I asked the Lord, "What is Coming?"

  • Опубликовано: 19 июн 2024

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @harescuts2931
    @harescuts2931 Месяц назад +148

    Here is something that might be a blessing to you.
    This morning between 6 and 6:30 , I went on my front porch with my golden retriever. I sat down watching the bird houses and the humming bird feeders. The birds were feeding their young. Rabbits and squirrels were enjoying
    The grass. This was a perfect summer morning in northwest Indiana. In the quietness of the morning the Lord said in my soul, "be still and know that I am God." I did that. The first thing I did was thank him for the privilege to enjoy His creation and how he has blessed me for these 64 years. I was born again when I was 20. I went in the house to get some coffee and turned on my RUclips feed. You were the first one in my feed. You mentioned "be still and know that I am God" Wow! What a confirmation from the Lord. And last night before going to bed I read Matthew 24.
    Not a coincidence. Well. I gave you a 👍and subscribed. I never heard you before brother, but thanks for being there. The Lord is taking us to a wonderful place very very soon.

    • @daughteroftheking2344
      @daughteroftheking2344 Месяц назад +3

      That’s so awesome! Thank you for sharing ❤

    • @rachelqueen7310
      @rachelqueen7310 Месяц назад +2

      Me too the body of Christ is amazing hallelujah

    • @yozkopf3000
      @yozkopf3000 Месяц назад +2

      This is the final proof.

    • @catherinermcgill3873
      @catherinermcgill3873 29 дней назад +4

      Amen! GOD is still im control regardless of what's going on in this wicked world!! Hallelujah to the lamb of GOD!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼

    • @Forsythia50
      @Forsythia50 29 дней назад +1


  • @deborabaxa6002
    @deborabaxa6002 Месяц назад +220

    The Lord woke me and told me to read psalms 37… the evil will be removed and the righteous shall inherit the earth! Thank you Lord GOD!

    • @Greg-dl6et
      @Greg-dl6et Месяц назад +24

      please GOD, make this true, i'm so sick of all this evil !!!!! things will be so much better with you ruling in all righteousness !!!! this will make me so happy !!!! i just want to be happy again !!!

    • @jmoss55ish
      @jmoss55ish Месяц назад +7

      @@Greg-dl6etAre you familiar with what the Bible tells us will happen…before He removes the evil we are living with? The only way to avoid what is ahead, is to have a surrendered heart to Jesus. We will be taken out of here during the time of tribulation. It is going to get a lot worse.

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  28 дней назад +5

      Yes and amen 🙏 Thanks for sharing!

    • @jenaya_laila2442
      @jenaya_laila2442 23 дня назад +2

      Exactly. The lotd showed me a vision. The darkness will be cleanses and Christ's light will prevail on earth...❤

    • @daughter-of-christ
      @daughter-of-christ 23 дня назад +3

      That's God's WRATH.its not appointed to us,we go up First

  • @robertstephen6224
    @robertstephen6224 Месяц назад +403

    I've been studying the dreams of people who claim to have rapture dreams and it's become pretty obvious to me that we are in the excellerated birth pains. If you believe in the rapture of the church, know that it is very close. Weather you believe or not is not as important as your relationship with God. Get close to him. If you have not accepted Jesus get on board the time is at hand. Forgive those who have sinned against you. You might not be here on Earth tomarrow. You do not want to face your God without Jesus and repentance and forgiveness in your heart. It's your eternal life that is at risk. God please let this reach the right person and let it bring them to Jesus. Amen.

    • @FollowChristNotMan
      @FollowChristNotMan Месяц назад +16

      Not until after the tribulation. Claiming a pretribulation rapture is adhering to a stumbling block and helping it along.
      Let all read the scripture not man's doctrine or idea.
      Matthew 24:1-44
      Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
      3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
      4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
      9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
      15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel-let the reader understand- 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now-and never to be equaled again.
      22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
      26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.
      29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
      “‘the sun will be darkened,
      and the moon will not give its light;
      the stars will fall from the sky,
      and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[b]
      30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.[d] 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
      32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
      The Day and Hour Unknown
      36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
      42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

    • @mikey1447
      @mikey1447 Месяц назад +5

      Amen and Amen

    • @hopebrowning6300
      @hopebrowning6300 Месяц назад

      Devil gives folks rapture dreams .its a lie from Satan. He comes back as it says , the last trump when we all will be changed. Ain't no secret fly you away rapture fairytale lie. That and the 3 gods //3in1 god Trinity lie is the 2 things the devil uses to deceive folks .85% of the church believes in tradition of men and doctrines of Devils sadly

    • @angelicab1984
      @angelicab1984 Месяц назад +7

      Yes literally any moment

    • @angelicab1984
      @angelicab1984 Месяц назад +23

      @@FollowChristNotManno it’s before there is no need for a rapture after the tribulation

  • @MarkTaylor-rt3ky
    @MarkTaylor-rt3ky Месяц назад +259

    I’ve never been under attack from the enemy like now. It literally is unbearable every minute. I’m literally crying out to God every second of every day. This world is spiraling downward like never before. I have to be still and know that He is God. He suffered more than all of us. How much longer can this continue on a crash course with Judgment.

    • @claudiaboelte4037
      @claudiaboelte4037 Месяц назад +29

      Dear brother in Christ, This is your grandmaw talking. I hear your heart’s cry, and I want to encourage you that your Heavenly Father hears it, too. Romans 8:28 used to be my favorite go to verse. But after a series of long suffering and life altering experiences, I now cling to Romans 8:18. “Our current suffering pales in comparison to the GLORY to be worked through us.” IF MY LIFE IS ANY EXAMPLE, I PROMISE YOU YOU WILL BE AMAAAAAZED AT THE GLORY GOD IS ABOUT TO WORK THROUGH YOU. GREAT JOY AND AWE IN HIM WILL BE YOURS. GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU. YOUR CAJUN GRANDMAW🙏🙏🙏

    • @mikey1447
      @mikey1447 Месяц назад +9

      Thank you Grandmaw in Christ I love you and may the Lord bless you greatly.

    • @buck_maize111
      @buck_maize111 Месяц назад

      This past 2 years have been the hardest time of my life..
      I lost the love of my life.. married, together 11 years. 2 babies.. then I found God in 2019.. I changed so much that my wife gave me a choice.. "it's either me or God, she said" I didn't have enough faith to leave her.. so i chose her and to reject God.. i became so unhappy i started to mask my feelings with drugs and alcohol.. we both did.. eventually she left me in 2022..she became a meth addict and ended up in NA (Narcotics anonymous) for 4 months.. then a mental hospital. She left for 1 month but can't deal with life outside.. so she's back in rehab
      I had the perfect WORLDLY life..
      Now I'm a single dad.. full time work while raising my 2 girls.
      But I have God.
      Sometimes life doesn't go as we had it planned..
      But not a day goes by that I don't hold back tears.
      I've attempted suicide twice.. drank myself to black out to mask the pain I feel.. nothing helps..
      But jesus and his word is building me up again. I've joined a bible study and goto church.
      Just sharing this so you know you're not alone in your struggle.

    • @mikeo9219
      @mikeo9219 Месяц назад +8

      Speak particular verses of scripture to those attacks, verbally pull down those thoughts coming against you. They will go. Remember Jesus spoke certain words of scripture when He was tempted of the devil...

