The forgotten war 😢 I’m really sad for people in Myanmar. Hope you guys free from the military junta and get the democracy and freedom back. Love from Sri Lanka ❤
democracy and freedom? No chance. Do you think if the rebels (various of them) defeated the junta, they would retreat as peaceful villagers and return the power to politicians? after all the bloodshed? those who funded the rebels will not demand/expect anything in return? It will be another junta after another! Sri Lanka is equally f up
@@Idontexist762 The world weeps and cries for islamic terrorists. And millions of braindead NPCs who lacks the basic cognitive skills will keep riding the bandwagon. rohingya have been very problematic for most of Myanmar's history, for their religious goals and the acts have been too unbearable for it's people to tolerate any further. Would you cry for the native bengali Buddhists who were subjected to genocide by it's government since the 1960s? Yeah I don't think so.
@@Idontexist762 Stop! Do you know how many people and minorities there is in Burma??????!!!! Stop blaming everyone 99% of people DID NOT do anything bad to rohingya. Read facts!
those urban groups supported by china are communist groups like n.p.a in the Philippines. luckily china is not land boarder with Philippines. the weapon came frome china are from the sea on submarine
define freedom! do minority groups/regions have the right to break away from Myanmar? or after the military government is defeated, the 75 years war continues for another 75 years?
We fight but still can't win and we the teen lost our dream and we need to go military when we're 18 💔. I don't want to go to the place where I hate the most.
@@Blinko_on_fireOh, and when your army was persecuting the Rohingya, burning their villages, raping women, and killing children, you supported them and your people and said it was protection.
I pray from Indonesia that the civil war in Myanmar will end soon and all the people of Myanmar will be safe and there will be no more victims. and I also hope that all conflicts in this world will end soon and that no more innocent people will become victims. because peace is beautiful. God bless you Myanmar and may God always protect the Myanmar people who are fighting for their country 🇮🇩❤🇲🇲
@@zinny999indeed. They only know about Rohingya’s case because they garner international attention. While majority of the ethnic minorities have been fighting against the military juntas for decades, and millions of innocents life’s have been lost. And yet we barely heard about it on the news. I still have so many relatives back in Myanmar, and they would always tell me that they could hear shooting or that their next door neighboring village had been burn down by the juntas. It pisses me off that some people would blame the citizen instead of the military for what happens to the Rohingya. Like just go do some research, it’s not that hard. Everyday people are dealing with the same problem.
I miss Myanmar yangon... I used to teach in one of the international schools back in 2017-18... It was such a beautiful country... Very simple and loving people... I have been praying and following most of the news regarding the present situation in Myanmar... Hope you all will be free soon... And hope to visit myanmar once again... Love from India
May the people of Myanmar find the courage, strength, and resilience to navigate through these challenging times towards a future filled with harmony, justice, and stability. Im from south Myanmar.
I don't see anyone asking if the military was right though and removed a corrupt government. I'ma assume they were since I don't see anyone denying the military claims of government election rigging and corruption.
I haven't heard anyone dispute the military claims of corruption and election rigging so apparently the government the military overthrew also didn't let the people choose it's government.
@@gwnifer3355Why are some people talking about Rohingya while the whole country is in Warzone?? That Rohingya case was also made by that Junta Military like they are doing right now. Why are you talking about Rohingya while they are killing all ethnic groups at this time??
@@gwnifer3355 Of course Rohingya are included in our struggle, they're our ethnic brothers. The struggles of all the oppressed are interlinked. The international community only gives lips service while the Rohingya are being massacred. Now the massacres are happening all over the country, and if we don't pay attention, it will start to happens in the whole world as it is happening now. Including in Palestine!!!
I can remember back to 2008 when Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar/Burma and the military junta stood in the way of international relief efforts. When supplies began to arrive, members of the military took a great deal of them for their own personal use and they did not reach the people they were intended for, namely those who had been severely damaged and lost everything. It's hard to believe that the military, which is supposed to be there to aid and protect the nation, could be composed of people so selfish, greedy and uncaring as to turn their backs on their own nation when it was in severe distress. When the stories reached the West, I lost all respect for the military government and it's not hard to understand why the Myanmar/Burmese people want to get rid of it!
It's 3rd world, what do you expect? When Indonesia hit by tsunami, massive donations and relief were corrupted away. Japanese donated rice was sold in black market in Jakarta for dirt price. Decades later, reporter who was born there burst in tears on live camera as she witness nothing was built at all. Everything was left as it was. The Indonesia gov as always, quick to response with easy fix. Arrest the reporter and put in jail with reason that she embarrased nation pride and igniting people to protest.
The Myanmar government allowed NGOs to evacuate refugees from camps when Nargis approached. The NGO commissioned 3 barges, one with a working engine. The barges were tethered and used to evacuate refugees as they thought the poor roads would be less effective. Putting hundreds of people who cant swim onto barges, during a typhoon, when only one had an engine was not the Myanmar governments idea. Hundreds of people died due to the incompetence of the NGO workers. Believe me, I know what I am talking about because I lived there and knew people who worked for the NGO. I don't like the Junta anymore than the next man but they make an easy scapegoat for the utter incompetence of the western NGOs based in Myanmar.
@@ahriboyThe majority of people call them Karen, they also go by Kayin, Kariang or Kawthoolese, but objectively speaking calling them Karen is probably more preferable since they speak the Karenic language and have been called the Karen people since centuries ago.
Sebagai orang Indonesia, aku punya sedikit ide gila buat menghentikan kekacauan ini. First: keluarkan Myanmar dari Asean, maka untuk hal ini dorong pemerintahan Indonesia dan Singapore untuk mendukung gerakan ini. Second: invasi mereka, cegah militer mereka untuk berbuat lebih parah terhadap rakyatnya dan ini butuh dukungan internasional seperti PBB dan anggota dewan keamanan tetap PBB. Aku mengerti demokrasi itu melelahkan dan tidak sempurna, aku pun mengerti di piagam asean ada peraturan yang tidak membolehkan setiap anggota ikut campur masalah dalam negeri anggota lain tetapi aku curiga Myanmar akan menjadi the next Korea Utara yang di jadikan sebagai bumper state dari China ataupun Russia maupun superpower lain untuk mendorong konflik dikawasan ini, ini harus segera di hentikan.
