5 Giant Duck Cartoon,Cow,Mammoth,Elephant,Tiger,Lion Paint Wild Animals Fountain Crossing Animation

  • Опубликовано: 30 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 74

  • @LinhTrong_894
    @LinhTrong_894 Месяц назад +1

    एनीमेशन में दृश्य पर ज़्यादा ध्यान दिया गया और कहानी पर कम ध्यान दिया गया।

  • @TamiaReyes-l6m
    @TamiaReyes-l6m Месяц назад +1

    मुझे लगता है कि एनीमेशन को ज़्यादा चरित्र विकास से फ़ायदा मिल सकता था।

  • @VyHa-zl7sVyHa
    @VyHa-zl7sVyHa Месяц назад +1

    It feels rushed.

  • @zacharymartin_102
    @zacharymartin_102 Месяц назад

    The background music was the perfect complement to the visuals.

  • @MinhVan_257
    @MinhVan_257 Месяц назад

    I loved how the animation managed to capture the personality of each animal.

  • @PhuongThamduc_373
    @PhuongThamduc_373 Месяц назад

    I loved how the animals interacted with each other, especially the elephant and the tiger.

  • @NgocLaKim
    @NgocLaKim Месяц назад

    I was so captivated by the vibrant colors and the animals' expressions.

  • @minhthanh7911
    @minhthanh7911 Месяц назад

    The animation of the water splashing was incredibly realistic.

  • @NamBuiCuNamBuiCuc
    @NamBuiCuNamBuiCuc Месяц назад

    Adorei a maneira como a animação me fez sentir criança novamente.

  • @nguyetnguyngoc7838
    @nguyetnguyngoc7838 Месяц назад

    The visuals are breathtaking.

  • @thanhhong4305
    @thanhhong4305 Месяц назад

    Definitivamente assistirei a essa animação novamente.

  • @TramQuanCuc
    @TramQuanCuc Месяц назад

    A animação foi uma mistura perfeita de diversão e arte.

  • @TramBao_926
    @TramBao_926 Месяц назад

    Brilliantly executed animation.

  • @binhquoc7192
    @binhquoc7192 Месяц назад

    Fiquei cativado pelas cores vibrantes e personagens brincalhões da animação.

  • @tramkhongbach1861
    @tramkhongbach1861 Месяц назад

    I was hoping for more interaction between the animals.

  • @namuongtrong54
    @namuongtrong54 Месяц назад

    I felt that the animation of the mammoth could have been more dynamic.

  • @hoanghuu991
    @hoanghuu991 Месяц назад

    I think the animation could have benefited from a stronger storyline.

  • @QuangHoàngHQuangHoangHa
    @QuangHoàngHQuangHoangHa Месяц назад

    विशाल बत्तख मेरे लिए एक अलग किरदार था! इसकी विचित्र हरकतों और भावों ने समग्र एनीमेशन में एक रमणीय स्पर्श जोड़ा, जिससे यह यादगार बन गया।

  • @LongHoangLan
    @LongHoangLan Месяц назад

    অ্যানিমেশন খুব নিমগ্ন এবং আকর্ষক অনুভূত.

  • @NguyetdoMinh_425
    @NguyetdoMinh_425 Месяц назад

    Great work on the animals!

  • @KhanhTruongKim_564
    @KhanhTruongKim_564 Месяц назад

    मुझे उम्मीद थी कि एनिमल क्रॉसिंग थीम पर ज़्यादा अनोखा नज़रिया होगा।

  • @TuyetThu_102
    @TuyetThu_102 Месяц назад

    The scenes with the lion were particularly powerful. It embodied strength and leadership, making it a central figure that drove the story forward.

  • @HaiThu_804
    @HaiThu_804 Месяц назад

    The blend of humor and adventure was delightful! It kept me entertained and made me look forward to each new scene and character interaction.