    • @KennethAkin-me9je
      @KennethAkin-me9je Месяц назад +1

      What we are dealing with climate change and natural disasters and animals naturally loose it and get cranky when needs are not met.

    @DRFALLIS 28 дней назад +61

    My mother got to the point that she needed constant care, my wife and I could not allow to be put in a nursing home, the best ones are bad and the others are abysmal, it was hard but we cared for her until she went to be with the LORD 2 years later. My siblings pretty much ignored her but I am so grateful that GOD allowed to have those 2 years with her.

    • @LF11111
      @LF11111 27 дней назад +9

      You did the best thing. God bless ✝️

    • @Alexis-b17
      @Alexis-b17 26 дней назад +6

      God bless you and your wife 🙏🫂❤️

    • @JohnJohn-fd5jq
      @JohnJohn-fd5jq 10 дней назад

      YES true blessings

  • @Robert-xp9uz
    @Robert-xp9uz Месяц назад +43

    This does not scare me but assures me of my gut feeling I've had now for last year or so. Jesus is so good and he will forgive any sin and wants a relationship with you. I love you Jesus.
    Jesus Christ is King

    • @chrisgruse3564
      @chrisgruse3564 4 дня назад

      40 days tell the second coming of Christ and salvation ended in 2011 at the end of the 5th seal and opening of 6 seal spiritual earthquake Rev.6:12 then came season and time of Daniel 7 11/12 that ends in 40 days

  • @janiswilliams1923
    @janiswilliams1923 Месяц назад +60

    I was praying last night about my family and I heard Him say "Be STILL and know that I am God."

    • @jeanetteredden24
      @jeanetteredden24 Месяц назад +2

      Me too

    • @ForeverwithJesus3
      @ForeverwithJesus3 Месяц назад +2

      Me too!!!

    • @walterdaems57
      @walterdaems57 Месяц назад

      If you hear voices you don’t need a god but a psychiatrist, pronto

    • @slopez1901
      @slopez1901 29 дней назад

      My brother killed himself in January and I heard BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD… Over and over and over!! IF it wasn’t for my faith I never would have made it

    • @slopez1901
      @slopez1901 29 дней назад +2

      @@walterdaems57 Jesus is real. You need to pray..because HELL is a real place. The Lord speaks to his children. I’m sorry you’ve never heard him.. cry out to him while you can. Time is almost up. Don’t harden your heart

  • @sidlamb-rv8hi
    @sidlamb-rv8hi 10 дней назад +9

    I believe the lord is comeing soon amen

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  8 дней назад +1

      Hi Sid, thanks for sharing that, I believe it as well. God bless!

    • @chrisgruse3564
      @chrisgruse3564 4 дня назад

      36 days tell the second coming of Christ and only the lost will be born from above

  • @stephanievaughn5589
    @stephanievaughn5589 Месяц назад +38

    He told me that too!! God said to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD! That has brought me comfort in many situations and that has been in the last couple months. God is sooooo good!!

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  Месяц назад +4

      Hi Stephanie, thanks for sharing that with me, there is great strength, comfort, peace and courage in that. You are an encourager, God bless 🙏

    • @katieann777
      @katieann777 28 дней назад +1

      I shared his video. Holy Spirit told me the same scripture verse and then I saw his video.
      Glory to God! 💛🙌🏻💛

    • @Owl4909
      @Owl4909 27 дней назад

      Im waiting to hear , eagerly waiting for more . Only once or twice think I heard something, Jer.5:28 and another word i cant say now because .

  • @michaelc8795
    @michaelc8795 28 дней назад +24

    I surrender my complete being and soul to you my savior in heaven, JESUS CHRIST.🙏
    Thank you for your sacrifice.

  • @abboudkadid4425
    @abboudkadid4425 Месяц назад +121

    This is my testimony brothers and sisters: I used to live in darkness. I was searching for acceptance because I was angry at the world, but now I have eternal peace within, and I am not afraid of tomorrow. God has enlightened my heart. Because of the Holy Spirit residing in me, I have become a better family man. Salvation is a free gift and is available for everyone. It isn't based on our deeds or acts; it is based on the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. His precious Blood paid for all mankind before and forever. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8). Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”(John 3:3-3). You can type “How l used to live in darkness” to find it.

    • @fivefingerfullprice3403
      @fivefingerfullprice3403 Месяц назад +6

      Amen Brother

    • @userrobinmp
      @userrobinmp Месяц назад +5

      Welcome!❤ God bless you and rest in the peace of Jesus brother Abboud

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 Месяц назад +2

      True well enough. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ but even Christians will face judgment. We are required to spend our time here working for the Kingdom of God on the foundation of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. Good works will be rewarded but bad works will cost us. We help build the rewards God wants us to have and he won't condone a lazy worker. (Matthew 25:15-25:28). 2 Corinthians 5:10 is another example that we do not just coast along. Jesus even said the laborers are few so to pray that laborers are sent in to help in the harvest. No one new or old testament has ever earned their way into forgiveness and we are expected to bear fruit through works of righteousness. We will be forgiven as we forgive is a work we do on ourselves that will bear fruit for the the kingdom and our brothers and sisters in Christ. But we are also to have mercy prepared for those who spitefully use us yet gain the discretion not to cast pearls to swine and wolves, It is a labor to love your enemies and sometimes it is a grater labor to love your friends and family. The mercy we give is the same kind of mercy we will receive. We are given the power to become sons and daughters of God we are not just suddenly fully mature fruit. Growth takes effort. Nicodemus found out just knowing text is not spiritual birth. Don't let the devil stymie your growth. The Lord seeks warriors for his kingdom as well. Keep praying and let your light shine. (Happy to hear of your birth into the kingdom of God)!

    • @chrisgruse3564
      @chrisgruse3564 4 дня назад

      Salvation ended in 2011 at the end of the 5th seal and opening of 6 seal spiritual earthquake Rev 6:12 ( 40 days tell the second coming of Christ

    • @fivefingerfullprice3403
      @fivefingerfullprice3403 4 дня назад

      @@chrisgruse3564 Go away, boomer.

  • @saundralunsford4870
    @saundralunsford4870 Месяц назад +133

    My own Mother, who I Love, threw me out of her house last Thursday, like a bag of trash! Her health has been poor for almost a year and I went to her home to check on her. We got into what I call a silly argument, and tsuddenly she screamed at me, cursed me, disowned me and threatened to call cops to have me physically removed from her home! I'm 55, my Mom is 78. It has shocked me, and broke my heart! I've been seeking the Lord's will and guidance of what to think and feel about this horrible experience. God told me "be still, and KNOW that I am God" I believe, in faith , and I received perfect peace about this satanic attack in my life. I am praying for my Mother and asking God to help her heart and save her soul. She has said she was saved as a young girl, but I'm truly unsure after the meltdown she inflicted on me, her only daughter, and firstborn child. It was like she was demon possessed! I'm praying for God to help me forgive her, and asking God to save her soul.

