Rwandan living abroad here. Sir, I can't stress how much I appreciate your channel. This is the like of what both Rwandans and Uganda need to learn about their history and realize the level of brotherhood we share. I especially was moved by the video on Fred Rwigema. Hearing his voice for the very first time brought up emotions I can't describe. Thank you so much for your hard work, and if I may, any info on Late Col. Adam Waswa, who was second in ranks to Fred when the RPA attacked Rwanda but died mysteriously and is never talked about, would be very highly appreciated. Thanks again.
OwanaPaedia is committed to that goal and we are grateful for your appreciation, I remember that Adam Wasswa of Nakaseke left here as a lieutenant colonel. There is an interesting photograph where he appears with the late RPF chief, Colonel Alexis Kanyarengwe during the RPA struggle. We shall do something on Col. Adam Wasswa and i am now renewing my contact with his son. Stay Tuned
@@OWANAPAEDIA please do make contact. We would love to learn from you. Spiritually the ties between these two nations started long before kagame and kaguta. Before independence Ugandan missionaries (christian and Muslim) built and taught in Rwandan missionary schools and left families and friends in the country. So the ties run deep and will definitely outlive the current leaders. And as you clearly show Rwanda returned the favour when museveni was a rebel, although Rwanda paid heavily for its kindness.
Greetings from far-off Russia. I'm very interested in cobwebs of history & politics of the countries of the Great Lakes region, particularly Rwanda and Uganda. Thanks to Mr. Tony Owana for exciting retrospective journey and political review .
Well said Rwanda is a nation Uganda is also a nation will never change, but the leaders will always change the two countries will stay as brothers and sisters. Thank you Mr owana
Thank yoy very much Owanapedia for that nice content. I am a Rwandan but I am here to testify that the relationship between the two countries is beyond personal differencies and will stay for ever.
Thank you for sharing such a significant talk that affirms the roots of our relationship. Much of the controversy escalates from the ignorance about the bilateral relationship that has always existed from the past. We fight but our ties and bonds that tie us together are un breakable. We need more historians to inform the 21st century folks whose hate of one another escalates from the ignorance of our cherished history and ties.
OWANAPAEDIA We need more of this! We have always known Ugandan support of RPF during the struggle. We have never seen before how Rwandan citizens welcomed President Museveni with such an attitude of endearment and and deep affection . It is testament of the strong bonds that have always identified us. You can tell president Museven from his demeanor that he had a deep appreciation for Rwanda for their friendship and support during Uganda’s struggle. When our history is not well told, we raise a generation that feel victimized and that lacks context . And what follows is are feelings of hate towards one another when we should keep strong what has always been our treasure . The gift of friendship and brotherhood that have informed our past interactions and determined the attitude that we always held toward one another . I sure do appreciate your endeavors to speak the truth and affirms that our bonds have always existed and should be held even so dear in the face of disagreement . Ashanti sana
Mr museveni is the person you will never trust at all imagine what happened just after only four Years. I think he wants to do the same as he did before.good enough Rwandans to day are very careful and wise enough to protect the sovereignty their state.Long live president Paul kagame
OwanaPaedia is trying its level best not to promote a useless contest between our two leaders, whose historical similarities are far stronger than their recent differences...Would you rather contribute to strengthening the differences than the similarities?
mr. Kabagambe can you please promote unity among brothers and not war. whether you like it or not, us and ugandans are brothers and both leaders assisted each other in their respective liberation struggles.
@@OWANAPAEDIA I subscribed long time ago, You see if we don't know and keep our history we can't surely be sure of our future. I studied much of European history and I got to know that those people are jealously guarding their history because it's that history that guides them hence avoiding mistakes that hurt them before thus building strong and modern states.. I now turned this channels notifications on I can't miss anything
@@OWANAPAEDIA I subscribed long time ago, You see if we don't know and keep our history we can't surely be sure of our future. I studied much of European history and I got to know that those people are jealously guarding their history because it's that history that guides them hence avoiding mistakes that hurt them before thus building strong and modern states.. I now turned this channels notifications on I can't miss anything
Mr. Owana thanks for uploading. I have picked some information after watching these videos. And I've really liked Museveni because been blaming him before. I think the problem in between the two countries is with the current ruling body of Rwanda that maybe we're expecting much from M7 during the struggle or maybe they have they're own conspiracy about Uganda. That's how I think after watching the previous video. Great job....keep up Sir.
