Thank you for posting not only the MTH DCS overview videos, but all the information posted on your web page. I was setting up my Christmas train layout for a test run and decided to use my new MTH DCS handheld remote and TIU to operate my engines, I bought the DCS system about 4 years ago and never used it, so when i got done updating the handheld and TIU and added engines, it wasn't all that easy to operate the engines i do have Berry Broskowitz DCS book but it was sill very confusing, your 5 video series the MTH DCS OVERVIEW was great , video showing what to look for and showing in action what the buttons do made it easy to understand, it helped me a lot i still have a lot to learn but you gave me a great first step in getting started with DCS thanks again
@faderlader Hi there, if you mean connect the output from the TIU to distribution block, no you dont. You can just connect directly to the track/lock on. A distribution block is basically a splitter and if you only have one connection to the track you don't need it.
@faderlader You can do Lashups but you have to use the TIU and remote. You can run multiple engines using just variable track power (without the TIU and remote). Just disconnect the TIU from the track and power supply and you can run your Protosound equipped trains under variable power. (DC or AC)
Hi, the AIU does not need it's own power supply for it to function. However the devices running off of it will still need power (which is what the AIU controls). See my DCS Tips page on my website for infor on wiring up the AIU for switches. You only need the phone type cable to connect it to the TIU to get it to operate.
@faderlader If you blow a fuse to the power to fixed 1, the TIU will stay powered if the AUX power is in place. The track on fixed one will of course still power down so your trains will stop since there is no track power avail. but you will still be able to control the trains on the other channels.
@faderlader The reality is like in my case, if I have a blown fuse then I have some sort of derailment and in that case I generally want everything to stop anyway so I'll be going to cut power to the layout anyway to make sure no collisions occur. Having the TIU power back up on a layout that is still running is seamless. Once it's powered back up it goes back to working like normal.
@faderlader You control the speed with the remote control and it doesn't matter if you run in passive or normal mode. You apply a constant track voltage to the track and control the train with the remote. Now an engine's top speed will be higher if you can apply 24v to the track as opposed to say 18v. In other words an engine may max out at 80smph with the remote at 18v but can go all the way to 120smph if you have 24v to the track.
@faderlader If you run the TIU in Passive mode (unlimited amp mode) the same holds true as in Normal mode, as long as the Fixed 1 output port has power going to it, the TIU will be powered up. You will NOT want to run power from the main train power supply to the AUX power input, use a separate small 'wall wart' plug in supply that is used only for the TIU AUX port.
@faderlader Passive mode means that you have power going from the power supply the track directly and have the TIU Output channel(s) connected to either that line going to the track from the power supply or it has it's own connection direct to the track. If you run in Normal mode the power supply power goes into the INPUT side of the TIU and then the track is connected to the OUTPUT side of the TIU. The power supply is not direct connected to the track.
@yj1992jeep You will want to use the MTH Protosound 2 or 3 boards as you won't be able to control DCC decoders with the TIU and remote. When you look at the features of DCS and all the functions of the board plus the high quality sound, you would want to stick with the protosound boards anyway because they are far cheaper than the comparable DCC + sound available out there now.
@faderlader If you don't have power going to the AUX power input and you lose power to the Fixed 1 port (either input or output) the entire TIU will power down (but it still passes power to the track). So if you still have power going to the other ports the trains will still run, you will just lose remote control till you get power restored to the Fixed 1 port (or add power to the Aux power port.) (If you blow a fuse then you also lose power to the trains on that channel too obviously)
@faderlader If you provide power to either the Fixed 1 Input OR Output, then you don't need to use a power supply on the Aux input on the TIU. My website has a "DCS Tips" page that goes over a lot of these topics you might find helpful. Let me know if you need anything else.
Hallo Peter, ich habe nie wirklich darüber nachgedacht, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie mein guter meine Übersetzung wäre wirklich. (So wie mit dieser Antwort) ich wohl besser gar nicht erst versuchen ... Ha! Achten Sie darauf, und hoffe, die Dinge sind in Deutschland gut. Haben Sie DCS ausgestatteten Motoren?