    • @sabrinajolie2465
      @sabrinajolie2465 Месяц назад +7

      Pray for her faith and revelation Of Gods Love. Then when she is full of Gods love she can share it with others...love covers multitude of sin. She may need deliverance too and if she is full of Holy spirit deamons cant stay they flee

    • @HealthHelp510
      @HealthHelp510 Месяц назад

      What people are saying are true; this is of the Devil. However, you might be able to do something for her that will calm her down (if you can get close to her--she might forget you had the argument!). Try using some magnesium lotion and give her a massage. This will calm her, and (continued) use of magnesium has shown to help the aging (I am 70) mind and body. There is anecdotal evidence that magnesium lotion that non verbal dementia patients recovered enough to begin daily reading again. It could be a mineral deficit... that simple. Don't give up -- pray it through.

    • @saundralunsford4870
      @saundralunsford4870 Месяц назад +18

      My husband and I recently started attending church regularly again, and I believe this demonic attack was spurred because of our efforts to draw closer to Jesus. Thank you commenters for your care and advice.

    • @user-bb3lc1ru9k
      @user-bb3lc1ru9k Месяц назад +12

      Theres always 2 sides to every story.

    • @saundralunsford4870
      @saundralunsford4870 Месяц назад

      @@user-bb3lc1ru9k there sure is. I have spent 30 years trying to have a relationship with my Mother, who committed adultery with my Dad's best friend and I called her out on it 30 years ago, and it's been a rollercoaster ride ever since. My Dad passed away in 2018, and my Mother can't let go of the past. She still curses my Dad and blames him for everything she thinks is wrong in her life. She is a narcissist, which by definition, means she is never at fault for ANYTHING and her favorite thing to do is gaslight anyone who doesn't fulfill her unattainable expectations. Despite all of her flaws and sins ( I have my own flaws and sins), I have forgiven over and over as Jesus commands. I'm just getting tired after 30 years! I am disabled since 2020 and I have my own health issues to navigate, and I just want PEACE.

  • @veganfood4you789
    @veganfood4you789 Месяц назад +24

    What saddens me that people are blind to what’s happening nor do they believe it or see it we are at the doors of Jesus coming. God bless the world !🌎 🙏

  • @davep8740
    @davep8740 Месяц назад +15

    This man is genuine. May God protect you!

  • @unknown-nx7vx
    @unknown-nx7vx Месяц назад +28

    My Lord Jesus i pray for the people in my life to be save. The person i love, her grandma, and all her family members 🙏 my mother, my father, my brother to be save and get to heaven to be with you. And also my one friend including my friend's family. I pray we all go meet in heaven and live together with you there. I love you my Jesus. I pray and ask you my Jesus to let me sit in the table with the people I asked for in my prayers. May my hope and prayers be covered with your Holy Spirit and cover them and bring them light. You're my only hope and saviour. 🙏 Thank you for what you did for our sins to be forgiven forever 🙏 I trust and have faith on what you did to the cross. Let me live in your paradise together with the people I asked in my prayers. 🙏 Thank you Jesus, we can go home already. No more waiting for long time. I know Jesus you already know what's inside my prayers even tho I can't explain it into words. You're the only hope I have our Hope our saviour. I know you already know who this people are that im praying for, nothing is impossible with you my Jesus you're my father i have faith and trust in you that my prayers will comr true🙏Maranatha 🙏

  • @josedacosta9847
    @josedacosta9847 Месяц назад +144

    Come Lord Jesus, we’re waiting for you.

  • @clayc124
    @clayc124 25 дней назад +26

    Amen Mike! Come soon Lord Jesus. I am sick of this evil world.

    • @wideawakeandaware-22
      @wideawakeandaware-22 22 дня назад

      I am sick of this world too! Yet there are STILL people that say they are following Christ that say that EVERYONE has to go through tribulation! I don’t understand why people think that Jesus will devils His body before He gets married!
      They don’t RIGHTFULLY DIVIDE THE KJV BIBLE. That’s why!
      We are almost at the finish line. Hang in there just a bit longer. God bless!

    • @TheKingdom4Truth
      @TheKingdom4Truth 22 дня назад +1

      Long suffering.... It is His wish that no one perish. We have to pray for all God's children to come to repentance. Everyday! I don't know about you but there are more that I want to see saved.

    • @bobklein1665
      @bobklein1665 21 день назад +2

      Me too my friend me too😢

    • @AncientSecretz
      @AncientSecretz 15 дней назад

      Lord please save more people draw them to you. In Jesus name amen.

    • @sidlamb-rv8hi
      @sidlamb-rv8hi 8 дней назад +1

      @@clayc124 me to

  • @J91124
    @J91124 Месяц назад +23

    John 14:6..Jesus Is the Way, Truth, and the Life, and No one comes to the Father Except Through Him..John 8:32..And You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free..Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️ God Bless You All.

    • @J91124
      @J91124 Месяц назад +4

      2nd Corinthians 5:7..We Walk by Faith, Not by sight, because We Are New Creations in Christ Jesus..2nd Corinthians 5:17.

    • @sbubb9155
      @sbubb9155 Месяц назад

      His name was and is Immanual, Almighty with us.
      Not JE SUS aka HE ZEUS !
      Is 7v14
      Mat 1v22-23

  • @ltrotter636
    @ltrotter636 20 дней назад +31

    Pray for all nations, including the true children of Israel.

    • @chris4321das
      @chris4321das 18 дней назад

      *Christians* are the *true* children of Israel 👍

    • @maokal
      @maokal День назад

      I pray only for Palestine childern...Israel childern are spoiled

  • @user-dz4ds2gq2e
    @user-dz4ds2gq2e 29 дней назад +31

    My wife and I have been married for 41 years. We’re both born again spirit field Christians. We’ve started with Jesus and we will finish with Jesus. I’ve been blessed to have been healed of CML since 1988. I had a bone marrow transplant, and the presence of Jesus came in my room, the testimony is too long, but I can tell you this what I discern and know about my savior. There’s too many signs that point is coming soon what you shared is exactly the same thing. God has been telling me for years. 2:23am

    • @johnelliott5859
      @johnelliott5859 28 дней назад

      Why didn't christ heal you without the bone marrow transplant?
      "God" has been telling generations of christians he is coming imminently. Maybe he's not.

    • @Crusader-777
      @Crusader-777 28 дней назад +3

      I don't know what CML is, but I have bone cancer, and it's called multiple myeloma. Feel free to pray for me.

    • @Owl4909
      @Owl4909 27 дней назад

      Im 63 and have always known He was coming in my lifetime , but nothing like today. Heather R channel was answer to prayer for me and to know what I want to know , Im exited but so sad at the same time. He gave me this scripture last night that i will do my best, Jeremiah 19 and 20 . i I pray and open my bible , i really dont want to but then again i have to. He can do through me what i cannot do

    • @johnelliott5859
      @johnelliott5859 27 дней назад

      @@Owl4909 you realize that christians have thought christ was coming in their lifetime for two millennia. How many lifetimes is that?

    • @luxuriousfir
      @luxuriousfir 26 дней назад

      We are in satan's little season. Next up God magog war. Then great white Throne judgement. God Bless

  • @user-zz3nu2xr8w
    @user-zz3nu2xr8w 21 день назад +12

    Requesting prayers for my unsaved family members: Mom Linda, Theo, Kim, their spouses, children and my extended family members. God bless you all ♥️

    • @AncientSecretz
      @AncientSecretz 15 дней назад

      Lord draw them to you in time please... Send the right people to minister them. In Jesus name amen. (also put this on prayer boards.)

