@dimensionalworld1 The idea that "to confuse your enemy, you must confuse yourself first" isn't a direct quote from Sun Tzu's The Art of War, but the concept aligns with some of his strategic principles, particularly around deception and unpredictability. Sun Tzu emphasized confusing and deceiving the enemy to gain an advantage in battle. Here are relevant Sun Tzu quotes that touch on this concept of deception and unpredictability: 1. "All warfare is based on deception." (Chapter 1, The Art of War) Sun Tzu highlights that confusion and deception are key strategies in warfare. By misdirecting the enemy and creating uncertainty, you can gain a significant advantage. 2. "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." (Chapter 1, The Art of War) This idea suggests that creating confusion in your opponent's mind about your true state can lead to victory. The emphasis is on manipulating perceptions, and sometimes to deceive effectively, you need to fully embrace a role that may even mislead yourself to some extent. 3. "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." (Chapter 7, The Art of War) The idea of keeping your plans hidden, even from yourself at times, is crucial to maintaining unpredictability. If you are unpredictable, not even the enemy can predict your next move, which fosters confusion. While Sun Tzu doesn’t directly advocate self-confusion, his teachings suggest that by embracing uncertainty and becoming unpredictable, you can effectively confuse the enemy and control the battlefield. This may require internalizing a mindset of ambiguity in your own actions and intentions.
"well obviously when you dont except that grass is pink, you won't see at as pink, but when you accept that grass is pink in your heart, you will see, that grass is intact pink. "
His answer is logical (I am not a Christian). To make it simple, imagine a man with two heads. Each head is a distinct person capable of talking to another head (person) of his own body, but they are not completely separate entities since they share a single body. So the Father and the Son are also two persons of a single entity (God)
yes some times losers say they got confused because they copied religions from jews traditions in 7th century and mentions hebrew prophets as islamic prophets 😅😂😂😂 confusing is far better than lying... 😂
@@danieldamie5806 Here's the verse:"Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace." where does allah pray to the prophet. also you will never find allah pray to anyone in the quran but you could find allah prays upon or for his prophets. Pls don't spread lies or send me another verse to support your claim
@@danieldamie5806 "Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Invoke Allah’s blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of peace." Verse 33:56 what about it ? it seems you're struggling with arabic and english at the same time.
God is the only One who never dies. (1 Timothy 6 : 16) Jesus died (Rom. 5 : 8) He worshiped the Father. (John 17) He prayed to the Father (John 17 : 1) Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27 : 46) & (Mark 15 : 34) He was called man. (Mark 15 : 39 ; John 19 : 5) He was called Son of Man (John 9 : 35 - 37) He has a body of flesh and bones (Luke 24 : 39) He was tempted (Matt. 4 : 1) He grew in wisdom (Luke 2 : 52) But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. ( Mathew 12 : 28) Father is greater than I (John 14 : 28) ...He (God) knows everything. (1 John 3 : 20) But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Jesus did not know that Hour). (Mathew 24 : 26) God does what he wants to do. (Romans 9 : 18) Christ says that he came “not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me” (John 6 : 38) Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27 : 46) & (Mark 15 : 34) In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.” (Isaiah 43:10) Son is a metaphor in bible. the "sons of God" saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. (Genesis 6 : 2 ) Israel is my son, my firstborn! (Exodus 4 : 22) I will be his father, and he shall be my son. (1 chronicles 13 : 17)
For people who cannot understand simple english : Holy trinity = God Jesus, Father, Holy spirit = God Jesus talks to Father Its that simple, learn english just like how you'd learn arabic reading the quran
Let me put it to you this way. When you mention the name of Muhammad, what is that you say after??? salla allahu alayhi wa-sallam. So according to Islamic logic, who is your god praying to? And dont lie to me that is you invoking blessings because what does salla allahu mean???
Allah prays Hadith 216: The Israelites said to Musa: Does your Lord pray? Musa said: Fear Allah, O Sons of Israel! Allah said: O Musa! What did your people say? Musa said: O my Lord, You already know? They said: Does your Lord pray? Allah said: Tell them My prayer for My servants is that My Mercy should precede My Anger. If it were not so, I would have destroyed them. [Ibn ‘Asakir] (Al-Ahadith Al-Qudsiyyah - Divine Narratives translated by Dr. Abdul Khaliq Kazi & Dr. Alan B. Day, Section 2: Al-Ithafat Al-Saniyya Bi‘l-Ahadith Al-Qudsiyyah by Shaikh Zain al-Din Abdul Ra‘uf b. Taj al-‘Arifin b. ‘Ali b. Zayn al-‘Abidin al-Munawi [Dar Al Kitab Arabi - USA, 1995], pp. 305-306; underline emphasis ours)
@@SoloSilence how? Was god born? Did he have a mother? How can god be a man, Jesus is a mortal, he is a man who rose to the heavens, he did not die, Allah (swt) commanded jibraeel to lift Jesus up, jesus will come back and live a normal life, he will get married, have kids, and die.
Funny because in the Quran, Allah prays. Who does he pray to? Himself? Just because you don't understand the concept of the Trinity does not mean your lie-ridden false religion must be true and Christianity is false.
@@RaidenDEVOUR don't tell mistake to misguide other, the real meaning is this: Scholars are of the opinion that Allah's "prayer" on His Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - is a Mercy that He showers on him. Likewise, the prayers of angels are an invocation of God's forgiveness in his favor, and those of believers an invocation in his favor. Indeed, we are invited to pray to Allah to increase His honors and favors towards the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him. Numerous texts show with certainty that Allah granted His Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him - innumerable blessings. However, our invocation constitutes a gesture of love towards him.
The meaning is this: Scholars are of the opinion that Allah's "prayer" on His Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - is a Mercy that He showers on him. Likewise, the prayers of angels are an invocation of God's forgiveness in his favor, and those of believers an invocation in his favor. Indeed, we are invited to pray to Allah to increase His honors and favors towards the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him. Numerous texts show with certainty that Allah granted His Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him - innumerable blessings. However, our invocation constitutes a gesture of love towards him.
If nobody believes that the verse is from the Quran Here’s the proof The statement "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the heart" is a paraphrase of a verse from the Quran, specifically Surah Al-Hajj (22:46), This statement means that it is not physical blindness that prevents a person from seeing the truth, but rather a lack of understanding or a closed mind.
You need the Holy Spirit to be your leader and guide and revealer and teacher Satan blinds the mind the father of all lies, but the Holy Spirit breaks through that blind ( the brick wall) and reveals the true will of God. The Holy Spirit is the greater one and the great comforter The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and only goes where he is welcome Only when Jesus returns and he establishes his true Church and true believers redeemed by the blood and walk in faith and love and Spirit will we know true peace under the shadow of his wings as a hen gathered her chicks Till then Satan is putting up a great enormous battle against the Church Jesus said: I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it Jesus is returning for "his Church" all who belong to him. (Many denominations have believers in our great God and Savior Jesus Christ) Jesus alone will rien Supreme as Lord and King of all the earth. 😊 The Qur'an was made in 1924 slapped together to make a standard book 📚 of great lies The most deprived book ever on the face of the earth Satan blinds our minds thats why you need the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and guide and power to break through that blind. Satan's stronghold. Manmade religions will be abolished 📚🤷♀️ Jesus is coming soon. ✝️ Thank-you God
As the Quran also says: "As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery.1 And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them." This is disgusting
Jesus christ is god, muhammad was a pedo and "allah" word didnt come from islam, but it came from egyptian archaic god's name - "al lah" and "lah yah" islam isnt original, it copies from jewish talmud and bible passages. Muhammad beheaded 800 jewish men, married 12 women (1 child too at the age of 6 and was consummated underage, at 9. There are proofs that back this claim too, so the argument that aisha was 18 is debunked, also because muslim scholars believe she was underage. Not only that, there are also hadith that show muhammad kissed p3nis of hassan and hussain who were young people.) There is also major major mistake in islamic quran that says seminal fluid is formed between backbone and ribs. This is disproved by modern day science and the claim that it was meant "loins" is also disproven because there is no such source that proves semen is formed at loins.islamic prophet's cousin was actually christian. Prophet muhammad spread islam by war, there are also keypoints that prove islam isnt true, because one of it is that it is "NOT PEACEFUL" which is correct. Christian crusades started WAY after islamic jihad in kingdom of jerusalem, so the claim that "christianity did far worse than muslims" is very untrue and rubbish. Also, italy was plundered by muslim armies. Also there are NUMEROUS SAHIH hadiths that contradict the authenticity of quran and the claim that "quran is word of god". If quran was word of god, then it must have no mistakes. It does. (Link to prove quran is false) wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran Also, embryology of quran is not correct and was copied straight off from Greek scientist Galen at the time of islamic establishment. Muslims hate to answer the question " where does sun go at night in islam" And here is the list of sins by muhammad, who plundered, persecuted, razed and looted christian villages, while also being the man between the g3noc1de against people of Bane Qurayza tribe, also while being the one behind consummation of Aisha. (Ray butlers comment) www.quora.com/What-are-the-negative-things-done-by-the-prophet-Mohammed And also, there are ongoing terrorist groups made by muslims , in the will to kill christians in places where muslims waged war, conquered and plundered residencies. However, muslims are living peacefully in christian countries and wealth. CONCLUSION : islam isnt right, repent and come to Yeshua of nazareth if you want to see the light, before it is too late. DEUS VULT, IC XC NI KA
If they are distinct, then in the bible it says "The only true god is the father" means that jesus is not god but is a creation praying to the one true god
Trinity, another name for Tri-Unity is a triange type shape with 3 distinct persons, The father in heaven, The son (jesus), and the holy spirit, they are all distinct people of 1 reality, God. this sounds really confusing bro.. search up a trinity diagram and it'll make it'll clear it up a bit more.
@@Atomic0907 ye I don’t think education will tell me how 3 people are separate but the same person the people studying rocket science be saying * it’s not an explanation to why God worshiped himself *
It really isn’t complex. It helps to draw out a diagram to explain it to others and to explain it to yourself so you can physically see it because the doctor of the Trinity, although intense is not complex it is fairly simple. The father is God. Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God, but the father is not the son. The son is not the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not the father think of it in a triangle type of way.
@@unwarysage05w32what were they talking? They discussing about any decision to be made or they just chating? "Son of god talking to god" sounds very realistic
It's because you are looking at it with a unitarian perspective. We Christians believe in the Trinity, which is most easily explained as 3=1, so it's 1 God, but 3 Persons, and each Person is 100% the One true God. The 3 Persons are not separate, they are distinct, and under that perspective, there is nothing incoherent with one Person talking (praying) to another.
Instead of spreading love giving hope for everyone we all do the wrong thing its not wrong to spread words by God but debating and arguing is not right
According to God he can be anything or everything and even doing many things at the same time but can't he be a man and God at the same time like Jesus guy? I think Jesus guy is more powerful than Islam god
@@testiestsauce43shut up. U don’t. All you guys do is spread blasphemy disguised in respect. Jesus was sinless, no man is sinless. Not Mohammed. Not you or me. Jesus Christ is god and it’s disrespectful to say otherwise.
@TestSGaming isa isn't even His Name or close. Jesus is Lord and Muslims will go to Hell. uthman is scared to debate an actual scholar. Modern Debate a massive youtube channel tried to get Uthman to debate Sam Shamoun for months now and Uthman denied. He doesn't want a One vs One fair debate on a massive mutual debate platform channel with many views.
When you don't care to understand theism outside of an islamic perspective, Then everything confuses you. Confusing you is extremely easy because you refuse to educate yourself. And we can't be held responsible for that.
With all respect, islam actually came as a reversal of established historical traditions, understanding, and religion. First and most obvious it reverses the divinity of Jesus, something that had been believed, discussed, and understood for hundreds of years as well as by the eyewitnesses of Jesus who died for this belief. The quran also acts as a complete reversal to Jewish religious history literally acting as the polar opposite so much so that it almost reads as an “anti-Bible.” To say that islam connect history and the Bible doesn’t is nonsensical. The quran was written during the time of recorded history while the Bible provides information for otherwise uncovered areas of history such as the bronze age. The Bible is far more of a historical book-in exploration and In reality
@@everythingwwe2800 what if I tell you that Jesus is a Messenger and the Father know that eyewitnesses will misunderstood Jesus and that is why The Father (Allah) said in the Bible that there will be another Messenger that will come after Jesus and you all must Follow Him and Mohamed was mentioned in the Bible Jesus' gospel, they say is in Mark 1:7, where Jesus prophesied of Muhammad, "There cometh after Me he that is mightier than I".
@@ziiv6389that was John speaking about Jesus. You've never read the bible bro. That isn't Jesus speaking, that is John the Baptist saying make way for The Lord Jesus (who is GOD read Isaiah 40.)
@@JaDiLoco if it John who is speaking and not Jesus or The Father (Allah) so why is it in the Bible ?? The Bible was suppose to be The Father (Allah) words BUT!! it was changed By Humans!!!!!!!!! and Humans make mistake that is why the Bible today is full of lies and THAT is why the GOD Father sent another Prophit Mohamed to correct the changes that happened to the bible By giving us new HOOLY Book The Quran to follow I read some of the Bible why dont you read some of the Quran here is some verses to start with When it is said to them, “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.” ˹Would they still do so,˺ even if their forefathers had ˹absolutely˺ no understanding or guidance? (170) The example of the disbelievers ˹not responding to the Messenger’s warning˺ is like a flock not comprehending the calls and cries of the shepherd. ˹They are wilfully˺ deaf, dumb and blind so they have no understanding. (171) (2:170 and 171) As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not-they will never believe (6) Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment (7) (2:6 and 7) (Dont be one of this people) Those who have no knowledge say, “If only Allah would speak to us or a sign would come to us!” The same was said by those who came before. Their hearts are all alike. Indeed, We have made the signs clear for people of sure faith (118) We have surely sent you with the truth ˹O Prophet˺ as a deliverer of good news and a warner. And you will not be accountable for the residents of the Hellfire (119) (2:118 and 119)
@@JaDiLoco Here some verses in the Quran read it When it is said to them, “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.” ˹Would they still do so,˺ even if their forefathers had ˹absolutely˺ no understanding or guidance? (170) The example of the disbelievers ˹not responding to the Messenger’s warning˺ is like a flock not comprehending the calls and cries of the shepherd. ˹They are wilfully˺ deaf, dumb and blind so they have no understanding (171) (2:170 and 171)
Because God the father an the son of God are one but separate just like your father on earth an mother have you in a family sense your all one meaning came from the same bloodline an yet your separate individuals come on its common sense
Why should Jesus need to pray? That's a good question and a lot of other people have asked, because they don't understand and to them it doesn't make sense, which is valid. I kindly ask you to listen with an open mind. An easy answer to that is: Jesus is our example in human form Jesus is the word of God (John 1 :1) He is the word made flesh (v14) - Jesus is our example in the flesh. Meaning a physical human being. So when Jesus says "My God" or is praying to God the Father, He is giving us an example of how we should communicate with God. Jesus was a human being when he walked the earth. In Micah 4:2 which was in the old testament, it was before Jesus existed, it said "He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." - The things that Jesus did or taught, we should do as well. Love God and Love others (the two greatest commandments) Another example is Jesus's baptism at 30 years old. He didn't need to get baptised, because the purpose of baptism is to belong to God and removal of sins 2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 John 3:5 claims that Jesus was without sin! Yet He was still baptised to set as an example of what believers should do. In many cases Jesus is fulfilling the prophecies of what the prophets said in the oldtestament One of which was in Mark 15:34 when Jesus calls out to God "my God my God Why have you forsaken me?" He is quoting Psalms 22:1
If we we’re supposed to walk his path, or he shows the way of god, wtf would he look like if he didn’t pray. If he was supposed to show us worship and salvation, we would never have a basis if Jesus had a god complex and cared about himself and not others. Every human being on earth should pray in the eyes of god. If god puts himself in human form, not a godly form of himself on earth, then of course he would pray, that’s the rule he has for humans. "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. A god needs to be humble as well
Matthew 21:10: When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?" 11 The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."