As a Rwandan born in Uganda icant even count families Ihave there in UG but whatever is going on now shouldn’t stop u from having a chance to know Rwanda and families u might have but u didn’t know as Rwandans say if u Uganda was in any trouble we would be there to help .
Currently we managed to post one and still working on the others, will make them available when the production is done. hanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
Very interesting and emotional. The world was free. Genocide was not spontaneous. It's causes could have been averted. Many innocent people lost their dear lives. They all lived like me and you until that day like yesterday 26 years ago today. Innocent men, women and small children lost their loved one in such a gruesome manner that humanity had never anticipated. Their blood is on the hands of these two leaders.
After the emotion, try to correctly trace the origins of the problem that led to this war. It will give you a sound diagnosis and therefore a correct prescription. We should all be able to say "NEVER AGAIN..."
@@OWANAPAEDIA Thank you Mr Owona for your point of view. But I think we all have the right to see things differently. I think it could be fair if we can push our analysis to real cause of the tragedy of our region in general. Stop looking in one direction. I see this in a big picture. This is not a problem between leaders of Rwanda and Uganda. We have to further than that. If you don't agree the "Conspiracy" or the big role of M7 in all this, how can you explain me the invasion of Zaïre (Congo) in 1996 and thereafter, the battle in Kisangani between Rwadese army and Ugandans. How can you explain me the role of M7 in Sudan?
@@Nyakis100 You are straying from the videos we have posted so far. There is no Zaire invasion or the Kisangani fracas anywhere (although we have remarkable footage I assure you) and there is no Sudan. We know a lot but the mission is Bridge-Building and the direction you wish to take us into is Bridge Demolition.
Mr. Owana i can't post my email here and neither can you, it's imperative to me that we get in touch, what do i do? Thank you for these historical treasures you're legacy is sealed.
Thanks a lot Mzee wanapaedi for that historical information but I wonder with opposition politicians and their supporters who creating a bad image btn Remanded living in Uganda and Ugandans
brother can u do something about mj rujama kindly do that for us all this Guy's are very strong keep up one African one people in deed u are Ban African GOD bless u thanks
Can you find us video of mobutu and M7 when they met in goma zaire and we had gone to the airport to welcome him I was in high school and fellow classmates nicknamed me m7 from that day I later understood it's because of his physical features
Thank you for the interesting content. I'd like to have a few suggestions if I may: 1. Better remove the channel's logo in the middle of the screen which blocks view and looks like a target board on people. 2. Better remove the background music as you speak. It interferes with your speech, your speech is what people are interested in. 3. If it's not too much of a burden, better add translations or your short summary in English for international viewers on what the people say in the recordings.
@@OWANAPAEDIA this is a very important piece of history. Here museveni speaks Lukiga and the local people hear him. I am sure Habyalimana did not hear.
Mr Trump thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia, Obote 1, 2 & other historical will be availed on this channel as soon as the material is ready. Just click on the notifications button(Bell Icon) to keep updated.
@the retired journalist #before explaining this small part of the history relationship between Rwanda and Uganda, elaborate first on the long journey of Tutsi refugees in Uganda since 1959 until 1990 and the reasons why they have been purchased from their motherland.Moreover try to tackle on the military support of those Tutsi given to Museveni during his struggle. Finally make a clear link on the preparation of genocide done by habyalimana regime against Tutsi. #New generation. Know that since 1959 Tutsi were killed by their comrades hutu due to hateful propaganda of hutu government. Some of survivors tried get refuge in neighboring countries. However those who stayed in the countries, were bad treated, kidnapped and killed, have been refused the right to attend schools and even in public sector for those who got chance to study in modest schools. It's a long history but some who are intere sted can check official sources.
