It’s kinda cool coming back and watching this video after seeing some of these brawlers get new gadgets that would definitely place the higher in the tiers.
“And as a kid I would love to climb the tree in our backyard and one day I fell of and broke my arm. I think that might be my source of PTSD” *_”I l i k e t r e e s”_* … *_”N A T U R E”_*
Sprout: Hah, that was too easy! Gale: .... Sprout: Hey, why the long face? 2nd place isn't that ba- Gale: Very well then, i wasn't even using my final form
Sprout: "Sorry my dear friend, but it looks like your bag of tricks has run out. This is the end." Gale: "Perhaps it almost has, but for you, I've saved the best for last." Sprout: "WHA-?!"
I guessed gale was going to win and i was dissapointed when the walls lasted longer than the twister, but I was happy when the infinite push back thing was used.
I’m looking at your YT name & thinking OJ watching this video & saying, “Kairos, Karios, Karios… OK, let me teach you the power of CHEESE” and Karios edited the end of the video lol - probably not, but sounds funny. Hope ya have a good day!
I feel like there should be an extreme edition for this competition whereby brawlers can do EVERYTHING within their arsenals to slow Frank down as much as possible without killing him. Recharging supers, free movements, multiple uses of gadgets.
@رضا العوادي Well, it wasn't my fault you went to the comments section before watching the video. If you had watched and then come here, like most, you wouldn't have this misfortune.
Sprout got beaten by gale but I think that sprout is still better at slowing since a more skilled frank could bait out the jump pad gale still is really good at slowing though
Wow, I knew sprout was gonna win from the beginning, which he did but then all my dreams were shattered when he showed us gales infinite ability to slow
I predict sprout is going to be the best slower, I 100% promise I’m not cheating, I’m at the part where he is explaining how it works. Edit: I’m 7:30 minutes in and I’m now starting to think it’s Gale, I forgot about his new gadget at the start and I think he will win!
Show Frank some LOVE!
Thanks to Punishing: Gray Raven for sponsoring this video!
(sad frank noises)
What about kairostim
Fake kairostim is real
Alternative title:
Torturing Frank for 14 minutes straight
U have brain
Sprout: I've finally beat Gale!
Gale: This isnt even my final form..
dragon ball lmao
When sprout react at 13:03 (or 13:05)
Sprout: Wait… OH NO!! (Jojo ref)
Gale: you show them Gale, you show them all
@@ThisisNowArchieved ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!
Korega Requiem... Da
*Frank* : "Kairos what video do you want to make"
*Kairos* : "Hmm.. About That"
Prime comment
Sprout: wow I won I actually have proved myself as the best torturer
Gale: wait wrong gadget
My sprout had done well he didn’t have to micro to win🌱
I call cheating!! Sprouts gadget gives him his super. It doesn't use it so he used 2 supers for sprout the entire time
@@DIY_SURGEbruh it is because even tho gales is for ever what we’re you thinking
Kairos : Who slows frank the best
Soo right
Trueeeeeeeeee super agreeeeeeee
I mean,, he is not wrong
Gale wasn't even using 100% of his power up until the finals 😂
sounds like an anime quote
edit: indeed was written by an anime girl
Yeah or Frank uses his 1 IQ and just doesn’t walk over the jumping pad all the time
@@OrangeStaringCat no love for frank, hence proved by ur statement!
@@thatleonguy-brawlstars1573 i love playing with Frank! But he just doesn’t seem to be very smart
@@OrangeStaringCat :(
Kairos: does a slow test
Gale: I am made for it....
Funny how mr p, the boss, is the only snowtel brawler that isn't chromatic or have any knockbacks, slow or stuns
@@ivanhuang6076 Or gene is Mr. P DUN DUN DUN
@@sakuragihanamichi8527 But thats jsut a theory...
@@ivanhuang6076 THANKS FOR WATCHING
Gale: are you sure about that
The final round be like: "they had us in the first half not gonna lie"
Ikr I thought they forgot I was like where is the jumpad gadget
the infinite
Well but in a real match lou is the best
Because you can go around walls and jump pads
Sprout: “Haha, yes! I finally won a Brawlympics event!”
Gale: *Well yes, but actually no*
Sprout: so did I win :0?
Gale: that’s the neat part, u don’t 😏
Gale really has a busted gadget
@@KingOfLate best*
@@drantic3153 nah neat*
@@KingOfLate nah best*
Frank: Aight Imma walk
Almost every single brawler: How bout NO
Imagine frank just says : f you * uses stun *
@@benedictoiiisantos2674 uses anti slow and stun gadget
@@benedictoiiisantos2674 *knocks frank back*
half of the brawlers*
Sprout:I won you used 100% of your power and still lost!
