique serrai mieu pour moi et hausser jospin pettis Prince jospin pour moi merci beaucous asser inteligente bien sur cheri alor rajouter quoi vous aver toujour me gerrer san probleme okye merssi yeriman toi ami de notre amour pour toujour amene et moi meme aussi merssi dieu amene yeriman pourra tous prandre pour toujour amene 😅🎉😅❤
😅환상의 듀엣. 연주 후 포옹하는 두 분의 모습이 너무나도 아름다워 보입 니다. 연주로 하나 되는 청중.혼신의 힘을 다 해 연주하는 hauser 님 마치 천상계에 와 있는 듯합니다.🎉😊❤ 대중이 들으면 알 만한 많이 들어왔던 곡들이여서 감동 백배로 감상합니다
He is one of those musical performers who perform as though they are being channeled by some parahuman intelligence totally aligned to the spirit of the audience. Always a joy to watch and hear. Undefinable free spirit and superior technique.
Питам свбе си и нямам отговор.Ако някой може моля да отговори.ЗЕМЕН ЧОВЕК ЛИ Е СТЕПАН ИЛИ АНГЕЛ СЛЕЗАЛ ОТ НЕБЕТО,???.
Non vedo più i programmi che avevo. Prima
Sou eu Natália Ribeiro de Oliveira ♥️❤️🎻🎻♥️♥️do Brasil meu amor poços de calda Minas Gerais ♥️♥️🎻🎻♥️♥️🌹💋
Very amazing
@@yordankamishkarova4723Stjepan is a God sent message to humanity ....let there be love ,peace & tranquility in the world
In our current world of darkness and sadness, Hauser’s music offers peace, love, and tranquility to the soul of human existence. His music is the light and the rays of hope to a better and brighter future where darkness and sadness will never prevail.
ou are so right
your words are so true
I am crying, hopeful, and amazed. What beatific sound..............straight from heaven.
Agree with every word that is written. blessed be the pleasaure he brings to us in his divine playing.
En cette période troublée
De l'espoir et moins de stress
The instant he starts playing the "benedicitus ", he grabs a hold of your soul and brings it on a voyage.......
I never had such an experience!
@Stjepan Hauser Your music brings comfort and hope and tears of joy. Thank you Mister for this.Kind regards From Belgium
@@fabiennedepauw424 That's fake account!
@@dragodrazenovic1064 Oh 👎🏽
Bez obzira koliko je vremena prošlo od izvođenja koncerta, nikad nije kasno uživati u izvedbi istog.Zbor , razni izvođači, orkestar, a posebno glavni izvođač na svom instrumentu cello, ispunili su moju dušu toplinom divnog ugođaja. Uz sve životne teškoće, vrijedi živjeti za ovakve trenutke. Bravo!!!🌻🌹
Merci, ßtepan!! Mireille from the soûth of France .occitañia... 12:54
Bizous and God blessyou all the times of your life.I have no brothers or sisters,and I say : ÿoû are my brother, my best brother...,..mille bîzous!!!!.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂3😂😂😂😂I enjoy with your musik😊😊😊
When Hauser is not breaking strings he is breaking hearts with music like this
E meraviglioso:diventa una cosa sola con il suo Instrumentierung che suona mirabilmente con tutto il suo essere con grande amore. non mi stanco mai di ascoltarlo. E grande!!!!
Хорватия страна поразительной красоты...Много десятилетий назад она ослепила меня вспышкой необыкновенной белизны и лазури на Адриатике,безудержным солнечным пожаром...
Неудевительно,что именно она дала миру бесконечно талантливого,харизматичного музыканта- Степана Хаузера.
ОН сливается в единое с инструментом,извлекая божественные звуки,возвышая нас и поднимая высоко,в бездонное небо своей Родины.
Маленькая Хорватия какого же Гения родила ты!
Какие слова! Какой музыкант! Он сам эта музыка, просто она выходит через эти струны... Она Живая...Музыка.. Да Музыка сразу после Бога. А в этом слчае сам БОГ ЖИВЕТ....!... В МУЗЫКЕ... СЕРДЦЕ ПОЛНИТСЯ ЕЙ и Душа...
Музыка и исполнение божественны!
I love Hauser in the way he plays the cello❤❤
So elegantly stated and true.
@@user-vo7ux7we9f ❤❤❤
I haven't seen anything like this in my life. Playing by heart. The relationship between the musicians on some mystical level.
Maravilhoso ouvir !!!!
@Stjepan Hauser Estou fascinada... lindo!
Very true love to Hauser
Yes but aren't they reading music
@@cattycassals might be.
Hvala genij za violončelo Stefan Hauser.
Amazing performance, thank you Houser. Blessed you are. May the Lord keep you and your orchestra, continuing to blessing the World.
Los felicito a todos a los coristas a la violinista a Hauser y todos en general gracias la música es el alimento del alma
@Ignacio Parada this has nothing to do with Hauser so why put it up keep to music his country had it share of killing and war
nice ok hai no hater nois color vimn twud wolrd feke no ok mis ok so brasiiil
@@romasimpson3064 who has a clean heart and deed dare throw this first stone.