@@1wun1 are you sure of what you are talking?I am the eyewitness of what habyarimana did to discriminate and kill his own people. You are ignoring the truth but that is how things went.
Thank you for your good history. Owanapaedia, I'm confused about THE HISTORICAL 27 NRA MEMBERS, kindly, are those who range RO/00001- RO/00027 because, in that category, some comrades fallen before the launch of the war against the then UNLA in 1981 OR they're amang the 41 who attacked Kabamba military school on 06th Feb, 1981?
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia, I will make them available as soon as their production is completed but don't hesitate to browse through our playlists for the variety available. Don't forget to click on the notifications button for all latest uploads.
That he will do something about the shortage of essential items like salt. then giving them advice on what to do with their farming and commercial practices. Then he said he'll address them fully when he's returning from his trip
Mr Owana, thank you. Ugandan journalists of your caliber are scanty nowdays. Wish you have a program like this on Local Ug TV to educate many Ugandans about such good history?? Many people in Uganda need to know such history between the two sister countries instead of focusing on their current bad bilateral relations.
Yet less than a decade later some of these common men who are “always” innocent would be committing unspeakable atrocities against their fellow man....
i think Owana ugandan gov should pick a kin interest in what your try to get at your not by your self Mr.Owana. am 100% sure that kagame is behind all your issues but am telling you Mr Owana your trading on a very soft ground my friend .Mr Owana If I doubt your intentions I will never trust your actions.We don't see snakes because they wear suits and When a we team up with a snake a moral storm threatens somewhere.
I am sure the Uganda Government has taken your advice to "pick a kin interest" in OwanaPaedia and any government would be very unwise to ignore OwanaPaedia. But amongst us are many who are incapable of independent thought and action; they must always have someone ahead of them, or at least behind them. They find life impossible without conspiracies. Don't dig more ditches as we build bridges.
Haa....what ? really this is history I see museveni the way he visited habyarimana for 3 days is the same way visited poul kagame the same speech and words otherwise owana thanks very much the keeping the history.
You're among the uninformed or people that spread poor propaganda. M7 couldn't even speak Kinyarwanda. And he said it openly to the people of Rwanda that he is not a Rwandan and has not even got any lineage of Banyarwanda. That propaganda was spread by Obote as his political opponent. Whoever denies it should come with evidence.
why a change my WORD s i say stop talking about how think happen during that time MJ rijima you need to talk about something wil bring unit of the People thanks
Thanks for your concern and keeping it Owanapaedia. At this moment in time, OwanaPaedia is convinced that Uganda-Rwanda relations must top the agenda of every well-meaning Pan-Africanist. As to material on the independence struggle, just stay tuned; we have spent only three months in action!!! Don't forget to subscribe and clck on the notifications button for latest updates.
Museveni Kaguta ni umututsi wumwega uvuka iButare mu Rwanda ariko ni mwumve uko yihinduye umunyamahanga nturabukwe. Abanyarwanda ni Virus mbi cyane ivanze na Cancer. Urwanda rwa kera nikigihe hari aho bihuriye nahato? Abagome we! Muzabona ishyano.
@@OWANAPAEDIA he says H.E museveni is a tutsi from butare in Rwanda but he pretended not to be Rwandan and Rwandans are a bad virus mixed with cancer he said,isthe old Rwanda the same with the Rwanda today?cruel people!you'll see troubles.that's all he said...
habyarimana case he was called many times to sit and let Tutsi people go back home instead he killed them slow by slow rejected all offers that were on the table well u can’t fill up a cup that is already full u need to pour what’s inside to refill it .
Habyarimana was friends with Pres.Museveni. From what he is saying himself. It's a debatable subject. Would they have returned home peacefully ? Perhaps , they wanted to be in the driver's seat. Considering , mbu , the Tutsis were massively marginalized and oppressed by the Hutu 😪
@@murenzipatrick6171 Owanapaedia refuses to be drawn into that discussion, we are more interested in our similarities than our differences. Thank you for keeping it Owanapaedia
@@1wun1 u seem not to be aware of what you are posting here. The article u promote here is a personal opinion from a guy who sought asylum in the USA after signing off embassy funds for himself and others. U shld get informed before u post nonsense. Even these OWANAPAEDIA videos are enough to get you informed.