Gale :who said 100% was my limit
Relative to his full power he used 0% since anything except infinity is 0% of infinity
Everyone:waiting for kairos time reaction for what's going on the wkbrl
Yeah thats me and 1000 clones of myself
Becouse he dont want to tell us that he is the fake kairos
@@K0NDEE No he isn't. They deepfaked his face.
@@FuzzyJuniper i know that...
@@FuzzyJuniper wooosh
Gale: imma end this frank’s career
Funny how Frank is the one being slowed this entire video and he has a gadget that can prevent nearly all of their slows/stuns
meaning sprout still wins 😎
@@therealwifebeater keep on dreaming
@@Zingy69420 🛌
@@Zingy69420 no its true since gale's slow would be negated frank would simply walk over the spring ejector and flip gale the bird
@@jacobroark8314 stuns not slows
It’s kinda cool coming back and watching this video after seeing some of these brawlers get new gadgets that would definitely place the higher in the tiers.
Squeak with residue would be amazing
@@ClebbyWebbyZebbyexactly what i thought
Frank: “I just wanted to buy some cereal....”
thats what they did to all those poir fathers only wanting some milk...
Frank: umm are we done I want to buy cereal
Alternative title:
“Ranking the most annoying brawlers in volley brawl”
It's really a surprisingly accurate ranking for volley brawl
This comment is underated and the fact that gales super goes through the wall make him so Annoying to play against.
Took me a second but yes😂😂😂
true XD
Wait can sprout block the spot
13:42 "remember to treat frank with kindness" while he bullys franks
No replya in 3 years is crazy
@@Memer709 yea
Sprout: yes i have beaten you!
Gale: this is just the beginning
Kairos: Who slows frank the best
Me: My lag on my device
sprout: I can smell victory
gale: sike 😂😂😂
Gale: Spike
Gale : Well well, only of you had a nose to smell
"Meanwhile, Sprout calmly builds its wall and quietly contemplates the true meaning of life." That sounded like a nature documentary 😆
brawlers in their natural habitats
“Sprout builds his walls and quietly contemplates the true meaning of life”
I can see sprout as a therapist
"so my dad just died, and my girlfriend dumped me"
*" f l o w e r "*
Jaden Chen after that you walk away crying
“Task Completed”
just call 1800-SproutTherapy-0000
“And as a kid I would love to climb the tree in our backyard and one day I fell of and broke my arm. I think that might be my source of PTSD”
*_”I l i k e t r e e s”_*
*_”N A T U R E”_*
my life haven't been the same scene my wife died of cancer
*I like trees*
Frank: *exists*
Kairos: Time to torture you
*sad Frank noises*
@6-2 Уламтөгс.А sadness
@@watermelon-brawlstars3048 Fun Fact Blas Torture Frank
@@RyuRayner :o
Me at the end be like when Gale “lost”: NOOOOO
Me a few seconds later: YESSSSSSSS
I wanted sprout to win :
i was screaming the total opposite lmao
that infinite slow too op
@@TheBluePhoenix008 sprout is annoying as hell i wanted it to lose
@@danielvaquedanonoboa9319 gale is arguably more annoying
@@danielvaquedanonoboa9319 you will love it when you have it
“ brawlers can use 1 gadget and 1 super! “
Sprout : uses 1 gadget and 2 supers
"I might be SLOW but i can still make it snow" gale really meant by slow to sl0w the others LMAO
I might be snow but i can *sUre MaKE u SLoW*
“mAkE yOu SlOw” ahh yes “sLoW”
@@elizeuneto4482 LOAM
Gale is actually fast so
I might use snow but I Can sure make you slow
“Slow and steady wins the race”
Oh my gawd
Deserves more likes 😂😭
Gale does not say that. He says, " SNOW and steady wins the race" lol
@@gamebusy1128 yep
Gale: other gadget, attack to slow down, Frank is stuck.
Gale: Loses the final
Kairos: But wait! Gale has unlocked infinite slows!
Sprout: ... So do I win?
Yes sprout wins
As for me this is tie
You know the rules and so do i, say goodbye, Sprout
@@HeyLookAGun and i say hello sprout ):(
@@HeyLookAGun it was not a joke cause it is possible but he is asking who won
Sprout be like: easy I can literally build a wall twice
Meanwhile gale: hold my beer
Hold my leaf blower
@@BOB_983 hold my jump pad
@@rezekjavic3070 hold my snow
@@sproutsstone4356 hold my infinite slow score
More like hold my slow
Sprout: I can slow down frank for 20sec hahahahahahah
While gale: *INFINITE*
Sprout: As i said, you will lose
Gale: Nah, I'd win
Sprout: Hah, that was too easy!
