I worked for many years in Chicago's City Hall and personally visited 3 floors beneath ground level. Old timers told me that there were even more levels including what they described as a "prison". There were books in one of the lower levels, ledgers actually; old marriage ledgers that I was told had survived the fire. These ledgers were 3 times the size of a normal ones. I asked why they were so big but never got a straight answer. I wish I knew then what I know now.
What horrible genocide of the giant people. All the old buildings had huge ceilings and doors. Why did the giant people disappear? Some believe the Tatarians were large like 8-10 feet tall.
During the height of the California Gold Rush, between December 1849 and June 1851, San Francisco endured a sequence of seven severe fires, of which this was the sixth and by far the most damaging. Great Fire in Yeniseysk in Siberia in 1869. "Bloody Week" in Paris, or officially French revolution from 18 March to 28 May 1871. As a result, Paris looked like Dresden, or Hiroshima in 1945. Chicago fire of 1871 began on October 8, 1871. The Peshtigo Fire in Wisconsin on October 8, 1871. At the same time there were multiple fires in Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and even on the Pacific Ocean Coast. Great Boston Fire of 1872. The Great Fire at Portland, Oregon in 1873. Virginia City Fire in 1875. People were hearing explosions, and cast steel melted. Which normally requires the temp of 2,192 degrees Fahrenheit. Great Fire in Irkutsk, Siberia in 1879. In 1881 Tomsk, Western Siberia elaborated new anti-fire regulations. The following year Tomsk burnt several times. What was strange, in all those cases the burnt buildings were made with stone. Besides, there were thousands of small towns and villages that burnt to the dust. This is a very short account of how Tartaria finally ended. New population from other places was brought in. And they were told stories about the cows who made all this mess. But it all started in London in 1666. Or, maybe J666, or i666? Who knows.
Excellent post! The old “fire” story or other disaster is the convenient cornerstone of the narrative to explain the construction of implausible meticulously crafted buildings and grounds, within impossible short timelines, with woefully inadequate tools and a makeshift workforce (all graduates of the Michael Angelo School of Construction and Architecture of course) around the world. The problem for the establishment is the play only works until it doesn’t.
We all know that any title with the word 'Great' in front of it, is conflagration. Electrical phenomena interacting with the Earth from passing comets or or the Sun. All these buildings -mud flood or not- have tall ceilings and high bay windows.. for our taller not so distant ancestors.. Doorways with false inserts and a normal sized door for us modern humans. We are descendants of Giants, getting smaller as we move further away from the Sun. The dates you linked together can be done into the past, showing a common thread of Cataclysm and Conflagration. Northern Russia/Siberia got skelped in the 17 and 1800's wiping them all out there too.. The Romans added 2 months onto the calendar - Julius Augustus, July and August.. September - Sept means 7, the 7th month of the year - it's now the ninth. Add 2 months onto the calendar to account for a longer Orbital period - hence being further away from the Sun. To focus on Tartaria is to Cherry Pick a window in time - which is ok, we need info to get out there, be it Greek Roman Egyptian Sumerian Asiatic African Nordic Celtic Scythian Gaul Moor MesoAmerican but,, The ANSWERS lie in Electric Universe Theory. ElectricUniverse will give you the keys to pick apart ANY narrative past or present. ⚡⚡
Cleveland, Ohio has a similar story and timeline. Probably Detroit, Buffalo and Pittsburg as well. They just sprung up in less than 75 years with roads, incredible buildings, cathedrals, and transportation and economy
Once you realize it was every city in every country at the same time, the narrative truly makes no sense. Look at all of Asia, Australia, Canada, Africa, South America... all have almost identical building style and identical time periods.
We live in a "construct" emphasis being on "con".... possibly a whole race of humans was swapped out, baby Incubators were pumping out thousands of a "new" race......be it as it may, this reality we think so much of, really doesn't exist at all(that is the why and how!)
I grew up in an 1800's house (mansion) near Springfield, about 3 hours south of Chicago that has no real history and people with a lot of stories that don't add up, even people making up stories that can't be true. Very old pre-electricity and with the best wood in the parlor and stairs. Some old maps show it, others do not. It was the nicest/biggest house in town but there is nothing known about it and no historical photos or biography about the builders or owners... some research shows that the family it's named after descended from a "German Baron." Supposedly the whole town spoke German and there are plenty of people with German last names, but not a single bit of German literature, newspapers, books, store signs, etc. Of course they destroyed it after a fire around 1996. There are still a lot of old world structures around Springfield, but they are tearing them down as fast as they can afford to.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 They tore down the YWCA that mot of the kids grew up taking classes and having summer camp at... it was an old-world brick building right next to the mayor's mansion... check out the old buildings in springfield that have been torn down... even a crystal palace or some kind of huge dome... a couple of structures, there is one in taylorville that is red brick and mud flooded being rented for residential and in st. louis there is an old world house (mansion) in the same exact white stone as in the st louis world's fair and it's right next to that fair area... so it was probably part of that city center... but it's still there and has some really interesting stain glass still left in perfect condition where you can see some scenes and a coat of arms... just found these two by chance.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 Our house was the only house like it in the city and had been duplexed more than once when we bought it for cheap... rumors were that Lincoln used to stay at it on his way out of Springfield... it was right 2 blocks away from the Great Western Stage Coach train on the old RT29... but others in town say it was built much later and have a story to go along with it... and at the same time they claim that all of the towns history was lost when they threw away the newspaper collection that was held in the basement when the lady of the house died... it had old glass with runs in it, and now we know that could be due to the heat the melted other stone structures and it used square nails like we now use in pneumatic nail guns but at the time we just thought they were crazy and primitive for using square nails... the wood and trim pieces in the house were at a level I've never seen again, even in royal castles and the capitol buildings. The family also owned the Niantic Sawmill about 30 minutes away by car and that area used to be covered in old growth oak, maple, and other hardwoods.
I just checked Melbourne Australia thinking not here, not possible. Never read about or was taught about any fires, but sure enough "The GREAT fire of 1897" It unfortunately destroyed many magnificent buildings, some of them (only 4 years old) What a crock we have been fed. Been researching this for a while to. Then we put in Sydney Australia. "The great fire of 1890" I think you can put in any major city in the world pretty much. The level of co-ordination world wide is is something we all think is very recent when they have been at this from probably day zero.
Makes me want to go to Australia. To check out the similarities of history involved. That the Deep State Khazarian Mafia doesn't want for us to know. Oops. Too late.
Something suspicious about how all these buildings were built WITHOUT power tools and vehicles. Before the invention of power tools at that. Also, it strikes me that the old architecture seems to reach for the heavens while modern homes look more like a box or a cell. Nothing reaches up. It's the supression of soul and mind.
I only went to Chicago once when I was in my 30's and only for 4 days but I remember being completely blown away by the architecture! The old buildings inspire your soul but the dead glass condos of today inspire nothing.
I feel the same way. When I peered into the water way by the Merlyn Monroe statue in Chicago then looked back on the city my mind started racing, realizing there was something larger at play in that moment that I felt so small & that time was older then me & long ago people had been here before time began.
Yea I’ve lived in Chicago, a few towns away in the sw burbs my whole life and I Havnt seen most of these beautiful old buildings. Which makes me sad. Definitely need to go see all this . And the Golden statue. ❤
I live in downtown Chicago, and there definitely is a different energy to the historical buildings compared to the modern ones when you go inside them or even get near them.
Absolutely I live in Montreal went to university in Toronto. I lived in Vancouver and each one of those towns is God buildings that just they change your whole state of mind soon as you walk in the door in fact, you can’t walk in the door without looking at the detailing outside.
Especially what is that the "municipal building" downtown? Stands out like a thumb amidst a bunch of sore fingers. There is a notable difference between the old buildings and the newer ones.
Moose Jaw, Canada has an interesting story. Supposedly the town's old wooden buildings all burned down, so they were replaced with stone. Only thing is the stone buildings have this same old world architecture. The town is a major transportation hub, with numerous railroad converging there. At one time, it was even suggest that it might become the capitol of Canada. Oh, and more thing... there's a bunch of underground tunnels throughout the place! Anyways, I dug into the archives a while back, I could find no construction photos, nor any photos of the former town, or of the fire.
That is an interesting story. It also seems to reflect the common theme of random destruction as an explanation for a tremendous achievement. I will have to take a look at Moose Jaw.
This pattern seems to follow across probably thousands of cities and rural cities as well. Underground railways and structures, too, no matter how small your town or city you may believe - look at manhole covers for symbols and how widespread this is will really hit you.
@Restitutor_Orbis_214 funny enough, there is mentions of moose jaw being called little Chicago with ties to al Capone, or so the story goes. I live close by in Regina which has an unreal tartarian capitol city building.