Rwandan living abroad here. Sir, I can't stress how much I appreciate your channel. This is the like of what both Rwandans and Uganda need to learn about their history and realize the level of brotherhood we share. I especially was moved by the video on Fred Rwigema. Hearing his voice for the very first time brought up emotions I can't describe. Thank you so much for your hard work, and if I may, any info on Late Col. Adam Waswa, who was second in ranks to Fred when the RPA attacked Rwanda but died mysteriously and is never talked about, would be very highly appreciated. Thanks again.
OwanaPaedia is committed to that goal and we are grateful for your appreciation, I remember that Adam Wasswa of Nakaseke left here as a lieutenant colonel. There is an interesting photograph where he appears with the late RPF chief, Colonel Alexis Kanyarengwe during the RPA struggle. We shall do something on Col. Adam Wasswa and i am now renewing my contact with his son. Stay Tuned
@@OWANAPAEDIAYour consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you
Surely waiting for this, thumbs up Mr Owana
Much appreciated
@@OWANAPAEDIA please do make contact. We would love to learn from you. Spiritually the ties between these two nations started long before kagame and kaguta. Before independence Ugandan missionaries (christian and Muslim) built and taught in Rwandan missionary schools and left families and friends in the country. So the ties run deep and will definitely outlive the current leaders. And as you clearly show Rwanda returned the favour when museveni was a rebel, although Rwanda paid heavily for its kindness.
Greetings from far-off Russia. I'm very interested in cobwebs of history & politics of the countries of the Great Lakes region, particularly Rwanda and Uganda. Thanks to Mr. Tony Owana for exciting retrospective journey and political review .
Thank you Mr Tony Owana for this rich history. Our children need to see this and appreciate our humble beginning as a country .
Thanks Mr Asiimwe for keeping it Owanapaedia. Don't hesitate sharing this content to the young ones to enable them make informed decisions.
Well said Rwanda is a nation Uganda is also a nation will never change, but the leaders will always change the two countries will stay as brothers and sisters. Thank you Mr owana
Your most welcome
Thank yoy very much Owanapedia for that nice content. I am a Rwandan but I am here to testify that the relationship between the two countries is beyond personal differencies and will stay for ever.
Thanks for appreciating the efforts Mr. Mziza. Stay tuned for more historic content
Thanks a lot mr owana 🙏🏾 and please share more stories related to Rwanda 🇷🇼
Urakoze muzehe!
Komereza aho, kutwereka amateka👌🏿
Urakoze gukurikira
OWANAPAEDIA sinari nzi ko unavuga ikinyarwanda pe!!! Nanjye ndagushimiye cyane ku mateka uhora utugezaho.
OWANAPAEDIA don’t tell me you know kinyarwanda 😂
Thank you for sharing such a significant talk that affirms the roots of our relationship. Much of the controversy escalates from the ignorance about the bilateral relationship that has always existed from the past. We fight but our ties and bonds that tie us together are un breakable. We need more historians to inform the 21st century folks whose hate of one another escalates from the ignorance of our cherished history and ties.
Thanks Emmu K for keeping it Owanapaedia, we remain committed to informing, educating and inspiring the young generation with historical fact.
OWANAPAEDIA We need more of this! We have always known Ugandan support of RPF during the struggle. We have never seen before how Rwandan citizens welcomed President Museveni with such an attitude of endearment and and deep affection . It is testament of the strong bonds that have always identified us. You can tell president Museven from his demeanor that he had a deep appreciation for Rwanda for their friendship and support during Uganda’s struggle. When our history is not well told, we raise a generation that feel victimized and that lacks context . And what follows is are feelings of hate towards one another when we should keep strong what has always been our treasure . The gift of friendship and brotherhood that have informed our past interactions and determined the attitude that we always held toward one another . I sure do appreciate your endeavors to speak the truth and affirms that our bonds have always existed and should be held even so dear in the face of disagreement . Ashanti sana
Mr museveni is the person you will never trust at all imagine what happened just after only four Years. I think he wants to do the same as he did before.good enough Rwandans to day are very careful and wise enough to protect the sovereignty their state.Long live president Paul kagame
OwanaPaedia is trying its level best not to promote a useless contest between our two leaders, whose historical similarities are far stronger than their recent differences...Would you rather contribute to strengthening the differences than the similarities?
mr. Kabagambe
can you please promote unity among brothers and not war.
whether you like it or not, us and ugandans are brothers and both leaders assisted each other in their respective liberation struggles.