Gale: ....
Sprout: Hey, why the long face? 2nd place isn't that ba-
Gale: Very well then, i wasn't even using my final form
Sprout: "Sorry my dear friend, but it looks like your bag of tricks has run out. This is the end."
Gale: "Perhaps it almost has, but for you, I've saved the best for last."
Sprout: "WHA-?!"
Gale: *proceeds to use 100% of his true power*
Behold, my final form, SSJ gale!
Sprout: I am inevitable
gale: and I'm gale
Active Noice Cancelling: Allow me to introduce myself
I guessed gale was going to win and i was dissapointed when the walls lasted longer than the twister, but I was happy when the infinite push back thing was used.
I don't have gale but do have sprout, so was kinda disappointed by my boy
4:45 Darryl: “Show me the boo-“
Kairos: “Nani VS Gale”💀
gale: omae wa mou shindeiru
@@user-u2l4p 💀
Sprout: ez, gg
Frank:"will I ever cross the portal in peace"
Kairos:"that's the neat part. You won't."
actually frank gets to do that at the beginning because of those brawlers who can't delay frank at all
Frank : why am i still here just to suffer 😭
Sed noises
Frank's pain is immense
Bruh I just wrote that as well. I will delete my comment because you said it first.
Gale: Domain Expansion, Infinite torture
DISCLAIMER: no franks were -harmed- during this video
Yes.No franks were harmed.Very trueee
@Axel Nord wha- why
@Axel Nord it was an accident, like you are
@Axel Nord I am not a bot bruh it’s just that when I put fullstop,it automatically made it a website idk why
Gale is so powerful he came 1st and 22nd at the same time.
spike is 22th not gale
@@evrodrill u dont get jokes
do you
Don’t understand can you explain😅😅
@@riflegaming8762 go to the time stamp and listen to his sentence carefully
@@aidankhan6194 I heard it
Sprout thought they won until Gale showed his true power.
@Justin Yang sad moment for sproot fans
Nice spoiler ugh, I got it just below the video
Wow thanks for the spoiler! Im on mobile and could see it below the video! Thanks for wasting my time, really appreciate it
Go full screen then
@@shrankai7285 bruh how was I supposed to know that there was gonna be a spoiler
No franks were harmed in the process of making this video
Cant wait for KairosTIM to make a 'Who can speed the most'
(Spoiler) the winner is Max
actually the winner is mortis
It’s basically a gimme
Wait no Nani maybe
13:03 "They had us in the first half, not gonna lie"
You are in every bs video dude😐
Banana again
Im waiting on a theory vid about the "real" Kairos
Kairos Tim for people that don’t know about it, it’s a YT channel
@@KairosGaming you have the right to remain silent sir
@@KairosGaming under the wkbrl tos you have the right to remain silent you may plead your case in court against kairos Tim
May i point out in sprouts run when he used his gadget the frank wasnt moving alot and wasting alot of time
Frank was harmed in the making of this video.
harmed *ALOT*
Nice.... 69 likes while I'm reading this😙
Love your Brawl Olympics Kairos! 👀
You forgot Belle’s most op ability: ✋😞
Which one it is i forgot
@@adarshdash107 it’s one of her pins
"no teaming" pin
Yes. The best pin. She understands our pain.
@@blackcladwarrior583 oh yeah i rememebr
3:48 what about his gadget???
That’s what I said
Can we all just appreciate how much time Karios puts in these videos. No seriously man you are one of the best content creators ever
How much time? Don’t you mean how much…..
Kairos time?
Bentimm puts even more time..
@@jackb1272 bruh
@@shyamsingla716 true
Ok the ending was literally mind boggling
I’m looking at your YT name & thinking OJ watching this video & saying, “Kairos, Karios, Karios… OK, let me teach you the power of CHEESE” and Karios edited the end of the video lol - probably not, but sounds funny. Hope ya have a good day!
@@vada7102 yes boggling
@@FeZerD yes very boggling
i knew it was going to be sprout and gale in the finals, i havent watched it yet but im pretty sure gale is going to win
Thanks for the spoiler
Just gave away the finals
@@Joseph254b Yeah, James Phillips Thanks for the spoiler!!!😡😡😡
Sprout:you think you're better than me,a master?
Gale : I AM better than you
Fun fact : Nobody knows where the teleport takes Frank
@Pog man POG
@Pog man same.. But my guess is the smoke
You guys waited whole months for this situation ._.
@@FabricoDoes TT
Kairos:"for this video we will be torturing frank."