@@GentleSerpent Not only that, but he forgave sins, something only GOD can do. The quran doesn’t explain why he died- HE DIED BECAUSE HE CLAIMED TO BE GOD!!! Hallelujah
That's because at that time, the people didn't truly know who Jesus was. It wasn't until they saw miracles that they called him God. At that time, he was seen as a prohpet, not God as he was understood to be later in the Book. But of course, you wouldn't know that.
Revelation 22:13 Jesus-"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Quran 57:3 Allah- "He is the First and the Last, the Most High and Most Near,1 and He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things." Seems like Jesus claims to be God?
trust he won't ever dare to have a debate with the son of zakir naik. Some will never admit the truth even if it is clear to them that their scripture is corrupted. So preaching is the new trend. I bet you that he is getting paid for every video he posts on social media. Thank ALLAH for the blessing of being a muslim
@@nadimnaouach5839ah yes the same god that allowed your false prophet muhammad to go and marry the ex wife of his adopted son who he had sex with. Or when he had sex with a 9 year old. Hmm very holy indeed. Or when muhammad licked and got his saliva on the black stone in mecca
فَإِنَّهَا لَا تَعْمَى الْأَبْصَارُ وَلَكِنْ تَعْمَى الْقُلُوبُ الَّتِي فِي الصُّدُورِ ["Its Not The Eyes That Are Blinded,But The Heart"] Quran [22:46]
it is because you can't understand Qur'an scientifically, logically, it requires faith to understand thats why Mohammad(PBUH) fools you to believe on something came out of nowhere you must be blind to understand your religion. "its easier to fool people than to convince them" -Mohammad
God is the only One who never dies. (1 Timothy 6 : 16) Jesus died (Rom. 5 : 8) He worshiped the Father. (John 17) He prayed to the Father (John 17 : 1) Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27 : 46) & (Mark 15 : 34) He was called man. (Mark 15 : 39 ; John 19 : 5) He was called Son of Man (John 9 : 35 - 37) He has a body of flesh and bones (Luke 24 : 39) He was tempted (Matt. 4 : 1) He grew in wisdom (Luke 2 : 52) But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. ( Mathew 12 : 28) Father is greater than I (John 14 : 28) ...He (God) knows everything. (1 John 3 : 20) But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Jesus did not know that Hour). (Mathew 24 : 26) God does what he wants to do. (Romans 9 : 18) Christ says that he came “not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me” (John 6 : 38) Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27 : 46) & (Mark 15 : 34) In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.” (Isaiah 43:10)
@@Mortal_Worlds_Researcher Jesus is God in the flesh. He allowed Himself to be crucified to pay the ultimate price in order to save all of humanity, that whomever may follow Him will have everlasting life. I can't believe people judge Christianity like scientific professors yet don't even understand this simple bit? Read the Bible. He praised the Father as that's God in the divine form. He is referred to the Son of God, the Son of man and many more. That doesn't change the fact that He is God in the flesh. Almost all of these verses need no explanation, but instead CONTEXT which you clearly took without. Don't lead people in oblivion just because of your misunderstandings. Muslims are so quick to jump for "contradictions" in the Bible when the Torah and Qur'an are evil. God bless you, you need to try speaking to Jesus before completely denying Him and hardening your heart.
Did Jesus know the hour? Mark 13:32 "But of that day & that hour knoweth no man, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Matthew 24:36, same event 2 different perspectives. Jesus here categorically distinguishes himself from men and angels & ranks himself above them, no man nor angel not even the son, but how do we account for him saying he doesn't "know" the day or hour. We also have to know what it means to call him the "son" when he has no biological father, clearly in a Devine sense. John 5:17-18 Jesus calls God his father & claims to be doing what the father does. & this leads the Jews to want to kill him because by calling God his own father he was making himself equal to God, the claim of son ship on the part of Jesus was a claim of equality. You should "know" Jesus spoke Hebrew and Armeic & Greek, but in Hebrew & Armeic there gramatical form known as a costive, where when a person says the word "know" it doesn't always mean congestive information or intelectual data. Genesis 4:1 "& Adam knew Eve his wife & she conceived, and bare Cain, & said, I have gotten a man from the Lord" clearly that doesn't mean Adam had intelectual knowledge of Eve that & as a result of that she bore a son. Amos 3:2 "You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities." As you can see the word know can be used in various ways like to make known. 1 Corinthians 2:2 to show you the word "know" is used in scripture. "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ & him crucified." Does Paul litterally mean he knows nothing not even his name but only the crucifixion? No. See you see how the word "know" is being used. In Jewish culture when a son gets his bride the right belongs to the father to declare that day. Its simply not his prerogative to reveal
No disrespect bro, but honestly your reasoning is why hundreds of thousands of Christians revert to Islam. They can’t be separate entities and one entity at the same time. Being God means you aren’t dependent on another being for anything.
They are the same essence, three distinct beings, Just like how i'm Body soul and spirit. My body isn't my soul and my soul isn't spirit and my spirit isn't my Body. How can you even dare and try to say How God "should" be. We don't question how Jesus walked on water, fed 4 thousand people with 2 fishes and 4 loaves. We don't question how God can split seas and flood an entire planet; but here you think you can try and say theres no way He exists other then the way you think he does. Stop putting God in a box.
and many Christians convert cause they never were Christian and never read the Qur'an. Muhammad allows slavery, had sex and married with a 9 year old girl, allows prostitution through a marriage loophole, allows his followers to rape married woman gained from war, and promotes a "heaven" that's focused on wicked carnal man infested ideologies "Where men have eternal erections and plow on woman like fields."
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same ONE person. It's the ONE same God manifesting Himself in three PERSONALITIES, not persons. Scripture proves this over and over, I encourage us to study to show ourselves approved. It's like the same ONE YOU being a son/daughter to your parents, a husband/wife to your spouse and a father/mother to your child. The same ONE you! Just three different titles, not names. I encourage us to pray about this too as it may sound new to many of y'all... It is basic simple truth. May God open your understanding. 🙏🏾
To all the Muslims commenting on this video either insulting Christianity or saying that Jesus is a prophet and not God: Repent now, or it will be too late. Whoever does not accept into his or her heart that Jesus Christ is God, will perish and not have eternal life. (In simple words: No Heaven for you.)
He always validated about the muslim why he won't validate the Bible , ferst before he comment about Christian , don't tell while Jesus is praying to God Jesus is not God ,
"undercover muslim" 😂😂😂 Jokes aside. Muslims cannot say "yeah I'm a Christian" as a lie like you guys do for war propaganda or for taking from Christian audiences away from islam
@@bernadethcaputli4710if you talk to your father does that make you not a person? Of course not and no one would argue that. So why does Jesus talking to His Father make Him not God? No prophet calls God Father, only the Son Jesus Christ. The trinity is hard to understand and comprehend, but Jesus talking to His Father does not mean He is not God, it only means He is not the Father but is One with the Father as He claims multiple times
@@everythingwwe2800 it is not talk a pray is something a talk is something else. It didn't say and then Jesus fell on his face and started talking. it said Jesus fell on his face and started praying. You see praying is only for God. Also David according to Jews is the Son of God but not in the same sense as Jesus for Christians.
Come to the same point, Jesus says, no one knows that day nor the son but only the father? Islam believe in Jesus, Moses ibraham jakup David nowah , if one Muslim reject one of them prophets he can't be Muslim, alhamdolillah islam is the true religion, Jesus was also Muslim, Muslim means , worship only the true God, God only 1 can't be tow
@@JUSTFORLAUGH-z5nIf I were a Christian I would prefer to worship Jesus' mother, in my opinion Jesus' mother is greater because she could give birth to God
The word TAWHID is not mentioned in the Quran. What now? It even shows how ignorant the Quran author was by not mentioning the trinity correctly. What a "whole knowing"....
@@gs.daniel87 tawhid comes from the word Ahad meaning one and that is repeated in Surah 112 which is all about God's oneness. Tip for future: if you see an arabic word, go to its root word first
Actually according to the explanation of the guy above you it's mentioned in the Quran in the adjective form (ahad)... But in Arabic if you want to talk about it and explain it because it's a big science in the religious sciences in which you need to go in deep details about that adjective in order to define it and understand it well, so you need to call the noun form (infinitive) just like any other science. Just get a name in any science you want to study such as chemistry, biology, literature... They're all in noun forms... So it's very logical but the thing is that you don't seem to know much Arabic to understand it cuz English and trinity are all over your mind 😅 No offense ❤@@Shawn03.
Why did God have to come down, to become the son of himself, to preach to you about him, and died just to convince himself to forgive you for your sins
@@molemomolapo distinct but not separate that doesn't make sense at all. If jesus is god he should be all powerful depedent all knowing and immortal. Jesus moses abraham David noah all of them preached the one god concept. At the end of the day everyone can believe whatever they want but if you love jesus try be honest and figure out what he actually preached because definitely jesus was preaching the gospels or Paul letters
Because Jesus is the rolemodel for us... Jesus born and lived as human to show the mankind how a human should live....... He doesn't need pray but he did to show as the importantace of prayer
@@BEAST_BOY_SHINOBI you obviously don’t know anything about the HOLY TRINITY, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three parts of God, not three individual gods
@@Ry1n_0 if ur saying all of them 3 are 1 . Then why do are they so limited (except the father) Why did ur Jesus (pbuh) need to die for their sins? Can't he forgive? He is a god right?
@@BEAST_BOY_SHINOBI they aren’t limited. Jesus was only limited when he was on earth because he CHOSE to limit himself, as he is a human. That’s why he prayed to the Father because at the time, the Father could do more form Heaven. Also, Jesus died for our sins because for someone to be forgiven they need to pay the cost. Jesus payed that cost for all of us up on the cross so he could forgive us.
You are slow. Jesus is not praying to himself. If prayer is communication with God and and Jesus is God but not the father, what is the problem with Jesus communicating with the father? this is so basic.
@@johan_liebert2385I am also confused. Can you help me better understand Christ. In church I asked some questions and didn’t get a good answer. Maybe you can help me understand some points for me: How can Jesus be god if: 1. he did not know the hour ? (Mark 13:32). …Doesn’t God know everything? Was Jesus not god on earth but only god in heaven? If Jesus was god on earth and had no full knowledge how can god not know something? I don’t get it. 2.Jesus claims he of himself can do nothing (john 5:30)…why is God saying he can’t do anything on his own? So god is dependent on his god the father. So god had a god ? 3.Jesus claim that his will is less powerful than the fathers. So do these three in one all have different wills? All have different levels of power ? They are not co equal ? (John 12:49) 4.Jesus said the father is greater than I (John 14:28). So the three distinct have different levels of superiority. So how can it be three in one if they are no equal to each other? So should we refer the father more than Jesus ? 5.Jesus emptied himself from being god and became a baby who needed to nurse, eat, and use the bathroom. So god lost his divine power and being almighty ? To humble himself so he can save us from himself by punishing himself on the cross ? The numeric contradictions in the Bible? Example Mat 1:16, Luke 3:23 2 Samuel 24:9, 1 chron 21:5 2 chronicles 22:2, 2 kings 8:26 Please help me understand the faith. You seem intelligent and some understanding for me and help on every point would be very nice of you. God bless you.
@@Mon-q495 Satan challenged God’s right to rule. Yes God could have destroyed Satan and Adam and Eve right then, but millions of angels witnessed this challenge. The angels could have wondered if Satan was right. Time is nothing to God. In 2 Peter 3:8 says “one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” So God has allowed e light time to go by to prove to mankind they can’t rule themselves. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes mankinds attitudes i. The last days. “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to it’s powers and from these turn away.” Don’t we see these very traits in man today? Soon God is going to bring peace to mankind through his kingdom. In Psalms 37:10-11+29 says man will live forever on the earth in an abundance of peace
@@Mon-q495 Ok I really appreciate it. I will try helping you out because these are very tricky questions. I'll try being concise with it as well. 1.About the day and the hour we should understand the context of that verse. Jesus was making analogies of himself being the groom of Israel. In Jewish tradition in the time of marriage, only the father "knew" the hour the groom was to get his bride but in reality the groom knew as well but chose not to reveal it out of respect to the father. This is further strengthened as the word know in the Greek of that verse "oiden" means "reveal" especially within biblical contexts. For example in 1 Corinthians 2:2 "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." The word "oiden" was used again but Paul used it in the sense to not reveal because we know that Paul obviously doesn't know anything but Jesus. Also throughout the bible it explains Jesus's omniscience John 16:30 "Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions." Or him saying that only he knows the Father. What prophet can say " only I can comprehend God" So we clearly know how to interpret that verse isn't in a way to say Jesus lacks knowledge. We also know that he does know about the end times because he give a full description of what will happen before and after that day comes (seeing the future) not to mention in the gospels Jesus legitimately reads people's minds. This is a lot to write but I will address your other ones in other comments
@@Mon-q495 2. He can do nothing of his own because he shares the exact same will of his father. He is saying that he doesn't have a will that is separate from the father so whatever the father wills, he wills as well. Because he and the Father are one John 5:19 "Jesus gave them this answer: 'Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.'" He can do NOTHING but what he sees the father doing so his will is the same as the Father. But also look. this is Jesus claiming to be God. What prophet can say "I can do nothing but What I see God doing and just the way he does it"
☺️Dont be lazy and just scroll down the comments read this for rewards ~Subhanallah3x ~Alhamdulillah3x ~La ilaha illallah3x ~Allahu akbar3x ~Astaghfirullah3x ~Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi3x ~Subhanallahi'azeem3x ~La hawla wala quwata illa billah3x ~Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilahi3x *IMAGINE THE REWARDS IF SOMEONE READ IT SHARE IT.COPY IT.AND ALHAMDULLILAH MAY I SEE YOU IN JANNAH*
@@dog-ye1stthink of it as a sign of respect for Christ sacrificing his life on the cross for everyone, also it is a Catholic behavior not all Christians do the sign of the cross.
@@bananaman862I'm sorry, but genuinely that doesn't seem to make sense. Like say for example my father died to protect me and benefit my life, but in the process of saving me he was killed by a sword, would it make logical sense for me to carry a sword for the rest of my life to honour his sacrifice. It just seems strange to honor someone with the thing that killed them.
@@hhermon6415 Jesus knew how he would die and he did it willingly. The whole point of his death was to give everyone the chance to go into heaven by taking our sins from us. At any point he could’ve saved himself and harmed everyone he tried to kill him, but he didn’t and went through with the crucifixion because he knew what had to be done.
And ˹remember˺ when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O children of Israel! I am truly Allah’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah which came before me, and giving good news of a messenger after me whose name will be Aḥmad.”1 Yet when the Prophet came to them with clear proofs, they said, “This is pure magic.”
I'm not Christian, but Jesus did everything he did to Show the Way, it is a very very simple concept to understand. Even if he is praying to himself, he is showing the way to live.
I mean he is not really praying to himself like jesus is not the only entity with god like powers like the father and the holy spirit. But at the end of the day he was roleplaying as a human showing humans how to act
@@Narasimha_TheSher Ah ok so atheist? What train of thought or school of thought or philosophy in Atheism brought up that idea? I thought Atheists would say Jesus lied about his divinity (Jesus lied argument) but this is the first time I heard Atheists used the followers lied argument.