Very much appreciated Mr Owana 🙏🙏 very interesting history of both these great countries. Keep it coming 🙏
Thank you, I will. Stay blessed.
Thanks for updating sir.
Owana.... I am subscribing!!!!!
Mr owana thanks alot for the amazing work embarked on regarding the history of our country, ndabila bonna,
My pleasure. Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
U are Avery great journalist Mr owana
Thanks for compliment Mr. Kajuga and thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
This is just an enlightening and illuminating piece of history! Bravo Owanapaedia👏🏽
Thanks for appreciating Mr.Agaba. Stay tuned
Wow thank you very much Owana.Keep it up
Your most welcome. Thanks for tuning in.
I believe this channel will bring our great nations together forever beyond individuals
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia Mr.Tandeka, don't forget to subscribe for more historic content
@@OWANAPAEDIA I subscribed long time ago,
You see if we don't know and keep our history we can't surely be sure of our future.
I studied much of European history and I got to know that those people are jealously guarding their history because it's that history that guides them hence avoiding mistakes that hurt them before thus building strong and modern states.. I now turned this channels notifications on I can't miss anything
@@OWANAPAEDIA I subscribed long time ago,
You see if we don't know and keep our history we can't surely be sure of our future.
I studied much of European history and I got to know that those people are jealously guarding their history because it's that history that guides them hence avoiding mistakes that hurt them before thus building strong and modern states.. I now turned this channels notifications on I can't miss anything
I really can't forget to subscribe. Thanks this is real politics I think not now days.
Welcome friend.
Thanks owanapadia, am from USA
Am glad your tuned. Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia and Stay Safe
Appreciate the history
We are glad that you appreciate it, thanks for tuning in always. Hope you are staying safe.
Thank you Yohana
I really admire you gentleman ever. Thanks for your good videos.....
My pleasure! Thanks for the subscription and following Owanapaedia, Spread the good message. Stay safe.
Good job mzee!
Keep it up!!!!
Thanks, will do!
Waaaooo! Where could i have seen this? Big thanks Mzee Owana and yo team.
Could that be David Mutebile's voice in the background?
It's Peter Swilikei's voice. Thanks for following Owanapaedia
Thanks! Waiting for part 2
Coming soon! Just click on the notifications button(Bell Icon) for easy update. Stay tuned to Owanapaedia
Thanks for the amazing history, I can see how the people love president Museveni for sure
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
Mr. Owana thanks for uploading. I have picked some information after watching these videos. And I've really liked Museveni because been blaming him before. I think the problem in between the two countries is with the current ruling body of Rwanda that maybe we're expecting much from M7 during the struggle or maybe they have they're own conspiracy about Uganda. That's how I think after watching the previous video.
Great job....keep up Sir.
We really enjoyed..please give us more
Just stay tuned to Owanapaedia, more historical content will be posted soon. Thank you.
lovely piece of history. may God bless our leader and president Museveni
As a Rwandan born in Uganda icant even count families Ihave there in UG but whatever is going on now shouldn’t stop u from having a chance to know Rwanda and families u might have but u didn’t know as Rwandans say if u Uganda was in any trouble we would be there to help .
We have little choice but to identify Common Good and work for it.
This is great Tony, keep up the good work!.
Thanks, will do!