Kamu masih awam soal Proxy War dan wawasan geostratgei politik dari China ! Gak usah bahas soal China tokh urusan domestik Papua saja kita masih acakadut dimana TNI Polri berguguran terus melawan KKB OPM ! Urusan Aceh yang mulai menghangat lagi isu kemenangan Anies 70% di Aceh mengindikasikan Aceh akan seperti Myanmar akan terulang ! Urusan Myanmar biar mereka yang selesaikan sendiri sampe nanti waktunya Keuangan mereka morat marit baru tekanan besar kepada semua pihak akan mudah di jalankan memaksa ke meja perundingan ! Loe gak perlu menuduh menuding RRT menjadikan Myanmar bumper segala, loe kira RRT kagak babak belur membantu Korea Utara dari jaman Kim Il Sung sampe cucunya berkuasa negeri itu kerap dilanda bencana alam menimbulkan kelaparan penyakit kematian mal nutrisi pada rakyatnya lalu siapa yang menolong negri itu jika bukan RRT ? RRT saja urus dalam negerinya sudah pontang panting buat keluar dari kemiskinan ekstrem demi rakyatnya dan ini harus ngurusin rakyat negeri tetangganya yang pemimpinnya susah di ajak kompromi dan GILA KEKUASAAN ! Uang besar di habiskan RRT untuk menopang rakyat negeri Korea Utara itu sampe terakhir terjadi tragedi gagalnya percobaan Nuklir dalam laboratorium riset Korut di perut gunung dan memicu radiasi sampe ke wilayah Tiongkok ! Tiongkok sejatinya sudah sebal dengan penguasa yang sok selayaknya RAJA dan lalim seperti di Korea Utara dan demikian juga dengan Junta Myanmar ini ! Tapi apa boleh buat karena jika sampe ikut campur lebih jauh yang ada akan menimbulkan kekacauan lebih besar lagi dan beresiko masuknya musuh dan membuat kegaduhan lebih parah ! Mari buka wawasan anda dan kita lihat bagaimana RRT selama 10 tahun di teror oleh kelompok separatisme milisi ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) di Xinjiang. Milisi itu semakin aktif bergerak sejak adanya militer USA bercokol di Afghanistan dari 2001 ! Sejak itulah serentetan tragedi teror berdarah dan mematikan menerjang Tiongkok terutama di Xinjiang dengan puncaknya ada 4 Ulama Besar Islam Xinjiang tewas di bunuh termasuk diantaranya saat ibadah Sholat Jumaatan. RRT sangat pusing dengan kondisi di Afghanistan dibawah pemerintahan Rabbani dan penerusnya yang kacau balau serupa kondisi Myanmar saat ini banyak fraksi bersenjata di Afghanistan ingin kue kekuasaan dan kue wilayah ! Masuknya militer USA dan sekutu sudah di baca cermat oleh RRT ! Memang benar gerakan intelijen CIA Mossad dan Turki bermain di wilayah Xinjiang dari perbatasan Afghanistan Pakistan diwilayah Badakshan untuk mendukung mendanai melatih milisi ETIM untuk operasi perang dan teror di Xinjiang ! RRT terpaksa harus bekerja sama dengan milisi Taliban agar bisa meredam gerakan ETIM di Xinjiang dan Taliban pun juga memiliki musuh bernama ISIS dan Al Qaeda yang mana 2 kelompok itu sudah bukan rahasia lagi digerakan oleh agen CIA MOSSAD dan Turki ! Terbukti bukan saat penangkapan Osama Bin Laden terjadinya di Pakistan dan bukan di Afghanistan karena Osama tidak bisa cocok dengan Taliban ! Jadi keberadaan militer USA di Afghanistan selama 20 tahun hanya dalih semata, dgn agenda tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menciptakan BALKANISASI negeri Islam di ASIA TENGAH yang selama ini bersekutu dengan Rusia dan RRT ! Operasi intelijen USA dan Mossad bergerak untuk melemahkan kawasan negeri Islami demi mengguncang Rusia ! Jika negeri negeri itu sukses di bentuk kelompok separatis dan aksi terornya maka akan membuahkan hasil Barat bisa memecah berbagai negeri itu berkeping keping untuk kepentingan Barat ! Bisa anda lihat bukan saat tragedi teror di Rusia kemarin 160 orang tewas diberondong senapan dan granat bom di gedung teater ! Setelah kejadian itu pekerja China di proyek infrastruktur di Pakistan di teror oleh ISIS dan 5 pekerja China tewas di tempat ! Sebelumnya pekerja China di Afghanistan juga di teror kelompok ISIS dan ada yang tewas juga ! RRT bukan negeri kemaren sore, dia sudah ribuan tahun mewarisi DNA peperangan dalam negerinya yang rumit dan mengesankan ! RRT mampu menumpas kelompok ETIM dengan cara memberikan bantuan kepada milisi Taliban di sepanjang perbatasan Xinjiang dimana Taliban mendapatkan tunjangan dana senjata alat komunikasi dan logistik untuk menggempur pos pos militer USA di wilayah abu abu karena di duga juga sebagai markas CIA Mossad di dalamnya untuk melatih pejuang ETIM ! Akhirnya misi Taliban sukses informasi penginderaan satelit gerakan militer USA dan sekutu bisa diberitahu ke Taliban dan penyergapan mematikan milisi Taliban membuat kerugian besar di pisah USA dan lambat laun gerakan ETIM juga melemah dan terjepit oleh patroli aparat Chin di perbatasan. Milisi ETIM yang ditawan oleh Taliban di rekrut oleh Taliban sebagai pasukannya dan China sukses membangun kamp BNPT untuk deradikalisasi mencuci otak muda mudi Xinjiang dari Racun ETIM ! Hasilnya kini Xinjiang bersih dari aksi teror dan berubah pesat jadi maju sbg kawasan wisata budaya religi Islam dan menjadi pusat pertanian perkebunan dan industri energi terbarukan panel surya menopang ekonomi Xinjiang ! Bagaimana dengan Turki ? China juga mengancam jikamana Turki mendukung gerakan ETIM maka China akan mendukung mendanai gerakan pasukan bersenjata Permesgha Kurdi yang akan mendirikan negara Kurdistan di wilayah Timur Laut Turki berbatasan dengan Suriah dan Irak ! Pasukan Kurdi juga menjadi bulan bulanan pembantaian kelompok ISIS dimana perempuannya di perkosa dan dipaksa menjadi budak milisi ISIS ! Jika Turki menghadapi perlawanan milisi Kurdi sampai mengebom dari pesawat udara dan tank maka aparat China saat operasi pembersihan kelompok ETIM tidak perlu seperti Turki tidak ada penembakan pembakaran pengeboman kepada penduduk Xinjiang terutama etnik Uighyur dan semua berjalan dengan cara pengawasan ketat dan pembentukan kamp deradikalisasi dan kerjasama dengan aparat beretnik Uighyur juga ! Jadi cara Turki mengahadpi perlawanan separatisme masih setara dengan Zionis menggempur Gaza! Jadi anda paham kan mengapa Turki akhirnya bersikap netral dan tidak lagi memasalahkan soal Xinjiang. PROXY WAR sebagai perang intelijen termodern yang dimainkan kekuatan aliansi Barat untuk melemahkan negeri negeri sekitar Rusia dan China ! Anda saja sudah gagal menilai kebijakan RRT di Myanmar dan menganggap Myanmar sebagai bemper semata ! Jika anda simak narasi video di atas sudah jelas RRT tidak memihak kesiapa pun karena jika terjadi pemihakan akan menimbulkan iri hati dipihak yang lain dan akan semakin menambah kekacauan ! Kelompok fraksi bersenjata yang bertikai itu nyaris semuanya bersinggungan langsung dengan wilayah perbatasan darat Tiongkok langsung ibarat kita antara Indonesia dan Malaysia di Entikong begitupun kondisi di perbatasan Myanmar dan China sepanjang 2000 km itu sangatlah panjang dan resiko besar juga bagi China agar tidak terulang konflik model tahun 1979 ketika China menggempur perbatasan Vietnam dan mengepung negeri itu lantaran para milisi Vietnam berulah diperbatasan dengan China ! Panjang 1200 km lebih perbatasan itu kelompok milisi ex perang Vietnam melakukan aksi perampokan begal pemerkosaan kepada warga China karena mereka memiliki senjata api sementara warga China tidak memiliki! WIlayah perbatasan China relatif aman dari ranjau dan bom selama perang Vietnam USA dan sebaliknya tanah ladang kebun rawa sawah di Vietnam Utara dan Laos dihujani aneka bom dari udara banyak yang gagal meledak dan juga banyaknya ranjau di tanam sehingga para milisi itu selepas perang Vietnam tahun 1975 terluntang lantung tidak bisa bercocok tanam dengan baik dan gagal produksi banyak kasus kematian dan cacat karena menginjak ranjau atau tak sengaja memacul bom ! Inilah yang di hindari China di konflik Myanmar dimana fraksi bertikai itu mayoritas pemilik wilayah yang berbatasan dengan China langsung ! RRT lebih suka pemerintahan model Vietnam yang walau Sosialis Komunis namun menjalankannya secara baik dan tidak ada banyak gesekan politik saat pergantian pimpinan, demikian juga dengan di LAOS yang Sosialis namun perpolitikannya relatif adem ayem. Myanmar ini serupa Thailand sering kali ada kudeta Militer namun kondisi Thailand sangat unik walau ada kudeta politik dari militer tetapi ekonomi Thailand tidak terusik ! Sementara Myanmar justru kondisi ekonomi menjadi buruk ! China mementingkan perdamaian semua pihak namun sepertinya situasi di Myanmar beda dengan Afghanistan di mana Taliban sangat GILA mampu menguasai seluruh wilayah Afghanistan dan China sudah prediksi kekuatan Taliban semakin besar. Sementara di Myanmar mumet kekuatan pemerintah junta militer masih kuat dan milisi pun bergabung membentuk aliansi dan ada kemajuan namun balik lagi itu sementara saja nanti bisa berubah lagi jika aliansi terpecah, ini konflik panjang lebih panjang dari konflik Macan Tamil EELAM di Srilanka walau akhirnya militer pemerintah Srilanka berhasil menaklukan Macan Tamil dan menguasai wilayahnya setelah India membantu Srilanka menumpas teroris macan Tamil karena PM India terbunuh oleh milisi Macan Tamil ! Jadi konflik itu suatu masa akan reda sendiri setelah semua pihak lelah atau ada pihak kuat terpaksa membantu setelah dinilai ada korban seperti tokoh negarawan memicu kebangkitan perjuangan dan sentimen heroisme ! Jadi kenali CHINA di konflik Myanmar dengan bening agar anda tidak termakan umpan HOAX media Barat dan India yang sentimen dengan China !
