  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @chauchauson6282
    @chauchauson6282 11 месяцев назад +5


    • @yantingofficial
      @yantingofficial 11 месяцев назад +8

      Do not underestimate my plasticity.

  • @presentlivinghk
    @presentlivinghk 11 месяцев назад +1

    最近睇咗「簡樸的美學」呢本書,research Satish Kumar 至知佢原來七年前台灣演講的片竟然只有300+個 view?? 又原來好多寧願去消費都唔想過簡樸環保的生活,就係點諗都諗唔明。好似我明知環保好,明知本地菜好,都好想諗吓點樣講多D俾大家聽... 點樣令人去接受,只有靠自己去增進youtube技巧,講嘢技巧,換位對方會鐘意聽乜再去講環保永續,呢三年就係咁樣磨練自己。 修心、齊家、治國、平天下,攪掂自己至好照顧其他人。

  • @liukitty1087
    @liukitty1087 2 дня назад

    唔覺意㩒咗入嚟聽, 第一次聽, 估唔到傻下傻下居然聽完晒邪教教主講嘅嘢👍

  • @iljwo
    @iljwo 11 месяцев назад +2

    自己嘅陰暗面好似俾人挖出嚟put it on the table咁
    自己somehow知道嘅,但講左出嚟,仲analysis implicit 嘅rationale,
    就覺得原來自己嘅dark side都幾醜陋,
    多謝YT & Peter當頭棒喝下我👍

  • @FrankBeck-e1m
    @FrankBeck-e1m 11 месяцев назад +4

    “With great power comes great responsibility” 很好聽,不過如果咁講,即係Spider-Man 救人只係盡自己責任? 如果Spider-Man 唔救人就成了不負責任? 這句話可以是能力者對自己很好嘅要求,亦可以是人們用以道德勒索,甚至攻擊別人嘅武器。
    近日看到一句很好的 - 未經他人苦,莫勸他人善。 共勉之。

    • @yantingofficial
      @yantingofficial 11 месяцев назад +9

      You are absolutely right. There is never a must to wield the responsibility, nor to serve.
      To be fair to Spiderman, he actually has a better reason to not serve others because unlike us, he did not choose to become Spiderman willingly. We chose to become public figures, knowing what comes with it.
      Much like the Roman King Marcus Aurelius, it was power that chose them instead.
      But instead of using it to serve their own desires or selfish purpose solely, they chose to use it to serve others.
      And that to me, makes them noble.
      When we choose to accept the power, we need be prepared for the responsibility.
      We can try to be naive and deny it but the truth is the expectation comes, whether we want it or not.
      Thats because its two sides of the same coin.
      Nobody said it was gonna be easy,
      And I'm not saying we should or must accept that,
      because theres always an option to walk away and there is nothing wrong with it.
      But if we can endure and perform to the highest good, like Spiderman and Marcus Aurelius, then we become better people too by making others better.
      And that to me, is what made them men that deserves respect.

    • @FrankBeck-e1m
      @FrankBeck-e1m 11 месяцев назад +1

      說得漂亮,完全明白。不過,想說的還是那句 - 未經他人苦 莫勸他人善。 這世界沒有superhero。我想也沒有太多成年人會幻想自己是superhero,更遑論要求或期望別人是superhero。
      “When we choose to accept the power, we need to be prepared for the responsibility.” 十分對,但事實是有多少事情不能預知?現今社會多少人因工作壓力而有心理病?有多少人因此甚至輕生?可唔可以一句-「你搵工時預左」「你可以辭職」就解決?
      當然事情有輕重,對總統或國家元首的要求當然不同,因為他們真的有點super power,更影響眾生。

    • @NCS560
      @NCS560 11 месяцев назад

      @@FrankBeck-e1m 如果有享受權力帶來既好處,其實真係多d責任。打工黎計,能力越大責任越大係壓榨員工既藉口,權力越大責任越大係上司唔想承認既notion,目的都係壓榨下屬。我同意既係「權力」越大責任越大,有權既人 not necessarily 有能力。其實你兩個講既野無抵觸。

  • @hkme5057
    @hkme5057 4 месяца назад

    Think more before acting ❤

  • @sis1974
    @sis1974 11 месяцев назад


  • @NCS560
    @NCS560 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @M9UP
    @M9UP 11 месяцев назад


  • @billsuen294
    @billsuen294 11 месяцев назад

    如果peter 你嘅智商係頭個4%嘅人,你仲介唔介意別人在旁指指點點。