Thanks for sharing the information. Stay focused
by then he was loved by many
wow amazing video
Thanks for watching. Keep it Owanapaedia for more of such amazing videos
Thank you wanna pedia plz would you find us video of late general Fred Rwigyema .Thanks
Currently we managed to post one and still working on the others, will make them available when the production is done. hanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
Thanks Owana
Your welcome Mary, Thanks for tuning in. Stay safe
Very interesting and emotional. The world was free. Genocide was not spontaneous. It's causes could have been averted. Many innocent people lost their dear lives. They all lived like me and you until that day like yesterday 26 years ago today. Innocent men, women and small children lost their loved one in such a gruesome manner that humanity had never anticipated. Their blood is on the hands of these two leaders.
After the emotion, try to correctly trace the origins of the problem that led to this war. It will give you a sound diagnosis and therefore a correct prescription. We should all be able to say "NEVER AGAIN..."
@@OWANAPAEDIA Thank you Mr Owona for your point of view. But I think we all have the right to see things differently. I think it could be fair if we can push our analysis to real cause of the tragedy of our region in general. Stop looking in one direction. I see this in a big picture. This is not a problem between leaders of Rwanda and Uganda. We have to further than that. If you don't agree the "Conspiracy" or the big role of M7 in all this, how can you explain me the invasion of Zaïre (Congo) in 1996 and thereafter, the battle in Kisangani between Rwadese army and Ugandans. How can you explain me the role of M7 in Sudan?
@@Nyakis100 You are straying from the videos we have posted so far. There is no Zaire invasion or the Kisangani fracas anywhere (although we have remarkable footage I assure you) and there is no Sudan. We know a lot but the mission is Bridge-Building and the direction you wish to take us into is Bridge Demolition.
I wish Owanapedia could add the translation for those of us interested in our East African history. Otherwise thank you for the good job.
We shall see to it
Mr. Owana i can't post my email here and neither can you, it's imperative to me that we get in touch, what do i do? Thank you for these historical treasures you're legacy is sealed.
Check in the about section , you wil find away to contact me. Thanks
Even in Covid 19,we are watching.
I appreciate the love, stay safe
Thanks a lot Mzee wanapaedi for that historical information but I wonder with opposition politicians and their supporters who creating a bad image btn Remanded living in Uganda and Ugandans
Hahaha corona I love Ugandan mind I am an panafricanist I love them who own africa
brother can u do something about mj rujama kindly do that for us all this Guy's are very strong keep up one African one people in deed u are Ban African GOD bless u thanks
Who is mj rujama? Give some more information hen we hunt.
Thanks for the history brother
I will continue, with your blessing.
link me to the other events. for we need to surely understand the background of our nation and intercede for it. thanks mr OWANA
Can you find us video of mobutu and M7 when they met in goma zaire and we had gone to the airport to welcome him
I was in high school and fellow classmates nicknamed me m7 from that day
I later understood it's because of his physical features
waiting for part 2🔥🔥
Will avail it as soon as possible. Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
Thank you for the interesting content. I'd like to have a few suggestions if I may: 1. Better remove the channel's logo in the middle of the screen which blocks view and looks like a target board on people. 2. Better remove the background music as you speak. It interferes with your speech, your speech is what people are interested in. 3. If it's not too much of a burden, better add translations or your short summary in English for international viewers on what the people say in the recordings.
what language HE museveni is speaking? is it kinyankore? or kinyarwanda?
Its kinyankole mixed with kikiga generally they are the same
@@OWANAPAEDIA this is a very important piece of history. Here museveni speaks Lukiga and the local people hear him. I am sure Habyalimana did not hear.
As a Rwandan I was understanding what he was saying
He was to speak kinyarwanda because that's his mother tongue
sad to know that a significant percentage of the people here are no more due to what followed 8 years later. Do more videos on museveni wars
What does it have to do with this clip?
Mr OWANA thanks alot ebyafayo kintu kikulunyo Apoyo mateke
I think that was the innocent polite museveni then. Indeed the museveni of that day would square up with the museveni of today.
17:00 what He said here ???!
And here 17:30
Good job. 👏👏👏👏
Thank you! Cheers!
Thank you Owanapaedia can you tell us about captain Kayitare Vedatse
I have subscribed.