  • @KhanhNguyet_931
    @KhanhNguyet_931 Месяц назад

    আমি এই অ্যানিমেশন দেখে বিস্ময়ের অনুভূতি অনুভব করেছি।

  • @TienHuu_908
    @TienHuu_908 Месяц назад

    আমি অ্যানিমেশনে হাস্যরস পছন্দ করতাম, বিশেষ করে হাঁসের অভিব্যক্তি।

  • @thanglammanh1332
    @thanglammanh1332 Месяц назад

    অ্যানিমেশনটি এত সুন্দর এবং হৃদয়গ্রাহী ছিল, এটি আমার দিন তৈরি করেছে।

  • @TienThu_6
    @TienThu_6 Месяц назад

    मैं बाघ के एनीमेशन से निराश था। यह अन्य जानवरों की ऊर्जा से मेल नहीं खाता था, जिससे मुझे दृश्य असमान लगे।

  • @linhdiepcong8926
    @linhdiepcong8926 Месяц назад

    एनीमेशन ने मुझ पर कोई स्थायी प्रभाव नहीं छोड़ा।

  • @SongDaeun_608
    @SongDaeun_608 Месяц назад

    एनीमेशन थोड़ा ज़्यादा सामान्य लगा।

  • @VanThu-ye2tVanThu
    @VanThu-ye2tVanThu Месяц назад

    অ্যানিমেশন চোখের জন্য একটি চাক্ষুষ ভোজ ছিল.

  • @namcong7524
    @namcong7524 Месяц назад

    I found the pacing of the animation a bit slow in some parts.

  • @QuangVienduc
    @QuangVienduc Месяц назад

    It needs more action.

  • @AnhdoThu
    @AnhdoThu Месяц назад

    I felt that the animation could have included more environmental elements to enhance the crossing scene. It seemed a bit bare in comparison to the animal designs.

  • @NguyetPhanHoang
    @NguyetPhanHoang Месяц назад

    A animação foi um deleite visual do início ao fim.

  • @QuangQuoc_133
    @QuangQuoc_133 Месяц назад

    আমি দৃশ্যগুলির মধ্যে মসৃণ রূপান্তর দ্বারা প্রভাবিত হয়েছিলাম।

  • @YenBuiBa
    @YenBuiBa Месяц назад

    I felt like the animation was missing a certain spark.

  • @XuanNgoc-vk9yXuanNgoc
    @XuanNgoc-vk9yXuanNgoc Месяц назад

    The ending felt a bit abrupt and unsatisfying.

  • @huongđuc7490
    @huongđuc7490 Месяц назад

    The pacing is too slow.

  • @UyenKim-ub9kUyenKim
    @UyenKim-ub9kUyenKim Месяц назад

    It lacks engagement.

  • @ThiQuachVan-kr5rThiQuachVan
    @ThiQuachVan-kr5rThiQuachVan Месяц назад

    I found it quite dull.

  • @dungquachthanh6369
    @dungquachthanh6369 Месяц назад

    The background music didn't quite match the tone of the animation.

  • @QuangVuongThi
    @QuangVuongThi Месяц назад

    The story isn’t interesting.

  • @giangthi6088
    @giangthi6088 Месяц назад

    The humor isn’t funny.

  • @TungHuy-rd3uTungHuy
    @TungHuy-rd3uTungHuy Месяц назад

    मुझे शेर और हाथी के बीच की बातचीत वाकई बहुत पसंद आई। उनकी चंचल बातचीत ने हास्य जोड़ा और एनीमेशन को और अधिक गतिशील और आकर्षक बना दिया।

  • @VydoanNhat
    @VydoanNhat Месяц назад

    Definitivamente assistirei a essa animação novamente.

  • @DungCaoduc
    @DungCaoduc Месяц назад

    Adorei como a animação capturou a essência de cada animal.

  • @nhungnguyet2233
    @nhungnguyet2233 Месяц назад

    I think it’s wonderfully creative.