@faderlader Well, if you rely on power from the Fixed 1 port, if you blow a fuse you put inline between the power supply and the TIU and lose power to it, the TIU will power down and you wont be able to control any other engines off that TIU if you're signalling other tracks with other TIU channels. If you have power to the AUX port, the TIU will always stay powered up. I personally rely on power to the Fixed 1 port and dont use an aux power supply.
First, many thanks for the incredibly speedy response. Second, yes the power is there in the TIU and each of the four locomotives. Where are you that I may consider sending these off to you. Thanks so very much again.
@faderlader Also, take a look at my DCS Tips page on my website, it is very comprehensive and also covers the topic of how to provide power to the TIU (under section II). The Aux supply can be either AC or DC power. The AIU is only for controlling layout lights and accessories. The TIU and remote are both needed to control the trains with digital remote control.
thanks for the reply but what if you use the unlimited amps does the power supply connect into the AUX power input and does it take a DC or AC power supply and can this handheld system do lashups without the AIU
@faderlader "So if you use Fixed output 1 you are runing on Passive mode and if you blow a fuse on Fixed input 1 will you ever get power back" I need you to restate that sentence.
@yj1992jeep For the sound and control board (decoder) you can use either the MTH Protosound 2 board avail from the complete upgrade kit for $180 or some time here soon the MTH Protosound 3 board. DCS isn't DCC although the new PS3 board can be controlled via DCC equipement. You're still better off using the TIU and remote as it's much cheaper and you a very user friendly remote with full access to all of the advanced features DCS provides.
@Bassfanatic94 Hi there, it's loading right now and will likely be fully available in 2-3 hours or so. If you like you can go to my website and download the MP4 file directly.
Lots of good stuff here...I’m setting up 4 separate oval loops near the ceiling for my friend, converting to DCS...I have a TIU, and a remote, and a Z-4000.....but now I need info on how to wire them all together, and correct...any good sources? Also, each oval loop is 78 feet total..will I need a terminal strip, and extra track clip ons placed around the oval to get a good signal? Any help is much appreciated.
Hi there, see my website and go to the MTH DCS Information and Tips then go the DCS Tips and operating help. I have my recommendations on how to wire layout.
Ray - Thanks so much for a great overview on MTH DCS - One question though, in using the Auxiliary unit to control switches and lighted accessories, you mention there is more detail on your website. Where on your website ? I checked but didn't see anything specifically addressing the Auxiliary Unit. I want to use the switches to open and close my track switches and use the lights to control the village buildings that currently run on small AC power adapters. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Doug
@Bassfanatic94 FYI, I just got confirmation that part 5 was too long so I'm having to reprocess in two separate parts and then reupload. Wont be done till sometime tomorrow.
The selling dealer should always be able to help. That said I do have details on this on my DCS Tips page on my website. A lot of detail info there.
ok i have a question does the rack power come throug the dcs system or is it srepet? what choices do i have with this system as far as power i know i want a stady power to tracks can i use any decoder?
@rayman4449 Bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Sound.Betreibe jetzt das ganze nicht mehr über das Gleis sondern in 2 Güterwagen die gleich nach der Lok dran hängen.Im ersten Wagen die TUI im zweiten Accu`s 18 Volt 7,2 amp..Damit kann ich ca 40 Stunden im Stück fahren mit allen Funktionen ,was vorher im Gartenbereich nicht möglich war. Grüße vom Peter of Berlin Germany
S as long as power is geting to the TIUs Fixed output 1 you are runing on passive mode and if you blow a fuse to the Fixed input 1 than that channel is down
Hi, It raise my intertest on the MTH DCS control, are youa dealer? I am in G or LGB scale right now, can I have a contact from you if you don't mind. Thanks, Rudy
Whathappens when my iPhon and sometimes remote comes back with error messages not found, no engine and few other error messages. How does one get engines out of inactive to active. I’ve deleted and re-ad the engines but error messages wont allow.