Can you bring us the days of obote 2 as well?
Mr Trump thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia, Obote 1, 2 & other historical will be availed on this channel as soon as the material is ready. Just click on the notifications button(Bell Icon) to keep updated.
Nowadays everything is to sell if you sell at least sell on a good price 😂🎉🎉🎉🎉
@the retired journalist #before explaining this small part of the history relationship between Rwanda and Uganda, elaborate first on the long journey of Tutsi refugees in Uganda since 1959 until 1990 and the reasons why they have been purchased from their motherland.Moreover try to tackle on the military support of those Tutsi given to Museveni during his struggle. Finally make a clear link on the preparation of genocide done by habyalimana regime against Tutsi. #New generation. Know that since 1959 Tutsi were killed by their comrades hutu due to hateful propaganda of hutu government. Some of survivors tried get refuge in neighboring countries. However those who stayed in the countries, were bad treated, kidnapped and killed, have been refused the right to attend schools and even in public sector for those who got chance to study in modest schools. It's a long history but some who are intere
sted can check official sources.
@@1wun1 are you sure of what you are talking?I am the eyewitness of what habyarimana did to discriminate and kill his own people. You are ignoring the truth but that is how things went.
Sir Museveni was also in plan to kill Habyarima . Him is not going be to éternel . Museveni Kagame also one day the are going to Died
Thank you for your good history.
Owanapaedia, I'm confused about THE HISTORICAL 27 NRA MEMBERS, kindly, are those who range RO/00001- RO/00027 because, in that category, some comrades fallen before the launch of the war against the then UNLA in 1981 OR they're amang the 41 who attacked Kabamba military school on 06th Feb, 1981?
Ninde ufitiye impuhwe Museveni ko Uruzingo rw'i Kigali yiremeye rwamwica...???
I love Owana videos -But, you also back even in colonial and pre colonial era....
Otherwise we appreciate
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia, I will make them available as soon as their production is completed but don't hesitate to browse through our playlists for the variety available. Don't forget to click on the notifications button for all latest uploads.
Could somebody translate in brief what president Museveni said in his speech at the rwandan border?
That he will do something about the shortage of essential items like salt. then giving them advice on what to do with their farming and commercial practices. Then he said he'll address them fully when he's returning from his trip
Surprisingly,some years later,Yoweri went back old and tired. To negotiate boarder opening
Surprising to who? Did you want him to go there to negotiate with guns? Build bridges my friend. We have enough ditches.
They should both vacate,before the populations force them out
Every visit counts!Uh
*kagame victim Juvenal Habyarimana*
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
Was Kagame among those who crossed ??
No he wasn't.
Was Mr. Fred part of this delegation?
No, he wasn't
Jalibu kupandisha sauti kidogo
How old was he??????
Gusa yigira nyoninyinshi nk Aho .. umva uko yashimagizaga Habyarimana
Mr Owana, thank you. Ugandan journalists of your caliber are scanty nowdays. Wish you have a program like this on Local Ug TV to educate many Ugandans about such good history?? Many people in Uganda need to know such history between the two sister countries instead of focusing on their current bad bilateral relations.
Thanks for the compliments and am glad you enjoy Owanapaedia content. Stay tuned for more historic clips
Habyarimana was a gentleman. Too unfortunate there was all that bloodshed that brought all this distrust between these sister countries.
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia Mr Chapman Alexander
The lost son was being received.
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
He was at his home roots
So Museveni is this dishonest😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Habaye Génocide nawe Ari responsable
Neiwe ogisisire kukira abandi boona
Thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
The common man is always innocent. Look at how those peasants welcomed Museveni.
Yet less than a decade later some of these common men who are “always” innocent would be committing unspeakable atrocities against their fellow man....
@@michaelx4810 what a world
I didn’t know that Museveni could speak Rukiga 😂
Among other languages, yes.
i think Owana ugandan gov should pick a kin interest in what your try to get at your not by your self Mr.Owana. am 100% sure that kagame is behind all your issues but am telling you Mr Owana your trading on a very soft ground my friend .Mr Owana If I doubt your intentions I will never trust your actions.We don't see snakes because they wear suits and When a we team up with a snake a moral storm threatens somewhere.