    • @leslieiris7093
      @leslieiris7093 6 дней назад +1

      @@AncientSecretz . I just prayed for your family. May they all be saved. By. Jesus. Christ. The. Holy. Spirit. And. God. Amen

  • @Faith4Word
    @Faith4Word Месяц назад +63

    God gave me that verse today.
    I’ve pulled out of other things and I’m so tired. I’m waiting for Him to come and just praying so much for my children.

    • @reternity777
      @reternity777 Месяц назад +8

      @Faith4Word, tired also. praying for you and your children, pray for mine.

    • @LadyLove23.
      @LadyLove23. Месяц назад +4

      In a twinkling of an eye 🙌👑

    • @dianedupuis9973
      @dianedupuis9973 Месяц назад +2


    • @lacachette777
      @lacachette777 Месяц назад +3

      You're not the only one sweet sister. Stay strong 💪🏻

  • @LizetteReyes
    @LizetteReyes Месяц назад +16

    Lord help us get ready draw our loved ones to repentance 🙌🏼 in Jesus name amen 🔥

  • @dw2446
    @dw2446 Месяц назад +41

    4 years ago I awoke to a voice like no other. The vibrations or frequency of this voice filled the entire space, including my body. Nothing in this life will be easy Abba said. I immediately woke up and sat up in bed, I looked over at my husband still asleep. It felt as if time stood still. I was trying to hold on to that voice while scanning the room. Finally I woke up my husband and asked if he heard that. He said no, heard what? I immediately prayed and asked God if I could share. The feeling of electricity or strong magnetism was still there for me. I had to make sure I wasn't crazy. You see, I was institutionalized as a teen for repressed memories, nightmares and repeated dreams. My parents simply didn't know how to handle my memory. So for me, I've learned to keep most of what Abba shares in my heart. I haven't been on social media in 10+ years. I work a solitary job. So God is always my daily worship. But after many years and a repentant heart I had to apologize to Abba for being so scared. Many revelations since hearing this on the meaning. I even had a moment when I told Abba, nothing in this life has been easy this far yet here I am with you Abba, no place I'd rather be.

    • @rachelqueen7310
      @rachelqueen7310 Месяц назад +3

      I feel vibrations too when I am high frequency with him

    • @daughterofthemosthigh3366
      @daughterofthemosthigh3366 Месяц назад +3

      Bless you!! ❤

    • @armyofone8537
      @armyofone8537 Месяц назад +2

      Amen… not sure where I heard it or exactly how it goes, but HE didn’t say the flight would be easy, but HE does promise a safe landing and arriving at the destination. When reading about your life and praising JESUS, just you and HIM, it reminded me of Mary when the LORD said “But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

    • @peterxuereb9884
      @peterxuereb9884 Месяц назад

      It would have been satan that you heard because Jesus does not lie.

    • @dw2446
      @dw2446 Месяц назад

      @@peterxuereb9884 yea, let God be true and every man a liar, as it is written, That thou mightiest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

    @KING-ZEAL Месяц назад +61

    He SPEAKS. Hey told me MONTHS ago "You will not be here long, my son."
    This scared me to death, because I heard it as plain as day, because my heart and spirit were open, and I know His voice. It is so calm and authoritative and so matter of fact, yet full of love you can feel underneath.
    I said "Veronica, I'm telling you, the Lord keeps saying I am not about to be here." My wife.
    She said she started having the same feelings. We thought it was bad, as in we were going to die.
    No. It is the Rapture. The final voice that came in as clear as day "Prepare yourself, Joseph. I come for my people." said my real name!!
    The Son of the Living God is about to split that sky. The Rapture or the great snatching away is about to happen in ANY MOMENT. He is taking is before WW3 begins. Right before the first nuclear missile hits its target. He is coming.
    Then He gave me a dream that literally showed His coming, with Him entering the atmosphere of earth, like a meteorite stopping, and a clap and thunder so loud that it was beyond comprehension. I saw the atmosphere roll back as like the meteorite that would have killed the dinosaurs. His presence rolled back the entire atmosphere.
    He was enormous and unfathomably bright as bright beyond the sun. But a white light radiating rainbow flashes. Billions of lights flying around Him in a circle. I did not understand what they were.
    They were angels. I saw every Christians soul in all of the earth begin to light up, like little dots of Christmas lights. The Lord God raised both hands upwards, the angels shot off to their intended destinations like streaks of life, grabbed every human that was illuminated underneath the arms from behind, like a backwards hug, and shoot with up, back to the Lord at the speed of light. Th last light went into Him. And boom, He shot upwards with a sound of the most powerful trumpet blast I have ever heard. I have never heard anything sound so triumphant.
    He Raptured what looked like tens of millions of souls and shot straight upwards into Heaven. I will never forget that golden spinning, galaxy looking, like a nebula, almost like a wormhole, but you could see majestic CITIES all standing. Towers and towers and towers, reaching a sky more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. He went into and it closed instantly, like it never happened.
    I declare every word of this testimony to be clear in the name of Jesus, and I cry at the memory and recall I am given as I type it. I cannot type what I saw happen on earth moments after He left, because it is too horrifying. I remember screaming "I can't take it!!!"
    Jesus is coming. Know Him, now. God's people said AMEN and AMEN.

    • @Harmonyloveraymond
      @Harmonyloveraymond 27 дней назад +1

      Amen hallelujah The Lord is so good, He will rescue us

    • @carolbryant9756
      @carolbryant9756 27 дней назад +1

      Jesus coming is right at the door I believe it joseph I praise God for you and your consecration to God and will me you and your family in heaven one day soon we need to pray because so many will not be ready

    • @marialobenstein2353
      @marialobenstein2353 26 дней назад +1

      I believe you.

    • @DebraCollins-fq4jo
      @DebraCollins-fq4jo 25 дней назад

      1 Thess 4:13-18 & 1Cor.15, the dead shall rise first, then the living changed in the twinkling of the eye, will be caught up together to meet Jesus in the air. This is the first Resurrection and true rapture of His people. It won't be silent or a secret. The Trump of God will sound and the heavens rolled back as a scroll [Rev. 6].
      The plagues will fall around us but not in our dwelling [Ps.91]. We are saved from them like Israel in Egypt.
      He will snatch us up before the 7th plague and total annihilation of the earth and the wicked. ❤

    • @paulvizer449
      @paulvizer449 16 дней назад

      If you believe a meteor killed off the dinosaurs then there is no way you believe in Gods Written Word!

  • @michellerestrepovalencia
    @michellerestrepovalencia 27 дней назад +12

    My mother and father need prayer. I don't want them left behind. They don't realize the path they are heading too. It saddens me.. Please pray for them and everyone else that is in need of Salvation!

    • @queenofprops
      @queenofprops 26 дней назад +1

      Prayed for your parents.

    • @user-kv8yy6kx3s
      @user-kv8yy6kx3s 17 дней назад

      Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.. said the word..
      Dint be harsh about it gentle as you may..don't stop ministering to them and praying for them..
      Praying with you..