It is largely beyond human comprehension, but I think of it like this. God is like a peanut. One of those big ones with three peanuts inside. So God as a whole is the peanut as a whole, and the individual persons of God are the individual peanuts inside the shell. So both are three in one, and yet one in the same. When God sent his son to Earth, I imagine it like taking one of the peas from the pod. That peanut is now separate and distinct from the whole peanut. Just as Jesus, to my understanding was separate and distinct from God. But after Jesus’s death and resurrection, he rejoined God. Like putting the peanut back into the shell. Now it is part of the one individual peanut again, which again consists of three different nuts. Did this make any sense?
Jesus and the father are the same being but different persons. It's different from humans who are one being and one person or animals who are beings but not persons. The closest example I can give you is your spirit is not your body is not your soul but all are you.
For those confused muslims please read this: Jesus prayed to God the father because he is the almighty but the son who is God in human flash prayed to his to Fathe(Jesus talked to his father indirectly), if you don't understand this even tho I simplified it, please learn about trinity, thank you.
It isn't illogical see us as human beings can't make sense out of everything because it takes time to understand the concept, So let's say something exists and it's illogical for a human to think now here let me give you explaination of something illogical that is actually logical, One interesting example is the concept of a "vicious circle" or "circular reasoning." At first glance, it seems illogical because it appears to be a loop that doesn't lead anywhere. However, it can be logical within certain contexts. For instance, if someone argues that "the law is valid because it is upheld by the law," it seems circular. Yet, this can be logical within a legal framework where the validity of laws relies on their enforcement and societal acceptance, creating a self-reinforcing cycle. This highlights how something that seems illogical on the surface can have a logical foundation when viewed in the right context.
@BLOODTHORNE-m2n I see your point about how something can initially seem illogical but can be logical in a certain context, like the concept of a "vicious circle" or "circular reasoning" However, when we apply that to the Trinity, the situation is quite different. While a vicious circle can be understood within its specific context, the Trinity concept still poses a challenge to logical consistency. The idea that God is both one and three. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit violates the principle of identity, which states that something can not be both itself and something else at the same time. It creates a paradox, making it impossible to reconcile without contradiction. Unlike circular reasoning, which might reinforce itself within a legal or societal context, the Trinity doesn't offer a straightforward logical framework where these contradictions can be resolved. Therefore, even though something might seem illogical on the surface, the concept of the Trinity remains mystery and illogical for someone seeking a coherent, non-contradictory explanation.
@@uwohiyuhi-achoogi456i think u forgot the oart where we dont believe in the bible cause its corrupt in our book every messenger preached that god is one and u shoukd worship him alone.
@@aneeqkhan9573 The Quran is corrupt, because it is supposed to be one unaltered book, which it’s not. There are several versions of the Quran, and it has been altered up the 20th century. The Quran teaches evil, like after war Muslims are allowed to take the possessions of the enemy including their wifes and grape them, and keep them as slaves. Mohamed is sinful, whereas Jesus Christ is sinless. Why would the greatest messenger of Allah have so much sin? Why is Jesus born miraculously of a Virgin, but Mohamed’s mom is hell?
@@Christian-o9o but if his god who’s Up there cuz I thought god came down as a man? And I thought god don’t have a father mother kids wife or siblings or any family
(Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted. (James 1:13) God cannot be tempted. (John 1: 29) Jesus was seen. (1 John 4: 12) no man has ever seen God. (Acts 2: 22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God. (Numbers 23: 19, Hosea 11: 9) God is not a man. (Hebrews 5: 8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn. (Isaiah 40: 28) God doesn't even need to learn. (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus died. (1 Timothy 1: 17) God cannot die. (Hebrews 5: 7) Jesus needed salvation. (Luke 1: 37) God doesn't need salvation. (John 4: 6) Jesus grew weary. (Isaiah 40: 28) God cannot grow weary. (Mark 4: 38) Jesus slept. (Psalm 121: 2-4)God doesn't sleep. (John 5: 19) Jesus wasn't all powerful. (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful. (Mark 13: 32) Jesus wasn't all knowing. (Isaiah 49: 9) God is all knowing. (Isaiah 29 : 12 New king James version): Then the book is delivered to one who is illiterate, saying "Read this please". And he says "I'm not literate" Peace be upon the one who was mentioned years before he was born. "Read" was the first word to appear in the Holy Quran. Surah Az-Zukhruf (Chapter 43), verse 81: "Say [O Muhammad], 'If the Most Merciful had a son, then I would be the first of worshippers.'" 1. **Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:116)**: - "And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, "Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?"' He will say, 'Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.'" 2. **Surah An-Nisa (4:171)**: - "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, 'Three'; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." 3. **Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:72)**: - "They have certainly disbelieved who say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary' while the Messiah has said, 'O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers." 4. **Surah Maryam (19:88-92)**: - "And they say, 'The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son.' You have done an atrocious thing. The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation. That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son. And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son." "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger." Jesus, known as 'Isa in Arabic, is mentioned in several verses of the Quran. Here are some key verses: 1. **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:87)** > "We gave Moses the Scripture and followed up after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Pure Spirit." 2. **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:253)** > "Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allah spoke, and He raised some of them in degree. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs, and We supported him with the Pure Spirit." 3. **Surah Al-Imran (**3:45**)** > "[And mention] when the angels said, 'O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah].'" 4. **Surah Al-Imran (**3:52**)** > "But when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from them, he said, 'Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah?' The disciples said,' We are supporters for Allah. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].'" 5. **Surah Al-Imran (**3:55**)** > "[Mention] when Allah said, 'O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ.'" 6. **Surah An-Nisa (4:157-158)** > "And [for] their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise." 7. **Surah An-Nisa (4:171)** > "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, 'Three'; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." 8. **Surah Al-Maidah (5:110)** > "[The Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, 'This is not but obvious magic.'" 9. **Surah Al-Maidah (5:116)** > "And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, "Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?"' He will say, 'Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.'" 10. **Surah Maryam (**19:16**-34)** > This passage narrates the story of Mary and the miraculous birth of Jesus, emphasizing his prophetic mission and miraculous abilities granted by Allah.
God had a son ?! God doesn't beget my friend, He is not a Human, even Angels do not beget. Christians are the only ones saying that their God has a son, it's about time to wake up and search for the truth, life is temporary and it doesn't worth it to live it deluded.
@@sihaminora9927 tbh good points about God doesn't need sleep, but jesus slept and stuff like that yes brother i get it BUT jesus humbled himself,became a human,limited himself to show us what he was like as a human and what was a human supposed to do. Jesus was a human,is not a human.but what about the man part? It clearly states that jesus was and IS (present time IS) a man. but by a man the verse meant that he was a boy,(aka his gender was a boy) it's just my opinion. I know there are people who can explain it better than me but still i wanted to share my opinion. God bless.
@@BBNneeews Listen I'm a Muslim, Christians think that we muslims worship a God named Allah. Well Allah is not a name, it means God in Arabic. God is one, ain't no other deity with him, He doesn't have a son/parents/wives/siblings... ain't no one comparable to Him, He is unique. Jesus peace be upon him, is the son of Mary, the prophet and messenger of God, my God is yours as well and the God of EVERYTHING the only difference between y'all and us is that we muslims doesn't attribute to Him a family... Mary is in no way the wife than the mother of God (He could have a son with another God, if there was many Gods, not with a teenager, but He never had a son nor a wife) think logically, how can a Being be a Father and a Son in the same time, we are not denying Jesus, we believe in him, but why don't you worship Mary as well ? She is the mother of what you think is your God !! If you got possess, can you cohabit with a being in one vehicle ? You wanna turn right but he wanna go left.. in which verse Jesus said that he and God are cohabiting in the same body ???
@@sihaminora9927 alrighty listen Jesus came here on this earth as a human form he limited himself to become a human now how did Mary give birth to a God? Well like i said Jesus came here as a human form, normally humans are born through a womb of a woman. Jesus wanted to be born like us my brother to show us what he was capable of and what we had to do to.
@@mahinurrahman5745 I was making it clear that it isn't a contradiction what I said. Secondly you are begging the question. Thirdly, Jesus is also God yet one with the Father. The Father calls Jesus God.
@@johan_liebert2385how tf does that make sense the father calls Jesus god ? Then why is the father up ur telling me the fathers up and Jesus is down cuz he came as human form but why would the father be up if he isn’t god make it make sense u sound like a 3 year old even then if he is god why’s he praying as asking help from his “father” is he is god that’s not making sense he’s the one that’s god like u jus said the father isn’t so why’s he praying to his father when his god wtf
@@ArbaazWaseem You see there is stupid then there is more stupid. When did I say the Father isn't God. Him and his Son are God as they share the same divine nature. “But of the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.’” Hebrews 1:8 the Father is speaking. They are distinct from each other and yet one. Furthermore there is nothing wrong about God the Son praying to God the Father. If prayer is communication with God, you expect the son to not communicate with his father? He is not praying to himself.
@@عبدالرحمنابوعيسى-ش based on 200+ fulfilled prophecies and promises, that still come to life, words visible in the testimony of many and in society we can see that the end is near, everybody encountering jesus, the bible and jesus changing everybodys life, historical and archäological evidence, all the prophets having the same revelation till the crucifixion, the teaching of love, the warning of islam, the only holy book based around a god that loves us and proved his grace by loving so much that he died for us so nah, don't think so, and why you laughing?
‘You have to look at it in a Trinitarian perspective’ So why didn’t none of the early church fathers within the first 3 centuries after Jesus acknowledge the trinity?
Here's what was happening in that passage from the question. A “rich young ruler” (a good, law abiding citizen) came to Jesus and asked him “Good Master, what must I do that I may have eternal life?” GREAT QUESTION, right? Jesus responded by saying: “WHY are you calling me good? ONLY God is GOOD.” Jesus was asking the ruler, essentially, “are you calling me God?” Because if you are, you are right, young man! He was testing his heart
@@Color_me_grey Hi there friend, Regarding your response there are only 2 possibilities of the meaning of this passage. 1. We take it at face value like many other passages and read it as it is. ‘No one except god is good’ or ‘Only God is good’. Which both mean that Jesus himself was saying that God ALONE is good. 2. We assume it was a test that he decided to carry out wherein he says ‘No one is good except god alone’ but in a false manner? Would this either mean that he is good with god or that there are others besides god that are good? Do you see how this overtime can be misconstrued into the worship of other than god? And that all messengers were solely sent with the message that god is one and to worship him alone? Jesus was not only an amazing man, he was very intelligent and knew multiple languages. He wouldn’t have played games with wordplay and let his own words be misunderstood for a test. Therefore the safer option to take is the 1st of the 2. I hope this helps you understand our perspective. Thank you for reading.
Jesus clearly didnt deny being good, he literally calls himself the good Shepherd. He asked whyyy do you call me, clearly he was asking , but he didnt deny it.
@@Trini_Queen so you base your belief in Jesus being God on a nuance of the word good when the original language could have had so much meaning lost through translation? And the same Jesus said “The father is greater than I” which shows distinction and hierarchy, not equality
Philippians 9-11 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, [10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
@destiny6080 absolutely correct ..God is defined by his greatness over his creation not his creation having the ability to put 'god' on a cross to kill him as a sacrifice for his own creation's sins so he can forgive them ...total nonsense from the get go lol
From the beginning Yashuah was with Yah , we are spirit in the flesh not flesh with a spirit . All major and minor prophets such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were given The Holy Spirit of Yah in fact Yah wrestled all night with Yah. Who can know Him completely not know one today the world is upside down a cesspool of rebate minds . The son OF YAH is one in the spirit with The Father and if you deny Him so will my Papa Yah deny you . I am completely ashamed of this world adding and taking from my Yashuas word !! Shameful 😢😭
im an atheist, but look up the definition of trinity, its self explanatory. it made sense basically a 3 in 1. one entity with 3 manifestations? feel free to correct me, christians.
@@aahhhhhhhhhhhhh Three manifestations of the same being still doesn't explain why one manifestation needs to pray to another manifestation. One one manifestation knows when judgment day is but another manifestation doesn't. Why one manifestation asks the other manifestation why he has forsaken him on the cross. There are many more questions.
John 5:30 - "I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will." JESUS WAS A MUSLIM!
This is so basic. It's scary how you refuse to understand. If prayer is communication with God and Jesus is God but not the Father, what is the problem with Jesus communicating with the FATHER. it ain't that hard.
@@johan_liebert2385 I agree it's not that hard for someone that high to speak to god similar to other prophets David, moses, Adam and Muhammed. The scary thing is you are not following your own book and added partners with god
@@joynalsayadi7423 Let me show you some verses and be genuine. Tell me if muhammad can say these things "John 20:28: Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!" John 10:30-33: "I and the Father are one. John 1:1-3, 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. ... The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Colossians 1:15-19: "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, Hebrews 1:3: "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word." Hebrews 1:8: "But about the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.'" Isaiah 9:6: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, John 14:9 Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father Romans 9:5: "Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, Revelation 1:8: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God Hebrews 1:6: "And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, 'Let all God's angels worship him.'" Revelation 1:17-18: I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.'" John 17:5: "And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began." John 14:6-7: I am the way and the truth and the life. There are plenty more. Just ask yourself, can Muhammad or any other prophet say such things?
Quran 33:56 says Allah and his angels sent prayers for Muhammad. So, who's Allah praying *to*? Prayer is a way to communicate with a divine being. Pray has different meanings depending on the context. For example, when I was struggling with my homework, I prayed to my dad for guidance and inspiration. (Prayed could mean appeal to, invoke, petition, request, and so on.) God bless 🙌
as a Muslim I'm going to say this ok I am a CEO my friend is also the CEO of the same store but at a different location I listen to this friend abought avry thang I take orders from him but where on the same level right so why am I'm taking order from a guy that I same level as me where both CEOs this dose not make sense its like god praying to ANOTHER GOD btw no hate love you dude just needed to say that so you can understand where I'm coming from and as Muslim how a thank.
@@timinator900 Well no, if an all powerful being becomes limited then it ceases ti be all powerful. If we take the logic that God can do literally anything even things that contradict his nature than God doing all sorts of ungodly things becomes possible.
@@timinator900not really,god clearly says there's nothing like him,even in bible it says God is not a man But even if you ignore that where it stop How about Hindus they have millions of God's is that plausible for you??ancient Egyptians worshipped cats,according to your method,couldn't God b in that form??for me there's no need for God to come in any form,this does not befit his majesty
"As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not-they will never believe Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment"
John 10 verse 30 *I and my father are one* Hebrews 1:6 (Angels *Worshiped* Jesus) *And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.* Hebrews 1:2 (Jesus Created The Entire World) *hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds* John chapter 8:58 (Jesus was before Abraham) *“Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am the one.” I am the one.”* John 14:9 (Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father) *Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?* John 3:16 (No one comes the father except through me) *Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The only path to salvation is by Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.*
There is no reason to take this verse to mean that Christ [Maseeh Alayhissalaam] was saying that he and the Father make up “one God.” The phrase was a common one, and even today if someone used it, people would know exactly what he meant-he and his father are very much alike. When Paul wrote to the Corinthians about his ministry there, he said that he had planted the seed and Apollos had watered it. Then he said, “he who plants and he who waters are one” (1 Cor. 3:8 - KJV). In the Greek texts, the wording of Paul is the same as that in John 10:30, yet no one claims that Paul and Apollos make up “one being.” Furthermore, the NIV translates 1 Corinthians 3:8 as “he who plants and he who waters have one purpose.” Why translate the phrase as “are one” in one place, but as “have one purpose” in another place? In this case, translating the same phrase in two different ways obscures the clear meaning of Christ’s statement in John 10:30: Christ always did God’s will; he and God have “one purpose.”