I recommend connecting to the wiu wifi network directly. Next you need to make sure you have wiu loaded with 1.1v firmware and tiu with latest v6.10 dcs version. Duplicate engines is a sign of engine related problem.
@yj1992jeep The power from the power supply can either be run through the TIU (normal mode) or the TIU output fixed port can direct connected to the power feed(s) (passive mode) and it still provide the needed digital signal to allow digital control with the remote. See my website for more info. I have a Garden RR repair and info page on power supplies I use and recommend. I also have a DCS tips page that has a lot of information. Hands-down I recommend Bridgewerks power supplies.
I am new to the TIU and AIU. I got my locomotive running with the TIU, but I am looking at the manual and other places, to figure out which wire goes to where on the AIU for turnouts. But at the same time I was reading that you can run wires with 10 or 14 volt connections to a terminal block and run to the turnouts then to the AIU. But that still leaves me lost about were does the green, red, and black wires go to on AIU.
Hi, it depends on your turnout motor. You will need to determine what each wire is for on your particular switch machine. If you have a three wire switch machine then you will likely have 1 of those wires going to one wire on your switch machine power supply. Then the other wire from your switch machine power supply going to IN on the AIU and the other two wires from your switch machine going to 1 and 2 respectively on the AIU. On the DCS Tips page on my website i have a section on wiring switches (particularly 2 wire machines but it helps give an idea as to how it works.
When running trains for my church open house last week my DCS handheld seemed to freeze up. I replaced batteries, removed each of the four locomotives (all ps-2) in turn, re-set TIU and handheld, checked connections. I now have grandkids here and cannot run anything except postwar NYC F-3 and GG-1...I know...not all bad, but...Do you have any suggestions short of factory return. Many thanks...Pastor Bradley Ketcham
You would want to confirm the tiu is still getting power (look for red light from inside tiu) when power is turned on. Then confirm the engines still get power to the track. If yes to both of those then you might want to consider sending tiu and remote in for inspection. It sounds like power is lost somewhere however. I can do inspections and repairs on TIUs as Im an Authorized MTH dealer.
rayman can you assist to address a problem. When trying to upload the mthdcs decoder 5 software and I click the start button it states "select a TIU file, file name *DCSt, i click open and nothing happens. I cant get the software to respond beyond that dialog box. i have tried numerous times to reload software and only to get to the same point and no further. help please!!
ray can you help me i have two tracks im hooking up a 4000 to the tiu from the 4000 where should the wires be hooked up to and to where on the tiu then track to what con on the tiu thanks im haveing trouble
Hi there, you will want to connect the red terminal on the back of the 4000 to the red terminal on the Fixed 1 input port on the TIU. Black term of the 4000 to the black term on the fixed 1 input port on the TIU. red output wire from fixed 1 port on tiu to center rail and black output wire from the fixed 1 port on tiu to outer rails. See the DCS Tips page on my website for more info.
If you buy an MTH engine, no you dont as they already come fully installed with the Protosound digital sound/control board, lights and smoke installed that gives full control of everything. There is nothing else to do or pay for. If you want to run another mfg model engine then yes you will. Most G scale engines do not come with any sound or control preinstalled and have to be either self of professionally installed.
Hi there, you have a few options and depends on what level of functionality you want. This is best communicated via email and would be best if you sent me an email to the address noted on my website. Options: Remote+TIU / WIU+TIU / Remote+WIU+TIU / DCS Explorer / MTH DCS Commander. (each needs a power supply) I would go with WIU+TIU and maybe also remote.
Hey I’m having some troubles setting up my TIU. I have a transformer running to the fixed 1 in, and fixed 1 out to the track. Follow the steps and the engine makes like screeching noises and automatically starts up. Even though it shouldn’t until I add the mth engine. It won’t find my mth engine and am having problems. If you know how I can fix this please help!