  • @RachelDavis-rn5cb
    @RachelDavis-rn5cb Месяц назад +25

    I believe when God blessess it exceeds beyond my expectation. I know my Father in heaven is a generous father who provides the needs of his children🥰

    • @Harristeeter-do7dl
      @Harristeeter-do7dl Месяц назад

      Every one of my prayer requests is about to manifest in the Name of Jesus I receive and connect with this message in Jesus' mighty Name Amen🔥🙏

    • @RachelDavis-rn5cb
      @RachelDavis-rn5cb Месяц назад

      I can recall when I was homeless and faced with many things in Life until $75,000 biweekly began rolling in and my Life went from A homeless nobody to a different person with good things to offer!!!!!!❤️❤️

    • @AuroraLuna-hq4bh
      @AuroraLuna-hq4bh Месяц назад

      I have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??

    • @RachelDavis-rn5cb
      @RachelDavis-rn5cb Месяц назад

      After enduring many struggles, I am now filled with gratitude for owning a new home. My family is happy, and everything is finally falling into place.

    • @AuroraLuna-hq4bh
      @AuroraLuna-hq4bh Месяц назад

      I have been searching for ways to achieve success. Can you please guide me on how to do so?

  • @JohnJohn-fz6nt
    @JohnJohn-fz6nt 27 дней назад +5

    All my time spent listening to Scripture while cycling has blessed me abundantly Psalms and Proverbs tell us so much about the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. These have helped me many a time "know that [He] is GOD"...
    "The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples."--Psalm 33
    "No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the LORD."--Proverbs 21:30
    "The wicked plots against the righteous
    and gnashes his teeth at him,
    but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
    for he sees that his day is coming"
    --Psalm 37:12-13

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  27 дней назад +1

      Hi John, thanks for your comment, I listen to the scriptures also when I'm out walking, and it blesses me as I feel the presence of the Lord. God bless!

  • @waltersteffensthezr2man431
    @waltersteffensthezr2man431 Месяц назад +72

    I feel like he's coming to get his children very soon!! 🙏✝️🕊️ Maranatha!!

    • @ilacallya324
      @ilacallya324 Месяц назад

      his bride is the Holy Spirit in the flesh....did you even read? so your telling us you are the divine feminine? wow. feel so blessed rn

    • @nancyjustnancy
      @nancyjustnancy Месяц назад

      @Walter Come Lord Jesus! 🤍

    • @Blaze23557
      @Blaze23557 Месяц назад +3

      Bride is for Israel…

    • @amberbrayall4113
      @amberbrayall4113 Месяц назад +1

      Amen come Lord Jesus

  • @ismaelcruz3315
    @ismaelcruz3315 29 дней назад +5

    Amen! the times are so close. To God be the Glory!

  • @Tenngirl7936
    @Tenngirl7936 Месяц назад +10

    Thank you so much Pastor mike.we are so close to going home i can feel it in my soul, God is with us so let us prepare to meet Jesus in the clouds 😁✝️🙏🙄

  • @meldev16
    @meldev16 Месяц назад +10

    This really helped me.I feel better.Everything is so expensive and everyone I see is in turmoil and most of them are unhinged.God please help our great nation.

    • @vanesagvl9095
      @vanesagvl9095 29 дней назад +1

      If you live in Babylon (the US), prepare as the Lord will pour His wrath on your nation.

    • @kathrynhartleroad7132
      @kathrynhartleroad7132 25 дней назад +1

      @@vanesagvl9095baloney! The USA is a Christian nation andcwe have a covenant with God. Many prophets - Julie Green, Amanda Grace, say the opposite of what you say!!

    • @kathrynhartleroad7132
      @kathrynhartleroad7132 25 дней назад

      @@vanesagvl9095mystery babylon is the secret socities that control the world. It is not one country

  • @guillermofarinas1246
    @guillermofarinas1246 Месяц назад +45

    I am living the End days in my own body. Pray for the healing of my Ears. Thank you. Jesus is God.

    • @bustjanzupan1074
      @bustjanzupan1074 29 дней назад +2

      Amen + Amen. I am having tinnitus in my let ear tooo, for the past 3 weeks. What happened with your ears ? Peace with you.

    • @LF11111
      @LF11111 27 дней назад +2

      Look up a lovely Christian lady Barbera O,neill she shows you how to heal ears and stuff 🙏🏼

  • @KellyKurcina
    @KellyKurcina Месяц назад +9

    I started watching this video before bed last night (finished it this morning). I have been longing to be in my Jesus' arms for so long. Recently watching a few rapture videos as I regularly look up in the sky on my walks and get excited, ready for Him to come scoop me up. Early in the am hours this morning in bed, I heard this "80 months". I woke up with a start and said Oh Lord, the rapture?? I got on my computer to convert into years. (6 years 8 months) God bless all the saints and I pray that God may bless you and keep you!

    • @vanesagvl9095
      @vanesagvl9095 29 дней назад

      Do not be deceived. There is no rapture. The devil wants you to think you will escape all hardships so when you realize you have been believing a fantasy, you will be part of the great falling away. Jesus said we would be persecuted. It will happen. Wake up.

  • @mrbrainhicks
    @mrbrainhicks Месяц назад +42

    What a wonderful Word for today. Thank you brother Mike. I look forward to seeing you in the clouds, brother. God bless you and Maranatha!! Lord Jesus, come.

  • @denijcl
    @denijcl Месяц назад +12

    Amen, beloved brother, we are waiting with great joy for the great day when, finally, we will be with the Father forever and ever!! I speak here from Brazil, I am a Brazilian sister. God bless us all!!! MARANATHA

  • @danperin
    @danperin Месяц назад +32

    Blessings from Brazil brothers and sisters in Christ! We will fly very soon! *MARANATHA!* 🦁🙌🙌🙌

  • @stefaniacomarita7186
    @stefaniacomarita7186 Месяц назад +16

    Maybe will help someone 2 dreams which I had back in 2018. They were one after the other, but not in the same night, but in the same period of time (I cannot remember if in the same week or month, but you get the idea).
    My first dream was that me and my family at that time, now we have one more member, we were walking through a boulevard in the city center from where we live , along Danube river which flows there. And with us there were many people scared because something was happening in the sky. As I looked up the sky was different than we know it and i don't have words to describe it, but I knew there was a battle in the sky between good and evil. And I was not afraid. I had peace. Than, all of a sudden, those indescribable clouds make a way and a white horse comes down to Earth. And I hear the Lord Voice: " It has begun".
    The second dream. I was walking outside, and how I was walking, the beginning of spring in our country was shown to me. It was March and there were temperatures of summer 27-28 degrees Celsius (we don't use Fahrenheit) and people were dressed in shorts and T-shirts. Than, all of the sudden, the season changed and it was beginning of summer in our country, which is June. And the weather was like in winter time with snow and ice. And I heard the Lord Voice: "it has begun*.
    Both dreams ended after hearing the Lord Voice but i knew that " if has begun" meant the beginning of the birth pains mentioned in the Bible.
    Let us be ready to meet our Lord, Saviour, Creator Whom is whorty of all our love, how it is written both in the Old and New Testament "Love your Lord with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your power".