Многократно возвращаюсь к этому концерту. Вот это настоящая музыка!!! Настоящий Hauser!!! И время неподвластно!!! Браво, оркестру, дирижеру, хору!!! Браво, Маэстро!!!
Почитай ответ на твой коммент, настоящая😱
@@zulaas1146 этот смайлик я очень не люблю , именно поэтому он для вас! Ваш комментарий;(Дамы !У вас божий дар и яичница в одной тарелке .Молимся поочередно. Вы оскорбили женщин которые писали искренние благодарности ! ваш уровень культуры😱
@@veraaleshina526 К чему вы развели склоку? Любите пошуметь?
Да, вечна музыка, природа. Жаль, люди не совершенней год от года...
I agree with you. From Japan 🇯🇵, JST、4:06分
I've been living with pain for some years now. I had a spinal fusion operation in January and the healing went south. I crawled around my home on my hands and knees for weeks. Hauser and his music brings tears but with great peace. I become one with all souls in beauty. Thank you, sir.
Larry Brickey heart breaks for you. Totally understand the all consuming pain you describe. I had my third lumbar surgery this past Nov. with major success. The crawling on the floor sounds sickeningly familiar!
How you feeling today Larry?
@@paulaplatner5943 Thank you. Things are moving forward. They've discovered one of the fusing vertebrae cracked. So in three months another cut and sew then yet one more new one to trim. Oh, I had a car accident Friday. How are you doing?
@@larrybrickey1133 All the best Larry for complete healing
@@lizclarke6674 Thank you. Might have more surgery in August. In the meantime I just endure and thank God I'm alive.
It is great spiritual🌹🤗 experience to listen to a choir of Angelic voices and a big orchestra with an excellent conductor accompanied by stjepan hauser 🎻 great cellist, together with a young soprano singer 🌹with a blessed pleasant clear
voice... thanks and i wish you great success 💖in the future,amen🙏
I only discovered him last week and instantly fell in love with him and his music. This terrible virus is teaching us to be still and enjoy the finer things in life. .. Like the love, peace and joy of Hauser’s soul
Pochodze z males wioski na pomorzu ,nie znam nikogo kto kocha muzyke powazna, dzieki fb odkrylam Pana,jestem zachwycona,Pan to kocha,Pan sie nia bawi ,to takie naturalne, mam nadzieje ze kiedys w zyciu bede miala okazje posluchac Pana na zywo zdrowia zycze i duzej publicznosci
Could not agree more. I also just discovered this incredible player- for all the reasons you have mentioned.
Check him and his music partner under The Two Cellos. They make amazing music together.
Przez tego wirusa, to teraz mam wiecej czasu na zajecie sie wyzszymi wartosciami w zyciu i szukaniu dobrej muzyki.
Jestem z takiego miasteczka Kwidzyn, na poludnie of Gdanska, choc obecnie mieszkam w Ottawie.
How in the world does Stjepan Hauser contain so much musical genius in his brain and so much passion in him??? A God-given gift, just incredible
He is truly unbelievable .
Just look at the name of the pieces. :) They are religiously inspired.
@@josephjackson1956 - on this one but not all of his music
Either way he is a genius.
Never was a fan oh Cello till I heard him play
Id love to hear him play in Zagreb
I agree .
I absolutely agree!
HAUSER definitely plays the most exquisite music ever heard. He is an exceptional musician.
I was listening for 2 glorious hours. Still without question, sent from God. Phenomenal musician from the heavens. I listen to no other. We are so blessed.
Hi dear how are u doing today, how's your day going so far
@@theresarolfes123 I love that
I wholeheartedly agree with you!
You re a real musician !
I've only discovered Hauser recently - smart phone. Totly totally bewitched by his music/playfulness. I'm 81 yrs young!! Living in rural Ireland
The Cello may be the most celestial of all instruments and Hauser is one of its masters.
I really enjoy Hauser’s cello music. So very good.
Ma questo e per me molto bello. Il mare e qui anche la solitudine del mondo. Bravo.
Király vagy Hauser! A cselló királya! ☘️💫🌟🌹🌾🌾🌟⭐️
Hauser is nothing short of being a master of his artistry and talent..this world is blessed with him in it..playing for us all!
Thank you Stephan, Your playing must be the nearest thing we will hear when we get to Heaven, the exquisite harmony of the Angelic Court where everything is perfect, Praying for you that you will always be blessed in your playing and may you continue to raise all those who listen to you to peace and harmony of mind and body.
great music, I love it and listen to it every morning
Закрываю глаза и....вижу море, оно спокойно, ласковые волны, касаясь прибрежного песка, шуршат камешками, образуя белые гребешки...
Виолончель Хаузера покоряет чистотой звуков и реальностью происходящего...Спасибо маэстро!!!💝🌺💖
Maravillosa música que alimenta el alma
Не са нужни слова....
Hauser eres talento y genio gracias desde Argentina Patagonia Neuquen Ana Sbattella
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:22分
Hauser, Hauser, Hauser ❤ Benedictus, Benedictus, Benedictus ,if there is a Paradise here on Earth,it is This,it is This,it is This ❤
I’m in love ❤ with this beautiful piece of music: 🎼 The Albinoni Adagio….Every time I hear it…My soul flies to another dimension….Thanks for playing it for all your audience….❤❤❤
His musicianship is so accomplished, the music seems to go straight from his soul to those who can hear it.