I assume you probably have a PS2 or PS3 engine, the fact that you are reporting a screeching sound is an indicator there is something wrong with the electronics board and the engine need to be inspected and possibly repaired. I do repairs as I'm an Authorized MTH dealer and service center if you ended up needing that help and service.
rayman4449 ya it’s a ps2 but on a traditional track there was absolutely no problem. But as soo as we switched to dcs it happened. I also believe I have something not hooked up correctly. Or my transformer isn’t compatible with the dcs.
@@jonpransch2650 so do you use a z-4000 mth transformer? I am also having screeching problems & tiu problems finding an engine. I use a z-4000 with tiu/ remote update to ver 6.1 software. So also dont work on any of my 6 proto 2 engines. dcf signal strenth register 10 of 10, so good dcs signal.
@rayman4449 Das ist gut das Du so schnell geantwortet hast in perfekten Deutsch . Besteht die möglichkeit für Dich das ganze auch in Deutsch zu erklären?? Grüße vom Peter
Sorry for the noob question but do you still need a power transformer with the TIU to run a train set? I have the MTH O 50-1033 DCS Remote Commander Set and transformer which came with my RailKing starter set. Is it good enough to run the DCS system or do I need to also get something like the MTH 40-4000 Z-4000 Transformer? I plan on expanding with Atlas O track and MTH Premier engines in the near future.
Hi, yes you need a power supply that is used to power the trains on the track. If you at least make sure you run power from that transformer to the Fixed 1 channel, then the TIU will also get the power it needs without needing an Aux power supply plugged into the Aux power port on the TIU. I recommend running without the aux power supply.
@drixdresspress Großen zu hören. Nur damit Sie wissen, hat meine Website eine Menge Infos zu helfen Adresse einer Spur Pegelregler Fragen, wenn Sie stoßen immer sie. Fühlen Sie sich frei, um sie an jemand anderes, die Hilfe brauchen könnte passieren. Danke für die Antwort und einen guten Tag haben!
@vwbeetleowner Hi, I can actually help you with that as I'm an MTH National Authorized Service Center (NASC). If you like shoot me a private mail or visit my website and email me at that email address.
I’m watching these videos 12 years after you made them and they’re really helping me get started; thanks!
Thank you for posting not only the MTH DCS overview videos, but all the information posted on your web page. I was setting up my Christmas train layout for a test run and decided to use my new MTH DCS handheld remote and TIU to operate my engines, I bought the DCS system about 4 years ago and never used it, so when i got done updating the handheld and TIU and added engines, it wasn't all that easy to operate the engines i do have Berry Broskowitz DCS book but it was sill very confusing, your 5 video series the MTH DCS OVERVIEW was great , video showing what to look for and showing in action what the buttons do made it easy to understand, it helped me a lot i still have a lot to learn but you gave me a great first step in getting started with DCS thanks again
Very welcome and thank you for the comments!
@faderlader Hi there, if you mean connect the output from the TIU to distribution block, no you dont. You can just connect directly to the track/lock on. A distribution block is basically a splitter and if you only have one connection to the track you don't need it.
@faderlader You can do Lashups but you have to use the TIU and remote. You can run multiple engines using just variable track power (without the TIU and remote). Just disconnect the TIU from the track and power supply and you can run your Protosound equipped trains under variable power. (DC or AC)
Hi, the AIU does not need it's own power supply for it to function. However the devices running off of it will still need power (which is what the AIU controls). See my DCS Tips page on my website for infor on wiring up the AIU for switches. You only need the phone type cable to connect it to the TIU to get it to operate.
@faderlader If you blow a fuse to the power to fixed 1, the TIU will stay powered if the AUX power is in place. The track on fixed one will of course still power down so your trains will stop since there is no track power avail. but you will still be able to control the trains on the other channels.
@faderlader The reality is like in my case, if I have a blown fuse then I have some sort of derailment and in that case I generally want everything to stop anyway so I'll be going to cut power to the layout anyway to make sure no collisions occur. Having the TIU power back up on a layout that is still running is seamless. Once it's powered back up it goes back to working like normal.