  • @FollowingTheWay81
    @FollowingTheWay81 Месяц назад +8

    Just subbed, brother. This video wasn't just edifying, it was confirmation to me. A few months back I asked the Lord the same question, those exact words: "what is to come, Lord" as I fell asleep. And He graciously gave me a dream that very night and the message in that dream was the same. The Lord is sooo close. If you're reading this and you haven't come to Christ, please...just call out to Him. You have time right now, in this moment.
    Sir, thank you for sharing this. I am just beyond excited to finally be with the Lord! God bless you! 🙏✝️🕊

  • @ruvimperna5532
    @ruvimperna5532 Месяц назад +6

    Great video. My life is so different with living for Jesus 100 percent. I no longer have deep flesh desires.. I fail time to time but my heart is wanting only the good things. Most if not all my addictions are gone (Video Games + Alcohol). Thanks be to God. He fills me up so much everyday.. Have faith brothers and sisters, we're so close! Be bold and talk about the truth to anyone who seems willing to listen or is open minded enough, lead them to the word! That's were they will get so much more out of the truth, I know It did for me and I started changing as I was started to read and almost finished the New Testament about now. Proverbs is also great for healing.
    All I can say is AMEN brother, I can't wait till we get to live with Jesus (and all of you) as he finally reigns on earth! :)

  • @davidwithrow7854
    @davidwithrow7854 Месяц назад +58

    JESUS CHRIST is coming soon HALLELUJAH.

    • @iiphil74
      @iiphil74 28 дней назад

      HalleluYAH. ISAYAH NEHEMYAH HOSEYAH OBADIYAH EZRYAH ZECHARYAH ZEBIDIYAH. His son is the MESSYAH. Y is the 25th letter. Satan hides his name because their is power in his name. Just for you in Love. YAHRUSALEM, Tribe of YAHUDA. God has put his name in everything his title. KumbYAH MY LORD

    • @judypeterson3614
      @judypeterson3614 27 дней назад

      No, He is not. He already came to those disciples of HIS day--just as He promised THEM in many places that He would!

    • @Fred-em8cr
      @Fred-em8cr 22 дня назад

      history repeats itself, maybe​@@judypeterson3614

    • @larrylewis6725
      @larrylewis6725 22 дня назад

      @@judypeterson3614 If that is true.....then you are left out, correct? Now where do you go? Earnestly seek God's face and ask Him to reveal the truth to you. In His peace.

    • @judypeterson3614
      @judypeterson3614 22 дня назад

      @@larrylewis6725 What am I left out of? Nothing! Where do I go? I go to be with my Lord and Savior.
      I have and do "earnestly seek God's face" and I have and do "ask Him to reveal to truth." Doing so is what as led me to KNOW that Yeshua returned when and how HE PROMISED that He would--in the GENERATION of those very disciples right there with Him.
      I ask that YOU "seek God's face and ask Him to reveal the truth to you." You are misinterpreting His Word and making things about you that are clearly about those of Yeshua's day. Peace.

  • @jjchick95
    @jjchick95 Месяц назад +28

    U can tell Mike isn't a false prophet. His kindness and how genuine he is, proves it

    • @patrickpalacio2047
      @patrickpalacio2047 Месяц назад

      That's exactly what I thought when I first saw this man speak.

    • @hopebrowning6300
      @hopebrowning6300 Месяц назад

      Nice man , big heart , try his best and in his mind right bit not led by the Holy ghost sadly .that can change , thats all up to him.80% of all these channels that have folks claiming they hurd from god, god said do this or that , the lord god said to yee is falsehood !.not to be mean or rude , its the truths

    • @shxdow9807
      @shxdow9807 Месяц назад

      @@RetroDreams99 your looking for a reason to judge him?

    • @jjchick95
      @jjchick95 Месяц назад +2

      @@hopebrowning6300 so that means everyone is a false prophet? God gives us discernment. Obviously, every person that claims they hear from God isn't, but that doesn't mean ALL of them.

    • @jjchick95
      @jjchick95 Месяц назад

      @@RetroDreams99 I don't know who that is

  • @deborahmurray6872
    @deborahmurray6872 29 дней назад +5

    " There will be tribulation in those days such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again." The coming of the Great God, The Almighty. "And every eye shall see him. Even those that pierced him."

  • @ravendixon1099
    @ravendixon1099 Месяц назад +6

    Days are dark, hearts are cold yet there's reason still to hope when we rest upon the promises he made,
    from the clouds from on high he will part the eastern sky & myriads of Angel's will proclaim....Alleluia Christ is coming with his Angels at his side,
    Alleluia Christ is coming for his bride!!!❤

  • @lavernebarnes6148
    @lavernebarnes6148 Месяц назад +7

    Hi brother Mike, it’s so good to see that not all the body of Jesus is asleep as to what is happening. Our redemption/escape is so close now. Keep winning souls for the kingdom, we are almost home

    • @jjjackson5183
      @jjjackson5183 Месяц назад +1

      My friend said, "You'd have to be blind and deaf not to see it."

  • @helsbels2582
    @helsbels2582 Месяц назад +7

    Our loving creator, God, is who we serve. Not the controlling evil governments here on earth.

  • @geoffoutdoors
    @geoffoutdoors 29 дней назад +5


  • @CarrieMcFarland-q5g
    @CarrieMcFarland-q5g 7 дней назад +1

    ❤thank you for your words from christ Jesus our king😊😊

  • @trishnelson3713
    @trishnelson3713 Месяц назад +8

    Amen! Thank you for sharing all of this with love, humility and kindness! Your words are spirit filled and that is what will draw the unsaved to Jesus!!

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  Месяц назад +2

      Hi Trish, so thankful for your gracious comment, it means a lot, very encouraging. God bless!

    • @trishnelson3713
      @trishnelson3713 Месяц назад

      @@lightleadership and God bless you and keep doing what you are doing !! Your message is on target, biblical and spirit inspired! You back all that you say with biblical truth and that’s what a true watchman does ! Appreciate your words !

    • @YaHsServent
      @YaHsServent Месяц назад +1

      Guys, Here is The Savior
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      YaH was Crucified on an Almond TREE
      Ancient Semitic of Moshe (Moses)
      Isa Scroll (The Original Isaiah)
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”
      Isaiah 43:11
      “I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.”
      Isaiah 45:5
      “I am YaH, and there is none else.”

  • @leeandrewmanuel6023
    @leeandrewmanuel6023 22 дня назад +14

    Hallelujah! The Prince of Peace and the Lord of lords, the One True King! JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH

  • @Dorothy4Jesus
    @Dorothy4Jesus 22 дня назад +4

    This year took off like a rocket! All the signs are here! Amen 🙏 🙏

  • @ElisabethY777
    @ElisabethY777 Месяц назад +6

    Amen Brother. You don't know what a confirmation that is to me. Blessings

  • @cheryl1909
    @cheryl1909 9 дней назад +4


    • @leslieiris7093
      @leslieiris7093 6 дней назад

      @@cheryl1909 . Amen. God. Jesus. Christ. The . Hy. Spirit. And. God. Is the only. Way. To.heaven.

    • @leslieiris7093
      @leslieiris7093 6 дней назад

      I meant the
      Holy . Spirit.

  • @kjerstimargretheadelheidgi9698
    @kjerstimargretheadelheidgi9698 22 дня назад +4

    AMEN HALLELUJA ❤🌺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤

  • @robertmiller2849
    @robertmiller2849 Месяц назад +3

    God rests my soul when I’m in terror. God please lead in at all times. Thank you. Love Rocky ✝️🙏❤️✝️🙏❤️✝️🙏❤️

  • @sammylittlepage3033
    @sammylittlepage3033 25 дней назад +2

    Thanks Brother for that Power pack message . Father God bless u and your family in JESUS Name AMEN

  • @aldob6379
    @aldob6379 29 дней назад +4

    Call on his name, who stands above all.
    The creator God. All glory and thx to the almighty.
    And praise Jesus Christ, the lamb of God.