  • @AmberWolfe-jv4ie
    @AmberWolfe-jv4ie Месяц назад

    I found the concept of the animals crossing the fountain very refreshing.

  • @TramBuiHoang
    @TramBuiHoang Месяц назад

    অ্যানিমেশন ছিল গল্প বলার শক্তির একটি দুর্দান্ত উদাহরণ।

  • @ThangdoanThanh
    @ThangdoanThanh Месяц назад

    অ্যানিমেশন তাই কল্পনাপ্রসূত এবং সৃজনশীল ছিল.

  • @vytruc_516
    @vytruc_516 Месяц назад

    The visuals are breathtaking.

  • @NamTranBa-sc3fNamTranBa
    @NamTranBa-sc3fNamTranBa Месяц назад

    Very well done animation!

  • @TramCong_598
    @TramCong_598 Месяц назад

    The animation is top-notch.

  • @TuLuongdong
    @TuLuongdong Месяц назад

    আমি প্রাণীদের আনন্দ এবং উত্তেজনা অনুভব করতে পারতাম।

  • @maihuu4915
    @maihuu4915 Месяц назад

    আমি খুব খুশি যে আমি এই অ্যানিমেশন জুড়ে এসেছি, এটি সত্যিই একটি রত্ন।

  • @viethuu6289
    @viethuu6289 Месяц назад

    मैं बाघ के एनीमेशन से निराश था। यह अन्य जानवरों की ऊर्जा से मेल नहीं खाता था, जिससे मुझे दृश्य असमान लगे।

  • @TramuongKiTramduongKim
    @TramuongKiTramduongKim Месяц назад

    The animation of the water could have been more realistic.

  • @QuynhLeLan-bp4xQuynhLeLan
    @QuynhLeLan-bp4xQuynhLeLan Месяц назад

    I found it quite dull.

  • @HanhKhanh-te5nHanhKhanh
    @HanhKhanh-te5nHanhKhanh Месяц назад

    The animation felt a bit too simplistic for my taste.

  • @ChiVodong
    @ChiVodong Месяц назад

    I think the animation succeeded in showcasing the beauty of wildlife. It inspired me to appreciate nature and the animals we share our world with.

  • @MaticToons
    @MaticToons Месяц назад +9

    This video helps me relax!

  • @VietTongThanh
    @VietTongThanh Месяц назад

    Fiquei impressionado com a atenção aos detalhes da animação.

  • @NguyetManh_538
    @NguyetManh_538 Месяц назад

    Definitivamente assistirei a essa animação novamente.

  • @TienVanBach
    @TienVanBach Месяц назад

    The animation style was unique and eye-catching.

  • @ThiThu_424
    @ThiThu_424 Месяц назад

    A animação foi uma bela obra de arte.

  • @VanNgoc_566
    @VanNgoc_566 Месяц назад

    I appreciated the attention to detail in the animals' anatomy.

  • @PhuongNguyBao
    @PhuongNguyBao Месяц назад

    The animation's overall message was a bit unclear.

  • @EvelynLi-oq9fh
    @EvelynLi-oq9fh Месяц назад

    A animação foi uma experiência emocionante e edificante.

  • @HoaViênThHoaVienThu
    @HoaViênThHoaVienThu Месяц назад

    The overall atmosphere of the animation was very peaceful and calming.

  • @HanhVuNgoc-zn5kHanhVuNgoc
    @HanhVuNgoc-zn5kHanhVuNgoc Месяц назад

    The animation of the fur and feathers was so detailed and lifelike.

  • @KhanhHuauc-xm2wKhanhHuaduc
    @KhanhHuauc-xm2wKhanhHuaduc Месяц назад

    I absolutely loved it!

  • @minhlabao9518
    @minhlabao9518 Месяц назад

    The animation's overall message was a bit unclear.

  • @PhuongVan-lh1jPhuongVan
    @PhuongVan-lh1jPhuongVan Месяц назад

    A animação foi uma ótima fuga da realidade.