@faderlader You control the speed with the remote control and it doesn't matter if you run in passive or normal mode. You apply a constant track voltage to the track and control the train with the remote. Now an engine's top speed will be higher if you can apply 24v to the track as opposed to say 18v. In other words an engine may max out at 80smph with the remote at 18v but can go all the way to 120smph if you have 24v to the track.
@InhumanRampageModz Hi there, Yes if the engine says it has protosound 2.0 (or now 3.0) then the engine will work fully. Hope that helps!
@faderlader If you run the TIU in Passive mode (unlimited amp mode) the same holds true as in Normal mode, as long as the Fixed 1 output port has power going to it, the TIU will be powered up. You will NOT want to run power from the main train power supply to the AUX power input, use a separate small 'wall wart' plug in supply that is used only for the TIU AUX port.
@faderlader Passive mode means that you have power going from the power supply the track directly and have the TIU Output channel(s) connected to either that line going to the track from the power supply or it has it's own connection direct to the track. If you run in Normal mode the power supply power goes into the INPUT side of the TIU and then the track is connected to the OUTPUT side of the TIU. The power supply is not direct connected to the track.
@yj1992jeep You will want to use the MTH Protosound 2 or 3 boards as you won't be able to control DCC decoders with the TIU and remote. When you look at the features of DCS and all the functions of the board plus the high quality sound, you would want to stick with the protosound boards anyway because they are far cheaper than the comparable DCC + sound available out there now.
If you use the fixed input for power do you still need a terminal block or do you just connect the output wires to the lighted lockon directly
@faderlader You're very welcome! Thank you and good luck to you as well! If you ever have a question let me know will be glad to help >: )
The DCS Tips page is a webpage on my website, not a specific video.
ok THANKS AGAIN!!! I wish you the best with your layout
@faderlader If you don't have power going to the AUX power input and you lose power to the Fixed 1 port (either input or output) the entire TIU will power down (but it still passes power to the track). So if you still have power going to the other ports the trains will still run, you will just lose remote control till you get power restored to the Fixed 1 port (or add power to the Aux power port.) (If you blow a fuse then you also lose power to the trains on that channel too obviously)
@faderlader If you provide power to either the Fixed 1 Input OR Output, then you don't need to use a power supply on the Aux input on the TIU. My website has a "DCS Tips" page that goes over a lot of these topics you might find helpful. Let me know if you need anything else.
Hallo Peter, ich habe nie wirklich darüber nachgedacht, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie mein guter meine Übersetzung wäre wirklich. (So wie mit dieser Antwort) ich wohl besser gar nicht erst versuchen ... Ha! Achten Sie darauf, und hoffe, die Dinge sind in Deutschland gut. Haben Sie DCS ausgestatteten Motoren?
@faderlader When you replace the fuse, power will be restored to the fixed 1 track.
@faderlader Well, if you rely on power from the Fixed 1 port, if you blow a fuse you put inline between the power supply and the TIU and lose power to it, the TIU will power down and you wont be able to control any other engines off that TIU if you're signalling other tracks with other TIU channels. If you have power to the AUX port, the TIU will always stay powered up. I personally rely on power to the Fixed 1 port and dont use an aux power supply.
First, many thanks for the incredibly speedy response. Second, yes the power is there in the TIU and each of the four locomotives. Where are you that I may consider sending these off to you. Thanks so very much again.
Hi you are very welcome. Im in the Kansas City area. See my website and send me an email or call if you decide you want to send it off or talk more.
so as long as power is geting to the TIUs Fixed Ouput you are runing on passive mode
So if you use Fixed output 1 you are runing on Passive mode and if you blow a fuse on Fixed input 1 will you ever get power back
If you blow a fuse on Fixed input 1 and you are on normal mode will you get power back if you have a power supply in the AUX input
and do you have to have power to the AUX input power supply and for the fixed input power supply
@faderlader Also, take a look at my DCS Tips page on my website, it is very comprehensive and also covers the topic of how to provide power to the TIU (under section II). The Aux supply can be either AC or DC power. The AIU is only for controlling layout lights and accessories. The TIU and remote are both needed to control the trains with digital remote control.