Köszönöm ezt lélekmelengető gyönyörű előadást!🙏👋
I am happy to know we are in the same world and I can heat his music 🎶 🎵
He is divinely blessed from above.
I'm a teenager... And went through lots of temptation and lots of mistakes. There are times I felt hopeless and lost. But Lauren's songs are the ones who gave me the comfort I need when I'm alone... Her songs speaks of all the things I experience. ❤❤❤ I just wanna say Thank you Lord for giving her the experience and idea to write these songs which became a blessings to some of us 🔥🔥🔥
Смотрю, как завороженная, не могу оторваться, хотя я по профессии далека от музыки! Благодарю Бога за то, что нашла Его в ютубе!!! Конечно он всех очаровал своей игрой, красотой, талантом!!!
I agree with you. From Japan 🇯🇵, JST、4:12分
This music is food for the soul. Thank you, Maestro Hauser for the gifts you give us all with your superb musical
talent. I cherish you so much. You deserve an extraordinary life. Much love. Monica L.Z.🎉❤😂
Мне 70 лет,комментарии пишу редко,но меня настолько поразил этот человек .Господи,благодарю тебя,что дал мне возможность услышать и увидеть это чудо.Уважаемые родители,огромная вам благодарность и низкий поклон за сына.Для меня лично он спасение.Я украинка,всю жизнь живу в Донбассе.И каждый день смотрю и слушаю Степана.
Дорогая Любовь, через строки видна Ваша Душа. Пусть Господь хранит и благословляет Донбасс и Вас с близкими Вашими. А высокая Музыка и талантливые люди- это творцы и творение Бога. По образу и подобию Его. Этим мы, люди, едины и близки. С Богом и между собой. Обнимаю Вас. ❤️🙏🏻
@@ЛенаНефедова-о9м l
Děkuji za nádhernou pochvalu.Kazde Vaše slovo je vyznání ke kráse duše i srdce Stepana.💖💖💖💖💖🍀
Степан Хаузер одарённый Виолончелист, я разделяю с Вами восторг, потрясающий концерт! Я родилась в Донецке , на половину украинка ,скорей бы закончилось это безумие(Война) Счастья Вам , здоровья! Будем наслождаться игрой Stjepana hauser🤩💕🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷
Throughout these tumultuous times of war, hatred, greed, spite and envy comes the beautiful, soul filling music of Hauser and his cello which speaks volumes of love, peace, harmony and joy.. Music shall remain and live long after war. Thank you so much for this sheer joy.
Yes for sure always beautiful and relaxing with music ,music in any languages. I love music and I lessening to all but clascal music and music with out clascal there's no music.
Es una Maravilla oír esta música, y como toca Hauser
Уникальный ,удивительный музыкант, играет душой! Такую нежную, красивую музыку можно слушать вечно. Спасибо, что есть такие исполнители !
So einen unsäglich lieben Blick wie Stepian Hauser manchmal seinen jeweiligen Solopaertner/innen in diesem Konzert schenckt, möchte ich auch mal erhalten. Ich glaube mein Herz würde auf Wolke sieben entschweben, denn ich verehre diesen Cellisten so sehr. ❤
This is the most beautiful album I have heard in my 73 years of listening! It is like being in the holiest of Cathedrals listening to God's Angels.
Yes. So beautiful
The best I love it ,beautiful
Do you know the name of the first piece?
@@glenrademacher9871 Benedictus ="Blessed"
@@lolabiuckians2290 Thanks so much! I work on movie scripts, and do I have a scene for this!
Степан, спасибо. Великолепное исполнение чудесной музыки. Творческих Вам успехов, здоровья и пусть в Вашей жизни будет все, как вам захочется.
от корня "золото"! :) Kr.
Iren ❤🎉Fenomen ZR.
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:28分
It is like his cello is his singing through his hands. Such a gifted musician. He brightens my every day when feeling stressed at work.
@Stjepan Hauser You are an amazing musician Stjepan! We love listening to you play, you make your cello sing so beautifully! God bless you, as you continue sharing your gift of music with the world! We do need more heart felt, beautiful music, especially in the crazy days we are living in at the time. Thank you for pouring your heart and love into your wonderful music! You are truly a gifted cello player!
:} and that Cello voice wells up saline water from, since my childhood. For sweet is the depth of tone, its frequencies penetrating my sinew and bone, noting strokes soothing my HeartSoul.
It is the first time that I hear a Classical Concert with Stjepan Hauser of such beauty. I am deeply impressed as I know him from romantic songs only. ❤
Just totally beautiful. How anyone could downvote this glorious music, I cannot understand. The orchestra, Hauser, and the organist...just glorious. Watching his face, one can see that he is totally enraptured by this glorious music. When ANZAC Day comes up in Australia on the 25th of April, I always play this Adagio on my radio program because it was used so incredibly emotionally in Peter Weir's film "Gallipoli"
Diana Hockley And don’t forget his guests. They’re so talented and fantastic!