Chilaga, like all of the cities east (and most west) of the Mississippi were part of the Mississippian civilization that was and still is right here in America/Tameri/India Superior/Abasinia, who have been purposefully mislabeled as African Americans. Each one of these cities incorporates the ancient mound systems, and its old world buildings pay homage to each advancement in masonry building styles that came after the mounds. From the domes (representing mounds themselves), to the pyramids (that came after), to the arches and columns (that came after that), all incorporated into the lost building style/manner. This is quite eye opening and goes perfectly with my own mound civilization research that I have been doing in every city I visit in the America's. On my last visit to Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I was just coming to the realization that not only the mounds had been there, but the ornate parks and cemeteries that surround them were also original (vs made after the fact). Not only that, but also these original buildings are a part of the civilization as well (now confirmed by the wonderful body of work on this page)! It's like I was thinking this but I thought it was too fanciful, until I ran across this page yesterday (I literally just got back from my trip to Cleveland and Pittsburgh and saw this page yesterday, coincidentally)...Lastly, some evidence of the old world's grandiose cities can be seen in some very old artwork (which I suspect most of has been hidden, suppressed, and/or destroyed), like the painting of Montezuma standing outside of Tenochtitlan, or the the one of Cortez and the fall of the Aztecs, the same style of fully developed cities are in the background. Look them up and you will see a glimpse of the opulence that was here prior to foreign invasion and the subsequent/current occupation. This is all mind blowing and there is some serious sorcery involved to keep the suppressed genetic memory of the Copper Colored Alpha Americans (et al) at bay! The entire world would/will be better off if/when the inevitable awakening of sleeping giants is realized. Great work man, this is beyond fantastic!
TMH is about to unveil every last white lie too. The Edomite can only hide n tuck his tail for so long. Even FBA know they built these Americans cities. These cities likely even go as far back as before Columbus in 1492, I'm willing to bet. If the Moors were an established superpower in that time throughout Africa and Eurasia pre 1400s, why wouldn't they have been in the Americas? Yah will inevitably expose these roaches and reveal our true and rich world Hebrew history.
I worked up and down the East coast for a carnival putting up the 200 foot Farris wheel , it's not easy , I live in St . Louis where the Hub of that great Wheel is supposedly berried , Big Books yes , Most of the Larger People had died off by 1740 and we still catered to the Larger peoples , One of the main reasons a Lot of Downtowns are destroyed is to Hide the Technologies of those days . Deeper Levels , Larger Books etc . Great Video to Wake up some people , Thank you , Liked and Shared :) QC
Fantastic video! I enjoy how you use the socratic method while showing the visuals. It really gets the viewer thinking about what might be possible. I also think Chilaga has so much to uncover that one could make an entire series on it....
These "fires" closely resemble the recent fires in California and Hawaii, where solid buildings have been razed to the ground while wooden poles and trees were still standing
The objective of The Worlds Fair Program was to educate & re-educate the population that was to inhabit the "New World". They intended to establish a common belief system & ideals essentially manufacturing a culture for these people to adhere to. I believe the large cities comprised of grandiose architecture were much older & were stumbled upon by the settlers which is why such terminology was used as "founded" pertaining to the establishment of cities & towns because people literally found these places built by a former civilization that apparently experienced some sort of cataclysm causing their impressive building's that were built to last to be swallowed up by the mud. The early American's did not build these extravagant building's, they dug them out of the dirt. These fairs also gave the controllers, & history revisioners an excuse to demolish building's that may have been deemed to impressive & capable of creating doubt with regards to the narrative they created. They also provided a simple way for early settlers to adopt children & babies who were sold by the thousands across America so that there would be a healthy stock of workers for the industrial revolution that consisted of a slow roll out of technological advances that they had already came upon when they initially stumbled upon these pre-established places so they could maximize the profitability & control the advancement of society at their discretion typically based on whichever route would gross the most money in the long run.
The Natives built this country, alongside the Tartarians, and many are their descendants today. These buildings today are the same age as many European traditionals
These buildings aren't tartarian. Look at that Roman eagle you showed picture of. Look at the styles of these buildings...all over the world. It's old world Rome before it was destroyed. Rome wasn't a small place in Europe. When we hear Rome ruled the world....they ment the world. Not little area in Europe lol they weren't idiots who didn't know about America and other lands. Utah is Judah! The old world is here in America. Rome , Egypt Judah etc all here in America! Oh and Chicago is ancient Egypt. 1800s Illinois was still called little Egypt. It's in the state records. Love the research and videos your doing. Keep up the great work. God bless
@@CreamyVuitton tartaria was a newer civilization like England. All of them about a thousand years ago started in my opinion. They were all Christian nations. But tartaria went against Rome and ended in 1775 because of that...which also makes me feel 1776 was English take over of conquered tartarian land....which was Alaska, west coast of America, Australia etc I get most of this from reading the Anotoly Fomenko books. They also say tartarians were horse and buggy, like the rest of Europe and so on. And they feel 1776 was take over of tartarian land.... But all these buildings aren't made from these nations. These people founded and took over, what was left from old world. These are giant Greco Roman buildings in my opinion. They have "the god's" they worshipped on them. Most were red brick. Red for Rome
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 i think that history is true , but the places are exchanged and that the one who conquer or is in role to play the conqueror ,are cutting half the story and telling you its all theirs,,they change time period at certain point where orphanage is at is highest or that they steal child to put them in residential school ,thats when they retell their new version of history and re -spread the races of human around to fit their new narative.I do believe that for exemple the america was already ''colonized/occupied by many races''and that the war was against the ''roman church'' who robbed history from us requonquering those who fled the evil of europa and tartaria.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 agreed brother and why I appreciate your research into this. We have to keep asking questions and digging up more facts. And you posting these videos is helping with that. Thank you, and love your channel. You do great job presenting pictures and commentary!
D.E.W. That weird thing that looks like a bunch of arrows wrapped in hay.. Look at old war paintings, they have soldiers on the battlefield holding them.. Portraits of generals holding them..
Great Chicago Fire... 1871. Over 17,000 buildings destroyed, 9 square kilometres, approx 1 third City totally devastated. With a population of over 334,000 in 1871- Only 300 deaths?¿‽ WoW, their Disaster Warning, Evacuation Procedures and Emergency Services response and effectiveness for 1871 is beyond words.....
They were but when every single institution opposes the veracity of them what do you think happens? They become myth and legends not to be taken seriously at all.
I was born there. I haven't returned in years. I recall the Memorial Building. The St.Ambrose church, later called something else, maybe Our Lady of Peace. I live a bit more than 100 miles away...any sites you would recommend? This subject is new to me.
Electric trolly cars in small towns. Along the great lakes through Ohio to Michigan. There was a vast network of those things, known as the "Interurban."
Why is there no photos of the fire burning? Juuust wondering >_> Chilaga is what sent me on my entire journey of learning, so glad to see you cover it. Absolutely love the way you lay out the details about this anomolous city 🙂
That is a great question my friend. We always see aftermath photos from that timeframe. The excuse is the photography was limited to catch action shots. Naturally, they got some great ones of the grand pass and review in Washington DC after the Civil War.
Humanity began or begins very differently than who we are today. We lived much longer back then. We built buildings to last a lifetime of a thousand years. The peace and harmony was universal. Our existence gets polluted with every negative thing imaginable and it is by design. Humanity has hidden powers. We create our reality mentality first and it manifests into our reality. After the fallen ones pollute our realm our souls return to serve them once again. If we all constantly focus on peace and harmony in our lives we would choke out the bad doers that control our lives.
True. If we are talking about the bible, it states the children of Adam and Eve ( and Adam himself) lived to 900 and also the closer we were to them( Adam and Eve), in terms of bloodline, the closer we were to perfection ( as they were perfect). Imagine the knowledge/wisdom, from our advanced minds and centuries of living.
Always interesting in the after photos of great cities destroyed by fire. The buildings appear to have crumbled into their own footprint leaving the streets open. Wouldn't you think that heavy debris would have collapsed into the streets? Was the cleanup effort that good to clear all the streets in a short period of time? It reminds me of what we observed in the Paradise, CA fires or 9/11.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 I can't find headlines about 1871 fire, Grant was president in 1871 and according to Alexa US Grant made a speech about "fire safety" because of it.She couldn't give any details however. Photography was around for decades before 1871 Chicago is a big city 17,000 buildings destroyed, 8 firemen died, supposedly, but have you seen one photograph of the fire?
It's at the point now, we know we've been lied to, but it's easier to hold on to the lie and call people who see through the lie crazy 🤣 it's way past an insult to our intelligence.
I heard somewhere something from an old US woman from time before 1920s. She said: I can remember to drive from chicago to ("another city") with an electric tram, afterwards they take it off and built this big 6 lane highways
That’s because there was, the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee was an electric railroad between Chicago and Milwaukee. It had its origins in the early1900s and was abandoned in January of 1963. Shortly after they abandoned Interstate 94 was completed.
The way these building are built is not inexplicable. It’s common for the 1800s. As a carpenter, I’ve worked on tons of Victorian era buildings, and their construction isn’t some sort of marvel. Humans have been building extravagant architecture for thousands of years. Look at Babylon, India, Japan, and Rome. That architecture is insane and people built it. When half a million people come together to build something, things get built fast. The traveling construction worker always had a job in America until about 20 years ago when corporations started creating false scarcity. Conventions have just changed, that’s all.