@@MSNEDITZ Revelation 22:13 - I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. you can mald all you want but no manipulation and twisting of words you are capable of can change the meaning of this
@@AliuAbdulquddus fine then here… John 10 verse 30 *I and my father are one* Hebrews 1:6 (Angels *Worshiped* Jesus) *And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.* Hebrews 1:2 *hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds* John chapter 8:58 *“Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am the one.” I am the one.”* John 14:9 *Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?* John 3:16 *Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The only path to salvation is by Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.*
27:14 And they rejected them, while their [inner] selves were convinced thereof, out of injustice and haughtiness. So see how was the end of the corrupters.
These Moslems think you can explain faith, something that can't be empirically proven anyway, with logic! They are more foolish than the Christians, because at least, Christians accept that religion is based on something metaphysical and not based on science. As a Buddhist, we believe that we must surmount our basest feelings in order to break the chain of suffering. By constantly trying to prove and disprove the unprovable, theists and particularly Moslems because they are so fanatical, tie themselves in knots!
“They are distinct but not separate is self-contradictory”. Being distinct means they are separate beings/ entities. If God is one then he’s ultimately praying to himself. If he’s 3 distinct entities then God is a plural (which is polytheism). Hence the problem with the trinity.
@UCJl1WYiN2svTkUsuZzGQK4g Polytheism is the belief in: • A False deity or more than one god They include, the belief that: • God has literal relatives • a separate being is literally a part of God’s essence. • that something can challenge God even slightly or is not fully bound by God. That’s polytheism^ ••• What you’re describing sounds like a car with 3 main parts. Yea, it’s one car, but the car has distinct parts. claiming something ‘created’ is a part of the God is where the problem lies. It’s mixing the essence of God with something created - hence it’s polytheistic. Here’s a question for you my friend, How do you differentiate the True God from a false deity ?
Okay than answer me this: Is the word of Allah… Allah? If the word of Allah is not Allah and the attributes of Allah are not Allah and are distinct but also they are eternal, how does that not mean the same (since you said distinct means separate)?
@@milkyway4623 The word came *from* Him. The word is not *a part* of Him. & God’s characteristics are qualities that describe Him, not distinct living beings/ entities. There’s a clear difference between a quality that describes God & what God owns (like property).
God is so powerful that he can not be contained simply to one form. His words are so powerful that they are a being of their own, and the breath on which He speaks is a third being. When the second being, the Word of God, communicates with God, it is prayer, because prayer is simply a conversation.
That DIRECTLY contradicts what god is. There is a difference between what god is and what god does. Logically god cannot have 2 or 3 forms because he is one and relies on no one. Using your logic that means god is so powerful he could make himself Satan, or cease to exist, or even make a god higher than him.
@@GeoNoob the problem with any explaination of the trinity is when you delve deep into it, that it becomes heretical. it's a good teaching trick to introduce someone to it, and help them understand it.
@@patrickpelletier9298 im not sure how you can believe in a religion when the doctrine of God, the very thing christianity revolves around can't even be explained.
@@GeoNoob explain to me every little detail about making steel. If you can’t, does that mean steel doesn’t exist? Or does it just mean that we can’t comprehend it because we don’t have the background of it. Mysteries of God are far beyond what our minds can handle (the flesh is weak) but it doesn’t make God or the Mystery any less true. The Bible says there is One God, but also shows that there are three parts to God.
The easiest way to explain this is that God came down to earth to TEACH us. In every aspect, including prayer. It wouldnt make sense if God came down and then asked everyone to pray to him (in physical form). He taught us to pray to him in his natural form.
okay so if you follow Jesus and he taught how to pray, then why you're laying with your face to the ground, and why other Christians neither do it? cause as you said, Jesus taught how to pray so why you're not doing same thing as him?
😂😂😂but you don't pray like he teaches you😂😂😂😂 Because he didn't teach he was worship to Allah (in aramic Allah,im) It means that you are saying Jesus spreated him self to Allah If for spouse to be if Jesus was worshiping to father so dk father worship Jesus?😅😅 No absolute not Because Allah is creator and Jesus is creation as like others
@user-ix1sj2jx3n I'm honestly not understanding what you're saying but yes, Jesus was creation just like others. But God lived within him, literally. Not the same way as us. Your comments alone show why God would not give that kind of power to a person. We are easily swayed by our feelings and corrupted. No man is worthy. Jesus was God himself coming down with us. Also, there are 5 different ways to pray. Your way is one way; doesn't mean it's the right way.
There is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. These are not separate gods but distinct persons within the one divine essence of God. When Jesus prayed to the Father, He did so as the Son within this divine relationship. He was fully God, yet in His human nature, He communicated with the Father. It was not "God praying to God" in a contradictory sense but a reflection of the distinct roles within the Trinity while maintaining the oneness of God.
Philippians 2:6-8 says that Jesus limited and humbled Himself to God becoming human and God at the same time, so He could also pray to God (the Father, specifically).
@@AL-sg2jdlet me explain I saw another comment so I'll just repeat it think of God as an apple it has the skin the flesh and the core right? All together are god
Hahahahaha 😂 people always speak without knowledge.Father and I are 1 - John 10:30 Jews reply "we are stoning you because you mere, claim to be God" - John 10:33 "Before Abraham was born, I AM" YAHWEH - means "I AM". Jesus simultaneously claims to be YAHWEH and the God. Thomas "My lord and My God" Jesus accepts the worship of Thomas Why? Because he is God. JESUS is the GOD IN HUMAN FORM. IT'S INEVITABLE. Note: Sorry for being very harsh I've heard it 1000000^10000000 times from every Muslim that's why. Sorry frequently, first time I'm commenting very rudely, please don't mind.
No such thing as a Muslim that thinks for himself. Every one of you spews the same rhetoric that works only because of dishonesty, and because masses aren’t well informed.
For anyone that needs clarification it’s that Jesus when he came to earth became also human so yes he can pray to God his father as well just like the rest of us.
"To confuse your enemy, you must confuse yourself first" - Sun tzu
I never said this ~TZu
@dimensionalworld1 The idea that "to confuse your enemy, you must confuse yourself first" isn't a direct quote from Sun Tzu's The Art of War, but the concept aligns with some of his strategic principles, particularly around deception and unpredictability. Sun Tzu emphasized confusing and deceiving the enemy to gain an advantage in battle.
Here are relevant Sun Tzu quotes that touch on this concept of deception and unpredictability:
1. "All warfare is based on deception." (Chapter 1, The Art of War)
Sun Tzu highlights that confusion and deception are key strategies in warfare. By misdirecting the enemy and creating uncertainty, you can gain a significant advantage.
2. "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." (Chapter 1, The Art of War)
This idea suggests that creating confusion in your opponent's mind about your true state can lead to victory. The emphasis is on manipulating perceptions, and sometimes to deceive effectively, you need to fully embrace a role that may even mislead yourself to some extent.
3. "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." (Chapter 7, The Art of War)
The idea of keeping your plans hidden, even from yourself at times, is crucial to maintaining unpredictability. If you are unpredictable, not even the enemy can predict your next move, which fosters confusion.
While Sun Tzu doesn’t directly advocate self-confusion, his teachings suggest that by embracing uncertainty and becoming unpredictable, you can effectively confuse the enemy and control the battlefield. This may require internalizing a mindset of ambiguity in your own actions and intentions.
@@dimensionalworld1your not tzu
"well obviously when you dont except that grass is pink, you won't see at as pink, but when you accept that grass is pink in your heart, you will see, that grass is intact pink. "
@@jamesmc81 😂😂
"its not the eyes that are blind, it is the heart." [22:46]
Your losing the argument 😂
Indeed ❤
Strike your women in bed 4:33
@@LCS650god pray to god super logical thing
@@LCS650no you are, pagan polytheist🤣🫵🏽
Brother has more Muslim comments than Christian
Lol fr😂
Lol Fr Fr Fr😂😂😂
Stop being a jerk 😒
Is that what christianisme teaches you ?
"It is not the eye's they are blind,it is the heart".[22:46]
1+1+1=1 allright
@@Trashatgaming-m5ithats litearly a verse from the quraan man
@@Trashatgaming-m5i how dare you confine God to a math equation
To make sense of this blaspheme@joemama70908
@joemama70908 Christians believe 1+1+1=1
"If you can't convince them, confuse them"
His answer is logical (I am not a Christian). To make it simple, imagine a man with two heads. Each head is a distinct person capable of talking to another head (person) of his own body, but they are not completely separate entities since they share a single body. So the Father and the Son are also two persons of a single entity (God)
Laughing for what ?
yes some times losers say they got confused because they copied religions from jews traditions in 7th century and mentions hebrew prophets as islamic prophets 😅😂😂😂 confusing is far better than lying... 😂
@@agncxrx bro trinity says they are one. 3 persons in one Godhead somehow. If not, then Christianity is a polytheism religion.
It doesn't make sense to anyone, not only him. Your "explanation" made it even worse 😂
😂 absolutely made it worse
He is stupid.
He said that the Jesus on earth is not God bruh he himself stated that trinity doesn't exist 💀
@@fratramadan2823 what's so controversial is allah praying for mohammad. To who does allah pray to??
Imagine being advised by someone with a cigar
Yeah It's not even respectable....
I know right, absolutely diabolical
@@aureum7479diabolical like your prophet
It's not the eyes that are blind, but the heart [22:46]
Who agrees with me 👇
"To confuse your enemy, you must confuse yourself first" -A wise man
I’m not confused by the trinity. Only Muslims seem to have such a brain drain when it’s talked about
😂😂 literally he is confusing me more about trinity 😂😂😂
I never understood trinity and he confused me further 😂
@@Ahmad-t7w5r 😂😂 don't worry bro, the father son and holy spirit are one, their name is fathersonholyspirit as one singular name for god 😂
you will never understand the trinity if you can't accept Jesus.
@@hip44isH0p8 I don't and probably will never believe in the bible but i respect it alot.
After i heard your explanations, i feels bless to be a muslim. Alhamdulillah
Surah 33:56 who is your allah praying to….
@@danieldamie5806 Here's the verse:"Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace." where does allah pray to the prophet. also you will never find allah pray to anyone in the quran but you could find allah prays upon or for his prophets.
Pls don't spread lies or send me another verse to support your claim
@@danieldamie5806 "Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Invoke Allah’s blessings upon him, and salute him with worthy greetings of peace." Verse 33:56 what about it ? it seems you're struggling with arabic and english at the same time.
@@danieldamie5806nice try 😂 you been refuted Islam ain't trinity boy
Quran have written in the same way
How Gabriel said message to prophet.
So that makes u feel tht allah is praying to himself
I just converted to Islam because of this Christian
God is the only One who never dies.
(1 Timothy 6 : 16)
Jesus died
(Rom. 5 : 8)
He worshiped the Father.
(John 17)
He prayed to the Father
(John 17 : 1)
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27 : 46)
& (Mark 15 : 34)
He was called man.
(Mark 15 : 39 ; John 19 : 5)
He was called Son of Man
(John 9 : 35 - 37)
He has a body of flesh and bones
(Luke 24 : 39)
He was tempted
(Matt. 4 : 1)
He grew in wisdom
(Luke 2 : 52)
But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
( Mathew 12 : 28)
Father is greater than I
(John 14 : 28)
...He (God) knows everything.
(1 John 3 : 20)
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Jesus did not know that Hour).
(Mathew 24 : 26)
God does what he wants to do.
(Romans 9 : 18)
Christ says that he came “not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me”
(John 6 : 38)
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27 : 46)
& (Mark 15 : 34)
In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.”
(Isaiah 43:10)
Son is a metaphor in bible.
the "sons of God" saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
(Genesis 6 : 2 )
Israel is my son, my firstborn!
(Exodus 4 : 22)
I will be his father, and he shall be my son.
(1 chronicles 13 : 17)
@@Mortal_Worlds_Researcherthat's what we saying
lol 😭
For people who cannot understand simple english :
Holy trinity = God
Jesus, Father, Holy spirit = God
Jesus talks to Father
Its that simple, learn english just like how you'd learn arabic reading the quran
"Indeed, It is not the Eyes that are blind but their Hearts that grow blind"
Bro just confused me more. Glad to be muslim
Let me put it to you this way.
When you mention the name of Muhammad, what is that you say after??? salla allahu alayhi wa-sallam.
So according to Islamic logic, who is your god praying to? And dont lie to me that is you invoking blessings because what does salla allahu mean???
because Allah forget to make your half brain😂
@@raymond_kegodewhat even are you saying
Allah prays
Hadith 216:
The Israelites said to Musa: Does your Lord pray? Musa said: Fear Allah, O Sons of Israel!
Allah said: O Musa! What did your people say? Musa said: O my Lord, You already know? They said: Does your Lord pray?
Allah said: Tell them My prayer for My servants is that My Mercy should precede My Anger. If it were not so, I would have destroyed them. [Ibn ‘Asakir] (Al-Ahadith Al-Qudsiyyah - Divine Narratives translated by Dr. Abdul Khaliq Kazi & Dr. Alan B. Day, Section 2: Al-Ithafat Al-Saniyya Bi‘l-Ahadith Al-Qudsiyyah by Shaikh Zain al-Din Abdul Ra‘uf b. Taj al-‘Arifin b. ‘Ali b. Zayn al-‘Abidin al-Munawi [Dar Al Kitab Arabi - USA, 1995], pp. 305-306; underline emphasis ours)
Jesus is a messenger of God who believe
Easa (AS) is a prophet of Allah
Nuh uh@@PineCopter
@@PineCopter Jesus is God
Jesus is God in the flesh
@@SoloSilence how? Was god born? Did he have a mother? How can god be a man, Jesus is a mortal, he is a man who rose to the heavens, he did not die, Allah (swt) commanded jibraeel to lift Jesus up, jesus will come back and live a normal life, he will get married, have kids, and die.
It’s not the eyes that are blind,it is the heart.” [22:46]
Funny because in the Quran, Allah prays. Who does he pray to? Himself? Just because you don't understand the concept of the Trinity does not mean your lie-ridden false religion must be true and Christianity is false.
@@RaidenDEVOUR don't tell mistake to misguide other, the real meaning is this: Scholars are of the opinion that Allah's "prayer" on His Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - is a Mercy that He showers on him. Likewise, the prayers of angels are an invocation of God's forgiveness in his favor, and those of believers an invocation in his favor. Indeed, we are invited to pray to Allah to increase His honors and favors towards the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him.
Numerous texts show with certainty that Allah granted His Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him - innumerable blessings. However, our invocation constitutes a gesture of love towards him.
The meaning is this: Scholars are of the opinion that Allah's "prayer" on His Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him - is a Mercy that He showers on him. Likewise, the prayers of angels are an invocation of God's forgiveness in his favor, and those of believers an invocation in his favor. Indeed, we are invited to pray to Allah to increase His honors and favors towards the Prophet - peace and blessings be upon him.
Numerous texts show with certainty that Allah granted His Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him - innumerable blessings. However, our invocation constitutes a gesture of love towards him.