@@patrick-terra berarti sebenarnya china lebih suka ke fraksi militan dibanding dengan juntanya ya? Meski diberita china dianggap backing Junta tapi dilapangan beda?
Thank you for this documentary on the civil war in Myanmar. This conflict is not given much attention by the world and hoping victory for the people of Myanmar. This shows the hypocrisy of the leaders of the West .
@Idontexist762 Then why the rohingyas are not being accepted by Muslim countries too? And one thing is there is no country called rohind or roging . These rohingyas come from Bangladesh. People of Myanmar already on their way to accept them as citizens but what about in current civil war? There are none of rohingyas force fighting against the military so that's why there will be restrictions to them after the war because we have to reunite. And most of these things happened about rohingyas are caused by some spies of last government (NLD) too. You guys only know Daw Aung San Su Kyi and military did that but she wasn't. We didn't have any chance to fight against the military due to the lack of information too.
@Idontexist762 I know what happened to the Rohingyas, but they too are on the same page as in fighting the military in the Arakan Valley. Thank you for bringing that to my notice.
As sad as it is, I think you will find that the leaders of the west are at present a little preocupied with several conflicts that do have geopolitical consequences. In addition China would take a dim view if moves were made in that respect and the last thing the world needs are more tensions between superpowers.
Thanks for bringing up the awareness to the international community about the brutal military coup and what the young generations are doing and what they are their hopes.
My friend is a hardcore Far Cry player, and now he's one of the rebels. I remember he said "It's not lile Far Cry at all! When the bombs fly dowm from the sky, it doesn't matter how well you can shoot, all you can do is crouch and pray."
@@its_me_v13ya it’s wild how many people see this stuff as being anything remotely close to a freakin video game. This is real life, real physics and real harm.
In Singapore we have ppl protesting about Israel supporting Palestine. But I hardly see any support for Myanmar against the military regime. Such hypocrisy....
The scariest part is after the junta is ousted. I just hope that the ethnics groups will let the country to have a legitimate democatic government instead of fighting each other after beating their common enemy. Will they give back the captured teritories? Will they acknowledge a new government if any came to power? Will they accept peace against other ethnic groups? So many questions... But hoping the future is bright in Myanmar.
I would call Myanmar even more unstable state than Afghanistan where the Pashtun ethnic group can subjugate and everyone will accept their rule but In Myanmar the Burmese can neither tame nor rule the ethnic groups in the it’s an unstable situation
Myanmar is my great grandmother country, she was the princess of Myanmar who fled to malaysia backthen when war. Myanmar never stops war... since my great grandmother time. She was peacefully passaway in malaysia.
I visited Myanmar a couple of times in the past decade and it's a beautiful place with beautiful people, it is such a shame democracy and real growth and progression are robbed from the people by the Junta. My heart goes out to all people of Myanmar and the martyrs who fought for what they believed it. Stay strong and I'm sure you will have your Democracy back
I am commenting from Toronto Canada.....We are praying for the people of Myanmar....And we are with you through these dark times...keep your voices heard ...the people of Myanmar...I pray that you get your country back very soon.....
As Vietnamese people, we have experienced war and of course we hate war, we pray for peace to come to your country, please bring the war criminals to justice.
@@OtenBenaluIndonesia Indonesia is the only stable country in Asia, without a dictatorship, rapidly developing and it does not need ASEAN, because this organization does not represent anything and does not function yet. They accepted refugees from all over the world, of all religions, Indians, from Myanmar, Christians, Muslims who fled from cruel Buddhist regimes, for example, last year 300 churches were burned in India, and in Myanmar Christians as well as Muslims were massively killed. They say that Buddhism is secular and tolerant, unlike Islam, but this is not true, in fact it depends on the mentality. The Indonesians are the most wonderful people I've seen and the holidays there are the best
Following for 5+ years but this has been going on for very long. May all cultures tribes and peoples unite and be one as a country showing respect, dignity and Trust to each other. Peace and love from Canada.
I live in Thailand and have been for a long time. The war over there is never mentioned in mainstream Thai media and if it is, it is very minimal. In my experience, Burmese people are extremely friendly people in a world where friendly people are becoming less and less. I hope this war ends sooner than later. War is a dirty, savage, ancient way to handle problems. The world would be so much more productive if we all worked together towards our future as a planet instead of killing each other over resources, politics, money, tribalism etc. I hope one day, the word 'war' and all that it involves will be a thing of the past that people talk about as something our primitive ancestors used to solve issues. However, I find it ironic that people in government want us to be peaceful, yet they are the ones that at the same time, have the power to start a war and do so again and again.
I visited Myanmar during the 2013 Sea Games as a taekwondo athlete representing Indonesia. I saw for myself the beauty of Myanmar and the friendliness of the people there. It is very sad to know that the Myanmar people are currently being oppressed and colonized by the cruel military
Look at their banners- they're Neo-Marxists & think 'New World Order' will make things all better. NWO is "Imperialism by Bankers" & destroy everything they get involved with.
@@Idontexist762 it was the Burmese army that committed the genocide not the people, and back then the government of Myanmar couldn’t even do anything about the genocide since the army had all the power, the people didn’t condone the ethnic cleansing of the army, for instance Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, Myanmar citizens, they tried to let people know what was happening in Rohingya.