Can you run both at the same time from DCS Remote a MTH and a TMCC Engine? Thanks
Yes you can.
thanks for the reply but what if you use the unlimited amps does the power supply connect into the AUX power input and does it take a DC or AC power supply and can this handheld system do lashups without the AIU
Thank you. I'm hoping to get my unit out of the box soon.
@faderlader "So if you use Fixed output 1 you are runing on Passive mode and if you blow a fuse on Fixed input 1 will you ever get power back" I need you to restate that sentence.
ok but do you know how much speed you can get with normal mode
and one more thing if you only need power for one of the inputs what is best
@yj1992jeep For the sound and control board (decoder) you can use either the MTH Protosound 2 board avail from the complete upgrade kit for $180 or some time here soon the MTH Protosound 3 board. DCS isn't DCC although the new PS3 board can be controlled via DCC equipement. You're still better off using the TIU and remote as it's much cheaper and you a very user friendly remote with full access to all of the advanced features DCS provides.
@Bassfanatic94 Hi there, it's loading right now and will likely be fully available in 2-3 hours or so. If you like you can go to my website and download the MP4 file directly.
@yj1992jeep ok i answered the power suply question what suply would you sugest useing ?
Lots of good stuff here...I’m setting up 4 separate oval loops near the ceiling for my friend, converting to DCS...I have a TIU, and a remote, and a Z-4000.....but now I need info on how to wire them all together, and correct...any good sources? Also, each oval loop is 78 feet total..will I need a terminal strip, and extra track clip ons placed around the oval to get a good signal? Any help is much appreciated.
Hi there, see my website and go to the MTH DCS Information and Tips then go the DCS Tips and operating help. I have my recommendations on how to wire layout.
Ray - Thanks so much for a great overview on MTH DCS - One question though, in using the Auxiliary unit to control switches and lighted accessories, you mention there is more detail on your website. Where on your website ? I checked but didn't see anything specifically addressing the Auxiliary Unit. I want to use the switches to open and close my track switches and use the lights to control the village buildings that currently run on small AC power adapters. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Doug
Douglas Palmeri Hi, go to MTH DCS Protosound 2 & 3 info, then go to DCS Tips page, then section IV AIU Items
Danke das Du es für uns Klasse erklährt hast.TOP*****
Grüße vom Peter of Berlin Germany
@Bassfanatic94 FYI, I just got confirmation that part 5 was too long so I'm having to reprocess in two separate parts and then reupload. Wont be done till sometime tomorrow.
Do you have a video on how to hook it up to g scale I resently bought one for my mth 1 gauge but I need help hooking it up the right way
The selling dealer should always be able to help. That said I do have details on this on my DCS Tips page on my website. A lot of detail info there.
ok i have a question does the rack power come throug the dcs system or is it srepet? what choices do i have with this system as far as power i know i want a stady power to tracks can i use any decoder?
@faderlader Anytime and good luck!
i cant find the DCS Tips video is there another name for them?
Hi Rayman , where can I find AIU Wiring info? 😀 thanks
I have some info on wiring switches on my website.
Thanks Gary. I had hoped some would find it helpful.
Bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Sound.Betreibe jetzt das ganze nicht mehr über das Gleis sondern in 2 Güterwagen die gleich nach der Lok dran hängen.Im ersten Wagen die TUI im zweiten Accu`s 18 Volt 7,2 amp..Damit kann ich ca 40 Stunden im Stück fahren mit allen Funktionen ,was vorher im Gartenbereich nicht möglich war.