@@marlenerodulfa4397 Of coufse, you are right! I love the way he encourages this young girl with such a beautiful voice. He is always lovely to his guests :) I suspect that his first love IS classical music, even though he plays other genres (including rock) so brilliantly.
Diana Hockley I read his biography when I first heard of the 2CELLOS. I wanted to know all about him and Luka Sulic. Yes, he’s trained in classical music at a young age of 8 and been playing since. Trained with the best masters in Croatia, Vienna and London. Luka started at age 5 in classical music too in Croatia and London. When 2CELLOS took a break from doing concerts all over the world, Hauser did solo concerts. Luka married and have children now. Don’t know if they’ll be back together in the future but Stjepan’s solo concerts are great. I love them.
Thanks for your comment my adorable fan❤❤❤
@Stjepan hauser Australia - Queensland actually.
I've lost track of how many times I've watched or just listened to this fabulous concert. It's a delightful assortment of music, with amazing soloists, orchestra, and youth choir. Elisabeth Fuchs is genius in her ability to hold it all together! Thank you, Hauser, for sharing these musical favorites of yours with the world, and making it a more peaceful place.
Thanks alot dear, I will love to know more about u
Действительно необыкновенно сливается его музыка с исполнением и внешней красотой. Я просто замираю от этой красоты.
Es divino yo cuando lo oigo ,pienso un Maestro como Hauser abra muy pocos es especial. Me quedo dormida con su música y es un na suerte que darme pensando en su música , te relaja y así no piensa en mis penas
Tiene un acompañamiento es tupendo
Es músico que es amable con todos se nota cuando está tocando , es simpático amable 😂
Hauser plays and smiles with passion and love... He is becoming a LEGEND of classical and other music.
Que maravilloso 👏💕Eres un reflejo de Dios
Все Бог
Ich gebe dir recht. Stefan ist ein Gottesgeschenk für uns.
Yes, I totally agree. I hope Hauser that you are truly happy and at peace, which I believe you are cause I don’t see how you could bring so much joy and peace to millions of us who are moved to the depths of our being if you were not. But I also realize
that you must also have your moments of loss, loneliness and wonder what’s my life all about , but maybe just maybe that is what brings such depth of wonder to the music you create. As a priest I can only hope and pray that my life brings such joy and wonderment as you do to us who have great joy and peace in finding you….😊
The feelings you emote when you play touch the souls of everyone who listens. No, it's not just your good looks & sense of humor, it's your gift that you share. Thank you!
Как прекрасен. Господь, что создаёт таких талантливых, в совершенстве, людей. Степан,. Вам долгих лет жизни
Берегите себя, не растрачйвайтесь по мелочам. Один муж, одна жена.. И тогда у вас будет всё отлично.... Храни, вас,. Господь. Радуйте. Бога и нас. 🙏Аминь❤
Нет, милая Степан Хаузер не женат, не имеет детей 😊 Степан Хаузер и Зоя близнецовые пламена Бога Всемогущего ❤ любя побеждаем 😊 наши сердца бьются в ритме любви 😊
When the choir starts at "Benedictus" I cry like a baby. I feel like how heaven is... his interpretation is also so beautiful.... thank you all...
Same here!
Imagine singing this, as I did. A singer has to concentrate very hard to convey the message the composer intended to. Even then tears can hardly be held back.
I always feel at peace whenever I listen to that song... It's heavenly radiance soothes my soul.
Me too...
Es genial, mis mejores sentimientos afloran en mí piel
Sitting here with Covid, after battleing leukemia and prostate cancer, This music Makes me cry. Its like angels.
Bless you! This music makes me long for Heaven, and to think I’ll see Hauser there, too! It’s almost too much to fathom.
It's what I imagine Heaven will sound like. One of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written in my opinion. You can't help but cry. Praying that you recover soon from covid. May our Lord and His angels protect you now and always.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery from Covid. Sending love and support from Australia.
I agree, he has a heaven-sent gift. My heart goes out to you for the difficult health issues you are experiencing. Here is a caring embrace from one human to another.☺️🙏
Do not let bad thoughts and bad people towards you. Think positive and fight for every moment. Let you angel protect you🙏🌹
Niemand hat je ein schoeneres Konzert gesehen als dieses. Es oeffnet uns das Tor zum Paradies. ich werde es mein Leben lang nie vergessen koennen❤❤
Fantastic…reminded me of my dad and how much he loved cello…he was the pioneer in Shahs time in Iran, he was the head of Philharmonic . He played drums and violin. Had his own quartet with other classical music lovers practicing in our living room. But cello was his favorite. Bravo Hauser and everyone in the orchestra and choir and the conductor. For the first time after thirty years that he has passed you made me cry and remember him. 🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
What a gift to grow up with live performances in your home. Truly a gifted Father. Blessing to you. ♥️♥️🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸
Als Kind hat mich in Detmold ein Kammerorchester adoptiert Meine Ersatzmutter war Elly Nay da zu gehoerten auch Wolfgang Schneiderhan Adolf Scheerbom Hans -Richter -Hase ,
Die haben mich vor den Schlaegen und vor dem Hunger ( 1945 49 ) geschuetzt
Hello 😘
Beautiful sentiments expressed about your dear Father. Bless You.