@Idontexist762 ok since you said rohingyas are being violated by our Myanmar people, what about other countries? As an example, Indonesia gave rohingyas some foods and put them back to the sea. What about Dubai? Even Muslim countries are not accepting these rohingyas. And there are no country called rohind or rohin. People of Burma already working to accept these rohingyas before the military coup but that plans were destroyed since 2021 and now you blame for that? Think more, if Burma people really killed them, there are some native in Rakine. They would have killed these rohingyas. Also there are some evidence that rohingyas also bullied and killed Burmese natives. What will you say now?
as a fellow ASEAN citizen that isn't Myanmar, Rohingyas isn't the good kind of refugee either. Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia do not want them for a reason and Bangladesh simply experience it directly. All of the country mention has incidents related to Rohingyas and their increasing unreason demand. From the news I read at that time from both local and my friends from other nation face same aspect of Rohingya so it just simply not coincident. Rohingya refugee are very "demanding", will cause "problems" to shelter if they didn't get what they want, "Do not help" to maintain the shelter and act like a "freeloader". Where local work hard to earn daily expense to fill daily necessity, Rohingya just come here and receive free food and shelter at the expense of local worker and taxpayer and they're still demanding more "Food" "Coffee" "Meat". It like we went from "never heard of them" until we reach the point of "No please".
The people of Myanmar deserves Democracy. They are fighting for freedom on their on. Hope they will get freedom in the coming days. Long live the freedom fighters of Myanmar. God be with them.
I love the people of Myanmar who are fighting for freedom. I always support all groups of people in Myanmar for sacrificing their lives for freedom. Love from Bangladesh.
Sad that the war happened. Went to several parts of Myanmar in 2019 and I have seen promising progress in each town. Hope democracy reigns . Hope peace and freedom will be back..
I've been to Myanmar and I was so impressed how nice the people are. The west is obsessed with Ukraine currently, but Myanmar opposition also needs support from the world. I hope they achieve victory this time, as they are so close to it now.
@Idontexist762You are rohinger?So sorry for your lose.But that time our people not known true conditions like now you known.Because of brainwashed and stupid of ourselves.Not saying like we all same.Junita was made all worsened conditions for their power and rich.
The forgotten war 😢 I’m really sad for people in Myanmar. Hope you guys free from the military junta and get the democracy and freedom back. Love from Sri Lanka ❤
democracy and freedom? No chance. Do you think if the rebels (various of them) defeated the junta, they would retreat as peaceful villagers and return the power to politicians? after all the bloodshed? those who funded the rebels will not demand/expect anything in return? It will be another junta after another! Sri Lanka is equally f up
thank you so much, I hope we will be able to break free from them
Thanks ❤
I am from myanmar and we are in trouble by military and we still fighting for freedom.Pray for us😢
@@Idontexist762 The world weeps and cries for islamic terrorists. And millions of braindead NPCs who lacks the basic cognitive skills will keep riding the bandwagon. rohingya have been very problematic for most of Myanmar's history, for their religious goals and the acts have been too unbearable for it's people to tolerate any further. Would you cry for the native bengali Buddhists who were subjected to genocide by it's government since the 1960s? Yeah I don't think so.
Sure brothers and sisters. hope Myanmar people will have peace & freedom soon🙏
@@Idontexist762 Stop! Do you know how many people and minorities there is in Burma??????!!!! Stop blaming everyone 99% of people DID NOT do anything bad to rohingya. Read facts!
@@Idontexist762the Rohingyas are a bunch of pansies and scoundrels, they just make the place stink wherever they go
@@Idontexist762Rohingya is another problem. Look at Malaysian, Indonesia, the rohingya refugees create so many issues and problems here.
Freedom and justice for Myanmar love from the 🇵🇭❤🇲🇲
Thanks po
We😂 see why
those urban groups supported by china are communist groups like n.p.a in the Philippines. luckily china is not land boarder with Philippines. the weapon came frome china are from the sea on submarine
Sad that so many forget about myanmar and those fighting for their freedom.
after the war
cheaper beer and girls will emarge
guess will a lot cheaper then philippines
Justice for Myanmar love from Malaysia ❤❤ 🇲🇲❤️🇲🇾
God bless the people of Myanmar who are fighting for freedom ❤
God didnt bless for the war not to ignite? toopid
These western puppets shouldn't be praised, they're traitors to progressive and decent humanity.
define freedom! do minority groups/regions have the right to break away from Myanmar? or after the military government is defeated, the 75 years war continues for another 75 years?
freedom for myanmar people stay strong i hope you guys able to end the war soon 🙏 love from Indonesia 🇮🇩
si paling peduli 😂
@@cocamilo22kocak lu tll
Freedom for aceh and papua people 🙏🏻 love from Myanmar 🇲🇲
@@ria_mutia_bahtiar ini lagi org aceh sok sok an jd org Myanmar, lucu
@@CandraKUN si paling pintar
Freedom isn’t given to everyone. You’ll have to fight for it! I hope to visit a free Myanmar when the dust settles, hopefully soon.
meanwhile everybody can help myanmar people to survive very tough economic situation
Freedom is Great, But Freedom without Order is Just as Much as a Tyranny.
When the dust settles there might not be anything left you. Don’t be late, idiot 🤭🤭🤣🤧
We fight but still can't win and we the teen lost our dream and we need to go military when we're 18 💔. I don't want to go to the place where I hate the most.
@@Blinko_on_fireOh, and when your army was persecuting the Rohingya, burning their villages, raping women, and killing children, you supported them and your people and said it was protection.
Justice for Myanmar.
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇲🇲
Thanks ❤
Shut up Rohingya
Why muslims are killing hindus in bangladesh please all hindus are come india
Thank you so much🙏 God bless the peopleof Myanmar Who are fighting for freedom❤💖💝
they are fighting for drugs and western interest
As a Cambodian, i wish my Myanmar friends full peace.
Avoid Chinese then Cambodia and Myanmar have long lasting peace
@@camotekahoy656 cringe merimutt
Có bàn tay chính trị từ Hoa Kỳ
có bẫy nợ từ Trung Quốc
I hope the Myanmar people will have peace soon.
I pray from Indonesia that the civil war in Myanmar will end soon and all the people of Myanmar will be safe and there will be no more victims. and I also hope that all conflicts in this world will end soon and that no more innocent people will become victims. because peace is beautiful. God bless you Myanmar and may God always protect the Myanmar people who are fighting for their country
I pray for that too and I was in your country 5 years ago Jakarta and Palankaraya.
War will never end so long as there are people
War... war never changes
Pray for Myanmar brothers and sisters who are fighting for their children and future.
@Idontexist762 Myanmar is made up of over 13 major ethnics 😅. Educate yourself. We are all fighting for the same cause.
@@zinny999indeed. They only know about Rohingya’s case because they garner international attention. While majority of the ethnic minorities have been fighting against the military juntas for decades, and millions of innocents life’s have been lost. And yet we barely heard about it on the news. I still have so many relatives back in Myanmar, and they would always tell me that they could hear shooting or that their next door neighboring village had been burn down by the juntas. It pisses me off that some people would blame the citizen instead of the military for what happens to the Rohingya. Like just go do some research, it’s not that hard. Everyday people are dealing with the same problem.
@Idontexist762 WAaAaAaAaA rOHIngYa waAaAaAa
@Idontexist762 haha did you see, even the indonesian, in the most religious area (Aceh) demonstrated against them. Why? Look at yourself.
@@zinny999 major ethics responsible for their inaction to Rohingyas
I miss Myanmar yangon... I used to teach in one of the international schools back in 2017-18... It was such a beautiful country... Very simple and loving people... I have been praying and following most of the news regarding the present situation in Myanmar... Hope you all will be free soon... And hope to visit myanmar once again... Love from India
Whatever happens this country will be a mess for a long time in the future because of too much ethnic groups and foreign interference.
May the people of Myanmar find the courage, strength, and resilience to navigate through these challenging times towards a future filled with harmony, justice, and stability.