Me: *multiple flashbacks*
"Isn't that your every other video"
I was rooting for gale, so when u said "wait we have to look at a second..." I was so hyped
Legend says that even now, three months after video, Gale is still springing Frank back
10 months now
A year now
100 years now
A couple of eons
100 Eras now
00:38 “frank moves on”
00:45 “the 13 other brawlers that don’t have a way to slow down mortis are…”
Dang, KT know your brawlers😂😂
He was technically right
I feel like there should be an extreme edition for this competition whereby brawlers can do EVERYTHING within their arsenals to slow Frank down as much as possible without killing him. Recharging supers, free movements, multiple uses of gadgets.
but gale still wins lol
0:40 frank moves on and mortis ties with 13 other brawlers for dead last
sprout: *you can't defeat me*
gale: yeah I know ... but he can
*S P R I N G T R A P*
I thought u meaned the fnaf 3 villain
He always comes back
Kairos: who slows frank the best?
Me: himself, cos he stops before attacking
Kairos's twin Tim shows up
On the other hand Kairos Time : Best Slower
"Between you and sprout who would win?"
Gale: if Sprout uses his 2 Ults it might be a little draining
"But would you lose?"
Gale: Nah i'd win
Frank will keep on bouncing back on the spring ejector til the end of time. (sad frank noices)
89% Of The Comments: Frank was hårmeď
10% Of the Comments: Fronk
1% Of the comments: Nice Video
You forget kairos TİM comment lol
fun fact : kairos changed those background poster to show himself not being imposter
But he changed them a long time ago
@@vladutsapcaliu1959 dudddeenn
Still very sus
so kairostim is the real kairos?
Sprout:Yay,I won!
Gale:You sure?😈
Sprout: Yay I wi-
Gale: :(
Kairos: Wait I have a secound clip.
*Gale wins*
Sprout: NOOO
Gale: :)
"You showed them, Gale! You showed them all!"
"Mr P is gonna be so happy !"
@@jadesides51 ohh dear
@رضا العوادي Well, it wasn't my fault you went to the comments section before watching the video. If you had watched and then come here, like most, you wouldn't have this misfortune.
@رضا العوادي Well, it wasn't my fault it showed up first. So, sorry.
Gale with twister: call an ambulance!
Gale with jump pad: but not for me!
Rules:1 super,1 gadget sprout *uses super* *uses gadget* Rules: well now i,am not gonna do it🐧
Disclaimer: no franks was late from work during this video
I really like this style of the Olympic video also can’t wait for more brawl theory’s
Great video! I was expecting Sprout to win until that twist at the end.
“Frank Moves On… the 14 other brawlers that can’t slow Mortis down” KairosTime 2021
i was cheering for gale and it was so pog moment when kairos showed second clip with sprout vs gale
great video as always
wait actually same
Kairos, for the next time you can give Frank 16 power cubes so that it can resist more attacks like Lou's or Gale's
What about hundred in duo n big bot and for entering the arena u will have to make sure there is a entry point
That will take too long and too much effort
@@tawqirmuazquraishi7621 You literally put 16 boxes together in map maker and break them with Frank in less than 20s, don't see the issue there
Gray Raven sponsered the video
Them: here you go some free ready-to-torture Franks
Sprout got beaten by gale but I think that sprout is still better at slowing since a more skilled frank could bait out the jump pad gale still is really good at slowing though
Yeah, the gale thing would never happen normally. Sprout wins.
When you see kairos video,
FRANK : My Time has come.
Frank: No its HAMMER TIME
Kairos: Shows Brawlers and their slow
My Wifi: Look what they need to do to mimic a fraction of my power
Gale vs Lag: Final Showdown
Wow, I knew sprout was gonna win from the beginning, which he did but then all my dreams were shattered when he showed us gales infinite ability to slow
6:27 Gale attacking nonstop, bibi ain't ataackin
Kairos: *decides to record a new video*
Frank: oh sh*t, here we go again
“Remember to treat Frank with kindness”
Kinda feel like “Stall Olympics” would be a better name? Since there’s a different between actual slow and stalling via walls,knockback, and stuns
I guess but stall makes me think of Pokemon lol
7:17 If you use Bo’s remote detonation gadget you can delay the second mine long enough for it to give the full 2 second stun
I'm proud since Lou got 4th for the first time. Time will tell when he gets first
No TIM will tell
That was a really fun way to setup the final round great job!
AHHHH his stubble, it's gone for Kairostim
tips: 8 bit and stage 1 surge can't escape gale jump pad
I predict sprout is going to be the best slower, I 100% promise I’m not cheating, I’m at the part where he is explaining how it works.
Edit: I’m 7:30 minutes in and I’m now starting to think it’s Gale, I forgot about his new gadget at the start and I think he will win!