If nobody believes that the verse is from the Quran
Here’s the proof
The statement "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the heart" is a paraphrase of a verse from the Quran, specifically Surah Al-Hajj (22:46), This statement means that it is not physical blindness that prevents a person from seeing the truth, but rather a lack of understanding or a closed mind.
we're the MUSLIMS will meet in the judgment day and we will see who followed the right path 😊❤☪️
No I dont agree
God hAs no son
Allah only knows
@nnyelow God only knows
As the Quran says: "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the heart"
You need the Holy Spirit to be your leader and guide and revealer and teacher
Satan blinds the mind the father of all lies, but the Holy Spirit breaks through that blind ( the brick wall) and reveals the true will of God. The Holy Spirit is the greater one and the great comforter
The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and only goes where he is welcome
Only when Jesus returns and he establishes his true Church and true believers redeemed by the blood and walk in faith and love and Spirit will we know true peace under the shadow of his wings as a hen gathered her chicks
Till then Satan is putting up a great enormous battle against the Church
Jesus said: I will build my Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it
Jesus is returning for "his Church" all who belong to him. (Many denominations have believers in our great God and Savior Jesus Christ)
Jesus alone will rien Supreme as Lord and King of all the earth. 😊
The Qur'an was made in 1924 slapped together to make a standard book 📚 of great lies
The most deprived book ever on the face of the earth
Satan blinds our minds thats why you need the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and guide and power to break through that blind. Satan's stronghold.
Manmade religions will be abolished 📚🤷♀️
Jesus is coming soon. ✝️
Thank-you God
@@user-tp3hg4se1s Bro wrote a whole entire paragraph of how NOT to get in to Jannah
@@aed7954 And you got a book which cannot be understood without entire extra books dated 200 years after Islam.
As the Quran also says: "As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery.1 And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them."
This is disgusting
That concept comes directly from the Bible.
thanks for your explanation! i was a muslim before this, but now i am still a muslim.
Alhamdulillah, For a moment, I felt disappointed for you and .....😂❤️
Now you can own slaves and marry a 6 year old
Mohammad (Police be upon him) the pedophile is the founder of islam😂😂😂
He thought he gave a logical answer but he just restated the trinity again 😂
"trinity = 3 gods" getting too old there now 😂, but alright
Jesus christ is god, muhammad was a pedo and "allah" word didnt come from islam, but it came from egyptian archaic god's name - "al lah" and "lah yah" islam isnt original, it copies from jewish talmud and bible passages. Muhammad beheaded 800 jewish men, married 12 women (1 child too at the age of 6 and was consummated underage, at 9. There are proofs that back this claim too, so the argument that aisha was 18 is debunked, also because muslim scholars believe she was underage. Not only that, there are also hadith that show muhammad kissed p3nis of hassan and hussain who were young people.)
There is also major major mistake in islamic quran that says seminal fluid is formed between backbone and ribs. This is disproved by modern day science and the claim that it was meant "loins" is also disproven because there is no such source that proves semen is formed at loins.islamic prophet's cousin was actually christian. Prophet muhammad spread islam by war, there are also keypoints that prove islam isnt true, because one of it is that it is "NOT PEACEFUL" which is correct. Christian crusades started WAY after islamic jihad in kingdom of jerusalem, so the claim that "christianity did far worse than muslims" is very untrue and rubbish. Also, italy was plundered by muslim armies. Also there are NUMEROUS SAHIH hadiths that contradict the authenticity of quran and the claim that "quran is word of god". If quran was word of god, then it must have no mistakes. It does. (Link to prove quran is false)
Also, embryology of quran is not correct and was copied straight off from Greek scientist Galen at the time of islamic establishment.
Muslims hate to answer the question " where does sun go at night in islam"
And here is the list of sins by muhammad, who plundered, persecuted, razed and looted christian villages, while also being the man between the g3noc1de against people of Bane Qurayza tribe, also while being the one behind consummation of Aisha.
(Ray butlers comment)
And also, there are ongoing terrorist groups made by muslims , in the will to kill christians in places where muslims waged war, conquered and plundered residencies. However, muslims are living peacefully in christian countries and wealth.
CONCLUSION : islam isnt right, repent and come to Yeshua of nazareth if you want to see the light, before it is too late.
Shut up and go back to your prophets
bro it make sense and I have a question how did Allah need Hadith and also he said love everyone but also said love everyone
@@sxdfovijsodijfgsdiofjsiodj3376 There aren't three gods, God the father, The son, and the holy spirit are one in mind.
If they are distinct, then in the bible it says "The only true god is the father" means that jesus is not god but is a creation praying to the one true god
The son can pray to the father, the father can't pray to the son but the son and the father are god and everything doesnt make sense
People should try to learn the Holy Trinity
You should try learning common sense
So your religion has multiple gods
@@Omar.0009he does pray to the son
Thank you for sharing this!! As a Christian, I’m Muslim now 😭
check sam shamoun, he debunks islam.
@@santino_111gaming3 lol what a joke he and the clown David wood got wrecked by sheikh Uthman there are videos..stop lying 🤡
Your amazing women may Allah protect you and bless you and your family
He is a joker not more then that
Check Sheikh Uthman. Sam really ran from him like a baby and gave all the burden to David wood alone!!
His answer is more complicated than advanced physics
Bro people learning about rocket science be sayin * it isn’t why Jesus prayed on earth *.
Trinity, another name for Tri-Unity is a triange type shape with 3 distinct persons, The father in heaven, The son (jesus), and the holy spirit, they are all distinct people of 1 reality, God.
this sounds really confusing bro.. search up a trinity diagram and it'll make it'll clear it up a bit more.
Sorry you failed basic secondary education
@@Atomic0907 ye I don’t think education will tell me how 3 people are separate but the same person the people studying rocket science be saying * it’s not an explanation to why God worshiped himself *
No it’s not it’s called the holy Trinity dumbass
Smoking a cigar while talking about god is like saying ur vegan while cooking a steak
No it's not. Nothing sinful about tobacco.
A better analogy would be calling yourself a prophet of God and then marrying and raping a child.
😂😂fr dude
I see my comment was removed. I'll say it again, Tobacco is not sinful.
Whats worse is claiming to be a prophet of God and then marrying a 6 year old.
Brother your so blind. You just follow rumors wnd things people sad without seeking the truth. I wish for you to not remain biased@@heavybar3850
@@heavybar3850what’s worse is you not doing your research
Trinity is the complex thing we have ever seen
It really isn’t complex. It helps to draw out a diagram to explain it to others and to explain it to yourself so you can physically see it because the doctor of the Trinity, although intense is not complex it is fairly simple. The father is God. Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God, but the father is not the son. The son is not the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not the father think of it in a triangle type of way.
Honestly as a muslim I appreciate that you answered in a kind and respectfull way even though I dont see reason in your explanation.
God the son was talking to the father it’s not that hard to comprehend that.
@@unwarysage05w32what were they talking?
They discussing about any decision to be made or they just chating?
"Son of god talking to god" sounds very realistic
Yeah and then in another video he starts cursing at the Quran
It's because you are looking at it with a unitarian perspective. We Christians believe in the Trinity, which is most easily explained as 3=1, so it's 1 God, but 3 Persons, and each Person is 100% the One true God. The 3 Persons are not separate, they are distinct, and under that perspective, there is nothing incoherent with one Person talking (praying) to another.
@@Hugowtum why would god talk to eachother?
Because god should be all knowing so god would know the outcome from the conversation
“its not the eyes that are blind, it’s the heart.” [22:46]
Maybe christian are blind but all human in thia world are blind dont act you arent blind just like everyone
Instead of spreading love giving hope for everyone we all do the wrong thing its not wrong to spread words by God but debating and arguing is not right
Everyone forgets the real humanity we all blind in humanity
Dont say that what im yapping you fucking psycho all of you are cruel you think God likes what you all doing tsk what a shame in this world
This entire video: "just trust me bro"
Then why cant allah become a man but he is all powerful and all mighty so is he or is he not?
@@JustaRandomCatholic to become human is to become mortal and vulnerable. And Allah is neither
According to God he can be anything or everything and even doing many things at the same time but can't he be a man and God at the same time like Jesus guy? I think Jesus guy is more powerful than Islam god
@@Black0ghost Samson was there
Making the sound heavy doesnt justify ignorence.
Remember, if the world hates you, it has hated me first -Yeshua
We love isa or yeshua (pbuh) bro . He is a beloved prophet and the massiah
@@testiestsauce43shut up. U don’t. All you guys do is spread blasphemy disguised in respect. Jesus was sinless, no man is sinless. Not Mohammed. Not you or me. Jesus Christ is god and it’s disrespectful to say otherwise.
@TestSGaming isa isn't even His Name or close. Jesus is Lord and Muslims will go to Hell. uthman is scared to debate an actual scholar. Modern Debate a massive youtube channel tried to get Uthman to debate Sam Shamoun for months now and Uthman denied. He doesn't want a One vs One fair debate on a massive mutual debate platform channel with many views.
The world love him then hated him betrayal
@@testiestsauce43 lol when did Theseus turn into yeshua
You just made it more confusing
Hahahahahaha... The M word gonna rise
😂 true
Was thinking same thing....
When you don't care to understand theism outside of an islamic perspective, Then everything confuses you.
Confusing you is extremely easy because you refuse to educate yourself.
And we can't be held responsible for that.
Ask 100 Christians about “ Who is Jesus” and you will have 100 different answers. Soon new updated Testimony level 3 will come out….
Very good explanation, thank god for Islam, which makes so much more sense and connects history.
With all respect, islam actually came as a reversal of established historical traditions, understanding, and religion. First and most obvious it reverses the divinity of Jesus, something that had been believed, discussed, and understood for hundreds of years as well as by the eyewitnesses of Jesus who died for this belief. The quran also acts as a complete reversal to Jewish religious history literally acting as the polar opposite so much so that it almost reads as an “anti-Bible.” To say that islam connect history and the Bible doesn’t is nonsensical. The quran was written during the time of recorded history while the Bible provides information for otherwise uncovered areas of history such as the bronze age. The Bible is far more of a historical book-in exploration and In reality
@@everythingwwe2800 what if I tell you that Jesus is a Messenger and the Father know that eyewitnesses will misunderstood Jesus and that is why The Father (Allah) said in the Bible that there will be another Messenger that will come after Jesus and you all must Follow Him and Mohamed was mentioned in the Bible Jesus' gospel, they say is in Mark 1:7, where Jesus prophesied of Muhammad, "There cometh after Me he that is mightier than I".
@@ziiv6389that was John speaking about Jesus. You've never read the bible bro. That isn't Jesus speaking, that is John the Baptist saying make way for The Lord Jesus (who is GOD read Isaiah 40.)
@@JaDiLoco if it John who is speaking and not Jesus or The Father (Allah) so why is it in the Bible ??
The Bible was suppose to be The Father (Allah) words BUT!! it was changed By Humans!!!!!!!!! and Humans make mistake that is why the Bible today is full of lies and THAT is why the GOD Father sent another Prophit Mohamed to correct the changes that happened to the bible By giving us new HOOLY Book The Quran to follow
I read some of the Bible why dont you read some of the Quran
here is some verses to start with
When it is said to them, “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.” ˹Would they still do so,˺ even if their forefathers had ˹absolutely˺ no understanding or guidance? (170)
The example of the disbelievers ˹not responding to the Messenger’s warning˺ is like a flock not comprehending the calls and cries of the shepherd. ˹They are wilfully˺ deaf, dumb and blind so they have no understanding. (171) (2:170 and 171)
As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not-they will never believe (6) Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment (7) (2:6 and 7)
(Dont be one of this people)
Those who have no knowledge say, “If only Allah would speak to us or a sign would come to us!” The same was said by those who came before. Their hearts are all alike. Indeed, We have made the signs clear for people of sure faith (118) We have surely sent you with the truth ˹O Prophet˺ as a deliverer of good news and a warner. And you will not be accountable for the residents of the Hellfire (119) (2:118 and 119)
@@JaDiLoco Here some verses in the Quran read it
When it is said to them, “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.” ˹Would they still do so,˺ even if their forefathers had ˹absolutely˺ no understanding or guidance? (170) The example of the disbelievers ˹not responding to the Messenger’s warning˺ is like a flock not comprehending the calls and cries of the shepherd. ˹They are wilfully˺ deaf, dumb and blind so they have no understanding (171) (2:170 and 171)
Brother just told us an explanation that doesn’t even make sense. “It’s not the eyes that are blind, It is the heart.” [22:46]
If those 3 Gods are not separated, why should Jesus need to pray?
Because God the father an the son of God are one but separate just like your father on earth an mother have you in a family sense your all one meaning came from the same bloodline an yet your separate individuals come on its common sense
@@jholyroller6048they are one but separate, what
@@sammypie5501persons. And they are communicating because prayer=communication
Why should Jesus need to pray?
That's a good question and a lot of other people have asked, because they don't understand and to them it doesn't make sense, which is valid.
I kindly ask you to listen with an open mind.
An easy answer to that is: Jesus is our example in human form
Jesus is the word of God (John 1 :1) He is the word made flesh (v14)
- Jesus is our example in the flesh.
Meaning a physical human being. So when Jesus says "My God" or is praying to God the Father, He is giving us an example of how we should communicate with God.
Jesus was a human being when he walked the earth. In Micah 4:2 which was in the old testament, it was before Jesus existed, it said "He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths."
- The things that Jesus did or taught, we should do as well. Love God and Love others (the two greatest commandments)
Another example is Jesus's baptism at 30 years old. He didn't need to get baptised, because the purpose of baptism is to belong to God and removal of sins
2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 John 3:5 claims that Jesus was without sin! Yet He was still baptised to set as an example of what believers should do.
In many cases Jesus is fulfilling the prophecies of what the prophets said in the oldtestament
One of which was in Mark 15:34 when Jesus calls out to God "my God my God Why have you forsaken me?" He is quoting Psalms 22:1
If we we’re supposed to walk his path, or he shows the way of god, wtf would he look like if he didn’t pray. If he was supposed to show us worship and salvation, we would never have a basis if Jesus had a god complex and cared about himself and not others. Every human being on earth should pray in the eyes of god. If god puts himself in human form, not a godly form of himself on earth, then of course he would pray, that’s the rule he has for humans. "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. A god needs to be humble as well
Matthew 21:10: When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?" 11 The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."
Deuteronomy 18:15-19 KJV. 2 Corinthians 5 19 KJV and Hebrew 1:1-2 KJV.
God is spirit John 4 24 KJV. Jesus is a man Galatians 4:4-6.
Jesus accepted worship,read minds and did many great miracles including raising someone from the dead,all praise to the Son 🙏🏽
@@GentleSerpent Not only that, but he forgave sins, something only GOD can do. The quran doesn’t explain why he died- HE DIED BECAUSE HE CLAIMED TO BE GOD!!! Hallelujah
That's because at that time, the people didn't truly know who Jesus was. It wasn't until they saw miracles that they called him God. At that time, he was seen as a prohpet, not God as he was understood to be later in the Book. But of course, you wouldn't know that.
Revelation 22:13 Jesus-"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Quran 57:3 Allah- "He is the First and the Last, the Most High and Most Near,1 and He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things." Seems like Jesus claims to be God?
Did bro just say there are 2 gods? That’s not very monotheistic is it?
There is 1 god who are 3
“Father and the son” lol
@LauraJanus-h6g”Distinct but not separate”
He claims that both are distinct but how can a god be distinct
This is against monotheism
love how the channel is called “voice of reason” but he says anything but reason
😅😅 👏
You're too narrow minded to understand this
@@SoloSilence so I have to be retarded and slow mentally to understand this nonsense? Ok thx bro
Your reason is the quran where stones come to life and ran away with peoples clothes
@dmn5309 bro stop pulling stuff out of ur ass
Bro… you really didn’t help the situation.
Yes he did he opened my eyes even more. Please respond so I can help you to if not I just have to assume you are a bot
@@wolfkai8583church made up the trinity 😂😂
@@MMM.l they made the trinity based off scripture which I’m sure the Holy Spirit was the guide to helping put it together.