All the examples you mentioned are just more examples of the old world. Just different areas have a different way of explaining away the history. But when you look into the history of each structure you'll realize that they don't make sense. I am also in construction and I think that every story about buildings in America prior to 1900 is completely false. Even some after that are questionable. Let's try to recreate a world's fair and see how that goes. Even with more money, better technology and a larger population, we cannot recreate that in the given time frame. It doesn't matter if we used stone, cement, drywall or paper mache. There are honestly too many variables to mention on why it won't work.
@@Reignforest87 I’ve worked with plenty of blueprints of buildings from the 1800’s. I’ve worked all over New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Human ingenuity isn’t some new thing, and progress happens fast when there is opportunity. We could easily rebuild the buildings from the world fair, especially if safety regulations, minimum wages, insurance, and quality of materials were not a concern like things were back then. Bureaucracy and social standards is what is keeping progress held back, but with accordance to humane work environments, it has nothing to do with ability.
I bet the burnt out churches were actually power generation devices. The buildings that had connectivity were somehow amplified causing a plasma torch effect that melted brick and steel. The unconnected buildings, structures and whatever else survived. Directed energy weapon made possible by the infrastructure that was already in place.
If your ever in Pendleton Or let me know, I have keys to all the original buildings that access the underground there. I also, while remodeling the Temple Building found a rosecrucian tarot card placed in to the wall during its construction. Also remodeled all the oldest buildings there. We just finished the Odd Fellows hall. In the basement of the temple building which is now the ST George there are original panels with minarets painted on the walls. Several layers down. Also layers of shredded news papers of the day used as insulation. Wonder if I could fit some of those papers back together? My boss also owns the old masons building etc. I’ll have to get a photo of the minarets painted on the wall. Looks really Arab on the panels but absolutely matches tartarian artwork.
These pictures of 'chicago fire' are really easy to see it's not possible that it was a fire, simply due to the complete and utter lack of soot, burn marks, and what more, not even scorched earth.
In the early 1900's they had fleets of electric trolleys and automobiles as well. Those were tanked so profits could be made from the oil and gas industries. Google, Southern California Edison electric wagon,and Electric cab company, and see the images.
Forgive me if I'm speaking obviously, but I think a major part of the mystery here is simply helium and the airships that made it possible to create such amazing structures. I'm an arborist and there are some projects where we could really use a mini air balloon or drone with a mechanical saw blade or hedge trimmer. 😅
Great video! However, I would say there has been very little “studied” videos released explaining the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair or any the other world’s fairs between 1850-1925. As you are aware, flashing interesting pictures and raising questions is not an in depth analysis of the topic. Hardly anyone has looked into the books written for each fair or tried to investigate how the vast number of materials needed to build such buildings could be sourced in just a 2-3 year window. For example, hardly any RUclipsrs have looked seriously at the 1894 San Francisco World’s Fair in Golden Gate Park (complete with an Eiffel Tower look-a-like). San Francisco was well known after 1870 as the “Paris of the West.” When you look at images from the 1894 and 1915 San Francisco World’s Fairs you would honestly think San Francisco would not be out of place if it were located in Europe. Moreover, the 1906 earthquake (and arguably the convenient city fire that ensued) was required to convince the masses that San Francisco looked like a Gold Rush boomtown full of wooden buildings rather than how it actually looked more like a city that could rival Paris. It is evident from the images of the 1893 Chicago world’s fair that the “narrative” is deeply flawed. Water ways, man made lakes, retaining walls, 75 miles of paved walkways, etc. are not “temporary” structures. The references to “Chilaga” on old maps are giveaways to how possibly there was a change of topography over the centuries. Lastly, the alleged “fire damage” of the 1871 Chicago fire looks almost identical to bombing damage you would see from photo images from WWI or WWII. The fire story (prominent in the history of most American cities) again feels like a convenient tragedy that allows for the unsuspicious removal of structures that could reveal further clues to historians of the origins of Chicago/Chilaga.
The rubble piles in the "fire" picture looks nearly identical to what occurs after mortar rounds go down range. Iraq 2003. Fires do not create such destruction. They have some splainin to do...
I have a question that I have been mulling over for years. The Native Americans MUST have known about these Tartarian buildings and through passing information down through the generations as they do in sacred ceremonies, had amazing stories to tell... but I have never heard them talk about these buildings or who lived in them. I know the US was VERY intent on taking the kids away and putting them in "white mans schools" to be indoctrinated/enslaved, and those that didn't comply were exterminated. I would think that somewhere, there has to be some kind of evidence of how the native people interacted with the ones that built these structures. I would LOVE your view on this!
About the interior decorative complexity I agree with you and can tell you the fact that building and dressing the walls and the ceilings with decorative moldings is Expensive I work in construction and I was recently at home 🏡 in Beverly Hills where the owners are remodeling the entire house costing 80 million dollars !wow ! This house has decorative features that are fascinating I can send you photos I took recently but not as detailed and immaculate as what we see in this video the artwork built throughout its construction is un fathomable in the past all of what your showing was done by knowledge relative to . The cost ,the knowledge the materials the organization the lack earth moving tractors the tools like welding metals and plumbing was there plumbing the leveling of the ground to sustain weight of the building knowledge of landscaping and more intricate interior knowledge of wood stone
10:44 the trees are still there. So it was not a fire. Like they always say. Great show. The real story is that one or a few of the Biblical tribes moved there and built this around the 1300’s (I think that’s what I saw in a presentation once) but they don’t want people knowing.
Can you do a video like this on Cincinnati? Cincinnati also had a lot of tartarian architecture that was lost in a fire or demolished. Cincinnati had a fire in 1881 and a world’s fair in 1888.
The ferris wheel filled with tons of people would make a pretty good flywheel or how the passengers were loaded could make free energy possible. I bet it didn't cost anything to take the ride and people lined up just for the view and the ride.
It cost 50 cents, which also was the price of admission to the fair. And it didn’t open until the fair was a couple of months old because of construction problems plus they had to test it when finished. It stayed on the Midway until around 1896, then was moved to North Clark Street before again being disassembled and sent to the 1904 fair in St Louis. After the fair it was destroyed and the steel being recycled. Part of it was used to construct a bridge in Indiana.
From Boston age 30 and this is shocking to me and am just learning I literally had 0 clue anything resembling modern cities ever existed before America and am humbled
Chicago was probably an old world French City, the likes of Paris. I think the French, English & Spanish had cities here waaaay before 1695, like established civilizations. Something happened and they repopulated with us.
I live northwest of Birmingham Alabama. Not only is there an underground river flowing near the downtown area, there are many springs in the area that we formerly aquatic attractions (swimming etc) but those went away in the 80s. The craziest thing about downtown is the area with a complete first floor under the street level. Theore of their narrative we break the, the more I realize we're about to be in some good times ahead once the handcuffs are off! 1871 was a bad year for this country. Ie, organic acts 🧐
I prefer these videos to the ones where you chat with the viewers at length. I feel like my attention is being diverted for lengthy periods of time with the latter. I skip thru those ones just to see the images (and keep my time and attention to myself. ) Great video! Thanks ❤ Edit- But I also get that people are lonely and want to feel seen/heard and be part of a group. 🙏🙏🙏
I live a couple hours west of Chicago and in a Forest preserve there’s an old burn down cabin that no longer remains except for the stone chimney. It’s the only part of the structure that remains so one would think if a great fire truly did burn through Chicago that all their stone buildings would be perfectly fine other than some soot. And whatever fire is in buildings would be contained
And his recent collaboration with Archaix where he discussed the fasces as a weapon. The presentation discusses the destruction of cities in the America's "by fire" in the 1800s.
i lived around hochelaga wich is Montreal or also callet ''ville marie-- mary city'' and also called ''mont royal'' or royal mount..... there is something hidden you can see it on old map
Entomology is interesting. Supposedly Chicago translates to wild onion or skunk. Hochelaga is supposed to mean beaver path or big rapids. When you cross reference native languages you'll find that places and words may have an entirely different meaning than what were told. Especially when many tribes have the same name for an area with different definitions. For example Michigan.
ENJOY UNLEARNING EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED IN SCHOOL!😮😮 Great channel, I just found you and I’m subbing. You and Jon Levy (if you haven’t heard of him) are similar and he too is quite helpful on this journey of discovering as much truth as we can!❤❤ I plan on bringing your work!
EAGLES has a smooth head leading back to its neck whereas a PHOENIX HAS A BUMP ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD. This must NOT be over looked. It's comnemorating Phoenix event. Next event is 2040 May 16th.
Lucius, you are deserving of congratulations on a work well done. I live in Chicago and I am also daily seeing the mudflooded city. It was a huge coverup. Fake foundations everywhere. There was a big effot to hide the lower level of Chicago. Chicago was a waterflled city, much like Venice. That's my opinion.