  • @RemyYoon
    @RemyYoon Месяц назад +3

    Wow!!! I got the same message a couple of days ago "Be still and know that i am God" i keep seeing it including now.
    Whatever is comming, we will walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil cause God is in control. 👍🏼 👍🏼

    • @CathyTorsiello
      @CathyTorsiello Месяц назад +1

      This is my favorite scripture. Wow, this was meant for me today.

  • @Freecan67
    @Freecan67 26 дней назад +2

    In the summer of 2022. On our way back home from western Canada. .y wife & I were praying. He gave me this word.( I am going through the Church like a Wrecking Ball). I began to weep. I had to pull over I was weeping so much. Then I got 1st Peter 4,17. Judgment of the Church. I kept weeping & Praying. It's 2 years later. And look what is happening.
    God Bless.

  • @u.s.armyvet8947
    @u.s.armyvet8947 29 дней назад +2

    The time of the signs. Thank you Abba Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit for who You are. And these Three are One. Thank You Lord for telling us about these things before they happened so when they happen we would believe.

  • @hettiebotha8901
    @hettiebotha8901 29 дней назад +3

    Watching from South Africa. I heard in a dream Saturday night, about seven times: REVELATION 21.
    Yes!! Jesus is coming soon. He spoke to me after midnight of 5th December 2021. It was a long Word...
    One sentence was: BE PREPARED AND ALERT!!! I AM COMING SOON!!!...Judgement is coming for the wicked and evil. He will hang pearls around His children, so that all can see who is the elect.....
    Thank you brother in Christ!!🎉

  • @brigittedave
    @brigittedave Месяц назад +38

    War with Hezbollah… from the North ….
    ”Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” And the word of the Lord came to me the second time, saying, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a boiling pot, and it is facing away from the north.”“
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @terrymclellan315
      @terrymclellan315 Месяц назад +4

      KJV Only..the NKJB takes away the deity of Christ example NkjbJohn 8;35 a son abides forever( kicks Jesus out)But the⬇️
      KJVJohn 8;35 THE SON abideth forever!!

    • @kaibaby998
      @kaibaby998 Месяц назад

      I can confirm this, GOD showed me the same 6 mnth ago in open vision and then I found in Jeremiah. "THE LION HAS COME UP FROM HIS THICKET. AND THE DESTROYER OF NATIONS IS ON HIS WAY". I say, GO LORD JESUS, GO!!!!!! Amen

    • @StuStevens-rn7rb
      @StuStevens-rn7rb 26 дней назад

      Explain to us please. 🤔😯😥

  • @kolkattaindia
    @kolkattaindia Месяц назад +3

    Looking for the blessed hope! Waiting patiently for the Lord to take me home. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins, and the sins of the world. Save my family, You know who they are. Draw them to You. Praying in Jesus precious name.🙏🙏🙏

  • @shelley2553
    @shelley2553 27 дней назад +2

    Psalms 46:10 ' be still ' in hebrew ' rapha ' means relax, let go, stop or to let go... 4 yrs ago i heard this word over and over it wasnt revealed for over year of hell.. I let go and clung to the Lord!! Even still..let go of worry, fear, anxiety, cling to your Father God...Jesus is with us always..love each one of you...even more so Jesus loves you! ❤

  • @crossanddove1966
    @crossanddove1966 Месяц назад +3

    Halleluyah - and thank you brother for this encouraging wonderful word! yes, we see the truth of the word fullfilling for our eyes and it happen so fast...but our hope is in JESUS and we have nothing to fear! GOD bless you all and HIS peace with us

  • @debbiepatten6264
    @debbiepatten6264 27 дней назад +7

    And..we are going through a great falling away of Christian's 😢🙏🏻✝️❤️

    • @artd-nyc
      @artd-nyc 26 дней назад

      Those who speak like that are often not aware that theyr has fallen away or has newer was trulyannoinyed
      Anointed by holy spirit simple can't fall away, even if he she's trying to?!!
      Many say words but has gained no depth of knowledge in Holy Ghost !
      To none Jewish or mesdianic Christians who are void of knowledge of Kaballah tora aka bible interpretation
      Out Kord and Daviour was most advanced deep Kabbalist
      Raputure described in new testament speack of things spiritual
      Therefore its not about carnal bodyies sucked ip in ti heaven
      But about soul and spirit of child of god shos spirit is interyeinet( baptized in holy dpirit) is tacke in to aftherlofe in spirit!! Ehere in spirit douls get converted
      Anyine talking about rapture eith human bodyies lifted is soracking out of flesh!
      And everyone having dreams about it in way of common western interpretation is not of Hod
      Remember yhe eneny can pretend to be of light!
      Most of those eho think yhat theyr hear of Father theyir hearing from fallen one
      The sane is about cathastrophe!
      Yo make you to beliebe it.to statt talking of it to help enemy to bring his destractive ideas in to reality
      True proohet if he she sees destraction in vidion and dream can descern if its from Hod
      And even then he she wont run atound as of beheaded cheaken..
      But understand
      Its given to him her to tacke action in intersession prayier to avert disaster,!!!!
      That was my honest love for you
      Those who has years will hear and will go to search ..

  • @MissK_
    @MissK_ Месяц назад +11

    3:43 AMEN! His spirit is speaking! Praise be to GOD! 🚪👑🔥

  • @WitnessForChrist0
    @WitnessForChrist0 Месяц назад +6

    A great word Pastor Mike as always sir 🙏🔥✝️

  • @cd4playa1245
    @cd4playa1245 Месяц назад +32

    God said to be still because the world is about to be shaken with severe anxiety. A terrible deception is around the corner. Be careful what celebrities and influencers you let influence you.

    • @CrossroadToCountry
      @CrossroadToCountry 28 дней назад

      Id say the deception has been here for years and most have no idea. Most Protestant churches have forgotten why they protested in the first place. Rome is on the rise, and hardly anyone knows she is the antichrist anymore. All the reformers knew it. Paul knew it. Most of the early church saw it coming.

  • @teresabryson9657
    @teresabryson9657 Месяц назад +6

    Come Lord Jesus✝️💥👑🇨🇦

  • @garybrown585
    @garybrown585 Месяц назад +2

    Praying for us all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️ 💓 my Savior ❤1 Corinthians 15

  • @kennethbailey9853
    @kennethbailey9853 8 дней назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @majeff3273
    @majeff3273 Месяц назад +5

    My wife and daughter and of course my self need prayer, please pray for us.

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  Месяц назад +2

      Hi, thanks for reaching out, happy to pray for you and your dear family. Stand still and see the salvation and deliverance of the Lord. He knows you and what you're facing. The Shield of Faith overcomes the attacks of hell. I stand with you in the battle and declare that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus who loves you. Amen, God bless!

    • @majeff3273
      @majeff3273 Месяц назад

      Amen and God Bless you Mike also.

  • @lesliesangle
    @lesliesangle Месяц назад +6

    He Is Coming Soon 🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @marjoriedanley6131
    @marjoriedanley6131 26 дней назад +1

    At times when I experience fear, which is most of the time about for my young grandchildren, His words in Scripture comes to my mind, that is “This World Is Not Your Home”
    I thank Him every day.