@@wolfkai8583 but there’s no mention in the scripture of trinity
@@MMM.l can I give you a verse from the old testament about the trinity?
I think it would be amazing if you can reach out to sheikh uthman and have a conversation with him.
trust he won't ever dare to have a debate with the son of zakir naik. Some will never admit the truth even if it is clear to them that their scripture is corrupted. So preaching is the new trend. I bet you that he is getting paid for every video he posts on social media.
Thank ALLAH for the blessing of being a muslim
@@nadimnaouach5839ah yes the same god that allowed your false prophet muhammad to go and marry the ex wife of his adopted son who he had sex with.
Or when he had sex with a 9 year old. Hmm very holy indeed.
Or when muhammad licked and got his saliva on the black stone in mecca
I would like that too, but he would never do that, because he would be destroyed😂
Fr tho u would be destroyed admit it !
he would be destroyed
فَإِنَّهَا لَا تَعْمَى الْأَبْصَارُ وَلَكِنْ تَعْمَى الْقُلُوبُ الَّتِي فِي الصُّدُورِ
["Its Not The Eyes That Are Blinded,But The Heart"]
Quran [22:46]
it is because you can't understand Qur'an scientifically, logically, it requires faith to understand thats why Mohammad(PBUH) fools you to believe on something came out of nowhere you must be blind to understand your religion.
"its easier to fool people than to convince them"
إله يصلي مع ملائكته لإنسان نكح ما طاب له من النساء! أكثر من ذلك عمى لا يوجد
😂😂😂 you make no sense @@NO_Arm55t
@@yusef-o5q like the Qur'an itself?
2+2= 5 because 2 is actually 2.5 💀
Look here is more nonsense
Trinity explain:
©Sam Shamoun🤓
But they are not the same, one prays to other and other is greater than the other, the third is unknown
--I don't give a f*ck(©Sam Shamoun🤓)
The other one where Sam tried to explain trinity:
Sam:How many doors does the car have ?
Sam:See it is one car but has different parts
-But it is made of more than tires , and doors.in fact it has more than 100 parts
Sam:Shut up and listen to me."i am a scolar you are a donkey"(quoted from CP's- the teacher of Sam Shamoun )
These are jokes with some truth from Sam's debades
Seriously why no christian till this cp and Sam knew about quran being totally wrong or Muhammad pbuh totally bad guy just these two have found out what Christians couldn't do for 1400??
Let's just laugh together for these idiots
No because +sign has a 1 in the middle so technically it's a minus not plus so that equals to infinity
Mark 13:32 Jesus didn’t know the hour and he knows everything and god never dies
God is the only One who never dies.
(1 Timothy 6 : 16)
Jesus died
(Rom. 5 : 8)
He worshiped the Father.
(John 17)
He prayed to the Father
(John 17 : 1)
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27 : 46)
& (Mark 15 : 34)
He was called man.
(Mark 15 : 39 ; John 19 : 5)
He was called Son of Man
(John 9 : 35 - 37)
He has a body of flesh and bones
(Luke 24 : 39)
He was tempted
(Matt. 4 : 1)
He grew in wisdom
(Luke 2 : 52)
But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
( Mathew 12 : 28)
Father is greater than I
(John 14 : 28)
...He (God) knows everything.
(1 John 3 : 20)
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Jesus did not know that Hour).
(Mathew 24 : 26)
God does what he wants to do.
(Romans 9 : 18)
Christ says that he came “not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me”
(John 6 : 38)
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27 : 46)
& (Mark 15 : 34)
In the Bible, God declares: “Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.”
(Isaiah 43:10)
Classic Muslim Personal Incredulity Fallacy, listen to him carefully
@@Mortal_Worlds_Researcher Jesus is God in the flesh. He allowed Himself to be crucified to pay the ultimate price in order to save all of humanity, that whomever may follow Him will have everlasting life. I can't believe people judge Christianity like scientific professors yet don't even understand this simple bit? Read the Bible. He praised the Father as that's God in the divine form. He is referred to the Son of God, the Son of man and many more. That doesn't change the fact that He is God in the flesh. Almost all of these verses need no explanation, but instead CONTEXT which you clearly took without. Don't lead people in oblivion just because of your misunderstandings. Muslims are so quick to jump for "contradictions" in the Bible when the Torah and Qur'an are evil. God bless you, you need to try speaking to Jesus before completely denying Him and hardening your heart.
Did Jesus know the hour? Mark 13:32
"But of that day & that hour knoweth no man, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Matthew 24:36, same event 2 different perspectives. Jesus here categorically distinguishes himself from men and angels & ranks himself above them, no man nor angel not even the son, but how do we account for him saying he doesn't "know" the day or hour. We also have to know what it means to call him the "son" when he has no biological father, clearly in a Devine sense. John
5:17-18 Jesus calls God his father & claims to be doing what the father does. & this leads the Jews to want to kill him because by calling God his own father he was making himself equal to God, the claim of son ship on the part of Jesus was a claim of equality. You should "know" Jesus spoke Hebrew and Armeic & Greek, but in Hebrew & Armeic there gramatical form known as a costive, where when a person says the word
"know" it doesn't always mean congestive information or intelectual data. Genesis 4:1 "& Adam knew Eve his wife & she conceived, and bare Cain, & said, I have gotten a man from the Lord" clearly that doesn't mean Adam had intelectual knowledge of Eve that & as a result of that she bore a son.
Amos 3:2 "You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities." As you can see the word know can be used in various ways like to make known. 1 Corinthians 2:2 to show you the word "know" is used in scripture.
"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ & him crucified." Does Paul litterally mean he knows nothing not even his name but only the crucifixion? No.
See you see how the word "know" is being used. In Jewish culture when a son gets his bride the right belongs to the father to declare that day. Its simply not his prerogative to reveal
Alhamdulillah he is doing Da’wah and converting Christians to Islam for us 😮
Intended audience:☦️✝️
Actual audience:🏴☪️🏴❤️❤️❤️
Jesus is Lord✝️✝️✝️
@@Leo-Lapulga10 Jesus ﷺ is prophet of lord
@@شاح nah bro ✝️✝️✝️
Isa is your profit abdool 🤣 @@شاح
bro living in delusion and talks like he is that smart 😂
He ia talking like he debunked sheikh Uthman.
Knows more than your satanic, stupid, pedophilic prophet
The cigar is supposedly a power move, an Andrew Tate superiority complex manifesting itself. May Allah protect us from being arrogant.
He was right, what are you on about. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean he's wrong.😂
@@3ddy445for real. These people are close hearted for god
No disrespect bro, but honestly your reasoning is why hundreds of thousands of Christians revert to Islam. They can’t be separate entities and one entity at the same time. Being God means you aren’t dependent on another being for anything.
They are the same essence, three distinct beings, Just like how i'm Body soul and spirit. My body isn't my soul and my soul isn't spirit and my spirit isn't my Body. How can you even dare and try to say How God "should" be. We don't question how Jesus walked on water, fed 4 thousand people with 2 fishes and 4 loaves. We don't question how God can split seas and flood an entire planet; but here you think you can try and say theres no way He exists other then the way you think he does.
Stop putting God in a box.
and many Christians convert cause they never were Christian and never read the Qur'an.
Muhammad allows slavery, had sex and married with a 9 year old girl, allows prostitution through a marriage loophole, allows his followers to rape married woman gained from war, and promotes a "heaven" that's focused on wicked carnal man infested ideologies "Where men have eternal erections and plow on woman like fields."
@@JaDiLocoyou have to question what is God really is
He never said they were separate, he said they were distinct.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same ONE person.
It's the ONE same God manifesting Himself in three PERSONALITIES, not persons. Scripture proves this over and over, I encourage us to study to show ourselves approved.
It's like the same ONE YOU being a son/daughter to your parents, a husband/wife to your spouse and a father/mother to your child.
The same ONE you! Just three different titles, not names.
I encourage us to pray about this too as it may sound new to many of y'all... It is basic simple truth.
May God open your understanding. 🙏🏾
To all the Muslims commenting on this video either insulting Christianity or saying that Jesus is a prophet and not God:
Repent now, or it will be too late.
Whoever does not accept into his or her heart that Jesus Christ is God, will perish and not have eternal life.
(In simple words: No Heaven for you.)
Sometimes I’m not sure if this guy is a undercover Muslim. His answers seem to validate the Muslim point of view all the time
He always validated about the muslim why he won't validate the Bible , ferst before he comment about Christian , don't tell while Jesus is praying to God Jesus is not God ,
"undercover muslim" 😂😂😂
Jokes aside. Muslims cannot say "yeah I'm a Christian" as a lie like you guys do for war propaganda or for taking from Christian audiences away from islam
@@bernadethcaputli4710if you talk to your father does that make you not a person? Of course not and no one would argue that. So why does Jesus talking to His Father make Him not God? No prophet calls God Father, only the Son Jesus Christ. The trinity is hard to understand and comprehend, but Jesus talking to His Father does not mean He is not God, it only means He is not the Father but is One with the Father as He claims multiple times
@@everythingwwe2800so if David (PBUH) is the son of God then is he also God
@@everythingwwe2800 it is not talk a pray is something a talk is something else.
It didn't say and then Jesus fell on his face and started talking.
it said Jesus fell on his face and started praying.
You see praying is only for God.
Also David according to Jews is the Son of God but not in the same sense as Jesus for Christians.
If I got a penny for each time a Christian tried to make his belief make sense, I would no doubt be the richest man ever!
It requires faith to understand its beyond human understanding according to the bible
I assume you have that faith, does it make sense to you?@@NO_Arm55t
@@NO_Arm55tfaith isnt enough to achieve absolute certainty. And i dont like that.
I need 100% sure and understanding of what i am worshipping.
Haha nice joke now go back and commit some crimes in the name of thine faith and play the victim afterwards
Now I can talk to my son why Islam is the only religion will make sense and pure logic.
Truly wonder if you would want Islam and Sharia if you had 3 daughters
@@tonnytrumpet734 Having 3 rightfully raised daughters makes you automatically enter Jannah
Come to the same point, Jesus says, no one knows that day nor the son but only the father? Islam believe in Jesus, Moses ibraham jakup David nowah , if one Muslim reject one of them prophets he can't be Muslim, alhamdolillah islam is the true religion, Jesus was also Muslim, Muslim means , worship only the true God, God only 1 can't be tow
@@JUSTFORLAUGH-z5nIf I were a Christian I would prefer to worship Jesus' mother, in my opinion Jesus' mother is greater because she could give birth to God
It was the Holy Spirit that made Mary pregnant, and Mary gave birth to Him, @@appi7012.
Jesus is the messenger of god. That clearly makes sense. "It's not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts"
Jesus is the son of god. The Quran is a plagiarised book off faulty sources
The word trinity is not mentione in whole bible
But quran mentions twice : dont say trinity ,there is only one god ❤😊
Yeah the trinity would be three beings that are the same being one god
The word TAWHID is not mentioned in the Quran. What now?
It even shows how ignorant the Quran author was by not mentioning the trinity correctly. What a "whole knowing"....
@@gs.daniel87 tawhid comes from the word Ahad meaning one and that is repeated in Surah 112 which is all about God's oneness. Tip for future: if you see an arabic word, go to its root word first
@@haithamkhan4782so it is not in the Quran 😅
Actually according to the explanation of the guy above you it's mentioned in the Quran in the adjective form (ahad)...
But in Arabic if you want to talk about it and explain it because it's a big science in the religious sciences in which you need to go in deep details about that adjective in order to define it and understand it well, so you need to call the noun form (infinitive) just like any other science.
Just get a name in any science you want to study such as chemistry, biology, literature... They're all in noun forms... So it's very logical but the thing is that you don't seem to know much Arabic to understand it cuz English and trinity are all over your mind 😅
No offense ❤@@Shawn03.
Why did God have to come down, to become the son of himself, to preach to you about him, and died just to convince himself to forgive you for your sins
Welcome ti Christianity 😂
This is a question christians try to avoid. Lol.
@@anti.anarchy 💯
“distinct but not separate” is literally a contradiction
Edit: corrected my mistake
I was going to make this exact comment, you beat me to it. 😂
He actually said, "distinct, but not separate"
I do agree though, bro DID NOT explain that correctly...
@@molemomolapo distinct but not separate that doesn't make sense at all. If jesus is god he should be all powerful depedent all knowing and immortal. Jesus moses abraham David noah all of them preached the one god concept. At the end of the day everyone can believe whatever they want but if you love jesus try be honest and figure out what he actually preached because definitely jesus was preaching the gospels or Paul letters
@@mukadoyouseph8614Mohammad is a fraud
Because Jesus is the rolemodel for us... Jesus born and lived as human to show the mankind how a human should live....... He doesn't need pray but he did to show as the importantace of prayer
Bro your logic doesn't make sense.
May Allah guide you
His answer makes perfect sense, you just don’t wanna listen to
@@BEAST_BOY_SHINOBI you obviously don’t know anything about the HOLY TRINITY, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The three parts of God, not three individual gods
@@Ry1n_0 if ur saying all of them 3 are 1 .
Then why do are they so limited (except the father)
Why did ur Jesus (pbuh) need to die for their sins? Can't he forgive? He is a god right?
@@BEAST_BOY_SHINOBI they aren’t limited. Jesus was only limited when he was on earth because he CHOSE to limit himself, as he is a human. That’s why he prayed to the Father because at the time, the Father could do more form Heaven. Also, Jesus died for our sins because for someone to be forgiven they need to pay the cost. Jesus payed that cost for all of us up on the cross so he could forgive us.
this guy thinks he said something smart but it still doesn't make sense, the question remains how god can pray to him self
You are slow. Jesus is not praying to himself. If prayer is communication with God and and Jesus is God but not the father, what is the problem with Jesus communicating with the father? this is so basic.
@@johan_liebert2385I am also confused. Can you help me better understand Christ. In church I asked some questions and didn’t get a good answer. Maybe you can help me understand some points for me:
How can Jesus be god if:
1. he did not know the hour ? (Mark 13:32). …Doesn’t God know everything? Was Jesus not god on earth but only god in heaven? If Jesus was god on earth and had no full knowledge how can god not know something? I don’t get it.
2.Jesus claims he of himself can do nothing (john 5:30)…why is God saying he can’t do anything on his own? So god is dependent on his god the father. So god had a god ?
3.Jesus claim that his will is less powerful than the fathers. So do these three in one all have different wills? All have different levels of power ? They are not co equal ? (John 12:49)
4.Jesus said the father is greater than I (John 14:28). So the three distinct have different levels of superiority. So how can it be three in one if they are no equal to each other? So should we refer the father more than Jesus ?
5.Jesus emptied himself from being god and became a baby who needed to nurse, eat, and use the bathroom. So god lost his divine power and being almighty ? To humble himself so he can save us from himself by punishing himself on the cross ?
The numeric contradictions in the Bible?
Mat 1:16, Luke 3:23
2 Samuel 24:9, 1 chron 21:5
2 chronicles 22:2, 2 kings 8:26
Please help me understand the faith. You seem intelligent and some understanding for me and help on every point would be very nice of you. God bless you.
@@Mon-q495 Satan challenged God’s right to rule. Yes God could have destroyed Satan and Adam and Eve right then, but millions of angels witnessed this challenge. The angels could have wondered if Satan was right. Time is nothing to God. In 2 Peter 3:8 says “one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” So God has allowed e light time to go by to prove to mankind they can’t rule themselves. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes mankinds attitudes i. The last days. “But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to it’s powers and from these turn away.” Don’t we see these very traits in man today? Soon God is going to bring peace to mankind through his kingdom. In Psalms 37:10-11+29 says man will live forever on the earth in an abundance of peace
@@Mon-q495 Ok I really appreciate it. I will try helping you out because these are very tricky questions. I'll try being concise with it as well.