Im from south Myanmar.
you don't even acknowledge the Rohingya and send them to be nuisances to other countries. Fix your racism first.
Freedom for Myanmar from Indonesia 🇮🇩❤🇲🇲
Free West Papua
MATAMU @@Adriaticus
@@Adriaticusprovinsi gembel
bedakan miyanmar pingin menyelamatkan negaranya klo kalian adalah pemberontak alias terorisme@@Adriaticus
Military should not go against the will of the people.
military should not be the government
I don't see anyone asking if the military was right though and removed a corrupt government. I'ma assume they were since I don't see anyone denying the military claims of government election rigging and corruption.
military should not
they didn't even let the people choose
they force their way in
I haven't heard anyone dispute the military claims of corruption and election rigging so apparently the government the military overthrew also didn't let the people choose it's government.
Life start with freedom, we'll fight for the better life. From Laos love freedom❤🌹💝💖
We( Myanmar people) really need international attention!
What about Rohingya?
@@gwnifer3355 Shout for yourself,we are in a different dark eara 🎉
@@gwnifer3355Why are some people talking about Rohingya while the whole country is in Warzone?? That Rohingya case was also made by that Junta Military like they are doing right now. Why are you talking about Rohingya while they are killing all ethnic groups at this time??
@@gwnifer3355 Of course Rohingya are included in our struggle, they're our ethnic brothers. The struggles of all the oppressed are interlinked. The international community only gives lips service while the Rohingya are being massacred. Now the massacres are happening all over the country, and if we don't pay attention, it will start to happens in the whole world as it is happening now. Including in Palestine!!!
@gwnifer3355 you are so pity
This is so sad, the people of Myanmar are so beautiful. Thank you CNA for shedding light on this forgotten war
🌟🌟🌟 We reject Military Coup .
We strongly supported to The People's deference force .
We love Justice . 🌟🌟🌟
they say democracy only to undermine natives and to build more chruchs
The Military of Myanmar is made up of the local people. 'Sovereign Citizens' refuse to follow the rule of law & are simply "terrorists".
Before doing anything remember God love from Nagaland
I can remember back to 2008 when Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar/Burma and the military junta stood in the way of international relief efforts. When supplies began to arrive, members of the military took a great deal of them for their own personal use and they did not reach the people they were intended for, namely those who had been severely damaged and lost everything. It's hard to believe that the military, which is supposed to be there to aid and protect the nation, could be composed of people so selfish, greedy and uncaring as to turn their backs on their own nation when it was in severe distress. When the stories reached the West, I lost all respect for the military government and it's not hard to understand why the Myanmar/Burmese people want to get rid of it!
It's 3rd world, what do you expect? When Indonesia hit by tsunami, massive donations and relief were corrupted away. Japanese donated rice was sold in black market in Jakarta for dirt price. Decades later, reporter who was born there burst in tears on live camera as she witness nothing was built at all. Everything was left as it was. The Indonesia gov as always, quick to response with easy fix. Arrest the reporter and put in jail with reason that she embarrased nation pride and igniting people to protest.
@@ericwong4213 there is a reason why they are 3rd world.... corruption... lol
how often has the american military protected american rights, liberties, and nation?
every military is corrupt.
never did find those nukes in Iraq
The Myanmar government allowed NGOs to evacuate refugees from camps when Nargis approached. The NGO commissioned 3 barges, one with a working engine. The barges were tethered and used to evacuate refugees as they thought the poor roads would be less effective. Putting hundreds of people who cant swim onto barges, during a typhoon, when only one had an engine was not the Myanmar governments idea. Hundreds of people died due to the incompetence of the NGO workers. Believe me, I know what I am talking about because I lived there and knew people who worked for the NGO. I don't like the Junta anymore than the next man but they make an easy scapegoat for the utter incompetence of the western NGOs based in Myanmar.
Yeah it's so surprising that people who chose to make a living with a gun would end up being selfish bullies. Who would have thought ?
I'm Vietnamese, standing with the Burmese people fighting for freedom and democracy.
Best wishes to the Karens and every other pro-democracy ethnic communities of Myanmar from Nagaland, India.
why the karens to be specific?
@@IMZaMaNa37 "Karens" are actually an ethnic group in Myanmar. You may look it up 😊
Call them Kayin instead.
@@ahriboyThe majority of people call them Karen, they also go by Kayin, Kariang or Kawthoolese, but objectively speaking calling them Karen is probably more preferable since they speak the Karenic language and have been called the Karen people since centuries ago.
@@IMZaMaNa37 not the entitled white American women tribe who asks for managers.
A very good documentary to help us understand what is happening in Myanmar
Sebagai orang Indonesia, aku punya sedikit ide gila buat menghentikan kekacauan ini.
First: keluarkan Myanmar dari Asean, maka untuk hal ini dorong pemerintahan Indonesia dan Singapore untuk mendukung gerakan ini.
Second: invasi mereka, cegah militer mereka untuk berbuat lebih parah terhadap rakyatnya dan ini butuh dukungan internasional seperti PBB dan anggota dewan keamanan tetap PBB.
Aku mengerti demokrasi itu melelahkan dan tidak sempurna, aku pun mengerti di piagam asean ada peraturan yang tidak membolehkan setiap anggota ikut campur masalah dalam negeri anggota lain tetapi aku curiga Myanmar akan menjadi the next Korea Utara yang di jadikan sebagai bumper state dari China ataupun Russia maupun superpower lain untuk mendorong konflik dikawasan ini, ini harus segera di hentikan.
Kamu masih awam soal Proxy War dan wawasan geostratgei politik dari China !
Gak usah bahas soal China tokh urusan domestik Papua saja kita masih acakadut dimana TNI Polri berguguran terus melawan KKB OPM ! Urusan Aceh yang mulai menghangat lagi isu kemenangan Anies 70% di Aceh mengindikasikan Aceh akan seperti Myanmar akan terulang !
Urusan Myanmar biar mereka yang selesaikan sendiri sampe nanti waktunya Keuangan mereka morat marit baru tekanan besar kepada semua pihak akan mudah di jalankan memaksa ke meja perundingan !
Loe gak perlu menuduh menuding RRT menjadikan Myanmar bumper segala, loe kira RRT kagak babak belur membantu Korea Utara dari jaman Kim Il Sung sampe cucunya berkuasa negeri itu kerap dilanda bencana alam menimbulkan kelaparan penyakit kematian mal nutrisi pada rakyatnya lalu siapa yang menolong negri itu jika bukan RRT ?
RRT saja urus dalam negerinya sudah pontang panting buat keluar dari kemiskinan ekstrem demi rakyatnya dan ini harus ngurusin rakyat negeri tetangganya yang pemimpinnya susah di ajak kompromi dan GILA KEKUASAAN !
Uang besar di habiskan RRT untuk menopang rakyat negeri Korea Utara itu sampe terakhir terjadi tragedi gagalnya percobaan Nuklir dalam laboratorium riset Korut di perut gunung dan memicu radiasi sampe ke wilayah Tiongkok !
Tiongkok sejatinya sudah sebal dengan penguasa yang sok selayaknya RAJA dan lalim seperti di Korea Utara dan demikian juga dengan Junta Myanmar ini !
Tapi apa boleh buat karena jika sampe ikut campur lebih jauh yang ada akan menimbulkan kekacauan lebih besar lagi dan beresiko masuknya musuh dan membuat kegaduhan lebih parah !
Mari buka wawasan anda dan kita lihat bagaimana RRT selama 10 tahun di teror oleh kelompok separatisme milisi ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) di Xinjiang.