I am Japanese.
I was tired because of my work, my family, and many difficult things. However, he is healed recently knowing this person.
He is so handsome and has a great performance.
Thank you very much.
よくやったルナ....気分が良くなってよかったです。 日本の音楽はあなたの望みではありませんか?
Thank you for your reply. I'm still living hard.
There is a lot of good music in Japan too!
Rather, you understand Japanese.
I'm happy.
Hello beautiful 😍 it's my pleasure to speak with you today 🤗💗
Маэстро Вы само совершенство! Сердце замирает,душа просит свободы полёта. Виолончель в Ваших руках плачет а вместе с ней и я...
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:17分
There are no words that adequately give the proper praise to this concert. Have watched it 3x and each time it outperforms itself due to the incredible talent of Maestro Stephan. Thank you for sharing this 🙏 amazing concert. I cherish you so much, Hauser. ❤❤❤❤❤mlzmuda
From our little Croatia, a high-level concert. All good, of course Master Hauser, is a genius of cello. , ❤️🎻🙏♥️😘
Never heard of Croatia but Hauser is INCREDIBLE
Fake canal pe unde ești prezentat și ai comentarii pianul😮😮
🎉😮Todos tocan muy bien La chicas son maravillosa tocando .todos vale muchisimo
HAUSER Eres el maestro mejor que yo reconocido.Como tocas, Eres un gran artista con el Violanchero
Que bonito ,tocas 😍 eres un artista del Violanchero , nunca pensé que me gustaría tanto tu música con todos los que son también unos grades artistas es fantástico oírlos 🎉 y Hauser es un fenómeno
As many people have said this concert is one that I have gone back to many times. In fact this was something that gave me comfort last fall as my father's health declined and he subsequently passed away. I would sit with him at his bedside playing this music so that we could simply be. That was a magical and special time.
@@veroniquearles thank you :)
Iong For Mr Houser The King Of The CEIIOS
As an afficianado of fine music, I am on a constant quest seeking out virtuosity internationally. I find here a real treasure trove in the various performers, choir and orchestra. Hauser is the shining light shining in the midst. I am humbled by such virtuosity and deem it beyond any sense of entitlement, for my ears are not worthy to hear such incredible heavenly beauty as I am hearing at the moment. Call it awestruck or whatever one would like to call it. I call it defying to the critical ear and it won. Thank you Hauser and thank all those who participated in this event. I am sure of one thing. This concert will be long remembered and referred to by afficianados like myself for years to come. It is my obligation to carry forth the name Hauser, wherever I go and with whom I shall speak regarding his work and this concert. I am emotionally and spiritually moved. Hauser pronounces the word love in the most eloquent way ! Again from me to you, Hauser, thank you so very much !!!
Peter Kinberger...your evaluation of Hauser is nothing short of brilliance itself. I was humbled to read your touching review of this magnificent music. You are obviously a treasure trove in your own right! Thank you, Peter Kinberg and Hauser for brightening this gloomy lockdown day.
totally agree with you!!!
He is a prize winning genius !His parents are in the front row at 1:02. I love all I find of his music!
Took a special moment to see the parents- they nurtured this incredible gift in their son. My eternal gratitude for their gift to humanity.
Let me second that! So lovely...
God, go on with Mr. Hauser ❤, thanks...
I am lost in this perfectly orchestrated music reaching the depths of my soul. You make the world go away.
Amazing music eres espectacular
Its comes down the soul and lift it'self thanks
Que dire ,ecouter ,vibrer ,rêver ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dream music 🎶
Thank goodnight ✨️✨️
Браво! Браво, Маэстро! Талант и огромное трудолюбие сделали музыканта Гением в музыке. Восхищение и благодарность! Храни Вас Бог, Stjepan Hauser!
Taking risks, functions. A slowdown. :) Kr.
@@george3126 Жизнь продолжается
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:31分
This is the most amazing talent I have encountered in my 70 years of living. This man is so gifted! Thank you for sharing this beautiful talent. I'm so humbled. Thank you, Annie
Totally agree...he is brilliant
@@johenderson4923 Not only brilliant...Hauser has a beautiful SOUL!!!
God bless you Annette, you had better be planning to go back and see him when lockdown ends. Im sure he'd love to see you x
@@stevehortongothlindreiss3983 다
❤❤ich bin untroestlich, Stepjan Hauser nicht schon viel frueher begegnet zu sein. Aber es noch nicht zu spaeht, seine himmlische Musik ganz und gar zu geniessen, die uns mit dem Universum vereint.❤❤
Stjepan has helped me come out of a deep hole of depression after losing people who meant a lot to me. I am so grateful that he exists, and that I found him right in time ❤
This concert is like catharsis for my soul...I close my eyes and hear only music...thank you...orchestra and amazing solist Stjepan Houser the best wizard and cellist...🥺😘🥰🙏
Amazing cello sir Sjepan Hauser top one classical musician player instrumental song the whole world.Congratulations God bless and your carrer
כמה מטורף ומשגע יכול פסוק מוזיקלי להיות ! כ שהוא חוזר על עצמו כל פעם !!!תודה על שיתוף שממריא לשחקים !!!❤
אמת או חלום ! אי אפשר לתאר שמורת טבע כזו !!!