Grüße vom Peter of Berlin Germany
S as long as power is geting to the TIUs Fixed output 1 you are runing on passive mode and if you blow a fuse to the Fixed input 1 than that channel is down
Hi, It raise my intertest on the MTH DCS control, are youa dealer? I am in G or LGB scale right now, can I have a contact from you if you don't mind.
ok so for the aiu i need another power supply? and do i run pos in to it or neg? and im useing dc power at 24volts can i use that for the aiu?
Wheres part 5?
Whathappens when my iPhon and sometimes remote comes back with error messages not found, no engine and few other error messages. How does one get engines out of inactive to active. I’ve deleted and re-ad the engines but error messages wont allow.
I also have issues when I add a engine it adds a duplicate other engine and not the one I’m trying to connect.
I recommend connecting to the wiu wifi network directly. Next you need to make sure you have wiu loaded with 1.1v firmware and tiu with latest v6.10 dcs version. Duplicate engines is a sign of engine related problem.
@yj1992jeep The power from the power supply can either be run through the TIU (normal mode) or the TIU output fixed port can direct connected to the power feed(s) (passive mode) and it still provide the needed digital signal to allow digital control with the remote. See my website for more info. I have a Garden RR repair and info page on power supplies I use and recommend. I also have a DCS tips page that has a lot of information. Hands-down I recommend Bridgewerks power supplies.
I am new to the TIU and AIU. I got my locomotive running with the TIU, but I am looking at the manual and other places, to figure out which wire goes to where on the AIU for turnouts. But at the same time I was reading that you can run wires with 10 or 14 volt connections to a terminal block and run to the turnouts then to the AIU. But that still leaves me lost about were does the green, red, and black wires go to on AIU.
Hi, it depends on your turnout motor. You will need to determine what each wire is for on your particular switch machine. If you have a three wire switch machine then you will likely have 1 of those wires going to one wire on your switch machine power supply. Then the other wire from your switch machine power supply going to IN on the AIU and the other two wires from your switch machine going to 1 and 2 respectively on the AIU. On the DCS Tips page on my website i have a section on wiring switches (particularly 2 wire machines but it helps give an idea as to how it works.
When running trains for my church open house last week my DCS handheld seemed to freeze up. I replaced batteries, removed each of the four locomotives (all ps-2) in turn, re-set TIU and handheld, checked connections. I now have grandkids here and cannot run anything except postwar NYC F-3 and GG-1...I know...not all bad, but...Do you have any suggestions short of factory return. Many thanks...Pastor Bradley Ketcham
You would want to confirm the tiu is still getting power (look for red light from inside tiu) when power is turned on. Then confirm the engines still get power to the track. If yes to both of those then you might want to consider sending tiu and remote in for inspection. It sounds like power is lost somewhere however. I can do inspections and repairs on TIUs as Im an Authorized MTH dealer.
Can I please have some help with this, having issues. Thanks
Typo Correction: "Passive mode means that you have power going from the power supply to the track directly...."
They also make s scale
rayman can you assist to address a problem. When trying to upload the mthdcs decoder 5 software and I click the start button it states "select a TIU file, file name *DCSt, i click open and nothing happens. I cant get the software to respond beyond that dialog box. i have tried numerous times to reload software and only to get to the same point and no further. help please!!
Hi there, if the software itself isn't responding, not something I will be able to assist with remotely. Very sorry.
I hope you can help me, i just buy a cab forward 4 8 8 2 1997 and a tiu rev L this tiu dont read the loco.What I can do?
ray can you help me i have two tracks im hooking up a 4000 to the tiu from the 4000 where should the wires be hooked up to and to where on the tiu then track to what con on the tiu thanks im haveing trouble
Hi there, you will want to connect the red terminal on the back of the 4000 to the red terminal on the Fixed 1 input port on the TIU. Black term of the 4000 to the black term on the fixed 1 input port on the TIU. red output wire from fixed 1 port on tiu to center rail and black output wire from the fixed 1 port on tiu to outer rails. See the DCS Tips page on my website for more info.
hey for g scale will i still need to get a sound decoder for the engine while im using the mth dcs controll system?