1.About the day and the hour we should understand the context of that verse. Jesus was making analogies of himself being the groom of Israel. In Jewish tradition in the time of marriage, only the father "knew" the hour the groom was to get his bride but in reality the groom knew as well but chose not to reveal it out of respect to the father. This is further strengthened as the word know in the Greek of that verse "oiden" means "reveal" especially within biblical contexts. For example in 1 Corinthians 2:2 "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
The word "oiden" was used again but Paul used it in the sense to not reveal because we know that Paul obviously doesn't know anything but Jesus. Also throughout the bible it explains Jesus's omniscience
John 16:30 "Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions."
Or him saying that only he knows the Father. What prophet can say " only I can comprehend God" So we clearly know how to interpret that verse isn't in a way to say Jesus lacks knowledge. We also know that he does know about the end times because he give a full description of what will happen before and after that day comes (seeing the future) not to mention in the gospels Jesus legitimately reads people's minds.
This is a lot to write but I will address your other ones in other comments
@@Mon-q495 2. He can do nothing of his own because he shares the exact same will of his father. He is saying that he doesn't have a will that is separate from the father so whatever the father wills, he wills as well. Because he and the Father are one
John 5:19 "Jesus gave them this answer: 'Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.'"
He can do NOTHING but what he sees the father doing so his will is the same as the Father. But also look. this is Jesus claiming to be God. What prophet can say "I can do nothing but What I see God doing and just the way he does it"
The whole concept of trinity doesn't make sense how can he accept this
Nah, you talk about beliving in some force that is all might. It does not make sense. But you still belive in.
@@stachpema452it does though
It would make sense if you have sense 😂😂😂 ✝️👑✝️
@@Tops470Right, coming from the people that argue 1+1+1=1...
@@BennySavage-gj2ft it would be better if you consider 1x1x1=1.
☺️Dont be lazy and just scroll down the comments read this for rewards
~La ilaha illallah3x
~Allahu akbar3x
~Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi3x
~La hawla wala quwata illa billah3x
~Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilahi3x
Simple answer - Jesus is showing us what to do in our everyday life.
So why do you do a cross symbol then? Jesus was praying on the ground
@@dog-ye1stthink of it as a sign of respect for Christ sacrificing his life on the cross for everyone, also it is a Catholic behavior not all Christians do the sign of the cross.
@@bananaman862I'm sorry, but genuinely that doesn't seem to make sense.
Like say for example my father died to protect me and benefit my life, but in the process of saving me he was killed by a sword, would it make logical sense for me to carry a sword for the rest of my life to honour his sacrifice.
It just seems strange to honor someone with the thing that killed them.
@@hhermon6415 Jesus knew how he would die and he did it willingly. The whole point of his death was to give everyone the chance to go into heaven by taking our sins from us. At any point he could’ve saved himself and harmed everyone he tried to kill him, but he didn’t and went through with the crucifixion because he knew what had to be done.
@@bananaman862 Erm okay, but that diesnt really answer my point
And ˹remember˺ when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O children of Israel! I am truly Allah’s messenger to you, confirming the Torah which came before me, and giving good news of a messenger after me whose name will be Aḥmad.”1 Yet when the Prophet came to them with clear proofs, they said, “This is pure magic.”
debate me lil bro
Christ is king ✝️ 👑
@@santino_111gaming3 Yes Yaoi believe Jesus is God but I don’t I believe he was a messenger of God
torah came from moses, injil came from jesus, quran came from muhammed.
only one not able to be corrupted is the quran
@@santino_111gaming3 why is that
I'm not Christian, but Jesus did everything he did to Show the Way, it is a very very simple concept to understand. Even if he is praying to himself, he is showing the way to live.
Jesus prayed the same way all the others Jews were doing at the time
As a Catholic I agree that Jesus showed the way but nothing what Jesus showed was simple, which is why in John 6 a lot of his disciples left him.
I mean he is not really praying to himself like jesus is not the only entity with god like powers like the father and the holy spirit. But at the end of the day he was roleplaying as a human showing humans how to act
@@Narasimha_TheSher Jesus is God. Just wondering, what faith are you and what people?
@@Narasimha_TheSher Ah ok so atheist? What train of thought or school of thought or philosophy in Atheism brought up that idea? I thought Atheists would say Jesus lied about his divinity (Jesus lied argument) but this is the first time I heard Atheists used the followers lied argument.
The most clever answer from a Christian when he/she can't Explain is it's a MYSTERY !!
this is probably the most stupid reply ive ever heard
Ye,I love Allah
Talk about the dumbest
don’t ever let bro cook again.
Then based on your definition, they are separate gods
No he means Jesus was god of the land thats a saying but he is the son of God
God has many sons besides jesus.are they also god of land?
It is largely beyond human comprehension, but I think of it like this. God is like a peanut. One of those big ones with three peanuts inside. So God as a whole is the peanut as a whole, and the individual persons of God are the individual peanuts inside the shell.
So both are three in one, and yet one in the same.
When God sent his son to Earth, I imagine it like taking one of the peas from the pod. That peanut is now separate and distinct from the whole peanut. Just as Jesus, to my understanding was separate and distinct from God. But after Jesus’s death and resurrection, he rejoined God. Like putting the peanut back into the shell. Now it is part of the one individual peanut again, which again consists of three different nuts.
Did this make any sense?
Jesus and the father are the same being but different persons. It's different from humans who are one being and one person or animals who are beings but not persons. The closest example I can give you is your spirit is not your body is not your soul but all are you.
@@zidane0196That's not what the speaker of the video said. He said they were not the same entity. His logic equates to 2 different Gods
For those confused muslims please read this: Jesus prayed to God the father because he is the almighty but the son who is God in human flash prayed to his to Fathe(Jesus talked to his father indirectly), if you don't understand this even tho I simplified it, please learn about trinity, thank you.
But the trinity is illogical. We humans rely on logic? If not, we will believe in anything.
It isn't illogical see us as human beings can't make sense out of everything because it takes time to understand the concept, So let's say something exists and it's illogical for a human to think now here let me give you explaination of something illogical that is actually logical, One interesting example is the concept of a "vicious circle" or "circular reasoning." At first glance, it seems illogical because it appears to be a loop that doesn't lead anywhere. However, it can be logical within certain contexts. For instance, if someone argues that "the law is valid because it is upheld by the law," it seems circular. Yet, this can be logical within a legal framework where the validity of laws relies on their enforcement and societal acceptance, creating a self-reinforcing cycle. This highlights how something that seems illogical on the surface can have a logical foundation when viewed in the right context.
@BLOODTHORNE-m2n I see your point about how something can initially seem illogical but can be logical in a certain context, like the concept of a "vicious circle" or "circular reasoning" However, when we apply that to the Trinity, the situation is quite different. While a vicious circle can be understood within its specific context, the Trinity concept still poses a challenge to logical consistency. The idea that God is both one and three. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit violates the principle of identity, which states that something can not be both itself and something else at the same time. It creates a paradox, making it impossible to reconcile without contradiction. Unlike circular reasoning, which might reinforce itself within a legal or societal context, the Trinity doesn't offer a straightforward logical framework where these contradictions can be resolved. Therefore, even though something might seem illogical on the surface, the concept of the Trinity remains mystery and illogical for someone seeking a coherent, non-contradictory explanation.
There is no God but allah and Mohammed and Jesus are the messengers
Other then Mohammed all profits talked about Jesus being salvation and suffering for the people .
@@uwohiyuhi-achoogi456i think u forgot the oart where we dont believe in the bible cause its corrupt in our book every messenger preached that god is one and u shoukd worship him alone.
Muhammad the pedophile. Give me a break
@@aneeqkhan9573 The Quran is corrupt, because it is supposed to be one unaltered book, which it’s not. There are several versions of the Quran, and it has been altered up the 20th century. The Quran teaches evil, like after war Muslims are allowed to take the possessions of the enemy including their wifes and grape them, and keep them as slaves. Mohamed is sinful, whereas Jesus Christ is sinless. Why would the greatest messenger of Allah have so much sin? Why is Jesus born miraculously of a Virgin, but Mohamed’s mom is hell?
Why would an all-powerful God need a messenger?
Especially one who killed people and who had a child bride?
Is Jesus dependent or independent from god
Google Sam Shamoun Trinity explained
@@psyche9580 that guy is ignorant. No offences but he uses devil word (he keeps cursing)
@@SulleyG Give me the evidence of him swearing.
I think when Sam Shamoun and David Wood have some conversation with shaykh Uthman, Sam Shamoun said some inappropiate word
@@ninjaxbrawlstarsr5853maybe check shaikh Uthman debate with David Wood
Bro what nonsense are you trying to justify
That Jesus is gods son and he was praying to his father
@@Christian-o9o but if his god who’s
Up there cuz I thought god came down as a man? And I thought god don’t have a father mother kids wife or siblings or any family
@@ArbaazWaseem jesus is human god and he is bring ppl to god the creator of Jesus
Also you say thus bc your Muslim if you red in the bibel there is evidence
Repent please or it will be too late. Praise Jesus, the one and only Lord. Amen 🙏 ❤
three different persons, but they are same, at the same time they're different 😵💫
I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. ❤❤❤
(Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted.
(James 1:13) God cannot be tempted.
(John 1: 29) Jesus was seen.
(1 John 4: 12) no man has ever seen God.
(Acts 2: 22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God.
(Numbers 23: 19, Hosea 11: 9) God is not a man.
(Hebrews 5: 8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn.
(Isaiah 40: 28) God doesn't even need to learn.
(1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus died.
(1 Timothy 1: 17) God cannot die.
(Hebrews 5: 7) Jesus needed salvation.
(Luke 1: 37) God doesn't need salvation.
(John 4: 6) Jesus grew weary.
(Isaiah 40: 28) God cannot grow weary.
(Mark 4: 38) Jesus slept.
(Psalm 121: 2-4)God doesn't sleep.
(John 5: 19) Jesus wasn't all powerful.
(Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful.
(Mark 13: 32) Jesus wasn't all knowing.
(Isaiah 49: 9) God is all knowing.
(Isaiah 29 : 12 New king James version):
Then the book is delivered to one who is illiterate, saying "Read this please". And he says "I'm not literate"
Peace be upon the one who was mentioned years before he was born. "Read" was the first word to appear in the Holy Quran.
Surah Az-Zukhruf (Chapter 43), verse 81:
"Say [O Muhammad], 'If the Most Merciful had a son, then I would be the first of worshippers.'"
1. **Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:116)**:
- "And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, "Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?"' He will say, 'Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.'"
2. **Surah An-Nisa (4:171)**:
- "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, 'Three'; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs."
3. **Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:72)**:
- "They have certainly disbelieved who say, 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary' while the Messiah has said, 'O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers."
4. **Surah Maryam (19:88-92)**:
- "And they say, 'The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son.' You have done an atrocious thing. The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation. That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son. And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son."
"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger."
Jesus, known as 'Isa in Arabic, is mentioned in several verses of the Quran. Here are some key verses:
1. **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:87)**
> "We gave Moses the Scripture and followed up after him with messengers. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs and supported him with the Pure Spirit."
2. **Surah Al-Baqarah (2:253)**
> "Those messengers - some of them We caused to exceed others. Among them were those to whom Allah spoke, and He raised some of them in degree. And We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear proofs, and We supported him with the Pure Spirit."
3. **Surah Al-Imran (**3:45**)**
> "[And mention] when the angels said, 'O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah].'"
4. **Surah Al-Imran (**3:52**)**
> "But when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from them, he said, 'Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah?' The disciples said,' We are supporters for Allah. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].'"
5. **Surah Al-Imran (**3:55**)**
> "[Mention] when Allah said, 'O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ.'"
6. **Surah An-Nisa (4:157-158)**
> "And [for] their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain. Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise."
7. **Surah An-Nisa (4:171)**
> "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, 'Three'; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs."
8. **Surah Al-Maidah (5:110)**
> "[The Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, 'This is not but obvious magic.'"
9. **Surah Al-Maidah (5:116)**
> "And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, 'O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, "Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?"' He will say, 'Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.'"
10. **Surah Maryam (**19:16**-34)**
> This passage narrates the story of Mary and the miraculous birth of Jesus, emphasizing his prophetic mission and miraculous abilities granted by Allah.
God had a son ?! God doesn't beget my friend, He is not a Human, even Angels do not beget. Christians are the only ones saying that their God has a son, it's about time to wake up and search for the truth, life is temporary and it doesn't worth it to live it deluded.
@@sihaminora9927 tbh good points about God doesn't need sleep, but jesus slept and stuff like that yes brother i get it BUT jesus humbled himself,became a human,limited himself to show us what he was like as a human and what was a human supposed to do. Jesus was a human,is not a human.but what about the man part? It clearly states that jesus was and IS (present time IS) a man. but by a man the verse meant that he was a boy,(aka his gender was a boy) it's just my opinion. I know there are people who can explain it better than me but still i wanted to share my opinion. God bless.
@@BBNneeews Listen I'm a Muslim, Christians think that we muslims worship a God named Allah. Well Allah is not a name, it means God in Arabic. God is one, ain't no other deity with him, He doesn't have a son/parents/wives/siblings... ain't no one comparable to Him, He is unique. Jesus peace be upon him, is the son of Mary, the prophet and messenger of God, my God is yours as well and the God of EVERYTHING the only difference between y'all and us is that we muslims doesn't attribute to Him a family... Mary is in no way the wife than the mother of God (He could have a son with another God, if there was many Gods, not with a teenager, but He never had a son nor a wife) think logically, how can a Being be a Father and a Son in the same time, we are not denying Jesus, we believe in him, but why don't you worship Mary as well ? She is the mother of what you think is your God !! If you got possess, can you cohabit with a being in one vehicle ? You wanna turn right but he wanna go left.. in which verse Jesus said that he and God are cohabiting in the same body ???
@@sihaminora9927 alrighty listen Jesus came here on this earth as a human form he limited himself to become a human now how did Mary give birth to a God? Well like i said Jesus came here as a human form, normally humans are born through a womb of a woman. Jesus wanted to be born like us my brother to show us what he was capable of and what we had to do to.
So why does the father didn't prayed to son? If its not confusing you doesn't follow Jesus you follow Paul!
Because Jesus came to serve the father, not the other way around. 😭 you guys cannot be serious.
@@johan_liebert2385yes to the father and father is the god not Jesus
@@mahinurrahman5745 I was making it clear that it isn't a contradiction what I said. Secondly you are begging the question. Thirdly, Jesus is also God yet one with the Father. The Father calls Jesus God.
@@johan_liebert2385how tf does that make sense the father calls Jesus god ? Then why is the father up ur telling me the fathers up and Jesus is down cuz he came as human form but why would the father be up if he isn’t god make it make sense u sound like a 3 year old even then if he is god why’s he praying as asking help from his “father” is he is god that’s not making sense he’s the one that’s god like u jus said the father isn’t so why’s he praying to his father when his god wtf
@@ArbaazWaseem You see there is stupid then there is more stupid. When did I say the Father isn't God. Him and his Son are God as they share the same divine nature.
“But of the Son he says, ‘Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.’” Hebrews 1:8
the Father is speaking. They are distinct from each other and yet one. Furthermore there is nothing wrong about God the Son praying to God the Father. If prayer is communication with God, you expect the son to not communicate with his father? He is not praying to himself.