Milisi itu semakin aktif bergerak sejak adanya militer USA bercokol di Afghanistan dari 2001 !
Sejak itulah serentetan tragedi teror berdarah dan mematikan menerjang Tiongkok terutama di Xinjiang dengan puncaknya ada 4 Ulama Besar Islam Xinjiang tewas di bunuh termasuk diantaranya saat ibadah Sholat Jumaatan.
RRT sangat pusing dengan kondisi di Afghanistan dibawah pemerintahan Rabbani dan penerusnya yang kacau balau serupa kondisi Myanmar saat ini banyak fraksi bersenjata di Afghanistan ingin kue kekuasaan dan kue wilayah !
Masuknya militer USA dan sekutu sudah di baca cermat oleh RRT !
Memang benar gerakan intelijen CIA Mossad dan Turki bermain di wilayah Xinjiang dari perbatasan Afghanistan Pakistan diwilayah Badakshan untuk mendukung mendanai melatih milisi ETIM untuk operasi perang dan teror di Xinjiang !
RRT terpaksa harus bekerja sama dengan milisi Taliban agar bisa meredam gerakan ETIM di Xinjiang dan Taliban pun juga memiliki musuh bernama ISIS dan Al Qaeda yang mana 2 kelompok itu sudah bukan rahasia lagi digerakan oleh agen CIA MOSSAD dan Turki !
Terbukti bukan saat penangkapan Osama Bin Laden terjadinya di Pakistan dan bukan di Afghanistan karena Osama tidak bisa cocok dengan Taliban !
Jadi keberadaan militer USA di Afghanistan selama 20 tahun hanya dalih semata, dgn agenda tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menciptakan BALKANISASI negeri Islam di ASIA TENGAH yang selama ini bersekutu dengan Rusia dan RRT !
Operasi intelijen USA dan Mossad bergerak untuk melemahkan kawasan negeri Islami demi mengguncang Rusia !
Jika negeri negeri itu sukses di bentuk kelompok separatis dan aksi terornya maka akan membuahkan hasil Barat bisa memecah berbagai negeri itu berkeping keping untuk kepentingan Barat !
Bisa anda lihat bukan saat tragedi teror di Rusia kemarin 160 orang tewas diberondong senapan dan granat bom di gedung teater !
Setelah kejadian itu pekerja China di proyek infrastruktur di Pakistan di teror oleh ISIS dan 5 pekerja China tewas di tempat !
Sebelumnya pekerja China di Afghanistan juga di teror kelompok ISIS dan ada yang tewas juga !
RRT bukan negeri kemaren sore, dia sudah ribuan tahun mewarisi DNA peperangan dalam negerinya yang rumit dan mengesankan !
RRT mampu menumpas kelompok ETIM dengan cara memberikan bantuan kepada milisi Taliban di sepanjang perbatasan Xinjiang dimana Taliban mendapatkan tunjangan dana senjata alat komunikasi dan logistik untuk menggempur pos pos militer USA di wilayah abu abu karena di duga juga sebagai markas CIA Mossad di dalamnya untuk melatih pejuang ETIM !
Akhirnya misi Taliban sukses informasi penginderaan satelit gerakan militer USA dan sekutu bisa diberitahu ke Taliban dan penyergapan mematikan milisi Taliban membuat kerugian besar di pisah USA dan lambat laun gerakan ETIM juga melemah dan terjepit oleh patroli aparat Chin di perbatasan.
Milisi ETIM yang ditawan oleh Taliban di rekrut oleh Taliban sebagai pasukannya dan China sukses membangun kamp BNPT untuk deradikalisasi mencuci otak muda mudi Xinjiang dari Racun ETIM !
Hasilnya kini Xinjiang bersih dari aksi teror dan berubah pesat jadi maju sbg kawasan wisata budaya religi Islam dan menjadi pusat pertanian perkebunan dan industri energi terbarukan panel surya menopang ekonomi Xinjiang !
Bagaimana dengan Turki ?
China juga mengancam jikamana Turki mendukung gerakan ETIM maka China akan mendukung mendanai gerakan pasukan bersenjata Permesgha Kurdi yang akan mendirikan negara Kurdistan di wilayah Timur Laut Turki berbatasan dengan Suriah dan Irak !
Pasukan Kurdi juga menjadi bulan bulanan pembantaian kelompok ISIS dimana perempuannya di perkosa dan dipaksa menjadi budak milisi ISIS !
Jika Turki menghadapi perlawanan milisi Kurdi sampai mengebom dari pesawat udara dan tank maka aparat China saat operasi pembersihan kelompok ETIM tidak perlu seperti Turki tidak ada penembakan pembakaran pengeboman kepada penduduk Xinjiang terutama etnik Uighyur dan semua berjalan dengan cara pengawasan ketat dan pembentukan kamp deradikalisasi dan kerjasama dengan aparat beretnik Uighyur juga !
Jadi cara Turki mengahadpi perlawanan separatisme masih setara dengan Zionis menggempur Gaza!
Jadi anda paham kan mengapa Turki akhirnya bersikap netral dan tidak lagi memasalahkan soal Xinjiang.
PROXY WAR sebagai perang intelijen termodern yang dimainkan kekuatan aliansi Barat untuk melemahkan negeri negeri sekitar Rusia dan China !
Anda saja sudah gagal menilai kebijakan RRT di Myanmar dan menganggap Myanmar sebagai bemper semata ! Jika anda simak narasi video di atas sudah jelas RRT tidak memihak kesiapa pun karena jika terjadi pemihakan akan menimbulkan iri hati dipihak yang lain dan akan semakin menambah kekacauan !
Kelompok fraksi bersenjata yang bertikai itu nyaris semuanya bersinggungan langsung dengan wilayah perbatasan darat Tiongkok langsung ibarat kita antara Indonesia dan Malaysia di Entikong begitupun kondisi di perbatasan Myanmar dan China sepanjang 2000 km itu sangatlah panjang dan resiko besar juga bagi China agar tidak terulang konflik model tahun 1979 ketika China menggempur perbatasan Vietnam dan mengepung negeri itu lantaran para milisi Vietnam berulah diperbatasan dengan China !
Panjang 1200 km lebih perbatasan itu kelompok milisi ex perang Vietnam melakukan aksi perampokan begal pemerkosaan kepada warga China karena mereka memiliki senjata api sementara warga China tidak memiliki!
WIlayah perbatasan China relatif aman dari ranjau dan bom selama perang Vietnam USA dan sebaliknya tanah ladang kebun rawa sawah di Vietnam Utara dan Laos dihujani aneka bom dari udara banyak yang gagal meledak dan juga banyaknya ranjau di tanam sehingga para milisi itu selepas perang Vietnam tahun 1975 terluntang lantung tidak bisa bercocok tanam dengan baik dan gagal produksi banyak kasus kematian dan cacat karena menginjak ranjau atau tak sengaja memacul bom !
Inilah yang di hindari China di konflik Myanmar dimana fraksi bertikai itu mayoritas pemilik wilayah yang berbatasan dengan China langsung !
RRT lebih suka pemerintahan model Vietnam yang walau Sosialis Komunis namun menjalankannya secara baik dan tidak ada banyak gesekan politik saat pergantian pimpinan, demikian juga dengan di LAOS yang Sosialis namun perpolitikannya relatif adem ayem.
Myanmar ini serupa Thailand sering kali ada kudeta Militer namun kondisi Thailand sangat unik walau ada kudeta politik dari militer tetapi ekonomi Thailand tidak terusik ! Sementara Myanmar justru kondisi ekonomi menjadi buruk !