If you buy an MTH engine, no you dont as they already come fully installed with the Protosound digital sound/control board, lights and smoke installed that gives full control of everything. There is nothing else to do or pay for. If you want to run another mfg model engine then yes you will. Most G scale engines do not come with any sound or control preinstalled and have to be either self of professionally installed.
@rayman4449 thanks a lot
thanks ray got it now hade on the wrong termnals on tis
was wondering if u could help.
i have protosound3 using the commander small infrared remote.
what do i need instead for an upgrade
Hi there, you have a few options and depends on what level of functionality you want. This is best communicated via email and would be best if you sent me an email to the address noted on my website. Options: Remote+TIU / WIU+TIU / Remote+WIU+TIU / DCS Explorer / MTH DCS Commander. (each needs a power supply) I would go with WIU+TIU and maybe also remote.
Hey I’m having some troubles setting up my TIU. I have a transformer running to the fixed 1 in, and fixed 1 out to the track. Follow the steps and the engine makes like screeching noises and automatically starts up. Even though it shouldn’t until I add the mth engine. It won’t find my mth engine and am having problems. If you know how I can fix this please help!
I assume you probably have a PS2 or PS3 engine, the fact that you are reporting a screeching sound is an indicator there is something wrong with the electronics board and the engine need to be inspected and possibly repaired. I do repairs as I'm an Authorized MTH dealer and service center if you ended up needing that help and service.
rayman4449 ya it’s a ps2 but on a traditional track there was absolutely no problem. But as soo as we switched to dcs it happened. I also believe I have something not hooked up correctly. Or my transformer isn’t compatible with the dcs.
@@jonpransch2650 so do you use a z-4000 mth transformer? I am also having screeching problems & tiu problems finding an engine. I use a z-4000 with tiu/ remote update to ver 6.1 software. So also dont work on any of my 6 proto 2 engines. dcf signal strenth register 10 of 10, so good dcs signal.
Das ist gut das Du so schnell geantwortet hast in perfekten Deutsch .
Besteht die möglichkeit für Dich das ganze auch in Deutsch zu erklären??
Grüße vom Peter
Great reviews!!
@108chicken Thanks :)
@drixdresspress Danke Peter : )
I'm going to get the DCS Z- 1000 transformer.
DCS is the only way to go :)
Sorry for the noob question but do you still need a power transformer with the TIU to run a train set? I have the MTH O 50-1033 DCS Remote Commander Set and transformer which came with my RailKing starter set. Is it good enough to run the DCS system or do I need to also get something like the MTH 40-4000 Z-4000 Transformer? I plan on expanding with Atlas O track and MTH Premier engines in the near future.
Hi, yes you need a power supply that is used to power the trains on the track. If you at least make sure you run power from that transformer to the Fixed 1 channel, then the TIU will also get the power it needs without needing an Aux power supply plugged into the Aux power port on the TIU. I recommend running without the aux power supply.
Great, thanks! I think I'll expand my layout with current power supply and add TIU and AIU later!
@aocruiser Thank :)
It would be cool if you could play music on it so your train will play that music
@drixdresspress Großen zu hören. Nur damit Sie wissen, hat meine Website eine Menge Infos zu helfen Adresse einer Spur Pegelregler Fragen, wenn Sie stoßen immer sie. Fühlen Sie sich frei, um sie an jemand anderes, die Hilfe brauchen könnte passieren. Danke für die Antwort und einen guten Tag haben!
Never mind I did not know he said that
Hi Rudy, yes I am. Feel free to send me an email at email address on my website.
o and im going to have 400ft of track layed all top qualty brass
I thought 5 AIUs
@vwbeetleowner Hi, I can actually help you with that as I'm an MTH National Authorized Service Center (NASC). If you like shoot me a private mail or visit my website and email me at that email address.
Hi Rudy, yes I am. Feel free to send me an email at email address on my website.
Hi Rudy, yes I am. Feel free to send me an email at email address on my website.