Chicago is next to Gary's US Steel works... would have no problem manufacturing the ferris wheel component and transporting them like 10miles on rail or boat
Who needs science fiction? Great presentation. That Pre-Columbian map shows Florida as Florida, and "Apalchen" the Appalachians. Look for newspaper headlines reporting 1871 fire.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 you must be talking about "old world exploration" I do leave Michelle comments occasionally.😊 I'm thinking about making a channel called "Old World Explanation." It will be a single 2 HR. show and that's it.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 $$$ to find out there ain't such a thing Shirley Detroit Cleveland somebody we have a front-page headline original paper I don't think you'll find one
Great video, digging the several images seen for my first on the Tartan tip.. I been rooting through this 🐇 hole a good min & as a fellow ‘Seeker of Truth’, the ancient also. I have a feeling/hunch about the eagle’s representation and its kool to find for the 1st Another does too, organic at that😏.. W/out keeping on, one aspect is the Mexican or “Mexico” flag has an eagle with a snake or serpent in its beak that has a very specific hidden in plain sight meaning that makes the official narrative given version sound almost condescending in my opinion, but that’s just 1 of several others.. much ❤to all 🌬️🌪️
I wonder if your theory extends to NY? I’ve always been awed by the N.Y. Aqueduct and when it was allegedly built. In The Bronx, there’s a bridge named, The Highbridge, and it’s a walkover to Manhattan. The timeline given for its construction and the photos from that area at the time feel incongruent
Ojibwe and Anishinabe and Algonguin were Copper Miners. More than half the world's copper was mined where the Great Lakes are now. They are man-made lakes. They decided to fill the enormous pits with water. Obviously, after 1500. I think they didn't want the well armed outsiders to gain access to the lucrative mines and potentially driven off of their ancestral homeland and so they flooded it. Michigan means Big Lake.
OP, do you have any information on symbols regarding Tartaria? The symbol of Tartaria is the griffin and/or the twin-headed eagle dragon. Do you have any information on these symbols? I can easily google & research the dates of which they were seen for the first time but I do NOT have inside information. Only the outside information that's available on the spot.
The best part of this video is someone will get in the comments who is college educated and never workd manual labor will tell you they can do this now but when i watch inspections of million dollars houses now they cant even pass code because they are built wrong but ik 1850 everyone can put up amd build a palace even prisoners and slaves apparently were master builders
They were also super-superior logisticians in the 1800s. Why the hell did we ever need paved highways and interstates in the US? Run logistics past a college graduate and see what sort of response you get. ;)
@Restitutor_Orbis_214 hey man if you ever get a chance can you check out the Oklahoma state pen and the rest of some of these state pens around the United States 🇺🇸 there is even couple federal pens like USP Leavenworth and USP Lewisburg literally a state capital building and one is a castle
It was caused by the draconid meteor shower. Draco is the dragon constellation. Like 10 other major fires occurred simultaneously on the same night across hundreds of miles. Meteors , gas, and electrical phenomenon are responsible. Randall Carlson does great work on the correlation between great fires and meteor showers. Taurids, draconids, lyrids, and Perseids are known to have large outburst
Imma say this has something to do with the inter galactic federation at most seeing they wanted nothing of the world on earth Thou I gotta why some beings didn't take their stuff back to their galaxy
Interesting information. Personally I think that a civilization at this level would have the ability to attract or repel meteors. However regardless of whether they used bombs or rocks, I still think it was a change in perception that allowed the idea of war to form.
Something I have a really hard time understanding is how large settlements are made in areas with inclement climate. Hopefully the explanation is coming to me....
It would be interesting in a future video you talking about critics of Tartaria for example: Aewar and Wooden Nickels who dismisses Tartaria as equivalent to Ancient Aliens and he believes all those amazing worlds fair structures were made from soft stone and wood rather than permanent concrete. He also believes the reset happened in the 1400s rather than the 1800s, he's now on this Shadow Rome nonsense. I would love to know your thoughts on Anti Tartaria youtubers, it doesn't have to be by name but I'm just throwing some examples for ya.
I respect all beliefs and present my own theories. You are welcome to consider them and come to your own conclusions. I will never call anyone an idiot for whatever they decide to believe whether it is in a previous civilization or that the mainstream account is correct. One who resorts to insults does not have the intention to consider legitimate theories and validate or invalidate them.
Why build a huge Ferris Wheel after a fire when people were suffering. BTW why did the trees not burn? Very similar to Calif and Maui fires. Caused by lasers. So you have people displaced after a fire and the first thing you build is a Ferris Wheel? Hmmm great priorities folks. Brilliant.
I worked for many years in Chicago's City Hall and personally visited 3 floors beneath ground level. Old timers told me that there were even more levels including what they described as a "prison". There were books in one of the lower levels, ledgers actually; old marriage ledgers that I was told had survived the fire. These ledgers were 3 times the size of a normal ones. I asked why they were so big but never got a straight answer.
I wish I knew then what I know now.
Funny how often these details come up and we realize it after seeing it.
Wow! That's really far out!
What horrible genocide of the giant people. All the old buildings had huge ceilings and doors. Why did the giant people disappear? Some believe the Tatarians were large like 8-10 feet tall.
@@firstnamemike I could see that. They were probably very healthy people understanding how to use this realm to their benefit!
@@firstnamemikegiants were canibals
During the height of the California Gold Rush, between December 1849 and June 1851, San Francisco endured a sequence of seven severe fires, of which this was the sixth and by far the most damaging. Great Fire in Yeniseysk in Siberia in 1869. "Bloody Week" in Paris, or officially French revolution from 18 March to 28 May 1871. As a result, Paris looked like Dresden, or Hiroshima in 1945. Chicago fire of 1871 began on October 8, 1871. The Peshtigo Fire in Wisconsin on October 8, 1871. At the same time there were multiple fires in Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and even on the Pacific Ocean Coast. Great Boston Fire of 1872. The Great Fire at Portland, Oregon in 1873. Virginia City Fire in 1875. People were hearing explosions, and cast steel melted. Which normally requires the temp of 2,192 degrees Fahrenheit.
Great Fire in Irkutsk, Siberia in 1879. In 1881 Tomsk, Western Siberia elaborated new anti-fire regulations. The following year Tomsk burnt several times. What was strange, in all those cases the burnt buildings were made with stone. Besides, there were thousands of small towns and villages that burnt to the dust. This is a very short account of how Tartaria finally ended. New population from other places was brought in. And they were told stories about the cows who made all this mess.
But it all started in London in 1666. Or, maybe J666, or i666? Who knows.
Underrated comment
Excellent post! The old “fire” story or other disaster is the convenient cornerstone of the narrative to explain the construction of implausible meticulously crafted buildings and grounds, within impossible short timelines, with woefully inadequate tools and a makeshift workforce (all graduates of the Michael Angelo School of Construction and Architecture of course) around the world. The problem for the establishment is the play only works until it doesn’t.
Michelangelo* School of Construction and Architecture (“MSCA University”). LOL
We all know that any title with the word 'Great' in front of it, is conflagration.
Electrical phenomena interacting with the Earth from passing comets or or the Sun.
All these buildings -mud flood or not- have tall ceilings and high bay windows.. for our taller not so distant ancestors.. Doorways with false inserts and a normal sized door for us modern humans.
We are descendants of Giants, getting smaller as we move further away from the Sun.
The dates you linked together can be done into the past, showing a common thread of Cataclysm and Conflagration. Northern Russia/Siberia got skelped in the 17 and 1800's wiping them all out there too..
The Romans added 2 months onto the calendar - Julius Augustus, July and August..
September - Sept means 7, the 7th month of the year - it's now the ninth.
Add 2 months onto the calendar to account for a longer Orbital period - hence being further away from the Sun.
To focus on Tartaria is to Cherry Pick a window in time - which is ok, we need info to get out there, be it Greek Roman Egyptian Sumerian Asiatic African Nordic Celtic Scythian Gaul Moor MesoAmerican but,,
The ANSWERS lie in Electric Universe Theory.
ElectricUniverse will give you the keys to pick apart ANY narrative past or present. ⚡⚡
Cleveland, Ohio has a similar story and timeline. Probably Detroit, Buffalo and Pittsburg as well. They just sprung up in less than 75 years with roads, incredible buildings, cathedrals, and transportation and economy
All great examples and we will get to them.
Once you realize it was every city in every country at the same time, the narrative truly makes no sense. Look at all of Asia, Australia, Canada, Africa, South America... all have almost identical building style and identical time periods.
@@williambelmont9601 The big fact that many supporters of the accepted narrative tend to discard.
@@williambelmont9601no doubt. The entire planet must have consisted of master craftsmen able to work everywhere at once
We live in a "construct" emphasis being on "con".... possibly a whole race of humans was swapped out, baby Incubators were pumping out thousands of a "new" race......be it as it may, this reality we think so much of, really doesn't exist at all(that is the why and how!)