China mementingkan perdamaian semua pihak namun sepertinya situasi di Myanmar beda dengan Afghanistan di mana Taliban sangat GILA mampu menguasai seluruh wilayah Afghanistan dan China sudah prediksi kekuatan Taliban semakin besar.
Sementara di Myanmar mumet kekuatan pemerintah junta militer masih kuat dan milisi pun bergabung membentuk aliansi dan ada kemajuan namun balik lagi itu sementara saja nanti bisa berubah lagi jika aliansi terpecah, ini konflik panjang lebih panjang dari konflik Macan Tamil EELAM di Srilanka walau akhirnya militer pemerintah Srilanka berhasil menaklukan Macan Tamil dan menguasai wilayahnya setelah India membantu
Srilanka menumpas teroris macan Tamil karena PM India terbunuh oleh milisi Macan Tamil !
Jadi konflik itu suatu masa akan reda sendiri setelah semua pihak lelah atau ada pihak kuat terpaksa membantu setelah dinilai ada korban seperti tokoh negarawan memicu kebangkitan perjuangan dan sentimen heroisme !
Jadi kenali CHINA di konflik Myanmar dengan bening agar anda tidak termakan umpan HOAX media Barat dan India yang sentimen dengan China !
@@patrick-terra berarti sebenarnya china lebih suka ke fraksi militan dibanding dengan juntanya ya? Meski diberita china dianggap backing Junta tapi dilapangan beda?
Freedom for Myanmar ! From Vietnam 🇻🇳🤝🇲🇲
Love to the people of Myanmar 🇲🇲 ❤
Peace and love from germany❤🙏🇲🇲
As a Germanic a actual German You don't identify for all of us step down
Thank you for this documentary on the civil war in Myanmar. This conflict is not given much attention by the world and hoping victory for the people of Myanmar. This shows the hypocrisy of the leaders of the West .
Seems like multi-national corporations can't steal oil from Myanmar.
@Idontexist762 Then why the rohingyas are not being accepted by Muslim countries too? And one thing is there is no country called rohind or roging . These rohingyas come from Bangladesh. People of Myanmar already on their way to accept them as citizens but what about in current civil war? There are none of rohingyas force fighting against the military so that's why there will be restrictions to them after the war because we have to reunite. And most of these things happened about rohingyas are caused by some spies of last government (NLD) too. You guys only know Daw Aung San Su Kyi and military did that but she wasn't. We didn't have any chance to fight against the military due to the lack of information too.
@Idontexist762 I know what happened to the Rohingyas, but they too are on the same page as in fighting the military in the Arakan Valley. Thank you for bringing that to my notice.
As sad as it is, I think you will find that the leaders of the west are at present a little preocupied with several conflicts that do have geopolitical consequences. In addition China would take a dim view if moves were made in that respect and the last thing the world needs are more tensions between superpowers.
@Idontexist762 Yeah you know very little of Myanmar. I guess palestinos are suffering of their karma.
Thanks for bringing up the awareness to the international community about the brutal military coup and what the young generations are doing and what they are their hopes.
this is so heartbreaking😭💔
Thank you...Hope the world know abt this and hope my country and people free from war🥺
Living in myanmar and counting my days,my dreams are gone
😢😢😢 good LUCK ❤
Same bro
Hope is always, you will be back on track.
So sad when your dream took of war 😢...
Why don't you move to America?
Thank you for shared this video we never give up ❤ 🇲🇲
Bros are playing a Far Cry game in real life. That is nuts. So much respect! May they prevail.
Far Cry 4 white tiger style
My friend is a hardcore Far Cry player, and now he's one of the rebels. I remember he said "It's not lile Far Cry at all! When the bombs fly dowm from the sky, it doesn't matter how well you can shoot, all you can do is crouch and pray."
@@its_me_v13ya it’s wild how many people see this stuff as being anything remotely close to a freakin video game. This is real life, real physics and real harm.
Farcry 4 has a lot of Burmese reference
Like Crab Rangoon or Pagan Min. You can search wiki 😊
Brothers and sisters, many thanks for your prayers for Myanmar people 🙏 ❤️
Every citizen of Myanmar deserves a democratic system. They are all strong in spirit💪💪💪
I hope Myanmar people can have freedom and democracy soon. Love from Turkmenistan.
Great concise documentary. There are so many conflicts going on that I haven't been able to keep up with Myanmar.
In Singapore we have ppl protesting about Israel supporting Palestine. But I hardly see any support for Myanmar against the military regime. Such hypocrisy....
Bro lived under a rock they brought kt by themselves
what the heck is a palestine
@@AR15andGODit’s a place lol
Singaporean are hypocrite people
The reason Singaporeans hardly show any concern towards Myanmar is because the people being oppressed by the junta are not Muslim.
Assalaamu 'alaikum.... 🙏
May Myanmar be peaceful and prosperous.
Indonesia ❤ Myanmar 🙏🙏
Fuckkofff Myanmar belong to Buddhist and Hindu
The scariest part is after the junta is ousted. I just hope that the ethnics groups will let the country to have a legitimate democatic government instead of fighting each other after beating their common enemy.
Will they give back the captured teritories?
Will they acknowledge a new government if any came to power?
Will they accept peace against other ethnic groups?
So many questions... But hoping the future is bright in Myanmar.
Well done CNA Insider. Thanks.
Hate this military junta and pray for Burmese people liberation .
peace for Myanmar. support from Korea
Freedom for 🇲🇲. I want to live there with my kha lay ❤. From Philippines 🇵🇭
Pray for Myanmar
I would call Myanmar even more unstable state than Afghanistan where the Pashtun ethnic group can subjugate and everyone will accept their rule but In Myanmar the Burmese can neither tame nor rule the ethnic groups in the it’s an unstable situation
Myanmar is my great grandmother country, she was the princess of Myanmar who fled to malaysia backthen when war. Myanmar never stops war... since my great grandmother time. She was peacefully passaway in malaysia.
don't give up,Myanmar peoples will be freedom soon froom🇳🇵
💔🌏 A heartbreaking insight into the Myanmar civil war. Let's hope for peace and recovery for all affected by this devastating conflict.
thanks for shedding light on the forgotten war! May peace be upon us soon
@@avusookay6743 so what?
Please come rescue and take them all back to bangla desh where they belong in safety.
God bless you Myanmar I am sorry for your hardships. An Irish-American
The world shouldn't turn blind eyes on Myanmar people and the ethnic people there.
Justice and freedom for myanmar people love from Indonesia
I visited Myanmar a couple of times in the past decade and it's a beautiful place with beautiful people, it is such a shame democracy and real growth and progression are robbed from the people by the Junta. My heart goes out to all people of Myanmar and the martyrs who fought for what they believed it. Stay strong and I'm sure you will have your Democracy back
I am commenting from Toronto Canada.....We are praying for the people of Myanmar....And we are with you through these dark times...keep your voices heard ...the people of Myanmar...I pray that you get your country back very soon.....
From Indonesia🇮🇩
Wow... Great
As Vietnamese people, we have experienced war and of course we hate war, we pray for peace to come to your country, please bring the war criminals to justice.
Myanmar saudara kami di ASEAN, semoga segera berdamai demi kestabilan Asia Tenggara. 🇮🇩💙🇲🇲
Indonesia harus keluar dari Asean. Orang" ini menolak kemerdekaan Palestina
Thanks ❤
Dunia telah gagal..oleh krisis kemanusiaan
@@OtenBenaluIndonesia Indonesia is the only stable country in Asia, without a dictatorship, rapidly developing and it does not need ASEAN, because this organization does not represent anything and does not function yet. They accepted refugees from all over the world, of all religions, Indians, from Myanmar, Christians, Muslims who fled from cruel Buddhist regimes, for example, last year 300 churches were burned in India, and in Myanmar Christians as well as Muslims were massively killed. They say that Buddhism is secular and tolerant, unlike Islam, but this is not true, in fact it depends on the mentality. The Indonesians are the most wonderful people I've seen and the holidays there are the best
China must get rid of this pig communism.