When the music touches the heart and the soul soars. This is total heaven. Thank you to the Orchestra and the choir. Also Stjepan Hauser. 🙏👌❤️
@stjepan Hauser FAKE ACCOUNT
Just looking at him playing , his face showing us all the passion is yes divine... no words to describe all i felt during this concert... 🌹 thank you for your talent your vibrant energy and thank to all the musicians all talented
Ein spezielles Lob möchte ich auch aussprechen für die perfekte Kamerafuehrung dieses Videos. Sie bringt Stephan Hauser, aber auch den Maedchenchor , die einzelnen Solisten um die Hauptfigur, die Dirigentin, das gesamte Orchester, die Stimmung im Saal, etc. optimal zur Geltung. Man konnte diese excellente Aufführung maximal geniessen. Vielen herzlichen Dank! 😘
I have to watch his face as he plays. All of that emotion just adds to his performance. You see that he truly loves what he does. Magnificent talent.
Perfectly, his music is very emotive. I want more, I want to lisent too much Hauser music.
Love Hauser and his fantastic music. He is the best!
Чудесно , извините но я Хворостовский и Димаш лучше
Простите, Вы просто класс, глупо сравнивать каждый уникум по своему. Извините
The entire orchestra had sheet music...our genius HAUSER had none in front of him...hie played from his head and his HEART!!! Such a gift to the world!!! I wish there was a recording of this concert...imagine a long drive through hills, forests or the desert listening to all of this....
lindataf2 you can récord it, move to messenger and copy it from there
lindataf2 he had sheet music when he played with the lady violinist, the others he knows them by hard now
Exactly, wow just wow,imagination of peace.
Excellent point you made about Stjepan playing without notes, by heart (and literaly too) !
00:34 Benedictus (K. Jenkins) 09:05 Pie Jesu (A. L. Webber) feat. Josephine Ida Zec, child soprano 13:00 Ave Maria (F. Schubert) 17:50 Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J. S. Bach) 21:08 Prelude from Cello Suite no.1 (J. S. Bach) 23:40 Panis Angelicus (C. Franck) 28:08 Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott from St. Matthew Passion (J. S. Bach) 36:20 Passacaglia (Handel - Halvorsen) 44:37 Adagio (Albinoni) 51:47 Salut d'Amour (E. Elgar) 54:40 Song from a Secret Garden (Secret Garden) 58:28 Mia & Sebastian’s Theme from La La Land (J. Hurwitz) 1:02:47 Adagio from Concierto de Aranjuez (J. Rodrigo) 1:09:13 Aria (Cantilena) from Bachianas Brasileiras (H.Villa - Lobos) 1:14:56 Tango en Skai (R. Dyens) 1:18:27 Hungarian Rhapsody op. 68 (D. Popper) 1:27:52 The Swan (C. Saint-Saëns)
Thank you!
Thank you.
Thank you!
Thanks for this info !
Благодарим Вас,что дали возможность посмотреть концерт!!!❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
а то не попасть...
Сколько слушаешь, столько и растворяешься в такой прекрасной музыке! Браво! Браво! И ещё раз браво !
I can. As I listen only think as we say here mo ait Fein (my own place) as it allows me to relax and think of family and how I'm blessed to have from his music been granted the knowledge of my children and my grandchildren s value to me
Non ci sono parole per descrivere quello che sento
Спасибо большое за радость и красоту Вашей души.
Exceptional concert! Exceptional orchestra! Exceptional conductor! Hauser? Absolutely superb!
Hauser - это человек, появившийся на Свет вместе с музыкальным инструментом, без которого его жизнь невозможна. Они - единое целое. Спасибо за встречу с этой уникальной Личностью!
Это душа Зои поёт женским голосом (Виолончель).
Мы со Степаном близнецовые пламена Бога, поэтому так происходит ❤🎉😢😊❤❤❤
Этот мальчик просто чудо.
Sou eu meu amor elas estão passando por mim meu amor somos 3 irmãs meu meu anjo ♥️❤️🎻🎻♥️♥️❤️🌹👀❤️🌹🇧🇷⁉️
Very ,very beautiful konsert in Zagreb!Hauser is Best in World ❤
Listening to this concert is like visiting a special place in heaven. Every piece is my favorite. It is such a special thing to have this opportunity to listen to all of these beautiful people together. Mr. Hauser's expressive and passionate playing takes me on a journey of musical ecstasy. Words fail to express my gratitude for sharing this concert.
Thank you for your unconditional love and support all this still remain in my ❤️🥰...... Where are you watching from?
Hello Veronica 😊 it's my pleasure to speak with you today 🤗 looking forward to knowing little about you 💗
Союз близнецовых пламен.