I grew up in an 1800's house (mansion) near Springfield, about 3 hours south of Chicago that has no real history and people with a lot of stories that don't add up, even people making up stories that can't be true. Very old pre-electricity and with the best wood in the parlor and stairs. Some old maps show it, others do not. It was the nicest/biggest house in town but there is nothing known about it and no historical photos or biography about the builders or owners... some research shows that the family it's named after descended from a "German Baron." Supposedly the whole town spoke German and there are plenty of people with German last names, but not a single bit of German literature, newspapers, books, store signs, etc. Of course they destroyed it after a fire around 1996. There are still a lot of old world structures around Springfield, but they are tearing them down as fast as they can afford to.
Surprise, surprise. I will be driving down there soon.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 They tore down the YWCA that mot of the kids grew up taking classes and having summer camp at... it was an old-world brick building right next to the mayor's mansion... check out the old buildings in springfield that have been torn down... even a crystal palace or some kind of huge dome... a couple of structures, there is one in taylorville that is red brick and mud flooded being rented for residential and in st. louis there is an old world house (mansion) in the same exact white stone as in the st louis world's fair and it's right next to that fair area... so it was probably part of that city center... but it's still there and has some really interesting stain glass still left in perfect condition where you can see some scenes and a coat of arms... just found these two by chance.
@@VenturaIT It is always so interesting what survives and where it is located.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 Our house was the only house like it in the city and had been duplexed more than once when we bought it for cheap... rumors were that Lincoln used to stay at it on his way out of Springfield... it was right 2 blocks away from the Great Western Stage Coach train on the old RT29... but others in town say it was built much later and have a story to go along with it... and at the same time they claim that all of the towns history was lost when they threw away the newspaper collection that was held in the basement when the lady of the house died... it had old glass with runs in it, and now we know that could be due to the heat the melted other stone structures and it used square nails like we now use in pneumatic nail guns but at the time we just thought they were crazy and primitive for using square nails... the wood and trim pieces in the house were at a level I've never seen again, even in royal castles and the capitol buildings. The family also owned the Niantic Sawmill about 30 minutes away by car and that area used to be covered in old growth oak, maple, and other hardwoods.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 It was also the mayor's house at one time...
I just checked Melbourne Australia thinking not here, not possible. Never read about or was taught about any fires, but sure enough
"The GREAT fire of 1897"
It unfortunately destroyed many magnificent buildings, some of them (only 4 years old) What a crock we have been fed. Been researching this for a while to.
Then we put in Sydney Australia. "The great fire of 1890" I think you can put in any major city in the world pretty much. The level of co-ordination world wide is is something we all think is very recent when they have been at this from probably day zero.
Same in Copenhagen Denmark! Two big fires
Makes me want to go to Australia. To check out the similarities of history involved. That the Deep State Khazarian Mafia doesn't want for us to know. Oops. Too late.
Something suspicious about how all these buildings were built WITHOUT power tools and vehicles. Before the invention of power tools at that.
Also, it strikes me that the old architecture seems to reach for the heavens while modern homes look more like a box or a cell. Nothing reaches up. It's the supression of soul and mind.
It really shows in the "old" houses.
Who changed all
Of this and why?
@@cloudflex4819 Who nose👃
Brother the tallest building ever exists right now 😂😂
I only went to Chicago once when I was in my 30's and only for 4 days but I remember being completely blown away by the architecture! The old buildings inspire your soul but the dead glass condos of today inspire nothing.
apparently the new chicago architecture inspires murder and other violent crime haha
I feel the same way. When I peered into the water way by the Merlyn Monroe statue in Chicago then looked back on the city my mind started racing, realizing there was something larger at play in that moment that I felt so small & that time was older then me & long ago people had been here before time began.
Yea I’ve lived in Chicago, a few towns away in the sw burbs my whole life and I Havnt seen most of these beautiful old buildings. Which makes me sad. Definitely need to go see all this . And the Golden statue. ❤
@@discodirk48 those buildings were built pre-1960s by whites... maybe it's about america turning to garbage?
I live in downtown Chicago, and there definitely is a different energy to the historical buildings compared to the modern ones when you go inside them or even get near them.
I felt that the last time I was there a few months ago.
Absolutely I live in Montreal went to university in Toronto. I lived in Vancouver and each one of those towns is God buildings that just they change your whole state of mind soon as you walk in the door in fact, you can’t walk in the door without looking at the detailing outside.
Especially what is that the "municipal building" downtown? Stands out like a thumb amidst a bunch of sore fingers. There is a notable difference between the old buildings and the newer ones.
Absolutely. Your whole being lifts toward goodness at the sight, and more so once inside one of those buildings.
Same here in Philadelphia
Moose Jaw, Canada has an interesting story. Supposedly the town's old wooden buildings all burned down, so they were replaced with stone. Only thing is the stone buildings have this same old world architecture. The town is a major transportation hub, with numerous railroad converging there. At one time, it was even suggest that it might become the capitol of Canada. Oh, and more thing... there's a bunch of underground tunnels throughout the place!
Anyways, I dug into the archives a while back, I could find no construction photos, nor any photos of the former town, or of the fire.
That is an interesting story. It also seems to reflect the common theme of random destruction as an explanation for a tremendous achievement. I will have to take a look at Moose Jaw.
There are red brick tunnels under every downtown city in saskatchewan.
Moose jaw hockey teams always smoke Spokane eh, been awhile, awesome town
This pattern seems to follow across probably thousands of cities and rural cities as well. Underground railways and structures, too, no matter how small your town or city you may believe - look at manhole covers for symbols and how widespread this is will really hit you.
@Restitutor_Orbis_214 funny enough, there is mentions of moose jaw being called little Chicago with ties to al Capone, or so the story goes. I live close by in Regina which has an unreal tartarian capitol city building.
Chilaga, like all of the cities east (and most west) of the Mississippi were part of the Mississippian civilization that was and still is right here in America/Tameri/India Superior/Abasinia, who have been purposefully mislabeled as African Americans. Each one of these cities incorporates the ancient mound systems, and its old world buildings pay homage to each advancement in masonry building styles that came after the mounds. From the domes (representing mounds themselves), to the pyramids (that came after), to the arches and columns (that came after that), all incorporated into the lost building style/manner. This is quite eye opening and goes perfectly with my own mound civilization research that I have been doing in every city I visit in the America's. On my last visit to Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I was just coming to the realization that not only the mounds had been there, but the ornate parks and cemeteries that surround them were also original (vs made after the fact). Not only that, but also these original buildings are a part of the civilization as well (now confirmed by the wonderful body of work on this page)! It's like I was thinking this but I thought it was too fanciful, until I ran across this page yesterday (I literally just got back from my trip to Cleveland and Pittsburgh and saw this page yesterday, coincidentally)...Lastly, some evidence of the old world's grandiose cities can be seen in some very old artwork (which I suspect most of has been hidden, suppressed, and/or destroyed), like the painting of Montezuma standing outside of Tenochtitlan, or the the one of Cortez and the fall of the Aztecs, the same style of fully developed cities are in the background. Look them up and you will see a glimpse of the opulence that was here prior to foreign invasion and the subsequent/current occupation. This is all mind blowing and there is some serious sorcery involved to keep the suppressed genetic memory of the Copper Colored Alpha Americans (et al) at bay! The entire world would/will be better off if/when the inevitable awakening of sleeping giants is realized.
Great work man, this is beyond fantastic!
Wow, best reply!
@@NanNanNABooBoo Thanks Gai_Guardian...The restoration of the truth is inevitable!
@@werd2182top comment we’re coming back online the awakening is now
TMH is about to unveil every last white lie too. The Edomite can only hide n tuck his tail for so long. Even FBA know they built these Americans cities. These cities likely even go as far back as before Columbus in 1492, I'm willing to bet. If the Moors were an established superpower in that time throughout Africa and Eurasia pre 1400s, why wouldn't they have been in the Americas?
Yah will inevitably expose these roaches and reveal our true and rich world Hebrew history.
Fake news.
I worked up and down the East coast for a carnival putting up the 200 foot Farris wheel , it's not easy , I live in St . Louis where the Hub of that great Wheel is supposedly berried , Big Books yes , Most of the Larger People had died off by 1740 and we still catered to the Larger peoples , One of the main reasons a Lot of Downtowns are destroyed is to Hide the Technologies of those days . Deeper Levels , Larger Books etc . Great Video to Wake up some people , Thank you , Liked and Shared :) QC
Fantastic video! I enjoy how you use the socratic method while showing the visuals. It really gets the viewer thinking about what might be possible. I also think Chilaga has so much to uncover that one could make an entire series on it....
Thank you very much OWE. This is one you inspired from our work together.
Excellent job! 👍🏻
Chicago is pretty rough in terms of crime, isn't it?
Keep them coming, great work…
Glad to know there are others who see through the veil of deception
Thank you, working with the education system and government has a way of showing these deceptions.
These "fires" closely resemble the recent fires in California and Hawaii, where solid buildings have been razed to the ground while wooden poles and trees were still standing
I was thinking the same thing... it's a scary thought to think that this power may not be recently attained...