Support Myanmar junta government. From Nagaland, India 🇮🇳
Wow why do say India
@@pipipupu5104 that's y I'm from India 🇮🇳
Need more attention for our forgotten country. Thanks for this news
Following for 5+ years but this has been going on for very long. May all cultures tribes and peoples unite and be one as a country showing respect, dignity and Trust to each other. Peace and love from Canada.
One day our brothers and sisters from Myanmar will get from TIPRA (Tripura)land❤
What currency you use?
@@klassboss5569 Indian rupee
@@klassboss5569 rupee
@@klassboss5569Its a state in, Rupees
Freedom and unity for Myanmar love from Philippines..❤🙏🙏🙏
Justice will prevail
My pray is that those who struggle for freedom Myanmar.sure oneday you will overcome your struggle never gone in vain.salute all.from northeast India.
I live in Thailand and have been for a long time. The war over there is never mentioned in mainstream Thai media and if it is, it is very minimal. In my experience, Burmese people are extremely friendly people in a world where friendly people are becoming less and less. I hope this war ends sooner than later. War is a dirty, savage, ancient way to handle problems. The world would be so much more productive if we all worked together towards our future as a planet instead of killing each other over resources, politics, money, tribalism etc. I hope one day, the word 'war' and all that it involves will be a thing of the past that people talk about as something our primitive ancestors used to solve issues. However, I find it ironic that people in government want us to be peaceful, yet they are the ones that at the same time, have the power to start a war and do so again and again.
I visited Myanmar during the 2013 Sea Games as a taekwondo athlete representing Indonesia. I saw for myself the beauty of Myanmar and the friendliness of the people there. It is very sad to know that the Myanmar people are currently being oppressed and colonized by the cruel military
Surreal this is happening on the Malay Peninsula - so near, but feels so far.
Liberdade, e Paz para o Myanmar 🇧🇷🤝🇲🇲, e de preferencia que não venha outra ditadura.
semoga demokrasi dan kebebasan bisa dirasakan warga myanmar🇮🇩
Freedom and justice for all from America..
China has no intention of participating in other countries' internal affairs or civil wars. I just want border security and homeland security
Power to the People! Prosperity and Democracy. Victory over the junta!
Great job CNA! Much more balanced view of the conflict without political prejudice giving a great insight into what's going on.
I want to ask the world to listen to the voice of the people in myanmar.
People are listening and learning I want to see the people of Miramar run their own country instead of dictatorships and military tyranny.
That's right!
Look at their banners- they're Neo-Marxists & think 'New World Order' will make things all better. NWO is "Imperialism by Bankers" & destroy everything they get involved with.
excellent journalism, need more reporting like this. thank you cna!
Very accurate information,im living in karen state.We need international aid and supoort
We have byen fighting since 1948, Nobody help us, Even 2024 , the media is talking for burmesse people not your people
@@Idontexist762 it was the Burmese army that committed the genocide not the people, and back then the government of Myanmar couldn’t even do anything about the genocide since the army had all the power, the people didn’t condone the ethnic cleansing of the army, for instance Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, Myanmar citizens, they tried to let people know what was happening in Rohingya.
@Idontexist762 ok since you said rohingyas are being violated by our Myanmar people, what about other countries? As an example, Indonesia gave rohingyas some foods and put them back to the sea. What about Dubai? Even Muslim countries are not accepting these rohingyas. And there are no country called rohind or rohin. People of Burma already working to accept these rohingyas before the military coup but that plans were destroyed since 2021 and now you blame for that? Think more, if Burma people really killed them, there are some native in Rakine. They would have killed these rohingyas. Also there are some evidence that rohingyas also bullied and killed Burmese natives. What will you say now?
as a fellow ASEAN citizen that isn't Myanmar, Rohingyas isn't the good kind of refugee either. Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia do not want them for a reason and Bangladesh simply experience it directly. All of the country mention has incidents related to Rohingyas and their increasing unreason demand. From the news I read at that time from both local and my friends from other nation face same aspect of Rohingya so it just simply not coincident.
Rohingya refugee are very "demanding", will cause "problems" to shelter if they didn't get what they want, "Do not help" to maintain the shelter and act like a "freeloader". Where local work hard to earn daily expense to fill daily necessity, Rohingya just come here and receive free food and shelter at the expense of local worker and taxpayer and they're still demanding more "Food" "Coffee" "Meat".
It like we went from "never heard of them" until we reach the point of "No please".
God Bless To Myanmar Peoples Who Fight For Compassion & Freedom > Toronto, Canada
I hope they find peace soon 🙏
F all wars
Thank you for this summary. I haven't seen people talking about this war for a long time
I wonder which country is providing arms to these fighters.
The people of Myanmar deserves Democracy. They are fighting for freedom on their on. Hope they will get freedom in the coming days. Long live the freedom fighters of Myanmar. God be with them.
มินอ่องหล่ายเขาให้ลูกของเขามาชื้อคอนโด อยู่ที่ไทยรอเขาแล้วถ้าเขาแพ้เขาก็แค่นั่งเครื่องข้ามมาอยู่ฝั่งไทยแค่นี้เขาก็รอดแล้วเงินทองเขาก็คงโยกมาหมดแล้วชินะเราไม่รู้กับเขานะได้ข่าวว่าลูกสาวกับลูกเขยเขามาอยู่ที่ไทยรอนานแล้วเพราะทหารเขาก็คงมีเพื่อนเป็นทหารด้วยกันเขาคงจะคุยกันมานานแล้ว
@@มูซามูซา-ว1ธ ขอบคุณมากค่ะ
I love the people of Myanmar who are fighting for freedom. I always support all groups of people in Myanmar for sacrificing their lives for freedom. Love from Bangladesh.
Sad that the war happened. Went to several parts of Myanmar in 2019 and I have seen promising progress in each town. Hope democracy reigns . Hope peace and freedom will be back..
I've been to Myanmar and I was so impressed how nice the people are. The west is obsessed with Ukraine currently, but Myanmar opposition also needs support from the world. I hope they achieve victory this time, as they are so close to it now.
Peace in 🇲🇲 and🇸🇩 the irresponsible funneling of weapons effects more than where they are supposed to be shipped ♥️🇸🇩🇲🇲🙏😇🕊️
Thank you so much for sharing what's happening in Myanmar to the world. We never stop against the military coup. We aim to get Federal Democracy ❤🇲🇲
Great greenish country,great peoples but greedy power ruling and greedy dragon neighbour
Justice for the public of Myanmar . Love from Northeast India
Please help our Myanmar people. World please help our people
What can a single person do to help?
@Idontexist762You are rohinger?So sorry for your lose.But that time our people not known true conditions like now you known.Because of brainwashed and stupid of ourselves.Not saying like we all same.Junita was made all worsened conditions for their power and rich.
@Idontexist762Muslim peoples also joined in evolution because they are known the true.
Praying for Myanmar♥️♥️
Even if the civil war is over and democracy is restored one day the country will have to face myriads of problems which will not be easy to solve.
of course, it's a pagan nation
The Royal Family of Myanmar is the only hope for the country. Bring them back!
May Myanmar be free from Junta