@@stjepanhauser986 Во имя Иисуса Христа зло не реально и его проявления не имеют силы
Stjepan Hauser, Live in Zagreb, Full Classical concert. Passionate, powerful. Heavenly angelic music. Thank you all. The choir,superb. The musicians,so talented. Elisabeth Fuchs, brilliant conductor. Stjepan Hauser, your parents are proud of you, so am I. The applause is from all the grateful people that you have made happy during this difficult time. God Bless you and your family. 🙏🏻 please do not stop playing your beloved Cello, ❤️
I would to say that they all are magnificent musicians! And is a big satisfaction find a female conductor. Congratulations to them all. 👏💐💐
We do not only enjoy his marvelous performance but also all his musicians. They all the time smile and enjoy his 🎶 what to say about his pianist??!!OH my God!I do not have words to describe my feelings God blessing all of them
Yes God gave him the talent and His name should always be praised and used with reverence, we are only mere instruments
Yo estoy de acuerdo contigo cariño y cada época tiene lo suyo pero es una realidad que hay que prestar atención a las influencias a las que sometemos a veces a los cambios que van teniendo prioridad en los cambios que tenemos que hacer para poder llegar a una meta apropiada para no exagerar los cambios.
Así es somos instrumentos para ayudar a construir un mundo mejor!
🙏 ❤ 🎶 🎵 🎻 Fantastic the Violist Player with ❤ & Soul Sooooo much Enjoyments full video Thankyou & Appreciate for sharing special Concert 👏 😘 🌹 ❤ 😍
Hauser's unique musical gifts have that undeniable ability to transport me into a sweet mystical communion with the Divine.
Maravilloso , me encanta , 👏👏👏👏👏
C'est vraiment ça.
Nous volons dans le ciel avec les anges.
Hauser is brilliant - period! Let us have a word of appreciation though for that beautiful, sensitive conductress - awesome!
she is excellent, first time i saw her conducting this orchestra for Stjepan her manner towards him was very cool and unimpressed looking, I have to say it looks as if he has won her over 100%
Beautiful. Thank you to this wonderful orchestra, the soloists and to you, Mr Hauser. You are a truly generous, large-hearted artist, making those who perform with you as comfortable as you can with your encouraging looks, warm smiles and hugs. A deep, playful, beautiful soul. And it all comes out in your music. May you always remain as sweet and generous, and keep making gorgeous music.
P I try y
Not me! No. even know. Him, brings out that stuff for church to get a grip I just introduced him!
She needs a vocabulary class?
Thank you for the truth that you saw in Hauser
If you saw that qualities, it's because you have that qualities too
Life has many many good and beautiful qualities
We just need to pay atention and feel with our hearts
Life is a Great Miracle
8@@sandrasantos7141 ㅁ
Такая Ровная Красивая Музыка Льется Как Обольстительный Каскад Водопада. Все Радует Душу !!! ❤
Dear Mr Hauser, your performance is exceptional!!! You are one of the most talented musicians worldwide!!! I listen to your music every single day. It helps me remain calm something I need the most, especially this hard period we 're all going through! My best wishes to you!! Much love from Greece!!
Bravo, bravo
Agree much love from Dalllas Texas
I am another one of your 74 year olds. I listen to you all the time in
I listen daily too. The music goes into my brain in the spot that gives great pleasure and I spend the rest of the day with the afterglow. Have never heard a musician play the soul of the music. He does it !!! A real gift he is sharing with us!!!!
J wi
The romance of every chord transported me to a dimension that I didn't want to leave. I MUST see him live. What passion.
Estou apaixonada pôr músico eu mim identifico com esse tipo de música adimiro esse músico
Todas palmas pra Ele Deus os Abençoe. Toca ao meu coração
Também minha Alma parabéns.
Toque pra mim Danúbio Azul
Me too I’m willing to go to Croatia
I feel the same!
Очарована исполнением! Степан это очень умеет делать, спасибо Маэстро! Вы потрясающий талант!
gENIO de los conciertos no se con cual quedarmu todos son grandiosos SARA
Me encanta tantotoda la musica que cuando la escucho no tengo mas soledad con la musica me identifico aö al 1öö x 1oo
Ya estoy otra vez escuchando tu música ……. Feliz ❤😊
Две половины в абсолюте РАВНОСТИ.....
Still love this piece and its meaning. Congratulations to the Welsh composer, the female conductor, the young singers and most of all to Hauser. Beautiful meditation piece for the discord in the world.
Браво, это просто божественно. Какая самоотдача публике, исполнять произведение прогоняя через себя.❤
Я в восторге
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:21分
Wow, it’s not only Houser that is spectacular, but the conductor, and the orchestra and choir, all are phenomenal!
Sim, temos que dar os créditos a todos. Afinal o espetáculo nós foi proporcionado por cada prosfissional. Cadê o Luka?
Can we please get his name correct at least? It's Hauser.
@@janetjane440 0
Я впервые познакомилась с этим великим виртуозным исполнителем.Все в его исполнении звучит феноменально!Хаузер-для меня теперь любимый виолончелист!!!
The moment i watched Hauser's music video for the first time, i got hooked to his
melodious music. He certainly has the power to make us feel absolute peace
& happiness. Stay blessed always.
I only recently discovered this wonderfully talented musician, it was love at first note, Thank you for sharing your God Given talent with the world you are obviously so adored and appreciated by your fans! God Bless you 🛐
@@patsybecker5512 ❤️🙏
Well said! Who ever hears Hauser will definitely get mesmerized by his wonderful music!!