100% city reset
The objective of The Worlds Fair Program was to educate & re-educate the population that was to inhabit the "New World". They intended to establish a common belief system & ideals essentially manufacturing a culture for these people to adhere to. I believe the large cities comprised of grandiose architecture were much older & were stumbled upon by the settlers which is why such terminology was used as "founded" pertaining to the establishment of cities & towns because people literally found these places built by a former civilization that apparently experienced some sort of cataclysm causing their impressive building's that were built to last to be swallowed up by the mud. The early American's did not build these extravagant building's, they dug them out of the dirt. These fairs also gave the controllers, & history revisioners an excuse to demolish building's that may have been deemed to impressive & capable of creating doubt with regards to the narrative they created. They also provided a simple way for early settlers to adopt children & babies who were sold by the thousands across America so that there would be a healthy stock of workers for the industrial revolution that consisted of a slow roll out of technological advances that they had already came upon when they initially stumbled upon these pre-established places so they could maximize the profitability & control the advancement of society at their discretion typically based on whichever route would gross the most money in the long run.
Then why wasn't the cathedral of learning in Pittsburgh destroyed?
If any building can create doubt it's that one.
Absolutely impossible architecture
I was thinking technology was back engineered from ruins as well!
@@Oldworldlovemaybe a high up liked it
The Illuminati?
The Natives built this country, alongside the Tartarians, and many are their descendants today. These buildings today are the same age as many European traditionals
These buildings aren't tartarian. Look at that Roman eagle you showed picture of. Look at the styles of these buildings...all over the world. It's old world Rome before it was destroyed. Rome wasn't a small place in Europe. When we hear Rome ruled the world....they ment the world. Not little area in Europe lol they weren't idiots who didn't know about America and other lands. Utah is Judah! The old world is here in America. Rome , Egypt Judah etc all here in America! Oh and Chicago is ancient Egypt. 1800s Illinois was still called little Egypt. It's in the state records. Love the research and videos your doing. Keep up the great work. God bless
So what’s your opinion on Tartaria and Architecture?
@@CreamyVuitton tartaria was a newer civilization like England. All of them about a thousand years ago started in my opinion. They were all Christian nations. But tartaria went against Rome and ended in 1775 because of that...which also makes me feel 1776 was English take over of conquered tartarian land....which was Alaska, west coast of America, Australia etc I get most of this from reading the Anotoly Fomenko books. They also say tartarians were horse and buggy, like the rest of Europe and so on. And they feel 1776 was take over of tartarian land.... But all these buildings aren't made from these nations. These people founded and took over, what was left from old world. These are giant Greco Roman buildings in my opinion. They have "the god's" they worshipped on them. Most were red brick. Red for Rome
It could all be true. The challenge is it is hard to know what is from when and who was where.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 i think that history is true , but the places are exchanged and that the one who conquer or is in role to play the conqueror ,are cutting half the story and telling you its all theirs,,they change time period at certain point where orphanage is at is highest or that they steal child to put them in residential school ,thats when they retell their new version of history and re -spread the races of human around to fit their new narative.I do believe that for exemple the america was already ''colonized/occupied by many races''and that the war was against the ''roman church'' who robbed history from us requonquering those who fled the evil of europa and tartaria.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 agreed brother and why I appreciate your research into this. We have to keep asking questions and digging up more facts. And you posting these videos is helping with that. Thank you, and love your channel. You do great job presenting pictures and commentary!
Chilaga looked like it was bombarded not fire swept .
Very much so...
What’s left standing in the pictures is clean of charring which would be impossible if it was destroyed by fire…
hot rocks. LO!
Fire from heaven
That weird thing that looks like a bunch of arrows wrapped in hay..
Look at old war paintings, they have soldiers on the battlefield holding them..
Portraits of generals holding them..
Great Chicago Fire...
Over 17,000 buildings destroyed,
9 square kilometres, approx
1 third City totally devastated.
With a population of over 334,000 in 1871-
Only 300 deaths?¿‽
WoW, their Disaster Warning, Evacuation Procedures and Emergency Services response and effectiveness for 1871 is beyond words.....
Finally you covered Chicago. I was waiting. I knew it was coming. Fascinating unknown history, eh?
I could probably get 3-4 more videos out of it and still not be close to halfway through.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 yeah, you bet!
I find it hard to believe no stories were hand down through all the generations.
They were but when every single institution opposes the veracity of them what do you think happens? They become myth and legends not to be taken seriously at all.
This is the best analysis I have seen on this and now you have me wanting to go back to the Windy City.
I was up in Ironwood, MI over the weekend. Lots of old world buildings. Beautiful town.
I was born there. I haven't returned in years. I recall the Memorial Building. The St.Ambrose church, later called something else, maybe Our Lady of Peace. I live a bit more than 100 miles away...any sites you would recommend? This subject is new to me.
Electric trolly cars in small towns. Along the great lakes through Ohio to Michigan. There was a vast network of those things, known as the "Interurban."
Why is there no photos of the fire burning? Juuust wondering >_>
Chilaga is what sent me on my entire journey of learning, so glad to see you cover it. Absolutely love the way you lay out the details about this anomolous city 🙂
That is a great question my friend. We always see aftermath photos from that timeframe. The excuse is the photography was limited to catch action shots. Naturally, they got some great ones of the grand pass and review in Washington DC after the Civil War.
Just sat down and fired up the tablet. Thanks for another great one.
You are most welcome.
excellent episode as always Brother. well done my friend!
Thank you much Brother!
Humanity began or begins very differently than who we are today. We lived much longer back then. We built buildings to last a lifetime of a thousand years. The peace and harmony was universal. Our existence gets polluted with every negative thing imaginable and it is by design. Humanity has hidden powers. We create our reality mentality first and it manifests into our reality. After the fallen ones pollute our realm our souls return to serve them once again. If we all constantly focus on peace and harmony in our lives we would choke out the bad doers that control our lives.
It's going to take the people to do it
Who are the bad doers?
True. If we are talking about the bible, it states the children of Adam and Eve ( and Adam himself) lived to 900 and also the closer we were to them( Adam and Eve), in terms of bloodline, the closer we were to perfection ( as they were perfect). Imagine the knowledge/wisdom, from our advanced minds and centuries of living.
Always interesting in the after photos of great cities destroyed by fire. The buildings appear to have crumbled into their own footprint leaving the streets open. Wouldn't you think that heavy debris would have collapsed into the streets? Was the cleanup effort that good to clear all the streets in a short period of time? It reminds me of what we observed in the Paradise, CA fires or 9/11.
Early early DEW at work
Or Maui
The ferris wheel is a lift to the airships
Great video as always!
Musical Trolley cars?
Thank you!
I do wonder...
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 both ?
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 I can't find headlines about 1871 fire, Grant was president in 1871 and according to Alexa US Grant made a speech about "fire safety" because of it.She couldn't give any details however. Photography was around for decades before 1871 Chicago is a big city 17,000 buildings destroyed, 8 firemen died, supposedly, but have you seen one photograph of the fire?
Great research. Your work is real appreciated. What can you find out about the 6 Water Cribs in Lake Michigan and the construction of them...
Lake Michigan has quite a lot of mystery behind it. It will likely warrant a few videos and thank you!
It's at the point now, we know we've been lied to, but it's easier to hold on to the lie and call people who see through the lie crazy 🤣 it's way past an insult to our intelligence.
Yes, it sure seems to keep going that way. Wait until you see what is coming up....
I heard somewhere something from an old US woman from time before 1920s. She said: I can remember to drive from chicago to ("another city") with an electric tram, afterwards they take it off and built this big 6 lane highways
That would make a lot of sense. There is some evidence of that old transportation system.
In some of the earliest photos of the N.Y. subways. They have those round things they traveled on in Logans Run.
@@CoreyT127 Funny isn't it, not so science fiction as we are led to believe.
That’s because there was, the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee was an electric railroad between Chicago and Milwaukee. It had its origins in the early1900s and was abandoned in January of 1963. Shortly after they abandoned Interstate 94 was completed.
The way these building are built is not inexplicable.
It’s common for the 1800s. As a carpenter, I’ve worked on tons of Victorian era buildings, and their construction isn’t some sort of marvel. Humans have been building extravagant architecture for thousands of years. Look at Babylon, India, Japan, and Rome. That architecture is insane and people built it.
When half a million people come together to build something, things get built fast. The traveling construction worker always had a job in America until about 20 years ago when corporations started creating false scarcity.
Conventions have just changed, that’s all.
NO ///////////////////////
Perhaps, but maybe we should be more demanding about what is built for us now if that is all true.
All the examples you mentioned are just more examples of the old world. Just different areas have a different way of explaining away the history. But when you look into the history of each structure you'll realize that they don't make sense.
I am also in construction and I think that every story about buildings in America prior to 1900 is completely false. Even some after that are questionable. Let's try to recreate a world's fair and see how that goes. Even with more money, better technology and a larger population, we cannot recreate that in the given time frame. It doesn't matter if we used stone, cement, drywall or paper mache. There are honestly too many variables to mention on why it won't work.