I am sure the Uganda Government has taken your advice to "pick a kin interest" in OwanaPaedia and any government would be very unwise to ignore OwanaPaedia. But amongst us are many who are incapable of independent thought and action; they must always have someone ahead of them, or at least behind them. They find life impossible without conspiracies. Don't dig more ditches as we build bridges.
Omusaja Ono. M7 simunyarwanda naakamu. Munyankole yenyini. Abatamwagara bebegumya nti munyarwanda
Did he have to kill so many people? I don't think so..
Mr Ssalambwa thanks for your opinion and thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia your home of facts.
Haa....what ? really this is history I see museveni the way he visited habyarimana for 3 days is the same way visited poul kagame the same speech and words otherwise owana thanks very much the keeping the history.
Emason undeson undeson 631: Your most welcome, thanks for keeping it Owanapaedia
Awo yayina emyaka emekka not 45years??????
Hhhh unluckily they didn't
Nonetheless them who sell Africa to the chip price
Museveni at his home roots
You're among the uninformed or people that spread poor propaganda. M7 couldn't even speak Kinyarwanda. And he said it openly to the people of Rwanda that he is not a Rwandan and has not even got any lineage of Banyarwanda. That propaganda was spread by Obote as his political opponent. Whoever denies it should come with evidence.
why a change my WORD s i say stop talking about how think happen during that time MJ rijima you need to talk about something wil bring unit of the People thanks
Thanks for your concern and keeping it Owanapaedia. At this moment in time, OwanaPaedia is convinced that Uganda-Rwanda relations must top the agenda of every well-meaning Pan-Africanist. As to material on the independence struggle, just stay tuned; we have spent only three months in action!!! Don't forget to subscribe and clck on the notifications button for latest updates.
Museveni Kaguta ni umututsi wumwega uvuka iButare mu Rwanda ariko ni mwumve uko yihinduye umunyamahanga nturabukwe. Abanyarwanda ni Virus mbi cyane ivanze na Cancer. Urwanda rwa kera nikigihe hari aho bihuriye nahato? Abagome we! Muzabona ishyano.
Can I have the English translation of this message comrade?
@@OWANAPAEDIA he says H.E museveni is a tutsi from butare in Rwanda but he pretended not to be Rwandan and Rwandans are a bad virus mixed with cancer he said,isthe old Rwanda the same with the Rwanda today?cruel people!you'll see troubles.that's all he said...
Toka kure Akomoka Mubashambo Kandi ubwami bwabo ni Muri ndorwa na Ankore kandi ni mwene Gihanga
Habyarimana ntiyari azi ko Museveni and his guys bari bari kumupangira intambara!
Nfenk men you limaind elot
Translate to English please
habyarimana case he was called many times to sit and let Tutsi people go back home instead he killed them slow by slow rejected all offers that were on the table well u can’t fill up a cup that is already full u need to pour what’s inside to refill it .
Thank you for anticipating what is in the next one!
OWANAPAEDIA looking forward for more videos from u good work Bg man respect ✊🏾
Habyarimana was friends with Pres.Museveni.
From what he is saying himself.
It's a debatable subject.
Would they have returned home peacefully ?
Perhaps , they wanted to be in the driver's seat.
Considering , mbu , the Tutsis were massively marginalized and oppressed by the Hutu 😪
Sam Henry thanks for your opinion and keep it Owanapaedia for more historic content.
Surly they were oppressed, your President of Uganda always want to control Rwanda.
@@murenzipatrick6171 Owanapaedia refuses to be drawn into that discussion, we are more interested in our similarities than our differences. Thank you for keeping it Owanapaedia
@@1wun1 u seem not to be aware of what you are posting here. The article u promote here is a personal opinion from a guy who sought asylum in the USA after signing off embassy funds for himself and others. U shld get informed before u post nonsense. Even these OWANAPAEDIA videos are enough to get you informed.
And now Tutsi Killed millions of hutus and still kill them every day