Tu joues comme un 🤴 de Croatie tu es un ange pour moi tomber des cieux merveilleux merci mon Genie du Cello,plus tu joues plus je tremble de bonheur et de joie,tu es mon amour mon maestro romantique plein de ressources humaines je penses rien que a entendre joué j es des frissons partout ta musique enchanteresse me font voir des étoiles partout , mais sait toi l etoiles mon Stjephan Hauser,et cela pour toutes ta vie et merci aussi a l orchestre le solo de violon les chants de ces jeunes filles et le 🎹🎹 et le chef d orchestre vous êtes tous des jeunes gens avec des dons extraordinaires avec vous tous pour toujours et que dieux veilles sur vous pour toujours 😢😢❤❤merci pour cette belle performances mon MAESTRO romantique incroyable UNE ETOILE ES NÉ EN CROATIE un pays merveilleux merci 😘😢😮 merci pour cette merveilleuse etoiles 🌟🔯🌟🔯 et que la paix règne sur la terre ça ne peut être autrement avec cette passion de MAESTRO romantique Stjephan Hauser 😢❤😮👏👏💋💋🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎗️🎗️🎗️🎗️🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️🎹🎹🎹🙋🙋
May I recommend you listen to Dimash. He has the same effect on many throughout the world. He is a you Kazhak singer, only 26 but with the voice of an angel. His humility, gentleness and respect is a beautiful thing. He was unknown apart from in his own country until he guested in the Singer competition in China 2017. (Gloria Wu RUclips channel is excellent). He brings calm, hope and emotion in all of his songs and is the most accomplished singer in the world. I would love to see and hear a collaboration with Hauser.
I agree with you, I can't stop listening....
Thanks for your comment my adorable fan❤❤
Es verdad te transporte no sé a donde pero lejos de aqui
Es el músico que me ha hecho sentir la música de una forma especial, espiritual
Молодец Хаузер,играешь отлично.Красивая музыка.Благодарю весь оркестр за прекрасное исполнение.
Tu música eleva
Получили огромное удовольствие от прослушивания этого великолепного концерта в прекрасном исполнении. Браво!
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:24分
cada vez que lo veo ,brotan lagrimas de emoción como si fuera la primera vez , el adagio es sublime ! te toca el alma ! la orquesta , el teatro, la acustica, el organo, el coro , la directora , todo es perfecto !!! ovación de pie !
I was watching classical concerts on Utube for past 6 hours. First time I’ve listened to Hauser. Oh my goodness, I hate the fact that I haven’t been listening to him before today. I’m memorized watching him. The entire concert is awesome! I will definitely look for all of Hauser’s music💜
Isto sim e musica para alimentar a alma humana
Brilliant the music and musician are one...Hauser I feel as if I have been invited to feel you and your delicious
I want the opening song played at my funeral. It is so beautifully recorded.
Ни с чем не сравнимое наслаждение!!!Божественно прекрасно!!! Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю!
I agree. From Japan🇯🇵, JST、0:18分
Спасибо, дорогой Степан! Твоя музыка лечит мои раны сердца, сейчас живём в страшное время, теряем знакомых, друзей, близких! Пусть тебя это не коснётся!!! Нахожу тебя на каналах, слушаю музыку в твоём исполнении и обретаю силы и свободу дышать и дальше жить! Береги себя!!!
Какое счастье что есть такие музыканты и такая музыка спасибо за счастье
Оркестр, спасибо. Маэстро! Вы божественно прекрасная. Играет как бог. Спасибо за божественные. Удовлетворяющее. Блаженство.🎉❤
Спасибо большое, спасибо огромное. Каждый раз испытываешь непередаваемые чувства при прослушивании произведений в вашем исполнении. Всего вам доброго, удачи, постоянного творчества в работе, большого личного счастья, которое поможет вам ещё красивее показать ваши возможности.
I truly appreciate the high quality of his cello playing as a former concert violinist and daughter of a concert cellist. Bravo and thank you for your wonderful execution and pathos.
Hello Carol 😊 it's my pleasure to speak with you today 🤗 looking forward to knowing little about you
How are you doing?
Don't be a victim to those imposters 🙏
Absolutely superb. The choir, soloists, orchestra, and Hauser had me enthralled. Thank you so much for such superlative musicians and singers. You should be very proud of yourselves.
Это видео произвела фурор Я Потрясена. И репертуаром и мастерством Исполнения Браво Маэсро и Всем участникам Концерта. !!!
Вдохновенное Исполнение Аве Марии Потрясение от Талантливой Виолончели Хаусера , очень трогательно!!!
Хаусер Выложился Полностью Да Ещё так Играл ! Настоящий Фурор !!!
@@ЗинаидаДзугаеваспасибо большое 😊 Зоя и Степан Хаузер близнецовые пламена Бога Всемогущего ❤ Будьте счастливы 😢😢😢
Everyone who listen or watch Houser perform is captivated by his love and passion for this 🎉😂beautiful music he plays he is pure majic .loved by all.Val
The best concert of all, very nice and beautiful. God bless for Hauser ! Andy, Slovakia
Withouth notes, withouth partiture, perfectly mind and member...Wauuu...