  • @d.-alastdaysmessenger
    @d.-alastdaysmessenger Месяц назад +3

    Thank you for sharing brother in Christ, Yeshua! Yes and I know it to all be His truth - there is no more "sand to pass thru the hourglass ⌛...- HalleluYah! Sisterly 💓 Abba Bless you

  • @dallasgerlitz2271
    @dallasgerlitz2271 Месяц назад +14

    Thank you pastor Mike for this anointed and powerful word and reminder. The signs are all around, you can feel it in the air. Let’s keep our lamps burning, and fix our eyes on Him alone, while being sober, vigilant and standing firm against the adversary.
    God bless you, your family and ministry for being a strong shepherd in and for the Lord. The King is coming! 👑

  • @johnday291
    @johnday291 Месяц назад +42

    Jesus Only Believe Jesus Only. Waiting for Jesus to come back and take us home 🏡 forever Amen Thank you Jesus.

    • @AngelaLewis-kv2mi
      @AngelaLewis-kv2mi Месяц назад +1

      @johnday291 Amen ,dear brother .Im waiting ,too .Sending you a big hug 🫂🙏

    • @LadyLove23.
      @LadyLove23. Месяц назад +4

      Likewise HE will come in the clouds and I long for our King

  • @colettecole2153
    @colettecole2153 Месяц назад +2

    I just found your channel, and as a Canadian I am glad to be here. I know in my spirit you are a true man of God. Thank you!

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  Месяц назад +2

      Hi Colette, I appreciate your kind words, when I read your comment, it gave me strength to keep going. God bless!

  • @FrancesAtsberger
    @FrancesAtsberger Месяц назад +2

    Lord God bless me and my family children grandchildrengreat grandchildren brothers sisters pertect us all from evil people and safe pertect us my lord God Jesus christ thank-you lord God Jesus christ thank-you lord amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @user-vh5qp1gt8r
    @user-vh5qp1gt8r 29 дней назад +4


  • @momoftexas3664
    @momoftexas3664 Месяц назад +27

    We are at the rapture any day❤️🙏🕊️

    • @hopebrowning6300
      @hopebrowning6300 Месяц назад

      Lol doctrine of Devils! Ain't no rapture! We are here to the end as it says the last trump when we all will be changed !.no fly you away rapture fairytale lie gonna happen .anti Christ will as he has done now make many week minded folks thank that and like now , 80% of Christians will believe him and call it good and call good / truth evil. Thats why he said don't be deceived when they ask him about his return

    • @user-bb3lc1ru9k
      @user-bb3lc1ru9k Месяц назад +1

      Wishful thinking doesnt create reality.

    • @momoftexas3664
      @momoftexas3664 Месяц назад

      @@user-bb3lc1ru9k negative doesn’t get u far🙏❤️I’ve studied Bible prophecy for 26 years, I know my Father’s voice, proverbs 25:2, I hope u get saved before the nukes drop in days on America 🔥🔥🔥

    • @boldbeliever52
      @boldbeliever52 22 дня назад

      Gods word says so.😊​@@user-bb3lc1ru9k

  • @j.s1575
    @j.s1575 24 дня назад +2

    I have a Coffee Mug with that verse on it. “ Be Still and Know that I am GOD”. ❤

  • @docvogeld
    @docvogeld 13 дней назад +2

    Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for the Hope you bring!!

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  12 дней назад

      Hi Dan, thanks for the response, amen, our hope is in Christ!

  • @AdriaanBlack
    @AdriaanBlack Месяц назад +3

    Truth is told ☝ 💯 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @dianestevens3150
    @dianestevens3150 Месяц назад +2

    This was wonderful. Just wonderful. Thank you

  • @darlenewood4503
    @darlenewood4503 26 дней назад +1

    AMEN from a new follower of Christ Jesus, thank you for sharing those words Alleluia praise our Lord

  • @userrobinmp
    @userrobinmp Месяц назад +2

    Lord Jesus Make us ALL ready for your coming! Maranatha, we are waiting for you sweet Jesus! AMEN❤

  • @anitaelghandor7295
    @anitaelghandor7295 28 дней назад +3

    We will be okay,the other day I was thinking,of certain situations,that was bad,he told me don't you remember what happened,that turned out ok,he pointed out a lot of time,he said it all turned out ok,keep the faith it will be okay🌞

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  28 дней назад

      Hi Anita, we'll said! God works all things together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose. Thanks for the encouragement! God bless 🙏

  • @GaryGilpin-or5xr
    @GaryGilpin-or5xr Месяц назад +3

    Just came across your channel. Beautiful words. I truly believe that God is at the same pouring out his Holy Spirit upon the world so that we can turn from our sinful ways and worship him, and acknowledge that Christ is our saviour.

  • @CabinGRL
    @CabinGRL Месяц назад +2

    Amen Even so Lord Jesus come quickly ✝️🙌🏼

  • @editsandor213
    @editsandor213 10 дней назад +1

    Amen! God bless you. Blessings from Austria.

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  9 дней назад +1

      Hello Edit, thanks for your comment from Austria, must be a beautiful place, so much history! Blessings to you as well!

    • @editsandor213
      @editsandor213 4 дня назад

      @@lightleadership Yes it is beautiful place. Blessings tu You

  • @daketh
    @daketh Месяц назад +3

    Thank you Lord for saving my children❤ ..thank you Lord for helping me .❤

  • @patmiller4745
    @patmiller4745 Месяц назад +3

    I heard the Lord say "go through the doors". This was a few weeks ago. I didn't know what that was until you said it "even at the doors" Pastor Mike.

  • @albertpsaros4988
    @albertpsaros4988 13 дней назад +1

    Amen brother to all you said

    • @lightleadership
      @lightleadership  12 дней назад

      Hi Albert, thanks for the comment, much appreciated, God bless!

  • @awJesusSaves777
    @awJesusSaves777 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you for your faithfulness brother. Glory to the Most High in Jesus mighty name!

  • @MissK_
    @MissK_ Месяц назад +15

    0:33 Amen! I love the presence of the Lord and His creation! It is the best thing in the world! 🌎 👑❤️🙌

  • @Francine1117
    @Francine1117 Месяц назад +6

    Amen! The word of God is our road map to God and shield from being deceived! It’s 91 degrees here in Vermont!

    • @KimberlyWard-Evans717
      @KimberlyWard-Evans717 Месяц назад

      May I ask where in Vermont? I used to live there.

    • @Francine1117
      @Francine1117 Месяц назад

      @@KimberlyWard-Evans717 I live in Williston Vermont

    • @KimberlyWard-Evans717
      @KimberlyWard-Evans717 Месяц назад +1

      @@Francine1117 oh, lovely. I lived in Waterbury Village. Worked in Colchester.

  • @AnnaKraft97
    @AnnaKraft97 Месяц назад +2

    Amen and praise the Lord!!! Jesus is coming back very soon!!! 🎉🎉🎉

  • @narrowroadmusic2
    @narrowroadmusic2 23 дня назад +1

    Yes. God woke me and told me that “I Am the Lord God Almighty, there is no other!”
    God wants us to know that He is sovereign, Holy and Righteous! Fear Him.
    Hebrews 10:31
    31It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.