Wasting your time explaining history to people who desperately want to change it..
@@Reignforest87 I’ve worked with plenty of blueprints of buildings from the 1800’s. I’ve worked all over New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Human ingenuity isn’t some new thing, and progress happens fast when there is opportunity.
We could easily rebuild the buildings from the world fair, especially if safety regulations, minimum wages, insurance, and quality of materials were not a concern like things were back then.
Bureaucracy and social standards is what is keeping progress held back, but with accordance to humane work environments, it has nothing to do with ability.
I bet the burnt out churches were actually power generation devices. The buildings that had connectivity were somehow amplified causing a plasma torch effect that melted brick and steel. The unconnected buildings, structures and whatever else survived. Directed energy weapon made possible by the infrastructure that was already in place.
Awesome thank you
You are most welcome!
If your ever in Pendleton Or let me know, I have keys to all the original buildings that access the underground there. I also, while remodeling the Temple Building found a rosecrucian tarot card placed in to the wall during its construction. Also remodeled all the oldest buildings there. We just finished the Odd Fellows hall. In the basement of the temple building which is now the ST George there are original panels with minarets painted on the walls. Several layers down. Also layers of shredded news papers of the day used as insulation. Wonder if I could fit some of those papers back together? My boss also owns the old masons building etc. I’ll have to get a photo of the minarets painted on the wall. Looks really Arab on the panels but absolutely matches tartarian artwork.
Wow! Very interesting!!!
Please take photos whenever you can.
I just watched The Untouchables, its set here. I think it would be good for your old world movie series.
Thanks for all the great content.
The original is really good.
Jon Levi shared a photo of New Jersey docks covered in fairis wheels. Many of them
America used to be like one big Disney World Commonwealth in the 1800s on back
These pictures of 'chicago fire' are really easy to see it's not possible that it was a fire, simply due to the complete and utter lack of soot, burn marks, and what more, not even scorched earth.
Great Work! If you are interested you should do a Philadelphia episode, there is so much here it’s insane.
The city deserves a few videos at least there is a lot to cover for sure.
1876 Centennial Expo in Philadelphia had a 21-acre building
In the early 1900's they had fleets of electric trolleys and automobiles as well. Those were tanked so profits could be made from the oil and gas industries. Google, Southern California Edison electric wagon,and Electric cab company, and see the images.
Great video! I've never seen the brick manufacturing plant for any of these cities.
They probably made them all by hand. ;)
Forgive me if I'm speaking obviously, but I think a major part of the mystery here is simply helium and the airships that made it possible to create such amazing structures. I'm an arborist and there are some projects where we could really use a mini air balloon or drone with a mechanical saw blade or hedge trimmer. 😅
Damn. I think you're on to something!! 🤔
@@Carmensandiego_ your name. 🤔 it's something I know so well from my past but can't remember it. Maybe I'm trippin.
Fantastic video! Very interesting. Greetings from France.
Thank you very much!
Great video! However, I would say there has been very little “studied” videos released explaining the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair or any the other world’s fairs between 1850-1925. As you are aware, flashing interesting pictures and raising questions is not an in depth analysis of the topic. Hardly anyone has looked into the books written for each fair or tried to investigate how the vast number of materials needed to build such buildings could be sourced in just a 2-3 year window. For example, hardly any RUclipsrs have looked seriously at the 1894 San Francisco World’s Fair in Golden Gate Park (complete with an Eiffel Tower look-a-like). San Francisco was well known after 1870 as the “Paris of the West.” When you look at images from the 1894 and 1915 San Francisco World’s Fairs you would honestly think San Francisco would not be out of place if it were located in Europe. Moreover, the 1906 earthquake (and arguably the convenient city fire that ensued) was required to convince the masses that San Francisco looked like a Gold Rush boomtown full of wooden buildings rather than how it actually looked more like a city that could rival Paris.
It is evident from the images of the 1893 Chicago world’s fair that the “narrative” is deeply flawed. Water ways, man made lakes, retaining walls, 75 miles of paved walkways, etc. are not “temporary” structures. The references to “Chilaga” on old maps are giveaways to how possibly there was a change of topography over the centuries. Lastly, the alleged “fire damage” of the 1871 Chicago fire looks almost identical to bombing damage you would see from photo images from WWI or WWII. The fire story (prominent in the history of most American cities) again feels like a convenient tragedy that allows for the unsuspicious removal of structures that could reveal further clues to historians of the origins of Chicago/Chilaga.
The rubble piles in the "fire" picture looks nearly identical to what occurs after mortar rounds go down range. Iraq 2003. Fires do not create such destruction. They have some splainin to do...
There was definitely an effort exerted into destroying any attempt at extending Chicago's architectural history, as it had been known till1870's.
I have a question that I have been mulling over for years. The Native Americans MUST have known about these Tartarian buildings and through passing information down through the generations as they do in sacred ceremonies, had amazing stories to tell... but I have never heard them talk about these buildings or who lived in them. I know the US was VERY intent on taking the kids away and putting them in "white mans schools" to be indoctrinated/enslaved, and those that didn't comply were exterminated. I would think that somewhere, there has to be some kind of evidence of how the native people interacted with the ones that built these structures. I would LOVE your view on this!
I explored this a few months ago, please enjoy and feel free to ask anything you like:
In 2007, they found the 80 ton axel of that Chicago Ferris wheel buried near where it was dismantled.
About the interior decorative complexity I agree with you and can tell you the fact that building and dressing the walls and the ceilings with decorative moldings is Expensive I work in construction and I was recently at home 🏡 in Beverly Hills where the owners are remodeling the entire house costing 80 million dollars !wow ! This house has decorative features that are fascinating I can send you photos I took recently but not as detailed and immaculate as what we see in this video the artwork built throughout its construction is un fathomable in the past all of what your showing was done by knowledge relative to . The cost ,the knowledge the materials the organization the lack earth moving tractors the tools like welding metals and plumbing was there plumbing the leveling of the ground to sustain weight of the building knowledge of landscaping and more intricate interior knowledge of wood stone
Please send the photos, feel free to hit up the channel reddit or email. Let me know if you need the channel e-mail.
Funny fact: a person from another state in Mexico moving to live and work in Mexico City is called chilanga or chilango.
10:44 the trees are still there. So it was not a fire. Like they always say. Great show. The real story is that one or a few of the Biblical tribes moved there and built this around the 1300’s (I think that’s what I saw in a presentation once) but they don’t want people knowing.
Everything is by design and history repeats itself.
Can you do a video like this on Cincinnati? Cincinnati also had a lot of tartarian architecture that was lost in a fire or demolished. Cincinnati had a fire in 1881 and a world’s fair in 1888.
Here you are:
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 thank you!! I was looking but could not find this
6:47 wonder if water towers were fuel stations for airships?
They could be.
for the water to drink and the steam engine that powered them ;)
The ferris wheel filled with tons of people would make a pretty good flywheel or how the passengers were loaded could make free energy possible. I bet it didn't cost anything to take the ride and people lined up just for the view and the ride.
It cost 50 cents, which also was the price of admission to the fair. And it didn’t open until the fair was a couple of months old because of construction problems plus they had to test it when finished. It stayed on the Midway until around 1896, then was moved to North Clark Street before again being disassembled and sent to the 1904 fair in St Louis. After the fair it was destroyed and the steel being recycled. Part of it was used to construct a bridge in Indiana.
From Boston age 30 and this is shocking to me and am just learning I literally had 0 clue anything resembling modern cities ever existed before America and am humbled
It is all over what we consider the United States today. :)
Chicago was probably an old world French City, the likes of Paris. I think the French, English & Spanish had cities here waaaay before 1695, like established civilizations. Something happened and they repopulated with us.
These newly created nations had nothing to do with the architecture they inherited from the previous civilizations.
I live northwest of Birmingham Alabama. Not only is there an underground river flowing near the downtown area, there are many springs in the area that we formerly aquatic attractions (swimming etc) but those went away in the 80s. The craziest thing about downtown is the area with a complete first floor under the street level. Theore of their narrative we break the, the more I realize we're about to be in some good times ahead once the handcuffs are off! 1871 was a bad year for this country. Ie, organic acts 🧐
I prefer these videos to the ones where you chat with the viewers at length. I feel like my attention is being diverted for lengthy periods of time with the latter. I skip thru those ones just to see the images (and keep my time and attention to myself. )
Great video! Thanks ❤
Edit- But I also get that people are lonely and want to feel seen/heard and be part of a group. 🙏🙏🙏
There is a little of everything for everyone.
I live a couple hours west of Chicago and in a Forest preserve there’s an old burn down cabin that no longer remains except for the stone chimney. It’s the only part of the structure that remains so one would think if a great fire truly did burn through Chicago that all their stone buildings would be perfectly fine other than some soot. And whatever fire is in buildings would be contained
Check out air ships by Martin lidtke German Air ships with a laser beam used in London early 1900s
And his recent collaboration with Archaix where he discussed the fasces as a weapon. The presentation discusses the destruction of cities in the America's "by fire" in the 1800s.
