NBBC we need help here in the Philippines there are no more good Baptist churches here pls send some missionary in our country. Almost all of the Baptist churches here are teaching Lordship Salvation and most free grace churches here uses drums and never go on soul winning we have a lot of dead churches here. Our country is in dire need of help. I am a bible student in a reformed baptist college but I am a free grace believer and I wish to be trained in the ministry by a free grace church. I am in a very hopeless situation right now if there is someway to get in touch with you through email or fb pls help me.
Thank you so much Pastor for the inspiring message God bless you and your family. ❤️🎚️🙏
Thank you for pointing us back to God's Word! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yes Amen
I wish I could shake your Head Pastor
Yes 🙌 thank you lord for this message 🥰
Thank you Jesus for this word
praise God i am very happy to watch your this video brother God bless you?
NBBC we need help here in the Philippines there are no more good Baptist churches here pls send some missionary in our country. Almost all of the Baptist churches here are teaching Lordship Salvation and most free grace churches here uses drums and never go on soul winning we have a lot of dead churches here. Our country is in dire need of help. I am a bible student in a reformed baptist college but I am a free grace believer and I wish to be trained in the ministry by a free grace church. I am in a very hopeless situation right now if there is someway to get in touch with you through email or fb pls help me.