Source: trust me bro💀
@@allyd444 Worst source😂
@@عبدالرحمنابوعيسى-ش based on 200+ fulfilled prophecies and promises, that still come to life, words visible in the testimony of many and in society we can see that the end is near, everybody encountering jesus, the bible and jesus changing everybodys life, historical and archäological evidence, all the prophets having the same revelation till the crucifixion, the teaching of love, the warning of islam, the only holy book based around a god that loves us and proved his grace by loving so much that he died for us
so nah, don't think so, and why you laughing?
@@allyd444 bro used the most corrupt source ever.
The gospel of the dumbass paul who wants to be a Main character in God's story.
‘You have to look at it in a Trinitarian perspective’
So why didn’t none of the early church fathers within the first 3 centuries after Jesus acknowledge the trinity?
Mark 10:18. ‘Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.’ Do we really need to say more than this?
Here's what was happening in that passage from the question. A “rich young ruler” (a good, law abiding citizen) came to Jesus and asked him “Good Master, what must I do that I may have eternal life?” GREAT QUESTION, right? Jesus responded by saying: “WHY are you calling me good? ONLY God is GOOD.”
Jesus was asking the ruler, essentially, “are you calling me God?” Because if you are, you are right, young man! He was testing his heart
@@Color_me_grey Hi there friend, Regarding your response there are only 2 possibilities of the meaning of this passage.
1. We take it at face value like many other passages and read it as it is. ‘No one except god is good’ or ‘Only God is good’. Which both mean that Jesus himself was saying that God ALONE is good.
2. We assume it was a test that he decided to carry out wherein he says ‘No one is good except god alone’ but in a false manner? Would this either mean that he is good with god or that there are others besides god that are good?
Do you see how this overtime can be misconstrued into the worship of other than god? And that all messengers were solely sent with the message that god is one and to worship him alone? Jesus was not only an amazing man, he was very intelligent and knew multiple languages. He wouldn’t have played games with wordplay and let his own words be misunderstood for a test. Therefore the safer option to take is the 1st of the 2. I hope this helps you understand our perspective. Thank you for reading.
Jesus clearly didnt deny being good, he literally calls himself the good Shepherd. He asked whyyy do you call me, clearly he was asking , but he didnt deny it.
@@Trini_Queen so you base your belief in Jesus being God on a nuance of the word good when the original language could have had so much meaning lost through translation? And the same Jesus said “The father is greater than I” which shows distinction and hierarchy, not equality
Philippians 9-11
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, [10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
You just made it sound more confusing than I initially thought it was🤦🏻♂️😂😂😂😂
Because it's false, God is supposed to be in control, now if he prays to someone else how is he supposed to be in control?
@destiny6080 absolutely correct ..God is defined by his greatness over his creation not his creation having the ability to put 'god' on a cross to kill him as a sacrifice for his own creation's sins so he can forgive them ...total nonsense from the get go lol
From the beginning Yashuah was with Yah , we are spirit in the flesh not flesh with a spirit . All major and minor prophets such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were given The Holy Spirit of Yah in fact Yah wrestled all night with Yah. Who can know Him completely not know one today the world is upside down a cesspool of rebate minds . The son OF YAH is one in the spirit with The Father and if you deny Him so will my Papa Yah deny you . I am completely ashamed of this world adding and taking from my Yashuas word !! Shameful 😢😭
im an atheist, but look up the definition of trinity, its self explanatory. it made sense
basically a 3 in 1. one entity with 3 manifestations? feel free to correct me, christians.
@@aahhhhhhhhhhhhh Three manifestations of the same being still doesn't explain why one manifestation needs to pray to another manifestation.
One one manifestation knows when judgment day is but another manifestation doesn't.
Why one manifestation asks the other manifestation why he has forsaken him on the cross.
There are many more questions.
that why islam is more easier to understand..His answer is more complicated than women🗿🗿🗿🗿
Eh, I don’t understand why Mohamed mounted a 9 year old playing with dolls.
thats not funny, (coming from a muslim)
He just wants to make this video to stand in his astraying belief not to
He made perfect sense, you guys just aren't that bright.
@@SoloSilence What your books told you was different from what you believe in
John 5:30 - "I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will." JESUS WAS A MUSLIM!
if a distinct person is praying to another distinct person that makes the one thay is prayed to is greater than the one who is praying.
I studied nuclear physics and organic chem and they were easier to understand than what hes saying
Why would God make his religion complicated?
This is so basic. It's scary how you refuse to understand. If prayer is communication with God and Jesus is God but not the Father, what is the problem with Jesus communicating with the FATHER. it ain't that hard.
@@johan_liebert2385 I agree it's not that hard for someone that high to speak to god similar to other prophets David, moses, Adam and Muhammed. The scary thing is you are not following your own book and added partners with god
Bruh it’s just the son who is Jesus praying to the father
@@joynalsayadi7423 Let me show you some verses and be genuine. Tell me if muhammad can say these things
"John 20:28:
Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
John 10:30-33:
"I and the Father are one.
John 1:1-3, 14:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. ... The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."
Colossians 1:15-19:
"The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
Hebrews 1:3:
"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word."
Hebrews 1:8:
"But about the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.'"
Isaiah 9:6:
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
John 14:9
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father
Romans 9:5:
"Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all,
Revelation 1:8:
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God
Hebrews 1:6:
"And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says, 'Let all God's angels worship him.'"
Revelation 1:17-18:
I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.'"
John 17:5:
"And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began."
John 14:6-7:
I am the way and the truth and the life.
There are plenty more. Just ask yourself, can Muhammad or any other prophet say such things?
@@joynalsayadi7423 he didn't just speak to God, he said he was God.
Quran 33:56 says Allah and his angels sent prayers for Muhammad. So, who's Allah praying *to*?
Prayer is a way to communicate with a divine being.
Pray has different meanings depending on the context. For example, when I was struggling with my homework, I prayed to my dad for guidance and inspiration. (Prayed could mean appeal to, invoke, petition, request, and so on.)
God bless 🙌
Bro finna be looking like an gang member from Ecuador out of a coma
Follow Jesus pray to father like Jesus did
Okay but then arnt you neglecting god as a whole?
This also doesn't answer the point if god worshiping god
as a Muslim I'm going to say this ok I am a CEO my friend is also the CEO of the same store but at a different location I listen to this friend abought avry thang I take orders from him but where on the same level right so why am I'm taking order from a guy that I same level as me where both CEOs this dose not make sense its like god praying to ANOTHER GOD btw no hate love you dude just needed to say that so you can understand where I'm coming from and as Muslim how a thank.
@@hhermon6415Wouldn't you be rejecting God if you can't believe that God who is all powerful can come in some form?
@@timinator900 Well no, if an all powerful being becomes limited then it ceases ti be all powerful.
If we take the logic that God can do literally anything even things that contradict his nature than God doing all sorts of ungodly things becomes possible.
@@timinator900not really,god clearly says there's nothing like him,even in bible it says God is not a man
But even if you ignore that where it stop
How about Hindus they have millions of God's is that plausible for you??ancient Egyptians worshipped cats,according to your method,couldn't God b in that form??for me there's no need for God to come in any form,this does not befit his majesty
"As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not-they will never believe Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment"
Subhannallah! What verse is that?
@ jazakallah khair
@@goodguy-vl7jnsurah baqarah 2:6
If they are distinct how can they be ONE ?
Bro tryna explainin but in fact he just yappin' 🤣🤣
Bro I think he is the root cause of Muslims to revert to Islam, bro your explanation is not good or convincing it’s not even correct
John 10 verse 30
*I and my father are one*
Hebrews 1:6 (Angels *Worshiped* Jesus)
*And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.*
Hebrews 1:2 (Jesus Created The Entire World)
*hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds*
John chapter 8:58 (Jesus was before Abraham)
*“Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am the one.” I am the one.”*
John 14:9 (Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father)
*Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?*
John 3:16 (No one comes the father except through me)
*Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The only path to salvation is by Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.*
There is no reason to take this verse to mean that Christ [Maseeh Alayhissalaam] was saying that he and the Father make up “one God.” The phrase was a common one, and even today if someone used it, people would know exactly what he meant-he and his father are very much alike. When Paul wrote to the Corinthians about his ministry there, he said that he had planted the seed and Apollos had watered it. Then he said, “he who plants and he who waters are one” (1 Cor. 3:8 - KJV). In the Greek texts, the wording of Paul is the same as that in John 10:30, yet no one claims that Paul and Apollos make up “one being.” Furthermore, the NIV translates 1 Corinthians 3:8 as “he who plants and he who waters have one purpose.” Why translate the phrase as “are one” in one place, but as “have one purpose” in another place? In this case, translating the same phrase in two different ways obscures the clear meaning of Christ’s statement in John 10:30: Christ always did God’s will; he and God have “one purpose.”
@@MSNEDITZ Revelation 22:13 - I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. you can mald all you want but no manipulation and twisting of words you are capable of can change the meaning of this
An ambiguous statement
@@AliuAbdulquddus fine then here…
John 10 verse 30
*I and my father are one*
Hebrews 1:6 (Angels *Worshiped* Jesus)
*And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.*
Hebrews 1:2
*hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds*
John chapter 8:58
*“Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am the one.” I am the one.”*
John 14:9
*Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?*
John 3:16
*Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. The only path to salvation is by Jesus. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.*
Jesus also said " I and the disciples are one" does that mean they are one being
27:14 And they rejected them, while their [inner] selves were convinced thereof, out of injustice and haughtiness. So see how was the end of the corrupters.
These Moslems think you can explain faith, something that can't be empirically proven anyway, with logic! They are more foolish than the Christians, because at least, Christians accept that religion is based on something metaphysical and not based on science.
As a Buddhist, we believe that we must surmount our basest feelings in order to break the chain of suffering. By constantly trying to prove and disprove the unprovable, theists and particularly Moslems because they are so fanatical, tie themselves in knots!
“They are distinct but not separate is self-contradictory”.
Being distinct means they are separate beings/ entities.
If God is one then he’s ultimately praying to himself. If he’s 3 distinct entities then God is a plural (which is polytheism).
Hence the problem with the trinity.
Polytheism is the belief in:
• A False deity or more than one god
They include, the belief that:
• God has literal relatives
• a separate being is literally a part of God’s essence.
• that something can challenge God even slightly or is not fully bound by God.
That’s polytheism^
What you’re describing sounds like a car with 3 main parts. Yea, it’s one car, but the car has distinct parts.
claiming something ‘created’ is a part of the God is where the problem lies. It’s mixing the essence of God with something created - hence it’s polytheistic.
Here’s a question for you my friend,
How do you differentiate the True God from a false deity ?
Okay than answer me this: Is the word of Allah… Allah? If the word of Allah is not Allah and the attributes of Allah are not Allah and are distinct but also they are eternal, how does that not mean the same (since you said distinct means separate)?
The word came *from* Him.
The word is not *a part* of Him.
& God’s characteristics are qualities that describe Him, not distinct living beings/ entities.
There’s a clear difference between a quality that describes God & what God owns (like property).
@@randomjoy8411 you didn’t answer the question; Is the Word of Allah…Allah or not?
I did. The word comes *from* God but is not a literal part of God..
So the word is separate from His essence.
God is so powerful that he can not be contained simply to one form. His words are so powerful that they are a being of their own, and the breath on which He speaks is a third being.
When the second being, the Word of God, communicates with God, it is prayer, because prayer is simply a conversation.
That DIRECTLY contradicts what god is. There is a difference between what god is and what god does. Logically god cannot have 2 or 3 forms because he is one and relies on no one. Using your logic that means god is so powerful he could make himself Satan, or cease to exist, or even make a god higher than him.
@@GeoNoob the problem with any explaination of the trinity is when you delve deep into it, that it becomes heretical. it's a good teaching trick to introduce someone to it, and help them understand it.
@@patrickpelletier9298 im not sure how you can believe in a religion when the doctrine of God, the very thing christianity revolves around can't even be explained.
@@GeoNoob explain to me every little detail about making steel.
If you can’t, does that mean steel doesn’t exist? Or does it just mean that we can’t comprehend it because we don’t have the background of it.
Mysteries of God are far beyond what our minds can handle (the flesh is weak) but it doesn’t make God or the Mystery any less true. The Bible says there is One God, but also shows that there are three parts to God.
So what you just said means god is too powerful to hold himself together?
The easiest way to explain this is that God came down to earth to TEACH us. In every aspect, including prayer. It wouldnt make sense if God came down and then asked everyone to pray to him (in physical form). He taught us to pray to him in his natural form.
okay so if you follow Jesus and he taught how to pray, then why you're laying with your face to the ground, and why other Christians neither do it? cause as you said, Jesus taught how to pray so why you're not doing same thing as him?
@cidle Jesus taught us 5 different ways to pray. Kneeling with my face to the ground is one of them.
😂😂😂but you don't pray like he teaches you😂😂😂😂
Because he didn't teach he was worship to Allah (in aramic Allah,im)
It means that you are saying Jesus spreated him self to Allah
If for spouse to be if Jesus was worshiping to father so dk father worship Jesus?😅😅
No absolute not
Because Allah is creator and Jesus is creation as like others
@user-ix1sj2jx3n I'm honestly not understanding what you're saying but yes, Jesus was creation just like others. But God lived within him, literally. Not the same way as us. Your comments alone show why God would not give that kind of power to a person. We are easily swayed by our feelings and corrupted. No man is worthy. Jesus was God himself coming down with us. Also, there are 5 different ways to pray. Your way is one way; doesn't mean it's the right way.
@@Handle6278so is jesus god or not ?
The key is... does the concept of the trinity is confusing? Is it true? Is it dont have contradiction in the bible?
There is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. These are not separate gods but distinct persons within the one divine essence of God. When Jesus prayed to the Father, He did so as the Son within this divine relationship. He was fully God, yet in His human nature, He communicated with the Father. It was not "God praying to God" in a contradictory sense but a reflection of the distinct roles within the Trinity while maintaining the oneness of God.
Still doesn't explain why God pray God
Philippians 2:6-8 says that Jesus limited and humbled Himself to God becoming human and God at the same time, so He could also pray to God (the Father, specifically).
@@我在這裡you know that doesn’t make any sense at all.
I also have problems to understand It fully, but It's a Divine Concept, of course It is hard to understand, @@AL-sg2jd.
@@AL-sg2jdlet me explain I saw another comment so I'll just repeat it think of God as an apple it has the skin the flesh and the core right? All together are god
@@ectrion2574if someone give you an apple seed or skin, would you then said you have an apple?
No such thing as a logical Christian. Jesus: the father is greater than I. Christians: no you’re co-equal 😂
because you took that passage out of context like your father the devil
Hahahahaha 😂 people always speak without knowledge.Father and I are 1 - John 10:30
Jews reply "we are stoning you because you mere, claim to be God" - John 10:33
"Before Abraham was born, I AM"
YAHWEH - means "I AM".
Jesus simultaneously claims to be YAHWEH and the God.
Thomas "My lord and My God"
Jesus accepts the worship of Thomas
Why? Because he is God.
Note: Sorry for being very harsh I've heard it 1000000^10000000 times from every Muslim that's why. Sorry frequently, first time I'm commenting very rudely, please don't mind.
No such thing as a Muslim that thinks for himself. Every one of you spews the same rhetoric that works only because of dishonesty, and because masses aren’t well informed.
@OneNation-197 2nd Corinthians 11:4
You don't understand the verse
He's right because when you believe in contradiction such as trinity , then contradiction of god praying to god becomes logical
God praying to god means there 2 gods, trinity doesn't help the situation
For anyone that needs clarification it’s that Jesus when he came to earth became also human so yes he can pray to God his father as well just like the rest of us.
I'll rather listen to a hindu naming everything's he worships
Same as a muslim
Bruh I can make it simpler
@@FarhanZahidaniits just god