Direct energy weapon. Destruction through frequency manipulation.
How they built all these structures with limited tools is mind blowing. We couldn’t do it today with our current technology.
No, but there is a vast array of "experts" that will explain how it was done before the era of machination, motorization and the great Ironhorse.
I live in Montreal and we have a festival call ochehaga and streets and neighborhoods called hochelaga just like on the map in the beginning
Another great one.
You do great work.no doubt about that. They are everywhere i have been. So i know your great.,,🙂
i lived around hochelaga wich is Montreal or also callet ''ville marie-- mary city'' and also called ''mont royal'' or royal mount..... there is something hidden you can see it on old map
Montreal is so interesting it is on the list for an exploration.
Entomology is interesting. Supposedly Chicago translates to wild onion or skunk. Hochelaga is supposed to mean beaver path or big rapids. When you cross reference native languages you'll find that places and words may have an entirely different meaning than what were told. Especially when many tribes have the same name for an area with different definitions. For example Michigan.
Great channel, I just found you and I’m subbing. You and Jon Levy (if you haven’t heard of him) are similar and he too is quite helpful on this journey of discovering as much truth as we can!❤❤
I plan on bringing your work!
Yes, I think I have heard about him. :)
1877 was right after the civil war. Where did they get the funds to build so quickly?
Dude lol between you, Jon Levi and Spencer smith my brain is about to explode. Good stuff.
I have a lot more once I am out of the cone of silence.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 a look inside your brain is all I want 😂😂
That sounds ominous. ;)
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 😬 😂
EAGLES has a smooth head leading back to its neck whereas a PHOENIX HAS A BUMP ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD. This must NOT be over looked. It's comnemorating Phoenix event. Next event is 2040 May 16th.
Elaborate ?
@yoosherbthekid464 Guess we ain't getting any more information regarding this rabbit hole. 🙄
Mudfossil or mudflood University is another amazing channel roger will blow your mind
Great vid, sir.
Do we have any native accounts of these old world cities? I’d imagine it may have been passed down in oral tradition.
Check out "Lost Tales" on this channel.
Lucius, you are deserving of congratulations on a work well done. I live in Chicago and I am also daily seeing the mudflooded city. It was a huge coverup. Fake foundations everywhere. There was a big effot to hide the lower level of Chicago. Chicago was a waterflled city, much like Venice. That's my opinion.
It could very well be, there are a lot of allusions to different layouts for Chicago.
Chicago is next to Gary's US Steel works... would have no problem manufacturing the ferris wheel component and transporting them like 10miles on rail or boat
gary's was built in 1906
I'd still love to see it.
Yeah it was literally on a rail car in the picture shown lol
The great Lakes were frozen solid back then. Nice map. Where did you get that ?
University digital archive.
Who needs science fiction? Great presentation. That Pre-Columbian map shows Florida as Florida, and "Apalchen" the Appalachians. Look for newspaper headlines reporting 1871 fire.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 you must be talking about "old world exploration" I do leave Michelle comments occasionally.😊 I'm thinking about making a channel called "Old World Explanation." It will be a single 2 HR. show and that's it.
@@timothydillow3160 Excuse me Tim, that just confirmed for me there was a serious glitch with where I was responding from last night.
I am looking into those original articles this week. They are not as accessible as one would think.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 $$$ to find out there ain't such a thing Shirley Detroit Cleveland somebody we have a front-page headline original paper I don't think you'll find one
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214 no problemo
Great video, digging the several images seen for my first on the Tartan tip.. I been rooting through this 🐇 hole a good min & as a fellow ‘Seeker of Truth’, the ancient also. I have a feeling/hunch about the eagle’s representation and its kool to find for the 1st Another does too, organic at that😏..
W/out keeping on, one aspect is the Mexican or “Mexico” flag has an eagle with a snake or serpent in its beak that has a very specific hidden in plain sight meaning that makes the official narrative given version sound almost condescending in my opinion, but that’s just 1 of several others..
much ❤to all 🌬️🌪️
A flag displaying the defeat of the subverted serpent.
- my thoughts exactly.👍
I wonder if your theory extends to NY? I’ve always been awed by the N.Y. Aqueduct and when it was allegedly built. In The Bronx, there’s a bridge named, The Highbridge, and it’s a walkover to Manhattan. The timeline given for its construction and the photos from that area at the time feel incongruent
Yes, it does:
My friend.... really what you say is true... thanks
Go to China town in San Fran. Buildings go down when you walk into them. Go down several stories. I love that place😊
Ojibwe and Anishinabe and Algonguin were Copper Miners. More than half the world's copper was mined where the Great Lakes are now. They are man-made lakes. They decided to fill the enormous pits with water. Obviously, after 1500. I think they didn't want the well armed outsiders to gain access to the lucrative mines and potentially driven off of their ancestral homeland and so they flooded it. Michigan means Big Lake.
Fascinating ! Do you have a video about New York ?
A city video and a state video.
All these huge buildings scream Big Gouvernment in a time of small gouvernment.
Big government and yet even more extraordinary, "effective" government. :)
OP, do you have any information on symbols regarding Tartaria? The symbol of Tartaria is the griffin and/or the twin-headed eagle dragon. Do you have any information on these symbols? I can easily google & research the dates of which they were seen for the first time but I do NOT have inside information. Only the outside information that's available on the spot.
It is scattered in explorations, there are issues with focusing on it directly.
Nice work bro
i am all messed up now this makes so much sense
The best part of this video is someone will get in the comments who is college educated and never workd manual labor will tell you they can do this now but when i watch inspections of million dollars houses now they cant even pass code because they are built wrong but ik 1850 everyone can put up amd build a palace even prisoners and slaves apparently were master builders
They were also super-superior logisticians in the 1800s. Why the hell did we ever need paved highways and interstates in the US? Run logistics past a college graduate and see what sort of response you get. ;)
@Restitutor_Orbis_214 hey man if you ever get a chance can you check out the Oklahoma state pen and the rest of some of these state pens around the United States 🇺🇸 there is even couple federal pens like USP Leavenworth and USP Lewisburg literally a state capital building and one is a castle
yep...same thing i was thinking...good use of your brain
Where's Carl 😅 ? Awesome video dudemanbro * crisp high five * from Boston , again
how does a fire burn down brick and stone?
Very persistently it seems....
It was caused by the draconid meteor shower. Draco is the dragon constellation. Like 10 other major fires occurred simultaneously on the same night across hundreds of miles. Meteors , gas, and electrical phenomenon are responsible. Randall Carlson does great work on the correlation between great fires and meteor showers. Taurids, draconids, lyrids, and Perseids are known to have large outburst
That is probably the most reasonable explanation for what caused it.
Imma say this has something to do with the inter galactic federation at most seeing they wanted nothing of the world on earth
Thou I gotta why some beings didn't take their stuff back to their galaxy
Fascinating, never heard that before but highly likely. I'll do some research...thanks
Interesting information. Personally I think that a civilization at this level would have the ability to attract or repel meteors. However regardless of whether they used bombs or rocks, I still think it was a change in perception that allowed the idea of war to form.
@@Restitutor_Orbis_214As far as I'm concerned, such events are just called meteor showers. They're actually something else.
see the broom landing plat foms at 19:00 just above the doors
Good observation!
Something I have a really hard time understanding is how large settlements are made in areas with inclement climate. Hopefully the explanation is coming to me....
It would be interesting in a future video you talking about critics of Tartaria for example: Aewar and Wooden Nickels who dismisses Tartaria as equivalent to Ancient Aliens and he believes all those amazing worlds fair structures were made from soft stone and wood rather than permanent concrete. He also believes the reset happened in the 1400s rather than the 1800s, he's now on this Shadow Rome nonsense. I would love to know your thoughts on Anti Tartaria youtubers, it doesn't have to be by name but I'm just throwing some examples for ya.
Aewar is paid disinformation //////////////////////
i have not watched him since he did the if you believed anything i ever said you're an idiot video
I respect all beliefs and present my own theories. You are welcome to consider them and come to your own conclusions. I will never call anyone an idiot for whatever they decide to believe whether it is in a previous civilization or that the mainstream account is correct. One who resorts to insults does not have the intention to consider legitimate theories and validate or invalidate them.
👍😎Yep, I saw this somewhere
Hey man, what house are you showing at 17:25? There are houses that look eerily similar to this in Wisconsin.
I live in Hyde park and there’s so much left that hasn’t been covered in these videos. Can you please do a deep dive on Hyde park Chicago
I think that's a great idea wouldn't want to run out of things to cover ;)
Why build a huge Ferris Wheel after a fire when people were suffering. BTW why did the trees not burn? Very similar to Calif and Maui fires. Caused by lasers. So you have people displaced after a fire and the first thing you build is a Ferris Wheel? Hmmm great priorities folks. Brilliant.
We need to all chip in some money together and get our own spy beluga whale lol